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** Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB. All rights reserved.
** This file is part of the KD Gantt library.
** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
** packaging of this file.
** Licensees holding valid commercial KD Gantt licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the KD Gantt Commercial License Agreement provided with
** the Software.
** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
** See http://www.kdab.net/kdgantt for
** information about KD Gantt Commercial License Agreements.
** Contact info@kdab.net if any conditions of this
** licensing are not clear to you.
#include "kdganttgraphicsitem.h"
#include "kdganttgraphicsscene.h"
#include "kdganttgraphicsview.h"
#include "kdganttitemdelegate.h"
#include "kdganttconstraintgraphicsitem.h"
#include "kdganttconstraintmodel.h"
#include "kdganttabstractgrid.h"
#include "kdganttabstractrowcontroller.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <QPainter>
#include <QAbstractItemModel>
#include <QAbstractProxyModel>
#include <QItemSelectionModel>
#include <QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent>
#include <QGraphicsLineItem>
#include <QDebug>
/*!\class KDGantt::GraphicsItem
* \internal
using namespace KDGantt;
typedef QGraphicsItem BASE;
namespace {
class Updater {
bool *u_ptr;
bool oldval;
Updater( bool* u ) : u_ptr( u ), oldval( *u ) {
~Updater() {
*u_ptr = oldval;
GraphicsItem::GraphicsItem( QGraphicsItem* parent, GraphicsScene* scene )
: BASE( parent, scene ), m_isupdating( false )
GraphicsItem::GraphicsItem( const QModelIndex& idx, QGraphicsItem* parent,
GraphicsScene* scene )
: BASE( parent, scene ), m_index( idx ), m_isupdating( false )
void GraphicsItem::init()
setCacheMode( QGraphicsItem::DeviceCoordinateCache );
setFlags( ItemIsMovable|ItemIsSelectable|ItemIsFocusable );
setAcceptsHoverEvents( true );
setHandlesChildEvents( true );
setZValue( 100. );
m_dragline = 0;
int GraphicsItem::type() const
return Type;
StyleOptionGanttItem GraphicsItem::getStyleOption() const
StyleOptionGanttItem opt;
opt.itemRect = rect();
opt.boundingRect = boundingRect();
QVariant tp = m_index.model()->data( m_index, TextPositionRole );
if(tp.isValid()) {
opt.displayPosition = static_cast<StyleOptionGanttItem::Position>(tp.toInt());
} else {
#if 0
qDebug() << "Item" << m_index.model()->data( m_index, Qt::DisplayRole ).toString()
<< ", ends="<<m_endConstraints.size() << ", starts="<<m_startConstraints.size();
opt.displayPosition = m_endConstraints.size()<m_startConstraints.size()?StyleOptionGanttItem::Left:StyleOptionGanttItem::Right;
#if 0
qDebug() << "choosing" << opt.displayPosition;
QVariant da = m_index.model()->data( m_index, Qt::TextAlignmentRole );
if ( da.isValid() ) {
opt.displayAlignment = static_cast< Qt::Alignment >( da.toInt() );
} else {
switch( opt.displayPosition ) {
case StyleOptionGanttItem::Left: opt.displayAlignment = Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignVCenter; break;
case StyleOptionGanttItem::Right: opt.displayAlignment = Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignVCenter; break;
case StyleOptionGanttItem::Center: opt.displayAlignment = Qt::AlignCenter; break;
opt.grid = scene()->grid();
opt.text = m_index.model()->data( m_index, Qt::DisplayRole ).toString();
if ( isEnabled() ) opt.state |= QStyle::State_Enabled;
if ( isSelected() ) opt.state |= QStyle::State_Selected;
if ( hasFocus() ) opt.state |= QStyle::State_HasFocus;
return opt;
GraphicsScene* GraphicsItem::scene() const
return qobject_cast<GraphicsScene*>( QGraphicsItem::scene() );
void GraphicsItem::setRect( const QRectF& r )
#if 0
qDebug() << "GraphicsItem::setRect("<<r<<"), txt="<<m_index.model()->data( m_index, Qt::DisplayRole ).toString();
if ( m_index.model()->data( m_index, Qt::DisplayRole ).toString() == QLatin1String("Code Freeze" ) ) {
qDebug() << "gotcha";
m_rect = r;
void GraphicsItem::setBoundingRect( const QRectF& r )
m_boundingrect = r;
bool GraphicsItem::isEditable() const
return !scene()->isReadOnly() && m_index.model()->flags( m_index ) & Qt::ItemIsEditable;
void GraphicsItem::paint( QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem* option,
QWidget* widget )
Q_UNUSED( widget );
if ( boundingRect().isValid() && scene() ) {
StyleOptionGanttItem opt = getStyleOption();
*static_cast<QStyleOption*>(&opt) = *static_cast<const QStyleOption*>( option );
//opt.fontMetrics = painter->fontMetrics();
scene()->itemDelegate()->paintGanttItem( painter, opt, index() );
void GraphicsItem::setIndex( const QPersistentModelIndex& idx )
QString GraphicsItem::ganttToolTip() const
// TODO: Make delegate handle this
const QAbstractItemModel* model = index().model();
if ( !model ) return QString();
#if 0
QString dbgstr;
QDebug( &dbgstr ) << m_index;
return dbgstr;
QString tip = model->data( index(), Qt::ToolTipRole ).toString();
if ( !tip.isNull() ) return tip;
else return GraphicsScene::tr( "%1 -> %2: %3" )
.arg( model->data( index(), StartTimeRole ).toString() )
.arg( model->data( index(), EndTimeRole ).toString() )
.arg( model->data( index(), Qt::DisplayRole ).toString() );
QRectF GraphicsItem::boundingRect() const
return m_boundingrect;
QPointF GraphicsItem::startConnector() const
return mapToScene( m_rect.right(), m_rect.top()+m_rect.height()/2. );
QPointF GraphicsItem::endConnector() const
return mapToScene( m_rect.left(), m_rect.top()+m_rect.height()/2. );
void GraphicsItem::constraintsChanged()
if ( !scene() || !scene()->itemDelegate() ) return;
const Span bs = scene()->itemDelegate()->itemBoundingSpan( getStyleOption(), index() );
const QRectF br = boundingRect();
setBoundingRect( QRectF( bs.start(), 0., bs.length(), br.height() ) );
void GraphicsItem::addStartConstraint( ConstraintGraphicsItem* item )
assert( item );
m_startConstraints << item;
item->setStart( startConnector() );
void GraphicsItem::addEndConstraint( ConstraintGraphicsItem* item )
assert( item );
m_endConstraints << item;
item->setEnd( endConnector() );
void GraphicsItem::removeStartConstraint( ConstraintGraphicsItem* item )
assert( item );
m_startConstraints.removeAll( item );
void GraphicsItem::removeEndConstraint( ConstraintGraphicsItem* item )
assert( item );
m_endConstraints.removeAll( item );
void GraphicsItem::updateConstraintItems()
QPointF s = startConnector();
QPointF e = endConnector();
{ // Workaround for multiple definition error with MSVC6
Q_FOREACH( ConstraintGraphicsItem* item, m_startConstraints ) {
item->setStart( s );
{// Workaround for multiple definition error with MSVC6
Q_FOREACH( ConstraintGraphicsItem* item, m_endConstraints ) {
item->setEnd( e );
void GraphicsItem::updateItem( const Span& rowGeometry, const QPersistentModelIndex& idx )
//qDebug() << "GraphicsItem::updateItem("<<rowGeometry<<idx<<")";
Updater updater( &m_isupdating );
if ( !idx.isValid() || idx.data( ItemTypeRole )==TypeMulti ) {
setRect( QRectF() );
const Span s = scene()->grid()->mapToChart( idx );
setPos( QPointF( s.start(), rowGeometry.start() ) );
setRect( QRectF( 0., 0., s.length(), rowGeometry.length() ) );
setIndex( idx );
const Span bs = scene()->itemDelegate()->itemBoundingSpan( getStyleOption(), index() );
//qDebug() << "boundingSpan for" << getStyleOption().text << rect() << "is" << bs;
setBoundingRect( QRectF( bs.start(), 0., bs.length(), rowGeometry.length() ) );
const int maxh = scene()->rowController()->maximumItemHeight();
if ( maxh < rowGeometry.length() ) {
QRectF r = rect();
const Qt::Alignment align = getStyleOption().displayAlignment;
if ( align & Qt::AlignTop ) {
// Do nothing
} else if ( align & Qt::AlignBottom ) {
r.setY( rowGeometry.length()-maxh );
} else {
// Center
r.setY( ( rowGeometry.length()-maxh ) / 2. );
r.setHeight( maxh );
setRect( r );
//scene()->setSceneRect( scene()->sceneRect().united( mapToScene( boundingRect() ).boundingRect() ) );
QVariant GraphicsItem::itemChange( GraphicsItemChange change, const QVariant& value )
if ( !isUpdating() && change==ItemPositionChange && scene() ) {
QPointF newPos=value.toPointF();
if ( isEditable() ) {
newPos.setY( pos().y() );
return newPos;
} else {
return pos();
} else if ( change==QGraphicsItem::ItemSelectedChange ) {
if ( index().isValid() && !( index().model()->flags( index() ) & Qt::ItemIsSelectable ) ) {
// Reject selection attempt
return qVariantFromValue( false );
if ( value.toBool() ) {
scene()->selectionModel()->select( index(), QItemSelectionModel::Select );
} else {
scene()->selectionModel()->select( index(), QItemSelectionModel::Deselect );
return QGraphicsItem::itemChange( change, value );
void GraphicsItem::focusInEvent( QFocusEvent* event )
Q_UNUSED( event );
scene()->selectionModel()->select( index(), QItemSelectionModel::SelectCurrent );
void GraphicsItem::updateModel()
//qDebug() << "GraphicsItem::updateModel()";
if ( isEditable() ) {
QAbstractItemModel* model = const_cast<QAbstractItemModel*>( index().model() );
ConstraintModel* cmodel = scene()->constraintModel();
assert( model );
assert( cmodel );
Q_UNUSED( cmodel );
if ( model ) {
//ItemType typ = static_cast<ItemType>( model->data( index(),
// ItemTypeRole ).toInt() );
const QModelIndex sourceIdx = scene()->summaryHandlingModel()->mapToSource( index() );
Q_UNUSED( sourceIdx );
QList<Constraint> constraints;
for( QList<ConstraintGraphicsItem*>::iterator it1 = m_startConstraints.begin() ;
it1 != m_startConstraints.end() ;
++it1 )
for( QList<ConstraintGraphicsItem*>::iterator it2 = m_endConstraints.begin() ;
it2 != m_endConstraints.end() ;
++it2 )
if ( scene()->grid()->mapFromChart( Span( scenePos().x(), rect().width() ),
constraints ) ) {
scene()->updateRow( index().parent() );
void GraphicsItem::hoverMoveEvent( QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent* event )
if ( !isEditable() ) return;
StyleOptionGanttItem opt = getStyleOption();
ItemDelegate::InteractionState istate = scene()->itemDelegate()->interactionStateFor( event->pos(), opt, index() );
switch( istate ) {
case ItemDelegate::State_ExtendLeft:
#ifndef QT_NO_CURSOR
setCursor( Qt::SizeHorCursor );
scene()->itemEntered( index() );
case ItemDelegate::State_ExtendRight:
#ifndef QT_NO_CURSOR
setCursor( Qt::SizeHorCursor );
scene()->itemEntered( index() );
case ItemDelegate::State_Move:
#ifndef QT_NO_CURSOR
setCursor( Qt::SplitHCursor );
scene()->itemEntered( index() );
#ifndef QT_NO_CURSOR
void GraphicsItem::hoverLeaveEvent( QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent* )
#ifndef QT_NO_CURSOR
void GraphicsItem::mousePressEvent( QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent* event )
//qDebug() << "GraphicsItem::mousePressEvent("<<event<<")";
StyleOptionGanttItem opt = getStyleOption();
m_istate = scene()->itemDelegate()->interactionStateFor( event->pos(), opt, index() );
m_presspos = event->pos();
m_pressscenepos = event->scenePos();
scene()->itemPressed( index() );
switch( m_istate ) {
case ItemDelegate::State_ExtendLeft:
case ItemDelegate::State_ExtendRight:
default: /* None and Move */
BASE::mousePressEvent( event );
void GraphicsItem::mouseReleaseEvent( QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent* event )
//qDebug() << "GraphicsItem::mouseReleaseEvent("<<event << ")";
if ( !m_presspos.isNull() ) {
scene()->itemClicked( index() );
delete m_dragline; m_dragline = 0;
if ( scene()->dragSource() ) {
// Create a new constraint
GraphicsItem* other = qgraphicsitem_cast<GraphicsItem*>( scene()->itemAt( event->scenePos() ) );
if ( other && scene()->dragSource()!=other &&
other->mapToScene( other->rect() ).boundingRect().contains( event->scenePos() )) {
GraphicsView* view = qobject_cast<GraphicsView*>( event->widget()->parentWidget() );
if ( view ) {
view->addConstraint( scene()->summaryHandlingModel()->mapToSource( scene()->dragSource()->index() ),
scene()->summaryHandlingModel()->mapToSource( other->index() ), event->modifiers() );
scene()->setDragSource( 0 );
} else {
if ( isEditable() ) {
// It is important to set m_presspos to null here because
// when the sceneRect updates because we move the item
// a MouseMoveEvent will be delivered, and we have to
// protect against that
m_presspos = QPointF();
// without this command we sometimes get a white area at the left side of a task item
// after we moved that item right-ways into a grey weekend section of the scene:
m_presspos = QPointF();
BASE::mouseReleaseEvent( event );
void GraphicsItem::mouseDoubleClickEvent( QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent* event )
StyleOptionGanttItem opt = getStyleOption();
ItemDelegate::InteractionState istate = scene()->itemDelegate()->interactionStateFor( event->pos(), opt, index() );
if ( istate != ItemDelegate::State_None ) {
scene()->itemDoubleClicked( index() );
BASE::mouseDoubleClickEvent( event );
void GraphicsItem::updateItemFromMouse( const QPointF& scenepos )
//qDebug() << "GraphicsItem::updateItemFromMouse("<<scenepos<<")";
const QPointF p = scenepos - m_presspos;
QRectF r = rect();
QRectF br = boundingRect();
switch( m_istate ) {
case ItemDelegate::State_Move:
setPos( p.x(), pos().y() );
case ItemDelegate::State_ExtendLeft: {
const qreal brr = br.right();
const qreal rr = r.right();
const qreal delta = pos().x()-p.x();
setPos( p.x(), QGraphicsItem::pos().y() );
br.setRight( brr+delta );
r.setRight( rr+delta );
case ItemDelegate::State_ExtendRight: {
const qreal rr = r.right();
r.setRight( scenepos.x()-pos().x() );
br.setWidth( br.width() + r.right()-rr );
default: return;
setRect( r );
setBoundingRect( br );
void GraphicsItem::mouseMoveEvent( QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent* event )
if ( !isEditable() ) return;
if ( m_presspos.isNull() ) return;
//qDebug() << "GraphicsItem::mouseMoveEvent("<<event<<"), m_istate="<< static_cast<ItemDelegate::InteractionState>( m_istate );
//QPointF pos = event->pos() - m_presspos;
switch( m_istate ) {
case ItemDelegate::State_ExtendLeft:
case ItemDelegate::State_ExtendRight:
case ItemDelegate::State_Move:
// Check for constraint drag
if ( qAbs( m_pressscenepos.x()-event->scenePos().x() ) < 10.
&& qAbs( m_pressscenepos.y()-event->scenePos().y() ) > 5. ) {
m_istate = ItemDelegate::State_DragConstraint;
m_dragline = new QGraphicsLineItem( this );
m_dragline->setPen( QPen( Qt::DashLine ) );
m_dragline->setLine(QLineF( rect().center(), event->pos() ));
scene()->addItem( m_dragline );
scene()->setDragSource( this );
scene()->selectionModel()->setCurrentIndex( index(), QItemSelectionModel::Current );
case ItemDelegate::State_DragConstraint: {
QLineF line = m_dragline->line();
m_dragline->setLine( QLineF( line.p1(), event->pos() ) );
//QGraphicsItem* item = scene()->itemAt( event->scenePos() );