2015-04-14 21:49:29 +00:00

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** Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB. All rights reserved.
** This file is part of the KD Gantt library.
** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
** packaging of this file.
** Licensees holding valid commercial KD Gantt licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the KD Gantt Commercial License Agreement provided with
** the Software.
** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
** See http://www.kdab.net/kdgantt for
** information about KD Gantt Commercial License Agreements.
** Contact info@kdab.net if any conditions of this
** licensing are not clear to you.
#include "kdganttdatetimegrid.h"
#include "kdganttabstractgrid_p.h"
#include <QDateTime>
#include <QBrush>
namespace KDGantt {
class DateTimeScaleFormatter::Private
Private( DateTimeScaleFormatter::Range _range,
const QString& _format,
const QString& _templ,
Qt::Alignment _alignment )
: range( _range ),
format( _format ),
templ( _templ ),
alignment( _alignment )
const DateTimeScaleFormatter::Range range;
const QString format;
const QString templ;
const Qt::Alignment alignment;
class DateTimeGrid::Private : public AbstractGrid::Private {
: startDateTime( QDateTime::currentDateTime().addDays( -3 ) ),
dayWidth( 100. ),
scale( ScaleAuto ),
weekStart( Qt::Monday ),
freeDays( QSet<Qt::DayOfWeek>() << Qt::Saturday << Qt::Sunday ),
rowSeparators( false ),
noInformationBrush( Qt::red, Qt::DiagCrossPattern ),
upper( new DateTimeScaleFormatter( DateTimeScaleFormatter::Week, QString::fromLatin1( "w" ) ) ),
lower( new DateTimeScaleFormatter( DateTimeScaleFormatter::Day, QString::fromLatin1( "ddd" ) ) ),
year_upper( DateTimeScaleFormatter::Year, QString::fromLatin1("yyyy" ) ),
year_lower( DateTimeScaleFormatter::Month, QString::fromLatin1("MMM" ) ),
month_upper( DateTimeScaleFormatter::Month, QString::fromLatin1("MMMM" ) ),
month_lower( DateTimeScaleFormatter::Week, QString::fromLatin1("w" ) ),
week_upper( DateTimeScaleFormatter::Week, QString::fromLatin1("w" ) ),
week_lower( DateTimeScaleFormatter::Day, QString::fromLatin1("ddd" ) ),
day_upper( DateTimeScaleFormatter::Day, QString::fromLatin1("dddd" ) ),
day_lower( DateTimeScaleFormatter::Hour, QString::fromLatin1("hh" ) ),
hour_upper( DateTimeScaleFormatter::Hour, QString::fromLatin1("hh" ) ),
hour_lower( DateTimeScaleFormatter::Minute, QString::fromLatin1("m" ) ),
minute_upper( DateTimeScaleFormatter::Minute, QString::fromLatin1("m" ) ),
minute_lower( DateTimeScaleFormatter::Second, QString::fromLatin1("s" ) )
delete lower;
delete upper;
qreal dateTimeToChartX( const QDateTime& dt ) const;
QDateTime chartXtoDateTime( qreal x ) const;
int tabHeight( const QString& txt, QWidget* widget = 0 ) const;
void getAutomaticFormatters( DateTimeScaleFormatter** lower, DateTimeScaleFormatter** upper);
void paintVerticalDayLines( QPainter* painter,
const QRectF& sceneRect,
const QRectF& exposedRect,
QWidget* widget );
void paintVerticalHourLines( QPainter* painter,
const QRectF& sceneRect,
const QRectF& exposedRect,
QWidget* widget );
void paintVerticalUserDefinedLines( QPainter* painter,
const QRectF& sceneRect,
const QRectF& exposedRect,
const DateTimeScaleFormatter* formatter,
QWidget* widget );
QDateTime startDateTime;
QDateTime endDateTime;
qreal dayWidth;
Scale scale;
Qt::DayOfWeek weekStart;
QSet<Qt::DayOfWeek> freeDays;
bool rowSeparators;
QBrush noInformationBrush;
DateTimeScaleFormatter* upper;
DateTimeScaleFormatter* lower;
DateTimeScaleFormatter year_upper;
DateTimeScaleFormatter year_lower;
DateTimeScaleFormatter month_upper;
DateTimeScaleFormatter month_lower;
DateTimeScaleFormatter week_upper;
DateTimeScaleFormatter week_lower;
DateTimeScaleFormatter day_upper;
DateTimeScaleFormatter day_lower;
DateTimeScaleFormatter hour_upper;
DateTimeScaleFormatter hour_lower;
DateTimeScaleFormatter minute_upper;
DateTimeScaleFormatter minute_lower;
inline DateTimeGrid::DateTimeGrid( DateTimeGrid::Private* d ) : AbstractGrid( d ) {}
inline DateTimeGrid::Private* DateTimeGrid::d_func() {
return static_cast<Private*>( AbstractGrid::d_func() );
inline const DateTimeGrid::Private* DateTimeGrid::d_func() const {
return static_cast<const Private*>( AbstractGrid::d_func() );