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* collectionmodel.cpp - Akonadi collection models
* Program: kalarm
* Copyright © 2007-2012 by David Jarvie <djarvie@kde.org>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "collectionmodel.h"
#include "autoqpointer.h"
#include "messagebox.h"
#include "preferences.h"
#include <kalarmcal/collectionattribute.h>
#include <kalarmcal/compatibilityattribute.h>
#include <akonadi/agentmanager.h>
#include <akonadi/collectiondialog.h>
#include <akonadi/collectiondeletejob.h>
#include <akonadi/collectionmodifyjob.h>
#include <akonadi/entitymimetypefiltermodel.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <QApplication>
#include <QMouseEvent>
#include <QHelpEvent>
#include <QToolTip>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QObject>
using namespace Akonadi;
using namespace KAlarmCal;
static Collection::Rights writableRights = Collection::CanChangeItem | Collection::CanCreateItem | Collection::CanDeleteItem;
= Class: CollectionMimeTypeFilterModel
= Proxy model to filter AkonadiModel to restrict its contents to Collections,
= not Items, containing specified KAlarm content mime types.
= It can optionally be restricted to writable and/or enabled Collections.
class CollectionMimeTypeFilterModel : public Akonadi::EntityMimeTypeFilterModel
explicit CollectionMimeTypeFilterModel(QObject* parent = 0);
void setEventTypeFilter(CalEvent::Type);
void setFilterWritable(bool writable);
void setFilterEnabled(bool enabled);
Akonadi::Collection collection(int row) const;
Akonadi::Collection collection(const QModelIndex&) const;
QModelIndex collectionIndex(const Akonadi::Collection&) const;
virtual bool filterAcceptsRow(int sourceRow, const QModelIndex& sourceParent) const;
CalEvent::Type mAlarmType; // collection content type contained in this model
bool mWritableOnly; // only include writable collections in this model
bool mEnabledOnly; // only include enabled collections in this model
CollectionMimeTypeFilterModel::CollectionMimeTypeFilterModel(QObject* parent)
: EntityMimeTypeFilterModel(parent),
addMimeTypeInclusionFilter(Collection::mimeType()); // select collections, not items
void CollectionMimeTypeFilterModel::setEventTypeFilter(CalEvent::Type type)
if (type != mAlarmType)
mAlarmType = type;
void CollectionMimeTypeFilterModel::setFilterWritable(bool writable)
if (writable != mWritableOnly)
mWritableOnly = writable;
void CollectionMimeTypeFilterModel::setFilterEnabled(bool enabled)
if (enabled != mEnabledOnly)
emit layoutAboutToBeChanged();
mEnabledOnly = enabled;
emit layoutChanged();
bool CollectionMimeTypeFilterModel::filterAcceptsRow(int sourceRow, const QModelIndex& sourceParent) const
if (!EntityMimeTypeFilterModel::filterAcceptsRow(sourceRow, sourceParent))
return false;
AkonadiModel* model = AkonadiModel::instance();
const QModelIndex ix = model->index(sourceRow, 0, sourceParent);
const Collection collection = model->data(ix, AkonadiModel::CollectionRole).value<Collection>();
if (!AgentManager::self()->instance(collection.resource()).isValid())
return false;
if (!mWritableOnly && mAlarmType == CalEvent::EMPTY)
return true;
if (mWritableOnly && (collection.rights() & writableRights) != writableRights)
return false;
if (mAlarmType != CalEvent::EMPTY && !collection.contentMimeTypes().contains(CalEvent::mimeType(mAlarmType)))
return false;
if ((mWritableOnly || mEnabledOnly) && !collection.hasAttribute<CollectionAttribute>())
return false;
if (mWritableOnly && (!collection.hasAttribute<CompatibilityAttribute>()
|| collection.attribute<CompatibilityAttribute>()->compatibility() != KACalendar::Current))
return false;
if (mEnabledOnly && !collection.attribute<CollectionAttribute>()->isEnabled(mAlarmType))
return false;
return true;
* Return the collection for a given row.
Collection CollectionMimeTypeFilterModel::collection(int row) const
return static_cast<AkonadiModel*>(sourceModel())->data(mapToSource(index(row, 0)), EntityTreeModel::CollectionRole).value<Collection>();
Collection CollectionMimeTypeFilterModel::collection(const QModelIndex& index) const
return static_cast<AkonadiModel*>(sourceModel())->data(mapToSource(index), EntityTreeModel::CollectionRole).value<Collection>();
QModelIndex CollectionMimeTypeFilterModel::collectionIndex(const Collection& collection) const
return mapFromSource(static_cast<AkonadiModel*>(sourceModel())->collectionIndex(collection));
= Class: CollectionListModel
= Proxy model converting the AkonadiModel collection tree into a flat list.
= The model may be restricted to specified content mime types.
= It can optionally be restricted to writable and/or enabled Collections.
CollectionListModel::CollectionListModel(QObject* parent)
: KDescendantsProxyModel(parent),
setSourceModel(new CollectionMimeTypeFilterModel(this));
* Return the collection for a given row.
Collection CollectionListModel::collection(int row) const
return data(index(row, 0), EntityTreeModel::CollectionRole).value<Collection>();
Collection CollectionListModel::collection(const QModelIndex& index) const
return data(index, EntityTreeModel::CollectionRole).value<Collection>();
QModelIndex CollectionListModel::collectionIndex(const Collection& collection) const
return mapFromSource(static_cast<CollectionMimeTypeFilterModel*>(sourceModel())->collectionIndex(collection));
void CollectionListModel::setEventTypeFilter(CalEvent::Type type)
void CollectionListModel::setFilterWritable(bool writable)
void CollectionListModel::setFilterEnabled(bool enabled)
bool CollectionListModel::isDescendantOf(const QModelIndex& ancestor, const QModelIndex& descendant) const
return !ancestor.isValid();
* Return the data for a given role, for a specified item.
QVariant CollectionListModel::data(const QModelIndex& index, int role) const
switch (role)
case Qt::BackgroundRole:
if (!mUseCollectionColour)
role = AkonadiModel::BaseColourRole;
return KDescendantsProxyModel::data(index, role);
= Class: CollectionCheckListModel
= Proxy model providing a checkable list of all Collections. A Collection's
= checked status is equivalent to whether it is selected or not.
= An alarm type is specified, whereby Collections which are enabled for that
= alarm type are checked; Collections which do not contain that alarm type, or
= which are disabled for that alarm type, are unchecked.
CollectionListModel* CollectionCheckListModel::mModel = 0;
int CollectionCheckListModel::mInstanceCount = 0;
CollectionCheckListModel::CollectionCheckListModel(CalEvent::Type type, QObject* parent)
: KCheckableProxyModel(parent),
if (!mModel)
mModel = new CollectionListModel(0);
setSourceModel(mModel); // the source model is NOT filtered by alarm type
mSelectionModel = new QItemSelectionModel(mModel);
connect(mSelectionModel, SIGNAL(selectionChanged(QItemSelection,QItemSelection)),
connect(mModel, SIGNAL(rowsAboutToBeInserted(QModelIndex,int,int)), SIGNAL(layoutAboutToBeChanged()));
connect(mModel, SIGNAL(rowsInserted(QModelIndex,int,int)), SLOT(slotRowsInserted(QModelIndex,int,int)));
// This is probably needed to make CollectionFilterCheckListModel update
// (similarly to when rows are inserted).
connect(mModel, SIGNAL(rowsAboutToBeRemoved(QModelIndex,int,int)), SIGNAL(layoutAboutToBeChanged()));
connect(mModel, SIGNAL(rowsRemoved(QModelIndex,int,int)), SIGNAL(layoutChanged()));
connect(AkonadiModel::instance(), SIGNAL(collectionStatusChanged(Akonadi::Collection,AkonadiModel::Change,QVariant,bool)),
// Initialise checked status for all collections.
// Note that this is only necessary if the model is recreated after
// being deleted.
for (int row = 0, count = mModel->rowCount(); row < count; ++row)
setSelectionStatus(mModel->collection(row), mModel->index(row, 0));
if (--mInstanceCount <= 0)
delete mModel;
mModel = 0;
* Return the collection for a given row.
Collection CollectionCheckListModel::collection(int row) const
return mModel->collection(mapToSource(index(row, 0)));
Collection CollectionCheckListModel::collection(const QModelIndex& index) const
return mModel->collection(mapToSource(index));
* Return model data for one index.
QVariant CollectionCheckListModel::data(const QModelIndex& index, int role) const
const Collection collection = mModel->collection(index);
if (collection.isValid())
// This is a Collection row
switch (role)
case Qt::ForegroundRole:
const QString mimeType = CalEvent::mimeType(mAlarmType);
if (collection.contentMimeTypes().contains(mimeType))
return AkonadiModel::foregroundColor(collection, QStringList(mimeType));
case Qt::FontRole:
if (!collection.hasAttribute<CollectionAttribute>()
|| !AkonadiModel::isCompatible(collection))
const CollectionAttribute* attr = collection.attribute<CollectionAttribute>();
if (!attr->enabled())
const QStringList mimeTypes = collection.contentMimeTypes();
if (attr->isStandard(mAlarmType) && mimeTypes.contains(CalEvent::mimeType(mAlarmType)))
// It's the standard collection for a mime type
QFont font = qvariant_cast<QFont>(KCheckableProxyModel::data(index, role));
return font;
return KCheckableProxyModel::data(index, role);
* Set model data for one index.
* If the change is to disable a collection, check for eligibility and prevent
* the change if necessary.
bool CollectionCheckListModel::setData(const QModelIndex& index, const QVariant& value, int role)
if (role == Qt::CheckStateRole && static_cast<Qt::CheckState>(value.toInt()) != Qt::Checked)
// A collection is to be disabled.
const Collection collection = mModel->collection(index);
if (collection.isValid() && collection.hasAttribute<CollectionAttribute>())
const CollectionAttribute* attr = collection.attribute<CollectionAttribute>();
if (attr->isEnabled(mAlarmType))
QString errmsg;
QWidget* messageParent = qobject_cast<QWidget*>(QObject::parent());
if (attr->isStandard(mAlarmType)
&& AkonadiModel::isCompatible(collection))
// It's the standard collection for some alarm type.
if (mAlarmType == CalEvent::ACTIVE)
errmsg = i18nc("@info", "You cannot disable your default active alarm calendar.");
else if (mAlarmType == CalEvent::ARCHIVED && Preferences::archivedKeepDays())
// Only allow the archived alarms standard collection to be disabled if
// we're not saving expired alarms.
errmsg = i18nc("@info", "You cannot disable your default archived alarm calendar "
"while expired alarms are configured to be kept.");
else if (KAMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(messageParent,
i18nc("@info", "Do you really want to disable your default calendar?"))
== KMessageBox::Cancel)
return false;
if (!errmsg.isEmpty())
KAMessageBox::sorry(messageParent, errmsg);
return false;
return KCheckableProxyModel::setData(index, value, role);
* Called when rows have been inserted into the model.
* Select or deselect them according to their enabled status.
void CollectionCheckListModel::slotRowsInserted(const QModelIndex& parent, int start, int end)
for (int row = start; row <= end; ++row)
const QModelIndex ix = mapToSource(index(row, 0, parent));
const Collection collection = mModel->collection(ix);
if (collection.isValid())
setSelectionStatus(collection, ix);
emit layoutChanged(); // this is needed to make CollectionFilterCheckListModel update
* Called when the user has ticked/unticked a collection to enable/disable it
* (or when the selection changes for any other reason).
void CollectionCheckListModel::selectionChanged(const QItemSelection& selected, const QItemSelection& deselected)
const QModelIndexList sel = selected.indexes();
foreach (const QModelIndex& ix, sel)
// Try to enable the collection, but untick it if not possible
if (!CollectionControlModel::setEnabled(mModel->collection(ix), mAlarmType, true))
mSelectionModel->select(ix, QItemSelectionModel::Deselect);
const QModelIndexList desel = deselected.indexes();
foreach (const QModelIndex& ix, desel)
CollectionControlModel::setEnabled(mModel->collection(ix), mAlarmType, false);
* Called when a collection parameter or status has changed.
* If the collection's alarm types have been reconfigured, ensure that the
* model views are updated to reflect this.
void CollectionCheckListModel::collectionStatusChanged(const Collection& collection, AkonadiModel::Change change, const QVariant&, bool inserted)
if (inserted || !collection.isValid())
switch (change)
case AkonadiModel::Enabled:
kDebug() << "Enabled" << collection.id();
case AkonadiModel::AlarmTypes:
kDebug() << "AlarmTypes" << collection.id();
const QModelIndex ix = mModel->collectionIndex(collection);
if (ix.isValid())
setSelectionStatus(collection, ix);
if (change == AkonadiModel::AlarmTypes)
emit collectionTypeChange(this);
* Select or deselect an index according to its enabled status.
void CollectionCheckListModel::setSelectionStatus(const Collection& collection, const QModelIndex& sourceIndex)
const QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlags sel = (collection.hasAttribute<CollectionAttribute>()
&& collection.attribute<CollectionAttribute>()->isEnabled(mAlarmType))
? QItemSelectionModel::Select : QItemSelectionModel::Deselect;
mSelectionModel->select(sourceIndex, sel);
= Class: CollectionFilterCheckListModel
= Proxy model providing a checkable collection list. The model contains all
= alarm types, but returns only one type at any given time. The selected alarm
= type may be changed as desired.
CollectionFilterCheckListModel::CollectionFilterCheckListModel(QObject* parent)
: QSortFilterProxyModel(parent),
mActiveModel(new CollectionCheckListModel(CalEvent::ACTIVE, this)),
mArchivedModel(new CollectionCheckListModel(CalEvent::ARCHIVED, this)),
mTemplateModel(new CollectionCheckListModel(CalEvent::TEMPLATE, this)),
connect(mActiveModel, SIGNAL(collectionTypeChange(CollectionCheckListModel*)), SLOT(collectionTypeChanged(CollectionCheckListModel*)));
connect(mArchivedModel, SIGNAL(collectionTypeChange(CollectionCheckListModel*)), SLOT(collectionTypeChanged(CollectionCheckListModel*)));
connect(mTemplateModel, SIGNAL(collectionTypeChange(CollectionCheckListModel*)), SLOT(collectionTypeChanged(CollectionCheckListModel*)));
void CollectionFilterCheckListModel::setEventTypeFilter(CalEvent::Type type)
if (type != mAlarmType)
CollectionCheckListModel* newModel;
switch (type)
case CalEvent::ACTIVE: newModel = mActiveModel; break;
case CalEvent::ARCHIVED: newModel = mArchivedModel; break;
case CalEvent::TEMPLATE: newModel = mTemplateModel; break;
mAlarmType = type;
* Return the collection for a given row.
Collection CollectionFilterCheckListModel::collection(int row) const
return static_cast<CollectionCheckListModel*>(sourceModel())->collection(mapToSource(index(row, 0)));
Collection CollectionFilterCheckListModel::collection(const QModelIndex& index) const
return static_cast<CollectionCheckListModel*>(sourceModel())->collection(mapToSource(index));
QVariant CollectionFilterCheckListModel::data(const QModelIndex& index, int role) const
switch (role)
case Qt::ToolTipRole:
const Collection col = collection(index);
if (col.isValid())
return AkonadiModel::instance()->tooltip(col, mAlarmType);
return QSortFilterProxyModel::data(index, role);
bool CollectionFilterCheckListModel::filterAcceptsRow(int sourceRow, const QModelIndex& sourceParent) const
if (mAlarmType == CalEvent::EMPTY)
return true;
const CollectionCheckListModel* model = static_cast<CollectionCheckListModel*>(sourceModel());
const Collection collection = model->collection(model->index(sourceRow, 0, sourceParent));
return collection.contentMimeTypes().contains(CalEvent::mimeType(mAlarmType));
* Called when a collection alarm type has changed.
* Ensure that the collection is removed from or added to the current model view.
void CollectionFilterCheckListModel::collectionTypeChanged(CollectionCheckListModel* model)
if (model == sourceModel())
= Class: CollectionView
= View displaying a list of collections.
CollectionView::CollectionView(CollectionFilterCheckListModel* model, QWidget* parent)
: QListView(parent)
void CollectionView::setModel(QAbstractItemModel* model)
* Return the collection for a given row.
Collection CollectionView::collection(int row) const
return static_cast<CollectionFilterCheckListModel*>(model())->collection(row);
Collection CollectionView::collection(const QModelIndex& index) const
return static_cast<CollectionFilterCheckListModel*>(model())->collection(index);
* Called when a mouse button is released.
* Any currently selected collection is deselected.
void CollectionView::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent* e)
if (!indexAt(e->pos()).isValid())
* Called when a ToolTip or WhatsThis event occurs.
bool CollectionView::viewportEvent(QEvent* e)
if (e->type() == QEvent::ToolTip && isActiveWindow())
const QHelpEvent* he = static_cast<QHelpEvent*>(e);
const QModelIndex index = indexAt(he->pos());
QVariant value = static_cast<CollectionFilterCheckListModel*>(model())->data(index, Qt::ToolTipRole);
if (qVariantCanConvert<QString>(value))
QString toolTip = value.toString();
int i = toolTip.indexOf(QLatin1Char('@'));
if (i > 0)
int j = toolTip.indexOf(QRegExp(QLatin1String("<(nl|br)"), Qt::CaseInsensitive), i + 1);
int k = toolTip.indexOf(QLatin1Char('@'), j);
const QString name = toolTip.mid(i + 1, j - i - 1);
value = model()->data(index, Qt::FontRole);
const QFontMetrics fm(qvariant_cast<QFont>(value).resolve(viewOptions().font));
int textWidth = fm.boundingRect(name).width() + 1;
const int margin = QApplication::style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_FocusFrameHMargin) + 1;
QStyleOptionButton opt;
opt.rect = rectForIndex(index);
int checkWidth = QApplication::style()->subElementRect(QStyle::SE_ViewItemCheckIndicator, &opt).width();
int left = spacing() + 3*margin + checkWidth + viewOptions().decorationSize.width(); // left offset of text
int right = left + textWidth;
if (left >= horizontalOffset() + spacing()
&& right <= horizontalOffset() + width() - spacing() - 2*frameWidth())
// The whole of the collection name is already displayed,
// so omit it from the tooltip.
if (k > 0)
toolTip.remove(i, k + 1 - i);
toolTip.remove(k, 1);
toolTip.remove(i, 1);
QToolTip::showText(he->globalPos(), toolTip, this);
return true;
return QListView::viewportEvent(e);
= Class: CollectionControlModel
= Proxy model to select which Collections will be enabled. Disabled Collections
= are not populated or monitored; their contents are ignored. The set of
= enabled Collections is stored in the config file's "Collections" group.
= Note that this model is not used directly for displaying - its purpose is to
= allow collections to be disabled, which will remove them from the other
= collection models.
CollectionControlModel* CollectionControlModel::mInstance = 0;
bool CollectionControlModel::mAskDestination = false;
CollectionControlModel* CollectionControlModel::instance()
if (!mInstance)
mInstance = new CollectionControlModel(qApp);
return mInstance;
CollectionControlModel::CollectionControlModel(QObject* parent)
: FavoriteCollectionsModel(AkonadiModel::instance(), KConfigGroup(KGlobal::config(), "Collections"), parent),
// Initialise the list of enabled collections
EntityMimeTypeFilterModel* filter = new EntityMimeTypeFilterModel(this);
Collection::List collections;
findEnabledCollections(filter, QModelIndex(), collections);
connect(AkonadiModel::instance(), SIGNAL(collectionStatusChanged(Akonadi::Collection,AkonadiModel::Change,QVariant,bool)),
#if KDE_IS_VERSION(4,9,80)
connect(AkonadiModel::instance(), SIGNAL(collectionTreeFetched(Akonadi::Collection::List)),
connect(AkonadiModel::instance(), SIGNAL(collectionPopulated(Akonadi::Collection::Id)),
connect(AkonadiModel::instance(), SIGNAL(serverStopped()), SLOT(reset()));
* Recursive function to check all collections' enabled status, and to compile a
* list of all collections which have any alarm types enabled.
* Collections which duplicate the same backend storage are filtered out, to
* avoid crashes due to duplicate events in different resources.
void CollectionControlModel::findEnabledCollections(const EntityMimeTypeFilterModel* filter, const QModelIndex& parent, Collection::List& collections) const
AkonadiModel* model = AkonadiModel::instance();
for (int row = 0, count = filter->rowCount(parent); row < count; ++row)
const QModelIndex ix = filter->index(row, 0, parent);
const Collection collection = model->data(filter->mapToSource(ix), AkonadiModel::CollectionRole).value<Collection>();
if (!AgentManager::self()->instance(collection.resource()).isValid())
continue; // the collection doesn't belong to a resource, so omit it
const CalEvent::Types enabled = !collection.hasAttribute<CollectionAttribute>() ? CalEvent::EMPTY
: collection.attribute<CollectionAttribute>()->enabled();
const CalEvent::Types canEnable = checkTypesToEnable(collection, collections, enabled);
if (canEnable != enabled)
// There is another collection which uses the same backend
// storage. Disable alarm types enabled in the other collection.
if (!model->isCollectionBeingDeleted(collection.id()))
model->setData(model->collectionIndex(collection), static_cast<int>(canEnable), AkonadiModel::EnabledTypesRole);
if (canEnable)
collections += collection;
if (filter->rowCount(ix) > 0)
findEnabledCollections(filter, ix, collections);
bool CollectionControlModel::isEnabled(const Collection& collection, CalEvent::Type type)
if (!collection.isValid() || !instance()->collections().contains(collection))
return false;
if (!AgentManager::self()->instance(collection.resource()).isValid())
// The collection doesn't belong to a resource, so it can't be used.
// Remove it from the list of collections.
return false;
Collection col = collection;
AkonadiModel::instance()->refresh(col); // update with latest data
return col.hasAttribute<CollectionAttribute>()
&& col.attribute<CollectionAttribute>()->isEnabled(type);
* Enable or disable the specified alarm types for a collection.
* Reply = alarm types which can be enabled
CalEvent::Types CollectionControlModel::setEnabled(const Collection& collection, CalEvent::Types types, bool enabled)
kDebug() << "id:" << collection.id() << ", alarm types" << types << "->" << enabled;
if (!collection.isValid() || (!enabled && !instance()->collections().contains(collection)))
return CalEvent::EMPTY;
Collection col = collection;
AkonadiModel::instance()->refresh(col); // update with latest data
CalEvent::Types alarmTypes = !col.hasAttribute<CollectionAttribute>() ? CalEvent::EMPTY
: col.attribute<CollectionAttribute>()->enabled();
if (enabled)
alarmTypes |= static_cast<CalEvent::Types>(types & (CalEvent::ACTIVE | CalEvent::ARCHIVED | CalEvent::TEMPLATE));
alarmTypes &= ~types;
return instance()->setEnabledStatus(collection, alarmTypes, false);
* Change the collection's enabled status.
* Add or remove the collection to/from the enabled list.
* Reply = alarm types which can be enabled
CalEvent::Types CollectionControlModel::setEnabledStatus(const Collection& collection, CalEvent::Types types, bool inserted)
kDebug() << "id:" << collection.id() << ", types=" << types;
CalEvent::Types disallowedStdTypes(0);
CalEvent::Types stdTypes(0);
// Prevent the enabling of duplicate alarm types if another collection
// uses the same backend storage.
const Collection::List cols = collections();
const CalEvent::Types canEnable = checkTypesToEnable(collection, cols, types);
// Update the list of enabled collections
if (canEnable)
bool inList = false;
const Collection::List cols = collections();
foreach (const Collection& c, cols)
if (c.id() == collection.id())
inList = true;
if (!inList)
// It's a new collection.
// Prevent duplicate standard collections being created for any alarm type.
stdTypes = collection.hasAttribute<CollectionAttribute>()
? collection.attribute<CollectionAttribute>()->standard()
: CalEvent::EMPTY;
if (stdTypes)
foreach (const Collection& col, cols)
Collection c(col);
AkonadiModel::instance()->refresh(c); // update with latest data
if (c.isValid())
const CalEvent::Types t = stdTypes & CalEvent::types(c.contentMimeTypes());
if (t)
if (c.hasAttribute<CollectionAttribute>()
&& AkonadiModel::isCompatible(c))
disallowedStdTypes |= c.attribute<CollectionAttribute>()->standard() & t;
if (disallowedStdTypes == stdTypes)
if (disallowedStdTypes || !inserted || canEnable != types)
// Update the collection's status
AkonadiModel* model = static_cast<AkonadiModel*>(sourceModel());
if (!model->isCollectionBeingDeleted(collection.id()))
const QModelIndex ix = model->collectionIndex(collection);
if (!inserted || canEnable != types)
model->setData(ix, static_cast<int>(canEnable), AkonadiModel::EnabledTypesRole);
if (disallowedStdTypes)
model->setData(ix, static_cast<int>(stdTypes & ~disallowedStdTypes), AkonadiModel::IsStandardRole);
return canEnable;
* Called when a collection parameter or status has changed.
* If it's the enabled status, add or remove the collection to/from the enabled
* list.
void CollectionControlModel::statusChanged(const Collection& collection, AkonadiModel::Change change, const QVariant& value, bool inserted)
if (!collection.isValid())
switch (change)
case AkonadiModel::Enabled:
const CalEvent::Types enabled = static_cast<CalEvent::Types>(value.toInt());
kDebug() << "id:" << collection.id() << ", enabled=" << enabled << ", inserted=" << inserted;
setEnabledStatus(collection, enabled, inserted);
case AkonadiModel::ReadOnly:
bool readOnly = value.toBool();
kDebug() << "id:" << collection.id() << ", readOnly=" << readOnly;
if (readOnly)
// A read-only collection can't be the default for any alarm type
const CalEvent::Types std = standardTypes(collection, false);
if (std != CalEvent::EMPTY)
Collection c(collection);
setStandard(c, CalEvent::Types(CalEvent::EMPTY));
QWidget* messageParent = qobject_cast<QWidget*>(QObject::parent());
bool singleType = true;
QString msg;
switch (std)
case CalEvent::ACTIVE:
msg = i18nc("@info", "The calendar <resource>%1</resource> has been made read-only. "
"This was the default calendar for active alarms.",
case CalEvent::ARCHIVED:
msg = i18nc("@info", "The calendar <resource>%1</resource> has been made read-only. "
"This was the default calendar for archived alarms.",
case CalEvent::TEMPLATE:
msg = i18nc("@info", "The calendar <resource>%1</resource> has been made read-only. "
"This was the default calendar for alarm templates.",
msg = i18nc("@info", "<para>The calendar <resource>%1</resource> has been made read-only. "
"This was the default calendar for:%2</para>"
"<para>Please select new default calendars.</para>",
collection.name(), typeListForDisplay(std));
singleType = false;
if (singleType)
msg = i18nc("@info", "<para>%1</para><para>Please select a new default calendar.</para>", msg);
KAMessageBox::information(messageParent, msg);
* Check which alarm types can be enabled for a specified collection.
* If the collection uses the same backend storage as another collection, any
* alarm types already enabled in the other collection must be disabled in this
* collection. This is to avoid duplicating events between different resources,
* which causes user confusion and annoyance, and causes crashes.
* Parameters:
* collection - must be up to date (using AkonadiModel::refresh() etc.)
* collections = list of collections to search for duplicates.
* types = alarm types to be enabled for the collection.
* Reply = alarm types which can be enabled without duplicating other collections.
CalEvent::Types CollectionControlModel::checkTypesToEnable(const Collection& collection, const Collection::List& collections, CalEvent::Types types)
types &= (CalEvent::ACTIVE | CalEvent::ARCHIVED | CalEvent::TEMPLATE);
if (types)
// At least on alarm type is to be enabled
const KUrl location(collection.remoteId());
foreach (const Collection& c, collections)
if (c.id() != collection.id() && KUrl(c.remoteId()) == location)
// The collection duplicates the backend storage
// used by another enabled collection.
// N.B. don't refresh this collection - assume no change.
kDebug() << "Collection" << c.id() << "duplicates backend for" << collection.id();
if (c.hasAttribute<CollectionAttribute>())
types &= ~c.attribute<CollectionAttribute>()->enabled();
if (!types)
return types;
* Create a bulleted list of alarm types for insertion into <para>...</para>.
QString CollectionControlModel::typeListForDisplay(CalEvent::Types alarmTypes)
QString list;
if (alarmTypes & CalEvent::ACTIVE)
list += QLatin1String("<item>") + i18nc("@info/plain", "Active Alarms") + QLatin1String("</item>");
if (alarmTypes & CalEvent::ARCHIVED)
list += QLatin1String("<item>") + i18nc("@info/plain", "Archived Alarms") + QLatin1String("</item>");
if (alarmTypes & CalEvent::TEMPLATE)
list += QLatin1String("<item>") + i18nc("@info/plain", "Alarm Templates") + QLatin1String("</item>");
if (!list.isEmpty())
list = QLatin1String("<list>") + list + QLatin1String("</list>");
return list;
* Return whether a collection is both enabled and fully writable for a given
* alarm type.
* Optionally, the enabled status can be ignored.
* Reply: 1 = fully enabled and writable,
* 0 = enabled and writable except that backend calendar is in an old KAlarm format,
* -1 = not enabled, read-only, or incompatible format.
int CollectionControlModel::isWritableEnabled(const Akonadi::Collection& collection, CalEvent::Type type)
KACalendar::Compat format;
return isWritableEnabled(collection, type, format);
int CollectionControlModel::isWritableEnabled(const Akonadi::Collection& collection, CalEvent::Type type, KACalendar::Compat& format)
int writable = AkonadiModel::isWritable(collection, format);
if (writable == -1)
return -1;
// Check the collection's enabled status
if (!instance()->collections().contains(collection)
|| !collection.hasAttribute<CollectionAttribute>())
return -1;
if (!collection.attribute<CollectionAttribute>()->isEnabled(type))
return -1;
return writable;
* Return the standard collection for a specified mime type.
* If 'useDefault' is true and there is no standard collection, the only
* collection for the mime type will be returned as a default.
Collection CollectionControlModel::getStandard(CalEvent::Type type, bool useDefault)
const QString mimeType = CalEvent::mimeType(type);
int defalt = -1;
Collection::List cols = instance()->collections();
for (int i = 0, count = cols.count(); i < count; ++i)
AkonadiModel::instance()->refresh(cols[i]); // update with latest data
if (cols[i].isValid()
&& cols[i].contentMimeTypes().contains(mimeType))
if (cols[i].hasAttribute<CollectionAttribute>()
&& (cols[i].attribute<CollectionAttribute>()->standard() & type)
&& AkonadiModel::isCompatible(cols[i]))
return cols[i];
defalt = (defalt == -1) ? i : -2;
return (useDefault && defalt >= 0) ? cols[defalt] : Collection();
* Return whether a collection is the standard collection for a specified
* mime type.
bool CollectionControlModel::isStandard(Akonadi::Collection& collection, CalEvent::Type type)
if (!instance()->collections().contains(collection))
return false;
AkonadiModel::instance()->refresh(collection); // update with latest data
if (!collection.hasAttribute<CollectionAttribute>()
|| !AkonadiModel::isCompatible(collection))
return false;
return collection.attribute<CollectionAttribute>()->isStandard(type);
* Return the alarm type(s) for which a collection is the standard collection.
CalEvent::Types CollectionControlModel::standardTypes(const Collection& collection, bool useDefault)
if (!instance()->collections().contains(collection))
return CalEvent::EMPTY;
Collection col = collection;
AkonadiModel::instance()->refresh(col); // update with latest data
if (!AkonadiModel::isCompatible(col))
return CalEvent::EMPTY;
CalEvent::Types stdTypes = col.hasAttribute<CollectionAttribute>()
? col.attribute<CollectionAttribute>()->standard()
: CalEvent::EMPTY;
if (useDefault)
// Also return alarm types for which this is the only collection.
CalEvent::Types wantedTypes = AkonadiModel::types(collection) & ~stdTypes;
Collection::List cols = instance()->collections();
for (int i = 0, count = cols.count(); wantedTypes && i < count; ++i)
if (cols[i] == col)
AkonadiModel::instance()->refresh(cols[i]); // update with latest data
if (cols[i].isValid())
wantedTypes &= ~AkonadiModel::types(cols[i]);
stdTypes |= wantedTypes;
return stdTypes;
* Set or clear a collection as the standard collection for a specified mime
* type. If it is being set as standard, the standard status for the mime type
* is cleared for all other collections.
void CollectionControlModel::setStandard(Akonadi::Collection& collection, CalEvent::Type type, bool standard)
AkonadiModel* model = AkonadiModel::instance();
model->refresh(collection); // update with latest data
if (!AkonadiModel::isCompatible(collection))
standard = false; // the collection isn't writable
if (standard)
// The collection is being set as standard.
// Clear the 'standard' status for all other collections.
Collection::List cols = instance()->collections();
if (!cols.contains(collection))
const CalEvent::Types ctypes = collection.hasAttribute<CollectionAttribute>()
? collection.attribute<CollectionAttribute>()->standard() : CalEvent::EMPTY;
if (ctypes & type)
return; // it's already the standard collection for this type
for (int i = 0, count = cols.count(); i < count; ++i)
CalEvent::Types types;
if (cols[i] == collection)
cols[i] = collection; // update with latest data
types = ctypes | type;
model->refresh(cols[i]); // update with latest data
types = cols[i].hasAttribute<CollectionAttribute>()
? cols[i].attribute<CollectionAttribute>()->standard() : CalEvent::EMPTY;
if (!(types & type))
types &= ~type;
const QModelIndex index = model->collectionIndex(cols[i]);
model->setData(index, static_cast<int>(types), AkonadiModel::IsStandardRole);
// The 'standard' status is being cleared for the collection.
// The collection doesn't have to be in this model's list of collections.
CalEvent::Types types = collection.hasAttribute<CollectionAttribute>()
? collection.attribute<CollectionAttribute>()->standard() : CalEvent::EMPTY;
if (types & type)
types &= ~type;
const QModelIndex index = model->collectionIndex(collection);
model->setData(index, static_cast<int>(types), AkonadiModel::IsStandardRole);
* Set which mime types a collection is the standard collection for.
* If it is being set as standard for any mime types, the standard status for
* those mime types is cleared for all other collections.
void CollectionControlModel::setStandard(Akonadi::Collection& collection, CalEvent::Types types)
AkonadiModel* model = AkonadiModel::instance();
model->refresh(collection); // update with latest data
if (!AkonadiModel::isCompatible(collection))
types = CalEvent::EMPTY; // the collection isn't writable
if (types)
// The collection is being set as standard for at least one mime type.
// Clear the 'standard' status for all other collections.
Collection::List cols = instance()->collections();
if (!cols.contains(collection))
const CalEvent::Types t = collection.hasAttribute<CollectionAttribute>()
? collection.attribute<CollectionAttribute>()->standard() : CalEvent::EMPTY;
if (t == types)
return; // there's no change to the collection's status
for (int i = 0, count = cols.count(); i < count; ++i)
CalEvent::Types t;
if (cols[i] == collection)
cols[i] = collection; // update with latest data
t = types;
model->refresh(cols[i]); // update with latest data
t = cols[i].hasAttribute<CollectionAttribute>()
? cols[i].attribute<CollectionAttribute>()->standard() : CalEvent::EMPTY;
if (!(t & types))
t &= ~types;
const QModelIndex index = model->collectionIndex(cols[i]);
model->setData(index, static_cast<int>(t), AkonadiModel::IsStandardRole);
// The 'standard' status is being cleared for the collection.
// The collection doesn't have to be in this model's list of collections.
if (collection.hasAttribute<CollectionAttribute>()
&& collection.attribute<CollectionAttribute>()->standard())
const QModelIndex index = model->collectionIndex(collection);
model->setData(index, static_cast<int>(types), AkonadiModel::IsStandardRole);
* Get the collection to use for storing an alarm.
* Optionally, the standard collection for the alarm type is returned. If more
* than one collection is a candidate, the user is prompted.
Collection CollectionControlModel::destination(CalEvent::Type type, QWidget* promptParent, bool noPrompt, bool* cancelled)
if (cancelled)
*cancelled = false;
Collection standard;
if (type == CalEvent::EMPTY)
return standard;
standard = getStandard(type);
// Archived alarms are always saved in the default resource,
// else only prompt if necessary.
if (type == CalEvent::ARCHIVED || noPrompt || (!mAskDestination && standard.isValid()))
return standard;
// Prompt for which collection to use
CollectionListModel* model = new CollectionListModel(promptParent);
Collection col;
switch (model->rowCount())
case 0:
case 1:
col = model->collection(0);
// Use AutoQPointer to guard against crash on application exit while
// the dialogue is still open. It prevents double deletion (both on
// deletion of 'promptParent', and on return from this function).
AutoQPointer<CollectionDialog> dlg = new CollectionDialog(model, promptParent);
dlg->setCaption(i18nc("@title:window", "Choose Calendar"));
if (dlg->exec())
col = dlg->selectedCollection();
if (!col.isValid() && cancelled)
*cancelled = true;
return col;
* Return the enabled collections which contain a specified mime type.
* If 'writable' is true, only writable collections are included.
Collection::List CollectionControlModel::enabledCollections(CalEvent::Type type, bool writable)
const QString mimeType = CalEvent::mimeType(type);
Collection::List cols = instance()->collections();
Collection::List result;
for (int i = 0, count = cols.count(); i < count; ++i)
AkonadiModel::instance()->refresh(cols[i]); // update with latest data
if (cols[i].contentMimeTypes().contains(mimeType)
&& (!writable || ((cols[i].rights() & writableRights) == writableRights)))
result += cols[i];
return result;
* Return the collection ID for a given resource ID.
Collection CollectionControlModel::collectionForResource(const QString& resourceId)
const Collection::List cols = instance()->collections();
for (int i = 0, count = cols.count(); i < count; ++i)
if (cols[i].resource() == resourceId)
return cols[i];
return Collection();
#if KDE_IS_VERSION(4,9,80)
* Return whether all enabled collections have been populated.
bool CollectionControlModel::isPopulated(Collection::Id colId)
AkonadiModel* model = AkonadiModel::instance();
Collection::List cols = instance()->collections();
for (int i = 0, count = cols.count(); i < count; ++i)
if ((colId == -1 || colId == cols[i].id())
&& !model->data(model->collectionIndex(cols[i].id()), AkonadiModel::IsPopulatedRole).toBool())
model->refresh(cols[i]); // update with latest data
if (!cols[i].hasAttribute<CollectionAttribute>()
|| cols[i].attribute<CollectionAttribute>()->enabled() == CalEvent::EMPTY)
return false;
return true;
* Wait for one or all enabled collections to be populated.
* Reply = true if successful.
bool CollectionControlModel::waitUntilPopulated(Collection::Id colId, int timeout)
int result = 1;
AkonadiModel* model = AkonadiModel::instance();
while (!model->isCollectionTreeFetched()
|| !isPopulated(colId))
if (!mPopulatedCheckLoop)
mPopulatedCheckLoop = new QEventLoop(this);
if (timeout > 0)
QTimer::singleShot(timeout * 1000, mPopulatedCheckLoop, SLOT(quit()));
result = mPopulatedCheckLoop->exec();
delete mPopulatedCheckLoop;
mPopulatedCheckLoop = 0;
return result;
* Called when the Akonadi server has stopped. Reset the model.
void CollectionControlModel::reset()
delete mPopulatedCheckLoop;
mPopulatedCheckLoop = 0;
// Clear the collections list. This is required because addCollection() or
// setCollections() don't work if the collections which they specify are
// already in the list.
* Exit from the populated event loop when a collection has been populated.
void CollectionControlModel::collectionPopulated()
if (mPopulatedCheckLoop)
* Return the data for a given role, for a specified item.
QVariant CollectionControlModel::data(const QModelIndex& index, int role) const
return sourceModel()->data(mapToSource(index), role);
#include "collectionmodel.moc"
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