2015-04-14 21:49:29 +00:00

435 lines
15 KiB

Copyright (C) 2010 Casey Link <unnamedrambler@gmail.com>
Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB, a KDAB Group company <info@kdab.com>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the
Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
02110-1301, USA.
#include "visualfreebusywidget.h"
#include "freebusyganttproxymodel.h"
#include "freebusyitemmodel.h"
#include <kdgantt2/kdganttgraphicsview.h>
#include <kdgantt2/kdganttview.h>
#include <kdgantt2/kdganttdatetimegrid.h>
#include <kdgantt2/kdganttabstractrowcontroller.h>
#include <KComboBox>
#include <KDebug>
#include <KLocalizedString>
#include <QHeaderView>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QPointer>
#include <QPushButton>
#include <QScrollBar>
#include <QSplitter>
#include <QTreeView>
#include <QVBoxLayout>
using namespace IncidenceEditorNG;
namespace IncidenceEditorNG {
class RowController : public KDGantt::AbstractRowController
static const int ROW_HEIGHT ;
QPointer<QAbstractItemModel> m_model;
mRowHeight = 20;
void setModel( QAbstractItemModel *model )
m_model = model;
int headerHeight() const
return 2 * mRowHeight + 10;
bool isRowVisible( const QModelIndex & ) const
return true;
bool isRowExpanded( const QModelIndex & ) const
return false;
KDGantt::Span rowGeometry( const QModelIndex &idx ) const
return KDGantt::Span( idx.row() * mRowHeight, mRowHeight );
int maximumItemHeight() const
return mRowHeight / 2;
int totalHeight() const
return m_model->rowCount() * mRowHeight;
QModelIndex indexAt( int height ) const
return m_model->index( height / mRowHeight, 0 );
QModelIndex indexBelow( const QModelIndex &idx ) const
if ( !idx.isValid() ) {
return QModelIndex();
return idx.model()->index( idx.row() + 1, idx.column(), idx.parent() );
QModelIndex indexAbove( const QModelIndex &idx ) const
if ( !idx.isValid() ) {
return QModelIndex();
return idx.model()->index( idx.row() - 1, idx.column(), idx.parent() );
void setRowHeight( int height )
mRowHeight = height;
int mRowHeight;
class GanttHeaderView : public QHeaderView
explicit GanttHeaderView( QWidget *parent = 0 ) : QHeaderView( Qt::Horizontal, parent )
QSize sizeHint() const
QSize s = QHeaderView::sizeHint();
s.rheight() *= 2;
return s;
VisualFreeBusyWidget::VisualFreeBusyWidget( FreeBusyItemModel *model, int spacing, QWidget *parent )
: QWidget( parent ), mGanttGrid( 0 ), mScaleCombo( 0 )
QVBoxLayout *topLayout = new QVBoxLayout( this );
topLayout->setSpacing( spacing );
// The control panel for the gantt widget
QBoxLayout *controlLayout = new QHBoxLayout();
controlLayout->setSpacing( topLayout->spacing() );
topLayout->addItem( controlLayout );
QLabel *label = new QLabel( i18nc( "@label", "Scale: " ), this );
controlLayout->addWidget( label );
mScaleCombo = new KComboBox( this );
i18nc( "@info:tooltip", "Set the Gantt chart zoom level" ) );
i18nc( "@info:whatsthis",
"Select the Gantt chart zoom level from one of the following:<nl/>"
"'Hour' shows a range of several hours,<nl/>"
"'Day' shows a range of a few days,<nl/>"
"'Week' shows a range of a few months,<nl/>"
"and 'Month' shows a range of a few years,<nl/>"
"while 'Automatic' selects the range most "
"appropriate for the current event or to-do." ) );
mScaleCombo->addItem( i18nc( "@item:inlistbox range in hours", "Hour" ),
QVariant::fromValue<int>( KDGantt::DateTimeGrid::ScaleHour ) );
mScaleCombo->addItem( i18nc( "@item:inlistbox range in days", "Day" ),
QVariant::fromValue<int>( KDGantt::DateTimeGrid::ScaleDay ) );
mScaleCombo->addItem( i18nc( "@item:inlistbox range in weeks", "Week" ),
QVariant::fromValue<int>( KDGantt::DateTimeGrid::ScaleWeek ) );
mScaleCombo->addItem( i18nc( "@item:inlistbox range in months", "Month" ),
QVariant::fromValue<int>( KDGantt::DateTimeGrid::ScaleMonth ) );
mScaleCombo->addItem( i18nc( "@item:inlistbox range is computed automatically", "Automatic" ),
QVariant::fromValue<int>( KDGantt::DateTimeGrid::ScaleAuto ) );
mScaleCombo->setCurrentIndex( 0 ); // start with "hour"
connect( mScaleCombo, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(slotScaleChanged(int)) );
controlLayout->addWidget( mScaleCombo );
QPushButton *button = new QPushButton( i18nc( "@action:button", "Center on Start" ), this );
i18nc( "@info:tooltip",
"Center the Gantt chart on the event start date and time" ) );
i18nc( "@info:whatsthis",
"Click this button to center the Gantt chart on the start "
"time and day of this event." ) );
connect( button, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotCenterOnStart()) );
controlLayout->addWidget( button );
controlLayout->addStretch( 1 );
button = new QPushButton( i18nc( "@action:button", "Pick Date" ), this );
i18nc( "@info:tooltip",
"Move the event to a date and time when all "
"attendees are available" ) );
i18nc( "@info:whatsthis",
"Click this button to move the event to a date "
"and time when all the attendees have time "
"available in their Free/Busy lists." ) );
connect( button, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotPickDate()) );
controlLayout->addWidget( button );
controlLayout->addStretch( 1 );
button = new QPushButton( i18nc( "@action:button reload freebusy data", "Reload" ), this );
i18nc( "@info:tooltip",
"Reload Free/Busy data for all attendees" ) );
i18nc( "@info:whatsthis",
"Pressing this button will cause the Free/Busy data for all "
"attendees to be reloaded from their corresponding servers." ) );
controlLayout->addWidget( button );
connect( button, SIGNAL(clicked()), SIGNAL(manualReload()) );
QSplitter *splitter = new QSplitter( Qt::Horizontal, this );
connect( splitter, SIGNAL(splitterMoved(int,int)), SLOT(splitterMoved()) );
mLeftView = new QTreeView( this );
mLeftView->setModel( model );
mLeftView->setHeader( new GanttHeaderView );
mLeftView->header()->setStretchLastSection( true );
mLeftView->setRootIsDecorated( false );
mLeftView->setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy( Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff );
mLeftView->setContextMenuPolicy( Qt::CustomContextMenu );
mGanttGraphicsView = new KDGantt::GraphicsView( this );
mGanttGraphicsView->setObjectName( "mGanttGraphicsView" );
i18nc( "@info:tooltip",
"Shows the Free/Busy status of all attendees" ) );
i18nc( "@info:whatsthis",
"Shows the Free/Busy status of all attendees. "
"Double-clicking on an attendee's entry in the "
"list will allow you to enter the location of "
"their Free/Busy Information." ) );
mModel = new FreeBusyGanttProxyModel( this );
mModel->setSourceModel( model );
mRowController = new RowController;
mRowController->setRowHeight( fontMetrics().height() ); //TODO: detect
mRowController->setModel( mModel );
mGanttGraphicsView->setRowController( mRowController );
mGanttGrid = new KDGantt::DateTimeGrid;
mGanttGrid->setScale( KDGantt::DateTimeGrid::ScaleHour );
mGanttGrid->setDayWidth( 800 );
mGanttGrid->setRowSeparators( true );
mGanttGraphicsView->setGrid( mGanttGrid );
mGanttGraphicsView->setModel( mModel );
mGanttGraphicsView->viewport()->setFixedWidth( 800 * 30 );
splitter->addWidget( mLeftView );
splitter->addWidget( mGanttGraphicsView );
topLayout->addWidget( splitter );
topLayout->setStretchFactor( splitter, 100 );
// Initially, show 15 days back and forth
// set start to even hours, i.e. to 12:AM 0 Min 0 Sec
QDateTime horizonStart =
QDateTime( QDateTime::currentDateTime().addDays( -15 ).date() );
QDateTime horizonEnd = QDateTime::currentDateTime().addDays( 15 );
mGanttGrid->setStartDateTime( horizonStart );
//connect( mGanttGraphicsView, SIGNAL(timeIntervalSelected(KDateTime,KDateTime)),
// mGanttGraphicsView, SLOT(zoomToSelection(KDateTime,KDateTime)) );
//connect( mGanttGraphicsView, SIGNAL(doubleClicked(QModelIndex)),
// SLOT(editFreeBusyUrl(QModelIndex)) );
// this, SLOT(slotIntervalColorRectangleMoved(KDateTime,KDateTime)) );
connect( mLeftView, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)),
this, SLOT(showAttendeeStatusMenu()) );
// foreach ( FreeBusyItem::Ptr item, mResolver->freeBusyItems() ) {
// newFreeBusy( item );
// }
void VisualFreeBusyWidget::showAttendeeStatusMenu()
// KMenu *menu = new KMenu( 0 );
// QAction *needsaction =
// menu->addAction( SmallIcon( "help-about" ),
// KCalUtils::Stringify::attendeeStatus( KCalCore::Attendee::NeedsAction ) );
// QAction *accepted =
// menu->addAction( SmallIcon( "dialog-ok-apply" ),
// KCalUtils::Stringify::attendeeStatus( KCalCore::Attendee::Accepted ) );
// QAction *declined =
// menu->addAction( SmallIcon( "dialog-cancel" ),
// KCalUtils::Stringify::attendeeStatus( KCalCore::Attendee::Declined ) );
// QAction *tentative =
// menu->addAction( SmallIcon( "dialog-ok" ),
// KCalUtils::Stringify::attendeeStatus( KCalCore::Attendee::Tentative ) );
// QAction *delegated =
// menu->addAction( SmallIcon( "mail-forward" ),
// KCalUtils::Stringify::attendeeStatus( KCalCore::Attendee::Delegated ) );
// QAction *completed =
// menu->addAction( SmallIcon( "mail-mark-read" ),
// KCalUtils::Stringify::attendeeStatus( KCalCore::Attendee::Completed ) );
// QAction *inprocess =
// menu->addAction( SmallIcon( "help-about" ),
// KCalUtils::Stringify::attendeeStatus( KCalCore::Attendee::InProcess ) );
// QAction *ret = menu->exec( QCursor::pos() );
// delete menu;
// if ( ret == needsaction ) {
// currentAttendee()->setStatus( KCalCore::Attendee::NeedsAction );
// } else if ( ret == accepted ) {
// currentAttendee()->setStatus( KCalCore::Attendee::Accepted );
// } else if ( ret == declined ) {
// currentAttendee()->setStatus( KCalCore::Attendee::Declined );
// } else if ( ret == tentative ) {
// currentAttendee()->setStatus( KCalCore::Attendee::Tentative );
// } else if ( ret == delegated ) {
// currentAttendee()->setStatus( KCalCore::Attendee::Delegated );
// } else if ( ret == completed ) {
// currentAttendee()->setStatus( KCalCore::Attendee::Completed );
// } else if ( ret == inprocess ) {
// currentAttendee()->setStatus( KCalCore::Attendee::InProcess );
// } else {
// return;
// }
// updateCurrentItem();
void VisualFreeBusyWidget::slotCenterOnStart()
KDGantt::DateTimeGrid *grid = static_cast<KDGantt::DateTimeGrid*>( mGanttGraphicsView->grid() );
int daysTo = grid->startDateTime().daysTo( mDtStart.dateTime() );
mGanttGraphicsView->horizontalScrollBar()->setValue( daysTo * 800 );
void VisualFreeBusyWidget::slotIntervalColorRectangleMoved( const KDateTime &start,
const KDateTime &end )
mDtStart = start;
mDtEnd = end;
emit dateTimesChanged( start, end );
This slot is called when the user clicks the "Pick a date" button.
void VisualFreeBusyWidget::slotPickDate()
//TODO implement or discard
// KDateTime::Spec timeSpec = KSystemTimeZones::local();
// KDateTime start = mDtStart;
// KDateTime end = mDtEnd;
// bool success = mResolver->findFreeSlot( KCalCore::Period( start, end ) );
// if ( success ) {
// if ( start == mDtStart && end == mDtEnd ) {
// KMessageBox::information(
// this,
// i18nc( "@info", "The meeting already has suitable start/end times." ),
// QString(),
// "MeetingTimeOKFreeBusy" );
// } else {
// if ( KMessageBox::questionYesNo(
// this,
// i18nc( "@info",
// "The next available time slot for the meeting is:<nl/>"
// "Start: %1<nl/>End: %2<nl/>"
// "Would you like to move the meeting to this time slot?",
// start.dateTime().toString(), end.dateTime().toString() ), QString(),
// KStandardGuiItem::yes(), KStandardGuiItem::no(),
// "MeetingMovedFreeBusy" ) == KMessageBox::Yes ) {
// emit dateTimesChanged( start, end );
// slotUpdateGanttView( start, end );
// }
// }
// } else {
// KMessageBox::sorry( this, i18nc( "@info", "No suitable date found." ) );
// }
void VisualFreeBusyWidget::slotScaleChanged( int newScale )
const QVariant var = mScaleCombo->itemData( newScale );
Q_ASSERT( var.isValid() );
int value = var.value<int>();
mGanttGrid->setScale( ( KDGantt::DateTimeGrid::Scale )value );
void VisualFreeBusyWidget::slotUpdateIncidenceStartEnd( const KDateTime &dtFrom,
const KDateTime &dtTo )
mDtStart = dtFrom;
mDtEnd = dtTo;
QDateTime horizonStart = QDateTime( dtFrom.addDays( -15 ).date() );
KDGantt::DateTimeGrid *grid = static_cast<KDGantt::DateTimeGrid*>( mGanttGraphicsView->grid() );
grid->setStartDateTime( horizonStart );
mGanttGrid->setStartDateTime( horizonStart );
void VisualFreeBusyWidget::slotZoomToTime()
#if 0
kDebug() << "Disabled code, port to KDGantt2";
void VisualFreeBusyWidget::splitterMoved()
// mLeftView->setColumnWidth( 0, mLeftView->width() );