2015-04-14 22:08:21 +00:00

344 lines
17 KiB

* kaeventformatter.cpp - converts KAlarmCal::KAEvent properties to text
* Copyright © 2010,2011 by David Jarvie <djarvie@kde.org>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
* option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public
* License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301, USA.
#include "kaeventformatter.h"
#include <kalarmcal/kacalendar.h>
#include <kalarmcal/kaevent.h>
#include <kalarmcal/datetime.h>
#include <kcalutils/incidenceformatter.h>
#include <kglobal.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kdatetime.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
static QString trueFalse(bool value);
static QString number(unsigned long n);
static QString minutes(int n);
static QString minutesHoursDays(int minutes);
static QString dateTime(const KDateTime&);
KAEventFormatter::KAEventFormatter(const KAEvent& e, bool falseForUnspecified)
: mEvent(e)
if (falseForUnspecified)
mUnspecifiedValue = trueFalse(false);
QString KAEventFormatter::label(Parameter param)
switch (param)
case Id: return i18nc("@label Unique identifier", "UID");
case AlarmType: return i18nc("@label", "Alarm type");
case AlarmCategory: return i18nc("@label", "Alarm status");
case TemplateName: return i18nc("@label", "Template name");
case CreatedTime: return i18nc("@label", "Creation time");
case StartTime: return i18nc("@label", "Start time");
case TemplateAfterTime: return i18nc("@label Start delay configured in an alarm template", "Template after time");
case Recurs: return i18nc("@label", "Recurs");
case Recurrence: return i18nc("@label", "Recurrence");
case SubRepetition: return i18nc("@label", "Sub-repetition");
case RepeatInterval: return i18nc("@label", "Sub-repetition interval");
case RepeatCount: return i18nc("@label", "Sub-repetition count");
case NextRepetition: return i18nc("@label", "Next sub-repetition");
case WorkTimeOnly: return i18nc("@label", "Work time only");
case HolidaysExcluded: return i18nc("@label", "Holidays excluded");
case NextRecurrence: return i18nc("@label", "Next recurrence");
case LateCancel: return i18nc("@label", "Late cancel");
case AutoClose: return i18nc("@label Automatically close window", "Auto close");
case CopyKOrganizer: return i18nc("@label", "Copy to KOrganizer");
case Enabled: return i18nc("@label", "Enabled");
case ReadOnly: return i18nc("@label", "Read-only");
case Archive: return i18nc("@label Whether alarm should be archived", "Archive");
case Revision: return i18nc("@label", "Revision");
case CustomProperties: return i18nc("@label", "Custom properties");
case MessageText: return i18nc("@label", "Message text");
case MessageFile: return i18nc("@label File to provide text for message", "Message file");
case FgColour: return i18nc("@label", "Foreground color");
case BgColour: return i18nc("@label", "Background color");
case Font: return i18nc("@label", "Font");
case PreAction: return i18nc("@label Shell command to execute before alarm", "Pre-alarm action");
case PreActionCancel: return i18nc("@label", "Pre-alarm action cancel");
case PreActionNoError: return i18nc("@label", "Pre-alarm action no error");
case PostAction: return i18nc("@label Shell command to execute after alarm", "Post-alarm action");
case ConfirmAck: return i18nc("@label", "Confirm acknowledgement");
case KMailSerial: return i18nc("@label", "KMail serial number");
case Sound: return i18nc("@label Audio method", "Sound");
case SoundRepeat: return i18nc("@label Whether audio should repeat", "Sound repeat");
case SoundVolume: return i18nc("@label", "Sound volume");
case SoundFadeVolume: return i18nc("@label", "Sound fade volume");
case SoundFadeTime: return i18nc("@label", "Sound fade time");
case Reminder: return i18nc("@label Whether the alarm has a reminder", "Reminder");
case ReminderOnce: return i18nc("@label Whether reminder is on first recurrence only", "Reminder once only");
case DeferralType: return i18nc("@label Deferral type", "Deferral");
case DeferralTime: return i18nc("@label", "Deferral time");
case DeferDefault: return i18nc("@label Default deferral delay", "Deferral default");
case DeferDefaultDate: return i18nc("@label Whether deferral time is date-only by default", "Deferral default date only");
case Command: return i18nc("@label A shell command", "Command");
case LogFile: return i18nc("@label", "Log file");
case CommandXTerm: return i18nc("@label Execute in terminal window", "Execute in terminal");
case EmailSubject: return i18nc("@label", "Email subject");
case EmailFromId: return i18nc("@label Email address", "Email sender ID");
case EmailTo: return i18nc("@label Email address", "Email to");
case EmailBcc: return i18nc("@label true/false", "Email bcc");
case EmailBody: return i18nc("@label", "Email body");
case EmailAttachments: return i18nc("@label", "Email attachments");
return QString();
bool KAEventFormatter::isApplicable(Parameter param) const
switch (param)
case Id:
case AlarmType:
case AlarmCategory:
case CreatedTime:
case StartTime:
case Recurs:
case LateCancel:
case Enabled:
case ReadOnly:
case Archive:
case Revision:
case CustomProperties:
case CopyKOrganizer:
return true;
case TemplateName:
case TemplateAfterTime:
return mEvent.isTemplate();
case Recurrence:
case RepeatCount:
case SubRepetition:
case WorkTimeOnly:
case HolidaysExcluded:
case NextRecurrence:
return mEvent.recurs();
case RepeatInterval:
case NextRepetition:
return mEvent.repetition();
case AutoClose:
return mEvent.lateCancel();
case MessageText:
return mEvent.actionSubType() == KAEvent::MESSAGE;
case MessageFile:
return mEvent.actionSubType() == KAEvent::FILE;
case FgColour:
case BgColour:
case Font:
case PreAction:
case PostAction:
case ConfirmAck:
case KMailSerial:
case Reminder:
case DeferralType:
case DeferDefault:
return mEvent.actionTypes() & KAEvent::ACT_DISPLAY;
case ReminderOnce:
return mEvent.reminderMinutes() && mEvent.recurs();
case DeferralTime:
return mEvent.deferred();
case DeferDefaultDate:
return mEvent.deferDefaultMinutes() > 0;
case PreActionCancel:
case PreActionNoError:
return !mEvent.preAction().isEmpty();
case Sound:
return mEvent.actionSubType() == KAEvent::MESSAGE || mEvent.actionSubType() == KAEvent::AUDIO;
case SoundRepeat:
return !mEvent.audioFile().isEmpty();
case SoundVolume:
return mEvent.soundVolume() >= 0;
case SoundFadeVolume:
case SoundFadeTime:
return mEvent.fadeVolume() >= 0;
case Command:
case LogFile:
case CommandXTerm:
return mEvent.actionSubType() == KAEvent::COMMAND;
case EmailSubject:
case EmailFromId:
case EmailTo:
case EmailBcc:
case EmailBody:
case EmailAttachments:
return mEvent.actionSubType() == KAEvent::EMAIL;
return false;
QString KAEventFormatter::value(Parameter param) const
switch (param)
case Id: return mEvent.id();
case AlarmType:
switch (mEvent.actionSubType())
case KAEvent::MESSAGE: return i18nc("@info/plain Alarm type", "Display (text)");
case KAEvent::FILE: return i18nc("@info/plain Alarm type", "Display (file)");
case KAEvent::COMMAND: return mEvent.commandDisplay()
? i18nc("@info/plain Alarm type", "Display (command)")
: i18nc("@info/plain Alarm type", "Command");
case KAEvent::EMAIL: return i18nc("@info/plain Alarm type", "Email");
case KAEvent::AUDIO: return i18nc("@info/plain Alarm type", "Audio");
case AlarmCategory:
switch (mEvent.category())
case CalEvent::ACTIVE: return i18nc("@info/plain Alarm type", "Active");
case CalEvent::ARCHIVED: return i18nc("@info/plain Alarm type", "Archived");
case CalEvent::TEMPLATE: return i18nc("@info/plain Alarm type", "Template");
case TemplateName: return mEvent.templateName();
case CreatedTime: return mEvent.createdDateTime().toUtc().toString(QLatin1String("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%SZ"));
case StartTime: return dateTime(mEvent.startDateTime().kDateTime());
case TemplateAfterTime: return (mEvent.templateAfterTime() >= 0) ? number(mEvent.templateAfterTime()) : trueFalse(false);
case Recurs: return trueFalse(mEvent.recurs());
case Recurrence:
if (mEvent.repeatAtLogin(true))
return i18nc("@info/plain Repeat at login", "At login until %1", dateTime(mEvent.mainDateTime().kDateTime()));
KCalCore::Event::Ptr eptr(new KCalCore::Event);
mEvent.updateKCalEvent(eptr, KAEvent::UID_SET);
return KCalUtils::IncidenceFormatter::recurrenceString(eptr);
case NextRecurrence: return dateTime(mEvent.mainDateTime().kDateTime());
case SubRepetition: return trueFalse(mEvent.repetition());
case RepeatInterval: return mEvent.repetitionText(true);
case RepeatCount: return mEvent.repetition() ? number(mEvent.repetition().count()) : QString();
case NextRepetition: return mEvent.repetition() ? number(mEvent.nextRepetition()) : QString();
case WorkTimeOnly: return trueFalse(mEvent.workTimeOnly());
case HolidaysExcluded: return trueFalse(mEvent.holidaysExcluded());
case LateCancel: return mEvent.lateCancel() ? minutesHoursDays(mEvent.lateCancel()) : trueFalse(false);
case AutoClose: return trueFalse(mEvent.lateCancel() ? mEvent.autoClose() : false);
case CopyKOrganizer: return trueFalse(mEvent.copyToKOrganizer());
case Enabled: return trueFalse(mEvent.enabled());
case ReadOnly: return trueFalse(mEvent.isReadOnly());
case Archive: return trueFalse(mEvent.toBeArchived());
case Revision: return number(mEvent.revision());
case CustomProperties:
if (mEvent.customProperties().isEmpty())
return QString();
QString value;
for (QMap<QByteArray, QString>::ConstIterator it = mEvent.customProperties().constBegin(); it != mEvent.customProperties().constEnd(); ++it)
value += QString::fromLatin1(it.key()) + QLatin1String(":") + it.value() + QLatin1String("<nl/>");
return i18nc("@info/plain", "%1", value);
case MessageText: return (mEvent.actionSubType() == KAEvent::MESSAGE) ? mEvent.cleanText() : QString();
case MessageFile: return (mEvent.actionSubType() == KAEvent::FILE) ? mEvent.cleanText() : QString();
case FgColour: return mEvent.fgColour().name();
case BgColour: return mEvent.bgColour().name();
case Font: return mEvent.useDefaultFont() ? i18nc("@info/plain Using default font", "Default") : mEvent.font().toString();
case PreActionCancel: return trueFalse(mEvent.cancelOnPreActionError());
case PreActionNoError: return trueFalse(mEvent.dontShowPreActionError());
case PreAction: return mEvent.preAction();
case PostAction: return mEvent.postAction();
case Reminder: return mEvent.reminderMinutes() ? minutesHoursDays(mEvent.reminderMinutes()) : trueFalse(false);
case ReminderOnce: return trueFalse(mEvent.reminderOnceOnly());
case DeferralType: return mEvent.reminderDeferral() ? i18nc("@info/plain", "Reminder") : trueFalse(mEvent.deferred());
case DeferralTime: return mEvent.deferred() ? dateTime(mEvent.deferDateTime().kDateTime()) : trueFalse(false);
case DeferDefault: return (mEvent.deferDefaultMinutes() > 0) ? minutes(mEvent.deferDefaultMinutes()) : trueFalse(false);
case DeferDefaultDate: return trueFalse(mEvent.deferDefaultDateOnly());
case ConfirmAck: return trueFalse(mEvent.confirmAck());
case KMailSerial: return mEvent.kmailSerialNumber() ? number(mEvent.kmailSerialNumber()) : trueFalse(false);
case Sound: return !mEvent.audioFile().isEmpty() ? mEvent.audioFile()
: mEvent.speak() ? i18nc("@info/plain", "Speak")
: mEvent.beep() ? i18nc("@info/plain", "Beep") : trueFalse(false);
case SoundRepeat: return trueFalse(mEvent.repeatSound());
case SoundVolume: return mEvent.soundVolume() >= 0
? i18nc("@info/plain Percentage", "%1%%", static_cast<int>(mEvent.soundVolume() * 100))
: mUnspecifiedValue;
case SoundFadeVolume: return mEvent.fadeVolume() >= 0
? i18nc("@info/plain Percentage", "%1%%", static_cast<int>(mEvent.fadeVolume() * 100))
: mUnspecifiedValue;
case SoundFadeTime: return mEvent.fadeSeconds()
? i18ncp("@info/plain", "1 Second", "%1 Seconds", mEvent.fadeSeconds())
: mUnspecifiedValue;
case Command: return (mEvent.actionSubType() == KAEvent::COMMAND) ? mEvent.cleanText() : QString();
case LogFile: return mEvent.logFile();
case CommandXTerm: return trueFalse(mEvent.commandXterm());
case EmailSubject: return mEvent.emailSubject();
case EmailFromId: return (mEvent.actionSubType() == KAEvent::EMAIL) ? number(mEvent.emailFromId()) : QString();
case EmailTo: return mEvent.emailAddresses(QLatin1String(", "));
case EmailBcc: return trueFalse(mEvent.emailBcc());
case EmailBody: return mEvent.emailMessage();
case EmailAttachments: return mEvent.emailAttachments(QLatin1String(", "));
return i18nc("@info/plain Error indication", "error!");
QString trueFalse(bool value)
return value ? i18nc("@info/plain General purpose status indication: yes or no", "Yes")
: i18nc("@info/plain General purpose status indication: yes or no", "No");
// Convert an integer to digits for the locale.
// Do not use for date/time or monetary numbers (which have their own digit sets).
QString number(unsigned long n)
KLocale* locale = KGlobal::locale();
return locale->convertDigits(QString::number(n), locale->digitSet());
QString minutes(int n)
return i18ncp("@info/plain", "1 Minute", "%1 Minutes", n);
QString dateTime(const KDateTime& dt)
if (dt.isDateOnly())
return dt.toString(QLatin1String("%Y-%m-%d %:Z"));
return dt.toString(QLatin1String("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M %:Z"));
QString minutesHoursDays(int minutes)
if (minutes % 60)
return i18ncp("@info/plain", "1 Minute", "%1 Minutes", minutes);
else if (minutes % 1440)
return i18ncp("@info/plain", "1 Hour", "%1 Hours", minutes/60);
return i18ncp("@info/plain", "1 Day", "%1 Days", minutes/1440);
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