/* Copyright (c) 2006 - 2007 Volker Krause Copyright (c) 2007 Robert Zwerus Copyright (c) 2014 Daniel Vrátil This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "itemcreatejob.h" #include "collection.h" #include "imapparser_p.h" #include "item.h" #include "item_p.h" #include "itemserializer_p.h" #include "job_p.h" #include "protocolhelper_p.h" #include "gid/gidextractor_p.h" #include #include #include using namespace Akonadi; class Akonadi::ItemCreateJobPrivate : public JobPrivate { public: ItemCreateJobPrivate(ItemCreateJob *parent) : JobPrivate(parent) , mMergeOptions(ItemCreateJob::NoMerge) , mItemReceived(false) { } QByteArray nextPartHeader(); Collection mCollection; Item mItem; QSet mParts; Item::Id mUid; QDateTime mDatetime; QByteArray mPendingData; ItemCreateJob::MergeOptions mMergeOptions; bool mItemReceived; }; QByteArray ItemCreateJobPrivate::nextPartHeader() { QByteArray command; if (!mParts.isEmpty()) { QSetIterator it(mParts); const QByteArray label = it.next(); mParts.remove(label); mPendingData.clear(); int version = 0; ItemSerializer::serialize(mItem, label, mPendingData, version); command += ' ' + ProtocolHelper::encodePartIdentifier(ProtocolHelper::PartPayload, label, version); if (mPendingData.size() > 0) { command += " {" + QByteArray::number(mPendingData.size()) + "}\n"; } else { if (mPendingData.isNull()) { command += " NIL"; } else { command += " \"\""; } command += nextPartHeader(); } } else { command += ")\n"; } return command; } ItemCreateJob::ItemCreateJob(const Item &item, const Collection &collection, QObject *parent) : Job(new ItemCreateJobPrivate(this), parent) { Q_D(ItemCreateJob); Q_ASSERT(!item.mimeType().isEmpty()); d->mItem = item; d->mParts = d->mItem.loadedPayloadParts(); d->mCollection = collection; } ItemCreateJob::~ItemCreateJob() { } void ItemCreateJob::doStart() { Q_D(ItemCreateJob); QByteArray remoteId; QList flags; flags.append("\\MimeType[" + d->mItem.mimeType().toLatin1() + ']'); const QString gid = GidExtractor::getGid(d->mItem); if (!gid.isNull()) { flags.append(ImapParser::quote("\\Gid[" + gid.toUtf8() + ']')); } if (!d->mItem.remoteId().isEmpty()) { flags.append(ImapParser::quote("\\RemoteId[" + d->mItem.remoteId().toUtf8() + ']')); } if (!d->mItem.remoteRevision().isEmpty()) { flags.append(ImapParser::quote("\\RemoteRevision[" + d->mItem.remoteRevision().toUtf8() + ']')); } const bool mergeByGid = (d->mMergeOptions & GID) && !d->mItem.gid().isEmpty(); const bool mergeByRid = (d->mMergeOptions & RID) && !d->mItem.remoteId().isEmpty(); const bool mergeSilent = (d->mMergeOptions & Silent); const bool merge = mergeByGid || mergeByRid; if (d->mItem.d_func()->mFlagsOverwritten || !merge) { flags += d->mItem.flags().toList(); } else { Q_FOREACH(const QByteArray &flag, d->mItem.d_func()->mAddedFlags.toList()) { flags += "+" + flag; } Q_FOREACH(const QByteArray &flag, d->mItem.d_func()->mDeletedFlags.toList()) { flags += "-" + flag; } } if (d->mItem.d_func()->mTagsOverwritten || !merge) { Q_FOREACH(const Akonadi::Tag &tag, d->mItem.d_func()->mAddedTags) { if (tag.gid().isEmpty() && !tag.remoteId().isEmpty()) { flags += "\\RTag[" + tag.remoteId() + ']'; } else if (!tag.gid().isEmpty()) { flags += "\\Tag[" + tag.gid() + ']'; } } } else { Q_FOREACH(const Akonadi::Tag &tag, d->mItem.d_func()->mAddedTags) { if (tag.gid().isEmpty() && !tag.remoteId().isEmpty()) { flags += "+\\RTag[" + tag.remoteId() + ']'; } else if (!tag.gid().isEmpty()) { flags += "+\\Tag[" + tag.gid() + ']'; } } Q_FOREACH(const Akonadi::Tag &tag, d->mItem.d_func()->mDeletedTags) { if (tag.gid().isEmpty() && !tag.remoteId().isEmpty()) { flags += "-\\RTag[" + tag.remoteId() + ']'; } else if (!tag.gid().isEmpty()) { flags += "-\\Tag[" + tag.gid() + ']'; } } } QByteArray command = d->newTag(); if (merge) { QList mergeArgs; if (mergeByGid) { mergeArgs << "GID"; } if (mergeByRid) { mergeArgs << "REMOTEID"; } if (mergeSilent) { mergeArgs << "SILENT"; } command += " MERGE (" + ImapParser::join(mergeArgs, " ") + ") "; } else { command += " X-AKAPPEND "; } command += QByteArray::number(d->mCollection.id()) + ' ' + QByteArray::number(d->mItem.size()) + " (" + ImapParser::join(flags, " ") + ")" + " ("; // list of parts const QByteArray attrs = ProtocolHelper::attributesToByteArray(d->mItem, true); if (!attrs.isEmpty()) { command += attrs; } command += d->nextPartHeader(); d->writeData(command); } void ItemCreateJob::doHandleResponse(const QByteArray &tag, const QByteArray &data) { Q_D(ItemCreateJob); if (tag == "+") { // ready for literal data if (data.startsWith("STREAM")) { QByteArray error; if (!ProtocolHelper::streamPayloadToFile(data, d->mPendingData, error)) { d->writeData("* NO " + error); return; } } else { d->writeData(d->mPendingData); } d->writeData(d->nextPartHeader()); return; } if (tag == "*") { int begin = data.indexOf("FETCH"); if (begin >= 0) { QList fetchResponse; ImapParser::parseParenthesizedList(data, fetchResponse, begin + 6); Item item; ProtocolHelper::parseItemFetchResult(fetchResponse, item); if (!item.isValid()) { // Error, maybe? return; } d->mItemReceived = true; d->mItem = item; } return; } if (tag == d->tag()) { int uidNextPos = data.indexOf("UIDNEXT"); if (uidNextPos != -1) { bool ok = false; ImapParser::parseNumber(data, d->mUid, &ok, uidNextPos + 7); if (!ok) { kDebug() << "Invalid UIDNEXT response to APPEND command: " << tag << data; } } int dateTimePos = data.indexOf("DATETIME"); if (dateTimePos != -1) { int resultPos = ImapParser::parseDateTime(data, d->mDatetime, dateTimePos + 8); if (resultPos == (dateTimePos + 8)) { kDebug() << "Invalid DATETIME response to APPEND command: " << tag << data; } } } } void ItemCreateJob::setMerge(ItemCreateJob::MergeOptions options) { Q_D(ItemCreateJob); d->mMergeOptions = options; } Item ItemCreateJob::item() const { Q_D(const ItemCreateJob); if (d->mItemReceived) { return d->mItem; } if (d->mUid == 0) { return Item(); } Item item(d->mItem); item.setId(d->mUid); item.setRevision(0); item.setModificationTime(d->mDatetime); item.setParentCollection(d->mCollection); item.setStorageCollectionId(d->mCollection.id()); return item; }