KOptionsDlgS 0 0 572 420 Options true General General Options Enable commands in replace strings Backup copy suffix: false Notif&y on errors Case sensitive Recursive (search/replace in all sub folders) true Enable regular e&xpressions Do &backup copy Encoding of the files: false 3 0 0 0 &Advanced Advanced Options Ignore hidden files and folders Follow s&ymbolic links When searching, stop on first string found (faster but no details) true Do not show file if no strings are found or replaced 16 20 QSizePolicy::Fixed Qt::Qt::Horizontal false Show confirmation dialog false Confirm before replace each string true &Help 202 20 QSizePolicy::Expanding Qt::Qt::Horizontal &Default Values &OK &Cancel KComboBox QComboBox
tabWidget2 m_cbEncoding m_chbCaseSensitive m_chbRecursive m_chbRegularExpressions m_chbVariables m_chbNotifyOnErrors m_chbBackup m_leBackup m_pbDefault m_pbOK m_pbCancel m_pbHelp m_chbConfirmStrings m_chbShowConfirmDialog m_chbIgnoreFiles m_chbHaltOnFirstOccurrence m_chbFollowSymLinks m_chbIgnoreHidden m_pbCancel clicked() KOptionsDlgS reject()