kjots - a note taker ------------------------------------ (C) 2005 Jaison Lee (C) 2002, 2003 Aaron J. Seigo (C) 1997 Christoph Neerfeld (Christoph.Neerfeld@home.ivm.de) You may distribute kjots under the terms of the GNU General Public License. kjots is a small note taker program. Name and idea are taken from the jots program included in the tkgoodstuff package. The tkgoodstuff package is copyright (C) 1995-96 by Mark Crimmins (markcrim@umich.edu). Bugs: - see the BUGS doc or http://bugs.kde.org TODO: - see "wishlist" items at http://bugs.kde.org Install: - No INSTALL file yet. Generally, you'd install the kdepim package. If you find bugs or have suggestions, send me an email