SettingsDialog 0 0 547 386 0 Directory Directory Name &Directory: kcfg_Path Select the directory whose contents should be represented by this resource. If the directory does not exist, it will be created. true Access Rights Read only If read-only mode is enabled, no changes will be written to the directory selected above. Read-only mode will be automatically enabled if you do not have write access to the directory. true Qt::Vertical 20 4 Tuning The options on this page allow you to change parameters that balance data safety and consistency against performance. In general you should be careful with changing anything here, the defaults are good enough in most cases. true Autosave delay: 1 0 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Qt::Vertical 20 138 KIntSpinBox QSpinBox
KTabWidget QTabWidget
KUrlRequester QFrame
kcfg_ReadOnly toggled(bool) kcfg_AutosaveInterval setDisabled(bool) 273 205 157 101 kcfg_ReadOnly toggled(bool) autosaveLabel setDisabled(bool) 273 205 56 101