/* kpgpkey.cpp Copyright (C) 2001,2002 the KPGP authors See file AUTHORS.kpgp for details This file is part of KPGP, the KDE PGP/GnuPG support library. KPGP is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include "kpgpkey.h" #include "kdebug.h" #include namespace Kpgp { /* member functions of Kpgp::KeyIDList --------------------------------- */ /** Converts from a KeyIDList to a QStringList. */ QStringList KeyIDList::toStringList() const { QStringList res; for( KeyIDList::ConstIterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) { res << QLatin1String((*it).data()); } return res; } /** Converts from a QStringList to a KeyIDList. */ KeyIDList KeyIDList::fromStringList( const QStringList& l ) { KeyIDList res; QStringList::ConstIterator end(l.end()); for( QStringList::ConstIterator it = l.begin(); it != end; ++it ) { res << (*it).toLocal8Bit(); } return res; } /* member functions of Kpgp::UserID ------------------------------------ */ UserID::UserID(const QString& str, const Validity validity, const bool revoked, const bool invalid) { mText = str; mValidity = validity; mRevoked = revoked; mInvalid = invalid; } /* member functions of Kpgp::Subkey ------------------------------------ */ Subkey::Subkey(const KeyID& keyID, const bool secret) { mSecret = secret; mKeyID = keyID; mRevoked = false; mExpired = false; mDisabled = false; mInvalid = false; mCanEncrypt = false; mCanSign = false; mCanCertify = false; mKeyAlgo = 0; mKeyLen = 0; mFingerprint = 0; mTimestamp = 0; mExpiration = 0; } /* member functions of Kpgp::Key --------------------------------------- */ Key::Key(const KeyID& keyid, const QString& uid, const bool secret) : mSubkeys(), mUserIDs() { mSecret = secret; if (!keyid.isEmpty()) addSubkey(keyid, secret); if (!uid.isEmpty()) addUserID(uid); mRevoked = false; mExpired = false; mDisabled = false; mInvalid = false; mCanEncrypt = false; mCanSign = false; mCanCertify = false; mEncryptPref = UnknownEncryptPref; } Key::~Key() { //kDebug( 5326 ) <<"Kpgp::Key: Deleting key" << primaryUserID(); qDeleteAll( mUserIDs ); mUserIDs.clear(); qDeleteAll( mSubkeys ); mSubkeys.clear(); } void Key::clear() { mSecret = false; mRevoked = false; mExpired = false; mDisabled = false; mInvalid = false; mCanEncrypt = false; mCanSign = false; mCanCertify = false; mEncryptPref = UnknownEncryptPref; qDeleteAll( mSubkeys ); mSubkeys.clear(); qDeleteAll( mUserIDs ); mUserIDs.clear(); } Validity Key::keyTrust() const { Validity trust = KPGP_VALIDITY_UNKNOWN; foreach ( UserID* userId, mUserIDs ) { if( userId->validity() > trust ) trust = userId->validity(); } return trust; } Validity Key::keyTrust( const QString& uid ) const { Validity trust = KPGP_VALIDITY_UNKNOWN; if( uid.isEmpty() ) return trust; foreach ( UserID* userId, mUserIDs ) { if( userId->text() == uid ) trust = userId->validity(); } return trust; } void Key::cloneKeyTrust( const Key* key ) { if( !key ) return; foreach ( UserID* userId, mUserIDs ) { userId->setValidity( key->keyTrust( userId->text() ) ); } } bool Key::isValid() const { return ( !mRevoked && !mExpired && !mDisabled && !mInvalid ); } bool Key::isValidEncryptionKey() const { return ( !mRevoked && !mExpired && !mDisabled && !mInvalid && mCanEncrypt ); } bool Key::isValidSigningKey() const { return ( !mRevoked && !mExpired && !mDisabled && !mInvalid && mCanSign ); } void Key::addUserID(const QString &uid, const Validity validity, const bool revoked, const bool invalid) { if (!uid.isEmpty()) { UserID *userID = new UserID(uid, validity, revoked, invalid); mUserIDs.append(userID); } } bool Key::matchesUserID(const QString& str, bool cs) { if (str.isEmpty() || mUserIDs.isEmpty()) return false; foreach ( UserID *userId, mUserIDs ) { if ((userId->text().indexOf(str, 0, cs?Qt::CaseSensitive:Qt::CaseInsensitive)) != -1) return true; } return false; } void Key::addSubkey(const KeyID& keyID, const bool secret) { if (!keyID.isEmpty()) { Subkey *key = new Subkey(keyID, secret); mSubkeys.append(key); } } Subkey *Key::getSubkey(const KeyID& keyID) { if (keyID.isEmpty() || mSubkeys.isEmpty()) return 0; // is the given key ID a long (16 chars) or a short (8 chars) key ID? bool longKeyID = (keyID.length() == 16); foreach ( Subkey* subKey, mSubkeys ) { if (longKeyID) { if (subKey->longKeyID() == keyID) return subKey; } else { if (subKey->keyID() == keyID) return subKey; } } return 0; } void Key::setFingerprint(const KeyID& keyID, const QByteArray &fpr) { Subkey *key; if ((key = getSubkey(keyID)) != 0) { key->setFingerprint(fpr); } else kDebug(5326) <<"Error: Can't set fingerprint. A subkey with key ID 0x" << keyID << "doesn't exist."; } } // namespace Kpgp