/* Copyright 2009 James Bendig This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License or (at your option) version 3 or any later version accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy defined in Section 14 of version 3 of the license. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "themecombobox.h" #include "messagelist/utils/themecombobox.h" #include "messagelist/utils/themecombobox_p.h" #include "messagelist/storagemodel.h" #include "messagelist/core/manager.h" #include "messagelist/core/theme.h" #include "messagelist/core/settings.h" #include using namespace MessageList::Core; using namespace MessageList::Utils; ThemeComboBox::ThemeComboBox( QWidget * parent ) : KComboBox( parent ), d( new ThemeComboBoxPrivate( this ) ) { if( Manager::instance() ) d->slotLoadThemes(); else setEnabled(false); } ThemeComboBox::~ThemeComboBox() { delete d; } QString ThemeComboBox::currentTheme() const { return itemData( currentIndex() ).toString(); } void ThemeComboBox::writeDefaultConfig() const { KConfigGroup group( Settings::self()->config(), "MessageListView::StorageModelThemes" ); const QString themeID = currentTheme(); group.writeEntry( QLatin1String( "DefaultSet" ), themeID ); if (Manager::instance()) Manager::instance()->themesConfigurationCompleted(); } void ThemeComboBox::writeStorageModelConfig( const Akonadi::Collection &col, bool isPrivateSetting ) const { if ( col.isValid() ) writeStorageModelConfig( QString::number( col.id() ), isPrivateSetting ); } void ThemeComboBox::writeStorageModelConfig( MessageList::Core::StorageModel *storageModel, bool isPrivateSetting ) const { writeStorageModelConfig( storageModel->id(), isPrivateSetting ); } void ThemeComboBox::writeStorageModelConfig( const QString &id, bool isPrivateSetting )const { if (Manager::instance()) { QString themeID; if ( isPrivateSetting ) { themeID = currentTheme(); } else { // explicitly use default theme id when using default theme. themeID = Manager::instance()->defaultTheme()->id(); } Manager::instance()->saveThemeForStorageModel( id, themeID, isPrivateSetting ); Manager::instance()->themesConfigurationCompleted(); } } void ThemeComboBox::readStorageModelConfig( const Akonadi::Collection& col, bool &isPrivateSetting ) { if (Manager::instance()) { const Theme *theme = Manager::instance()->themeForStorageModel( col, &isPrivateSetting ); d->setCurrentTheme( theme ); } } void ThemeComboBox::readStorageModelConfig( MessageList::Core::StorageModel *storageModel, bool &isPrivateSetting ) { if (Manager::instance()) { const Theme *theme = Manager::instance()->themeForStorageModel( storageModel, &isPrivateSetting ); d->setCurrentTheme( theme ); } } void ThemeComboBox::selectDefault() { if (Manager::instance()) { const Theme *defaultTheme = Manager::instance()->defaultTheme(); d->setCurrentTheme( defaultTheme ); } } void ThemeComboBoxPrivate::slotLoadThemes() { if (!Manager::instance()) return; q->clear(); // Get all message list themes and sort them into alphabetical order. QList< Theme * > themes = Manager::instance()->themes().values(); qSort( themes.begin(), themes.end(), MessageList::Core::Theme::compareName ); foreach( const Theme * theme, themes ) { q->addItem( theme->name(), QVariant( theme->id() ) ); } } void ThemeComboBoxPrivate::setCurrentTheme( const Theme *theme ) { Q_ASSERT( theme != 0 ); const QString themeID = theme->id(); const int themeIndex = q->findData( QVariant( themeID ) ); q->setCurrentIndex( themeIndex ); } #include "moc_themecombobox.cpp"