/* This file is part of KCachegrind. Copyright (C) 2003 Josef Weidendorfer KCachegrind is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ /* * MultiView, enclosing multiple TabView's with a user choosable * active view (i.e. focus), separated by a splitter. * Selection of the active view is shown in the next to the right view * (with wrap around). */ #include "multiview.h" #include #include "config.h" #include "tabview.h" // // MultiView // MultiView::MultiView(TopLevelBase* top, QWidget* parent) : QSplitter(parent), TraceItemView(0, top) { // default setOrientation(Qt::Horizontal); appendView(); _active = _views.first(); _active->setActive(true); } void MultiView::setData(TraceData* d) { TraceItemView::setData(d); foreach(TabView* tv, _views) tv->setData(d); } void MultiView::setChildCount(int n) { while(n< _views.count()) removeView(); while(n> _views.count()) appendView(); } void MultiView::appendView() { int n = _views.count()+1; TabView* tv = new TabView(this, this); tv->setObjectName(QString("TabView-%1").arg(n)); connect(tv, SIGNAL(tabActivated(TabView*)), this, SLOT(tabActivated(TabView*)) ); _views.append(tv); tv->show(); // no need to waste time with update merging tv->setMergeUpdates(false); // set same attributes as in active view tv->set(0, _data, _eventType, _eventType2, _groupType, _partList, _activeItem, 0); if (0) qDebug() << "MultiView::appendView, now " << _views.count(); } void MultiView::removeView() { if (_views.count()<=1) return; TabView* last = _views.last(); // if last tab is active, make first active if (last == _active) { TabView* newActive = _views.first(); newActive->setActive(true); tabActivated(newActive); } _views.removeAll(last); delete last; if (0) qDebug() << "MultiView::removeView, now " << _views.count(); } void MultiView::tabActivated(TabView* newActiveTab) { if (_active == newActiveTab) return; if (0) qDebug() << "MultiView::tabActivated " << newActiveTab->objectName(); CostItem* oldActiveItem = 0; if (_active) { oldActiveItem = _active->activeItem(); _active->setActive(false); } _active = newActiveTab; // make the active item of the new TabView active if (_active && (oldActiveItem != _active->activeItem())) TraceItemView::activated(_active->activeItem()); } void MultiView::selected(TraceItemView* sender, CostItem* i) { if (0) qDebug() << "MultiView::selected " << i->name() << ", sender " << sender->widget()->objectName(); // we react only on selection changes of the active TabView if (sender != (TraceItemView*)_active) return; int idx = _views.indexOf(_active); idx++; if (idx == _views.count()) idx = 0; TabView* next = _views.at(idx); // do not change item of active tab if (next == _active) return; next->activate(i); } void MultiView::activated(TraceItemView* sender, CostItem* i) { if (0) qDebug() << "MultiView::activated " << i->name() << ", sender " << sender->widget()->objectName(); // we react only on selection changes of the active TabView if (sender != (TraceItemView*)_active) return; TraceItemView::activated(sender,i); } void MultiView::doUpdate(int changeType, bool force) { foreach(TabView* tv, _views) { tv->set(changeType, _data, _eventType, _eventType2, _groupType, _partList, (tv == _active) ? _activeItem : tv->activeItem(), tv->selectedItem()); tv->notifyChange(changeType); if (tv->isViewVisible()) tv->updateView(force); } } void MultiView::restoreLayout(const QString& prefix, const QString& postfix) { ConfigGroup* g = ConfigStorage::group(prefix, postfix); int panelCount = g->value("Panels", 1).toInt();; QString o = g->value("Orientation", QString("Vertical")).toString(); QString active = g->value("ActivePanel", QString()).toString(); setChildCount(panelCount); setOrientation( o == QString("Horizontal") ? Qt::Horizontal : Qt::Vertical ); if ( panelCount>1 ) { QList sizes = toIntList(g->value("PanelSizes", QStringList()).toStringList()); setSizes(sizes); } delete g; TabView* activeTV = 0; foreach(TabView* tv, _views) { if (tv->objectName() == active) activeTV=tv; tv->restoreLayout( QString("%1-%2").arg(prefix).arg(tv->objectName()), postfix); } // activate panel after restoring if (!activeTV) activeTV = _views.first(); if (_active == activeTV) TraceItemView::activated(_active->activeItem()); else activeTV->setActive(true); } void MultiView::saveLayout(const QString& prefix, const QString& postfix) { ConfigGroup* g = ConfigStorage::group(prefix + postfix); g->setValue("Panels", childCount()); g->setValue("Orientation", QString( (orientation() == Qt::Horizontal) ? "Horizontal" : "Vertical"), QString("Vertical")); g->setValue("PanelSizes", toStringList(sizes())); g->setValue("ActivePanel", _active ? QString(_active->objectName()) : QString("none")); delete g; foreach(TabView* tv, _views) tv->saveLayout(QString("%1-%2").arg(prefix).arg(tv->objectName()), postfix); } void MultiView::restoreOptions(const QString& prefix, const QString& postfix) { foreach(TabView* tv, _views) tv->restoreOptions(QString("%1-%2").arg(prefix).arg(tv->objectName()), postfix); } void MultiView::saveOptions(const QString& prefix, const QString& postfix) { foreach(TabView* tv, _views) tv->saveOptions(QString("%1-%2").arg(prefix).arg(tv->objectName()), postfix); } #include "moc_multiview.cpp"