Olivier Trichet <nive@nivalis.org> KNode::IdentityEditionDialog 0 0 455 531 0 0 407 229 Identity: mIdentitySelector 0 0 0 0 28 28 28 28 Create an identity 0 0 28 28 28 28 Duplicate this identity 0 0 28 28 28 28 Rename this identity 0 0 28 28 28 28 Remove this identity QFormLayout::ExpandingFieldsGrow <qt> <p>Your name as it will appear to others reading your articles.</p> <p>Ex: <b>John Stuart Masterson III</b>.</p> </qt> Name: mNameEdit <qt> <p>Your name as it will appear to others reading your articles.</p> <p>Ex: <b>John Stuart Masterson III</b>.</p> </qt> <qt> <p>The name of the organization you work for.</p> <p>Ex: <b>KNode, Inc</b>.</p> </qt> Organization: mOrganisationEdit <qt> <p>The name of the organization you work for.</p> <p>Ex: <b>KNode, Inc</b>.</p> </qt> <qt> <p>Your email address as it will appear to others reading your articles</p> <p>Ex: <b>nospam@please.com</b>.</p> </qt> Email address: mEmailEdit <qt> <p>Your email address as it will appear to others reading your articles</p> <p>Ex: <b>nospam@please.com</b>.</p> </qt> <qt> <p>When someone replies to your article by email, this is the address to which the message will be sent. If you fill in this field, please do so with a real email address.</p> <p>Ex: <b>john@example.com</b>.</p> </qt> Reply-to address: mReplytoEdit <qt> <p>When someone replies to your article by email, this is the address to which the message will be sent. If you fill in this field, please do so with a real email address.</p> <p>Ex: <b>john@example.com</b>.</p> </qt> <qt> <p>When someone replies to your article on a group, you can ask to be sent a copy by email. This is the address to which this copy will be sent. If you fill in this field, please do so with a real email address.</p> <p>Ex: <b>john@example.com</b>.</p> </qt> Mail-copies-to: mMailcopiestoEdit <qt> <p>When someone replies to your article on a group, you can ask to be sent a copy by email. This is the address to which this copy will be sent. If you fill in this field, please do so with a real email address.</p> <p>Ex: <b>john@example.com</b>.</p> </qt> <qt><p>The OpenPGP key you choose here will be used to sign your articles.</p></qt> Signing key: <qt><p>The OpenPGP key you choose here will be used to sign your articles.</p></qt> Qt::Vertical 20 40 KDialog QDialog
KPushButton QPushButton
KLineEdit QLineEdit
KComboBox QComboBox
KPIMIdentities::SignatureConfigurator QWidget
Kleo::SigningKeyRequester QWidget