/* Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Marc Mutz Copyright (c) 2007 Tom Albers Copyright (c) 2009 Thomas McGuire This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "signature.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace KPIMIdentities; class SignaturePrivate { public: SignaturePrivate() :enabled( false ) { } struct EmbeddedImage { QImage image; QString name; }; typedef QSharedPointer EmbeddedImagePtr; /// List of images that belong to this signature. Either added by addImage() or /// by readConfig(). QList embeddedImages; /// The directory where the images will be saved to. QString saveLocation; bool enabled; }; QDataStream &operator<< ( QDataStream &stream, const SignaturePrivate::EmbeddedImagePtr &img ) { return stream << img->image << img->name; } QDataStream &operator>> ( QDataStream &stream, SignaturePrivate::EmbeddedImagePtr &img ) { return stream >> img->image >> img->name; } // TODO: KDE5: BIC: Add a real d-pointer. // This QHash is just a workaround around BIC issues, for more info see // http://techbase.kde.org/Policies/Binary_Compatibility_Issues_With_C++ typedef QHash SigPrivateHash; Q_GLOBAL_STATIC( SigPrivateHash, d_func ) static SignaturePrivate* d( const Signature *sig ) { SignaturePrivate *ret = d_func()->value( sig, 0 ); if ( !ret ) { ret = new SignaturePrivate; d_func()->insert( sig, ret ); } return ret; } static void delete_d( const Signature* sig ) { SignaturePrivate *ret = d_func()->value( sig, 0 ); delete ret; d_func()->remove( sig ); } Signature::Signature() : mType( Disabled ), mInlinedHtml( false ) {} Signature::Signature( const QString &text ) : mText( text ), mType( Inlined ), mInlinedHtml( false ) {} Signature::Signature( const QString &url, bool isExecutable ) : mUrl( url ), mType( isExecutable ? FromCommand : FromFile ), mInlinedHtml( false ) {} void Signature::assignFrom ( const KPIMIdentities::Signature &that ) { mUrl = that.mUrl; mInlinedHtml = that.mInlinedHtml; mText = that.mText; mType = that.mType; d( this )->enabled = d( &that )->enabled; d( this )->saveLocation = d( &that )->saveLocation; d( this )->embeddedImages = d( &that )->embeddedImages; } Signature::Signature ( const Signature &that ) { assignFrom( that ); } Signature& Signature::operator= ( const KPIMIdentities::Signature & that ) { if ( this == &that ) { return *this; } assignFrom( that ); return *this; } Signature::~Signature() { delete_d( this ); } QString Signature::rawText( bool *ok ) const { switch ( mType ) { case Disabled: if ( ok ) { *ok = true; } return QString(); case Inlined: if ( ok ) { *ok = true; } return mText; case FromFile: return textFromFile( ok ); case FromCommand: return textFromCommand( ok ); }; kFatal( 5325 ) << "Signature::type() returned unknown value!"; return QString(); // make compiler happy } QString Signature::textFromCommand( bool *ok ) const { assert( mType == FromCommand ); // handle pathological cases: if ( mUrl.isEmpty() ) { if ( ok ) { *ok = true; } return QString(); } // create a shell process: KProcess proc; proc.setOutputChannelMode( KProcess::SeparateChannels ); proc.setShellCommand( mUrl ); int rc = proc.execute(); // handle errors, if any: if ( rc != 0 ) { if ( ok ) { *ok = false; } QString wmsg = i18n( "Failed to execute signature script


" "


", mUrl, QLatin1String( proc.readAllStandardError() ) ); KMessageBox::error( 0, wmsg ); return QString(); } // no errors: if ( ok ) { *ok = true; } // get output: QByteArray output = proc.readAllStandardOutput(); // TODO: hmm, should we allow other encodings, too? return QString::fromLocal8Bit( output.data(), output.size() ); } QString Signature::textFromFile( bool *ok ) const { assert( mType == FromFile ); // TODO: Use KIO::NetAccess to download non-local files! if ( !KUrl( mUrl ).isLocalFile() && !( QFileInfo( mUrl ).isRelative() && QFileInfo( mUrl ).exists() ) ) { kDebug( 5325 ) << "Signature::textFromFile:" << "non-local URLs are unsupported"; if ( ok ) { *ok = false; } return QString(); } if ( ok ) { *ok = true; } // TODO: hmm, should we allow other encodings, too? const QByteArray ba = KPIMUtils::kFileToByteArray( mUrl, false ); return QString::fromLocal8Bit( ba.data(), ba.size() ); } QString Signature::withSeparator( bool *ok ) const { QString signature = rawText( ok ); if ( ok && ( *ok ) == false ) { return QString(); } if ( signature.isEmpty() ) { return signature; // don't add a separator in this case } const bool htmlSig = ( isInlinedHtml() && mType == Inlined ); QString newline = htmlSig ? QLatin1String("
") : QLatin1String("\n"); if ( htmlSig && signature.startsWith( QLatin1String( "name; } return ret; } void Signature::cleanupImages() const { // Remove any images from the internal structure that are no longer there if ( isInlinedHtml() ) { foreach ( const SignaturePrivate::EmbeddedImagePtr &imageInList, d( this )->embeddedImages ) { bool found = false; foreach ( const QString &imageInHtml, findImageNames( mText ) ) { if ( imageInHtml == imageInList->name ) { found = true; break; } } if ( !found ) { d( this )->embeddedImages.removeAll( imageInList ); } } } // Delete all the old image files if ( !d( this )->saveLocation.isEmpty() ) { QDir dir( d( this )->saveLocation ); foreach ( const QString &fileName, dir.entryList( QDir::Files | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot | QDir::NoSymLinks ) ) { if ( fileName.toLower().endsWith( QLatin1String( ".png" ) ) ) { kDebug() << "Deleting old image" << dir.path() + fileName; dir.remove( fileName ); } } } } void Signature::saveImages() const { if ( isInlinedHtml() && !d( this )->saveLocation.isEmpty() ) { foreach ( const SignaturePrivate::EmbeddedImagePtr &image, d( this )->embeddedImages ) { QString location = d( this )->saveLocation + QLatin1Char('/') + image->name; if ( !image->image.save( location, "PNG" ) ) { kWarning() << "Failed to save image" << location; } } } } void Signature::readConfig( const KConfigGroup &config ) { QString sigType = config.readEntry( sigTypeKey ); if ( sigType == QLatin1String(sigTypeInlineValue) ) { mType = Inlined; mInlinedHtml = config.readEntry( sigTypeInlinedHtmlKey, false ); } else if ( sigType == QLatin1String(sigTypeFileValue) ) { mType = FromFile; mUrl = config.readPathEntry( sigFileKey, QString() ); } else if ( sigType == QLatin1String(sigTypeCommandValue) ) { mType = FromCommand; mUrl = config.readPathEntry( sigCommandKey, QString() ); } else if ( sigType == QLatin1String(sigTypeDisabledValue) ) { d( this )->enabled = false; } if ( mType != Disabled ) { d( this )->enabled = config.readEntry( sigEnabled, true ); } mText = config.readEntry( sigTextKey ); d( this )->saveLocation = config.readEntry( sigImageLocation ); if ( isInlinedHtml() && !d( this )->saveLocation.isEmpty() ) { QDir dir( d( this )->saveLocation ); foreach ( const QString &fileName, dir.entryList( QDir::Files | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot | QDir::NoSymLinks ) ) { if ( fileName.toLower().endsWith( QLatin1String( ".png" ) ) ) { QImage image; if ( image.load( dir.path() + QLatin1Char('/') + fileName ) ) { addImage( image, fileName ); } else { kWarning() << "Unable to load image" << dir.path() + QLatin1Char('/') + fileName; } } } } } void Signature::writeConfig( KConfigGroup &config ) const { switch ( mType ) { case Inlined: config.writeEntry( sigTypeKey, sigTypeInlineValue ); config.writeEntry( sigTypeInlinedHtmlKey, mInlinedHtml ); break; case FromFile: config.writeEntry( sigTypeKey, sigTypeFileValue ); config.writePathEntry( sigFileKey, mUrl ); break; case FromCommand: config.writeEntry( sigTypeKey, sigTypeCommandValue ); config.writePathEntry( sigCommandKey, mUrl ); break; default: break; } config.writeEntry( sigTextKey, mText ); config.writeEntry( sigImageLocation, d( this )->saveLocation ); config.writeEntry( sigEnabled, d( this )->enabled ); cleanupImages(); saveImages(); } static bool isCursorAtEndOfLine( const QTextCursor &cursor ) { QTextCursor testCursor = cursor; testCursor.movePosition( QTextCursor::EndOfLine, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor ); return !testCursor.hasSelection(); } static void insertSignatureHelper( const QString &signature, KRichTextEdit *textEdit, Signature::Placement placement, bool isHtml, bool addNewlines ) { if ( !signature.isEmpty() ) { // Save the modified state of the document, as inserting a signature // shouldn't change this. Restore it at the end of this function. bool isModified = textEdit->document()->isModified(); // Move to the desired position, where the signature should be inserted QTextCursor cursor = textEdit->textCursor(); QTextCursor oldCursor = cursor; cursor.beginEditBlock(); if ( placement == Signature::End ) { cursor.movePosition( QTextCursor::End ); } else if ( placement == Signature::Start ) { cursor.movePosition( QTextCursor::Start ); } else if ( placement == Signature::AtCursor ) { cursor.movePosition( QTextCursor::StartOfLine ); } textEdit->setTextCursor( cursor ); QString lineSep; if ( addNewlines ) { if ( isHtml ) { lineSep = QLatin1String( "
" ); } else { lineSep = QLatin1Char( '\n' ); } } // Insert the signature and newlines depending on where it was inserted. int newCursorPos = -1; QString headSep; QString tailSep; if ( placement == Signature::End ) { // There is one special case when re-setting the old cursor: The cursor // was at the end. In this case, QTextEdit has no way to know // if the signature was added before or after the cursor, and just // decides that it was added before (and the cursor moves to the end, // but it should not when appending a signature). See bug 167961 if ( oldCursor.position() == textEdit->toPlainText().length() ) { newCursorPos = oldCursor.position(); } headSep = lineSep; } else if ( placement == Signature::Start ) { // When prepending signatures, add a couple of new lines before // the signature, and move the cursor to the beginning of the QTextEdit. // People tends to insert new text there. newCursorPos = 0; headSep = lineSep + lineSep; if ( !isCursorAtEndOfLine( cursor ) ) { tailSep = lineSep; } } else if ( placement == Signature::AtCursor ) { if ( !isCursorAtEndOfLine( cursor ) ) { tailSep = lineSep; } } const QString full_signature = headSep + signature + tailSep; if ( isHtml ) { textEdit->insertHtml( full_signature ); } else { textEdit->insertPlainText( full_signature ); } cursor.endEditBlock(); if ( newCursorPos != -1 ) { oldCursor.setPosition( newCursorPos ); } textEdit->setTextCursor( oldCursor ); textEdit->ensureCursorVisible(); textEdit->document()->setModified( isModified ); if ( isHtml ) { textEdit->enableRichTextMode(); } } } void Signature::insertIntoTextEdit( KRichTextEdit *textEdit, Placement placement, bool addSeparator ) { if ( !isEnabledSignature() ) { return; } QString signature; if ( addSeparator ) { signature = withSeparator(); } else { signature = rawText(); } insertSignatureHelper( signature, textEdit, placement, ( isInlinedHtml() && type() == KPIMIdentities::Signature::Inlined ), true ); } void Signature::insertIntoTextEdit( Placement placement, AddedText addedText, KPIMTextEdit::TextEdit *textEdit ) const { insertSignatureText( placement, addedText, textEdit, false ); } void Signature::insertIntoTextEdit( Placement placement, AddedText addedText, KPIMTextEdit::TextEdit *textEdit, bool forceDisplay ) const { insertSignatureText( placement, addedText, textEdit, forceDisplay ); } void Signature::insertSignatureText(Placement placement, AddedText addedText, KPIMTextEdit::TextEdit *textEdit, bool forceDisplay) const { if ( !forceDisplay ) { if ( !isEnabledSignature() ) { return; } } QString signature; if ( addedText & AddSeparator ) { signature = withSeparator(); } else { signature = rawText(); } insertSignatureHelper( signature, textEdit, placement, ( isInlinedHtml() && type() == KPIMIdentities::Signature::Inlined ), ( addedText & AddNewLines ) ); // We added the text of the signature above, now it is time to add the images as well. if ( isInlinedHtml() ) { foreach ( const SignaturePrivate::EmbeddedImagePtr &image, d( this )->embeddedImages ) { textEdit->loadImage( image->image, image->name, image->name ); } } } void Signature::insertPlainSignatureIntoTextEdit( const QString &signature, KRichTextEdit *textEdit, Signature::Placement placement, bool isHtml ) { insertSignatureHelper( signature, textEdit, placement, isHtml, true ); } // --------------------- Operators -------------------// QDataStream &KPIMIdentities::operator<< ( QDataStream &stream, const KPIMIdentities::Signature &sig ) { return stream << static_cast( sig.mType ) << sig.mUrl << sig.mText << d( &sig )->saveLocation << d( &sig )->embeddedImages << d( &sig )->enabled; } QDataStream &KPIMIdentities::operator>> ( QDataStream &stream, KPIMIdentities::Signature &sig ) { quint8 s; stream >> s >> sig.mUrl >> sig.mText >> d( &sig )->saveLocation >> d( &sig )->embeddedImages >>d( &sig )->enabled; sig.mType = static_cast( s ); return stream; } bool Signature::operator== ( const Signature &other ) const { if ( mType != other.mType ) { return false; } if ( d( this )->enabled != d( &other )->enabled ) { return false; } if ( mType == Inlined && mInlinedHtml ) { if ( d( this )->saveLocation != d( &other )->saveLocation ) { return false; } if ( d( this )->embeddedImages != d( &other )->embeddedImages ) { return false; } } switch ( mType ) { case Inlined: return mText == other.mText; case FromFile: case FromCommand: return mUrl == other.mUrl; default: case Disabled: return true; } } QString Signature::toPlainText() const { QString sigText = rawText(); if ( !sigText.isEmpty() && isInlinedHtml() && type() == Inlined ) { // Use a QTextDocument as a helper, it does all the work for us and // strips all HTML tags. QTextDocument helper; QTextCursor helperCursor( &helper ); helperCursor.insertHtml( sigText ); sigText = helper.toPlainText(); } return sigText; } void Signature::addImage ( const QImage& imageData, const QString& imageName ) { Q_ASSERT( !( d( this )->saveLocation.isEmpty() ) ); SignaturePrivate::EmbeddedImagePtr image( new SignaturePrivate::EmbeddedImage() ); image->image = imageData; image->name = imageName; d( this )->embeddedImages.append( image ); } void Signature::setImageLocation ( const QString& path ) { d( this )->saveLocation = path; } // --------------- Getters -----------------------// QString Signature::text() const { return mText; } QString Signature::url() const { return mUrl; } Signature::Type Signature::type() const { return mType; } // --------------- Setters -----------------------// void Signature::setText( const QString &text ) { mText = text; mType = Inlined; } void Signature::setType( Type type ) { mType = type; } void Signature::setEnabledSignature(bool enabled) { d( this )->enabled = enabled; } bool Signature::isEnabledSignature() const { return d( this )->enabled; }