UIExtractor This is a comment SearchDialog 0 0 380 431 &Search for: false searchEdit Search pattern, use wildcards '*' and '?' as desired. Enter your search pattern here. Wildcards '*' (matches any string) and '?' (matches any character) are supported. For example, to match any string starting with the letter 'a', use the search pattern a*. * Search For Search for Events with matching criteria Check this box if you want to search for Event items that match the search criteria. &Events true Search for Journals with matching criteria Check this box if you want to search for Journal items that match the search criteria. &Journals Search for To-dos with matching criteria Check this box if you want to search To-do items that match the search criteria. To-&dos true Search In Include item categories in your search Check this box if you want to match item categories against your search pattern. Cate&gories Include item locations in your search Check this box if you want to match item locations against your search pattern. Locations Include item descriptions in your search Check this box if you want to match item descriptions against your search pattern. Desc&riptions Include item summaries in your search Check this box if you want to match item summaries against your search pattern. Su&mmaries true Attendees Date Range Fr&om: false startDate 1 0 Include items with a starting date on or after this date Search for items with a starting date on or after the date you specify here. 2008-08-18 &To: false endDate 1 0 Include items with ending date on or before this date Search for items with an ending date on or before the date you specify here. 2008-08-18 Include Events only if their date range falls into the range specified above Check this box if you want to include Events that occur within the date range specified. Events that do not fall completely within the date range will be excluded from the search results. Include E&vents within the specified date range Include To-dos in the search that do not have a due date Check this box to include To-dos without a due date in the search results. Include To-dos &without a due date true 0 0 QFrame::StyledPanel QFrame::Raised KDateComboBox KComboBox
KComboBox QComboBox
KLineEdit QLineEdit
searchEdit eventsCheck journalsCheck todosCheck startDate endDate inclusiveCheck includeUndatedTodos categoryCheck locationCheck descriptionCheck summaryCheck