/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset:4 -*- commands/importcertificatescommand.cpp This file is part of Kleopatra, the KDE keymanager Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB Kleopatra is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Kleopatra is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of this program with any edition of the Qt library by Trolltech AS, Norway (or with modified versions of Qt that use the same license as Qt), and distribute linked combinations including the two. You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all of the code used other than Qt. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version. */ #include #include "importcertificatescommand.h" #include "importcertificatescommand_p.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // for Qt::escape #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace GpgME; using namespace Kleo; using namespace boost; namespace { make_comparator_str( ByImportFingerprint, .fingerprint() ); class ImportResultProxyModel : public AbstractKeyListSortFilterProxyModel { Q_OBJECT public: ImportResultProxyModel( const std::vector & results, const QStringList & ids, QObject * parent=0 ) : AbstractKeyListSortFilterProxyModel( parent ) { updateFindCache( results, ids ); } ~ImportResultProxyModel() {} /* reimp */ ImportResultProxyModel * clone() const { // compiler-generated copy ctor is fine! return new ImportResultProxyModel( *this ); } void setImportResults( const std::vector & results, const QStringList & ids ) { updateFindCache( results, ids ); invalidateFilter(); } protected: /* reimp */ QVariant data( const QModelIndex & index, int role ) const { if ( !index.isValid() || role != Qt::ToolTipRole ) return AbstractKeyListSortFilterProxyModel::data( index, role ); const QString fpr = index.data( FingerprintRole ).toString(); // find information: const std::vector::const_iterator it = qBinaryFind( m_importsByFingerprint.begin(), m_importsByFingerprint.end(), fpr.toLatin1().constData(), ByImportFingerprint() ); if ( it == m_importsByFingerprint.end() ) return AbstractKeyListSortFilterProxyModel::data( index, role ); else return Formatting::importMetaData( *it, kdtools::copy( m_idsByFingerprint[it->fingerprint()] ) ); } /* reimp */ bool filterAcceptsRow( int source_row, const QModelIndex & source_parent ) const { // // 0. Keep parents of matching children: // const QModelIndex index = sourceModel()->index( source_row, 0, source_parent ); assert( index.isValid() ); for ( int i = 0, end = sourceModel()->rowCount( index ) ; i != end ; ++i ) if ( filterAcceptsRow( i, index ) ) return true; // // 1. Check that this is an imported key: // const QString fpr = index.data( FingerprintRole ).toString(); return std::binary_search( m_importsByFingerprint.begin(), m_importsByFingerprint.end(), fpr.toLatin1().constData(), ByImportFingerprint() ); } private: void updateFindCache( const std::vector & results, const QStringList & ids ) { assert( results.size() == static_cast( ids.size() ) ); m_importsByFingerprint.clear(); m_idsByFingerprint.clear(); m_results = results; for ( unsigned int i = 0, end = results.size() ; i != end ; ++i ) { const std::vector imports = results[i].imports(); m_importsByFingerprint.insert( m_importsByFingerprint.end(), imports.begin(), imports.end() ); const QString & id = ids[i]; for ( std::vector::const_iterator it = imports.begin(), end = imports.end() ; it != end ; ++it ) { m_idsByFingerprint[it->fingerprint()].insert( id ); } } std::sort( m_importsByFingerprint.begin(), m_importsByFingerprint.end(), ByImportFingerprint() ); } private: mutable std::vector m_importsByFingerprint; mutable std::map< const char*, std::set, ByImportFingerprint > m_idsByFingerprint; std::vector m_results; }; } ImportCertificatesCommand::Private::Private( ImportCertificatesCommand * qq, KeyListController * c ) : Command::Private( qq, c ), waitForMoreJobs( false ), nonWorkingProtocols(), idsByJob(), jobs(), results(), ids() { } ImportCertificatesCommand::Private::~Private() {} #define d d_func() #define q q_func() ImportCertificatesCommand::ImportCertificatesCommand( KeyListController * p ) : Command( new Private( this, p ) ) { } ImportCertificatesCommand::ImportCertificatesCommand( QAbstractItemView * v, KeyListController * p ) : Command( v, new Private( this, p ) ) { } ImportCertificatesCommand::~ImportCertificatesCommand() {} static QString format_ids( const QStringList & ids ) { return kdtools::transform_if( ids, Qt::escape, !boost::bind( &QString::isEmpty, _1 ) ).join( QLatin1String("
") ); } static QString make_tooltip( const QStringList & ids ) { if ( ids.empty() ) return QString(); if ( ids.size() == 1 ) if ( ids.front().isEmpty() ) return QString(); else return i18nc( "@info:tooltip", "Imported Certificates from %1", Qt::escape( ids.front() ) ); else return i18nc( "@info:tooltip", "Imported certificates from these sources:
%1", format_ids( ids ) ); } void ImportCertificatesCommand::Private::setImportResultProxyModel( const std::vector & results, const QStringList & ids ) { if ( kdtools::none_of( results, mem_fn( &ImportResult::numConsidered ) ) ) return; q->addTemporaryView( i18nc("@title:tab", "Imported Certificates"), new ImportResultProxyModel( results, ids ), make_tooltip( ids ) ); if ( QTreeView * const tv = qobject_cast( parentWidgetOrView() ) ) tv->expandAll(); } int sum( const std::vector & res, int (ImportResult::*fun)() const ) { return kdtools::accumulate_transform( res.begin(), res.end(), mem_fn( fun ), 0 ); } static QString make_report( const std::vector & res, const QString & id=QString() ) { const KLocalizedString normalLine = ki18n("%1%2"); const KLocalizedString boldLine = ki18n("%1%2"); const KLocalizedString headerLine = ki18n("%1"); #define SUM( x ) sum( res, &ImportResult::x ) QStringList lines; if ( !id.isEmpty() ) lines.push_back( headerLine.subs( id ).toString() ); lines.push_back( normalLine.subs( i18n("Total number processed:") ) .subs( SUM(numConsidered) ).toString() ); lines.push_back( normalLine.subs( i18n("Imported:") ) .subs( SUM(numImported) ).toString() ); if ( const int n = SUM(newSignatures) ) lines.push_back( normalLine.subs( i18n("New signatures:") ) .subs( n ).toString() ); if ( const int n = SUM(newUserIDs) ) lines.push_back( normalLine.subs( i18n("New user IDs:") ) .subs( n ).toString() ); if ( const int n = SUM(numKeysWithoutUserID) ) lines.push_back( normalLine.subs( i18n("Certificates without user IDs:") ) .subs( n ).toString() ); if ( const int n = SUM(newSubkeys) ) lines.push_back( normalLine.subs( i18n("New subkeys:") ) .subs( n ).toString() ); if ( const int n = SUM(newRevocations) ) lines.push_back( boldLine.subs( i18n("Newly revoked:") ) .subs( n ).toString() ); if ( const int n = SUM(notImported) ) lines.push_back( boldLine.subs( i18n("Not imported:") ) .subs( n ).toString() ); if ( const int n = SUM(numUnchanged) ) lines.push_back( normalLine.subs( i18n("Unchanged:") ) .subs( n ).toString() ); if ( const int n = SUM(numSecretKeysConsidered) ) lines.push_back( normalLine.subs( i18n("Secret keys processed:") ) .subs( n ).toString() ); if ( const int n = SUM(numSecretKeysImported) ) lines.push_back( normalLine.subs( i18n("Secret keys imported:") ) .subs( n ).toString() ); if ( const int n = SUM(numSecretKeysConsidered) - SUM(numSecretKeysImported) - SUM(numSecretKeysUnchanged) ) if ( n > 0 ) lines.push_back( boldLine.subs( i18n("Secret keys not imported:") ) .subs( n ).toString() ); if ( const int n = SUM(numSecretKeysUnchanged) ) lines.push_back( normalLine.subs( i18n("Secret keys unchanged:") ) .subs( n ).toString() ); #undef sum return lines.join( QString() ); } static QString make_message_report( const std::vector & res, const QStringList & ids ) { assert( res.size() == static_cast( ids.size() ) ); if ( res.empty() ) return i18n( "No imports (should not happen, please report a bug)." ); if ( res.size() == 1 ) return ids.front().isEmpty() ? i18n( "

Detailed results of certificate import:

" "%1
", make_report( res ) ) : i18n( "

Detailed results of importing %1:

" "%2
", ids.front(), make_report( res ) ); return i18n( "

Detailed results of certificate import:

" "%1
", make_report( res, i18n("Totals") ) ); } void ImportCertificatesCommand::Private::showDetails( QWidget * parent, const std::vector & res, const QStringList & ids ) { if ( parent ) { setImportResultProxyModel( res, ids ); KMessageBox::information( parent, make_message_report( res, ids ), i18n( "Certificate Import Result" ) ); } else { showDetails( res, ids ); } } void ImportCertificatesCommand::Private::showDetails( const std::vector & res, const QStringList & ids ) { setImportResultProxyModel( res, ids ); information( make_message_report( res, ids ), i18n( "Certificate Import Result" ) ); } static QString make_error_message( const Error & err, const QString & id ) { assert( err ); assert( !err.isCanceled() ); return id.isEmpty() ? i18n( "

An error occurred while trying " "to import the certificate:

" "


", QString::fromLocal8Bit( err.asString() ) ) : i18n( "

An error occurred while trying " "to import the certificate %1:

" "


", id, QString::fromLocal8Bit( err.asString() ) ); } void ImportCertificatesCommand::Private::showError( QWidget * parent, const Error & err, const QString & id ) { if ( parent ) KMessageBox::error( parent, make_error_message( err, id ), i18n( "Certificate Import Failed" ) ); else showError( err, id ); } void ImportCertificatesCommand::Private::showError( const Error & err, const QString & id ) { error( make_error_message( err, id ), i18n( "Certificate Import Failed" ) ); } void ImportCertificatesCommand::Private::setWaitForMoreJobs( bool wait ) { if ( wait == waitForMoreJobs ) return; waitForMoreJobs = wait; tryToFinish(); } void ImportCertificatesCommand::Private::importResult( const ImportResult & result ) { jobs.erase( std::remove( jobs.begin(), jobs.end(), q->sender() ), jobs.end() ); importResult( result, idsByJob[q->sender()] ); } void ImportCertificatesCommand::Private::importResult( const ImportResult & result, const QString & id ) { results.push_back( result ); ids.push_back( id ); tryToFinish(); } void ImportCertificatesCommand::Private::tryToFinish() { if ( waitForMoreJobs || !jobs.empty() ) return; if ( kdtools::any( results, boost::bind( &Error::code, boost::bind( &ImportResult::error, _1 ) ) ) ) { setImportResultProxyModel( results, ids ); if ( kdtools::all( results, boost::bind( &Error::isCanceled, boost::bind( &ImportResult::error, _1 ) ) ) ) emit q->canceled(); else for ( unsigned int i = 0, end = results.size() ; i != end ; ++i ) if ( const Error err = results[i].error() ) showError( err, ids[i] ); } else showDetails( results, ids ); finished(); } static std::auto_ptr get_import_job( GpgME::Protocol protocol ) { assert( protocol != UnknownProtocol ); if ( const Kleo::CryptoBackend::Protocol * const backend = CryptoBackendFactory::instance()->protocol( protocol ) ) return std::auto_ptr( backend->importJob() ); else return std::auto_ptr(); } void ImportCertificatesCommand::Private::startImport( GpgME::Protocol protocol, const QByteArray & data, const QString & id ) { assert( protocol != UnknownProtocol ); if ( kdtools::contains( nonWorkingProtocols, protocol ) ) return; std::auto_ptr job = get_import_job( protocol ); if ( !job.get() ) { nonWorkingProtocols.push_back( protocol ); error( i18n( "The type of this certificate (%1) is not supported by this Kleopatra installation.", Formatting::displayName( protocol ) ), i18n( "Certificate Import Failed" ) ); importResult( ImportResult(), id ); return; } connect( job.get(), SIGNAL(result(GpgME::ImportResult)), q, SLOT(importResult(GpgME::ImportResult)) ); connect( job.get(), SIGNAL(progress(QString,int,int)), q, SIGNAL(progress(QString,int,int)) ); const GpgME::Error err = job->start( data ); if ( err.code() ) { importResult( ImportResult( err ), id ); } else { jobs.push_back( job.release() ); idsByJob[jobs.back()] = id; } } static std::auto_ptr get_import_from_keyserver_job( GpgME::Protocol protocol ) { assert( protocol != UnknownProtocol ); if ( const Kleo::CryptoBackend::Protocol * const backend = CryptoBackendFactory::instance()->protocol( protocol ) ) return std::auto_ptr( backend->importFromKeyserverJob() ); else return std::auto_ptr(); } void ImportCertificatesCommand::Private::startImport( GpgME::Protocol protocol, const std::vector & keys, const QString & id ) { assert( protocol != UnknownProtocol ); if ( kdtools::contains( nonWorkingProtocols, protocol ) ) return; std::auto_ptr job = get_import_from_keyserver_job( protocol ); if ( !job.get() ) { nonWorkingProtocols.push_back( protocol ); error( i18n( "The type of this certificate (%1) is not supported by this Kleopatra installation.", Formatting::displayName( protocol ) ), i18n( "Certificate Import Failed" ) ); importResult( ImportResult(), id ); return; } connect( job.get(), SIGNAL(result(GpgME::ImportResult)), q, SLOT(importResult(GpgME::ImportResult)) ); connect( job.get(), SIGNAL(progress(QString,int,int)), q, SIGNAL(progress(QString,int,int)) ); const GpgME::Error err = job->start( keys ); if ( err.code() ) { importResult( ImportResult( err ), id ); } else { jobs.push_back( job.release() ); idsByJob[jobs.back()] = id; } } void ImportCertificatesCommand::doCancel() { kdtools::for_each( d->jobs, mem_fn( &Job::slotCancel ) ); } #undef d #undef q #include "moc_importcertificatescommand.cpp" #include "importcertificatescommand.moc"