/* Copyright (c) 2007 Volker Krause Based on KMail code by: Copyright (c) 1996-1998 Stefan Taferner This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "smtpjob.h" #include "transport.h" #include "mailtransport_defs.h" #include "precommandjob.h" #include "smtp/smtpsession.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace MailTransport; class SlavePool { public: SlavePool() : ref( 0 ) {} int ref; QHash slaves; void removeSlave( KIO::Slave *slave, bool disconnect = false ) { kDebug() << "Removing slave" << slave << "from pool"; const int slaveKey = slaves.key( slave ); if ( slaveKey > 0 ) { slaves.remove( slaveKey ); if ( disconnect ) { KIO::Scheduler::disconnectSlave( slave ); } } } }; K_GLOBAL_STATIC( SlavePool, s_slavePool ) /** * Private class that helps to provide binary compatibility between releases. * @internal */ class SmtpJobPrivate { public: SmtpJobPrivate( SmtpJob *parent ) : q( parent ) {} void smtpSessionResult( SmtpSession *session ) { #ifndef MAILTRANSPORT_INPROCESS_SMTP Q_UNUSED( session ); #else if ( !session->errorMessage().isEmpty() ) { q->setError( KJob::UserDefinedError ); q->setErrorText( session->errorMessage() ); } q->emitResult(); #endif } SmtpJob *q; KIO::Slave *slave; enum State { Idle, Precommand, Smtp } currentState; bool finished; }; SmtpJob::SmtpJob( Transport *transport, QObject *parent ) : TransportJob( transport, parent ), d( new SmtpJobPrivate( this ) ) { d->currentState = SmtpJobPrivate::Idle; d->slave = 0; d->finished = false; if ( !s_slavePool.isDestroyed() ) { s_slavePool->ref++; } KIO::Scheduler::connect( SIGNAL(slaveError(KIO::Slave*,int,QString)), this, SLOT(slaveError(KIO::Slave*,int,QString)) ); } SmtpJob::~SmtpJob() { if ( !s_slavePool.isDestroyed() ) { s_slavePool->ref--; if ( s_slavePool->ref == 0 ) { kDebug() << "clearing SMTP slave pool" << s_slavePool->slaves.count(); foreach ( KIO::Slave *slave, s_slavePool->slaves ) { if ( slave ) { KIO::Scheduler::disconnectSlave( slave ); } } s_slavePool->slaves.clear(); } } delete d; } void SmtpJob::doStart() { if ( s_slavePool.isDestroyed() ) { return; } if ( ( !s_slavePool->slaves.isEmpty() && s_slavePool->slaves.contains( transport()->id() ) ) || transport()->precommand().isEmpty() ) { d->currentState = SmtpJobPrivate::Smtp; startSmtpJob(); } else { d->currentState = SmtpJobPrivate::Precommand; PrecommandJob *job = new PrecommandJob( transport()->precommand(), this ); addSubjob( job ); job->start(); } } void SmtpJob::startSmtpJob() { if ( s_slavePool.isDestroyed() ) { return; } KUrl destination; destination.setProtocol( ( transport()->encryption() == Transport::EnumEncryption::SSL ) ? SMTPS_PROTOCOL : SMTP_PROTOCOL ); destination.setHost( transport()->host().trimmed() ); destination.setPort( transport()->port() ); destination.addQueryItem( QLatin1String( "headers" ), QLatin1String( "0" ) ); destination.addQueryItem( QLatin1String( "from" ), sender() ); foreach ( const QString &str, to() ) { destination.addQueryItem( QLatin1String( "to" ), str ); } foreach ( const QString &str, cc() ) { destination.addQueryItem( QLatin1String( "cc" ), str ); } foreach ( const QString &str, bcc() ) { destination.addQueryItem( QLatin1String( "bcc" ), str ); } if ( transport()->specifyHostname() ) { destination.addQueryItem( QLatin1String( "hostname" ), transport()->localHostname() ); } if ( transport()->requiresAuthentication() ) { QString user = transport()->userName(); QString passwd = transport()->password(); if ( ( user.isEmpty() || passwd.isEmpty() ) && transport()->authenticationType() != Transport::EnumAuthenticationType::GSSAPI ) { QPointer dlg = new KPasswordDialog( 0, KPasswordDialog::ShowUsernameLine | KPasswordDialog::ShowKeepPassword ); dlg->setPrompt( i18n( "You need to supply a username and a password " "to use this SMTP server." ) ); dlg->setKeepPassword( transport()->storePassword() ); dlg->addCommentLine( QString(), transport()->name() ); dlg->setUsername( user ); dlg->setPassword( passwd ); bool gotIt = false; if ( dlg->exec() ) { transport()->setUserName( dlg->username() ); transport()->setPassword( dlg->password() ); transport()->setStorePassword( dlg->keepPassword() ); transport()->writeConfig(); gotIt = true; } delete dlg; if ( !gotIt ) { setError( KilledJobError ); emitResult(); return; } } destination.setUser( transport()->userName() ); destination.setPass( transport()->password() ); } // dotstuffing is now done by the slave (see setting of metadata) if ( !data().isEmpty() ) { // allow +5% for subsequent LF->CRLF and dotstuffing (an average // over 2G-lines gives an average line length of 42-43): destination.addQueryItem( QLatin1String( "size" ), QString::number( qRound( data().length() * 1.05 ) ) ); } destination.setPath( QLatin1String( "/send" ) ); #ifndef MAILTRANSPORT_INPROCESS_SMTP d->slave = s_slavePool->slaves.value( transport()->id() ); if ( !d->slave ) { KIO::MetaData slaveConfig; slaveConfig.insert( QLatin1String( "tls" ), ( transport()->encryption() == Transport::EnumEncryption::TLS ) ? QLatin1String( "on" ) : QLatin1String( "off" ) ); if ( transport()->requiresAuthentication() ) { slaveConfig.insert( QLatin1String( "sasl" ), transport()->authenticationTypeString() ); } d->slave = KIO::Scheduler::getConnectedSlave( destination, slaveConfig ); kDebug() << "Created new SMTP slave" << d->slave; s_slavePool->slaves.insert( transport()->id(), d->slave ); } else { kDebug() << "Re-using existing slave" << d->slave; } KIO::TransferJob *job = KIO::put( destination, -1, KIO::HideProgressInfo ); if ( !d->slave || !job ) { setError( UserDefinedError ); setErrorText( i18n( "Unable to create SMTP job." ) ); emitResult(); return; } job->addMetaData( QLatin1String( "lf2crlf+dotstuff" ), QLatin1String( "slave" ) ); connect( job, SIGNAL(dataReq(KIO::Job*,QByteArray&)), SLOT(dataRequest(KIO::Job*,QByteArray&)) ); addSubjob( job ); KIO::Scheduler::assignJobToSlave( d->slave, job ); #else SmtpSession *session = new SmtpSession( this ); connect( session, SIGNAL(result(MailTransport::SmtpSession*)), SLOT(smtpSessionResult(MailTransport::SmtpSession*)) ); session->setUseTLS( transport()->encryption() == Transport::EnumEncryption::TLS ); if ( transport()->requiresAuthentication() ) { session->setSaslMethod( transport()->authenticationTypeString() ); } session->sendMessage( destination, buffer() ); #endif setTotalAmount( KJob::Bytes, data().length() ); } bool SmtpJob::doKill() { if ( s_slavePool.isDestroyed() ) { return false; } if ( !hasSubjobs() ) { return true; } if ( d->currentState == SmtpJobPrivate::Precommand ) { return subjobs().first()->kill(); } else if ( d->currentState == SmtpJobPrivate::Smtp ) { KIO::SimpleJob *job = static_cast( subjobs().first() ); clearSubjobs(); KIO::Scheduler::cancelJob( job ); s_slavePool->removeSlave( d->slave ); return true; } return false; } void SmtpJob::slotResult( KJob *job ) { if ( s_slavePool.isDestroyed() ) { return; } // The job has finished, so we don't care about any further errors. Set // d->finished to true, so slaveError() knows about this and doesn't call // emitResult() anymore. // Sometimes, the SMTP slave emits more than one error // // The first error causes slotResult() to be called, but not slaveError(), since // the scheduler doesn't emit errors for connected slaves. // // The second error then causes slaveError() to be called (as the slave is no // longer connected), which does emitResult() a second time, which is invalid // (and triggers an assert in KMail). d->finished = true; // Normally, calling TransportJob::slotResult() whould set the proper error code // for error() via KComposite::slotResult(). However, we can't call that here, // since that also emits the result signal. // In KMail, when there are multiple mails in the outbox, KMail tries to send // the next mail when it gets the result signal, which then would reuse the // old broken slave from the slave pool if there was an error. // To prevent that, we call TransportJob::slotResult() only after removing the // slave from the pool and calculate the error code ourselves. int errorCode = error(); if ( !errorCode ) { errorCode = job->error(); } if ( errorCode && d->currentState == SmtpJobPrivate::Smtp ) { s_slavePool->removeSlave( d->slave, errorCode != KIO::ERR_SLAVE_DIED ); TransportJob::slotResult( job ); return; } TransportJob::slotResult( job ); if ( !error() && d->currentState == SmtpJobPrivate::Precommand ) { d->currentState = SmtpJobPrivate::Smtp; startSmtpJob(); return; } if ( !error() ) { emitResult(); } } void SmtpJob::dataRequest( KIO::Job *job, QByteArray &data ) { if ( s_slavePool.isDestroyed() ) { return; } Q_UNUSED( job ); Q_ASSERT( job ); if ( buffer()->atEnd() ) { data.clear(); } else { Q_ASSERT( buffer()->isOpen() ); data = buffer()->read( 32 * 1024 ); } setProcessedAmount( KJob::Bytes, buffer()->pos() ); } void SmtpJob::slaveError( KIO::Slave *slave, int errorCode, const QString &errorMsg ) { if ( s_slavePool.isDestroyed() ) { return; } s_slavePool->removeSlave( slave, errorCode != KIO::ERR_SLAVE_DIED ); if ( d->slave == slave && !d->finished ) { setError( errorCode ); setErrorText( KIO::buildErrorString( errorCode, errorMsg ) ); emitResult(); } } #include "moc_smtpjob.cpp"