/** @mainpage kjots KJots is a simple note taking application. The main interface to KJots is a QTreeWidget subclass on one side and a QTextEdit subclass on the other. Entries in the tree view represent notebooks which can contain pages or other notebooks. If a book is selected, the content of its pages is displayed in the tree view read-only. If a page is selected, its content is presented for editing in the textedit.

Saving and exporting data

Each of the top level books in the application are represented by an xml file in users data directory (.kde/share/apps/kjots). The xml file contains elements to represent the pages and books contained in it. When a book is dragged from within another book to the top-level, a new xml file is created for it. The saved file format is suitable for exporting and importing. Additionally, it is possible to export files in simple text or an html file and to import data files created by the KnowIt application. The export is done in the KJotsEntry class by adding the data of selected books and pages to a QTextDocument using the QTextCursor interface. */ // DOXYGEN_REFERENCES = kdecore // DOXYGEN_SET_PROJECT_NAME = kjots