/* This file is part of KCachegrind. Copyright (C) 2011 Josef Weidendorfer KCachegrind is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ /* * Items of source view. */ #include "sourceitem.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "globalguiconfig.h" #include "listutils.h" #include "sourceview.h" // // SourceItem // // for source lines SourceItem::SourceItem(SourceView* sv, QTreeWidget* parent, int fileno, unsigned int lineno, bool inside, const QString& src, TraceLine* line) : QTreeWidgetItem(parent) { _view = sv; _lineno = lineno; _fileno = fileno; _inside = inside; _line = line; _lineCall = 0; _lineJump = 0; setTextAlignment(0, Qt::AlignRight); setTextAlignment(1, Qt::AlignRight); setTextAlignment(2, Qt::AlignRight); if (src == "...") setText(0, src); else setText(0, QString::number(lineno)); QString s = src; setText(4, s.replace( QRegExp("\t"), " " )); updateGroup(); updateCost(); } // for call lines SourceItem::SourceItem(SourceView* sv, QTreeWidgetItem* parent, int fileno, unsigned int lineno, TraceLine* line, TraceLineCall* lineCall) : QTreeWidgetItem(parent) { _view = sv; _lineno = lineno; _fileno = fileno; _inside = true; _line = line; _lineCall = lineCall; _lineJump = 0; setTextAlignment(0, Qt::AlignRight); setTextAlignment(1, Qt::AlignRight); setTextAlignment(2, Qt::AlignRight); //qDebug("SourceItem: (file %d, line %d) Linecall to %s", // fileno, lineno, _lineCall->call()->called()->prettyName().toAscii()); SubCost cc = _lineCall->callCount(); QString callStr = " "; if (cc==0) callStr += QObject::tr("Active call to '%1'") .arg(_lineCall->call()->calledName()); else callStr += QObject::tr("%1 call(s) to '%2'").arg((uint64)cc) .arg(_lineCall->call()->calledName()); TraceFunction* calledF = _lineCall->call()->called(); calledF->addPrettyLocation(callStr); setText(4, callStr); updateGroup(); updateCost(); } // for jump lines SourceItem::SourceItem(SourceView* sv, QTreeWidgetItem* parent, int fileno, unsigned int lineno, TraceLine* line, TraceLineJump* lineJump) : QTreeWidgetItem(parent) { _view = sv; _lineno = lineno; _fileno = fileno; _inside = true; _line = line; _lineCall = 0; _lineJump = lineJump; setTextAlignment(0, Qt::AlignRight); setTextAlignment(1, Qt::AlignRight); setTextAlignment(2, Qt::AlignRight); //qDebug("SourceItem: (file %d, line %d) Linecall to %s", // fileno, lineno, _lineCall->call()->called()->prettyName().toAscii()); QString to; if (_lineJump->lineTo()->functionSource() == _line->functionSource()) to = _lineJump->lineTo()->name(); else to = _lineJump->lineTo()->prettyName(); QString jStr; if (_lineJump->isCondJump()) jStr = QObject::tr("Jump %1 of %2 times to %3") .arg(_lineJump->followedCount().pretty()) .arg(_lineJump->executedCount().pretty()) .arg(to); else jStr = QObject::tr("Jump %1 times to %2") .arg(_lineJump->executedCount().pretty()) .arg(to); setText(4, jStr); } void SourceItem::updateGroup() { if (!_lineCall) return; TraceFunction* f = _lineCall->call()->called(); QColor c = GlobalGUIConfig::functionColor(_view->groupType(), f); setIcon(4, colorPixmap(10, 10, c)); } void SourceItem::updateCost() { _pure = SubCost(0); _pure2 = SubCost(0); if (!_line) return; if (_lineJump) return; ProfileCostArray* lineCost = _lineCall ? (ProfileCostArray*)_lineCall : (ProfileCostArray*)_line; // do not show any cost inside of cycles if (_lineCall && ((_lineCall->call()->inCycle()>0) || (_lineCall->call()->isRecursion()))) { QString str; QPixmap p; QString icon = "edit-undo"; #if 0 // TODO KIconLoader* loader = KIconLoader::global(); p= loader->loadIcon(icon, KIconLoader::Small, 0, KIconLoader::DefaultState, QStringList(), 0, true); #endif if (p.isNull()) str = QObject::tr("(cycle)"); setText(1, str); setIcon(1, p); setText(2, str); setIcon(2, p); return; } ProfileCostArray* totalCost; if (GlobalConfig::showExpanded()) totalCost = _line->functionSource()->function()->inclusive(); else totalCost = _line->functionSource()->function()->data(); EventType* ct = _view->eventType(); _pure = ct ? lineCost->subCost(ct) : SubCost(0); if (_pure == 0) { setText(1, QString()); setIcon(1, QPixmap()); } else { double total = totalCost->subCost(ct); double pure = 100.0 * _pure / total; if (GlobalConfig::showPercentage()) setText(1, QString("%1") .arg(pure, 0, 'f', GlobalConfig::percentPrecision())); else setText(1, _pure.pretty()); setIcon(1, costPixmap(ct, lineCost, total, false)); } EventType* ct2 = _view->eventType2(); _pure2 = ct2 ? lineCost->subCost(ct2) : SubCost(0); if (_pure2 == 0) { setText(2, QString()); setIcon(2, QPixmap()); } else { double total = totalCost->subCost(ct2); double pure2 = 100.0 * _pure2 / total; if (GlobalConfig::showPercentage()) setText(2, QString("%1") .arg(pure2, 0, 'f', GlobalConfig::percentPrecision())); else setText(2, _pure2.pretty()); setIcon(2, costPixmap(ct2, lineCost, total, false)); } } bool SourceItem::operator < ( const QTreeWidgetItem & other ) const { const SourceItem* si1 = this; const SourceItem* si2 = (SourceItem*) &other; int col = treeWidget()->sortColumn(); if (col==1) { return (si1->_pure < si2->_pure); } if (col==2) { return (si1->_pure2 < si2->_pure2); } if (col==0) { // Sort file numbers if (si1->_fileno < si2->_fileno) return true; if (si1->_fileno > si2->_fileno) return false; // Sort line numbers if (si1->_lineno < si2->_lineno) return true; if (si1->_lineno > si2->_lineno) return false; // Same line: code gets above calls/jumps if (!si1->_lineCall && !si1->_lineJump) return true; if (!si2->_lineCall && !si2->_lineJump) return false; // calls above jumps if (si1->_lineCall && !si2->_lineCall) return true; if (si2->_lineCall && !si1->_lineCall) return false; if (si1->_lineCall && si2->_lineCall) { // Two calls: desending sort according costs if (si1->_pure < si2->_pure) return true; if (si1->_pure > si2->_pure) return false; // Two calls: sort according function names TraceFunction* f1 = si1->_lineCall->call()->called(); TraceFunction* f2 = si2->_lineCall->call()->called(); if (f1->prettyName() > f2->prettyName()) return false; return true; } // Two jumps: descending sort according target line return (si1->_lineJump->lineTo()->lineno() < si2->_lineJump->lineTo()->lineno()); } return QTreeWidgetItem::operator <(other); } void SourceItem::setJumpArray(const QVector& a) { _jump = a; } // // SourceItemDelegate // SourceItemDelegate::SourceItemDelegate(SourceView *parent) : QItemDelegate(parent) { _parent = parent; } QSize SourceItemDelegate::sizeHint(const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const { QSize sz = QItemDelegate::sizeHint(option, index); int c = index.column(); if (c != 3) return sz; SourceView* sv = (SourceView*) _parent; int levels = sv->arrowLevels(); if (levels == 0) return QSize(0, sz.height()); // 10 pixels for the arrow, 1 pixel margin left and right return QSize(10 + 6*levels + 2, sz.height()); } void SourceItemDelegate::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const { int column = index.column(); SourceItem* item = static_cast(index.internalPointer()); QColor color; if ( !item->inside() || ((column==1) || (column==2))) color = option.palette.color( QPalette::Button ); else if ((item->lineCall() || item->lineJump()) && column>2) color = option.palette.color( QPalette::Midlight ); if (color.isValid()) _parent->model()->setData(index, color, Qt::BackgroundRole); if(column==3) paintArrows(painter, option, index); else QItemDelegate::paint(painter, option, index); } void SourceItemDelegate::paintArrows(QPainter *p, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const { QTreeWidget *lv = _parent; if ( !lv ) return; SourceView* sv = (SourceView*) lv; SourceItem* item = static_cast(index.internalPointer()); const QRect& rect = option.rect; int height = rect.height(); p->save(); drawBackground(p, option, index); p->translate(rect.topLeft()); int marg = 1; int yy = height/2, y1, y2; QColor c; int start = -1, end = -1; TraceLineJump* lineJump = item->lineJump(); uint lineno = item->lineno(); TraceLineCall* lineCall = item->lineCall(); // draw line borders, detect start/stop of a line for(int i=0; i< item->jumpCount(); i++) { TraceLineJump* jump = item->jump(i); if (jump == 0) continue; y1 = 0; y2 = height; if (lineJump && (lineJump->lineTo() == jump->lineTo()) && (jump->lineFrom()->lineno() == lineno)) { if (start<0) start = i; if (lineJump == jump) { if (jump->lineTo()->lineno() <= lineno) y2 = yy; else y1 = yy; } } else if (!lineJump && !lineCall && (jump->lineTo()->lineno() == lineno)) { if (end<0) end = i; if (jump->lineFrom()->lineno() < lineno) y2 = yy; else y1 = yy; } c = jump->isCondJump() ? Qt::red : Qt::blue; p->fillRect( marg + 6*i, y1, 4, y2, c); p->setPen(c.light()); p->drawLine( marg + 6*i, y1, marg + 6*i, y2); p->setPen(c.dark()); p->drawLine( marg + 6*i +3, y1, marg + 6*i +3, y2); } // draw start/stop horizontal line int x, y = yy-2, w, h = 4; if (start >= 0) { c = item->jump(start)->isCondJump() ? Qt::red : Qt::blue; x = marg + 6*start; w = 6*(sv->arrowLevels() - start) + 10; p->fillRect( x, y, w, h, c); p->setPen(c.light()); p->drawLine(x, y, x+w-1, y); p->drawLine(x, y, x, y+h-1); p->setPen(c.dark()); p->drawLine(x+w-1, y, x+w-1, y+h-1); p->drawLine(x+1, y+h-1, x+w-1, y+h-1); } if (end >= 0) { c = item->jump(end)->isCondJump() ? Qt::red : Qt::blue; x = marg + 6*end; w = 6*(sv->arrowLevels() - end) + 10; QPolygon a; a.putPoints(0, 8, x,y+h, x,y, x+w-8,y, x+w-8,y-2, x+w,yy, x+w-8,y+h+2, x+w-8,y+h, x,y+h); p->setBrush(c); p->drawConvexPolygon(a); p->setPen(c.light()); p->drawPolyline(a.constData(), 5); p->setPen(c.dark()); p->drawPolyline(a.constData() + 4, 2); p->setPen(c.light()); p->drawPolyline(a.constData() + 5, 2); p->setPen(c.dark()); p->drawPolyline(a.constData() + 6, 2); } // draw inner vertical line for start/stop // this overwrites borders of horizontal line for(int i=0;i< item->jumpCount();i++) { TraceLineJump* jump = item->jump(i); if (jump == 0) continue; c = jump->isCondJump() ? Qt::red : Qt::blue; if (jump->lineFrom()->lineno() == lineno) { bool drawUp = true; if (jump->lineTo()->lineno() == lineno) if (start<0) drawUp = false; if (jump->lineTo()->lineno() > lineno) drawUp = false; if (drawUp) p->fillRect( marg + 6*i +1, 0, 2, yy, c); else p->fillRect( marg + 6*i +1, yy, 2, height-yy, c); } else if (jump->lineTo()->lineno() == lineno) { if (end<0) end = i; if (jump->lineFrom()->lineno() < lineno) p->fillRect( marg + 6*i +1, 0, 2, yy, c); else p->fillRect( marg + 6*i +1, yy, 2, height-yy, c); } } p->restore(); }