from PyQt4.QtCore import SIGNAL, Qt from PyQt4.QtGui import QLabel from PyKDE4.kdecore import i18n from PyKDE4.kdeui import KVBox, KHBox, KColorButton, KColorCells, KColorCombo, KColorPatch helpText = """These are examples of three ways of changing colors interactively, and one widget that displays a chosen color. When KColorButton is clicked, it pops up a color selection dialog. KColorCells offers one way to present a pre-selected range of color choices, and may have more rows and columns than displayed here. Click on a cell to select a color. KColorCombo provides a programmable drop down list of colors to select from. Finally, KColorPatch will display a specified color. In this example, using any of the other three widgets to select a color will change the color of the KColorPatch. """ class MainFrame(KVBox): def __init__(self, parent=None): KVBox.__init__(self, parent) = QLabel (helpText, self) self.layout ().setAlignment (, Qt.AlignHCenter) hBox1 = KHBox (self) hBox1.setSpacing (10) hBox1.setMargin (40) colorButtonLabel = QLabel ("KColorButton", hBox1) colorButton = KColorButton (hBox1) colorCellsLabel = QLabel ("KColorCells", hBox1) colorCells = KColorCells (hBox1, 1, 8) colorCells.setMaximumSize (160, 20) colorCells.setColor (0, colorCells.setColor (1, colorCells.setColor (2, Qt.yellow) colorCells.setColor (3, colorCells.setColor (4, Qt.darkGreen) colorCells.setColor (5, Qt.magenta) colorCells.setColor (6, Qt.gray) colorCells.setColor (7, Qt.white) colorComboLabel = QLabel ("KColorCombo", hBox1) colorCombo = KColorCombo (hBox1) colorList = [,, Qt.yellow,, Qt.darkGreen, Qt.magenta, Qt.gray, Qt.white] colorCombo.setColors (colorList) colorCombo.setMaximumWidth (80) hBox2 = KHBox (self) hBox2.setSpacing (10) self.layout ().setAlignment (hBox2, Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignTop) self.setStretchFactor (hBox2, 1) colorPatchLabel = QLabel ("KColorPatch", hBox2) hBox2.layout ().setAlignment (colorPatchLabel, Qt.AlignHCenter) self.colorPatch = KColorPatch (hBox2) self.colorPatch.setFixedSize (40, 40) hBox2.layout ().setAlignment (self.colorPatch, Qt.AlignHCenter) self.colorPatch.setColor ( () self.connect (colorButton, SIGNAL ("changed (const QColor&)"), self.colorPatch.setColor) self.connect (colorCells, SIGNAL ("colorSelected (int, const QColor&)"), self.colorCellSelected) self.connect (colorCombo, SIGNAL ("activated (const QColor&)"), self.colorPatch.setColor) def colorCellSelected (self, int, color): self.colorPatch.setColor (color) # This example can be run standalone if __name__ == '__main__': import sys from PyKDE4.kdecore import KCmdLineArgs, KAboutData, KLocalizedString, ki18n from PyKDE4.kdeui import KApplication, KMainWindow class MainWin (KMainWindow): def __init__ (self, *args): KMainWindow.__init__ (self) self.resize(640, 480) self.setCentralWidget (MainFrame (self)) #-------------------- main ------------------------------------------------ appName = "default" catalog = "" programName = ki18n ("default") #ki18n required here version = "1.0" description = ki18n ("Default Example") #ki18n required here license = KAboutData.License_GPL copyright = ki18n ("(c) 2007 Jim Bublitz") #ki18n required here text = ki18n ("none") #ki18n required here homePage = "" bugEmail = "" aboutData = KAboutData (appName, catalog, programName, version, description, license, copyright, text, homePage, bugEmail) # ki18n required for first two addAuthor () arguments aboutData.addAuthor (ki18n ("Troy Melhase"), ki18n ("original concept")) aboutData.addAuthor (ki18n ("Jim Bublitz"), ki18n ("pykdedocs")) KCmdLineArgs.init (sys.argv, aboutData) app = KApplication () mainWindow = MainWin (None, "main window") app.connect (app, SIGNAL ("lastWindowClosed ()"), app.quit) app.exec_ ()