# This file sets up the files responsible for providing information about # PyKDE was configured, to be used by modules built on top of it. # # pykdeconfig.py is legacy, and provided only when PyQt4 itself was built with # its legacy build system (deprecated in PyQt 4.10) and thus provides # pyqtconfig.py. # # pykde_config.sip.in contains SIP code for setting the # PyKDE4.kdecore.PYKDE_CONFIGURATION dict. It is present regardless of whether # pykdeconfig.py exists or not. Like PYQT_CONFIGURATION, it contains less # information than pykdeconfig.py, but enough for other modules to determine # which SIP flags were used to build PyKDE. # Turn these variables into arguments for the sip binary. set(_SIP_TAGS) foreach (_TAG ${SIP_TAGS}) set(_SIP_TAGS "${_SIP_TAGS} -t ${_TAG}") endforeach (_TAG) set(_SIP_X) foreach (_X ${SIP_DISABLE_FEATURES}) set(_SIP_X "${_SIP_X} -X ${_X}") endforeach (_X ${SIP_DISABLE_FEATURES}) # Common variables. set(PYKDE_SIP_DIR "${SIP_FILES_INSTALL_DIR}/PyKDE4") set(PYKDE_SIP_FLAGS "${_SIP_TAGS} ${_SIP_X} ${SIP_EXTRA_OPTIONS}") # Create pykde_config.sip. configure_file(sip/kdecore/pykde_config.sip.in ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/pykde_config.sip @ONLY) # pykdeconfig.py. It is always created, but is installed only if PyQt itself # installs pyqtconfig.py. get_filename_component(LIB_DIR ${KDE4_LIB_DIR} NAME) set(SIP_CONFIGURATION " kde_version_parts = '${KDE_VERSION}'.split('.') kde_version_hex = int(kde_version_parts[0])*65536 + int(kde_version_parts[1])*256 + int(kde_version_parts[2]) _pkg_config = { 'dist_name': '', 'kde_version': kde_version_hex, 'kde_version_extra': '', 'kde_version_sfx': '', 'kde_version_str': '${KDE_VERSION}', 'kdebasedir': '${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}', 'kdeincdir': '${KDE4_INCLUDE_DIR}', 'kdelibdir': '${KDE4_LIB_DIR}', 'konsolepart': 'False', 'libdir': '${LIB_DIR}', 'pykde_kde_sip_flags': '${PYKDE_SIP_FLAGS}', 'pykde_mod_dir': '${PYTHON_SITE_PACKAGES_INSTALL_DIR}/PyKDE4', 'pykde_modules': '${PYKDE_MODULES}', 'pykde_sip_dir': '${PYKDE_SIP_DIR}', 'pykde_version': kde_version_hex, 'pykde_version_str': '${KDE_VERSION}' } _default_macros = None") configure_file(pykdeconfig.py.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/pykdeconfig.py)