/* This file is part of the kblog library. Copyright (c) 2004 Reinhold Kainhofer Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Christian Weilbach Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Mike McQuaid This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "blogger1.h" #include "blogger1_p.h" #include "blogpost.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace KBlog; Blogger1::Blogger1( const KUrl &server, QObject *parent ) : Blog( server, *new Blogger1Private, parent ) { kDebug(); setUrl( server ); } Blogger1::Blogger1( const KUrl &server, Blogger1Private &dd, QObject *parent ) : Blog( server, dd, parent ) { kDebug(); setUrl( server ); } Blogger1::~Blogger1() { kDebug(); } QString Blogger1::interfaceName() const { return QLatin1String( "Blogger 1.0" ); } void Blogger1::setUrl( const KUrl &server ) { Q_D( Blogger1 ); Blog::setUrl( server ); delete d->mXmlRpcClient; d->mXmlRpcClient = new KXmlRpc::Client( server ); d->mXmlRpcClient->setUserAgent( userAgent() ); } void Blogger1::fetchUserInfo() { Q_D( Blogger1 ); kDebug() << "Fetch user's info..."; QList args( d->blogger1Args() ); d->mXmlRpcClient->call( QLatin1String("blogger.getUserInfo"), args, this, SLOT(slotFetchUserInfo(QList,QVariant)), this, SLOT(slotError(int,QString,QVariant)) ); } void Blogger1::listBlogs() { Q_D( Blogger1 ); kDebug() << "Fetch List of Blogs..."; QList args( d->blogger1Args() ); d->mXmlRpcClient->call( QLatin1String("blogger.getUsersBlogs"), args, this, SLOT(slotListBlogs(QList,QVariant)), this, SLOT(slotError(int,QString,QVariant)) ); } void Blogger1::listRecentPosts( int number ) { Q_D( Blogger1 ); kDebug() << "Fetching List of Posts..."; QList args( d->defaultArgs( blogId() ) ); args << QVariant( number ); d->mXmlRpcClient->call( d->getCallFromFunction( Blogger1Private::GetRecentPosts ), args, this, SLOT(slotListRecentPosts(QList,QVariant)), this, SLOT(slotError(int,QString,QVariant)), QVariant( number ) ); } void Blogger1::fetchPost( KBlog::BlogPost *post ) { if ( !post ) { kError() << "Blogger1::modifyPost: post is null pointer"; return; } Q_D( Blogger1 ); kDebug() << "Fetching Post with url" << post->postId(); QList args( d->defaultArgs( post->postId() ) ); unsigned int i= d->mCallCounter++; d->mCallMap[ i ] = post; d->mXmlRpcClient->call( d->getCallFromFunction( Blogger1Private::FetchPost ), args, this, SLOT(slotFetchPost(QList,QVariant)), this, SLOT(slotError(int,QString,QVariant)), QVariant( i ) ); } void Blogger1::modifyPost( KBlog::BlogPost *post ) { Q_D( Blogger1 ); if ( !post ) { kError() << "Blogger1::modifyPost: post is null pointer"; return; } kDebug() << "Uploading Post with postId" << post->postId(); unsigned int i= d->mCallCounter++; d->mCallMap[ i ] = post; QList args( d->defaultArgs( post->postId() ) ); d->readArgsFromPost( &args, *post ); d->mXmlRpcClient->call( d->getCallFromFunction( Blogger1Private::ModifyPost ), args, this, SLOT(slotModifyPost(QList,QVariant)), this, SLOT(slotError(int,QString,QVariant)), QVariant( i ) ); } void Blogger1::createPost( KBlog::BlogPost *post ) { Q_D( Blogger1 ); if ( !post ) { kError() << "Blogger1::createPost: post is null pointer"; return; } unsigned int i= d->mCallCounter++; d->mCallMap[ i ] = post; kDebug() << "Creating new Post with blogid" << blogId(); QList args( d->defaultArgs( blogId() ) ); d->readArgsFromPost( &args, *post ); d->mXmlRpcClient->call( d->getCallFromFunction( Blogger1Private::CreatePost ), args, this, SLOT(slotCreatePost(QList,QVariant)), this, SLOT(slotError(int,QString,QVariant)), QVariant( i ) ); } void Blogger1::removePost( KBlog::BlogPost *post ) { Q_D( Blogger1 ); if ( !post ) { kError() << "Blogger1::removePost: post is null pointer"; return; } unsigned int i = d->mCallCounter++; d->mCallMap[ i ] = post; kDebug() << "Blogger1::removePost: postId=" << post->postId(); QList args( d->blogger1Args( post->postId() ) ); args << QVariant( true ); // Publish must be set to remove post. d->mXmlRpcClient->call( QLatin1String("blogger.deletePost"), args, this, SLOT(slotRemovePost(QList,QVariant)), this, SLOT(slotError(int,QString,QVariant)), QVariant( i ) ); } Blogger1Private::Blogger1Private() : mXmlRpcClient(0) { kDebug(); mCallCounter = 1; } Blogger1Private::~Blogger1Private() { kDebug(); delete mXmlRpcClient; } QList Blogger1Private::defaultArgs( const QString &id ) { kDebug(); Q_Q ( Blogger1 ); QList args; args << QVariant( QLatin1String( "0123456789ABCDEF" ) ); if ( !id.isEmpty() ) { args << QVariant( id ); } args << QVariant( q->username() ) << QVariant( q->password() ); return args; } // reimplemenet defaultArgs, since we may not use it virtually everywhere QList Blogger1Private::blogger1Args( const QString &id ) { kDebug(); Q_Q ( Blogger1 ); QList args; args << QVariant( QLatin1String( "0123456789ABCDEF" ) ); if ( !id.isEmpty() ) { args << QVariant( id ); } args << QVariant( q->username() ) << QVariant( q->password() ); return args; } void Blogger1Private::slotFetchUserInfo( const QList &result, const QVariant &id ) { Q_Q( Blogger1 ); Q_UNUSED( id ); kDebug(); kDebug() << "TOP:" << result[0].typeName(); QMap userInfo; if ( result[0].type() != QVariant::Map ) { kError() << "Could not fetch user's info out of the result from the server," << "not a map."; emit q->error( Blogger1::ParsingError, i18n( "Could not fetch user's info out of the result " "from the server, not a map." ) ); return; } const QMap resultMap = result[0].toMap(); userInfo[QLatin1String("nickname")]=resultMap[QLatin1String("nickname")].toString(); userInfo[QLatin1String("userid")]=resultMap[QLatin1String("userid")].toString(); userInfo[QLatin1String("url")]=resultMap[QLatin1String("url")].toString(); userInfo[QLatin1String("email")]=resultMap[QLatin1String("email")].toString(); userInfo[QLatin1String("lastname")]=resultMap[QLatin1String("lastname")].toString(); userInfo[QLatin1String("firstname")]=resultMap[QLatin1String("firstname")].toString(); emit q->fetchedUserInfo( userInfo ); } void Blogger1Private::slotListBlogs( const QList &result, const QVariant &id ) { Q_Q( Blogger1 ); Q_UNUSED( id ); kDebug(); kDebug() << "TOP:" << result[0].typeName(); QList > blogsList; if ( result[0].type() != QVariant::List ) { kError() << "Could not fetch blogs out of the result from the server," << "not a list."; emit q->error( Blogger1::ParsingError, i18n( "Could not fetch blogs out of the result " "from the server, not a list." ) ); return; } const QList posts = result[0].toList(); QList::ConstIterator it = posts.begin(); QList::ConstIterator end = posts.end(); for ( ; it != end; ++it ) { kDebug() << "MIDDLE:" << ( *it ).typeName(); const QMap postInfo = ( *it ).toMap(); QMap blogInfo; blogInfo[ QLatin1String("id") ] = postInfo[QLatin1String("blogid")].toString(); blogInfo[ QLatin1String("url") ] = postInfo[QLatin1String("url")].toString(); blogInfo[ QLatin1String("apiUrl") ] = postInfo[QLatin1String("xmlrpc")].toString(); blogInfo[ QLatin1String("title") ] = postInfo[QLatin1String("blogName")].toString(); kDebug() << "Blog information retrieved: ID =" << blogInfo[QLatin1String("id")] << ", Name =" << blogInfo[QLatin1String("title")]; blogsList << blogInfo; } emit q->listedBlogs( blogsList ); } void Blogger1Private::slotListRecentPosts( const QList &result, const QVariant &id ) { Q_Q( Blogger1 ); int count = id.toInt(); // not sure if needed, actually the API should // not give more posts kDebug(); kDebug() << "TOP:" << result[0].typeName(); QList fetchedPostList; if ( result[0].type() != QVariant::List ) { kError() << "Could not fetch list of posts out of the" << "result from the server, not a list."; emit q->error( Blogger1::ParsingError, i18n( "Could not fetch list of posts out of the result " "from the server, not a list." ) ); return; } const QList postReceived = result[0].toList(); QList::ConstIterator it = postReceived.begin(); QList::ConstIterator end = postReceived.end(); for ( ; it != end; ++it ) { BlogPost post; kDebug() << "MIDDLE:" << ( *it ).typeName(); const QMap postInfo = ( *it ).toMap(); if ( readPostFromMap( &post, postInfo ) ) { kDebug() << "Post with ID:" << post.postId() << "appended in fetchedPostList"; post.setStatus( BlogPost::Fetched ); fetchedPostList.append( post ); } else { kError() << "readPostFromMap failed!"; emit q->error( Blogger1::ParsingError, i18n( "Could not read post." ) ); } if ( --count == 0 ) { break; } } kDebug() << "Emitting listRecentPostsFinished()"; emit q->listedRecentPosts( fetchedPostList ); } void Blogger1Private::slotFetchPost( const QList &result, const QVariant &id ) { Q_Q( Blogger1 ); kDebug(); KBlog::BlogPost *post = mCallMap[ id.toInt() ]; mCallMap.remove( id.toInt() ); //array of structs containing ISO.8601 // dateCreated, String userid, String postid, String content; // TODO: Time zone for the dateCreated! kDebug () << "TOP:" << result[0].typeName(); if ( result[0].type() == QVariant::Map && readPostFromMap( post, result[0].toMap() ) ) { kDebug() << "Emitting fetchedPost()"; post->setStatus( KBlog::BlogPost::Fetched ); emit q->fetchedPost( post ); } else { kError() << "Could not fetch post out of the result from the server."; post->setError( i18n( "Could not fetch post out of the result from the server." ) ); post->setStatus( BlogPost::Error ); emit q->errorPost( Blogger1::ParsingError, i18n( "Could not fetch post out of the result from the server." ), post ); } } void Blogger1Private::slotCreatePost( const QList &result, const QVariant &id ) { Q_Q( Blogger1 ); KBlog::BlogPost *post = mCallMap[ id.toInt() ]; mCallMap.remove( id.toInt() ); kDebug(); //array of structs containing ISO.8601 // dateCreated, String userid, String postid, String content; // TODO: Time zone for the dateCreated! kDebug () << "TOP:" << result[0].typeName(); if ( result[0].type() != QVariant::String && result[0].type() != QVariant::Int ) { kError() << "Could not read the postId, not a string or an integer."; emit q->errorPost( Blogger1::ParsingError, i18n( "Could not read the postId, not a string or an integer." ), post ); return; } QString serverID; if ( result[0].type() == QVariant::String ) { serverID = result[0].toString(); } else if ( result[0].type() == QVariant::Int ) { serverID = QString::fromLatin1( "%1" ).arg( result[0].toInt() ); } post->setPostId( serverID ); post->setStatus( KBlog::BlogPost::Created ); kDebug() << "emitting createdPost()" << "for title: \"" << post->title() << "\" server id: " << serverID; emit q->createdPost( post ); } void Blogger1Private::slotModifyPost( const QList &result, const QVariant &id ) { Q_Q( Blogger1 ); KBlog::BlogPost *post = mCallMap[ id.toInt() ]; mCallMap.remove( id.toInt() ); kDebug(); //array of structs containing ISO.8601 // dateCreated, String userid, String postid, String content; // TODO: Time zone for the dateCreated! kDebug() << "TOP:" << result[0].typeName(); if ( result[0].type() != QVariant::Bool && result[0].type() != QVariant::Int ) { kError() << "Could not read the result, not a boolean."; emit q->errorPost( Blogger1::ParsingError, i18n( "Could not read the result, not a boolean." ), post ); return; } post->setStatus( KBlog::BlogPost::Modified ); kDebug() << "emitting modifiedPost() for title: \"" << post->title() << "\""; emit q->modifiedPost( post ); } void Blogger1Private::slotRemovePost( const QList &result, const QVariant &id ) { Q_Q( Blogger1 ); KBlog::BlogPost *post = mCallMap[ id.toInt() ]; mCallMap.remove( id.toInt() ); kDebug() << "slotRemovePost"; //array of structs containing ISO.8601 // dateCreated, String userid, String postid, String content; // TODO: Time zone for the dateCreated! kDebug() << "TOP:" << result[0].typeName(); if ( result[0].type() != QVariant::Bool && result[0].type() != QVariant::Int ) { kError() << "Could not read the result, not a boolean."; emit q->errorPost( Blogger1::ParsingError, i18n( "Could not read the result, not a boolean." ), post ); return; } post->setStatus( KBlog::BlogPost::Removed ); kDebug() << "emitting removedPost()"; emit q->removedPost( post ); } void Blogger1Private::slotError( int number, const QString &errorString, const QVariant &id ) { Q_Q( Blogger1 ); Q_UNUSED( number ); kDebug() << "An error occurred: " << errorString; BlogPost *post = mCallMap[ id.toInt() ]; if ( post ) emit q->errorPost( Blogger1::XmlRpc, errorString, post ); else emit q->error( Blogger1::XmlRpc, errorString ); } bool Blogger1Private::readPostFromMap( BlogPost *post, const QMap &postInfo ) { // FIXME: integrate error handling if ( !post ) { return false; } QStringList mapkeys = postInfo.keys(); kDebug() << endl << "Keys:" << mapkeys.join( QLatin1String(", ") ); kDebug() << endl; KDateTime dt( postInfo[QLatin1String("dateCreated")].toDateTime(), KDateTime::UTC ); if ( dt.isValid() && !dt.isNull() ) { post->setCreationDateTime( dt.toLocalZone() ); } dt = KDateTime ( postInfo[QLatin1String("lastModified")].toDateTime(), KDateTime::UTC ); if ( dt.isValid() && !dt.isNull() ) { post->setModificationDateTime( dt.toLocalZone() ); } post->setPostId( postInfo[QLatin1String("postid")].toString().isEmpty() ? postInfo[QLatin1String("postId")].toString() : postInfo[QLatin1String("postid")].toString() ); QString title( postInfo[QLatin1String("title")].toString() ); //QString description( postInfo["description"].toString() ); QString contents; if ( postInfo[QLatin1String("content")].type() == QVariant::ByteArray ) { QByteArray tmpContent = postInfo[QLatin1String("content")].toByteArray(); contents = QString::fromUtf8( tmpContent.data(), tmpContent.size() ); } else { contents = postInfo[QLatin1String("content")].toString(); } QStringList category; // Check for hacked title/category support (e.g. in Wordpress) QRegExp titleMatch = QRegExp( QLatin1String("([^<]*)") ); QRegExp categoryMatch = QRegExp( QLatin1String("([^<]*)") ); if ( contents.indexOf( titleMatch ) != -1 ) { // Get the title value from the regular expression match title = titleMatch.cap( 1 ); } if ( contents.indexOf( categoryMatch ) != -1 ) { // Get the category value from the regular expression match category = categoryMatch.capturedTexts(); } contents.remove( titleMatch ); contents.remove( categoryMatch ); post->setTitle( title ); post->setContent( contents ); post->setCategories( category ); return true; } bool Blogger1Private::readArgsFromPost( QList *args, const BlogPost &post ) { if ( !args ) { return false; } const QStringList categories = post.categories(); QString content = QLatin1String("") + post.title() + QLatin1String(""); QStringList::const_iterator it; QStringList::const_iterator end(categories.constEnd()); for ( it = categories.constBegin(); it != end; ++it ) { content += QLatin1String("") + *it + QLatin1String(""); } content += post.content(); *args << QVariant( content ); *args << QVariant( !post.isPrivate() ); return true; } QString Blogger1Private::getCallFromFunction( FunctionToCall type ) { switch ( type ) { case GetRecentPosts: return QLatin1String("blogger.getRecentPosts"); case CreatePost: return QLatin1String("blogger.newPost"); case ModifyPost: return QLatin1String("blogger.editPost"); case FetchPost: return QLatin1String("blogger.getPost"); default: return QString(); } } #include "moc_blogger1.cpp"