How to create kmail header based on Grantlee: --------------------------------------------- You can use directly headerthemeeditor When you want to add css file or js file you need to use: "" header.abasoluteThemePath defines path where is installed themes. KMail doesn't load relative path We have some variable which can use to define theme: - i18n variables: (default translated string) header.subjecti18n header.replyToi18n header.toi18n header.cci18n header.bcci18n header.fromi18n header.spamstatusi18n header.datei18n header.resentfromi18n header.vcardi18n header.resenttoi18n - theme variables: header.absoluteThemePath header.subject header.replyTo header.replyToStr header.toStr header.ccStr header.bcc header.bccStr header.from header.fromStr header.spamHTML header.dateshort header.useragent header.xmailer header.resentfrom header.organization header.vcardname header.activecolordark header.fontcolor header.linkcolor header.photowidth header.photoheight header.applicationDir header.subjectDir header.photourl header.isprinting header.resentto