2015-09-04 23:40:04 +00:00

5467 lines
165 KiB

# translation of partitionmanager.po to galician
# Copyright (C) YEAR This_file_is_part_of_KDE
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# mvillarino <mvillarino@users.sourceforge.net>, 2008, 2009.
# Marce Villarino <mvillarino@users.sourceforge.net>, 2008.
# Xabier Villar <xabier.villar@gmail.com>, 2010.
# Marce Villarino <mvillarino@kde-espana.es>, 2012, 2013.
# Adrian Chaves Fernandez <adriyetichaves@gmail.com>, 2012, 2013.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: partitionmanager\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: xakepa10@gmail.com\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-09-04 23:26+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-10 18:47+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Marce Villarino <mvillarino@kde-espana.org>\n"
"Language-Team: Galician <proxecto@trasno.net>\n"
"Language: gl\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.5\n"
"X-Environment: kde\n"
"X-Accelerator-Marker: &\n"
"X-Text-Markup: kde4\n"
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:55
msgctxt "@item:intable"
msgid "failing"
msgstr "fallando"
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:58
msgctxt "@item:intable"
msgid "has failed"
msgstr "fallou"
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:61
msgctxt "@item:intable"
msgid "warning"
msgstr "aviso"
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:64
msgctxt "@item:intable"
msgid "good"
msgstr "ben"
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:68 core/smartattribute.cpp:96
msgctxt "@item:intable not applicable"
msgid "N/A"
msgstr "descoñecido"
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:83
msgctxt "@item:intable"
msgid "%1 sector"
msgid_plural "%1 sectors"
msgstr[0] "%1 sector"
msgstr[1] "%1 sectores"
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:114
msgctxt "SMART attr name"
msgid "Read Error Rate"
msgstr "Frecuencia dos erros de lectura"
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:114
msgctxt "SMART attr description"
msgid "Rate of hardware read errors while reading data from the disk surface."
msgstr ""
"Frecuencia dos erros de lectura do hardware ao ler datos da superficie do "
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hard_disk_drive_performance_characteristics#Data_transfer_rate
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:115
msgctxt "SMART attr name"
msgid "Throughput Performance"
msgstr "Taxa de transferencia de datos"
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:115
msgctxt "SMART attr description"
msgid ""
"Overall (general) throughput performance of a hard disk drive. If the value "
"of this attribute is decreasing there is a high probability that there is a "
"problem with the disk."
msgstr ""
"O rendemento máxico xeral dun disco duro. Se o valor deste atributo está a "
"diminuír, existe unha alta probabilidade de que exista un problema co disco."
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spin-up
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:116
msgctxt "SMART attr name"
msgid "Spin-Up Time"
msgstr "Tempo de arranque"
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:116
msgctxt "SMART attr description"
msgid "Average time of spindle spin up from zero RPM to fully operational."
msgstr ""
"Tempo medio para que o eixo pase de estar parado a xirar a unha velocidade "
"completamente funcional."
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:117
msgctxt "SMART attr name"
msgid "Start/Stop Count"
msgstr "Conta de inicio e parada"
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:117
msgctxt "SMART attr description"
msgid "A tally of spindle start/stop cycles."
msgstr "Número de ciclos de inicio e parada do eixo."
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:118
msgctxt "SMART attr name"
msgid "Reallocated Sectors Count"
msgstr "Número de sectores reasignados"
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:118
msgctxt "SMART attr description"
msgid ""
"Count of reallocated sectors. When the hard drive finds a read/write/"
"verification error, it marks this sector as &quot;reallocated&quot; and "
"transfers data to a special reserved area (spare area)."
msgstr ""
"Número de sectores reasignados. Cando se atopa un erro de lectura, escritura "
"ou verificación no disco, o sector en cuestión márcase como «reasignado», e "
"os datos transfírense a unha zona especial, a zona libre, reservada para "
"este fin."
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:119
msgctxt "SMART attr name"
msgid "Read Channel Margin"
msgstr "Marxe da canle de lectura"
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:119
msgctxt "SMART attr description"
msgid ""
"Margin of a channel while reading data. The function of this attribute is "
"not specified."
msgstr ""
"Marxe dunha canle mentres está a ler datos. Non se indica a función deste "
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:120
msgctxt "SMART attr name"
msgid "Seek Error Rate"
msgstr "Frecuencia dos erros de salto"
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:120
msgctxt "SMART attr description"
msgid ""
"Rate of seek errors of the magnetic heads. If there is a partial failure in "
"the mechanical positioning system, then seek errors will arise."
msgstr ""
"Frecuencia dos erros de salto das cabezas magnéticas. Se hai un fallo "
"parcial no sistema de posicionamento dinámico, aparecerán os erros de salto."
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:121
msgctxt "SMART attr name"
msgid "Seek Time Performance"
msgstr "Rendemento do tempo de salto"
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:121
msgctxt "SMART attr description"
msgid ""
"Average performance of seek operations of the magnetic heads. If this "
"attribute is decreasing, it is a sign of problems in the mechanical "
msgstr ""
"Rendemento medio das operacións de salto nas cabezas magnéticas. A "
"diminución deste atributo é sinal de problemas no subsistema mecánico."
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:122
msgctxt "SMART attr name"
msgid "Power-On Hours"
msgstr "Horas acendido"
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:122
msgctxt "SMART attr description"
msgid "Count of hours in power-on state."
msgstr "Número de horas que leva acendido."
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:123
msgctxt "SMART attr name"
msgid "Spin Retry Count"
msgstr "Número de segundos intentos de xiro"
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:123
msgctxt "SMART attr description"
msgid ""
"Count of retry of spin start attempts if the first attempt was unsuccessful. "
"An increase of this attribute value is a sign of problems in the hard disk "
"mechanical subsystem."
msgstr ""
"Número de veces que se produciu un segundo intento de iniciar o xiro porque "
"o primeiro intento non deu froito. O aumento deste atributo é sinal de "
"problemas no subsistema mecánico do disco duro."
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:124
msgctxt "SMART attr name"
msgid "Recalibration Retries"
msgstr "Segundos intentos de recalibración"
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:124
msgctxt "SMART attr description"
msgid ""
"Count of recalibrations requested if the first attempt was unsuccessful. An "
"increase of this attribute value is a sign of problems in the hard disk "
"mechanical subsystem."
msgstr ""
"Número de veces que se produciu unha segunda solicitude de recalibración "
"porque a primeira non deu froito. O aumento deste atributo é sinal de "
"problemas no subsistema mecánico do disco duro."
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:125
msgctxt "SMART attr name"
msgid "Power Cycle Count"
msgstr "Número de ciclos de enerxía"
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:125
msgctxt "SMART attr description"
msgid "Count of full hard disk power on/off cycles."
msgstr "Número de ciclos completos de acendido e apagado do disco duro."
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:126 core/smartattribute.cpp:145
msgctxt "SMART attr name"
msgid "Soft Read Error Rate"
msgstr "Frecuencia de erros de lectura do software"
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:126
msgctxt "SMART attr description"
msgid "Uncorrected read errors reported to the operating system."
msgstr ""
"Erros de lectura non corrixidos e dos que se informou ao sistema operativo."
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:127
msgctxt "SMART attr name"
msgid "SATA Downshift Error Count"
msgstr "Número de erros de redución da velocidade do SATA"
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:127
msgctxt "SMART attr description"
msgid "Western Digital and Samsung attribute."
msgstr "Atributo dos discos duros de marca Western Digital e Samsung."
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:128
msgctxt "SMART attr name"
msgid "End-to-End Error"
msgstr "Erro de punto a punto"
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:128
msgctxt "SMART attr description"
msgid ""
"Part of HP's SMART IV technology: After transferring through the cache RAM "
"data buffer the parity data between the host and the hard drive did not "
msgstr ""
"Parte da tecnoloxía SMART IV de HP. Despois dunha transferencia a través do "
"búfer de datos da RAM de caché, os datos de paridade do anfitrión non se "
"corresponderon cos do disco duro."
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:129
msgctxt "SMART attr name"
msgid "Head Stability"
msgstr "Estabilidade da cabeza"
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:129 core/smartattribute.cpp:130
msgctxt "SMART attr description"
msgid "Western Digital attribute."
msgstr "Atributo dos discos duros de marca Western Digital."
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:130
msgctxt "SMART attr name"
msgid "Induced Op-Vibration Detection"
msgstr "Detección de vibración por operacións inducida"
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:131
msgctxt "SMART attr name"
msgid "Reported Uncorrectable Errors"
msgstr "Erros incorrixíbeis coñecidos"
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:131
msgctxt "SMART attr description"
msgid "Count of errors that could not be recovered using hardware ECC."
msgstr ""
"Número de erros dos que non foi posíbel recuperarse empregando ECC de "
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:132
msgctxt "SMART attr name"
msgid "Command Timeout"
msgstr "Ordes caducadas"
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:132
msgctxt "SMART attr description"
msgid "Count of aborted operations due to HDD timeout."
msgstr ""
"Número de operacións interrompidas por esgotarse o tempo límite do disco "
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:133
msgctxt "SMART attr name"
msgid "High Fly Writes"
msgstr "Escrituras de voo alto"
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:133
msgctxt "SMART attr description"
msgid "Count of fly height errors detected."
msgstr ""
"Número de erros de «voo alto» detectados. Estes erros consisten naquelas "
"situacións nas que unha cabeza “voa” fóra da súa zona normal de operación."
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:134
msgctxt "SMART attr name"
msgid "Temperature Difference From 100"
msgstr "Diferencia de temperatura de 100"
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:134
msgctxt "SMART attr description"
msgid ""
"Value is equal to (100 &ndash; temp. °C), allowing manufacturer to set a "
"minimum threshold which corresponds to a maximum temperature."
msgstr ""
"O valor é equivalente a 100 °C, de xeito que os fabricantes poden definir un "
"límite inferior, que se corresponda cunha temperatura máxima."
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:135
msgctxt "SMART attr name"
msgid "G-sense Error Rate"
msgstr "Frecuencia de erros G"
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:135
msgctxt "SMART attr description"
msgid "Count of errors resulting from externally-induced shock and vibration."
msgstr ""
"Número de erros producidos por golpes e vibracións inducidos de maneira "
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:136
msgctxt "SMART attr name"
msgid "Power Off Retract Count"
msgstr "Número de apagados"
# http://www.ariolic.com/activesmart/smart-attributes/power-off-retract-count.html
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:136
msgctxt "SMART attr description"
msgid "Count of power-off or emergency retract cycles"
msgstr "Número de veces que se apagou o disco."
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:137
msgctxt "SMART attr name"
msgid "Load Cycle Count"
msgstr "Número de ciclos de carga"
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:137
msgctxt "SMART attr description"
msgid "Count of load/unload cycles into head landing zone position."
msgstr ""
"Número de ciclos de carga e descarga na posición da área de aterraxe da "
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:138 core/smartattribute.cpp:166
msgctxt "SMART attr name"
msgid "Temperature"
msgstr "Temperatura"
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:138
msgctxt "SMART attr description"
msgid "Current internal temperature."
msgstr "Temperatura interna actual."
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:139
msgctxt "SMART attr name"
msgid "Hardware ECC Recovered"
msgstr "Recuperacións con ECC de hardware"
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:139
msgctxt "SMART attr description"
msgid "Count of errors that could be recovered using hardware ECC."
msgstr ""
"Número de erros dos que foi posíbel recuperarse empregando ECC de hardware."
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:140
msgctxt "SMART attr name"
msgid "Reallocation Event Count"
msgstr "Número de casos de reasignación"
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:140
msgctxt "SMART attr description"
msgid ""
"Count of remap operations. The raw value of this attribute shows the total "
"number of attempts to transfer data from reallocated sectors to a spare area."
msgstr ""
"Número de operacións de reasignación. O valor en cru deste atributo mostra o "
"número de intentos de transferir datos de sectores reasignados a unha zona "
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:141
msgctxt "SMART attr name"
msgid "Current Pending Sector Count"
msgstr "Número de sectores pendentes actuais"
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:141
msgctxt "SMART attr description"
msgid ""
"Number of &quot;unstable&quot; sectors (waiting to be remapped, because of "
"read errors)."
msgstr ""
"Número de sectores “inestábeis”, é dicir, sectores á espera de ser "
"reasignados por mor de erros de lectura."
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:142
msgctxt "SMART attr name"
msgid "Uncorrectable Sector Count"
msgstr "Número de sectores incorrixíbeis"
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:142
msgctxt "SMART attr description"
msgid "Count of uncorrectable errors when reading/writing a sector."
msgstr "Número de erros incorrixíbeis ao ler ou escribir nun sector."
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:143
msgctxt "SMART attr name"
msgid "UltraDMA CRC Error Count"
msgstr "Número de erros CRC de UltraDMA"
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:143
msgctxt "SMART attr description"
msgid ""
"Count of errors in data transfer via the interface cable as determined by "
msgstr ""
"Número de errors en transferencias de datos mediante a fío da interface, tal "
"e como o determina o ICRC."
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:144
msgctxt "SMART attr name"
msgid "Multi-Zone Error Rate<br/>Write Error Rate"
msgstr ""
"Frecuencia de erros en varias zonas<br/>Frecuencia de erros de escritura"
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:144
msgctxt "SMART attr description"
msgid "The total number of errors when writing a sector."
msgstr "O número total de erros ao escribir un sector."
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:145
msgctxt "SMART attr description"
msgid "Number of off-track errors."
msgstr "Número de saídas de pista"
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:146
msgctxt "SMART attr name"
msgid "Data Address Mark Errors"
msgstr "Erros de marcas do enderezo de datos"
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:146
msgctxt "SMART attr description"
msgid "Number of Data Address Mark errors (or vendor-specific)."
msgstr ""
"Número de erros de marcas do enderezo de datos (ou outro tipo de dato, "
"dependendo do fabricante)."
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:147
msgctxt "SMART attr name"
msgid "Run Out Cancel"
msgstr "Execución e cancelación"
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:147
msgctxt "SMART attr description"
msgid "Number of ECC errors"
msgstr "Número de erros ECC."
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:148
msgctxt "SMART attr name"
msgid "Soft ECC Correction"
msgstr "Correccións de ECC de software"
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:148
msgctxt "SMART attr description"
msgid "Number of errors corrected by software ECC"
msgstr "Número de erros corrixidos por ECC de software."
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:149
msgctxt "SMART attr name"
msgid "Thermal Asperity Rate"
msgstr "Taxa de aspereza térmica"
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:149
msgctxt "SMART attr description"
msgid "Number of errors due to high temperature."
msgstr "Número de erros debidos a altas temperaturas."
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:150
msgctxt "SMART attr name"
msgid "Flying Height"
msgstr "Altura de voo"
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:150
msgctxt "SMART attr description"
msgid ""
"Height of heads above the disk surface. A flying height that is too low "
"increases the chances of a head crash while a flying height that is too high "
"increases the chances of a read/write error."
msgstr ""
"Altura das cabezas sobre a superficie do disco. Se a altura é pouca, aumenta "
"a probabilidade de que quebre algunha cabeza, mentres que se é moita, "
"aumenta a probabilidade de que se produzan erros de lectura ou escritura."
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:151
msgctxt "SMART attr name"
msgid "Spin High Current"
msgstr "Corrente de inicio do xiro"
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:151
msgctxt "SMART attr description"
msgid "Amount of surge current used to spin up the drive."
msgstr "Cantidade de corrente empregada para iniciar o xiro do disco."
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:152
msgctxt "SMART attr name"
msgid "Spin Buzz"
msgstr "Axitación para o xiro"
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:152
msgctxt "SMART attr description"
msgid ""
"Number of buzz routines needed to spin up the drive due to insufficient "
msgstr ""
"Número de rutinas de axitación necesarias para iniciar o xiro do disco, a "
"causa da falta de enerxía."
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:153
msgctxt "SMART attr name"
msgid "Offline Seek Performance"
msgstr "Rendemento de salto desconectado"
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:153
msgctxt "SMART attr description"
msgid "Drive's seek performance during its internal tests."
msgstr "Rendemento de salto do dispositivo durante as probas internas."
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:154
msgctxt "SMART attr name"
msgid "Vibration During Write"
msgstr "Vibración durante a escritura"
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:154
msgctxt "SMART attr description"
msgid "Vibration During Write"
msgstr "Vibración producida durante as operacións de escritura."
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:155
msgctxt "SMART attr name"
msgid "Shock During Write"
msgstr "Golpes durante a escritura"
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:155
msgctxt "SMART attr description"
msgid "Shock During Write"
msgstr "Golpes producidos durante as operacións de escritura."
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:156
msgctxt "SMART attr name"
msgid "Disk Shift"
msgstr "Desprazamento do disco"
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:156
msgctxt "SMART attr description"
msgid ""
"Distance the disk has shifted relative to the spindle (usually due to shock "
"or temperature)."
msgstr ""
"Distancia de desprazamento do disco en relación ao gonzo, xeralmente a causa "
"de golpes ou por mor da temperatura."
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:157
msgctxt "SMART attr name"
msgid "G-Sense Error Rate"
msgstr "Frecuencia de erros G"
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:157
msgctxt "SMART attr description"
msgid ""
"The number of errors resulting from externally-induced shock and vibration."
msgstr ""
"Número de erros producidos por golpes e vibracións inducidos de maneira "
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:158
msgctxt "SMART attr name"
msgid "Loaded Hours"
msgstr "Horas de carga"
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:158
msgctxt "SMART attr description"
msgid "Time spent operating under data load."
msgstr "Tempo empregado operando baixo carga de datos."
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:159
msgctxt "SMART attr name"
msgid "Load/Unload Retry Count"
msgstr "Número de segundos intentos de carga ou descarga"
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:159
msgctxt "SMART attr description"
msgid "Number of times head changes position."
msgstr "Veces que cambia a posición da cabeza."
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:160
msgctxt "SMART attr name"
msgid "Load Friction"
msgstr "Fricción de carga"
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:160
msgctxt "SMART attr description"
msgid "Resistance caused by friction in mechanical parts while operating."
msgstr ""
"Resistencia causada pola fricción en partes mecánicas mentres se opera."
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:161
msgctxt "SMART attr name"
msgid "Load/Unload Cycle Count"
msgstr "Número de ciclos de carga e descarga"
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:161
msgctxt "SMART attr description"
msgid "Total number of load cycles."
msgstr "Número total de ciclos de carga."
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:162
msgctxt "SMART attr name"
msgid "Load-In Time"
msgstr "Tempo de carga"
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:162
msgctxt "SMART attr description"
msgid ""
"Total time of loading on the magnetic heads actuator (time not spent in "
"parking area)."
msgstr ""
"Tempo total de carga no mecanismo de activación das cabezas magnéticas, é "
"dicir, tempo non empregado na zona de aparcadoiro."
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:163
msgctxt "SMART attr name"
msgid "Torque Amplification Count"
msgstr "Número de amplificacións das forzas de torsión"
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:163
msgctxt "SMART attr description"
msgid "Number of attempts to compensate for platter speed variations."
msgstr "Número de intentos de compensar as variacións da velocidade do prato."
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:164
msgctxt "SMART attr name"
msgid "Power-Off Retract Cycle"
msgstr "Ciclos de apagado"
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:164
msgctxt "SMART attr description"
msgid ""
"The number of times the magnetic armature was retracted automatically as a "
"result of cutting power."
msgstr ""
"Veces que se retirou o armazón magnético automaticamente como consecuencia "
"dun corte de enerxía."
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:165
msgctxt "SMART attr name"
msgid "GMR Head Amplitude"
msgstr "Amplitude GMR das cabezas"
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:165
msgctxt "SMART attr description"
msgid ""
"Amplitude of &quot;thrashing&quot; (distance of repetitive forward/reverse "
"head motion)"
msgstr ""
"Amplitude da «malleira», é dicir, a distancia de movemento repetitivo cada "
"adiante e cara atrás das cabezas."
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:166
msgctxt "SMART attr description"
msgid "Drive Temperature"
msgstr "Temperatura do disco"
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:167
msgctxt "SMART attr name"
msgid "Endurance Remaining"
msgstr "Vida restante"
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:167
msgctxt "SMART attr description"
msgid ""
"Count of physical erase cycles completed on the drive as a percentage of the "
"maximum physical erase cycles the drive supports"
msgstr ""
"Número de ciclos físicos de borrado completados no disco, en forma de "
"porcentaxe con respecto ao número máximo de ciclos de borrado que permite o "
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:168
msgctxt "SMART attr name"
msgid "Power-On Seconds"
msgstr "Segundos acendido"
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:168
msgctxt "SMART attr description"
msgid "Time elapsed in the power-on state"
msgstr "Tempo que leva acendido."
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:169
msgctxt "SMART attr name"
msgid "Unrecoverable ECC Count"
msgstr "Número de ECC irrecuperábeis"
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:169
msgctxt "SMART attr description"
msgid "Count of unrecoverable ECC errors"
msgstr "Número de erros ECC irrecuperábeis."
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:170
msgctxt "SMART attr name"
msgid "Good Block Rate"
msgstr "Taxa de bloques bos"
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:170
msgctxt "SMART attr description"
msgid ""
"Count of available reserved blocks as percentage of the total number of "
"reserved blocks"
msgstr ""
"Número de bloques inversos dispoñíbeis, en forma de porcentaxe con respecto "
"ao número total de bloques reservados."
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:171
msgctxt "SMART attr name"
msgid "Head Flying Hours<br/>or Transfer Error Rate (Fujitsu)"
msgstr ""
"Horas de voo das cabezas<br/>ou Frecuencia dos erros de transferencia "
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:171
msgctxt "SMART attr description"
msgid ""
"Time while head is positioning<br/>or counts the number of times the link is "
"reset during a data transfer."
msgstr ""
"Tempo durante o que a cabeza se pon en posición ou<br/>veces que se "
"restablece a ligazón durante unha transferencia de datos."
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:172
msgctxt "SMART attr name"
msgid "Total LBAs Written"
msgstr "LBAs totais escritas"
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:172
msgctxt "SMART attr description"
msgid "Total LBAs Written"
msgstr "LBAs totais escritas."
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:173
msgctxt "SMART attr name"
msgid "Total LBAs Read"
msgstr "LBAs totais lidas"
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:173
msgctxt "SMART attr description"
msgid "Total LBAs Read"
msgstr "LBAs totais lidas."
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:174
msgctxt "SMART attr name"
msgid "Read Error Retry Rate"
msgstr "Frecuencia dos erros de lectura"
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:174
msgctxt "SMART attr description"
msgid "Number of errors while reading from a disk"
msgstr "Número de erros ao ler dun disco."
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:175
msgctxt "SMART attr name"
msgid "Free Fall Protection"
msgstr "Protección contra caídas"
#: core/smartattribute.cpp:175
msgctxt "SMART attr description"
msgid "Number of &quot;Free Fall Events&quot; detected"
msgstr "Número de casos de caída detectados."
#: core/device.cpp:90
msgid "Unknown Device"
msgstr "Dispositivo descoñecido"
#: core/operationstack.cpp:112
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Deleting a partition just created: Undoing the operation to create the "
msgstr ""
"Borrado dunha partición recén creada: a desfacer a operación para criar a "
#: core/operationstack.cpp:131
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Resizing a partition just created: Updating start and end in existing "
msgstr ""
"Mudanza de tamaño dunha partición recén creada: a anovar o comezo e a fin na "
"operación existente."
#: core/operationstack.cpp:152
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Copying a new partition: Creating a new partition instead."
msgstr "Copia dunha nova partición: criarase no canto unha partición nova."
#: core/operationstack.cpp:170
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Changing label for a new partition: No new operation required."
msgstr ""
"Mudanza da etiqueta dunha nova partición: non se require ningunha operación "
#: core/operationstack.cpp:184
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Changing file system for a new partition: No new operation required."
msgstr ""
"Mudanza do sistema de ficheiros dunha nova partición: non se require "
"ningunha operación nova."
#: core/operationstack.cpp:202
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Checking file systems is automatically done when creating them: No new "
"operation required."
msgstr ""
"Os sistemas de ficheiros compróbanse automaticamente ao crearse; non é "
"necesaria unha operación nova."
#: core/operationstack.cpp:251
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Deleting a partition just copied: Removing the copy."
msgstr "Borrando unha partición que se acaba de copiar: eliminando a copia."
#: core/operationstack.cpp:258
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Deleting a partition just copied over an existing partition: Removing the "
"copy and deleting the existing partition."
msgstr ""
"Borrado dunha partición recén copiada sobre outra partición xa existente: a "
"eliminar a copia e borrar a partición xa existente."
#: core/operationstack.cpp:272
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Copying a partition that is itself a copy: Copying the original source "
"partition instead."
msgstr ""
"Copiado dunha partición que en si xa é unha copia: a copiar no seu lugar a "
"partición orixinal."
#: core/operationstack.cpp:303
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Deleting a partition just restored: Removing the restore operation."
msgstr ""
"Borrado dunha partición recén restaurada: a eliminar a operación de "
#: core/operationstack.cpp:310
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Deleting a partition just restored to an existing partition: Removing the "
"restore operation and deleting the existing partition."
msgstr ""
"Borrado dunha partición recén restaurada nunha partición xa existente: a "
"eliminar a operación de restauración e borrar a partición existente."
#: core/operationstack.cpp:344
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Changing flags again for the same partition: Removing old operation."
msgstr ""
"Mudar de novo as bandeiras da mesma partición: a eliminar a operación antiga."
#: core/operationstack.cpp:376
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Changing label again for the same partition: Removing old operation."
msgstr ""
"Mudar de novo a etiqueta da mesma partición: a eliminar a operación antiga."
#: core/operationstack.cpp:403
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Creating new partition table, discarding previous operation on device."
msgstr ""
"Creando unha nova táboa de particións, descartando as operacións anteriores "
"no dispositivo."
#: core/operationstack.cpp:454
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Add operation: %1"
msgstr "Engadir unha operación: %1"
#: core/partitionalignment.cpp:89
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Partition <filename>%1</filename> is not properly aligned (first sector: %2, "
"modulo: %3)."
msgstr ""
"A partición <filename>%1</filename> non comeza nun limiar de cilindro "
"(primeiro sector: %2, módulo: %3)."
#: core/partitionalignment.cpp:92
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Partition <filename>%1</filename> is not properly aligned (last sector: %2, "
"modulo: %3)."
msgstr ""
"A partición <filename>%1</filename> non remata nun limiar de cilindro "
"(último sector: %2, módulo: %3)."
#: core/partitionrole.cpp:29
msgctxt "@item partition role"
msgid "unallocated"
msgstr "sen asignar"
#: core/partitionrole.cpp:32
msgctxt "@item partition role"
msgid "logical"
msgstr "lóxica"
#: core/partitionrole.cpp:35
msgctxt "@item partition role"
msgid "extended"
msgstr "estendida"
#: core/partitionrole.cpp:38
msgctxt "@item partition role"
msgid "primary"
msgstr "primaria"
#: core/partitionrole.cpp:40
msgctxt "@item partition role"
msgid "none"
msgstr "ningún"
#: core/smartstatus.cpp:209
msgctxt "@item:intable degrees in Celsius and Fahrenheit"
msgid "%1° C / %2° F"
msgstr "%1°C / %2 °F"
#: core/smartstatus.cpp:217
msgctxt "@item"
msgid "Aborted"
msgstr "Cancelado"
#: core/smartstatus.cpp:220
msgctxt "@item"
msgid "Interrupted"
msgstr "Interrompido"
#: core/smartstatus.cpp:223
msgctxt "@item"
msgid "Fatal error"
msgstr "Erro moi grave"
#: core/smartstatus.cpp:226
msgctxt "@item"
msgid "Unknown error"
msgstr "Erro descoñecido"
#: core/smartstatus.cpp:229
msgctxt "@item"
msgid "Electrical error"
msgstr "Erro eléctrico"
#: core/smartstatus.cpp:232
msgctxt "@item"
msgid "Servo error"
msgstr "Erro de servo"
#: core/smartstatus.cpp:235
msgctxt "@item"
msgid "Read error"
msgstr "Erro de lectura"
#: core/smartstatus.cpp:238
msgctxt "@item"
msgid "Handling error"
msgstr "Erro de manipulación"
#: core/smartstatus.cpp:241
msgctxt "@item"
msgid "Self test in progress"
msgstr "Proba en marcha"
#: core/smartstatus.cpp:245
msgctxt "@item"
msgid "Success"
msgstr "Éxito"
#: core/smartstatus.cpp:255
msgctxt "@item"
msgid "Healthy"
msgstr "Bo estado"
#: core/smartstatus.cpp:258
msgctxt "@item"
msgid "Has been used outside of its design parameters in the past."
msgstr "Outrora usouse fóra dos parámetros cos que foi deseñado."
#: core/smartstatus.cpp:261
msgctxt "@item"
msgid "Has some bad sectors."
msgstr "Ten algúns sectores malos."
#: core/smartstatus.cpp:264
msgctxt "@item"
msgid "Is being used outside of its design parameters right now."
msgstr "Está a ser usado fóra dos parámetros cos que foi deseñado."
#: core/smartstatus.cpp:267
msgctxt "@item"
msgid "Has many bad sectors."
msgstr "Ten moitos sectores malos."
#: core/smartstatus.cpp:271
msgctxt "@item"
msgid "Disk failure is imminent. Backup all data!"
msgstr ""
"Faga unha copia de seguridade dos seus datos! O disco non ha tardar en "
"deixar de funcionar."
#: core/partitiontable.cpp:158
msgctxt "@item partition flag"
msgid "boot"
msgstr "arranque"
#: core/partitiontable.cpp:159
msgctxt "@item partition flag"
msgid "root"
msgstr "raíz"
#: core/partitiontable.cpp:160
msgctxt "@item partition flag"
msgid "swap"
msgstr "swap"
#: core/partitiontable.cpp:161
msgctxt "@item partition flag"
msgid "hidden"
msgstr "agochada"
#: core/partitiontable.cpp:162
msgctxt "@item partition flag"
msgid "raid"
msgstr "raid"
#: core/partitiontable.cpp:163
msgctxt "@item partition flag"
msgid "lvm"
msgstr "lvm"
#: core/partitiontable.cpp:164
msgctxt "@item partition flag"
msgid "lba"
msgstr "lba"
#: core/partitiontable.cpp:165
msgctxt "@item partition flag"
msgid "hpservice"
msgstr "hpservice"
#: core/partitiontable.cpp:166
msgctxt "@item partition flag"
msgid "palo"
msgstr "palo"
#: core/partitiontable.cpp:167
msgctxt "@item partition flag"
msgid "prep"
msgstr "prep"
#: core/partitiontable.cpp:168
msgctxt "@item partition flag"
msgid "msft-reserved"
msgstr "msft-reservada"
#: core/partitiontable.cpp:404
msgctxt "@item/plain partition table name"
msgid "unknown"
msgstr "descoñecido"
#: core/partition.cpp:161
msgctxt "@item partition name"
msgid "unallocated"
msgstr "sen asignar"
#: core/partition.cpp:164
msgctxt "@item partition name"
msgid "New Partition"
msgstr "Partición nova"
#: core/partition.cpp:167
msgctxt "@item partition name"
msgid "Restored Partition"
msgstr "Partición restaurada"
#: core/partition.cpp:170
msgctxt "@item partition name"
msgid "Copy of %1"
msgstr "Copia de %1"
#. i18n: file: gui/partitionmanagerui.rc:5
#. i18n: ectx: ToolBar (editToolBar)
#: rc.cpp:3
msgctxt "@title:menu turn on and off edit toolbar"
msgid "Edit Toolbar"
msgstr "Barra de ferramentas de Edición"
#. i18n: file: gui/partitionmanagerui.rc:11
#. i18n: ectx: ToolBar (partitionToolBar)
#: rc.cpp:6
msgctxt "@title:menu"
msgid "Partition Toolbar"
msgstr "Barra de ferramentas de Partición"
#. i18n: file: gui/partitionmanagerui.rc:18
#. i18n: ectx: ToolBar (deviceToolBar)
#: rc.cpp:9
msgctxt "@title:menu"
msgid "Device Toolbar"
msgstr "Barra de ferramentas de Dispositivo"
#. i18n: file: gui/partitionmanagerui.rc:30
#. i18n: ectx: Menu (view)
#: rc.cpp:12
msgctxt "@title:menu"
msgid "View"
msgstr "Vista"
#. i18n: file: gui/partitionmanagerui.rc:40
#. i18n: ectx: Menu (device)
#: rc.cpp:15
msgctxt "@title:menu"
msgid "Device"
msgstr "Dispositivo"
#. i18n: file: gui/partitionmanagerui.rc:42
#. i18n: ectx: Menu (selectedDevice)
#: rc.cpp:18
msgctxt "@title:menu"
msgid "Select Current Device"
msgstr "Seleccionar o dispositivo actual"
#. i18n: file: gui/partitionmanagerui.rc:54
#. i18n: ectx: Menu (partition)
#: rc.cpp:21
msgctxt "@title:menu"
msgid "Partition"
msgstr "Partición"
#. i18n: file: config/configurepageadvanced.ui:23
#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox)
#: rc.cpp:24
msgid "Permissions"
msgstr "Permisos "
#. i18n: file: config/configurepageadvanced.ui:35
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_allowApplyOperationsAsNonRoot)
#: rc.cpp:27
msgid "Allow applying operations without administrator privileges"
msgstr "Permitir aplicar as operacións sen privilexios de administrador."
#. i18n: file: config/configurepageadvanced.ui:51
#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox_5)
#: rc.cpp:30
msgid "Backend"
msgstr "Infraestrutura"
#. i18n: file: config/configurepageadvanced.ui:57
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4)
#: rc.cpp:33
msgid "Active backend:"
msgstr "Infraestrutura activa:"
#. i18n: file: config/configurepageadvanced.ui:79
#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox_6)
#: rc.cpp:36
msgid "Units"
msgstr "Units"
#. i18n: file: config/configurepageadvanced.ui:85
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5)
#: rc.cpp:39
msgid "Preferred unit:"
msgstr "Unidade preferida:"
#. i18n: file: config/configurepageadvanced.ui:96
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_preferredUnit)
#: rc.cpp:42
msgid "Byte"
msgstr "Byte"
#. i18n: file: config/configurepageadvanced.ui:101
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_preferredUnit)
#: rc.cpp:45
msgid "KiB"
msgstr "KiB"
#. i18n: file: config/configurepageadvanced.ui:106
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_preferredUnit)
#: rc.cpp:48
msgid "MiB"
msgstr "MiB"
#. i18n: file: config/configurepageadvanced.ui:111
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_preferredUnit)
#: rc.cpp:51
msgid "GiB"
msgstr "GiB"
#. i18n: file: config/configurepageadvanced.ui:116
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_preferredUnit)
#: rc.cpp:54
msgid "TiB"
msgstr "TiB"
#. i18n: file: config/configurepageadvanced.ui:121
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_preferredUnit)
#: rc.cpp:57
msgid "PiB"
msgstr "PiB"
#. i18n: file: config/configurepageadvanced.ui:126
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_preferredUnit)
#: rc.cpp:60
msgid "EiB"
msgstr "EiB"
#. i18n: file: config/configurepagefilesystemcolors.ui:23
#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox)
#. i18n: file: config/configurepagegeneral.ui:139
#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox_4)
#. i18n: file: config/configurepagefilesystemcolors.ui:23
#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox)
#. i18n: file: config/configurepagegeneral.ui:139
#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox_4)
#: rc.cpp:63 rc.cpp:174
msgid "File Systems"
msgstr "Sistema de ficheiros"
#. i18n: file: config/configurepagefilesystemcolors.ui:29
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, textLabel_20)
#: rc.cpp:66
msgid "luks:"
msgstr "luks:"
#. i18n: file: config/configurepagefilesystemcolors.ui:45
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, textLabel_9)
#: rc.cpp:69
msgid "ntfs:"
msgstr "ntfs:"
#. i18n: file: config/configurepagefilesystemcolors.ui:58
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, textLabel)
#: rc.cpp:72
msgid "ext2:"
msgstr "ext2:"
#. i18n: file: config/configurepagefilesystemcolors.ui:87
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, textLabel_2)
#: rc.cpp:75
msgid "ext3:"
msgstr "ext3:"
#. i18n: file: config/configurepagefilesystemcolors.ui:116
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, textLabel_3)
#: rc.cpp:78
msgid "ext4:"
msgstr "ext4:"
#. i18n: file: config/configurepagefilesystemcolors.ui:132
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, textLabel_21)
#: rc.cpp:81
msgid "btrfs:"
msgstr "btrfs:"
#. i18n: file: config/configurepagefilesystemcolors.ui:174
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, textLabel_4)
#: rc.cpp:84
msgid "linuxswap:"
msgstr "linuxswap:"
#. i18n: file: config/configurepagefilesystemcolors.ui:190
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, textLabel_6)
#: rc.cpp:87
msgid "fat16:"
msgstr "fat16:"
#. i18n: file: config/configurepagefilesystemcolors.ui:219
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, textLabel_5)
#: rc.cpp:90
msgid "fat32:"
msgstr "fat32:"
#. i18n: file: config/configurepagefilesystemcolors.ui:248
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, textLabel_25)
#: rc.cpp:93
msgid "zfs:"
msgstr "zfs:"
#. i18n: file: config/configurepagefilesystemcolors.ui:264
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, textLabel_7)
#: rc.cpp:96
msgid "reiserfs:"
msgstr "reiser:"
#. i18n: file: config/configurepagefilesystemcolors.ui:293
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, textLabel_8)
#: rc.cpp:99
msgid "reiser4:"
msgstr "reiser4:"
#. i18n: file: config/configurepagefilesystemcolors.ui:322
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, textLabel_10)
#: rc.cpp:102
msgid "hpfs:"
msgstr "hpfs:"
#. i18n: file: config/configurepagefilesystemcolors.ui:338
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, textLabel_11)
#: rc.cpp:105
msgid "jfs"
msgstr "jfs:"
#. i18n: file: config/configurepagefilesystemcolors.ui:367
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, textLabel_12)
#: rc.cpp:108
msgid "hfs:"
msgstr "hfs:"
#. i18n: file: config/configurepagefilesystemcolors.ui:396
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, textLabel_14)
#: rc.cpp:111
msgid "hfsplus:"
msgstr "hfsplus:"
#. i18n: file: config/configurepagefilesystemcolors.ui:412
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, textLabel_15)
#: rc.cpp:114
msgid "ufs:"
msgstr "ufs:"
#. i18n: file: config/configurepagefilesystemcolors.ui:441
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, textLabel_22)
#: rc.cpp:117
msgid "xfs:"
msgstr "xfs:"
#. i18n: file: config/configurepagefilesystemcolors.ui:470
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, textLabel_24)
#: rc.cpp:120
msgid "ocfs2:"
msgstr "ocfs2:"
#. i18n: file: config/configurepagefilesystemcolors.ui:489
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, textLabel_13)
#: rc.cpp:123
msgid "extended:"
msgstr "estendido:"
#. i18n: file: config/configurepagefilesystemcolors.ui:518
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, textLabel_17)
#: rc.cpp:126
msgid "unformatted:"
msgstr "sen formato:"
#. i18n: file: config/configurepagefilesystemcolors.ui:547
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, textLabel_16)
#: rc.cpp:129
msgid "unknown:"
msgstr "descoñecido:"
#. i18n: file: config/configurepagefilesystemcolors.ui:570
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, textLabel_26)
#: rc.cpp:132
msgid "exfat:"
msgstr "exfat:"
#. i18n: file: config/configurepagefilesystemcolors.ui:583
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, textLabel_27)
#: rc.cpp:135
msgid "nilfs2:"
msgstr "nilfs2:"
#. i18n: file: config/configurepagefilesystemcolors.ui:622
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, textLabel_28)
#: rc.cpp:138
msgid "lvm2 pv:"
msgstr "lvm2 pv:"
#. i18n: file: config/configurepagegeneral.ui:23
#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox_2)
#: rc.cpp:141
msgid "Partition Alignment"
msgstr "Aliñamento das particións"
#. i18n: file: config/configurepagegeneral.ui:29
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_useCylinderAlignment)
#: rc.cpp:144
msgid "Use cylinder based alignment (Windows XP compatible)"
msgstr "Empregar o aliñamento baseado en cilindros (compatíbel con Windows XP)"
#. i18n: file: config/configurepagegeneral.ui:42
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label)
#: rc.cpp:147
msgid "Sector alignment:"
msgstr "Aliñamento dos sectores:"
#. i18n: file: config/configurepagegeneral.ui:55
#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, kcfg_sectorAlignment)
#: rc.cpp:150
msgid " sectors"
msgstr " sectores"
#. i18n: file: config/configurepagegeneral.ui:71
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_alignDefault)
#: rc.cpp:153
msgid "Align partitions per default"
msgstr "Aliñar as particións de maneira predeterminada."
#. i18n: file: config/configurepagegeneral.ui:90
#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox_3)
#: rc.cpp:156
msgid "Logging"
msgstr "Rexistrándose"
#. i18n: file: config/configurepagegeneral.ui:96
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2)
#: rc.cpp:159
msgid "Hide messages below:"
msgstr "Agochar as seguintes mensaxes:"
#. i18n: file: config/configurepagegeneral.ui:107
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_minLogLevel)
#: rc.cpp:162
msgid "Debug"
msgstr "Depurar"
#. i18n: file: config/configurepagegeneral.ui:112
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_minLogLevel)
#: rc.cpp:165
msgid "Information"
msgstr "Información"
#. i18n: file: config/configurepagegeneral.ui:117
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_minLogLevel)
#: rc.cpp:168
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Aviso"
#. i18n: file: config/configurepagegeneral.ui:122
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_minLogLevel)
#: rc.cpp:171
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Erro"
#. i18n: file: config/configurepagegeneral.ui:145
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3)
#: rc.cpp:177
msgid "Default file system:"
msgstr "Sistema de ficheiros predeterminado:"
#. i18n: file: config/configurepagegeneral.ui:167
#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (KButtonGroup, kcfg_shredSource)
#: rc.cpp:180
msgid "Shredding"
msgstr "Eliminación irreversíbel"
#. i18n: file: config/configurepagegeneral.ui:173
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5)
#: rc.cpp:183
msgid "Overwrite with:"
msgstr "Sobrescribir con:"
#. i18n: file: config/configurepagegeneral.ui:180
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, radioButton)
#: rc.cpp:186
msgid "Random data"
msgstr "Datos aleatorios"
#. i18n: file: config/configurepagegeneral.ui:187
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, radioButton_2)
#: rc.cpp:189
msgid "Zeros"
msgstr "Ceros"
#. i18n: file: gui/devicepropswidgetbase.ui:58
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, m_LabelTextType)
#: rc.cpp:192
msgid "Partition table:"
msgstr "Táboa de particións:"
#. i18n: file: gui/devicepropswidgetbase.ui:77
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, m_RadioCylinderBased)
#: rc.cpp:195
msgid "Cylinder alignment"
msgstr "Aliñamento de cilindros"
#. i18n: file: gui/devicepropswidgetbase.ui:84
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, m_RadioSectorBased)
#: rc.cpp:198
msgid "Sector based alignment"
msgstr "Aliñamento baseado en sectores"
#. i18n: file: gui/devicepropswidgetbase.ui:113
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, m_LabelTextCapacity)
#: rc.cpp:201
msgid "Capacity:"
msgstr "Capacidade:"
#. i18n: file: gui/devicepropswidgetbase.ui:130
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, m_LabelTextTotalSectors)
#: rc.cpp:204
msgid "Total sectors:"
msgstr "Cantidade total de sectores:"
#. i18n: file: gui/devicepropswidgetbase.ui:160
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, m_LabelTextCHS)
#: rc.cpp:207
msgid "Cylinders/Heads/Sectors:"
msgstr "Cilindros/cabezas/sectores:"
#. i18n: file: gui/devicepropswidgetbase.ui:183
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, m_LabelTextLogicalSectorSize)
#: rc.cpp:210
msgid "Logical sector size:"
msgstr "Tamaño lóxico dos sectores:"
#. i18n: file: gui/devicepropswidgetbase.ui:200
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, m_LabelTextPhysicalSectorSize)
#: rc.cpp:213
msgid "Physical sector size:"
msgstr "Tamaño físico dos sectores:"
#. i18n: file: gui/devicepropswidgetbase.ui:217
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, m_LabelTextCylinderSize)
#: rc.cpp:216
msgid "Cylinder size:"
msgstr "Tamaño dos cilindros:"
#. i18n: file: gui/devicepropswidgetbase.ui:241
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, m_LabelTextPrimariesMax)
#: rc.cpp:219
msgid "Primaries/Max:"
msgstr "Primarios/Máx:"
#. i18n: file: gui/devicepropswidgetbase.ui:265
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, m_LabelTextSmartStatus)
#. i18n: file: gui/smartdialogwidgetbase.ui:23
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, m_LabelTextSmartStatus)
#. i18n: file: gui/devicepropswidgetbase.ui:265
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, m_LabelTextSmartStatus)
#. i18n: file: gui/smartdialogwidgetbase.ui:23
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, m_LabelTextSmartStatus)
#: rc.cpp:222 rc.cpp:337 gui/smartdialog.cpp:155 gui/smartdialog.cpp:157
msgid "SMART status:"
msgstr "Estado SMART:"
#. i18n: file: gui/devicepropswidgetbase.ui:303
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (KPushButton, m_ButtonSmartMore)
#. i18n: file: gui/editmountpointdialogwidgetbase.ui:142
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (KPushButton, m_ButtonMore)
#. i18n: file: gui/devicepropswidgetbase.ui:303
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (KPushButton, m_ButtonSmartMore)
#. i18n: file: gui/editmountpointdialogwidgetbase.ui:142
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (KPushButton, m_ButtonMore)
#: rc.cpp:225 rc.cpp:493
msgid "More..."
msgstr "Máis..."
#. i18n: file: gui/filesystemsupportdialogwidgetbase.ui:18
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label)
#: rc.cpp:228
msgid ""
"This table shows which file systems are supported and which specific "
"operations can be performed on them.\n"
"Some file systems need external tools to be installed for them to be "
"supported. But not all operations can be performed on all file systems, even "
"if all required tools are installed. Please see the documentation for "
"details. "
msgstr ""
"Esta táboa mostra os sistemas de ficheiro que están soportados e as "
"operacións específicas que pode realizar nelas.\n"
"Algúns sistemas de ficheiro precisan que teña instaladas utilidades externar "
"para ter soporte para eles. Pero non todas as operacións poden realizarse en "
"todos os sistemas de ficheiro, mesmo se ten todas as utilidades instaladas. "
"Consulte a documentación para máis detalles."
#. i18n: file: gui/filesystemsupportdialogwidgetbase.ui:65
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, m_Tree)
#: rc.cpp:232
msgid "File System"
msgstr "Sistema de ficheiros"
#. i18n: file: gui/filesystemsupportdialogwidgetbase.ui:70
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, m_Tree)
#: rc.cpp:235
msgid "Create"
msgstr "Crear"
#. i18n: file: gui/filesystemsupportdialogwidgetbase.ui:75
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, m_Tree)
#: rc.cpp:238
msgid "Grow"
msgstr "Amecer"
#. i18n: file: gui/filesystemsupportdialogwidgetbase.ui:80
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, m_Tree)
#: rc.cpp:241
msgid "Shrink"
msgstr "Reducir"
#. i18n: file: gui/filesystemsupportdialogwidgetbase.ui:85
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, m_Tree)
#: rc.cpp:244
msgid "Move"
msgstr "Mover"
#. i18n: file: gui/filesystemsupportdialogwidgetbase.ui:90
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, m_Tree)
#: rc.cpp:247
msgid "Copy"
msgstr "Copiar"
#. i18n: file: gui/filesystemsupportdialogwidgetbase.ui:95
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, m_Tree)
#: rc.cpp:250
msgid "Check"
msgstr "Comprobar"
#. i18n: file: gui/filesystemsupportdialogwidgetbase.ui:100
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, m_Tree)
#: rc.cpp:253
msgid "Read Label"
msgstr "Ler a etiqueta"
#. i18n: file: gui/filesystemsupportdialogwidgetbase.ui:105
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, m_Tree)
#: rc.cpp:256
msgid "Write Label"
msgstr "Escribir a etiqueta"
#. i18n: file: gui/filesystemsupportdialogwidgetbase.ui:110
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, m_Tree)
#: rc.cpp:259
msgid "Read Usage"
msgstr "Ler a utilización"
#. i18n: file: gui/filesystemsupportdialogwidgetbase.ui:115
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, m_Tree)
#: rc.cpp:262
msgid "Backup"
msgstr "Copia de respaldo"
#. i18n: file: gui/filesystemsupportdialogwidgetbase.ui:120
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, m_Tree)
#: rc.cpp:265
msgid "Restore"
msgstr "Restaurar"
#. i18n: file: gui/filesystemsupportdialogwidgetbase.ui:125
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, m_Tree)
#: rc.cpp:268
msgid "Support Tools"
msgstr "Ferramentas de soporte"
#. i18n: file: gui/filesystemsupportdialogwidgetbase.ui:135
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (KPushButton, m_ButtonRescan)
#: rc.cpp:271
msgctxt "@action:button"
msgid "Rescan Support"
msgstr "Analizar de novo o soporte"
#. i18n: file: gui/partitionmanagerwidgetbase.ui:14
#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QWidget, PartitionManagerWidgetBase)
#. i18n: file: gui/mainwindowbase.ui:14
#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QMainWindow, MainWindowBase)
#. i18n: file: gui/partitionmanagerwidgetbase.ui:14
#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QWidget, PartitionManagerWidgetBase)
#. i18n: file: gui/mainwindowbase.ui:14
#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QMainWindow, MainWindowBase)
#: rc.cpp:274 rc.cpp:585
msgctxt "@title:window"
msgid "KDE Partition Manager"
msgstr "Xestor de particións de KDE"
#. i18n: file: gui/partitionmanagerwidgetbase.ui:70
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, m_TreePartitions)
#: rc.cpp:277
msgid "Partition"
msgstr "Partición"
#. i18n: file: gui/partitionmanagerwidgetbase.ui:75
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, m_TreePartitions)
#: rc.cpp:280
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Tipo"
#. i18n: file: gui/partitionmanagerwidgetbase.ui:80
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, m_TreePartitions)
#: rc.cpp:283
msgid "Mount Point"
msgstr "Punto de montaxe"
#. i18n: file: gui/partitionmanagerwidgetbase.ui:85
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, m_TreePartitions)
#. i18n: file: gui/editmountpointdialogwidgetbase.ui:302
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, m_RadioLabel)
#. i18n: file: gui/partitionmanagerwidgetbase.ui:85
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, m_TreePartitions)
#. i18n: file: gui/editmountpointdialogwidgetbase.ui:302
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, m_RadioLabel)
#: rc.cpp:286 rc.cpp:508
msgid "Label"
msgstr "Etiqueta"
#. i18n: file: gui/partitionmanagerwidgetbase.ui:90
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, m_TreePartitions)
#. i18n: file: gui/editmountpointdialogwidgetbase.ui:295
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, m_RadioUUID)
#. i18n: file: gui/partitionmanagerwidgetbase.ui:90
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, m_TreePartitions)
#. i18n: file: gui/editmountpointdialogwidgetbase.ui:295
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, m_RadioUUID)
#: rc.cpp:289 rc.cpp:505
msgid "UUID"
msgstr "UUID"
#. i18n: file: gui/partitionmanagerwidgetbase.ui:95
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, m_TreePartitions)
#: rc.cpp:292
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Tamaño"
#. i18n: file: gui/partitionmanagerwidgetbase.ui:100
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, m_TreePartitions)
#: rc.cpp:295
msgid "Used"
msgstr "Empregado"
#. i18n: file: gui/partitionmanagerwidgetbase.ui:105
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, m_TreePartitions)
#: rc.cpp:298
msgid "Available"
msgstr "Dispoñíbel"
#. i18n: file: gui/partitionmanagerwidgetbase.ui:110
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, m_TreePartitions)
#: rc.cpp:301
msgid "First Sector"
msgstr "Primeiro sector"
#. i18n: file: gui/partitionmanagerwidgetbase.ui:115
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, m_TreePartitions)
#: rc.cpp:304
msgid "Last Sector"
msgstr "Último sector"
#. i18n: file: gui/partitionmanagerwidgetbase.ui:120
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, m_TreePartitions)
#: rc.cpp:307
msgid "Number of Sectors"
msgstr "Número de sectores"
#. i18n: file: gui/partitionmanagerwidgetbase.ui:125
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, m_TreePartitions)
#: rc.cpp:310
msgid "Flags"
msgstr "Bandeiras"
#. i18n: file: gui/treelogbase.ui:54
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, m_TreeLog)
#: rc.cpp:313
msgctxt ""
"@title:column Severity of a log entry / log level. Text must be very short."
msgid "Sev."
msgstr "Sev."
#. i18n: file: gui/treelogbase.ui:57
#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QTreeWidget, m_TreeLog)
#: rc.cpp:316
msgid "Severity"
msgstr "Severidade"
#. i18n: file: gui/treelogbase.ui:62
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, m_TreeLog)
#: rc.cpp:319
msgctxt "@title:column a time stamp of a log entry"
msgid "Time"
msgstr "Tempo"
#. i18n: file: gui/treelogbase.ui:67
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, m_TreeLog)
#: rc.cpp:322
msgctxt "@title:column the text message of a log entry"
msgid "Message"
msgstr "Mensaxe"
#. i18n: file: gui/editmountoptionsdialogwidgetbase.ui:14
#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QWidget, EditMountOptionsDialogWidgetBase)
#: rc.cpp:325
msgid "Edit Mount Options"
msgstr "Editar as opcións de montaxe"
#. i18n: file: gui/editmountoptionsdialogwidgetbase.ui:20
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, m_Label)
#: rc.cpp:328
msgid "Edit the mount options for this file system:"
msgstr "Editar as opcións de montaxe para este sistema de ficheiros:"
#. i18n: file: gui/applyprogressdetailswidgetbase.ui:37
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, m_ButtonSave)
#: rc.cpp:331
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Gardar"
#. i18n: file: gui/applyprogressdetailswidgetbase.ui:44
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, m_ButtonBrowser)
#: rc.cpp:334
msgid "Open in External Browser"
msgstr "Abrir nun navegador externo"
#. i18n: file: gui/smartdialogwidgetbase.ui:63
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, m_LabelTextSmartModelName)
#: rc.cpp:340 gui/smartdialog.cpp:163
msgid "Model:"
msgstr "Modelo:"
#. i18n: file: gui/smartdialogwidgetbase.ui:92
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, m_LabelTextSmartSerialNumber)
#: rc.cpp:343 gui/smartdialog.cpp:164
msgid "Serial number:"
msgstr "Número de serie:"
#. i18n: file: gui/smartdialogwidgetbase.ui:121
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, m_LabelTextSmartFirmware)
#: rc.cpp:346 gui/smartdialog.cpp:165
msgid "Firmware revision:"
msgstr "Revisión do firmware:"
#. i18n: file: gui/smartdialogwidgetbase.ui:150
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, m_LabelTextSmartTemperature)
#: rc.cpp:349 gui/smartdialog.cpp:166
msgid "Temperature:"
msgstr "Temperatura:"
#. i18n: file: gui/smartdialogwidgetbase.ui:179
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, m_LabelTextSmartBadSectors)
#: rc.cpp:352 gui/smartdialog.cpp:167
msgid "Bad sectors:"
msgstr "Sectores malos:"
#. i18n: file: gui/smartdialogwidgetbase.ui:208
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, m_LabelTextSmartPoweredOn)
#: rc.cpp:355 gui/smartdialog.cpp:168
msgid "Powered on for:"
msgstr "Tempo acendido:"
#. i18n: file: gui/smartdialogwidgetbase.ui:237
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, m_LabelTextSmartPowerCycles)
#: rc.cpp:358 gui/smartdialog.cpp:169
msgid "Power cycles:"
msgstr "Ciclos de acendido:"
#. i18n: file: gui/smartdialogwidgetbase.ui:289
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, m_TreeSmartAttributes)
#: rc.cpp:361
msgid "Id"
msgstr "Identificador"
#. i18n: file: gui/smartdialogwidgetbase.ui:294
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, m_TreeSmartAttributes)
#: rc.cpp:364
msgid "Attribute"
msgstr "Atributo"
#. i18n: file: gui/smartdialogwidgetbase.ui:299
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, m_TreeSmartAttributes)
#: rc.cpp:367
msgid "Failure Type"
msgstr "Tipo de fallo"
#. i18n: file: gui/smartdialogwidgetbase.ui:304
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, m_TreeSmartAttributes)
#: rc.cpp:370
msgid "Update Type"
msgstr "Tipo de actualización"
#. i18n: file: gui/smartdialogwidgetbase.ui:309
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, m_TreeSmartAttributes)
#: rc.cpp:373
msgid "Worst"
msgstr "Peor"
#. i18n: file: gui/smartdialogwidgetbase.ui:314
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, m_TreeSmartAttributes)
#: rc.cpp:376
msgid "Current"
msgstr "Actual"
#. i18n: file: gui/smartdialogwidgetbase.ui:319
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, m_TreeSmartAttributes)
#: rc.cpp:379
msgid "Threshold"
msgstr "Límite"
#. i18n: file: gui/smartdialogwidgetbase.ui:324
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, m_TreeSmartAttributes)
#: rc.cpp:382
msgid "Raw"
msgstr "Cru"
#. i18n: file: gui/smartdialogwidgetbase.ui:329
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, m_TreeSmartAttributes)
#: rc.cpp:385
msgid "Assessment"
msgstr "Avaliación"
#. i18n: file: gui/smartdialogwidgetbase.ui:334
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, m_TreeSmartAttributes)
#: rc.cpp:388
msgid "Value"
msgstr "Valor"
#. i18n: file: gui/smartdialogwidgetbase.ui:385
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, m_LabelTextSmartOverallAssessment)
#: rc.cpp:391 gui/smartdialog.cpp:171
msgid "Overall assessment:"
msgstr "Avaliación xeral:"
#. i18n: file: gui/smartdialogwidgetbase.ui:414
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, m_LabelTextSmartSelfTests)
#: rc.cpp:394 gui/smartdialog.cpp:170
msgid "Self tests:"
msgstr "Probas:"
#. i18n: file: gui/partpropswidgetbase.ui:49
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, m_LabelFileSystem)
#. i18n: file: gui/sizedialogwidgetbase.ui:99
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, m_LabelFileSystem)
#. i18n: file: gui/partpropswidgetbase.ui:49
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, m_LabelFileSystem)
#. i18n: file: gui/sizedialogwidgetbase.ui:99
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, m_LabelFileSystem)
#: rc.cpp:397 rc.cpp:535
msgctxt "@label:listbox"
msgid "File system:"
msgstr "Sistema de ficheiros:"
#. i18n: file: gui/partpropswidgetbase.ui:65
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, m_LabelTextLabel)
#. i18n: file: gui/sizedialogwidgetbase.ui:115
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, m_LabelTextLabel)
#. i18n: file: gui/partpropswidgetbase.ui:65
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, m_LabelTextLabel)
#. i18n: file: gui/sizedialogwidgetbase.ui:115
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, m_LabelTextLabel)
#: rc.cpp:400 rc.cpp:538
msgctxt "@label"
msgid "Label:"
msgstr "Etiqueta:"
#. i18n: file: gui/partpropswidgetbase.ui:82
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, m_LabelTextNoSetLabel)
#. i18n: file: gui/sizedialogwidgetbase.ui:134
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, m_LabelTextNoSetLabel)
#. i18n: file: gui/partpropswidgetbase.ui:82
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, m_LabelTextNoSetLabel)
#. i18n: file: gui/sizedialogwidgetbase.ui:134
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, m_LabelTextNoSetLabel)
#: rc.cpp:403 rc.cpp:541
msgctxt "@label"
msgid "This file system does not support setting a label."
msgstr "Este sistema de ficheiro non soporta o estabelecer unha etiqueta."
#. i18n: file: gui/partpropswidgetbase.ui:92
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, m_CheckRecreate)
#: rc.cpp:406
msgctxt "@action:button"
msgid "Recreate existing file system"
msgstr "Crear de novo o sistema de ficheiro existente"
#. i18n: file: gui/partpropswidgetbase.ui:106
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, m_LabelTextMountPoint)
#: rc.cpp:409
msgctxt "@label"
msgid "Mount point:"
msgstr "Punto de montaxe:"
#. i18n: file: gui/partpropswidgetbase.ui:123
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, m_LabelTextRole)
#: rc.cpp:412
msgctxt "@label"
msgid "Partition type:"
msgstr "Tipo de partición:"
#. i18n: file: gui/partpropswidgetbase.ui:140
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, m_LabelTextStatus)
#: rc.cpp:415
msgctxt "@label"
msgid "Status:"
msgstr "Estado:"
#. i18n: file: gui/partpropswidgetbase.ui:157
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, m_LabelTextUuid)
#: rc.cpp:418
msgctxt "@label"
msgid "UUID:"
msgstr "UUID:"
#. i18n: file: gui/partpropswidgetbase.ui:187
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, m_LabelTextCapacity)
#: rc.cpp:421
msgctxt "@label"
msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Tamaño:"
#. i18n: file: gui/partpropswidgetbase.ui:210
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, m_LabelTextAvailable)
#: rc.cpp:424
msgctxt "@label partition capacity available"
msgid "Available:"
msgstr "Dispoñíbel:"
#. i18n: file: gui/partpropswidgetbase.ui:227
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, m_LabelTextUsed)
#: rc.cpp:427
msgctxt "@label partition capacity used"
msgid "Used:"
msgstr "Empregada:"
#. i18n: file: gui/partpropswidgetbase.ui:251
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, m_LabelTextFirstSector)
#: rc.cpp:430
msgctxt "@label"
msgid "First sector:"
msgstr "Primeiro sector:"
#. i18n: file: gui/partpropswidgetbase.ui:268
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, m_LabelTextLastSector)
#: rc.cpp:433
msgctxt "@label"
msgid "Last sector:"
msgstr "Último sector:"
#. i18n: file: gui/partpropswidgetbase.ui:285
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, m_LabelTextNumSectors)
#: rc.cpp:436
msgctxt "@label"
msgid "Number of sectors:"
msgstr "Número de sectores:"
#. i18n: file: gui/partpropswidgetbase.ui:309
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, m_LabelTextFlags)
#: rc.cpp:439
msgctxt "@label"
msgid "Flags:"
msgstr "Bandeiras:"
#. i18n: file: gui/createpartitiontablewidgetbase.ui:20
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label)
#: rc.cpp:442
msgid "Choose the type of partition table you want to create:"
msgstr "Escolla o tipo de táboa de particións que queira crear:"
#. i18n: file: gui/createpartitiontablewidgetbase.ui:29
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, m_RadioGPT)
#: rc.cpp:445
msgid "GPT"
msgstr "GPT"
#. i18n: file: gui/createpartitiontablewidgetbase.ui:39
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, m_RadioMSDOS)
#: rc.cpp:448
msgid "MS-Dos"
msgstr "MS-DOS"
#. i18n: file: gui/createpartitiontablewidgetbase.ui:66
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, m_IconLabel)
#: rc.cpp:451
msgid "(icon)"
msgstr "(Icona)"
#. i18n: file: gui/createpartitiontablewidgetbase.ui:79
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3)
#: rc.cpp:454
msgid "<b>Warning:</b> This will destroy all data on the device!"
msgstr "<b>Aviso:</b> ¡Destruirase toda a información no dispositivo!"
#. i18n: file: gui/editmountpointdialogwidgetbase.ui:17
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, m_LabelPath)
#: rc.cpp:457
msgid "Path:"
msgstr "Rota:"
#. i18n: file: gui/editmountpointdialogwidgetbase.ui:46
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (KPushButton, m_ButtonSelect)
#: rc.cpp:460
msgid "Select..."
msgstr "Escoller..."
#. i18n: file: gui/editmountpointdialogwidgetbase.ui:53
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, m_LabelType)
#: rc.cpp:463
msgid "Type:"
msgstr "Tipo:"
#. i18n: file: gui/editmountpointdialogwidgetbase.ui:63
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, m_LabelOptions)
#: rc.cpp:466
msgid "Options:"
msgstr "Opcións:"
#. i18n: file: gui/editmountpointdialogwidgetbase.ui:73
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, m_CheckReadOnly)
#: rc.cpp:469
msgid "Read-only"
msgstr "Só lectura"
#. i18n: file: gui/editmountpointdialogwidgetbase.ui:80
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, m_CheckUsers)
#: rc.cpp:472
msgid "Users can mount and unmount"
msgstr "Os usuarios poden montar ou desmontar"
#. i18n: file: gui/editmountpointdialogwidgetbase.ui:87
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, m_CheckNoAuto)
#: rc.cpp:475
msgid "No automatic mount"
msgstr "Non montar automaticamente"
#. i18n: file: gui/editmountpointdialogwidgetbase.ui:94
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, m_CheckNoAtime)
#: rc.cpp:478
msgid "No update of file access times"
msgstr "Non actualizar a hora de acceso ós ficheiros"
#. i18n: file: gui/editmountpointdialogwidgetbase.ui:101
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, m_CheckSync)
#: rc.cpp:481
msgid "Synchronous access"
msgstr "Acceso síncrono"
#. i18n: file: gui/editmountpointdialogwidgetbase.ui:108
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, m_CheckNoDirAtime)
#: rc.cpp:484
msgid "No update of directory access times"
msgstr "Non actualizar a hora de acceso ós directorios"
#. i18n: file: gui/editmountpointdialogwidgetbase.ui:115
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, m_CheckNoExec)
#: rc.cpp:487
msgid "No binary execution"
msgstr "Sen execución de binarios"
#. i18n: file: gui/editmountpointdialogwidgetbase.ui:122
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, m_CheckRelAtime)
#: rc.cpp:490
msgid "Update access times relative to modification"
msgstr "Actualizar as datas de acceso con respecto á modificación"
#. i18n: file: gui/editmountpointdialogwidgetbase.ui:149
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, m_LabelDumpFreq)
#: rc.cpp:496
msgid "Dump Frequency:"
msgstr "Frecuencia de volcado:"
#. i18n: file: gui/editmountpointdialogwidgetbase.ui:178
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, m_LabelPassNumber)
#: rc.cpp:499
msgid "Pass Number:"
msgstr "Paso número:"
#. i18n: file: gui/editmountpointdialogwidgetbase.ui:285
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, m_RadioDeviceNode)
#: rc.cpp:502
msgid "Device Node"
msgstr "Nodo do dispositivo"
#. i18n: file: gui/editmountpointdialogwidgetbase.ui:309
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label)
#: rc.cpp:511
msgid "Identify by:"
msgstr "Identificar por:"
#. i18n: file: gui/sizedetailswidgetbase.ui:62
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6)
#: rc.cpp:514
msgctxt "@label:listbox"
msgid "First sector:"
msgstr "Primeiro sector:"
#. i18n: file: gui/sizedetailswidgetbase.ui:97
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7)
#: rc.cpp:517
msgctxt "@label:listbox"
msgid "Last sector:"
msgstr "Último sector:"
#. i18n: file: gui/sizedetailswidgetbase.ui:120
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, m_CheckAlign)
#: rc.cpp:520
msgid "Align partition"
msgstr "Aliñar a partición"
#. i18n: file: gui/sizedialogwidgetbase.ui:55
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, m_LabelRole)
#: rc.cpp:523
msgctxt "@label:listbox"
msgid "Partition type:"
msgstr "Tipo de partición:"
#. i18n: file: gui/sizedialogwidgetbase.ui:70
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, m_RadioPrimary)
#: rc.cpp:526
msgid "Primary"
msgstr "Primaria"
#. i18n: file: gui/sizedialogwidgetbase.ui:77
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, m_RadioExtended)
#: rc.cpp:529
msgid "Extended"
msgstr "Estendida"
#. i18n: file: gui/sizedialogwidgetbase.ui:84
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, m_RadioLogical)
#: rc.cpp:532
msgid "Logical"
msgstr "Lóxica"
#. i18n: file: gui/sizedialogwidgetbase.ui:152
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4)
#: rc.cpp:544
msgctxt "@label"
msgid "Minimum size:"
msgstr "Tamaño mínimo:"
#. i18n: file: gui/sizedialogwidgetbase.ui:175
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5)
#: rc.cpp:547
msgctxt "@label"
msgid "Maximum size:"
msgstr "Tamaño máximo:"
#. i18n: file: gui/sizedialogwidgetbase.ui:198
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label)
#: rc.cpp:550
msgctxt "@label:listbox"
msgid "Free space before:"
msgstr "Espazo libre anterior:"
#. i18n: file: gui/sizedialogwidgetbase.ui:233
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2)
#: rc.cpp:553
msgctxt "@label:listbox"
msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Tamaño:"
#. i18n: file: gui/sizedialogwidgetbase.ui:262
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3)
#: rc.cpp:556
msgctxt "@label:listbox"
msgid "Free space after:"
msgstr "Espazo libre posterior:"
#. i18n: file: gui/decryptluksdialogwidgetbase.ui:22
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_Name)
#: rc.cpp:559
msgid "&Name:"
msgstr "&Nome:"
#. i18n: file: gui/decryptluksdialogwidgetbase.ui:35
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_Pass)
#: rc.cpp:562
msgid "&Passphrase:"
msgstr "&Frase de paso:"
#. i18n: file: gui/applyprogressdialogwidgetbase.ui:33
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, m_TreeTasks)
#: rc.cpp:565
msgid "Operations and Jobs"
msgstr "Operacións e tarefas"
#. i18n: file: gui/applyprogressdialogwidgetbase.ui:38
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, m_TreeTasks)
#: rc.cpp:568
msgid "Time Elapsed"
msgstr "Tempo transcorrido"
#. i18n: file: gui/applyprogressdialogwidgetbase.ui:64
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, m_LabelTime)
#: rc.cpp:571
msgid "Total Time: 00:00:00"
msgstr "Duración total: 00:00:00"
#. i18n: file: gui/applyprogressdialogwidgetbase.ui:81
#. i18n: ectx: property (format), widget (QProgressBar, m_ProgressSub)
#: rc.cpp:575
#, no-c-format
msgid "Operation: %p%"
msgstr "Operación: %p%"
#. i18n: file: gui/applyprogressdialogwidgetbase.ui:91
#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, m_LabelStatus)
#: rc.cpp:578
msgid "Status"
msgstr "Estado"
#. i18n: file: gui/applyprogressdialogwidgetbase.ui:107
#. i18n: ectx: property (format), widget (QProgressBar, m_ProgressTotal)
#: rc.cpp:582
#, no-c-format
msgid "Total: %p%"
msgstr "Total: %p%"
#. i18n: file: gui/mainwindowbase.ui:24
#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDockWidget, m_DockDevices)
#: rc.cpp:588
msgctxt "@title:window"
msgid "Devices"
msgstr "Dispositivos"
#. i18n: file: gui/mainwindowbase.ui:38
#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDockWidget, m_DockOperations)
#: rc.cpp:591
msgctxt "@title:window"
msgid "Pending Operations"
msgstr "Operacións pendentes"
#. i18n: file: gui/mainwindowbase.ui:49
#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDockWidget, m_DockInformation)
#: rc.cpp:594 gui/infopane.cpp:53
msgctxt "@title:window"
msgid "Information"
msgstr "Información"
#. i18n: file: gui/mainwindowbase.ui:63
#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDockWidget, m_DockLog)
#: rc.cpp:597
msgctxt "@title:window"
msgid "Log Output"
msgstr "Rexistro da saída"
#. i18n: file: config.kcfg:38
#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (firstRun), group (KDE Partition Manager)
#: rc.cpp:600
msgctxt "@label"
msgid "Is this the first time KDE Partition Manager is being run?"
msgstr "¿É a primeira vez que executa o Xestor de particións de KDE?"
#. i18n: file: config.kcfg:42
#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (minLogLevel), group (KDE Partition Manager)
#: rc.cpp:603
msgctxt "@label"
msgid "Hide log messages below"
msgstr "Agochar as mensaxes do historial"
#. i18n: file: config.kcfg:46
#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (sectorAlignment), group (KDE Partition Manager)
#: rc.cpp:606
msgctxt "@label"
msgid "Partition sector alignment"
msgstr "Aliñamento dos sectores da partición"
#. i18n: file: config.kcfg:50
#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (useCylinderAlignment), group (KDE Partition Manager)
#: rc.cpp:609
msgctxt "@label"
msgid "Use cylinder based alignment (Windows XP compatible)"
msgstr "Empregar o aliñamento baseado en cilindros (compatíbel con Windows XP)"
#. i18n: file: config.kcfg:54
#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (alignDefault), group (KDE Partition Manager)
#: rc.cpp:612
msgctxt "@label"
msgid "Align partitions per default"
msgstr "Aliñar as particións de maneira predeterminada."
#. i18n: file: config.kcfg:58
#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (allowApplyOperationsAsNonRoot), group (KDE Partition Manager)
#: rc.cpp:615
msgctxt "@label"
msgid "Allow applying operations without administrator privileges"
msgstr "Permitir aplicar as operacións sen privilexios de administrador."
#. i18n: file: config.kcfg:62
#. i18n: ectx: label, entry, group (KDE Partition Manager)
#: rc.cpp:618
msgctxt "@label"
msgid "File system colors"
msgstr "Cores dos sistemas de ficheiros"
#. i18n: file: config.kcfg:92
#. i18n: ectx: label, entry, group (KDE Partition Manager)
#: rc.cpp:621
msgctxt "@label"
msgid "Show the application's menu bar"
msgstr "Mostrar a barra de menú do aplicativo."
#. i18n: file: config.kcfg:96
#. i18n: ectx: label, entry, group (KDE Partition Manager)
#: rc.cpp:624
msgctxt "@label"
msgid "Backend plugin"
msgstr "Complemento de infraestrutura"
#. i18n: file: config.kcfg:103
#. i18n: ectx: label, entry, group (KDE Partition Manager)
#: rc.cpp:627
msgctxt "@label"
msgid "Preferred unit:"
msgstr "Unidade preferida:"
#: config/configureoptionsdialog.cpp:54
msgctxt "@title:tab general application settings"
msgid "General"
msgstr "Xeral"
#: config/configureoptionsdialog.cpp:54 config/configureoptionsdialog.cpp:101
msgid "General Settings"
msgstr "Opcións xerais"
#: config/configureoptionsdialog.cpp:59
msgctxt "@title:tab"
msgid "File System Colors"
msgstr "Cores dos sistemas de ficheiros"
#: config/configureoptionsdialog.cpp:59
msgid "File System Color Settings"
msgstr "Preferencias de cores dos sistemas de ficheiros"
#: config/configureoptionsdialog.cpp:64
msgctxt "@title:tab advanced application settings"
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Avanzado"
#: config/configureoptionsdialog.cpp:64
msgid "Advanced Settings"
msgstr "Configuración avanzada"
#: config/configureoptionsdialog.cpp:151
msgctxt "@info"
msgid ""
"<para>Do you really want to change the backend?</para><para><warning>This "
"will also rescan devices and thus clear the list of pending operations.</"
msgstr ""
"<para>Está seguro de que quere cambiar a infraestrutura?</para> "
"<para><warning>Isto tamén volverá analizar os dispositivos, e por tanto "
"borrará a lista de operacións pendentes.</warning></para>"
#: config/configureoptionsdialog.cpp:153
msgctxt "@title:window"
msgid "Really Change Backend?"
msgstr "Quere cambiar a infraestrutura?"
#: config/configureoptionsdialog.cpp:154
msgctxt "@action:button"
msgid "Change the Backend"
msgstr "Cambiar a infraestrutura"
#: config/configureoptionsdialog.cpp:155
msgctxt "@action:button"
msgid "Do Not Change the Backend"
msgstr "Non cambiar a infraestrutura"
#: util/helpers.cpp:102
msgctxt "@info"
msgid ""
"<para><warning>You do not have administrative privileges.</warning></"
"para><para>It is possible to run <application>%1</application> without these "
"privileges. You will, however, <emphasis>not</emphasis> be allowed to apply "
"operations.</para><para>Do you want to continue running <application>%1</"
msgstr ""
"<para><warning>Non ten privilexios de administrador.</warning></para> "
"<para>É posíbel executar <application>%1</application> sen estes "
"privilexios, pero <emphasis>non</emphasis> se lle permitirá aplicar as "
"operacións.</para> <para>Desexa continuar a executar <application>%1</"
#: util/helpers.cpp:107
msgctxt "@title:window"
msgid "No administrative privileges"
msgstr "Non ten privilexios de administrador"
#: util/helpers.cpp:108
msgctxt "@action:button"
msgid "Run without administrative privileges"
msgstr "Executar sen privilexios de administrador"
#: util/helpers.cpp:121
msgctxt "@title"
msgid "<application>KDE Partition Manager</application>"
msgstr "<application>Xestor de particións de KDE</application>"
#: util/helpers.cpp:123
msgctxt "@title"
msgid "Manage your disks, partitions and file systems"
msgstr "Xestione os discos, particións e sistemas de ficheiro"
#: util/helpers.cpp:125
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "@info:credit"
msgid "© 2008-2013 Volker Lanz"
msgstr "Copyright 2008,2009,2010 Volker Lanz"
#: util/helpers.cpp:128 plugins/libparted/libpartedbackend.cpp:69
#: plugins/dummy/dummybackend.cpp:53
msgctxt "@info:credit"
msgid "Volker Lanz"
msgstr "Volker Lanz"
#: util/helpers.cpp:128
msgctxt "@info:credit"
msgid "Former maintainer"
msgstr ""
#: util/helpers.cpp:131
msgid "Hugo Pereira Da Costa"
msgstr "Hugo Pereira da Costa"
#: util/helpers.cpp:131
msgctxt "@info:credit"
msgid "Partition Widget Design"
msgstr "Deseño do trebello de particións."
#: util/helpers.cpp:132
msgid "Andrius Štikonas"
msgstr "Andrius Štikonas"
#: util/helpers.cpp:132
msgctxt "@info:credit"
msgid "Btrfs support"
msgstr "Compatibilidade con Btrfs."
#: util/helpers.cpp:163
msgctxt "@title:menu"
msgid "Columns"
msgstr "Columnas "
#: util/helpers.cpp:197
msgctxt "@info"
msgid ""
"<para>The configured backend plugin \"%1\" could not be loaded.</"
"para><para>Loading the default backend plugin \"%2\" instead.</para>"
msgstr ""
"<para>Non se puido cargar o complemento de infraestrutura configurado, «%1»."
"</para> <para>No seu lugar cargarase o complemento de infraestrutura "
"predeterminado, «%2».</para>"
#: util/helpers.cpp:200 util/helpers.cpp:209
msgctxt "@title:window"
msgid "Error: Could Not Load Backend Plugin"
msgstr "Erro: non puido cargarse o complemento de infraestrutura."
#: util/helpers.cpp:206
msgctxt "@info"
msgid ""
"<para>Neither the configured (\"%1\") nor the default (\"%2\") backend "
"plugin could be loaded.</para><para>Please check your installation.</para>"
msgstr ""
"<para>Non se puideron cargar nun o complemento de infraestrutura "
"configurado, «%1», nin o predeterminado, «%2».</para> <para>Asegúrese de que "
"a instalación está ben.</para>"
#: util/capacity.cpp:117
msgctxt "@info/plain unit"
msgid "Byte"
msgid_plural "Bytes"
msgstr[0] "Byte"
msgstr[1] "Byte"
#: util/capacity.cpp:118
msgctxt "@info/plain unit"
msgid "KiB"
msgstr "KiB"
#: util/capacity.cpp:119
msgctxt "@info/plain unit"
msgid "MiB"
msgstr "MiB"
#: util/capacity.cpp:120
msgctxt "@info/plain unit"
msgid "GiB"
msgstr "GiB"
#: util/capacity.cpp:121
msgctxt "@info/plain unit"
msgid "TiB"
msgstr "TiB"
#: util/capacity.cpp:122
msgctxt "@info/plain unit"
msgid "PiB"
msgstr "PiB"
#: util/capacity.cpp:123
msgctxt "@info/plain unit"
msgid "EiB"
msgstr "EiB"
#: util/capacity.cpp:124
msgctxt "@info/plain unit"
msgid "ZiB"
msgstr "ZiB"
#: util/capacity.cpp:125
msgctxt "@info/plain unit"
msgid "YiB"
msgstr "YiB"
#: util/capacity.cpp:129
msgctxt "@info/plain unit"
msgid "(unknown unit)"
msgstr "(unidade descoñecida)"
#: util/htmlreport.cpp:65 util/htmlreport.cpp:72
msgid "%1: SMART Status Report"
msgstr "%1: informe de estado SMART."
#: util/htmlreport.cpp:80
msgid "Date:"
msgstr "Data:"
#: util/htmlreport.cpp:81
msgid "Program version:"
msgstr "Versión do programa:"
#: util/htmlreport.cpp:82
msgid "Backend:"
msgstr "Backend:"
#: util/htmlreport.cpp:83
msgid "KDE version:"
msgstr "Versión de KDE:"
#: util/htmlreport.cpp:84
msgid "Machine:"
msgstr "Máquina:"
#: util/externalcommand.cpp:126
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Command: %1"
msgstr "Orde: %1"
#: util/externalcommand.cpp:134
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "(Command timeout while starting \"%1\")"
msgstr "(A orde esgotou o tempo ao iniciar «%1»)"
#: util/externalcommand.cpp:156
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "(Command timeout while running \"%1\")"
msgstr "(A orde esgotou o tempo na execución de «%1»)"
#: main.cpp:38
msgctxt "@info:shell"
msgid "Do not try to gain super user privileges"
msgstr "Non tentar de obter privilexios de administrador"
#: main.cpp:39
msgctxt "@info:shell"
msgid "Show advanced tab in configuration dialog"
msgstr "Amosar a lapela de configuración avanzada no diálogo de configuración."
#: main.cpp:40
msgctxt "@info:shell"
msgid "Device(s) to manage"
msgstr "Dispositivos para xestionar"
#: jobs/createfilesystemjob.cpp:70
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Failed to set the system type for the file system on partition <filename>%1</"
msgstr ""
"Non foi posíbel establecer o tipo de sistema do sistema de ficheiros na "
"partición <filename>%1</filename>."
#: jobs/createfilesystemjob.cpp:75
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Could not open partition table on device <filename>%1</filename> to set the "
"system type for partition <filename>%2</filename>."
msgstr ""
"Non foi posíbel abrir a táboa de particións do dispositivo <filename>%1</"
"filename> para establecer o tipo de sistema para a partición <filename>%2</"
#: jobs/createfilesystemjob.cpp:80
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Could not open device <filename>%1</filename> to set the system type for "
"partition <filename>%2</filename>."
msgstr ""
"Non foi posíbel abrir o dispositivo <filename>%1</filename> para establecer "
"o tipo de sistema para a partición <filename>%2</filename>."
#: jobs/createfilesystemjob.cpp:91
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Create file system %1 on partition <filename>%2</filename>"
msgstr "Crea o sistema de ficheiros %1 na partición <filename>%2</filename>"
#: jobs/createpartitiontablejob.cpp:59
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Creating partition table failed: Could not open device <filename>%1</"
msgstr ""
"Fallou a creación da táboa de particións: non foi posíbel abrir o "
"dispositivo <filename>%1</filename>."
#: jobs/createpartitiontablejob.cpp:68
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Create new partition table on device <filename>%1</filename>"
msgstr "Crea a táboa de particións no dispositivo <filename>%1</filename>"
#: jobs/restorefilesystemjob.cpp:75
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Could not open backup file <filename>%1</filename> to restore from."
msgstr ""
"Non foi posíbel abrir o ficheiro de respaldo <filename>%1</filename> para "
"restaurar desde el."
#: jobs/restorefilesystemjob.cpp:77 jobs/shredfilesystemjob.cpp:73
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Could not open target partition <filename>%1</filename> to restore to."
msgstr ""
"Non foi posíbel abrir a partición de destino <filename>%1</filename> para "
"restaurar nela."
#: jobs/restorefilesystemjob.cpp:105 jobs/movefilesystemjob.cpp:80
#: jobs/shredfilesystemjob.cpp:77
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Closing device. This may take a few seconds."
msgstr "A pechar o dispositivo. Isto levará uns segundos."
#: jobs/restorefilesystemjob.cpp:116
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Restore the file system from file <filename>%1</filename> to partition "
msgstr ""
"Restaura o sistema de ficheiro a partir do ficheiro <filename>%1</filename> "
"na partición <filename>%2</filename>"
#: jobs/checkfilesystemjob.cpp:56
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Check file system on partition <filename>%1</filename>"
msgstr "Comproba o sistema de ficheiros na partición <filename>%1</filename>"
#: jobs/setfilesystemlabeljob.cpp:51
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"File system on partition <filename>%1</filename> does not support setting "
"labels. Job ignored."
msgstr ""
"O sistema de ficheiro na partición <filename>%1</filename> non permite "
"indicar etiquetas. Ignórase a tarefa."
#: jobs/setfilesystemlabeljob.cpp:67
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Set the file system label on partition <filename>%1</filename> to \"%2\""
msgstr ""
"Axusta a etiqueta do sistema de ficheiros da partición <filename>%1</"
"filename> para «%2»"
#: jobs/backupfilesystemjob.cpp:65
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Could not open file system on source partition <filename>%1</filename> for "
msgstr ""
"Non foi posíbel abrir o sistema de ficheiros na partición de orixe <filename>"
"%1</filename> para facer unha copia de seguranza."
#: jobs/backupfilesystemjob.cpp:67
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Could not create backup file <filename>%1</filename>."
msgstr "Non foi posíbel crear o ficheiro de respaldo <filename>%1</filename>."
#: jobs/backupfilesystemjob.cpp:79
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Back up file system on partition <filename>%1</filename> to <filename>%2</"
msgstr ""
"Copiado de seguranza do sistema de ficheiros da partición <filename>%1</"
"filename> en <filename>%2</filename>"
#: jobs/movefilesystemjob.cpp:64
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Could not open file system on partition <filename>%1</filename> for moving."
msgstr ""
"Non foi posíbel abrir o sistema de ficheiros na partición <filename>%1</"
"filename> para movelo."
#: jobs/movefilesystemjob.cpp:66
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Could not create target for moving file system on partition <filename>%1</"
msgstr ""
"Non foi posíbel crear o destino para mover o sistema de ficheiros da "
"partición <filename>%1</filename>."
#: jobs/movefilesystemjob.cpp:78
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Rollback for file system on partition <filename>%1</filename> failed."
msgstr ""
"Fallou a volta ao estado anterior do sistema de ficheiros na partición "
#: jobs/movefilesystemjob.cpp:94
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Move the file system on partition <filename>%1</filename> to sector %2"
msgstr ""
"Move o sistema de ficheiros na partición <filename>%1</filename> ao sector %2"
#: jobs/deletefilesystemjob.cpp:81
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Could not delete file system on <filename>%1</filename>."
msgstr ""
"No foi posíbel borrar o sistema de ficheiros de <filename>%1</filename>"
#: jobs/deletefilesystemjob.cpp:89
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Could not open partition table on device <filename>%1</filename> to delete "
"file system on <filename>%2</filename>."
msgstr ""
"Non foi posíbel abrir a táboa de particións do dispositivo <filename>%1</"
"filename> para borrar o sistema de ficheiros <filename>%2</filename>."
#: jobs/deletefilesystemjob.cpp:94
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Could not delete file system signature for partition <filename>%1</"
"filename>: Failed to open device <filename>%2</filename>."
msgstr ""
"Non foi posíbel borrar a sinatura do sistema de ficheiros da partición "
"<filename>%1</filename>: fallou a apertura do dispositivo <filename>%2</"
#: jobs/deletefilesystemjob.cpp:104
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Delete file system on <filename>%1</filename>"
msgstr "Borra o sistema de ficheiros de <filename>%1</filename>"
#: jobs/setpartflagsjob.cpp:85
msgctxt "@info/plain flag turned on, active"
msgid "on"
msgstr "activa"
#: jobs/setpartflagsjob.cpp:85
msgctxt "@info/plain flag turned off, inactive"
msgid "off"
msgstr "inactiva"
#: jobs/setpartflagsjob.cpp:85
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"There was an error setting flag %1 for partition <filename>%2</filename> to "
"state %3."
msgstr ""
"Aconteceu un erro ao trocar a bandeira %1 da partición <filename>%2</"
"filename> para o estado %3."
#: jobs/setpartflagsjob.cpp:94
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Could not find partition <filename>%1</filename> on device <filename>%2</"
"filename> to set partition flags."
msgstr ""
"Non foi posíbel atopar a partición <filename>%1</filename> no dispositivo "
"<filename>%2</filename> para trocar as bandeiras da partición."
#: jobs/setpartflagsjob.cpp:102
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Could not open partition table on device <filename>%1</filename> to set "
"partition flags for partition <filename>%2</filename>."
msgstr ""
"Non foi posíbel abrir a táboa de particións do dispositivo <filename>%1</"
"filename> para axustar as bandeiras da partición <filename>%2</filename>."
#: jobs/setpartflagsjob.cpp:107
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Could not open device <filename>%1</filename> to set partition flags for "
"partition <filename>%2</filename>."
msgstr ""
"Non foi posíbel abrir o dispositivo <filename>%1</filename> para axustar as "
"bandeiras da partición <filename>%2</filename>."
#: jobs/setpartflagsjob.cpp:120 ops/setpartflagsoperation.cpp:75
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Clear flags for partition <filename>%1</filename>"
msgstr "Limpa as bandeiras da partición <filename>%1</filename>"
#: jobs/setpartflagsjob.cpp:122
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Set the flags for partition <filename>%1</filename> to \"%2\""
msgstr "Axusta os indicadores da partición <filename>%1</filename> a «%2»"
#: jobs/resizefilesystemjob.cpp:75
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"The file system on partition <filename>%2</filename> already has the "
"requested length of 1 sector."
msgid_plural ""
"The file system on partition <filename>%2</filename> already has the "
"requested length of %1 sectors."
msgstr[0] ""
"O sistema de ficheiros na partición <filename>%2</filename> xa ten a "
"lonxitude pedida de un sector."
msgstr[1] ""
"O sistema de ficheiros na partición <filename>%1</filename> xa ten a "
"lonxitude pedida de %2 sectores."
#: jobs/resizefilesystemjob.cpp:80
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Resizing file system from %1 to %2 sectors."
msgstr "A mudar o tamaño do sistema de ficheiros de %1 para %2 sectores."
#: jobs/resizefilesystemjob.cpp:89
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Resizing a %1 file system using internal backend functions."
msgstr ""
"A mudar o tamaño dun sistema de ficheiros %1 mediante funcións internas da "
#: jobs/resizefilesystemjob.cpp:102
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"The file system on partition <filename>%1</filename> cannot be resized "
"because there is no support for it."
msgstr ""
"Non é posíbel mudar o tamaño do sistema de ficheiros da partición <filename>"
"%1</filename> porque non hai soporte para el."
#: jobs/resizefilesystemjob.cpp:133
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Successfully resized file system using internal backend functions."
msgstr ""
"Mudouse con éxito o tamaño do sistema de ficheiros mediante funcións "
"internas da infraestrutura."
#: jobs/resizefilesystemjob.cpp:140
#: plugins/libparted/libpartedpartitiontable.cpp:321
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Could not open partition <filename>%1</filename> while trying to resize the "
"file system."
msgstr ""
"Non foi posíbel abrir a partición <filename>%1</filename> mentres se tentaba "
"mudar o tamaño do sistema de ficheiros."
#: jobs/resizefilesystemjob.cpp:145
#: plugins/libparted/libpartedpartitiontable.cpp:324
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Could not read geometry for partition <filename>%1</filename> while trying "
"to resize the file system."
msgstr ""
"Non foi posíbel ler a xeometría da partición <filename>%1</filename> mentres "
"se tentaba mudar o tamaño do sistema de ficheiros."
#: jobs/resizefilesystemjob.cpp:153
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Maximize file system on <filename>%1</filename> to fill the partition"
msgstr ""
"Maximiza o sistema de ficheiros en <filename>%1</filename> para encher a "
#: jobs/resizefilesystemjob.cpp:155
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Resize file system on partition <filename>%2</filename> to 1 sector"
msgid_plural ""
"Resize file system on partition <filename>%2</filename> to %1 sectors"
msgstr[0] ""
"Muda o tamaño do sistema de ficheiros na partición <filename>%2</filename> "
"para un sector"
msgstr[1] ""
"Muda o tamaño di sistema de ficheiros na partición <filename>%1</filename> "
"para %2 sectores"
#: jobs/deletepartitionjob.cpp:71
#: plugins/libparted/libpartedpartitiontable.cpp:221
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Could not delete partition <filename>%1</filename>."
msgstr "Non foi posíbel borrar a partición <filename>%1</filename>."
#: jobs/deletepartitionjob.cpp:79
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Could not open partition table on device <filename>%1</filename> to delete "
"partition <filename>%2</filename>."
msgstr ""
"Non foi posíbel abrir a táboa de particións do dispositivo <filename>%1</"
"filename> para borrar a partición <filename>%2</filename>."
#: jobs/deletepartitionjob.cpp:84
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Deleting partition failed: Could not open device <filename>%1</filename>."
msgstr ""
"Fallou o borrado da partición: Non foi posíbel abrir o dispositivo <filename>"
#: jobs/deletepartitionjob.cpp:93
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Delete the partition <filename>%1</filename>"
msgstr "Borra a partición <filename>%1</filename>"
#: jobs/setpartgeometryjob.cpp:82
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Could not open device <filename>%1</filename> while trying to resize/move "
"partition <filename>%2</filename>."
msgstr ""
"Non foi posíbel abrir o dispositivo <filename>%1</filename> mentres se "
"tentaba mudarlle o tamaño ou mover a partición <filename>%2</filename>."
#: jobs/setpartgeometryjob.cpp:91
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Set geometry of partition <filename>%1</filename>: Start sector: %2, length: "
msgstr ""
"Axuste da xeometría da partición <filename>%1</filename>: sector de inicio: "
"%2, lonxitude: %3"
#: jobs/createpartitionjob.cpp:71
#: plugins/libparted/libpartedpartitiontable.cpp:199
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Failed to add partition <filename>%1</filename> to device <filename>%2</"
msgstr ""
"Non foi posíbel engadir a partición <filename>%1</filename> no dispositivo "
#: jobs/createpartitionjob.cpp:76
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Could not open partition table on device <filename>%1</filename> to create "
"new partition <filename>%2</filename>."
msgstr ""
"Non foi posíbel abrir a táboa de particións do dispositivo <filename>%1</"
"filename> para crear a nova partición <filename>%2</filename>."
#: jobs/createpartitionjob.cpp:81
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Could not open device <filename>%1</filename> to create new partition "
msgstr ""
"Non foi posíbel abrir o dispositivo <filename>%1</filename> para crear a "
"nova partición <filename>%2</filename>."
#: jobs/createpartitionjob.cpp:91
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Create new partition <filename>%1</filename>"
msgstr "Crea a nova partición <filename>%1</filename>"
#: jobs/createpartitionjob.cpp:93
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Create new partition on device <filename>%1</filename>"
msgstr "Crea unha partición nova no dispositivo <filename>%1</filename>"
#: jobs/job.cpp:48
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"The logical sector sizes in the source and target for copying are not the "
"same. This is currently unsupported."
msgstr ""
"O tamaño lóxico dos sectores da orixe e o destino da copia non son "
"idénticos. A copia nestas circunstancias non é posíbel aínda."
#: jobs/job.cpp:67
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Copying %1 blocks (%2 sectors) from %3 to %4, direction: %5."
msgstr "A copiar %1 bloques (%2 sectores) de %3 en %4, enderezo: %5."
#: jobs/job.cpp:92
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Copying %1 MiB/second, estimated time left: %2"
msgstr "Copiando a %1 MiB/segundo, tempo restante estimado: %2"
#: jobs/job.cpp:111
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Copying remainder of block size %1 from %2 to %3."
msgstr "A copiar o restante do tamaño do bloque %1 de %2 en %3."
#: jobs/job.cpp:124
msgid "1 sector"
msgid_plural "%1 sectors"
msgstr[0] "1 sector"
msgstr[1] "%1 sectores"
#: jobs/job.cpp:124
msgctxt ""
"@info/plain argument 2 is a string such as 7 sectors (localized accordingly)"
msgid "Copying 1 block (%2) finished."
msgid_plural "Copying %1 blocks (%2) finished."
msgstr[0] "Rematou a copia de un bloque (%2)."
msgstr[1] "Rematou a copia de %1 bloques (%2 sectores)."
#: jobs/job.cpp:133
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Source and target for copying do not overlap: Rollback is not required."
msgstr ""
"A orixe e o destino da copia non se sobrepoñen: non se require volver ao "
"estado anterior."
#: jobs/job.cpp:159
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Rollback from: First sector: %1, last sector: %2."
msgstr ""
"Volver ao estado anterior desde: primeiro sector: %1, último sector: %2."
#: jobs/job.cpp:160
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Rollback to: First sector: %1, last sector: %2."
msgstr "Volver ao estado anterior: primeiro sector: %1, último sector: %2."
#: jobs/job.cpp:165 jobs/job.cpp:172
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Could not open device <filename>%1</filename> to rollback copying."
msgstr ""
"Non foi posíbel abrir o dispositivo <filename>%1</filename> para volver a "
"copia ao estado anterior."
#: jobs/job.cpp:180
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Rollback failed: Source or target are not devices."
msgstr ""
"Fallou o retorno ao estado anterior: ou a orixe ou o destino non son "
#: jobs/job.cpp:195
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Job: %1"
msgstr "Tarefa: %1"
#: jobs/job.cpp:204
msgctxt "@info/plain job status (error, warning, ...)"
msgid "%1: %2"
msgstr "%1: %2"
#: jobs/job.cpp:230
msgctxt "@info:progress job"
msgid "Pending"
msgstr "Pendente"
#: jobs/job.cpp:231
msgctxt "@info:progress job"
msgid "Success"
msgstr "Éxito"
#: jobs/job.cpp:232
msgctxt "@info:progress job"
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Erro"
#: jobs/shredfilesystemjob.cpp:71
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Could not open random data source to overwrite file system."
msgstr ""
"Non foi posible abrir a fonte de datos aleatorios para sobreescribir o "
"sistema de ficheiros."
#: jobs/shredfilesystemjob.cpp:88
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Shred the file system on <filename>%1</filename>"
msgstr "Borra completamente o sistema de ficheiros de <filename>%1</filename>"
#: jobs/copyfilesystemjob.cpp:61
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Cannot copy file system: File system on target partition <filename>%1</"
"filename> is smaller than the file system on source partition <filename>%2</"
msgstr ""
"Non é posíbel copiar o sistema de ficheiros: O sistema de ficheiros da "
"partición de destino <filename>%1</filename> é menor do que o sistema de "
"ficheiros na partición de orixe <filename>%2</filename>."
#: jobs/copyfilesystemjob.cpp:70
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Could not open file system on source partition <filename>%1</filename> for "
msgstr ""
"Non foi posíbel abrir o sistema de ficheiros na partición de orixe <filename>"
"%1</filename> para copiar."
#: jobs/copyfilesystemjob.cpp:72
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Could not open file system on target partition <filename>%1</filename> for "
msgstr ""
"Non foi posíbel abrir o sistema de ficheiros na partición de destino "
"<filename>%1</filename> para copiar."
#: jobs/copyfilesystemjob.cpp:76
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Closing device. This may take a while, especially on slow devices like "
"Memory Sticks."
msgstr ""
"Pechando o dispositivo. Isto levará un tempo, especialmente en dispositivos "
"lentos, como son as memorias portátiles."
#: jobs/copyfilesystemjob.cpp:105
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Copy file system on partition <filename>%1</filename> to partition <filename>"
msgstr ""
"Copia o sistema de ficheiros da partición <filename>%1</filename> na "
"partición <filename>%2</filename>"
#: gui/parttablewidget.cpp:36
msgctxt "@info"
msgid "Please select a device."
msgstr "Escolla un dispositivo."
#: gui/parttablewidget.cpp:63
msgctxt "@info"
msgid "No valid partition table was found on this device."
msgstr "Non se atopou unha táboa de particións válido neste dispositivo."
#: gui/treelog.cpp:132
msgctxt "@info"
msgid "Could not create temporary output file to save <filename>%1</filename>."
msgstr ""
"Non foi posíbel crear un ficheiro tempora de saída para gardar <filename>%1</"
#: gui/treelog.cpp:132
msgctxt "@title:window"
msgid "Error Saving Log File"
msgstr "Aconteceu un erro ao gardar o ficheiro de rexistro..."
#: gui/devicepropsdialog.cpp:52
msgctxt "@title:window"
msgid "Device Properties: <filename>%1</filename>"
msgstr "Propiedades do dispositivo: <filename>%1</filename>"
#: gui/devicepropsdialog.cpp:79 gui/infopane.cpp:162
msgctxt "@label device"
msgid "%1 (read only)"
msgstr "%1 (só lectura)"
#: gui/devicepropsdialog.cpp:107 gui/infopane.cpp:175
msgctxt "@label"
msgid "1 Sector"
msgid_plural "%1 Sectors"
msgstr[0] "1 sector"
msgstr[1] "%1 sectores"
#: gui/devicepropsdialog.cpp:118 gui/smartdialog.cpp:88 gui/smartdialog.cpp:155
msgctxt "@label SMART disk status"
msgid "good"
msgstr "bo"
#: gui/devicepropsdialog.cpp:123 gui/smartdialog.cpp:93 gui/smartdialog.cpp:157
msgctxt "@label SMART disk status"
msgid "BAD"
msgstr "MALO"
#: gui/devicepropsdialog.cpp:129 gui/smartdialog.cpp:138
msgctxt "@label"
msgid "(unknown)"
msgstr "(descoñecido)"
#: gui/newdialog.cpp:48
msgctxt "@title:window"
msgid "Create a new partition"
msgstr "Crear unha partición nova"
#: gui/applyprogressdialog.cpp:119
msgctxt "@info:progress"
msgid "Setting up..."
msgstr "A configurar..."
#: gui/applyprogressdialog.cpp:177
msgctxt "@info:progress"
msgid "Waiting for operation to finish..."
msgstr "A agardar que remate a operación..."
#: gui/applyprogressdialog.cpp:188
msgctxt "@info"
msgid "Do you really want to cancel?"
msgstr "Desexa realmente cancelar?"
#: gui/applyprogressdialog.cpp:188
msgctxt "@title:window"
msgid "Cancel Running Operations"
msgstr "Cancelar as operacións en execución"
#: gui/applyprogressdialog.cpp:188
msgctxt "@action:button"
msgid "Yes, Cancel Operations"
msgstr "Si, cancelar as operacións"
#: gui/applyprogressdialog.cpp:205
msgctxt "@info:progress"
msgid "All operations successfully finished."
msgstr "Todas as operacións remataron con éxito."
#: gui/applyprogressdialog.cpp:210
msgctxt "@info:progress"
msgid "Operations cancelled."
msgstr "Canceláronse as operacións."
#: gui/applyprogressdialog.cpp:215
msgctxt "@info:progress"
msgid "There were errors while applying operations. Aborted."
msgstr "Xurdiron erros ao aplicar as operacións. Abortouse."
#: gui/applyprogressdialog.cpp:326
msgctxt "@info:progress"
msgid "[%1/%2] - %3: %4"
msgstr "[%1/%2] - %3: %4"
#: gui/applyprogressdialog.cpp:362
msgctxt "@info:progress"
msgid "Total Time: %1"
msgstr "Duración total: %1"
#: gui/applyprogressdialog.cpp:412 gui/mainwindow.cpp:920
#: gui/smartdialog.cpp:239
msgctxt "@info"
msgid ""
"Could not create temporary file when trying to save to <filename>%1</"
msgstr ""
"Non foi posíbel crear o ficheiro temporal <filename>%1</filename> para "
"escribir nel."
#: gui/applyprogressdialog.cpp:412
msgctxt "@title:window"
msgid "Could Not Save Report."
msgstr "Non foi posíbel gardar o informe."
#: gui/applyprogressdialog.cpp:438
msgctxt "@info"
msgid ""
"The configured external browser could not be run. Please check your settings."
msgstr ""
"Non foi posíbel executar o navegador externo indicado. Verifique a "
#: gui/applyprogressdialog.cpp:438 gui/applyprogressdialog.cpp:441
msgctxt "@title:window"
msgid "Could Not Launch Browser."
msgstr "Non foi posíbel iniciar o navegador."
#: gui/applyprogressdialog.cpp:441
msgctxt "@info"
msgid "Could not create temporary file <filename>%1</filename> for writing."
msgstr ""
"Non foi posíbel crear o ficheiro temporal <filename>%1</filename> para "
"escribir nel."
#: gui/insertdialog.cpp:43
msgctxt "@title:window"
msgid "Insert a partition"
msgstr "Inserir unha partición"
#: gui/infopane.cpp:113
msgctxt "@title:window"
msgid "Partition Information"
msgstr "Información da partición"
#: gui/infopane.cpp:120 gui/infopane.cpp:133
msgctxt "@label partition"
msgid "File system:"
msgstr "Sistema de ficheiros:"
#: gui/infopane.cpp:121 gui/infopane.cpp:134
msgctxt "@label partition"
msgid "Capacity:"
msgstr "Capacidade:"
#: gui/infopane.cpp:122
msgctxt "@label partition"
msgid "Cipher name:"
msgstr "Nome do cifrado:"
#: gui/infopane.cpp:123
msgctxt "@label partition"
msgid "Cipher mode:"
msgstr "Modo de cifrado:"
#: gui/infopane.cpp:124
msgctxt "@label partition"
msgid "Hash:"
msgstr "Hash:"
#: gui/infopane.cpp:125
msgctxt "@label partition"
msgid "Key size:"
msgstr "Tamaño da chave:"
#: gui/infopane.cpp:126
msgctxt "@label partition"
msgid "Payload offset:"
msgstr "Desprazamento de carga:"
#: gui/infopane.cpp:127 gui/infopane.cpp:137
msgctxt "@label partition"
msgid "First sector:"
msgstr "Primeiro sector:"
#: gui/infopane.cpp:128 gui/infopane.cpp:138
msgctxt "@label partition"
msgid "Last sector:"
msgstr "Último sector:"
#: gui/infopane.cpp:129 gui/infopane.cpp:139
msgctxt "@label partition"
msgid "Number of sectors:"
msgstr "Número de sectores:"
#: gui/infopane.cpp:135
msgctxt "@label partition"
msgid "Available:"
msgstr "Dispoñíbel:"
#: gui/infopane.cpp:136
msgctxt "@label partition"
msgid "Used:"
msgstr "Empregado:"
#: gui/infopane.cpp:150
msgctxt "@title:window"
msgid "Device Information"
msgstr "Información do dispositivo"
#: gui/infopane.cpp:154
msgctxt "@label device"
msgid "Path:"
msgstr "Rota:"
#: gui/infopane.cpp:167
msgctxt "@label device"
msgid "Type:"
msgstr "Tipo:"
#: gui/infopane.cpp:168
msgctxt "@label device"
msgid "Capacity:"
msgstr "Capacidade:"
#: gui/infopane.cpp:169
msgctxt "@label device"
msgid "Total sectors:"
msgstr "Cantidade total de sectores:"
#: gui/infopane.cpp:170
msgctxt "@label device"
msgid "Heads:"
msgstr "Cabezas:"
#: gui/infopane.cpp:171
msgctxt "@label device"
msgid "Cylinders:"
msgstr "Cilindros:"
#: gui/infopane.cpp:172
msgctxt "@label device"
msgid "Sectors:"
msgstr "Sectores:"
#: gui/infopane.cpp:173
msgctxt "@label device"
msgid "Logical sector size:"
msgstr "Tamaño lóxico dos sectores:"
#: gui/infopane.cpp:174
msgctxt "@label device"
msgid "Physical sector size:"
msgstr "Tamaño físico dos sectores:"
#: gui/infopane.cpp:175
msgctxt "@label device"
msgid "Cylinder size:"
msgstr "Tamaño do cilindro:"
#: gui/infopane.cpp:176
msgctxt "@label device"
msgid "Primaries/Max:"
msgstr "Primarios/Máx:"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:142
msgctxt "@info"
msgid ""
"<para>Do you really want to quit the application?</para><para>There is still "
"an operation pending.</para>"
msgid_plural ""
"<para>Do you really want to quit the application?</para><para>There are "
"still %1 operations pending.</para>"
msgstr[0] ""
"<para>Desexa realmente saír do programa?</para><para>Aínda hai unha "
"operación pendente.</para>"
msgstr[1] ""
"<para>Desexa realmente saír do programa?</para><para>Aínda hai %1 operacións "
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:144
msgctxt "@title:window"
msgid "Discard Pending Operations and Quit?"
msgstr "Desexa esquecer as operacións pendentes e saír?"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:145
msgctxt "@action:button"
msgid "Quit <application>%1</application>"
msgstr "Saír de <application>%1</application>"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:188
msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
msgid "Undo"
msgstr "Desfacer"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:189
msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
msgid "Undo the last operation"
msgstr "Anula a última operación"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:190
msgctxt "@info:status"
msgid "Remove the last operation from the list."
msgstr "Elimina da lista a última operación."
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:196
msgctxt "@action:inmenu clear the list of operations"
msgid "Clear"
msgstr "Limpar"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:197
msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
msgid "Clear all operations"
msgstr "Limpa todas as operacións"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:198
msgctxt "@info:status"
msgid "Empty the list of pending operations."
msgstr "Baleira a listaxe de operacións pendentes."
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:203
msgctxt "@action:inmenu apply all operations"
msgid "Apply"
msgstr "Aplicar"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:204
msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
msgid "Apply all operations"
msgstr "Aplica todas as operacións"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:205
msgctxt "@info:status"
msgid "Apply the pending operations in the list."
msgstr "Aplica as operacións pendentes na lista."
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:210
msgctxt "@action:inmenu refresh list of devices"
msgid "Refresh Devices"
msgstr "Refrescar os dispositivos"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:211
msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
msgid "Refresh all devices"
msgstr "Refresca a información de todos os dispositivos"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:212
msgctxt "@info:status"
msgid "Renew the devices list."
msgstr "Renova a lista de dispositivos."
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:218
msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
msgid "New Partition Table"
msgstr "Nova táboa de particións"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:219
msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
msgid "Create a new partition table"
msgstr "Crear unha nova táboa de particións"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:220
msgctxt "@info:status"
msgid "Create a new and empty partition table on a device."
msgstr "Crea unha táboa de particións nova e baleira no dispositivo."
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:226
msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
msgid "Export Partition Table"
msgstr "Exportar a táboa de particións"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:227
msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
msgid "Export a partition table"
msgstr "Exportar unha táboa de particións"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:228
msgctxt "@info:status"
msgid "Export the device's partition table to a text file."
msgstr "Exportar a táboa de particións do dispositivo a un ficheiro de texto."
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:233
msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
msgid "Import Partition Table"
msgstr "Importar a táboa de particións"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:234
msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
msgid "Import a partition table"
msgstr "Importar unha táboa de particións"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:235
msgctxt "@info:status"
msgid "Import a partition table from a text file."
msgstr "Importar unha táboa de particións dun ficheiro de texto."
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:240
msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
msgid "SMART Status"
msgstr "Estado SMART"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:241
msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
msgid "Show SMART status"
msgstr "Mostrar o estado SMART"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:242
msgctxt "@info:status"
msgid "Show the device's SMART status if supported"
msgstr "Mostrar o estado SMART do dispositivo, de ser posíbel."
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:246 gui/mainwindow.cpp:321
msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Propiedades"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:247
msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
msgid "Show device properties dialog"
msgstr "Mostra o diálogo de propiedades do dispositivo"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:248
msgctxt "@info:status"
msgid "View and modify device properties"
msgstr "Ver e modificar as propiedades do dispositivo"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:254
msgctxt "@action:inmenu create a new partition"
msgid "New"
msgstr "Nova"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:255
msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
msgid "New partition"
msgstr "Partición nova"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:256
msgctxt "@info:status"
msgid "Create a new partition."
msgstr "Crea unha partición nova."
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:262
msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
msgid "Resize/Move"
msgstr "Mudar o tamaño/Mover"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:263
msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
msgid "Resize or move partition"
msgstr "Muda o tamaño ou move unha partición"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:264
msgctxt "@info:status"
msgid "Shrink, grow or move an existing partition."
msgstr "Reduce, amece ou move unha partición existente."
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:270
msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Borrar"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:271
msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
msgid "Delete partition"
msgstr "Borra a partición"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:272
msgctxt "@info:status"
msgid "Delete a partition."
msgstr "Borra unha partición."
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:278
msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
msgid "Shred"
msgstr "Borrar totalmente"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:279
msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
msgid "Shred partition"
msgstr "Borrar totalmente a partición"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:280
msgctxt "@info:status"
msgid "Shred a partition so that its contents cannot be restored."
msgstr ""
"Borrar totalmente unha partición de xeito que os seus contidos non se poidan "
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:286
msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
msgid "Copy"
msgstr "Copiar"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:287
msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
msgid "Copy partition"
msgstr "Copia a partición"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:288
msgctxt "@info:status"
msgid "Copy an existing partition."
msgstr "Copia unha partición xa existente."
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:294
msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
msgid "Paste"
msgstr "Apegar"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:295
msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
msgid "Paste partition"
msgstr "Apega a partición"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:296
msgctxt "@info:status"
msgid "Paste a copied partition."
msgstr "Apega a partición copiada."
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:302
msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
msgid "Edit Mount Point"
msgstr "Editar punto de montaxe"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:303
msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
msgid "Edit mount point"
msgstr "Editar punto de montaxe"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:304
msgctxt "@info:status"
msgid "Edit a partition's mount point and options."
msgstr "Editar o punto de montaxe e as opcións dunha partición."
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:308
msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
msgid "Mount"
msgstr "Montar"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:309
msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
msgid "Mount or unmount partition"
msgstr "Monta ou desmonta unha partición"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:310
msgctxt "@info:status"
msgid "Mount or unmount a partition."
msgstr "Monta ou desmonta unha partición."
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:314
msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
msgid "Check"
msgstr "Comprobar"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:315
msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
msgid "Check partition"
msgstr "Comproba a partición"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:316
msgctxt "@info:status"
msgid "Check a filesystem on a partition for errors."
msgstr "Comproba a presenza de erros no sistema de ficheiros dunha partición."
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:322
msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
msgid "Show partition properties dialog"
msgstr "Mostra o diálogo de propiedades da partición"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:323
msgctxt "@info:status"
msgid "View and modify partition properties (label, partition flags, etc.)"
msgstr "Mostra e modifica as propiedades da partición (lenda, bandeiras etc.)"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:328
msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
msgid "Backup"
msgstr "Copia de respaldo"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:329
msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
msgid "Backup partition"
msgstr "Fai unha copia de seguranza da partición"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:330
msgctxt "@info:status"
msgid "Backup a partition to an image file."
msgstr "Fai unha copia de seguranza a un ficheiro de imaxe."
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:335
msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
msgid "Restore"
msgstr "Restaurar"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:336
msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
msgid "Restore partition"
msgstr "Restaura unha partición"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:337
msgctxt "@info:status"
msgid "Restore a partition from an image file."
msgstr "Restaura unha partición a partir dun ficheiro de imaxe."
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:342
msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
msgid "File System Support"
msgstr "Soporte de sistema de ficheiros"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:343
msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
msgid "View file system support information"
msgstr "Mostra a información de soporte do sistema de ficheiros"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:344
msgctxt "@info:status"
msgid "Show information about supported file systems."
msgstr "Mostra información acerca dos sistemas de ficheiros admitidos."
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:356
msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
msgid "Clear Log"
msgstr "Limpar o rexistro"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:357
msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
msgid "Clear the log output"
msgstr "Limpar o rexistro da saída"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:358
msgctxt "@info:status"
msgid "Clear the log output panel."
msgstr "Limpar o panel do rexistro da saída."
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:362
msgctxt "@action:inmenu"
msgid "Save Log"
msgstr "Gardar o rexistro"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:363
msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
msgid "Save the log output"
msgstr "Gardar o rexistro da saída"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:364
msgctxt "@info:status"
msgid "Save the log output to a file."
msgstr "Gardar o rexistro da saída nun ficheiro."
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:448
msgctxt "@info:status"
msgid "One pending operation"
msgid_plural "%1 pending operations"
msgstr[0] "Unha operación pendente"
msgstr[1] "%1 operacións pendentes"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:547
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Using backend plugin: %1 (%2)"
msgstr "Complemento de infraestrutura empregado: %1 (%2)"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:551
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Scanning devices..."
msgstr "Analizando os dispositivos…"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:583
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Scan finished."
msgstr "Rematou a análise."
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:639
msgctxt "@info"
msgid ""
"<para>Do you really want to rescan the devices?</para><para><warning>This "
"will also clear the list of pending operations.</warning></para>"
msgstr ""
"<para>Desexa realmente analizar de novo os dispositivo?</para> "
"<para><warning>Isto borrará a lista de operacións pendentes.</warning></para>"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:641
msgctxt "@title:window"
msgid "Really Rescan the Devices?"
msgstr "Desexa realmente analizar de novo os dispositivos?"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:642
msgctxt "@action:button"
msgid "Rescan Devices"
msgstr "Analizar de novo"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:658
msgctxt "@info"
msgid ""
"<para>Do you really want to apply the pending operations listed below?</"
"para><para><warning>This will permanently modify your disks.</warning></para>"
msgstr ""
"<para>Desexa realmente aplicar as operacións pendentes da lista de baixo?</"
"para><para><warning>Isto ha modificar de xeito irreversíbel os discos.</"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:660
msgctxt "@title:window"
msgid "Apply Pending Operations?"
msgstr "Desexa aplicar as operacións pendentes?"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:661
msgctxt "@action:button"
msgid "Apply Pending Operations"
msgstr "Aplicar as operacións pendentes"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:664
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Applying operations..."
msgstr "A aplicar as operacións..."
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:690
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Undoing operation: %1"
msgstr "A desfacer a operación: %1"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:706
msgctxt "@info"
msgid "Do you really want to clear the list of pending operations?"
msgstr "Desexa realmente borrar a lista de operacións pendentes?"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:707
msgctxt "@title:window"
msgid "Clear Pending Operations?"
msgstr "Desexa borrar a lista de operacións pendentes?"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:708
msgctxt "@action:button"
msgid "Clear Pending Operations"
msgstr "Borrar as operacións pendentes"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:711
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Clearing the list of pending operations."
msgstr "A borrar a lista de operacións pendentes."
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:749
msgctxt "@info"
msgid "Could not open input file <filename>%1</filename> for import: %2"
msgstr "Non foi posíbel importar o ficheiro <filename>%1</filename>: %2"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:749 gui/mainwindow.cpp:757
msgctxt "@title:window"
msgid "Error Importing Partition Table"
msgstr "Atopouse un erro importando a táboa de particións"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:757
msgctxt "@info"
msgid ""
"Could not open temporary file <filename>%1</filename> while trying to import "
"from <filename>%2</filename>."
msgstr ""
"Non foi posíbel abrir o ficheiro temporal <filename>%1</filename> ao "
"intentar importalo desde <filename>%2</filename>."
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:783
msgctxt "@info"
msgid ""
"The import file <filename>%1</filename> does not contain a valid partition "
msgstr ""
"O ficheiro a importar <filename>%1</filename> non contén unha táboa de "
"particións válida."
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:783 gui/mainwindow.cpp:796 gui/mainwindow.cpp:804
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:810 gui/mainwindow.cpp:825 gui/mainwindow.cpp:839
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:845 gui/mainwindow.cpp:867 gui/mainwindow.cpp:873
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:879 gui/mainwindow.cpp:887
msgctxt "@title:window"
msgid "Error While Importing Partition Table"
msgstr "Atopouse un erro importando a táboa de particións"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:796
msgctxt "@info"
msgid "Found more than one partition table type in import file (line %1)."
msgstr ""
"Atopouse mais dunha táboa de particións no ficheiro a importar (liña %1)."
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:804
msgctxt "@info"
msgid "Partition table type \"%1\" is unknown (line %2)."
msgstr "Descoñécese o tipo da táboa de particións \"%1\" (liña %2)."
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:810
msgctxt "@info"
msgid "Partition table type \"%1\" is not supported for import (line %2)."
msgstr ""
"O tipo da táboa de particións \"%1\" non se admite para importación (liña "
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:825
msgctxt "@info"
msgid "Found partition but no partition table type (line %1)."
msgstr "Atopouse a partición, pero non o seu tipo (liña %1)."
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:839
msgctxt "@info the partition is NOT a device path, just a number"
msgid "Partition %1 would be outside the device's boundaries (line %2)."
msgstr "A partición %1 excederá os límites do dispositivo (liña %2)."
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:845
msgctxt "@info"
msgid "Partition %1 has end before start sector (line %2)."
msgstr "A partición %1 remata antes do sector de inicio (liña %2)."
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:867
msgctxt "@info the partition is NOT a device path, just a number"
msgid "Unrecognized partition role \"%1\" for partition %2 (line %3)."
msgstr "Non se coñece o rol \"%1\" da partición %2 (liña: %3)."
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:873
msgctxt "@info the partition is NOT a device path, just a number"
msgid ""
"No parent partition or partition table found for partition %1 (line %2)."
msgstr "Non se atopou partición pai ou táboa para a partición %1 (liña %2)."
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:879
msgctxt "@info"
msgid ""
"The partition table type \"%1\" does not support extended partitions, but "
"one was found (line %2)."
msgstr ""
"O tipo de partición \"%1\" non soporta particións estendidas, pero atopouse "
"unha (liña %2)."
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:887
msgctxt "@info the partition is NOT a device path, just a number"
msgid "Could not create file system \"%1\" for partition %2 (line %3)."
msgstr ""
"Non foi posíbel crear o sistema de ficheiros «%1» da partición %2 (liña %3)."
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:899
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Could not parse line %1 from import file. Ignoring it."
msgstr "Non foi posíbel analizar a liña %1 do ficheiro a importar. Ignorarase."
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:920
msgctxt "@title:window"
msgid "Error Exporting Partition Table"
msgstr "Atopouse un erro exportando a táboa de particións"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:1062
msgctxt "@info"
msgid ""
"<para>No support tools were found for file systems currently present on hard "
"disks in this computer:</para><table style='margin-top:12px'><tr><td "
"td><td style='font-weight:bold;padding-right:12px;white-space:nowrap;'>File "
"System</td><td style='font-weight:bold;padding-right:12px;white-space:"
"nowrap;'>Support Tools</td><td style='font-weight:bold;padding-right:12px;"
"white-space:nowrap;'>URL</td></tr>%1</table><para>As long as the support "
"tools for these file systems are not installed you will not be able to "
"modify them.</para><para>You should find packages with these support tools "
"in your distribution's package manager.</para>"
msgstr ""
"<para>Non se atoparon ferramentas de soporte para os sistemas de ficheiros "
"presentes nos discos deste computador:</para> <table style='margin-"
"top:12px'> <tr> <td style='font-weight:bold;padding-right:12px;white-"
"space:nowrap;'>Partición</td> <td style='font-weight:bold;padding-"
"right:12px;white-space:nowrap;'>Sistema de ficheiros</td> <td style='font-"
"weight:bold;padding-right:12px;white-space:nowrap;'>Ferramentas de soporte</"
"td> <td style='font-weight:bold;padding-right:12px;white-space:"
"nowrap;'>URL</td> </tr> %1</table><para>Non poderá modificar os sistemas "
"de ficheiros ata que non instale as ferramentas de soporte para eles.</"
"para><para>Debería poder atopar as ferramentas de soporte desde o xestor de "
"paquetes da súa distribución.</para>"
#: gui/mainwindow.cpp:1075
msgctxt "@title:window"
msgid "Missing File System Support Packages"
msgstr "Faltan os paquetes para traballar co sistema de ficheiros"
#: gui/resizedialog.cpp:49
msgctxt "@title:window"
msgid "Resize/move partition: <filename>%1</filename>"
msgstr "Mudar o tamaño/Mover a partición: <filename>%1</filename>"
#: gui/editmountpointdialog.cpp:37
msgctxt "@title:window"
msgid "Edit mount point for <filename>%1</filename>"
msgstr "Editar o punto de montaxe para <filename>%1</filename>"
#: gui/editmountpointdialog.cpp:52
msgctxt "@info"
msgid ""
"<para>Are you sure you want to save the changes you made to the system table "
"file <filename>/etc/fstab</filename>?</para><para><warning>This will "
"overwrite the existing file on your hard drive now. This <strong>can not be "
msgstr ""
"<para>¿Está seguro de que quere gardar os cambios feitos no ficheiro de "
"táboa do sistema <filename>/etc/fstab</filename>?</"
"para><para><warning>Sobrescribirase o ficheiro actual.Esta acción "
"<strong>non pode ser desfeita</strong>.</warning></para>"
#: gui/editmountpointdialog.cpp:54
msgctxt "@title:window"
msgid "Really save changes?"
msgstr "Desexa realmente gardar as modificacións?"
#: gui/editmountpointdialog.cpp:55
msgctxt "@action:button"
msgid "Save changes"
msgstr "Gardar modificacións"
#: gui/decryptluksdialog.cpp:37
msgctxt "@title:window"
msgid "Decrypt LUKS partition on <filename>%1</filename>"
msgstr "Descifrar a partición LUKS en <filename>%1</filename>"
#: gui/decryptluksdialog.cpp:38
msgctxt "@action:button"
msgid "&Decrypt"
msgstr "&Descifrar"
#: gui/editmountoptionsdialog.cpp:34
msgctxt "@title:window"
msgid "Edit additional mount options"
msgstr "Editar as opcións de montaxe adicionais"
#: gui/filesystemsupportdialog.cpp:39
msgctxt "@title:window"
msgid "File System Support"
msgstr "Soporte de sistema de ficheiros"
#: gui/partitionmanagerwidget.cpp:406
msgctxt "@info"
msgid ""
"The file system on partition <filename>%1</filename> could not be mounted."
msgstr ""
"Non foi posíbel montar o sistema de ficheiros na partición <filename>%1</"
#: gui/partitionmanagerwidget.cpp:406
msgctxt "@title:window"
msgid "Could Not Mount File System."
msgstr "Non foi posíbel montar o sistema de ficheiros."
#: gui/partitionmanagerwidget.cpp:411
msgctxt "@info"
msgid ""
"The file system on partition <filename>%1</filename> could not be unmounted."
msgstr ""
"Non foi posíbel desmontar o sistema de ficheiros na partición <filename>%1</"
#: gui/partitionmanagerwidget.cpp:411
msgctxt "@title:window"
msgid "Could Not Unmount File System."
msgstr "Non foi posíbel desmontar o sistema de ficheiros."
#: gui/partitionmanagerwidget.cpp:453
msgctxt "@info"
msgid ""
"<para>There is already one primary partition on this device. This is the "
"maximum number its partition table type can handle.</para><para>You cannot "
"create, paste or restore a primary partition on it before you delete an "
"existing one.</para>"
msgid_plural ""
"<para>There are already %1 primary partitions on this device. This is the "
"maximum number its partition table type can handle.</para><para>You cannot "
"create, paste or restore a primary partition on it before you delete an "
"existing one.</para>"
msgstr[0] ""
"<para>Xa hai unha partición primaria neste dispositivo. Este é o máximo que "
"pode conter este tipo de táboa de particións.</para><para>Non poderá crear, "
"apegar nin restaurar unha partición primaria no dispositivo antes de que "
"borre unha das que contén.</para>"
msgstr[1] ""
"<para>Xa hai %1 particións primarias neste dispositivo. Este é o máximo que "
"pode conter a táboa de particións.</para><para>Non poderá crear, apegar nin "
"restaurar unha partición primaria no dispositivo antes de que borre unha das "
"que contén.</para>"
#: gui/partitionmanagerwidget.cpp:457
msgctxt "@title:window"
msgid "Too Many Primary Partitions."
msgstr "Exceso de particións primarias."
#: gui/partitionmanagerwidget.cpp:522
msgctxt "@info"
msgid ""
"<para>The partition <filename>%1</filename> cannot currently be deleted "
"because one or more partitions with higher logical numbers are still mounted."
"</para><para>Please unmount all partitions with higher logical numbers than "
"%2 first.</para>"
msgstr ""
"<para>A partición <filename>%1</filename> non pode ser borrada neste momento "
"porque aínda están montadas unha ou máis particións como números lóxicos "
"maiores.</para><para>Desmonte antes todas as particións con números lóxicos "
"maiores que %2.</para>"
#: gui/partitionmanagerwidget.cpp:525
msgctxt "@title:window"
msgid "Cannot Delete Partition."
msgstr "Non é posíbel borrar a partición."
#: gui/partitionmanagerwidget.cpp:535
msgctxt "@info"
msgid ""
"Do you really want to delete the partition that is currently in the "
"clipboard? It will no longer be available for pasting after it has been "
msgstr ""
"Desexa realmente borrar a partición que está no portarretallos? Deixará de "
"estar dispoñíbel para apegala despois que sexa borrada."
#: gui/partitionmanagerwidget.cpp:537
msgctxt "@title:window"
msgid "Really Delete Partition in the Clipboard?"
msgstr "Desexa realmente borrar a partición no portarretallos?"
#: gui/partitionmanagerwidget.cpp:538
msgctxt "@action:button"
msgid "Delete It"
msgstr "Borrala"
#: gui/partitionmanagerwidget.cpp:584
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Partition <filename>%1</filename> has the same position and size after "
"resize/move. Ignoring operation."
msgstr ""
"A partición <filename>%1</filename> terá a mesma posición e tamaño tras "
"mudarlle o tamaño/movela. Ignorarase a operación."
#: gui/partitionmanagerwidget.cpp:614
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Partition <filename>%1</filename> has been copied to the clipboard."
msgstr "A partición <filename>%1</filename> foi copiada para o portarretallos."
#: gui/partitionmanagerwidget.cpp:683
msgctxt "@info"
msgid ""
"<para><warning>You are about to lose all data on partition <filename>%1</"
"filename>.</warning></para><para>Overwriting one partition with another (or "
"with an image file) will destroy all data on this target partition.</"
"para><para>If you continue now and apply the resulting operation in the main "
"window, all data currently stored on <filename>%1</filename> will "
"unrecoverably be overwritten.</para>"
msgstr ""
"<para><warning>Está a piques de perder todos os datos na partición <filename>"
"%1</filename>.</warning></para> <para>Ao substituír unha partición por outra "
"—ou por un ficheiro de imaxe— destruiranse os datos na partición de destino."
"</para><para>Se continúa e aplica a operación resultante na xanela "
"principal, todos os datos que teña en <filename>%1</filename> serán "
"substituídos, e non será posíbel recuperalos.</para>"
#: gui/partitionmanagerwidget.cpp:691
msgctxt "@title:window"
msgid "Really Overwrite Existing Partition?"
msgstr "Está seguro de que quere substituír a partición existente?"
#: gui/partitionmanagerwidget.cpp:692
msgctxt "@action:button"
msgid "Overwrite Partition"
msgstr "Substituíla"
#: gui/partitionmanagerwidget.cpp:701
msgctxt "@info"
msgid ""
"<para>The selected partition is not large enough to hold the source "
"partition or the backup file.</para><para>Pick another target or resize this "
"partition so it is as large as the source.</para>"
msgstr ""
"<para>A partición escollida non é grande de abondo para conter a partición "
"de orixe ou o ficheiro de copia de respaldo.</para><para>Escolla outro "
"destino ou mude o tamaño desta partición de xeito que sexa tan grande como a "
#: gui/partitionmanagerwidget.cpp:702
msgctxt "@title:window"
msgid "Target Not Large Enough"
msgstr "O destino non é grande de abondo"
#: gui/partitionmanagerwidget.cpp:705
msgctxt "@info"
msgid ""
"<para>It is not possible to create the target partition large enough to hold "
"the source.</para><para>This may happen if not all partitions on a device "
"are correctly aligned or when copying a primary partition into an extended "
msgstr ""
"<para>Non é posíbel crear a partición de destino de tamaño suficiente para "
"conter a orixe.</para><para>Isto pode acontecer se non todas as particións "
"nun dispositivo comezan e rematan en limiares de cilindro ou cando se copia "
"unha partición primaria nunha estendida.</para>"
#: gui/partitionmanagerwidget.cpp:708
msgctxt "@title:window"
msgid "Cannot Create Target Partition."
msgstr "Non é posíbel crear a partición de destino."
#: gui/partitionmanagerwidget.cpp:746
msgctxt "@info"
msgid "Do you want to overwrite the existing file <filename>%1</filename>?"
msgstr "Desexa sobrescribir o ficheiro <filename>%1</filename> xa existente?"
#: gui/partitionmanagerwidget.cpp:746
msgctxt "@title:window"
msgid "Overwrite Existing File?"
msgstr "Desexa sobrescribir o ficheiro xa existente?"
#: gui/partitionmanagerwidget.cpp:746
msgctxt "@action:button"
msgid "Overwrite File"
msgstr "Sobrescribir o ficheiro"
#: gui/partitionmanagerwidget.cpp:773
msgctxt "@info"
msgid ""
"The file system in the image file <filename>%1</filename> is too large to be "
"restored to the selected partition."
msgstr ""
"O sistema de ficheiros no ficheiro de imaxe <filename>%1</filename> é grande "
"de máis para restauralo na partición escollida."
#: gui/partitionmanagerwidget.cpp:773
msgctxt "@title:window"
msgid "Not Enough Space to Restore File System."
msgstr "Non hai espazo de abondo para restaurar o sistema de ficheiros."
#: gui/editmountpointdialogwidget.cpp:181
msgctxt "@info"
msgid "Could not open mount point file <filename>%1</filename>."
msgstr ""
"Non foi posíbel abrir o ficheiro de punto de montaxe <filename>%1</filename>."
#: gui/editmountpointdialogwidget.cpp:182
msgctxt "@title:window"
msgid "Error while reading mount points"
msgstr "Aconteceu un erro ao ler os puntos de montaxe"
#: gui/editmountpointdialogwidget.cpp:301
msgctxt "@info"
msgid "Could not save mount points to file <filename>%1</filename>."
msgstr ""
"Non foi posíbel gardar os puntos de montaxe no ficheiro <filename>%1</"
#: gui/editmountpointdialogwidget.cpp:302
msgctxt "@title:window"
msgid "Error While Saving Mount Points"
msgstr "Aconteceu un erro ao gardar os puntos de montaxe"
#: gui/sizedialogbase.cpp:58
msgctxt "@item:button advanced settings button"
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Avanzado"
#: gui/createpartitiontabledialog.cpp:37
msgctxt "@title:window"
msgid "Create a New Partition Table on <filename>%1</filename>"
msgstr "Crea unha táboa de particións nova en <filename>%1</filename>"
#: gui/createpartitiontabledialog.cpp:38
msgctxt "@action:button"
msgid "&Create New Partition Table"
msgstr "&Crear unha nova táboa de particións"
#: gui/createpartitiontabledialog.cpp:60
msgctxt "@info"
msgid ""
"<para>Do you really want to create an MS-Dos partition table on <filename>"
"%1</filename>?</para><para>This device has more than 2^32 sectors. That is "
"the most the MS-Dos partition table type supports, so you will not be able "
"to use the whole device.</para>"
msgstr ""
"<para>Está seguro de que quere crear unha táboa de particións de MS-Dos en "
"<filename>%1</filename>?</para><para>O tipo de táboa de particións de MS-Dos "
"só permite ata 2³² sectores, pero o seu dispositivo ten un número superior "
"de sectores, polo que non poderá empregar a totalidade do dispositivo.</para>"
#: gui/createpartitiontabledialog.cpp:62
msgctxt "@title:window"
msgid "Really Create MS-Dos Partition Table Type?"
msgstr ""
"Está seguro de que quere crear unha táboa de particións de tipo MS-Dos?"
#: gui/createpartitiontabledialog.cpp:63
msgctxt "@action:button"
msgid "Create MS-Dos Type"
msgstr "Crear do tipo MS-Dos"
#: gui/partpropsdialog.cpp:55
msgctxt "@title:window"
msgid "Partition properties: <filename>%1</filename>"
msgstr "Propiedades da partición: <filename>%1</filename>"
#: gui/partpropsdialog.cpp:103
msgctxt "@item mountpoint"
msgid "(none found)"
msgstr "(non se achou ningún)"
#: gui/partpropsdialog.cpp:109
msgctxt "@label partition state"
msgid "idle"
msgstr "ociosa"
#: gui/partpropsdialog.cpp:113
msgctxt "@label partition state"
msgid "At least one logical partition is mounted."
msgstr "Hai montada a-lo menos unha partición lóxica"
#: gui/partpropsdialog.cpp:115
msgctxt "@label partition state"
msgid "mounted on <filename>%1</filename>"
msgstr "montada en <filename>%1</filename>"
#: gui/partpropsdialog.cpp:117
msgctxt "@label partition state"
msgid "mounted"
msgstr "montada"
#: gui/partpropsdialog.cpp:121
msgctxt "@item uuid"
msgid "(none)"
msgstr "(ningún)"
#: gui/partpropsdialog.cpp:328
msgctxt "@info"
msgid ""
"<para><warning>You are about to lose all data on partition <filename>%1</"
"filename>.</warning></para><para>Changing the file system on a partition "
"already on disk will erase all its contents. If you continue now and apply "
"the resulting operation in the main window, all data on <filename>%1</"
"filename> will unrecoverably be lost.</para>"
msgstr ""
"<para><warning>Está a piques de perder todos os datos na partición <filename>"
"%1</filename>.</warning></para><para>Se troca o sistema de ficheiros nunha "
"partición xa existente no disco borraralle todo o contido. Se continúa agora "
"e aplica na fiestra principal a operación resultante, todos os datos que "
"haxa en <filename>%1</filename> serán perdidos indefectibelmente.</para>"
#: gui/partpropsdialog.cpp:330
msgctxt "@title:window"
msgid "Really Recreate <filename>%1</filename> with File System %2?"
msgstr ""
"Desexa realmente crear de novo <filename>%1</filename> co sistema de "
"ficheiros %2?"
#: gui/partpropsdialog.cpp:331
msgctxt "@action:button"
msgid "Change the File System"
msgstr "Trocar o sistema de ficheiros"
#: gui/partpropsdialog.cpp:332
msgctxt "@action:button"
msgid "Do Not Change the File System"
msgstr "Non trocar o sistema de ficheiros"
#: gui/partpropsdialog.cpp:353
msgctxt "@info"
msgid ""
"<para><warning>You are about to lose all data on partition <filename>%1</"
"filename>.</warning></para><para>Recreating a file system will erase all its "
"contents. If you continue now and apply the resulting operation in the main "
"window, all data on <filename>%1</filename> will unrecoverably be lost.</"
msgstr ""
"<para><warning>Está a piques de perder todos os datos na partición <filename>"
"%1</filename>.</warning></para><para>Se volta a criar un sistema de "
"ficheiros borraralle todo o contido. Se continúa agora e aplica na fiestra "
"principal a operación resultante, todos os datos que haxa en <filename>%1</"
"filename> serán perdidos indefectibelmente.</para>"
#: gui/partpropsdialog.cpp:355
msgctxt "@title:window"
msgid "Really Recreate File System on <filename>%1</filename>?"
msgstr ""
"Desexa realmente crear de novo o sistema de ficheiros en <filename>%1</"
#: gui/partpropsdialog.cpp:356
msgctxt "@action:button"
msgid "Recreate the File System"
msgstr "Crear de novo o sistema de ficheiros"
#: gui/partpropsdialog.cpp:357
msgctxt "@action:button"
msgid "Do Not Recreate the File System"
msgstr "Non crear de novo o sistema de ficheiros"
#: gui/smartdialog.cpp:64
msgctxt "@title:window"
msgid "SMART Properties: <filename>%1</filename>"
msgstr "Propiedades SMART: <filename>%1</filename>"
#: gui/smartdialog.cpp:66
msgctxt "@action:button"
msgid "Save SMART Report"
msgstr "Gardar o informe SMART"
#: gui/smartdialog.cpp:104 gui/smartdialog.cpp:161
msgctxt "@label SMART number of bad sectors"
msgid "none"
msgstr "ningún"
#: gui/smartdialog.cpp:124 gui/smartdialog.cpp:191
msgctxt "@item:intable"
msgid "Pre-Failure"
msgstr "Antes dun fallo"
#: gui/smartdialog.cpp:124 gui/smartdialog.cpp:191
msgctxt "@item:intable"
msgid "Old-Age"
msgstr "Antigüidade"
#: gui/smartdialog.cpp:125 gui/smartdialog.cpp:192
msgctxt "@item:intable"
msgid "Online"
msgstr "Conectado"
#: gui/smartdialog.cpp:125 gui/smartdialog.cpp:192
msgctxt "@item:intable"
msgid "Offline"
msgstr "Desconectado"
#: gui/smartdialog.cpp:239
msgctxt "@title:window"
msgid "Could Not Save SMART Report."
msgstr "Non puido gardarse o informe SMART."
#: gui/scanprogressdialog.cpp:27
msgctxt "@title:window"
msgid "Scanning devices..."
msgstr "Analizando os dispositivos..."
#: gui/scanprogressdialog.cpp:36
msgctxt "@label"
msgid "Scanning..."
msgstr "Analizando..."
#: gui/scanprogressdialog.cpp:38
msgctxt "@label"
msgid "Scanning device: <filename>%1</filename>"
msgstr "Analizando o dispositivo: <filename>%1</filename>"
#: plugins/libparted/libpartedpartition.cpp:43
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "The flag \"%1\" is not available on the partition's partition table."
msgstr ""
"A bandeira \"%1\" non está dispoñíbel na táboa de particións da partición."
#: plugins/libparted/libpartedbackend.cpp:63
msgctxt "@title"
msgid "LibParted Backend Plugin"
msgstr "Extensión de infraestrutura LibParted:"
#: plugins/libparted/libpartedbackend.cpp:65
msgid "KDE Partition Manager backend for libparted."
msgstr "Infraestrutura do xestor de particións de KDE para libparted."
#: plugins/libparted/libpartedbackend.cpp:67
msgid "Copyright 2008,2009,2010 Volker Lanz"
msgstr "Copyright 2008,2009,2010 Volker Lanz"
#: plugins/libparted/libpartedbackend.cpp:102
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "LibParted Exception: %1"
msgstr "Excepción de LibParted: %1"
#: plugins/libparted/libpartedbackend.cpp:417
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Could not access device <filename>%1</filename>"
msgstr "Non foi posíbel acceder ó dispositivo <filename>%1</filename>."
#: plugins/libparted/libpartedbackend.cpp:421
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Device found: %1"
msgstr "Atopouse un dispositivo: %1"
#: plugins/libparted/libpartedpartitiontable.cpp:170
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Unknown partition role for new partition <filename>%1</filename> (roles: %2)"
msgstr ""
"Non se coñece o rol da nova partición <filename>%1</filename> (roles: %2)"
#: plugins/libparted/libpartedpartitiontable.cpp:180
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Failed to create new partition <filename>%1</filename>."
msgstr "Fallou a creación da nova partición <filename>%1</filename>."
#: plugins/libparted/libpartedpartitiontable.cpp:192
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Failed to create a new partition: could not get geometry for constraint."
msgstr ""
"Fallou a creación da nova partición: non foi posíbel obter a xeometría para "
"a restrición."
#: plugins/libparted/libpartedpartitiontable.cpp:224
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Deleting partition failed: Partition to delete (<filename>%1</filename>) not "
"found on disk."
msgstr ""
"Fallou o borrado da partición: non se achou no disco a partición a borrar "
#: plugins/libparted/libpartedpartitiontable.cpp:248
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Could not set geometry for partition <filename>%1</filename> while trying to "
"resize/move it."
msgstr ""
"Non foi posíbel axustar a xeometría da partición <filename>%1</filename> "
"mentres se tentaba mudarlle o tamaño ou movela."
#: plugins/libparted/libpartedpartitiontable.cpp:251
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Could not get constraint for partition <filename>%1</filename> while trying "
"to resize/move it."
msgstr ""
"Non foi posíbel obter a restrición da partición <filename>%1</filename> "
"mentres se tentaba mudarlle o tamaño ou movela."
#: plugins/libparted/libpartedpartitiontable.cpp:254
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Could not get geometry for partition <filename>%1</filename> while trying to "
"resize/move it."
msgstr ""
"Non foi posíbel obter a xeometría da partición <filename>%1</filename> "
"mentres se tentaba mudarlle o tamaño ou movela."
#: plugins/libparted/libpartedpartitiontable.cpp:257
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Could not open partition <filename>%1</filename> while trying to resize/move "
msgstr ""
"Non foi posíbel abrir a partición <filename>%1</filename> mentres se tentaba "
"mudarlle o tamaño ou movela."
#: plugins/libparted/libpartedpartitiontable.cpp:276
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Failed to erase filesystem signature on partition <filename>%1</filename>."
msgstr ""
"Fallou o borrado da sinatura do sistema de ficheiros na partición <filename>"
#: plugins/libparted/libpartedpartitiontable.cpp:285
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Could not delete file system on partition <filename>%1</filename>: Failed to "
"get partition."
msgstr ""
"Non foi posíbel borrar o sistema de ficheiros na partición <filename>%1</"
"filename>: non foi posíbel obter a partición."
#: plugins/libparted/libpartedpartitiontable.cpp:313
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Could not resize file system on partition <filename>%1</filename>."
msgstr ""
"Non foi posíbel mudar o tamaño do sistema de ficheiros da partición "
#: plugins/libparted/libpartedpartitiontable.cpp:316
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Could not get geometry for resized partition <filename>%1</filename> while "
"trying to resize the file system."
msgstr ""
"Non foi posíbel obter a xeometría da partición co tamaño mudado <filename>"
"%1</filename> mentres se tentaba mudar o tamaño do sistema de ficheiros."
#: plugins/libparted/libpartedpartitiontable.cpp:343
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Could not determine file system of partition at sector %1 on device "
msgstr ""
"Non foi posíbel determinar o sistema de ficheiros da partición no sector %1 "
"do dispositivo <filename>%2</filename>."
#: plugins/libparted/libpartedpartitiontable.cpp:356
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Could not update the system type for partition <filename>%1</filename>."
msgstr ""
"Non foi posíbel actualizar o tipo de sistema para a partición <filename>%1</"
#: plugins/libparted/libparteddevice.cpp:100
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Creating partition table failed: Could not retrieve partition table type "
"\"%1\" for <filename>%2</filename>."
msgstr ""
"Fallou a creación da táboa de particións: non foi posíbel obter o tipo da "
"táboa de particións \"%1\" de <filename>%2</filename>."
#: plugins/libparted/libparteddevice.cpp:108
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Creating partition table failed: Could not open backend device <filename>%1</"
msgstr ""
"Fallou a creación da táboa de particións: non foi posíbel abrir o "
"dispositivo <filename>%1</filename>."
#: plugins/libparted/libparteddevice.cpp:116
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Creating partition table failed: Could not create a new partition table in "
"the backend for device <filename>%1</filename>."
msgstr ""
"Fallou a creación da táboa de particións: non foi posíbel crear unha nova "
"táboa de particións no dispositivo <filename>%1</filename>."
#: plugins/dummy/dummybackend.cpp:47
msgctxt "@title"
msgid "Dummy Backend Plugin"
msgstr "Extensión de infraestrutura de proba."
#: plugins/dummy/dummybackend.cpp:49
msgid "KDE Partition Manager dummy backend."
msgstr "Infraestrutura de proba do xestor de particións de KDE"
#: plugins/dummy/dummybackend.cpp:51
msgid "Copyright 2010 Volker Lanz"
msgstr "Copyright 2010 Volker Lanz"
#: ops/backupoperation.cpp:51
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Backup partition <filename>%1</filename> (%2, %3) to <filename>%4</filename>"
msgstr ""
"Fai unha copia de seguranza da partición <filename>%1</filename> (%2, %3) en "
#: ops/copyoperation.cpp:165 ops/restoreoperation.cpp:144
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Warning: Maximizing file system on target partition <filename>%1</filename> "
"to the size of the partition failed."
msgstr ""
"Aviso: fallou a maximización do sistema de ficheiros na partición obxectivo "
"<filename>%1</filename> ao tamaño da partición."
#: ops/copyoperation.cpp:170
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Checking target partition <filename>%1</filename> after copy failed."
msgstr ""
"Fallou a comprobación da partición de destino <filename>%1</filename> após a "
#: ops/copyoperation.cpp:180
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Copying source to target partition failed."
msgstr "Fallou a copia da partición orixe na de destino."
#: ops/copyoperation.cpp:184
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Creating target partition for copying failed."
msgstr "Fallou a creación da partición de destino onde copiar."
#: ops/copyoperation.cpp:187
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Checking source partition <filename>%1</filename> failed."
msgstr "Fallou a comprobación da partición de orixe <filename>%1</filename>."
#: ops/copyoperation.cpp:194 ops/restoreoperation.cpp:165
#: ops/resizeoperation.cpp:186 ops/operation.cpp:178
msgctxt "@info/plain status (success, error, warning...) of operation"
msgid "%1: %2"
msgstr "%1: %2"
#: ops/copyoperation.cpp:204
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Copy partition <filename>%1</filename> (%2, %3) to <filename>%4</filename> "
"(%5, %6)"
msgstr ""
"Copia partición <filename>%1</filename> (%2, %3) en <filename>%4</filename> "
"(%5, %6)"
#: ops/copyoperation.cpp:213
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Copy partition <filename>%1</filename> (%2, %3) to <filename>%4</filename> "
"(%5, %6) and grow it to %7"
msgstr ""
"Copia a partición <filename>%1</filename> (%2, %3) en <filename>%4</"
"filename> (%5, %6) e amécea até %7"
#: ops/copyoperation.cpp:225
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Copy partition <filename>%1</filename> (%2, %3) to unallocated space "
"(starting at %4) on <filename>%5</filename>"
msgstr ""
"Copia a partición <filename>%1</filename> (%2, %3) en espazo non asinado "
"(comezando en %4) de <filename>%5</filename>"
#: ops/copyoperation.cpp:233
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Copy partition <filename>%1</filename> (%2, %3) to unallocated space "
"(starting at %4) on <filename>%5</filename> and grow it to %6"
msgstr ""
"Copia a partición <filename>%1</filename> (%2, %3) en espazo non asignado "
"(comezando en %4) de <filename>%5</filename> e amécea até %6"
#: ops/setpartflagsoperation.cpp:77
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Set flags for partition <filename>%1</filename> to \"%2\""
msgstr ""
"Estabelece os indicadores da partición <filename>%1</filename> como «%2»"
#: ops/deleteoperation.cpp:86
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Shred partition <filename>%1</filename> (%2, %3)"
msgstr "Borra completamente a partición <filename>%1</filename> (%2, %3)"
#: ops/deleteoperation.cpp:88
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Delete partition <filename>%1</filename> (%2, %3)"
msgstr "Borra a partición <filename>%1</filename> (%2, %3)"
#: ops/restoreoperation.cpp:147
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Checking target file system on partition <filename>%1</filename> after the "
"restore failed."
msgstr ""
"Fallou a comprobación do sistema de ficheiros de destino na partición "
#: ops/restoreoperation.cpp:154
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Restoring file system failed."
msgstr "Fallou a restauración do sistema de ficheiros."
#: ops/restoreoperation.cpp:158
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Creating the destination partition to restore to failed."
msgstr "Fallou a creación da partición de destino da restauración."
#: ops/restoreoperation.cpp:173
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Restore partition from <filename>%1</filename> to <filename>%2</filename>"
msgstr ""
"Restaura a partición de <filename>%1</filename> en <filename>%2</filename>"
#: ops/restoreoperation.cpp:175
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Restore partition on <filename>%1</filename> at %2 from <filename>%3</"
msgstr ""
"Restaura a partición de <filename>%1</filename> en %2 desde <filename>%3</"
#: ops/createpartitiontableoperation.cpp:103
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Create a new partition table (type: %1) on <filename>%2</filename>"
msgstr ""
"Crea unha táboa de particións nova (tipo: %1) en <filename>%2</filename>"
#: ops/resizeoperation.cpp:165
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Moving extended partition <filename>%1</filename> failed."
msgstr "Fallou o mover a partición estendida <filename>%1</filename>."
#: ops/resizeoperation.cpp:175
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Checking partition <filename>%1</filename> after resize/move failed."
msgstr ""
"Fallou a comprobación da partición <filename>%1</filename> após movela/"
"mudarlle o tamaño."
#: ops/resizeoperation.cpp:178
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Resizing/moving partition <filename>%1</filename> failed."
msgstr ""
"Fallou a mudanza de tamaño/movemento da partición <filename>%1</filename>."
#: ops/resizeoperation.cpp:182
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Checking partition <filename>%1</filename> before resize/move failed."
msgstr ""
"Fallou a comprobación da partición <filename>%1</filename> após movela/"
"mudarlle o tamaño."
#: ops/resizeoperation.cpp:213
msgctxt "@info/plain describe resize/move action"
msgid "Move partition <filename>%1</filename> to the left by %2"
msgstr "Mover a partición <filename>%1</filename> á esquerda %2"
#: ops/resizeoperation.cpp:216
msgctxt "@info/plain describe resize/move action"
msgid "Move partition <filename>%1</filename> to the right by %2"
msgstr "Mover a partición <filename>%1</filename> á dereita %2"
#: ops/resizeoperation.cpp:219
msgctxt "@info/plain describe resize/move action"
msgid "Grow partition <filename>%1</filename> from %2 to %3"
msgstr "Amecer á partición <filename>%1</filename> de %2 a %3"
#: ops/resizeoperation.cpp:222
msgctxt "@info/plain describe resize/move action"
msgid "Shrink partition <filename>%1</filename> from %2 to %3"
msgstr "Reducir a partición <filename>%1</filename> de %2 a %3"
#: ops/resizeoperation.cpp:225
msgctxt "@info/plain describe resize/move action"
msgid ""
"Move partition <filename>%1</filename> to the left by %2 and grow it from %3 "
"to %4"
msgstr ""
"Mover a partición <filename>%1</filename> %2 á esquerda e amecela de %3 a %4"
#: ops/resizeoperation.cpp:228
msgctxt "@info/plain describe resize/move action"
msgid ""
"Move partition <filename>%1</filename> to the right by %2 and grow it from "
"%3 to %4"
msgstr ""
"Mover a partición <filename>%1</filename> %2 á dereita e amecela de %3 a %4"
#: ops/resizeoperation.cpp:231
msgctxt "@info/plain describe resize/move action"
msgid ""
"Move partition <filename>%1</filename> to the left by %2 and shrink it from "
"%3 to %4"
msgstr ""
"Mover a partición <filename>%1</filename> %2 á esquerda e reducila de %3 a %4"
#: ops/resizeoperation.cpp:234
msgctxt "@info/plain describe resize/move action"
msgid ""
"Move partition <filename>%1</filename> to the right by %2 and shrink it from "
"%3 to %4"
msgstr ""
"Mover a partición <filename>%1</filename> %2 á dereita e reducila de %3 a %4"
#: ops/resizeoperation.cpp:241
msgctxt "@info/plain describe resize/move action"
msgid "Unknown resize/move action."
msgstr "Acción descoñecida de mudanza de tamaño/movemento."
#: ops/resizeoperation.cpp:271
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Resize/move failed: Could not resize file system to shrink partition "
msgstr ""
"Fallou a mudanza de tamaño/movemento: Non foi posíbel mudar o tamaño do "
"sistema de ficheiros para reducir a partición <filename>%1</filename>."
#: ops/resizeoperation.cpp:277
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Resize/move failed: Could not shrink partition <filename>%1</filename>."
msgstr ""
"Fallou a mudanza de tamaño/movemento: Non foi posíbel reducir a partición "
#: ops/resizeoperation.cpp:297
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Moving partition <filename>%1</filename> failed."
msgstr "Fallou o movemento da partición <filename>%1</filename>."
#: ops/resizeoperation.cpp:303
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Moving the filesystem for partition <filename>%1</filename> failed. Rolling "
msgstr ""
"Fallou o movemento da partición <filename>%1</filename>. Volverase ao estado "
#: ops/resizeoperation.cpp:307
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Moving back partition <filename>%1</filename> to its original position "
msgstr ""
"Fallou o o retorno ao estado anterior da partición <filename>%1</filename>."
#: ops/resizeoperation.cpp:321
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Resize/move failed: Could not grow partition <filename>%1</filename>."
msgstr ""
"Fallou a mudanza de tamaño/movemento: Non foi posíbel amecer a partición "
#: ops/resizeoperation.cpp:327
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Resize/move failed: Could not resize the file system on partition <filename>"
msgstr ""
"Fallou a mudanza de tamaño/movemento: Non foi posíbel mudar o tamaño do "
"sistema de ficheiros na partición <filename>%1</filename>."
#: ops/resizeoperation.cpp:330
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Could not restore old partition size for partition <filename>%1</filename>."
msgstr ""
"Non foi posíbel restaurar o tamaño previo da partición <filename>%1</"
#: ops/setfilesystemlabeloperation.cpp:71
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Set label for partition <filename>%1</filename> to \"%2\""
msgstr "Pon a etiqueta da partición <filename>%1</filename> como «%2»"
#: ops/setfilesystemlabeloperation.cpp:73
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Set label for partition <filename>%1</filename> from \"%2\" to \"%3\""
msgstr ""
"Troca a etiqueta da partición <filename>%1</filename> de «%2» para «%3»"
#: ops/newoperation.cpp:113
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Create a new partition (%1, %2) on <filename>%3</filename>"
msgstr "Crea unha partición nova (%1, %2) en <filename>%3</filename>"
#: ops/createfilesystemoperation.cpp:97
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Create filesystem %1 on partition <filename>%2</filename>"
msgstr "Crear o sistema de ficheiros %1 na partición <filename>%2</filename>"
#: ops/operation.cpp:75
msgctxt "@info:progress operation"
msgid "None"
msgstr "Ningunha"
#: ops/operation.cpp:76
msgctxt "@info:progress operation"
msgid "Pending"
msgstr "Pendente"
#: ops/operation.cpp:77
msgctxt "@info:progress operation"
msgid "Running"
msgstr "En execución"
#: ops/operation.cpp:78
msgctxt "@info:progress operation"
msgid "Success"
msgstr "Éxito"
#: ops/operation.cpp:79
msgctxt "@info:progress operation"
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Aviso"
#: ops/operation.cpp:80
msgctxt "@info:progress operation"
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Erro"
#: ops/checkoperation.cpp:62
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Check and repair partition <filename>%1</filename> (%2, %3)"
msgstr "Comproba e repara a partición <filename>%1</filename> (%2, %3)"
#: fs/jfs.cpp:162
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Resizing JFS file system on partition <filename>%1</filename> failed: Could "
"not create temp dir."
msgstr ""
"Fallou a mudanza de tamaño do sistema de ficheiros JFS da partición "
"<filename>%1</filename>: non foi posíbel crear o directorio temporal."
#: fs/jfs.cpp:177
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Resizing JFS file system on partition <filename>%1</filename> failed: "
"Remount failed."
msgstr ""
"Fallou a mudanza de tamaño do sistema de ficheiros JFS da partición "
"<filename>%1</filename>: fallou o volver a montar."
#: fs/jfs.cpp:182
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Warning: Resizing JFS file system on partition <filename>%1</filename>: "
"Unmount failed."
msgstr ""
"Aviso: Fallou a mudanza de tamaño do sistema de ficheiros JFS da partición "
"<filename>%1</filename>: fallou a desmontaxe."
#: fs/jfs.cpp:185
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Resizing JFS file system on partition <filename>%1</filename> failed: "
"Initial mount failed."
msgstr ""
"Fallou a mudanza de tamaño do sistema de ficheiros JFS da partición "
"<filename>%1</filename>: fallou a montaxe inicial."
#: fs/linuxswap.cpp:127
msgctxt "@title:menu"
msgid "Activate swap"
msgstr "Activar a swap"
#: fs/linuxswap.cpp:132
msgctxt "@title:menu"
msgid "Deactivate swap"
msgstr "Desactivar a swap"
#: fs/luks.cpp:91
msgctxt "@title:menu"
msgid "Decrypt"
msgstr "Descifrar"
#: fs/luks.cpp:96
msgctxt "@title:menu"
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr "Desactivar"
#: fs/nilfs2.cpp:144
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Resizing NILFS2 file system on partition <filename>%1</filename> failed: "
"Could not create temp dir."
msgstr ""
"Non foi posíbel cambiar o tamaño do sistema de ficheiros NILFS2 na "
"particións <filename>%1</filename>: non foi posíbel crear o directorio "
#: fs/nilfs2.cpp:159
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Resizing NILFS2 file system on partition <filename>%1</filename> failed: "
"NILFS2 file system resize failed."
msgstr ""
"Non foi posíbel cambiar o tamaño do sistema de ficheiros NILFS2 na "
"particións <filename>%1</filename>: non foi posíbel realizar a operación de "
"cambio de tamaño do sistema de ficheiros NILFS2."
#: fs/nilfs2.cpp:164
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Warning: Resizing NILFS2 file system on partition <filename>%1</filename>: "
"Unmount failed."
msgstr ""
"Aviso: ao intentar cambiar o tamaño do sistema de ficheiros NILFS2 na "
"particións <filename>%1</filename>, non foi posíbel desmontar o dispositivo."
#: fs/nilfs2.cpp:167
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Resizing NILFS2 file system on partition <filename>%1</filename> failed: "
"Initial mount failed."
msgstr ""
"Non foi posíbel cambiar o tamaño do sistema de ficheiros NILFS2 na "
"particións <filename>%1</filename>: non foi posíbel montar o dispositivo."
#: fs/fat16.cpp:137
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid "Setting label for partition <filename>%1</filename> to %2"
msgstr "Pon a etiqueta da partición <filename>%1</filename> como «%2»"
#: fs/ntfs.cpp:198
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Updating boot sector for NTFS file system on partition <filename>%1</"
msgstr ""
"Actualizando o sector de arranque do sistema de ficheiros NTFS na partición "
#: fs/ntfs.cpp:211
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Could not open partition <filename>%1</filename> for writing when trying to "
"update the NTFS boot sector."
msgstr ""
"Non foi posíbel abrir a partición <filename>%1</filename> para escritura "
"mentres se tentaba actualizar o sector de arranque de NTFS."
#: fs/ntfs.cpp:217
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Could not seek to position 0x1c on partition <filename>%1</filename> when "
"trying to update the NTFS boot sector."
msgstr ""
"Non foi posíbel saltar á posición 0x1c da partición <filename>%1</filename> "
"mentres se tentaba actualizar o sector de arranque de NTFS."
#: fs/ntfs.cpp:223
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Could not write new start sector to partition <filename>%1</filename> when "
"trying to update the NTFS boot sector."
msgstr ""
"Non foi posíbel escribir o novo sector de inicio da partición <filename>%1</"
"filename> mentres se tentaba actualizar o sector de arranque de NTFS."
#: fs/ntfs.cpp:227
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Updated NTFS boot sector for partition <filename>%1</filename> successfully."
msgstr ""
"Actualizouse con éxito o sector de arranque da partición NTFS <filename>%1</"
#: fs/xfs.cpp:170
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Resizing XFS file system on partition <filename>%1</filename> failed: Could "
"not create temp dir."
msgstr ""
"Fallou a mudanza de tamaño do sistema de ficheiros XFS da partición "
"<filename>%1</filename>: non foi posíbel crear o directorio temporal."
#: fs/xfs.cpp:185
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Resizing XFS file system on partition <filename>%1</filename> failed: "
"xfs_growfs failed."
msgstr ""
"Fallou a mudanza de tamaño do sistema de ficheiros XFS da partición "
"<filename>%1</filename>: fallou xfs_growfs."
#: fs/xfs.cpp:190
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Warning: Resizing XFS file system on partition <filename>%1</filename>: "
"Unmount failed."
msgstr ""
"Aviso: Mudanza de tamaño do sistema de ficheiros XFS da partición <filename>"
"%1</filename>: fallou a desmontaxe."
#: fs/xfs.cpp:193
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Resizing XFS file system on partition <filename>%1</filename> failed: "
"Initial mount failed."
msgstr ""
"Fallou a mudanza de tamaño do sistema de ficheiros XFS da partición "
"<filename>%1</filename>: fallou a montaxe inicial."
#: fs/btrfs.cpp:140
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Resizing Btrfs file system on partition <filename>%1</filename> failed: "
"Could not create temp dir."
msgstr ""
"Non foi posíbel cambiar o tamaño do sistema de ficheiros Btrfs na particións "
"<filename>%1</filename>: non foi posíbel crear o directorio temporal."
#: fs/btrfs.cpp:155
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Resizing Btrfs file system on partition <filename>%1</filename> failed: "
"btrfs file system resize failed."
msgstr ""
"Non foi posíbel cambiar o tamaño do sistema de ficheiros Btrfs na particións "
"<filename>%1</filename>: non foi posíbel realizar a operación de cambio de "
"tamaño do sistema de ficheiros Btrfs."
#: fs/btrfs.cpp:160
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Warning: Resizing Btrfs file system on partition <filename>%1</filename>: "
"Unmount failed."
msgstr ""
"Aviso: ao intentar cambiar o tamaño do sistema de ficheiros Btrfs na "
"particións <filename>%1</filename>, non foi posíbel desmontar o dispositivo."
#: fs/btrfs.cpp:163
msgctxt "@info/plain"
msgid ""
"Resizing Btrfs file system on partition <filename>%1</filename> failed: "
"Initial mount failed."
msgstr ""
"Non foi posíbel cambiar o tamaño do sistema de ficheiros Btrfs na particións "
"<filename>%1</filename>: non foi posíbel montar o dispositivo."
#: fs/filesystem.cpp:272
msgctxt "@item/plain filesystem name"
msgid "unknown"
msgstr "descoñecido"
#: fs/filesystem.cpp:273
msgctxt "@item/plain filesystem name"
msgid "extended"
msgstr "estendido"
#: fs/filesystem.cpp:275
msgctxt "@item/plain filesystem name"
msgid "ext2"
msgstr "ext2"
#: fs/filesystem.cpp:276
msgctxt "@item/plain filesystem name"
msgid "ext3"
msgstr "ext3"
#: fs/filesystem.cpp:277
msgctxt "@item/plain filesystem name"
msgid "ext4"
msgstr "ext4"
#: fs/filesystem.cpp:278
msgctxt "@item/plain filesystem name"
msgid "linuxswap"
msgstr "linuxswap"
#: fs/filesystem.cpp:279
msgctxt "@item/plain filesystem name"
msgid "fat16"
msgstr "fat16"
#: fs/filesystem.cpp:280
msgctxt "@item/plain filesystem name"
msgid "fat32"
msgstr "fat32"
#: fs/filesystem.cpp:281
msgctxt "@item/plain filesystem name"
msgid "ntfs"
msgstr "ntfs"
#: fs/filesystem.cpp:282
msgctxt "@item/plain filesystem name"
msgid "reiser"
msgstr "reiser"
#: fs/filesystem.cpp:283
msgctxt "@item/plain filesystem name"
msgid "reiser4"
msgstr "reiser4"
#: fs/filesystem.cpp:284
msgctxt "@item/plain filesystem name"
msgid "xfs"
msgstr "xfs"
#: fs/filesystem.cpp:285
msgctxt "@item/plain filesystem name"
msgid "jfs"
msgstr "jfs"
#: fs/filesystem.cpp:286
msgctxt "@item/plain filesystem name"
msgid "hfs"
msgstr "hfs"
#: fs/filesystem.cpp:287
msgctxt "@item/plain filesystem name"
msgid "hfsplus"
msgstr "hfsplus"
#: fs/filesystem.cpp:288
msgctxt "@item/plain filesystem name"
msgid "ufs"
msgstr "ufs"
#: fs/filesystem.cpp:289
msgctxt "@item/plain filesystem name"
msgid "unformatted"
msgstr "sen formato"
#: fs/filesystem.cpp:290
msgctxt "@item/plain filesystem name"
msgid "btrfs"
msgstr "btrfs"
#: fs/filesystem.cpp:291
msgctxt "@item/plain filesystem name"
msgid "hpfs"
msgstr "hpfs"
#: fs/filesystem.cpp:292
msgctxt "@item/plain filesystem name"
msgid "luks"
msgstr "luks"
#: fs/filesystem.cpp:293
msgctxt "@item/plain filesystem name"
msgid "ocfs2"
msgstr "ocfs2"
#: fs/filesystem.cpp:294
msgctxt "@item/plain filesystem name"
msgid "zfs"
msgstr "zfs"
#: fs/filesystem.cpp:295
msgctxt "@item/plain filesystem name"
msgid "exfat"
msgstr "exfat"
#: fs/filesystem.cpp:296
msgctxt "@item/plain filesystem name"
msgid "nilfs2"
msgstr "nilfs2"
#: fs/filesystem.cpp:297
msgctxt "@item/plain filesystem name"
msgid "lvm2 pv"
msgstr "lvm2 pv"
#: fs/filesystem.cpp:341
msgctxt "@title:menu"
msgid "Mount"
msgstr "Montar"
#: fs/filesystem.cpp:347
msgctxt "@title:menu"
msgid "Unmount"
msgstr "Desmontar"