# Translation of libkexiv2 into Japanese. # Yukiko Bando , 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009. # Taiki Komoda , 2006. # Fumiaki Okushi , 2010, 2011, 2014. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: libkexiv2\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: xakepa10@gmail.com\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2016-05-16 03:17+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2014-09-28 22:54-0700\n" "Last-Translator: Fumiaki Okushi \n" "Language-Team: Japanese \n" "Language: ja\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" "X-Accelerator-Marker: &\n" "X-Text-Markup: kde4\n" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:72 msgid "Default Language" msgstr "デフォルトの言語" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:76 msgid "Afrikaans (South Africa)" msgstr "アフリカーンス語 (南アフリカ)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:77 msgid "Amharic (Ethiopia)" msgstr "アムハラ語 (エチオピア)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:78 msgid "Arabic (UAE)" msgstr "アラビア語 (アラブ首長国連邦)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:79 msgid "Arabic (Bahrain)" msgstr "アラビア語 (バーレーン)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:80 msgid "Arabic (Algeria)" msgstr "アラビア語 (アルジェリア)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:81 msgid "Arabic (Egypt)" msgstr "アラビア語 (エジプト)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:82 msgid "Arabic (Iraq)" msgstr "アラビア語 (イラク)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:83 msgid "Arabic (Jordan)" msgstr "アラビア語 (ヨルダン)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:84 msgid "Arabic (Kuwait)" msgstr "アラビア語 (クウェート)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:85 msgid "Arabic (Lebanon)" msgstr "アラビア語 (レバノン)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:86 msgid "Arabic (Libya)" msgstr "アラビア語 (リビア)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:87 msgid "Arabic (Morocco)" msgstr "アラビア語 (モロッコ)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:88 msgid "Arabic (Oman)" msgstr "アラビア語 (オマーン)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:89 msgid "Arabic (Qatar)" msgstr "アラビア語 (カタール)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:90 msgid "Arabic (Saudi Arabia)" msgstr "アラビア語 (サウジアラビア)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:91 msgid "Arabic (Syria)" msgstr "アラビア語 (シリア)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:92 msgid "Arabic (Tunisia)" msgstr "アラビア語 (チュニジア)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:93 msgid "Arabic (Yemen)" msgstr "アラビア語 (イエメン)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:94 msgid "Assamese (India)" msgstr "アッサム語 (インド)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:95 msgid "Bashkir (Russia)" msgstr "バシュキール語 (ロシア)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:96 msgid "Belarusian (Belarus)" msgstr "ベラルーシ語 (ベラルーシ)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:97 msgid "Bulgarian (Bulgaria)" msgstr "ブルガリア語 (ブルガリア)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:98 msgid "Bengali (India)" msgstr "ベンガル語 (インド)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:99 msgid "Tibetan (Bhutan)" msgstr "チベット語 (ブータン)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:100 msgid "Tibetan (PRC)" msgstr "チベット語 (中国)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:101 msgid "Breton (France)" msgstr "ブルトン語 (フランス)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:102 msgid "Catalan (Andorra)" msgstr "カタロニア語 (アンドラ)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:103 msgid "Catalan (Spain)" msgstr "カタロニア語 (スペイン)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:104 msgid "Catalan (France)" msgstr "カタロニア語 (フランス)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:105 msgid "Corsican (France)" msgstr "コルシカ語 (フランス)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:106 msgid "Czech (Czech Republic)" msgstr "チェコ語 (チェコ)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:107 msgid "Welsh (United Kingdom)" msgstr "ウェールズ語 (英国)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:108 msgid "Danish (Denmark)" msgstr "デンマーク語 (デンマーク)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:109 msgid "German (Austria)" msgstr "ドイツ語 (オーストリア)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:110 msgid "German (Switzerland)" msgstr "ドイツ語 (スイス)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:111 msgid "German (Germany)" msgstr "ドイツ語 (ドイツ)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:112 msgid "German (Liechtenstein)" msgstr "ドイツ語 (リヒテンシュタイン)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:113 msgid "German (Luxembourg)" msgstr "ドイツ語 (ルクセンブルク)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:114 msgid "Greek (Greece)" msgstr "ギリシア語 (ギリシャ)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:115 msgid "English (Australia)" msgstr "英語 (オーストラリア)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:116 msgid "English (Belize)" msgstr "英語 (ベリーズ)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:117 msgid "English (Canada)" msgstr "英語 (カナダ)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:118 msgid "English (Caribbean)" msgstr "英語 (カリブ)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:119 msgid "English (United Kingdom)" msgstr "英語 (英国)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:120 msgid "English (Ireland)" msgstr "英語 (アイルランド)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:121 msgid "English (India)" msgstr "英語 (インド)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:122 msgid "English (Jamaica)" msgstr "英語 (ジャマイカ)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:123 msgid "English (Malaysia)" msgstr "英語 (マレーシア)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:124 msgid "English (New Zealand)" msgstr "英語 (ニュージーランド)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:125 msgid "English (Philippines)" msgstr "英語 (フィリピン)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:126 msgid "English (Singapore)" msgstr "英語 (シンガポール)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:127 msgid "English (Trinidad)" msgstr "英語 (トリニダード)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:128 msgid "English (United States)" msgstr "英語 (米国)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:129 msgid "English (South Africa)" msgstr "英語 (南アフリカ)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:130 msgid "English (Zimbabwe)" msgstr "英語 (ジンバブエ)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:131 msgid "Spanish (Argentina)" msgstr "スペイン語 (アルゼンチン)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:132 msgid "Spanish (Bolivia)" msgstr "スペイン語 (ボリビア)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:133 msgid "Spanish (Chile)" msgstr "スペイン語 (チリ)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:134 msgid "Spanish (Colombia)" msgstr "スペイン語 (コロンビア)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:135 msgid "Spanish (Costa Rica)" msgstr "スペイン語 (コスタリカ)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:136 msgid "Spanish (Dominican Republic)" msgstr "スペイン語 (ドミニカ共和国)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:137 msgid "Spanish (Ecuador)" msgstr "スペイン語 (エクアドル)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:138 msgid "Spanish (Spain)" msgstr "スペイン語 (スペイン)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:139 msgid "Spanish (Guatemala)" msgstr "スペイン語 (グアテマラ)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:140 msgid "Spanish (Honduras)" msgstr "スペイン語 (ホンジュラス)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:141 msgid "Spanish (Mexico)" msgstr "スペイン語 (メキシコ)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:142 msgid "Spanish (Nicaragua)" msgstr "スペイン語 (ニカラグア)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:143 msgid "Spanish (Panama)" msgstr "スペイン語 (パナマ)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:144 msgid "Spanish (Peru)" msgstr "スペイン語 (ペルー)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:145 msgid "Spanish (Puerto Rico)" msgstr "スペイン語 (プエルトリコ)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:146 msgid "Spanish (Paraguay)" msgstr "スペイン語 (パラグアイ)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:147 msgid "Spanish (El Salvador)" msgstr "スペイン語 (エルサルバドル)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:148 msgid "Spanish (Uruguay)" msgstr "スペイン語 (ウルグアイ)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:149 msgid "Spanish (United States)" msgstr "スペイン語 (米国)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:150 msgid "Spanish (Venezuela)" msgstr "スペイン語 (ベネズエラ)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:151 msgid "Estonian (Estonia)" msgstr "エストニア語 (エストニア)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:152 msgid "Basque (Basque Country)" msgstr "バスク語 (バスク国)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:153 msgid "Persian (Iran)" msgstr "ペルシア語 (イラン)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:154 msgid "Finnish (Finland)" msgstr "フィンランド語 (フィンランド)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:155 msgid "Faeroese (Faero Islands)" msgstr "フェーロー語 (フェロー諸島)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:156 msgid "French (Belgium)" msgstr "フランス語 (ベルギー)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:157 msgid "French (Canada)" msgstr "フランス語 (カナダ)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:158 msgid "French (Switzerland)" msgstr "フランス語 (スイス)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:159 msgid "French (France)" msgstr "フランス語 (フランス)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:160 msgid "French (Luxembourg)" msgstr "フランス語 (ルクセンブルク)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:161 msgid "French (Monaco)" msgstr "フランス語 (モナコ)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:162 msgid "Frisian (Netherlands)" msgstr "フリジア語 (オランダ)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:163 msgid "Irish (Ireland)" msgstr "アイルランド語 (アイルランド)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:164 msgid "Galician (Galicia)" msgstr "ガリシア語 (ガリシア)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:165 msgid "Gujarati (India)" msgstr "グジャラート語 (インド)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:166 msgid "Hebrew (Israel)" msgstr "ヘブライ語 (イスラエル)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:167 msgid "Hindi (India)" msgstr "ヒンディー語 (インド)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:168 msgid "Croatian (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Latin)" msgstr "クロアチア語・ラテン表記 (ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:169 msgid "Croatian (Croatia)" msgstr "クロアチア語 (クロアチア)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:170 msgid "Hungarian (Hungary)" msgstr "ハンガリー語 (ハンガリー)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:171 msgid "Armenian (Armenia)" msgstr "アルメニア語 (アルメニア)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:172 msgid "(Indonesian)" msgstr "インドネシア語 (インドネシア)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:173 msgid "Yi (PRC)" msgstr "四川語 (中国)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:174 msgid "Icelandic (Iceland)" msgstr "アイスランド語 (アイスランド)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:175 msgid "Italian (Switzerland)" msgstr "イタリア語 (スイス)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:176 msgid "Italian (Italy)" msgstr "イタリア語 (イタリア)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:177 msgid "Japanese (Japan)" msgstr "日本語 (日本)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:178 msgid "Georgian (Georgia)" msgstr "グルジア語 (グルジア)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:179 msgid "Kazakh (Kazakhstan)" msgstr "カザフ語 (カザフスタン)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:180 msgid "Greenlandic (Greenland)" msgstr "グリーンランド語 (グリーンランド)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:181 msgid "Khmer (Cambodia)" msgstr "クメール語 (カンボジア)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:182 msgid "Kannada (India)" msgstr "カンナダ語 (インド)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:183 msgid "Korean (South Korea)" msgstr "韓国語 (韓国)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:184 msgid "Kyrgyz (Kyrgyzstan)" msgstr "キルギス語 (キルギス)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:185 msgid "Luxembourgish (Luxembourg)" msgstr "ルクセンブルク語 (ルクセンブルク)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:186 msgid "Lao (Lao PDR)" msgstr "ラオ語 (ラオス)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:187 msgid "Lithuanian (Lithuania)" msgstr "リトアニア語 (リトアニア)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:188 msgid "Latvian (Latvia)" msgstr "ラトビア語 (ラトビア)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:189 msgid "Maori (New Zealand)" msgstr "マオリ語 (ニュージーランド)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:190 msgid "Macedonian (Macedonia)" msgstr "マケドニア語 (マケドニア)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:191 msgid "Malayalam (India)" msgstr "マラヤーラム語 (インド)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:192 msgid "Mongolian (PRC)" msgstr "モンゴル語 (中国)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:193 msgid "Mongolian (Mongolia)" msgstr "モンゴル語 (モンゴル)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:194 msgid "Marathi (India)" msgstr "マラーティー語 (インド)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:195 msgid "Malay (Brunei Darussalam)" msgstr "マレー語 (ブルネイ)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:196 msgid "Malay (Malaysia)" msgstr "マレー語 (マレーシア)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:197 msgid "Maltese (Malta)" msgstr "マルタ語 (マルタ)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:198 msgid "Norwegian Bokmål (Norway)" msgstr "ノルウェー語 (ブークモール)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:199 msgid "Nepali (Nepal)" msgstr "ネパール語 (ネパール)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:200 msgid "Dutch (Belgium)" msgstr "オランダ語 (ベルギー)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:201 msgid "Dutch (Netherlands)" msgstr "オランダ語 (オランダ)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:202 msgid "Norwegian Nynorsk (Norway)" msgstr "ノルウェー語・ニーノシュク (ノルウェー)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:203 msgid "Sesotho sa Leboa (South Africa)" msgstr "北部ソト語 (南アフリカ)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:204 msgid "Occitan (France)" msgstr "オック語 (フランス)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:205 msgid "Oriya (India)" msgstr "オリヤー語 (インド)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:206 msgid "Punjabi (India)" msgstr "パンジャーブ語 (インド)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:207 msgid "Polish (Poland)" msgstr "ポーランド語 (ポーランド)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:208 msgid "Pashto (Afghanistan)" msgstr "パシュトー語 (アフガニスタン)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:209 msgid "Portuguese (Brazil)" msgstr "ポルトガル語 (ブラジル)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:210 msgid "Portuguese (Portugal)" msgstr "ポルトガル語 (ポルトガル)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:211 msgid "Romansh (Switzerland)" msgstr "ロマンシュ語 (スイス)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:212 msgid "Romanian (Romania)" msgstr "ルーマニア語 (ルーマニア)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:213 msgid "Russian (Russia)" msgstr "ロシア語 (ロシア)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:214 msgid "Kinyarwanda (Rwanda)" msgstr "ルワンダ語 (ルワンダ)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:215 msgid "Sanskrit (India)" msgstr "サンスクリット語 (インド)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:216 msgid "Sami (Northern, Finland)" msgstr "北サーミ語 (フィンランド)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:217 msgid "Sami (Northern, Norway)" msgstr "北サーミ語 (ノルウェー)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:218 msgid "Sami (Northern, Sweden)" msgstr "北サーミ語 (スウェーデン)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:219 msgid "Sinhala (Sri Lanka)" msgstr "シンハラ語 (スリランカ)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:220 msgid "Slovak (Slovakia)" msgstr "スロバキア語 (スロバキア)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:221 msgid "Slovenian (Slovenia)" msgstr "スロベニア語 (スロベニア)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:222 msgid "Albanian (Albania)" msgstr "アルバニア語 (アルバニア)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:223 msgid "Swedish (Finland)" msgstr "スウェーデン語 (フィンランド)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:224 msgid "Swedish (Sweden)" msgstr "スウェーデン語 (スウェーデン)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:225 msgid "Swahili (Kenya)" msgstr "スワヒリ語 (ケニア)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:226 msgid "Tamil (India)" msgstr "タミル語 (インド)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:227 msgid "Telugu (India)" msgstr "テルグ語 (インド)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:228 msgid "Thai (Thailand)" msgstr "タイ語 (タイ)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:229 msgid "Turkmen (Turkmenistan)" msgstr "トルクメン語 (トルクメニスタン)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:230 msgid "Setswana Tswana (South Africa)" msgstr "ツワナ語 (南アフリカ)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:231 msgid "Urdu (India)" msgstr "ウルドゥー語 (インド)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:232 msgid "Turkish (Turkey)" msgstr "トルコ語 (トルコ)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:233 msgid "Tatar (Russia)" msgstr "タタール語 (ロシア)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:234 msgid "Uighur (PRC)" msgstr "ウイグル語 (中国)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:235 msgid "Ukrainian (Ukraine)" msgstr "ウクライナ語 (ウクライナ)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:236 msgid "Urdu (Pakistan)" msgstr "ウルドゥー語 (パキスタン)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:237 msgid "Vietnamese (Vietnam)" msgstr "ベトナム語 (ベトナム)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:238 msgid "Wolof (Senegal)" msgstr "ウォロフ語 (セネガル)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:239 msgid "isiXhosa Xhosa (South Africa)" msgstr "コサ語 (南アフリカ)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:240 msgid "Yoruba (Nigeria)" msgstr "ヨルバ語 (ナイジェリア)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:241 msgid "Chinese (PRC)" msgstr "中国語 (中国)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:242 msgid "Chinese (Hong Kong SAR, PRC)" msgstr "中国語 (香港)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:243 msgid "Chinese (Macao SAR)" msgstr "中国語 (マカオ)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:244 msgid "Chinese (Singapore)" msgstr "中国語 (シンガポール)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:245 msgid "Chinese (Taiwan)" msgstr "中国語 (台湾)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:246 msgid "isiZulu Zulu (South Africa)" msgstr "ズールー語 (南アフリカ)" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:282 msgid "Remove entry for this language" msgstr "この言語を取り除く" #: libkexiv2/altlangstredit.cpp:287 msgid "Select item language here." msgstr "ここでアイテムの言語を選択します。" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:53 msgid "Afghanistan" msgstr "アフガニスタン" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:54 msgid "Albania" msgstr "アルバニア" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:55 msgid "Algeria" msgstr "アルジェリア" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:56 msgid "American Samoa" msgstr "米領サモア" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:57 msgid "Andorra" msgstr "アンドラ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:58 libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:60 msgid "Angola" msgstr "アンゴラ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:59 msgid "Anguilla" msgstr "アンギラ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:61 msgid "Antarctica" msgstr "南極" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:62 msgid "Antigua and Barbuda" msgstr "アンティグア・バーブーダ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:63 msgid "Argentina" msgstr "アルゼンチン" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:64 msgid "Armenia" msgstr "アルメニア" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:65 msgid "Aruba" msgstr "アルバ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:66 msgid "Australia" msgstr "オーストラリア" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:67 msgid "Austria" msgstr "オーストリア" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:68 msgid "Azerbaijan" msgstr "アゼルバイジャン" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:69 msgid "Bahamas" msgstr "バハマ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:70 msgid "Bahrain" msgstr "バーレーン" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:71 msgid "Bangladesh" msgstr "バングラデシュ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:72 msgid "Barbados" msgstr "バルバドス" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:73 msgid "Belarus" msgstr "ベラルーシ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:74 msgid "Belgium" msgstr "ベルギー" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:75 msgid "Belize" msgstr "ベリーズ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:76 msgid "Benin" msgstr "ベナン" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:77 msgid "Bermuda" msgstr "バミューダ諸島" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:78 msgid "Bhutan" msgstr "ブータン" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:79 msgid "Bolivia" msgstr "ボリビア" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:80 msgid "Bosnia and Herzegovina" msgstr "ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:81 msgid "Botswana" msgstr "ボツワナ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:82 msgid "Bouvet Island" msgstr "ブーベ島" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:83 msgid "Brazil" msgstr "ブラジル" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:84 msgid "British Indian Ocean Territory" msgstr "英領インド洋地域" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:85 msgid "British Virgin Islands" msgstr "英領バージン諸島" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:86 msgid "Brunei Darussalam" msgstr "ブルネイ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:87 msgid "Bulgaria" msgstr "ブルガリア" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:88 msgid "Burkina Faso" msgstr "ブルキナファソ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:89 msgid "Burundi" msgstr "ブルンジ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:90 msgid "Cambodia" msgstr "カンボジア" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:91 msgid "Cameroon" msgstr "カメルーン" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:92 msgid "Canada" msgstr "カナダ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:93 msgid "Cape Verde" msgstr "カーボベルデ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:94 msgid "Cayman Islands" msgstr "ケイマン諸島" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:95 msgid "Central African Republic" msgstr "中央アフリカ共和国" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:96 msgid "Chad" msgstr "チャド" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:97 msgid "Chile" msgstr "チリ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:98 msgid "China" msgstr "中国" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:99 msgid "Christmas Island " msgstr "クリスマス島" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:100 msgid "Cocos Islands" msgstr "ココス諸島" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:101 msgid "Colombia" msgstr "コロンビア" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:102 msgid "Comoros" msgstr "コモロ" # コンゴ民主共和国の旧名 #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:103 msgid "Zaire" msgstr "ザイール" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:104 msgid "Congo" msgstr "コンゴ共和国" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:105 msgid "Cook Islands" msgstr "クック諸島" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:106 msgid "Costa Rica" msgstr "コスタリカ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:107 msgid "Ivory Coast" msgstr "コートジボワール" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:108 msgid "Cuba" msgstr "キューバ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:109 msgid "Cyprus" msgstr "キプロス" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:110 msgid "Czech Republic" msgstr "チェコ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:111 msgid "Denmark" msgstr "デンマーク" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:112 msgid "Djibouti" msgstr "ジブチ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:113 msgid "Dominica" msgstr "ドミニカ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:114 msgid "Dominican Republic" msgstr "ドミニカ共和国" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:115 msgid "Ecuador" msgstr "エクアドル" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:116 msgid "Egypt" msgstr "エジプト" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:117 msgid "El Salvador" msgstr "エルサルバドル" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:118 msgid "Equatorial Guinea" msgstr "赤道ギニア" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:119 msgid "Eritrea" msgstr "エリトリア" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:120 msgid "Estonia" msgstr "エストニア" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:121 msgid "Ethiopia" msgstr "エチオピア" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:122 msgid "Faeroe Islands" msgstr "フェロー諸島" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:123 msgid "Falkland Islands" msgstr "フォークランド諸島" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:124 msgid "Fiji Islands" msgstr "フィジー" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:125 msgid "Finland" msgstr "フィンランド" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:126 msgid "France" msgstr "フランス" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:127 msgid "French Guiana" msgstr "仏領ギアナ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:128 msgid "French Polynesia" msgstr "仏領ポリネシア" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:129 msgid "French Southern Territories" msgstr "仏領極南諸島" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:130 msgid "Gabon" msgstr "ガボン" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:131 msgid "Gambia" msgstr "ガンビア" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:132 msgid "Georgia" msgstr "グルジア" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:133 msgid "Germany" msgstr "ドイツ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:134 msgid "Ghana" msgstr "ガーナ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:135 msgid "Gibraltar" msgstr "ジブラルタル" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:136 msgid "Greece" msgstr "ギリシャ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:137 msgid "Greenland" msgstr "グリーンランド" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:138 msgid "Grenada" msgstr "グレナダ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:139 msgid "Guadaloupe" msgstr "グアドループ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:140 msgid "Guam" msgstr "グアム" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:141 msgid "Guatemala" msgstr "グアテマラ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:142 msgid "Guinea" msgstr "ギニア" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:143 msgid "Guinea-Bissau" msgstr "ギニアビサウ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:144 msgid "Guyana" msgstr "ガイアナ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:145 msgid "Haiti" msgstr "ハイチ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:146 msgid "Heard and McDonald Islands" msgstr "ハード島・マクドナルド諸島" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:147 msgid "Vatican" msgstr "バチカン" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:148 msgid "Honduras" msgstr "ホンジュラス" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:149 msgid "Hong Kong" msgstr "香港" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:150 msgid "Croatia" msgstr "クロアチア" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:151 msgid "Hungary" msgstr "ハンガリー" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:152 msgid "Iceland" msgstr "アイスランド" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:153 msgid "India" msgstr "インド" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:154 msgid "Indonesia" msgstr "インドネシア" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:155 msgid "Iran" msgstr "イラン" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:156 msgid "Iraq" msgstr "イラク" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:157 msgid "Ireland" msgstr "アイルランド" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:158 msgid "Israel" msgstr "イスラエル" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:159 msgid "Italy" msgstr "イタリア" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:160 msgid "Jamaica" msgstr "ジャマイカ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:161 msgid "Japan" msgstr "日本" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:162 msgid "Jordan" msgstr "ヨルダン" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:163 msgid "Kazakhstan" msgstr "カザフスタン" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:164 msgid "Kenya" msgstr "ケニア" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:165 msgid "Kiribati" msgstr "キリバス" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:166 msgid "North-Korea" msgstr "北朝鮮" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:167 msgid "South-Korea" msgstr "韓国" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:168 msgid "Kuwait" msgstr "クウェート" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:169 msgid "Kyrgyz Republic" msgstr "キルギス" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:170 msgid "Lao" msgstr "ラオス" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:171 msgid "Latvia" msgstr "ラトビア" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:172 msgid "Lebanon" msgstr "レバノン" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:173 msgid "Lesotho" msgstr "レソト" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:174 msgid "Liberia" msgstr "リベリア" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:175 msgid "Libyan Arab Jamahiriya" msgstr "リビア" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:176 msgid "Liechtenstein" msgstr "リヒテンシュタイン" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:177 msgid "Lithuania" msgstr "リトアニア" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:178 msgid "Luxembourg" msgstr "ルクセンブルク" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:179 msgid "Macao" msgstr "マカオ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:180 msgid "Macedonia" msgstr "マケドニア" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:181 msgid "Madagascar" msgstr "マダガスカル" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:182 msgid "Malawi" msgstr "マラウイ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:183 msgid "Malaysia" msgstr "マレーシア" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:184 msgid "Maldives" msgstr "モルディブ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:185 msgid "Mali" msgstr "マリ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:186 msgid "Malta" msgstr "マルタ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:187 msgid "Marshall Islands" msgstr "マーシャル諸島" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:188 msgid "Martinique" msgstr "マルティニク" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:189 msgid "Mauritania" msgstr "モーリタニア" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:190 msgid "Mauritius" msgstr "モーリシャス" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:191 msgid "Mayotte" msgstr "マヨット" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:192 msgid "Mexico" msgstr "メキシコ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:193 msgid "Micronesia" msgstr "ミクロネシア" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:194 msgid "Moldova" msgstr "モルドバ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:195 msgid "Monaco" msgstr "モナコ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:196 msgid "Mongolia" msgstr "モンゴル" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:197 msgid "Montserrat" msgstr "モントセラト" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:198 msgid "Morocco" msgstr "モロッコ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:199 msgid "Mozambique" msgstr "モザンビーク" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:200 msgid "Myanmar" msgstr "ミャンマー" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:201 msgid "Namibia" msgstr "ナミビア" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:202 msgid "Nauru" msgstr "ナウル" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:203 msgid "Nepal" msgstr "ネパール" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:204 msgid "Netherlands Antilles" msgstr "オランダ領アンティル" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:205 msgid "Netherlands" msgstr "オランダ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:206 msgid "New Caledonia" msgstr "ニューカレドニア" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:207 msgid "New Zealand" msgstr "ニュージーランド" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:208 msgid "Nicaragua" msgstr "ニカラグア" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:209 msgid "Niger" msgstr "ニジェール" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:210 msgid "Nigeria" msgstr "ナイジェリア" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:211 msgid "Niue" msgstr "ニウエ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:212 msgid "Norfolk Island" msgstr "ノーフォーク島" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:213 msgid "Northern Mariana Islands" msgstr "北マリアナ諸島連邦" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:214 msgid "Norway" msgstr "ノルウェー" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:215 msgid "Oman" msgstr "オマーン" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:216 msgid "Pakistan" msgstr "パキスタン" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:217 msgid "Palau" msgstr "パラオ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:218 msgid "Palestinian Territory" msgstr "パレスチナ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:219 msgid "Panama" msgstr "パナマ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:220 msgid "Papua New Guinea" msgstr "パプアニューギニア" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:221 msgid "Paraguay" msgstr "パラグアイ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:222 msgid "Peru" msgstr "ペルー" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:223 msgid "Philippines" msgstr "フィリピン" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:224 msgid "Pitcairn Island" msgstr "ピトケアン島" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:225 msgid "Poland" msgstr "ポーランド" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:226 msgid "Portugal" msgstr "ポルトガル" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:227 msgid "Puerto Rico" msgstr "プエルトリコ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:228 msgid "Qatar" msgstr "カタール" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:229 msgid "Reunion" msgstr "レユニオン" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:230 msgid "Romania" msgstr "ルーマニア" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:231 msgid "Russian Federation" msgstr "ロシア" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:232 msgid "Rwanda" msgstr "ルワンダ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:233 msgid "St. Helena" msgstr "セントヘレナ島" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:234 msgid "St. Kitts and Nevis" msgstr "セントクリストファー・ネビス" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:235 msgid "St. Lucia" msgstr "セントルシア" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:236 msgid "St. Pierre and Miquelon" msgstr "サンピエール島・ミクロン島" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:237 msgid "St. Vincent and the Grenadines" msgstr "セントビンセント・グレナディーン" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:238 msgid "Samoa" msgstr "サモア" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:239 msgid "San Marino" msgstr "サンマリノ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:240 msgid "Sao Tome and Principe" msgstr "サントメ・プリンシペ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:241 msgid "Saudi Arabia" msgstr "サウジアラビア" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:242 msgid "Senegal" msgstr "セネガル" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:243 msgid "Serbia and Montenegro" msgstr "セルビア・モンテネグロ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:244 msgid "Seychelles" msgstr "セーシェル" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:245 msgid "Sierra Leone" msgstr "シエラレオネ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:246 msgid "Singapore" msgstr "シンガポール" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:247 msgid "Slovakia" msgstr "スロバキア" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:248 msgid "Slovenia" msgstr "スロベニア" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:249 msgid "Solomon Islands" msgstr "ソロモン諸島" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:250 msgid "Somalia" msgstr "ソマリア" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:251 msgid "South Africa" msgstr "南アフリカ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:252 msgid "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands" msgstr "南ジョージア島・南サンドイッチ諸島" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:253 msgid "Spain" msgstr "スペイン" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:254 msgid "Sri Lanka" msgstr "スリランカ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:255 msgid "Sudan" msgstr "スーダン" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:256 msgid "Suriname" msgstr "スリナム" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:257 msgid "Svalbard & Jan Mayen Islands" msgstr "スバールバル諸島・ヤンマイエン島" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:258 msgid "Swaziland" msgstr "スワジランド" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:259 msgid "Sweden" msgstr "スウェーデン" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:260 msgid "Switzerland" msgstr "スイス" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:261 msgid "Syrian Arab Republic" msgstr "シリア" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:262 msgid "Taiwan" msgstr "台湾" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:263 msgid "Tajikistan" msgstr "タジキスタン" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:264 msgid "Tanzania" msgstr "タンザニア" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:265 msgid "Thailand" msgstr "タイ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:266 msgid "Timor-Leste" msgstr "東ティモール" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:267 msgid "Togo" msgstr "トーゴ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:268 msgid "Tokelau Islands" msgstr "トケラウ諸島" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:269 msgid "Tonga" msgstr "トンガ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:270 msgid "Trinidad and Tobago" msgstr "トリニダード・トバゴ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:271 msgid "Tunisia" msgstr "チュニジア" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:272 msgid "Turkey" msgstr "トルコ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:273 msgid "Turkmenistan" msgstr "トルクメニスタン" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:274 msgid "Turks and Caicos Islands" msgstr "タークス諸島・カイコス諸島" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:275 msgid "Tuvalu" msgstr "ツバル" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:276 msgid "US Virgin Islands" msgstr "米領バージン諸島" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:277 msgid "Uganda" msgstr "ウガンダ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:278 msgid "Ukraine" msgstr "ウクライナ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:279 msgid "United Arab Emirates" msgstr "アラブ首長国連邦" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:280 msgid "United Kingdom" msgstr "英国" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:281 msgid "United States Minor Outlying Islands" msgstr "米領太平洋諸島" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:282 msgid "United States of America" msgstr "米国" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:283 msgid "Uruguay, Eastern Republic of" msgstr "ウルグアイ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:284 msgid "Uzbekistan" msgstr "ウズベキスタン" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:285 msgid "Vanuatu" msgstr "バヌアツ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:286 msgid "Venezuela" msgstr "ベネズエラ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:287 msgid "Viet Nam" msgstr "ベトナム" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:288 msgid "Wallis and Futuna Islands " msgstr "ワリス・フテュナ諸島" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:289 msgid "Western Sahara" msgstr "西サハラ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:290 msgid "Yemen" msgstr "イエメン" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:291 msgid "Zambia" msgstr "ザンビア" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:292 msgid "Zimbabwe" msgstr "ジンバブエ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:296 msgid "United Nations" msgstr "国際連合" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:297 msgid "European Union" msgstr "欧州連合" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:298 msgid "Space" msgstr "宇宙" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:299 msgid "At Sea" msgstr "海上" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:300 msgid "In Flight" msgstr "飛行中" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:301 msgid "England" msgstr "イングランド" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:302 msgid "Scotland" msgstr "スコットランド" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:303 msgid "Northern Ireland" msgstr "北アイルランド" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:304 msgid "Wales" msgstr "ウェールズ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:305 msgid "Palestine" msgstr "パレスチナ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:306 msgid "Gaza" msgstr "ガザ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:307 msgid "Jericho" msgstr "エリコ" #: libkexiv2/countryselector.cpp:327 msgctxt "Unknown country" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "不明" #: libkexiv2/kexiv2exif.cpp:183 msgid "Data of size %1" msgstr "データのサイズ %1" #: libkexiv2/subjectwidget.cpp:136 msgid "Use structured definition of the subject matter:" msgstr "" #: libkexiv2/subjectwidget.cpp:142 msgid "" "Use standard reference code" msgstr "" "標準の 参照コード を" "使う" #: libkexiv2/subjectwidget.cpp:151 msgid "Use custom definition" msgstr "カスタム定義を使う" #: libkexiv2/subjectwidget.cpp:198 msgctxt "" "Information Provider Reference: A name, registered with the IPTC/NAA, " "identifying the provider that guarantees the uniqueness of the UNO" msgid "I.P.R:" msgstr "IPR:" #: libkexiv2/subjectwidget.cpp:199 msgid "Reference:" msgstr "リファレンス:" #: libkexiv2/subjectwidget.cpp:200 msgid "Name:" msgstr "名前:" #: libkexiv2/subjectwidget.cpp:201 msgid "Matter:" msgstr "マター:" #: libkexiv2/subjectwidget.cpp:202 msgid "Detail:" msgstr "ディテール:" #: libkexiv2/subjectwidget.cpp:209 msgid "&Add" msgstr "追加(&A)" #: libkexiv2/subjectwidget.cpp:210 msgid "&Delete" msgstr "削除(&D)" #: libkexiv2/subjectwidget.cpp:211 msgid "&Replace" msgstr "置換(&R)"