mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 11:22:55 +00:00
421 lines
16 KiB
421 lines
16 KiB
* Copyright (C) 2008 by Pino Toscano <pino@kde.org> *
* Copyright (C) 2012 by Guillermo A. Amaral B. <gamaral@kde.org> *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
#include <poppler-annotation.h>
// qt/kde includes
#include <qvariant.h>
#include <core/annotations.h>
#include <core/area.h>
#include "annots.h"
#include "generator_pdf.h"
#include "popplerembeddedfile.h"
#include "config-okular-poppler.h"
Q_DECLARE_METATYPE( Poppler::Annotation* )
extern Okular::Sound* createSoundFromPopplerSound( const Poppler::SoundObject *popplerSound );
extern Okular::Movie* createMovieFromPopplerMovie( const Poppler::MovieObject *popplerMovie );
static void disposeAnnotation( const Okular::Annotation *ann )
Poppler::Annotation *popplerAnn = qvariant_cast< Poppler::Annotation * >( ann->nativeId() );
delete popplerAnn;
static QPointF normPointToPointF( const Okular::NormalizedPoint& pt )
return QPointF(pt.x, pt.y);
static QRectF normRectToRectF( const Okular::NormalizedRect& rect )
return QRectF( QPointF(rect.left, rect.top), QPointF(rect.right, rect.bottom) );
// Poppler and Okular share the same flag values, but we don't want to export internal flags
static int maskExportedFlags(int flags)
return flags & ( Okular::Annotation::Hidden |
Okular::Annotation::FixedSize |
Okular::Annotation::FixedRotation |
Okular::Annotation::DenyPrint |
Okular::Annotation::DenyWrite |
Okular::Annotation::DenyDelete |
Okular::Annotation::ToggleHidingOnMouse );
//BEGIN PopplerAnnotationProxy implementation
PopplerAnnotationProxy::PopplerAnnotationProxy( Poppler::Document *doc, QMutex *userMutex )
: ppl_doc ( doc ), mutex ( userMutex )
bool PopplerAnnotationProxy::supports( Capability cap ) const
switch ( cap )
#ifdef HAVE_POPPLER_0_20
case Addition:
case Modification:
case Removal:
return true;
return false;
void PopplerAnnotationProxy::notifyAddition( Okular::Annotation *okl_ann, int page )
#ifdef HAVE_POPPLER_0_20
// Export annotation to DOM
QDomDocument doc;
QDomElement dom_ann = doc.createElement( "root" );
Okular::AnnotationUtils::storeAnnotation( okl_ann, dom_ann, doc );
QMutexLocker ml(mutex);
// Create poppler annotation
Poppler::Annotation *ppl_ann = Poppler::AnnotationUtils::createAnnotation( dom_ann );
// Poppler doesn't render StampAnnotations yet
if ( ppl_ann->subType() != Poppler::Annotation::AStamp )
okl_ann->setFlags( okl_ann->flags() | Okular::Annotation::ExternallyDrawn );
// Poppler stores highlight points in swapped order
if ( ppl_ann->subType() == Poppler::Annotation::AHighlight )
Poppler::HighlightAnnotation * hlann = static_cast<Poppler::HighlightAnnotation*>( ppl_ann );
QList<Poppler::HighlightAnnotation::Quad> quads = hlann->highlightQuads();
QMutableListIterator<Poppler::HighlightAnnotation::Quad> it( quads );
while ( it.hasNext() )
Poppler::HighlightAnnotation::Quad &q = it.next();
QPointF t;
t = q.points[3];
q.points[3] = q.points[0];
q.points[0] = t;
t = q.points[2];
q.points[2] = q.points[1];
q.points[1] = t;
hlann->setHighlightQuads( quads );
// Bind poppler object to page
Poppler::Page *ppl_page = ppl_doc->page( page );
ppl_page->addAnnotation( ppl_ann );
delete ppl_page;
// Set pointer to poppler annotation as native Id
okl_ann->setNativeId( qVariantFromValue( ppl_ann ) );
okl_ann->setDisposeDataFunction( disposeAnnotation );
kDebug(PDFGenerator::PDFDebug) << okl_ann->uniqueName();
void PopplerAnnotationProxy::notifyModification( const Okular::Annotation *okl_ann, int page, bool appearanceChanged )
#ifdef HAVE_POPPLER_0_20
Q_UNUSED( page );
Q_UNUSED( appearanceChanged );
Poppler::Annotation *ppl_ann = qvariant_cast<Poppler::Annotation*>( okl_ann->nativeId() );
if ( !ppl_ann ) // Ignore non-native annotations
QMutexLocker ml(mutex);
if ( okl_ann->flags() & Okular::Annotation::BeingMoved )
// Okular ui already renders the annotation on its own
ppl_ann->setFlags( Poppler::Annotation::Hidden );
// Set basic properties
// Note: flags and boundary must be set first in order to correctly handle
// FixedRotation annotations.
ppl_ann->setFlags(maskExportedFlags( okl_ann->flags() ));
ppl_ann->setBoundary(normRectToRectF( okl_ann->boundingRectangle() ));
ppl_ann->setAuthor( okl_ann->author() );
ppl_ann->setContents( okl_ann->contents() );
// Set style
Poppler::Annotation::Style s;
s.setColor( okl_ann->style().color() );
s.setWidth( okl_ann->style().width() );
s.setOpacity( okl_ann->style().opacity() );
ppl_ann->setStyle( s );
// Set type-specific properties (if any)
switch ( ppl_ann->subType() )
case Poppler::Annotation::AText:
const Okular::TextAnnotation * okl_txtann = static_cast<const Okular::TextAnnotation*>(okl_ann);
Poppler::TextAnnotation * ppl_txtann = static_cast<Poppler::TextAnnotation*>(ppl_ann);
ppl_txtann->setTextIcon( okl_txtann->textIcon() );
ppl_txtann->setTextFont( okl_txtann->textFont() );
ppl_txtann->setInplaceAlign( okl_txtann->inplaceAlignment() );
ppl_txtann->setCalloutPoints( QVector<QPointF>() );
ppl_txtann->setInplaceIntent( (Poppler::TextAnnotation::InplaceIntent)okl_txtann->inplaceIntent() );
case Poppler::Annotation::ALine:
const Okular::LineAnnotation * okl_lineann = static_cast<const Okular::LineAnnotation*>(okl_ann);
Poppler::LineAnnotation * ppl_lineann = static_cast<Poppler::LineAnnotation*>(ppl_ann);
QLinkedList<QPointF> points;
foreach ( const Okular::NormalizedPoint &p, okl_lineann->linePoints() )
points.append(normPointToPointF( p ));
ppl_lineann->setLinePoints( points );
ppl_lineann->setLineStartStyle( (Poppler::LineAnnotation::TermStyle)okl_lineann->lineStartStyle() );
ppl_lineann->setLineEndStyle( (Poppler::LineAnnotation::TermStyle)okl_lineann->lineEndStyle() );
ppl_lineann->setLineClosed( okl_lineann->lineClosed() );
ppl_lineann->setLineInnerColor( okl_lineann->lineInnerColor() );
ppl_lineann->setLineLeadingForwardPoint( okl_lineann->lineLeadingForwardPoint() );
ppl_lineann->setLineLeadingBackPoint( okl_lineann->lineLeadingBackwardPoint() );
ppl_lineann->setLineShowCaption( okl_lineann->showCaption() );
ppl_lineann->setLineIntent( (Poppler::LineAnnotation::LineIntent)okl_lineann->lineIntent() );
case Poppler::Annotation::AGeom:
const Okular::GeomAnnotation * okl_geomann = static_cast<const Okular::GeomAnnotation*>(okl_ann);
Poppler::GeomAnnotation * ppl_geomann = static_cast<Poppler::GeomAnnotation*>(ppl_ann);
ppl_geomann->setGeomType( (Poppler::GeomAnnotation::GeomType)okl_geomann->geometricalType() );
ppl_geomann->setGeomInnerColor( okl_geomann->geometricalInnerColor() );
case Poppler::Annotation::AHighlight:
const Okular::HighlightAnnotation * okl_hlann = static_cast<const Okular::HighlightAnnotation*>(okl_ann);
Poppler::HighlightAnnotation * ppl_hlann = static_cast<Poppler::HighlightAnnotation*>(ppl_ann);
ppl_hlann->setHighlightType( (Poppler::HighlightAnnotation::HighlightType)okl_hlann->highlightType() );
case Poppler::Annotation::AStamp:
const Okular::StampAnnotation * okl_stampann = static_cast<const Okular::StampAnnotation*>(okl_ann);
Poppler::StampAnnotation * ppl_stampann = static_cast<Poppler::StampAnnotation*>(ppl_ann);
ppl_stampann->setStampIconName( okl_stampann->stampIconName() );
case Poppler::Annotation::AInk:
const Okular::InkAnnotation * okl_inkann = static_cast<const Okular::InkAnnotation*>(okl_ann);
Poppler::InkAnnotation * ppl_inkann = static_cast<Poppler::InkAnnotation*>(ppl_ann);
QList< QLinkedList<QPointF> > paths;
foreach ( const QLinkedList<Okular::NormalizedPoint> &path, okl_inkann->inkPaths() )
QLinkedList<QPointF> points;
foreach ( const Okular::NormalizedPoint &p, path )
points.append(normPointToPointF( p ));
paths.append( points );
ppl_inkann->setInkPaths( paths );
kDebug() << "Type-specific property modification is not implemented for this annotation type";
kDebug(PDFGenerator::PDFDebug) << okl_ann->uniqueName();
void PopplerAnnotationProxy::notifyRemoval( Okular::Annotation *okl_ann, int page )
#ifdef HAVE_POPPLER_0_20
Poppler::Annotation *ppl_ann = qvariant_cast<Poppler::Annotation*>( okl_ann->nativeId() );
if ( !ppl_ann ) // Ignore non-native annotations
QMutexLocker ml(mutex);
Poppler::Page *ppl_page = ppl_doc->page( page );
ppl_page->removeAnnotation( ppl_ann ); // Also destroys ppl_ann
delete ppl_page;
okl_ann->setNativeId( qVariantFromValue(0) ); // So that we don't double-free in disposeAnnotation
kDebug(PDFGenerator::PDFDebug) << okl_ann->uniqueName();
//END PopplerAnnotationProxy implementation
Okular::Annotation* createAnnotationFromPopplerAnnotation( Poppler::Annotation *ann, bool *doDelete )
Okular::Annotation *annotation = 0;
*doDelete = true;
bool tieToOkularAnn = false;
bool externallyDrawn = false;
switch ( ann->subType() )
case Poppler::Annotation::AFileAttachment:
Poppler::FileAttachmentAnnotation * attachann = static_cast< Poppler::FileAttachmentAnnotation * >( ann );
Okular::FileAttachmentAnnotation * f = new Okular::FileAttachmentAnnotation();
annotation = f;
tieToOkularAnn = true;
*doDelete = false;
f->setFileIconName( attachann->fileIconName() );
f->setEmbeddedFile( new PDFEmbeddedFile( attachann->embeddedFile() ) );
case Poppler::Annotation::ASound:
Poppler::SoundAnnotation * soundann = static_cast< Poppler::SoundAnnotation * >( ann );
Okular::SoundAnnotation * s = new Okular::SoundAnnotation();
annotation = s;
s->setSoundIconName( soundann->soundIconName() );
s->setSound( createSoundFromPopplerSound( soundann->sound() ) );
case Poppler::Annotation::AMovie:
Poppler::MovieAnnotation * movieann = static_cast< Poppler::MovieAnnotation * >( ann );
Okular::MovieAnnotation * m = new Okular::MovieAnnotation();
annotation = m;
tieToOkularAnn = true;
*doDelete = false;
m->setMovie( createMovieFromPopplerMovie( movieann->movie() ) );
#ifdef HAVE_POPPLER_0_22
case Poppler::Annotation::AWidget:
annotation = new Okular::WidgetAnnotation();
#ifdef HAVE_POPPLER_0_20
case Poppler::Annotation::AScreen:
#ifdef HAVE_POPPLER_0_22
Okular::ScreenAnnotation * m = new Okular::ScreenAnnotation();
annotation = m;
tieToOkularAnn = true;
*doDelete = false;
Poppler::ScreenAnnotation * screenann = static_cast< Poppler::ScreenAnnotation * >( ann );
Okular::MovieAnnotation * m = new Okular::MovieAnnotation();
annotation = m;
m->setMovie( createMovieFromPopplerScreen( screenann->action() ) );
case Poppler::Annotation::AText:
case Poppler::Annotation::ALine:
case Poppler::Annotation::AGeom:
case Poppler::Annotation::AHighlight:
case Poppler::Annotation::AInk:
externallyDrawn = true;
/* fallback */
case Poppler::Annotation::AStamp:
tieToOkularAnn = true;
*doDelete = false;
/* fallback */
// this is uber ugly but i don't know a better way to do it without introducing a poppler::annotation dependency on core
QDomDocument doc;
QDomElement root = doc.createElement( "root" );
doc.appendChild( root );
Poppler::AnnotationUtils::storeAnnotation( ann, root, doc );
annotation = Okular::AnnotationUtils::createAnnotation( root );
if ( annotation )
// the Contents field might have lines separated by \r
QString contents = ann->contents();
contents.replace( QLatin1Char( '\r' ), QLatin1Char( '\n' ) );
annotation->setAuthor( ann->author() );
annotation->setContents( contents );
annotation->setUniqueName( ann->uniqueName() );
annotation->setModificationDate( ann->modificationDate() );
annotation->setCreationDate( ann->creationDate() );
annotation->setFlags( ann->flags() | Okular::Annotation::External );
annotation->setBoundingRectangle( Okular::NormalizedRect::fromQRectF( ann->boundary() ) );
if (externallyDrawn)
annotation->setFlags( annotation->flags() | Okular::Annotation::ExternallyDrawn );
// Poppler stores highlight points in swapped order
if ( annotation->subType() == Okular::Annotation::AHighlight )
Okular::HighlightAnnotation * hlann = static_cast<Okular::HighlightAnnotation*>( annotation );
QList<Okular::HighlightAnnotation::Quad> &quads = hlann->highlightQuads();
for (QList<Okular::HighlightAnnotation::Quad>::iterator it = quads.begin(); it != quads.end(); ++it)
Okular::NormalizedPoint t;
t = it->point( 3 );
it->setPoint( it->point(0), 3 );
it->setPoint( t, 0 );
t = it->point( 2 );
it->setPoint( it->point(1), 2 );
it->setPoint( t, 1 );
if ( annotation->subType() == Okular::Annotation::AText )
Okular::TextAnnotation * txtann = static_cast<Okular::TextAnnotation*>( annotation );
if ( txtann->textType() == Okular::TextAnnotation::Linked )
Poppler::TextAnnotation * ppl_txtann = static_cast<Poppler::TextAnnotation*>( ann );
// Poppler and Okular assume a different default icon name in XML
// We re-read it via getter, which always tells the right one
txtann->setTextIcon( ppl_txtann->textIcon() );
// TODO clone style
// TODO clone window
// TODO clone revisions
if ( tieToOkularAnn )
annotation->setNativeId( qVariantFromValue( ann ) );
annotation->setDisposeDataFunction( disposeAnnotation );
return annotation;