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* This file is part of KDevelop
* Copyright 2007 Hamish Rodda <rodda@kde.org>
* Copyright 2009 Niko Sams <niko.sams@gmail.com>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
* License along with this program; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "executescriptplugin.h"
#include <QApplication>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kpluginfactory.h>
#include <kpluginloader.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kjob.h>
#include <kparts/mainwindow.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <kaboutdata.h>
#include <interfaces/icore.h>
#include <interfaces/iruncontroller.h>
#include <interfaces/ilaunchconfiguration.h>
#include <interfaces/iprojectcontroller.h>
#include <interfaces/iuicontroller.h>
#include <util/environmentgrouplist.h>
#include "scriptappconfig.h"
#include <project/projectmodel.h>
#include <project/builderjob.h>
#include <kshell.h>
#include <util/kdevstringhandler.h>
QString ExecuteScriptPlugin::_scriptAppConfigTypeId = "Script Application";
QString ExecuteScriptPlugin::interpreterEntry = "Interpreter";
QString ExecuteScriptPlugin::workingDirEntry = "Working Directory";
QString ExecuteScriptPlugin::executableEntry = "Executable";
QString ExecuteScriptPlugin::executeOnRemoteHostEntry = "Execute on Remote Host";
QString ExecuteScriptPlugin::runCurrentFileEntry = "Run current file";
QString ExecuteScriptPlugin::remoteHostEntry = "Remote Host";
QString ExecuteScriptPlugin::argumentsEntry = "Arguments";
QString ExecuteScriptPlugin::isExecutableEntry = "isExecutable";
QString ExecuteScriptPlugin::environmentGroupEntry = "EnvironmentGroup";
//QString ExecuteScriptPlugin::useTerminalEntry = "Use External Terminal";
QString ExecuteScriptPlugin::userIdToRunEntry = "User Id to Run";
QString ExecuteScriptPlugin::projectTargetEntry = "Project Target";
QString ExecuteScriptPlugin::outputFilteringEntry = "Output Filtering Mode";
using namespace KDevelop;
K_PLUGIN_FACTORY(KDevExecuteFactory, registerPlugin<ExecuteScriptPlugin>(); )
K_EXPORT_PLUGIN(KDevExecuteFactory(KAboutData("kdevexecutescript", "kdevexecutescript", ki18n("Execute script support"), "1.0 Beta 1", ki18n("Allows running of scripts"), KAboutData::License_GPL)
.addAuthor(ki18n("Niko Sams"), ki18n("Author"), "niko.sams@gmail.com", "http://nikosams.blogspot.com")
ExecuteScriptPlugin::ExecuteScriptPlugin(QObject *parent, const QVariantList&)
: KDevelop::IPlugin(KDevExecuteFactory::componentData(), parent)
m_configType = new ScriptAppConfigType();
m_configType->addLauncher( new ScriptAppLauncher( this ) );
kDebug() << "adding script launch config";
core()->runController()->addConfigurationType( m_configType );
void ExecuteScriptPlugin::unload()
core()->runController()->removeConfigurationType( m_configType );
delete m_configType;
m_configType = 0;
KUrl ExecuteScriptPlugin::script( KDevelop::ILaunchConfiguration* cfg, QString& err_ ) const
KUrl script;
if( !cfg )
return script;
KConfigGroup grp = cfg->config();
script = grp.readEntry( ExecuteScriptPlugin::executableEntry, KUrl("") );
if( !script.isLocalFile() || script.isEmpty() )
err_ = i18n("No valid executable specified");
kWarning() << "Launch Configuration:" << cfg->name() << "no valid script set";
} else
KShell::Errors err;
if( KShell::splitArgs( script.toLocalFile(), KShell::TildeExpand | KShell::AbortOnMeta, &err ).isEmpty() || err != KShell::NoError )
script = KUrl();
if( err == KShell::BadQuoting )
err_ = i18n("There is a quoting error in the script "
"for the launch configuration '%1'. "
"Aborting start.", cfg->name() );
} else
err_ = i18n("A shell meta character was included in the "
"script for the launch configuration '%1', "
"this is not supported currently. Aborting start.", cfg->name() );
kWarning() << "Launch Configuration:" << cfg->name() << "script has meta characters";
return script;
QString ExecuteScriptPlugin::remoteHost(ILaunchConfiguration* cfg, QString& err) const
if (!cfg) return QString();
KConfigGroup grp = cfg->config();
if(grp.readEntry(ExecuteScriptPlugin::executeOnRemoteHostEntry, false)) {
QString host = grp.readEntry(ExecuteScriptPlugin::remoteHostEntry, "");
if (host.isEmpty()) {
err = i18n("No remote host set for launch configuration '%1'. "
"Aborting start.", cfg->name() );
kWarning() << "Launch Configuration:" << cfg->name() << "no remote host set";
return host;
return QString();
QStringList ExecuteScriptPlugin::arguments( KDevelop::ILaunchConfiguration* cfg, QString& err_ ) const
if( !cfg )
return QStringList();
KShell::Errors err;
QStringList args = KShell::splitArgs( cfg->config().readEntry( ExecuteScriptPlugin::argumentsEntry, "" ), KShell::TildeExpand | KShell::AbortOnMeta, &err );
if( err != KShell::NoError )
if( err == KShell::BadQuoting )
err_ = i18n("There is a quoting error in the arguments for "
"the launch configuration '%1'. Aborting start.", cfg->name() );
} else
err_ = i18n("A shell meta character was included in the "
"arguments for the launch configuration '%1', "
"this is not supported currently. Aborting start.", cfg->name() );
args = QStringList();
kWarning() << "Launch Configuration:" << cfg->name() << "arguments have meta characters";
return args;
QString ExecuteScriptPlugin::environmentGroup( KDevelop::ILaunchConfiguration* cfg ) const
if( !cfg )
return "";
return cfg->config().readEntry( ExecuteScriptPlugin::environmentGroupEntry, "" );
int ExecuteScriptPlugin::outputFilterModeId( KDevelop::ILaunchConfiguration* cfg ) const
if( !cfg )
return 0;
return cfg->config().readEntry( ExecuteScriptPlugin::outputFilteringEntry, 0 );
bool ExecuteScriptPlugin::runCurrentFile(ILaunchConfiguration* cfg) const
if( !cfg )
return false;
return cfg->config().readEntry( ExecuteScriptPlugin::runCurrentFileEntry, true );
QString ExecuteScriptPlugin::interpreter( KDevelop::ILaunchConfiguration* cfg, QString& err ) const
QString interpreter;
if( !cfg )
return interpreter;
KConfigGroup grp = cfg->config();
interpreter = grp.readEntry( ExecuteScriptPlugin::interpreterEntry, QString("") );
if( interpreter.isEmpty() )
err = i18n("No valid interpreter specified");
kWarning() << "Launch Configuration:" << cfg->name() << "no valid interpreter set";
} else
KShell::Errors err_;
if( KShell::splitArgs( interpreter, KShell::TildeExpand | KShell::AbortOnMeta, &err_ ).isEmpty() || err_ != KShell::NoError )
if( err_ == KShell::BadQuoting )
err = i18n("There is a quoting error in the interpreter "
"for the launch configuration '%1'. "
"Aborting start.", cfg->name() );
} else
err = i18n("A shell meta character was included in the "
"interpreter for the launch configuration '%1', "
"this is not supported currently. Aborting start.", cfg->name() );
kWarning() << "Launch Configuration:" << cfg->name() << "interpreter has meta characters";
return interpreter;
bool ExecuteScriptPlugin::useTerminal( KDevelop::ILaunchConfiguration* cfg ) const
if( !cfg )
return false;
return cfg->config().readEntry( ExecuteScriptPlugin::useTerminalEntry, false );
KUrl ExecuteScriptPlugin::workingDirectory( KDevelop::ILaunchConfiguration* cfg ) const
if( !cfg )
return KUrl();
return cfg->config().readEntry( ExecuteScriptPlugin::workingDirEntry, KUrl() );
QString ExecuteScriptPlugin::scriptAppConfigTypeId() const
return _scriptAppConfigTypeId;
#include "moc_executescriptplugin.cpp"