2015-07-26 14:23:17 +03:00

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* KDevelop Class Browser
* Copyright 2007-2009 Hamish Rodda <rodda@kde.org>
* Copyright 2009 Lior Mualem <lior.m.kde@gmail.com>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
* License along with this program; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "classmodel.h"
#include <qicon.h>
#include <language/duchain/identifier.h>
#include <language/duchain/duchainpointer.h>
#include "classmodelnodescontroller.h"
class QTimer;
class NodesModelInterface;
namespace KDevelop
class ClassDeclaration;
class ClassFunctionDeclaration;
class ClassMemberDeclaration;
class Declaration;
namespace ClassModelNodes
/// Base node class - provides basic functionality.
class Node
Node(const QString& a_displayName, NodesModelInterface* a_model);
virtual ~Node();
public: // Operations
/// Clear all the children from the node.
void clear();
/// Called by the model to collapse the node and remove sub-items if needed.
virtual void collapse() {};
/// Called by the model to expand the node and populate it with sub-nodes if needed.
virtual void expand() {};
/// Append a new child node to the list.
void addNode(Node* a_child);
/// Remove child node from the list and delete it.
void removeNode(Node* a_child);
/// Remove this node and delete it.
void removeSelf() { m_parentNode->removeNode(this); }
/// Called once the node has been populated to sort the entire tree / branch.
void recursiveSort();
public: // Info retrieval
/// Return the parent associated with this node.
Node* getParent() const { return m_parentNode; }
/// Get my index in the parent node
int row();
/// Return the display name for the node.
QString displayName() const { return m_displayName; }
/// Returns a list of child nodes
const QList<Node*>& getChildren() const { return m_children; }
/// Return an icon representation for the node.
/// @note It calls the internal getIcon and caches the result.
QIcon getCachedIcon();
public: // overridables
/// Return a score when sorting the nodes.
virtual int getScore() const = 0;
/// Return true if the node contains sub-nodes.
virtual bool hasChildren() const { return !m_children.empty(); }
/// We use this string when sorting items.
virtual QString getSortableString() const { return m_displayName; }
/// fill a_resultIcon with a display icon for the node.
/// @param a_resultIcon returned icon.
/// @return true if result was returned.
virtual bool getIcon(QIcon& a_resultIcon) = 0;
Node* m_parentNode;
/// Called once the node has been populated to sort the entire tree / branch.
void recursiveSortInternal();
typedef QList< Node* > NodesList;
NodesList m_children;
QString m_displayName;
QIcon m_cachedIcon;
NodesModelInterface* m_model;
/// Base class for nodes that generate and populate their child nodes dynamically
class DynamicNode : public Node
DynamicNode(const QString& a_displayName, NodesModelInterface* a_model);
/// Return true if the node was populated already.
bool isPopulated() const { return m_populated; }
/// Populate the node and mark the flag - called from expand or can be used internally.
void performPopulateNode(bool a_forceRepopulate = false);
public: // Node overrides.
virtual void collapse();
virtual void expand();
virtual bool hasChildren() const;
protected: // overridables
/// Called by the framework when the node is about to be expanded
/// it should be populated with sub-nodes if applicable.
virtual void populateNode() {}
/// Called after the nodes have been removed.
/// It's for derived classes to clean cached data.
virtual void nodeCleared() {}
bool m_populated;
/// Clear all the child nodes and mark flag.
void performNodeCleanup();
/// Base class for nodes associated with a @ref KDevelop::QualifiedIdentifier
class IdentifierNode : public DynamicNode
IdentifierNode(KDevelop::Declaration* a_decl, NodesModelInterface* a_model, const QString& a_displayName = QString());
/// Returns the qualified identifier for this node by going through the tree
const KDevelop::IndexedQualifiedIdentifier& getIdentifier() const { return m_identifier; }
public: // Node overrides
virtual bool getIcon(QIcon& a_resultIcon);
public: // Overridables
/// Return the associated declaration
virtual KDevelop::Declaration* getDeclaration();
KDevelop::IndexedQualifiedIdentifier m_identifier;
KDevelop::IndexedDeclaration m_indexedDeclaration;
KDevelop::DeclarationPointer m_cachedDeclaration;
/// A node that represents an enum value.
class EnumNode : public IdentifierNode
EnumNode(KDevelop::Declaration* a_decl, NodesModelInterface* a_model);
public: // Node overrides
virtual int getScore() const { return 102; }
virtual bool getIcon(QIcon& a_resultIcon);
virtual void populateNode();
/// Provides display for a single class.
class ClassNode : public IdentifierNode, public ClassModelNodeDocumentChangedInterface
ClassNode(KDevelop::Declaration* a_decl, NodesModelInterface* a_model);
virtual ~ClassNode();
/// Lookup a contained class and return the related node.
/// @return the node pointer or 0 if non was found.
ClassNode* findSubClass(const KDevelop::IndexedQualifiedIdentifier& a_id);
public: // Node overrides
virtual int getScore() const { return 300; }
virtual void populateNode();
virtual void nodeCleared();
virtual bool hasChildren() const { return true; }
protected: // ClassModelNodeDocumentChangedInterface overrides
virtual void documentChanged(const KDevelop::IndexedString& a_file);
typedef QMap< uint, Node* > SubIdentifiersMap;
/// Set of known sub-identifiers. It's used for updates check.
SubIdentifiersMap m_subIdentifiers;
/// We use this variable to know if we've registered for change notification or not.
KDevelop::IndexedString m_cachedUrl;
/// Updates the node to reflect changes in the declaration.
/// @return true if something was updated.
bool updateClassDeclarations();
/// Add "Base classes" and "Derived classes" folders, if needed
/// @return true if one of the folders was added.
bool addBaseAndDerived();
/// Provides a display for a single class function.
class FunctionNode : public IdentifierNode
FunctionNode(KDevelop::Declaration* a_decl, NodesModelInterface* a_model);
public: // Node overrides
virtual int getScore() const { return 400; }
virtual QString getSortableString() const { return m_sortableString; }
QString m_sortableString;
/// Provides display for a single class variable.
class ClassMemberNode : public IdentifierNode
ClassMemberNode(KDevelop::ClassMemberDeclaration* a_decl, NodesModelInterface* a_model);
public: // Node overrides
virtual int getScore() const { return 500; }
virtual bool getIcon(QIcon& a_resultIcon);
/// Provides a folder node with a static list of nodes.
class FolderNode : public Node
FolderNode(const QString& a_displayName, NodesModelInterface* a_model);
public: // Node overrides
virtual bool getIcon(QIcon& a_resultIcon);
virtual int getScore() const { return 100; }
/// Provides a folder node with a dynamic list of nodes.
class DynamicFolderNode : public DynamicNode
DynamicFolderNode(const QString& a_displayName, NodesModelInterface* a_model);
public: // Node overrides
virtual bool getIcon(QIcon& a_resultIcon);
virtual int getScore() const { return 100; }
/// Special folder - the parent is assumed to be a ClassNode.
/// It then displays the base classes for the class it sits in.
class BaseClassesFolderNode : public DynamicFolderNode
BaseClassesFolderNode(NodesModelInterface* a_model);
public: // Node overrides
virtual void populateNode();
/// Special folder - the parent is assumed to be a ClassNode.
/// It then displays list of derived classes from the parent class.
class DerivedClassesFolderNode : public DynamicFolderNode
DerivedClassesFolderNode(NodesModelInterface* a_model);
public: // Node overrides
virtual void populateNode();
} // namespace classModelNodes
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