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* Copyright 2003, 2006 Adam Treat <treat@kde.org> *
* Copyright 2007 Andreas Pakulat <apaku@gmx.de> *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include "kdevkonsoleview.h"
#include <QDir>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QFrame>
#include <QLayout>
#include <QVBoxLayout>
#include <QKeyEvent>
#include <QApplication>
#include <QUuid>
#include <kurl.h>
#include <kicon.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kpluginfactory.h>
#include <kde_terminal_interface.h>
#include <kparts/part.h>
#include <interfaces/icore.h>
#include <interfaces/iprojectcontroller.h>
#include <interfaces/isession.h>
#include "kdevkonsoleviewplugin.h"
class KDevKonsoleViewPrivate
KDevKonsoleViewPlugin* mplugin;
KDevKonsoleView* m_view;
KParts::ReadOnlyPart *konsolepart;
QVBoxLayout *m_vbox;
void _k_slotTerminalClosed();
void init( KPluginFactory* factory )
Q_ASSERT( konsolepart == 0 );
Q_ASSERT( factory != 0 );
if ( ( konsolepart = factory->create<KParts::ReadOnlyPart>( m_view ) ) )
QObject::connect(konsolepart, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*)), m_view, SLOT(_k_slotTerminalClosed()));
konsolepart->widget() ->setFocusPolicy( Qt::WheelFocus );
konsolepart->widget() ->setFocus();
konsolepart->widget() ->installEventFilter( m_view );
if ( QFrame * frame = qobject_cast<QFrame*>( konsolepart->widget() ) )
frame->setFrameStyle( QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Sunken );
m_vbox->addWidget( konsolepart->widget() );
m_view->setFocusProxy( konsolepart->widget() );
konsolepart->widget() ->show();
TerminalInterface* interface = qobject_cast<TerminalInterface*>(konsolepart);
interface->showShellInDir( QString() );
interface->sendInput( "kdevelop! -s \"" + KDevelop::ICore::self()->activeSession()->id().toString() + "\"\n" );
kDebug() << "Couldn't create KParts::ReadOnlyPart from konsole factory!";
void KDevKonsoleViewPrivate::_k_slotTerminalClosed()
konsolepart = 0;
init( mplugin->konsoleFactory() );
KDevKonsoleView::KDevKonsoleView( KDevKonsoleViewPlugin *plugin, QWidget* parent )
: QWidget( parent ), d(new KDevKonsoleViewPrivate)
d->mplugin = plugin;
d->m_view = this;
d->konsolepart = 0;
setObjectName( i18n( "Konsole" ) );
setWindowIcon( KIcon( "utilities-terminal" ) );
setWindowTitle( i18n( "Konsole" ) );
d->m_vbox = new QVBoxLayout( this );
d->m_vbox->setMargin( 0 );
d->m_vbox->setSpacing( 0 );
d->init( d->mplugin->konsoleFactory() );
//TODO Make this configurable in the future,
// but by default the konsole shouldn't
// automatically switch directories on you.
// connect( KDevelop::Core::documentController(), SIGNAL(documentActivated(KDevDocument*)),
// this, SLOT(documentActivated(KDevDocument*)) );
delete d;
void KDevKonsoleView::setDirectory( const KUrl &url )
if ( !url.isValid() || !url.isLocalFile() )
return ;
if ( d->konsolepart && url != d->konsolepart->url() )
d->konsolepart->openUrl( url );
bool KDevKonsoleView::eventFilter( QObject* obj, QEvent *e )
switch( e->type() ) {
case QEvent::ShortcutOverride: {
QKeyEvent *k = static_cast<QKeyEvent *>(e);
// Don't propagate Esc to the top level, it should be used by konsole
if (k->key() == Qt::Key_Escape) {
if (d->konsolepart && d->konsolepart->widget()) {
return true;
return QWidget::eventFilter( obj, e );
#include "moc_kdevkonsoleview.cpp"