2015-03-27 21:32:00 +00:00

324 lines
11 KiB

Copyright 2010-2012 Lamarque Souza <lamarque@kde.org>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
the License or (at your option) version 3 or any later version
accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved
by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy
defined in Section 14 of version 3 of the license.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "mobileproviders.h"
#include <QFile>
#include <QTextStream>
#include <KDebug>
#include <KLocale>
#include <KGlobal>
const QString MobileProviders::ProvidersFile = "/usr/share/mobile-broadband-provider-info/serviceproviders.xml";
bool localeAwareCompare(const QString & one, const QString & two) {
return one.localeAwareCompare(two) < 0;
const QStringList allCountries = KGlobal::locale()->allCountriesList();
foreach (const QString & cc, allCountries) {
//kDebug() << "Inserting" << cc.toUpper() << KGlobal::locale()->countryCodeToName(cc);
mCountries.insert(cc.toUpper(), KGlobal::locale()->countryCodeToName(cc));
mError = Success;
QFile file2(ProvidersFile);
if (file2.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
if (mDocProviders.setContent(&file2)) {
docElement = mDocProviders.documentElement();
if (docElement.isNull()) {
kDebug() << ProvidersFile << ": document is null";
mError = ProvidersIsNull;
} else {
if (docElement.isNull() || docElement.tagName() != "serviceproviders") {
kDebug() << ProvidersFile << ": wrong format";
mError = ProvidersWrongFormat;
} else {
if (docElement.attribute("format") != "2.0") {
kDebug() << ProvidersFile << ": mobile broadband provider database format '" << docElement.attribute("format") << "' not supported.";
mError = ProvidersFormatNotSupported;
} else {
//kDebug() << "Everything is alright so far";
} else {
kDebug() << "Error opening providers file" << ProvidersFile;
mError = ProvidersMissing;
QStringList MobileProviders::getCountryList() const
QStringList temp = mCountries.values();
qSort(temp.begin(), temp.end(), localeAwareCompare);
return temp;
QString MobileProviders::countryFromLocale() const
return KGlobal::locale()->country().toUpper();
QStringList MobileProviders::getProvidersList(QString country, NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::ConnectionType type)
QDomNode n = docElement.firstChild();
// country is a country name and we parse country codes.
if (!mCountries.key(country).isNull()) {
country = mCountries.key(country);
QMap<QString, QString> sortedGsm;
QMap<QString, QString> sortedCdma;
while (!n.isNull()) {
QDomElement e = n.toElement(); // <country ...>
if (!e.isNull() && e.attribute("code").toUpper() == country) {
QDomNode n2 = e.firstChild();
while (!n2.isNull()) {
QDomElement e2 = n2.toElement(); // <provider ...>
if (!e2.isNull() && e2.tagName().toLower() == "provider") {
QDomNode n3 = e2.firstChild();
bool hasGsm = false;
bool hasCdma = false;
QMap<QString, QString> localizedProviderNames;
while (!n3.isNull()) {
QDomElement e3 = n3.toElement(); // <name | gsm | cdma>
if (!e3.isNull()) {
if (e3.tagName().toLower() == "gsm") {
hasGsm = true;
} else if (e3.tagName().toLower() == "cdma") {
hasCdma = true;
} else if (e3.tagName().toLower() == "name") {
QString lang = e3.attribute("xml:lang");
if (lang.isEmpty()) {
lang = "en"; // English is default
} else {
lang = lang.toLower();
lang.remove(QRegExp("\\-.*$")); // Remove everything after '-' in xml:lang attribute.
localizedProviderNames.insert(lang, e3.text());
n3 = n3.nextSibling();
const QString name = getNameByLocale(localizedProviderNames);
if (hasGsm) {
mProvidersGsm.insert(name, e2.firstChild());
sortedGsm.insert(name.toLower(), name);
if (hasCdma) {
mProvidersCdma.insert(name, e2.firstChild());
sortedCdma.insert(name.toLower(), name);
n2 = n2.nextSibling();
n = n.nextSibling();
if (type == NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::Gsm) {
return sortedGsm.values();
return sortedCdma.values();
QStringList MobileProviders::getApns(const QString & provider)
if (!mProvidersGsm.contains(provider)) {
return QStringList();
QDomNode n = mProvidersGsm[provider];
while (!n.isNull()) {
QDomElement e = n.toElement(); // <gsm | cdma>
if (!e.isNull() && e.tagName().toLower() == "gsm") {
QDomNode n2 = e.firstChild();
while (!n2.isNull()) {
QDomElement e2 = n2.toElement(); // <apn | network-id>
if (!e2.isNull() && e2.tagName().toLower() == "apn") {
bool isInternet = true;
QDomNode n3 = e2.firstChild();
while (!n3.isNull()) {
QDomElement e3 = n3.toElement(); // <usage>
if (!e3.isNull() &&
e3.tagName().toLower() == "usage" &&
!e3.attribute("type").isNull() &&
e3.attribute("type").toLower() != "internet") {
//kDebug() << "apn" << e2.attribute("value") << "ignored because of usage" << e3.attribute("type");
isInternet = false;
n3 = n3.nextSibling();
if (isInternet) {
mApns.insert(e2.attribute("value"), e2.firstChild());
} else if (!e2.isNull() && e2.tagName().toLower() == "network-id") {
mNetworkIds.append(e2.attribute("mcc") + '-' + e2.attribute("mnc"));
n2 = n2.nextSibling();
n = n.nextSibling();
QStringList temp = mApns.keys();
return temp;
QStringList MobileProviders::getNetworkIds(const QString & provider)
if (mNetworkIds.isEmpty()) {
return mNetworkIds;
QVariantMap MobileProviders::getApnInfo(const QString & apn)
QVariantMap temp;
QDomNode n = mApns[apn];
QStringList dnsList;
QMap<QString, QString> localizedPlanNames;
while (!n.isNull()) {
QDomElement e = n.toElement(); // <name|username|password|dns(*)>
if (!e.isNull()) {
if (e.tagName().toLower() == "name") {
QString lang = e.attribute("xml:lang");
if (lang.isEmpty()) {
lang = "en"; // English is default
} else {
lang = lang.toLower();
lang.remove(QRegExp("\\-.*$")); // Remove everything after '-' in xml:lang attribute.
localizedPlanNames.insert(lang, e.text());
} else if (e.tagName().toLower() == "username") {
temp.insert("username", e.text());
} else if (e.tagName().toLower() == "password") {
temp.insert("password", e.text());
} else if (e.tagName().toLower() == "dns") {
n = n.nextSibling();
QString name = getNameByLocale(localizedPlanNames);
if (!name.isEmpty()) {
temp.insert("name", QVariant::fromValue(name));
temp.insert("number", getGsmNumber());
temp.insert("apn", apn);
temp.insert("dnsList", dnsList);
return temp;
QVariantMap MobileProviders::getCdmaInfo(const QString & provider)
if (!mProvidersCdma.contains(provider)) {
return QVariantMap();
QVariantMap temp;
QDomNode n = mProvidersCdma[provider];
QStringList sidList;
while (!n.isNull()) {
QDomElement e = n.toElement(); // <gsm or cdma ...>
if (!e.isNull() && e.tagName().toLower() == "cdma") {
QDomNode n2 = e.firstChild();
while (!n2.isNull()) {
QDomElement e2 = n2.toElement(); // <name | username | password | sid>
if (!e2.isNull()) {
if (e2.tagName().toLower() == "username") {
temp.insert("username", e2.text());
} else if (e2.tagName().toLower() == "password") {
temp.insert("password", e2.text());
} else if (e2.tagName().toLower() == "sid") {
n2 = n2.nextSibling();
n = n.nextSibling();
temp.insert("number", getCdmaNumber());
temp.insert("sidList", sidList);
return temp;
QString MobileProviders::getNameByLocale(const QMap<QString, QString> & localizedNames) const
QString name;
const QStringList locales = KGlobal::locale()->languageList();
foreach(const QString & locale, locales) {
QString language, country, modifier, charset;
KLocale::splitLocale(locale, language, country, modifier, charset);
if (localizedNames.contains(language)) {
return localizedNames[language];
name = localizedNames["en"];
// Use any language if no proper localized name were found.
if (name.isEmpty() && !localizedNames.isEmpty()) {
name = localizedNames.constBegin().value();
return name;