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660 lines
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* Copyright 2012 Sebastian Kügler <sebas@kde.org>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
* License along with this program; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* QOAuth example
* http://blog.ayoy.net/2009/6/24/oauth
* Twitter OAuth Docs:
* https://dev.twitter.com/docs/auth/oauth
* How does OAuth work diagram:
* https://dev.twitter.com/sites/default/files/images_documentation/oauth_diagram.png
#include <QUrl>
#include <KRun>
#include <KDialog>
#include <KIO/Job>
#include <KWallet/Wallet>
#include <KWebView>
#include <KIO/AccessManager>
#include <KSharedConfig>
#include <QWebFrame>
#include "koauth.h"
#include "koauthwebhelper.h"
#include <KDebug>
#include <QtOAuth/QtOAuth>
namespace KOAuth {
class KOAuthPrivate {
interface = new QOAuth::Interface();
busy = false;
useWallet = true;
QOAuth::Interface* interface;
QString user;
QString password;
bool useWallet;
bool busy;
QString serviceBaseUrl;
QString requestTokenUrl;
QString accessTokenUrl;
QString authorizeUrl;
QByteArray consumerKey;
QByteArray consumerSecret;
QByteArray requestToken;
QByteArray requestTokenSecret;
QByteArray accessToken;
QByteArray accessTokenSecret;
QStringList authorizedAccounts;
QString verifier;
QCA::Initializer *qcaInitializer;
KOAuthWebHelper *w;
KOAuth::KOAuth(QObject* parent)
: QThread(parent),
// d = new KOAuthPrivate;
QByteArray KOAuth::accessToken() const
return d->accessToken;
QByteArray KOAuth::accessTokenSecret() const
return d->accessTokenSecret;
QString KOAuth::user() const
return d->user;
QString KOAuth::serviceBaseUrl() const
return d->serviceBaseUrl;
void KOAuth::setUser(const QString& user)
if (user == d->user) {
d->user = user;
QString KOAuth::password() const
return d->password;
void KOAuth::init()
//just create it to correctly initialize QCA and clean up when createSignature() returns
if (!d) {
d = new KOAuthPrivate;
d->qcaInitializer = new QCA::Initializer();
#ifndef NO_KIO
KIO::AccessManager *access = new KIO::AccessManager(this);
d->w = new KOAuthWebHelper();
connect(this, SIGNAL(authorizeApp(const QString&, const QString&, const QString&)),
d->w, SLOT(authorizeApp(const QString&, const QString&, const QString&)));
connect(d->w, SIGNAL(appAuthSucceeded(const QString&, const QString&)),
this, SLOT(appAuthorized(const QString&, const QString&)));
connect(d->w, SIGNAL(statusUpdated(const QString&, const QString&, const QString&, const QString&)),
SIGNAL(statusUpdated(const QString&, const QString&, const QString&, const QString&)));
void KOAuth::run()
if (isAuthorized()) {
emit statusUpdated(d->user, d->serviceBaseUrl, "Ok", "User authorized");
} else {
//authorize(d->serviceBaseUrl, d->user, d->password);
void KOAuth::authorize(const QString &serviceBaseUrl, const QString &user, const QString &password)
if (!user.isEmpty()) {
d->user = user;
d->password = password;
d->serviceBaseUrl = serviceBaseUrl;
d->accessToken = QByteArray();
d->accessTokenSecret = QByteArray();
if (!isAuthorized()) {
d->busy = true;
kDebug() << "request token";
void KOAuth::requestTokenFromService()
d->interface->setRequestTimeout( 10000 );
if (!QCA::isSupported("hmac(sha1)")) {
kError() << "Hashing algo not supported, update your QCA";
QOAuth::ParamMap params;
params.insert("oauth_callback", "oob");
// kDebug() << "starting token request ...";
QOAuth::ParamMap reply = d->interface->requestToken(d->requestTokenUrl,
QOAuth::GET, QOAuth::HMAC_SHA1, params);
// kDebug() << "token request done......" << reply;
QString e;
if (d->interface->error() == QOAuth::NoError) {
d->requestToken = reply.value(QOAuth::tokenParameterName());
d->requestTokenSecret = reply.value(QOAuth::tokenSecretParameterName());
QString auth_url = QString("%1?oauth_token=%2").arg(d->authorizeUrl, QString(d->requestToken));
emit statusUpdated(d->user, d->serviceBaseUrl, "Busy", "Request token received.");
emit authorizeApp(d->serviceBaseUrl, d->authorizeUrl, auth_url);
} else {
e += errorMessage(d->interface->error());
kDebug() << "Request Token returned error:" << e;
emit statusUpdated(d->user, d->serviceBaseUrl, "Error", "Request Token Error: " + e);
d->busy = false;
void KOAuth::appAuthorized(const QString &authorizeUrl, const QString &verifier)
d->verifier = verifier;
QString KOAuth::errorMessage(int e) {
// enum ErrorCode {
// NoError = 200, //!< No error occured (so far :-) )
// BadRequest = 400, //!< Represents HTTP status code \c 400 (Bad Request)
// Unauthorized = 401, //!< Represents HTTP status code \c 401 (Unauthorized)
// Forbidden = 403, //!< Represents HTTP status code \c 403 (Forbidden)
// Timeout = 1001, //!< Represents a request timeout error
// ConsumerKeyEmpty, //!< Consumer key has not been provided
// ConsumerSecretEmpty, //!< Consumer secret has not been provided
// UnsupportedHttpMethod, /*!< The HTTP method is not supported by the request.
// \note \ref QOAuth::Interface::requestToken() and
// \ref QOAuth::Interface::accessToken()
// accept only HTTP GET and POST requests. */
// RSAPrivateKeyEmpty = 1101, //!< RSA private key has not been provided
// // RSAPassphraseError, //!< RSA passphrase is incorrect (or has not been provided)
// RSADecodingError, /*!< There was a problem decoding the RSA private key
// (the key is invalid or the provided passphrase is incorrect)*/
// RSAKeyFileError, //!< The provided key file either doesn't exist or is unreadable.
// OtherError //!< A network-related error not specified above
// };
QString out;
if (e == QOAuth::BadRequest) {
out.append("Bad request");
} else if (e == QOAuth::Unauthorized) {
} else if (e == QOAuth::Forbidden) {
} else if (e == QOAuth::Timeout) {
} else if (e == QOAuth::ConsumerKeyEmpty) {
} else if (e == QOAuth::ConsumerSecretEmpty) {
} else if (e == QOAuth::UnsupportedHttpMethod) {
} else if (e == QOAuth::UnsupportedHttpMethod) {
} else {
out.append("Other error." + e);
return out;
void KOAuth::accessTokenFromService()
QOAuth::ParamMap params = QOAuth::ParamMap();
params.insert("oauth_callback", "oob");
if (d->serviceBaseUrl.toLower().contains("identi.ca")) {
params.insert("oauth_verifier", d->verifier.toLocal8Bit());
QOAuth::ParamMap reply = d->interface->accessToken(d->accessTokenUrl, QOAuth::GET,
d->requestToken, d->requestTokenSecret,
QOAuth::HMAC_SHA1, params);
QString e;
if (d->interface->error() == QOAuth::NoError) {
d->accessToken = reply.value(QOAuth::tokenParameterName());
d->accessTokenSecret = reply.value(QOAuth::tokenSecretParameterName());
//kDebug() << "Received Access Token OK!" << d->accessToken << d->accessTokenSecret;
emit accessTokenReceived(d->user, d->serviceBaseUrl, d->accessToken, d->accessTokenSecret);
d->busy = false;
if (d->useWallet) {
} else {
KSharedConfigPtr ptr = KSharedConfig::openConfig("koauthrc");
KConfigGroup config = KConfigGroup(ptr, d->user+"@"+d->serviceBaseUrl);
config.writeEntry("accessToken", d->accessToken);
config.writeEntry("accessTokenSecret", d->accessTokenSecret);
emit authorized();
} else {
kError() << d->interface->error() << reply;
e += errorMessage(d->interface->error());
kError() << "Request Not working" << e;
emit statusUpdated(d->user, d->serviceBaseUrl, "Error", "Access Token Error:" + e);
d->busy = false;
QStringList KOAuth::authorizedAccounts()
// KSharedConfigPtr ptr = KSharedConfig::openConfig("koauthrc", KConfig::SimpleConfig);
//KConfigGroup config = KConfigGroup(ptr);
KWallet::Wallet *wallet = KWallet::Wallet::openWallet(KWallet::Wallet::NetworkWallet(),
0, KWallet::Wallet::Synchronous);
QStringList aac;
if (wallet && wallet->isOpen() && wallet->setFolder("Plasma-MicroBlog")) {
QMap<QString, QMap<QString, QString> > mapMap;
if (wallet->readMapList("*", mapMap) == 0) {
// kDebug() << "see my maps: " << mapMap;
aac = mapMap.keys();
kDebug() << "!!! read accounts: " << aac;
} else {
kWarning() << "Unable to read grouplist from wallet";
} else {
kWarning() << "Unable to open wallet";
return aac;
void KOAuth::setServiceBaseUrl(const QString &serviceBaseUrl)
if (d->serviceBaseUrl == serviceBaseUrl) {
d->serviceBaseUrl = serviceBaseUrl;
void KOAuth::updateState()
const QUrl u(d->serviceBaseUrl);
if (u.host().endsWith("twitter.com")) {
//kDebug() << "Using twitter...";
d->requestTokenUrl = "https://api.twitter.com/oauth/request_token";
d->accessTokenUrl = "https://api.twitter.com/oauth/access_token";
d->authorizeUrl = "https://api.twitter.com/oauth/authorize";
d->consumerKey = "22kfJkztvOqb8WfihEjdg";
d->consumerSecret = "RpGc0q0aGl0jMkeqMIawUpGyDkJ3DNBczFUyIQMR698";
} else {
//kDebug() << "Using identi.ca...";
d->requestTokenUrl = "https://identi.ca/api/oauth/request_token";
d->accessTokenUrl = "https://identi.ca/api/oauth/access_token";
d->authorizeUrl = "https://identi.ca/api/oauth/authorize";
d->consumerKey = "47a4650a6bd4026b1c4d55d641acdb64";
d->consumerSecret = "49208b0a87832f4279f9d3742c623910";
if (!d->user.isEmpty() && !d->serviceBaseUrl.isEmpty()) {
if (d->useWallet) {
} else {
KSharedConfigPtr ptr = KSharedConfig::openConfig("koauthrc");
KConfigGroup config = KConfigGroup(ptr, d->user+"@"+d->serviceBaseUrl);
d->accessToken = config.readEntry("accessToken", QByteArray());
d->accessTokenSecret = config.readEntry("accessTokenSecret", QByteArray());
//kDebug() << "oauthrc config for " << d->user+"@"+d->serviceBaseUrl << d->accessToken << d->accessTokenSecret;
if (isAuthorized()) {
emit accessTokenReceived(d->user, d->serviceBaseUrl, d->accessToken, d->accessTokenSecret);
d->busy = false;
if (!d) return;
delete d->w;
delete d->qcaInitializer;
delete d;
bool KOAuth::isAuthorized()
return !d->accessToken.isEmpty() && !d->accessTokenSecret.isEmpty();
QByteArray KOAuth::authorizationHeader(const KUrl &requestUrl, QOAuth::HttpMethod method, QOAuth::ParamMap params)
QByteArray auth;
auth = d->interface->createParametersString(requestUrl.url(), method,
d->accessToken, d->accessTokenSecret,
QOAuth::HMAC_SHA1, params,
return auth;
void KOAuth::sign(KIO::Job *job, const QString &url, QOAuth::ParamMap params, HttpMethod httpMethod)
signRequest(job, url, httpMethod, accessToken(), accessTokenSecret(), params);
QByteArray KOAuth::paramsToString(const QOAuth::ParamMap ¶meters, ParsingMode mode)
QByteArray middleString;
QByteArray endString;
QByteArray prependString;
switch (mode) {
case ParseForInlineQuery:
prependString = "?";
case ParseForRequestContent:
case ParseForSignatureBaseString:
middleString = "=";
endString = "&";
case ParseForHeaderArguments:
prependString = "OAuth ";
middleString = "=\"";
endString = "\",";
qWarning() << __FUNCTION__ << "- Unrecognized mode";
return QByteArray();
QByteArray parameter;
QByteArray parametersString;
Q_FOREACH (parameter, parameters.uniqueKeys()) {
QList<QByteArray> values = parameters.values(parameter);
if (values.size() > 1) {
qSort(values.begin(), values.end());
QByteArray value;
Q_FOREACH (value, values) {
// remove the trailing end character (comma or ampersand)
// prepend with the suitable string (or none)
//kDebug() << "paramterString: " << parametersString;
return parametersString;
QByteArray KOAuth::createSignature(const QString &requestUrl, HttpMethod method, const QByteArray &token,
const QByteArray &tokenSecret, QOAuth::ParamMap *params)
if (!QCA::isSupported("hmac(sha1)")) {
kError() << "Your QCA2 does not support the HMAC-SHA1 algorithm. Signing requests using OAuth does not work";
return QByteArray();
// create nonce
QCA::InitializationVector iv(16);
QByteArray nonce = iv.toByteArray().toHex();
// create timestamp
uint time = QDateTime::currentDateTime().toTime_t();
QByteArray timestamp = QByteArray::number(time);
QByteArray httpMethodString = (method == POST) ? "POST" : "GET";
// create signature base string
// prepare percent-encoded request URL
QByteArray percentRequestUrl = requestUrl.toAscii().toPercentEncoding();
// prepare percent-encoded parameters string
params->insert("oauth_consumer_key", d->consumerKey);
//params->insert("oauth_callback", "oob");
params->insert("oauth_nonce", nonce);
params->insert("oauth_signature_method", "HMAC-SHA1");
params->insert("oauth_timestamp", timestamp);
params->insert("oauth_version", "1.0");
// append token only if it is defined (requestToken() doesn't use a token at all)
if (!token.isEmpty()) {
params->insert("oauth_token", token);
foreach (const QByteArray &_b, params->keys()) {
if (params->count(_b) > 1) {
kWarning() << "Request argument " << _b << "multiple times. This might break.";
QByteArray parametersString = paramsToString(*params, ParseForSignatureBaseString); // TODO use createSignature()
QByteArray percentParametersString = parametersString.toPercentEncoding();
QByteArray digest;
// create signature base string
QByteArray signatureBaseString;
signatureBaseString.append(httpMethodString + "&");
signatureBaseString.append(percentRequestUrl + "&");
if (!QCA::isSupported("hmac(sha1)")) {
kError() << "Hashing algo not supported, update your QCA";
return QByteArray();
// create key for HMAC-SHA1 hashing
QByteArray key(d->consumerSecret + "&" + tokenSecret);
// create HMAC-SHA1 digest in Base64
QCA::MessageAuthenticationCode hmac("hmac(sha1)", QCA::SymmetricKey(key));
QCA::SecureArray array(signatureBaseString);
QCA::SecureArray resultArray = hmac.final();
digest = resultArray.toByteArray().toBase64();
// percent-encode the digest
QByteArray signature = digest.toPercentEncoding();
return signature;
void KOAuth::signRequest(KIO::Job *job, const QString &requestUrl, HttpMethod method, const QByteArray &token,
const QByteArray &tokenSecret, const QOAuth::ParamMap ¶ms)
QOAuth::ParamMap parameters = params;
// create signature
QByteArray signature = createSignature(requestUrl, method, token, tokenSecret, ¶meters);
// add signature to parameters
parameters.insert("oauth_signature", signature);
foreach (QByteArray key, params.keys()) {
kDebug() << parameters;
QByteArray authorizationHeader = paramsToString(parameters, ParseForHeaderArguments);
job->addMetaData("customHTTPHeader", QByteArray("Authorization: " + authorizationHeader));
QByteArray KOAuth::userParameters(const QOAuth::ParamMap& parameters)
if (!parameters.count()) {
return QByteArray();
return d->interface->inlineParameters(parameters, QOAuth::ParseForInlineQuery);
void KOAuth::forgetAccount(const QString& user, const QString& serviceUrl)
const QString &_id = user + "@" + serviceUrl;
KWallet::Wallet *wallet = KWallet::Wallet::openWallet(KWallet::Wallet::NetworkWallet(),
0, KWallet::Wallet::Synchronous);
if (!wallet->removeEntry(_id)) {
kError() << "Error removing : " << _id;
void KOAuth::saveCredentials() const
QSharedPointer<KWallet::Wallet> wallet(KWallet::Wallet::openWallet(KWallet::Wallet::NetworkWallet(),
0, KWallet::Wallet::Synchronous));
const QString folder("Plasma-MicroBlog");
if (wallet && wallet->isOpen() &&
(wallet->hasFolder(folder) ||
wallet->createFolder(folder)) &&
wallet->setFolder(folder)) {
//QStringList accounts =
QMap<QString, QString> map;
map["accessToken"] = QString(d->accessToken);
map["accessTokenSecret"] = QString(d->accessTokenSecret);
if (wallet->writeMap(identifier(), map) != 0) {
kWarning() << "Unable to write accessToken & Secret to wallet";
} else {
kWarning() << "Unable to open Plasma-MicroBlog wallet";
QString KOAuth::identifier() const
return QString("%1@%2").arg(d->user, d->serviceBaseUrl);
bool KOAuth::retrieveCredentials() const
KWallet::Wallet *wallet = KWallet::Wallet::openWallet(KWallet::Wallet::NetworkWallet(),
0, KWallet::Wallet::Synchronous);
if (wallet && wallet->isOpen() && wallet->setFolder("Plasma-MicroBlog")) {
// QMap<QString, QMap<QString, QString> > mapMap;
QMap<QString, QMap<QString, QString> > mapMap;
if (wallet->readMapList("*", mapMap) == 0) {
d->authorizedAccounts = mapMap.keys();
if (d->authorizedAccounts.contains(identifier())) {
d->accessToken = mapMap[identifier()]["accessToken"].toAscii();
d->accessTokenSecret = mapMap[identifier()]["accessTokenSecret"].toAscii();
return true;
return false;
} else {
//kWarning() << "Unable to read credentials from wallet";
} else {
kWarning() << "Unable to open wallet";
return false;
void KOAuth::forgetCredentials() const
d->user = QByteArray();
d->serviceBaseUrl = QByteArray();
d->password = QString();
void KOAuth::configToWallet()
KSharedConfigPtr gptr = KSharedConfig::openConfig("koauthrc", KConfig::SimpleConfig);
KSharedConfigPtr ptr = KSharedConfig::openConfig("koauthrc");
foreach (const QString g, gptr->groupList()) {
KConfigGroup config = KConfigGroup(ptr, g);
d->user = g.split('@')[0];
d->serviceBaseUrl = g.split('@')[1];
d->accessToken = config.readEntry("accessToken", QByteArray());
d->accessTokenSecret = config.readEntry("accessTokenSecret", QByteArray());
} // namespace
#include "moc_koauth.cpp"