Ivailo Monev ba43552d29 kmix: remove pulseaudio backend
Signed-off-by: Ivailo Monev <xakepa10@gmail.com>
2021-02-26 13:31:40 +02:00

921 lines
30 KiB

* KMix -- KDE's full featured mini mixer
* Copyright 2006-2007 Christian Esken <esken@kde.org>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
* License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "gui/guiprofile.h"
// Qt
#include <QDir>
#include <qxml.h>
#include <QString>
// System
#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
// KDE
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
// KMix
#include "core/mixer.h"
#include <QtCore/qstring.h>
QMap<QString, GUIProfile*> GUIProfile::s_profiles;
QString const GUIProfile::PNameSimple("simple");
QString const GUIProfile::PNameExtended("extended");
QString const GUIProfile::PNameAll("all");
QString const GUIProfile::PNameCustom("custom");
bool SortedStringComparator::operator()(const std::string& s1, const std::string& s2) const {
return ( s1 < s2 );
* Product comparator for sorting:
* We want the comparator to sort ascending by Vendor. "Inside" the Vendors, we sort by Product Name.
bool ProductComparator::operator()(const ProfProduct* p1, const ProfProduct* p2) const {
if ( p1->vendor < p2->vendor ) {
return ( true );
else if ( p1->vendor > p2->vendor ) {
return ( false );
else if ( p1->productName < p2->productName ) {
return ( true );
else if ( p1->productName > p2->productName ) {
return ( false );
else {
* We reach this point, if vendor and product name is identical.
* Actually we don't care about the order then, so we decide that "p1" comes first.
* (Hint: As this is a set comparator, the return value HERE doesn't matter that
* much. But if we would decide later to change this Comparator to be a Map Comparator,
* we must NOT return a "0" for identity - this would lead to non-insertion on insert())
return true;
_dirty = false;
_driverVersionMin = 0;
_driverVersionMax = 0;
_generation = 1;
kWarning() << "Thou shalt not delete any GUI profile. This message is only OK, when quitting KMix";
* Clears the GUIProfile cache. You must only call this
* before termination of the application, as GUIProfile instances are used in other classes, especially the views.
* There is no need to call this in non-GUI applications like kmixd and kmixctrl.
void GUIProfile::clearCache()
void GUIProfile::setId(const QString& id)
_id = id;
QString GUIProfile::getId() const
return _id;
bool GUIProfile::isDirty() const {
return _dirty;
void GUIProfile::setDirty() {
_dirty = true;
* Build a profile name. Suitable to use as primary key and to build filenames.
* @arg mixer The mixer
* @arg profileName The profile name (e.g. "capture", "playback", "my-cool-profile", or "any"
* @return The profile name
QString GUIProfile::buildProfileName(Mixer* mixer, QString profileName, bool ignoreCard)
QString fname;
fname += mixer->getDriverName();
if (!ignoreCard) {
fname += ".%1.%2";
fname = fname.arg(mixer->getBaseName()).arg(mixer->getCardInstance());
fname += '.' + profileName;
fname.replace(' ','_');
return fname;
* Generate a readable profile name (for presenting to the user).
* Hint: Currently used as Tab label.
QString GUIProfile::buildReadableProfileName(Mixer* mixer, QString profileName)
QString fname;
fname += mixer->getBaseName();
if ( mixer->getCardInstance() > 1 ) {
fname += " %1";
fname = fname.arg(mixer->getCardInstance());
if ( profileName != "default" ) {
fname += ' ' + profileName;
kDebug() << fname;
return fname;
* Returns the GUIProfile for the given ID (= "fullyQualifiedName").
* If not found 0 is returned. There is no try to load it.
* @returns The loaded GUIProfile for the given ID
GUIProfile* GUIProfile::find(QString id)
// Not thread safe (due to non-atomic contains()/get()
if ( s_profiles.contains(id) )
return s_profiles[id];
return 0;
* Finds the correct profile for the given mixer.
* If already loaded from disk, returns the cached version.
* Otherwise load profile from disk: Priority: Card specific profile, Card unspecific profile
* @arg mixer The mixer
* @arg profileName The profile name (e.g. "ALSA.X-Fi.default", or "OSS.intel-cha51.playback")
* A special case is "", which means that a card specific name should be generated.
* @arg profileNameIsFullyQualified If true, an exact match will be searched. Otherwise it is a simple name like "playback" or "capture"
* @arg ignoreCardName If profileName not fully qualified, this is used in building the requestedProfileName
* @return GUIProfile* The loaded GUIProfile, or 0 if no profile matched. Hint: if you use allowFallback==true, this should never return 0.
GUIProfile* GUIProfile::find(Mixer* mixer, QString profileName, bool profileNameIsFullyQualified, bool ignoreCardName)
GUIProfile* guiprof = 0;
if ( mixer == 0 || profileName.isEmpty() )
return 0;
if ( mixer->isDynamic() ) {
kDebug(67100) << "GUIProfile::find() Not loading GUIProfile for Dynamic Mixer";
return 0;
QString requestedProfileName;
QString fullQualifiedProfileName;
if ( profileNameIsFullyQualified ) {
requestedProfileName = profileName;
fullQualifiedProfileName = profileName;
else {
requestedProfileName = buildProfileName(mixer, profileName, ignoreCardName);
fullQualifiedProfileName = buildProfileName(mixer, profileName, false);
if ( s_profiles.contains(fullQualifiedProfileName) ) {
guiprof = s_profiles.value(fullQualifiedProfileName); // Cached
else {
guiprof = loadProfileFromXMLfiles(mixer, requestedProfileName); // Load from XML ###Card specific profile###
if ( guiprof != 0 ) {
guiprof->_mixerId = mixer->id();
guiprof->setId(fullQualifiedProfileName); // this one contains some soundcard id (basename + instance)
if ( guiprof->getName().isEmpty() ) {
// If the profile didn't contain a name then lets define one
guiprof->setName(buildReadableProfileName(mixer,profileName)); // The caller can rename this if he likes
if ( requestedProfileName != fullQualifiedProfileName) {
// This is very important!
// When the final profileName (fullQualifiedProfileName) is different from
// what we have loaded (requestedProfileName, e.g. "default"), we MUST
// set the profile dirty, so it gets saved. Otherwise we would write the
// fullQualifiedProfileName in the kmixrc, and will not find it on the next
// start of KMix.
return guiprof;
* Add the profile to the internal list of profiles (Profile caching).
void GUIProfile::addProfile(GUIProfile* guiprof)
// Possible TODO: Delete old mapped GUIProfile, if it exists. Otherwise we might leak one GUIProfile instance
// per unplug/plug sequence. Its quite likely possible that currently no Backend leads to a
// leak: This is because they either don't hotplug cards (PulseAudio, MPRIS2), or they ship
// a XML gui profile (so the Cached version is retrieved, and addProfile() is not called).
s_profiles[guiprof->getId()] = guiprof;
kDebug() << "I have added" << guiprof->getId() << "; Number of profiles is now " << s_profiles.size() ;
* Loads a GUI Profile from disk (xml profile file).
* It tries to load the Soundcard specific file first (a).
* If it doesn't exist, it will load the default profile corresponding to the soundcard driver (b).
GUIProfile* GUIProfile::loadProfileFromXMLfiles(Mixer* mixer, QString profileName)
GUIProfile* guiprof = 0;
QString fileName = createNormalizedFilename(profileName);
QString fileNameFQ = KStandardDirs::locate("appdata", fileName );
if ( ! fileNameFQ.isEmpty() ) {
guiprof = new GUIProfile();
if ( guiprof->readProfile(fileNameFQ) && ( guiprof->match(mixer) > 0) ) {
// loaded
else {
delete guiprof; // not good (e.g. Parsing error => drop this profile silently)
guiprof = 0;
else {
kDebug() << "Ignore file " <<fileName<< " (does not exist)";
return guiprof;
* Returns a fallback GUIProfile. You can call this if the backends ships no profile files.
* The returned GUIProfile is also added to the static Map of all GUIProfile instances.
GUIProfile* GUIProfile::fallbackProfile(Mixer *mixer)
// -1- Get name
QString fullQualifiedProfileName = buildProfileName(mixer, QString("default"), false);
GUIProfile *fallback = new GUIProfile();
// -2- Fill details
ProfProduct* prd = new ProfProduct();
prd->vendor = mixer->getDriverName();
prd->productName = mixer->readableName();
prd->productRelease = "1.0";
static QString matchAll(".*");
static QString matchAllSctl(".*");
ProfControl* ctl = new ProfControl(matchAll, matchAllSctl);
//ctl->regexp = matchAll; // make sure id matches the regexp
fallback->_soundcardDriver = mixer->getDriverName();
fallback->_soundcardName = mixer->readableName();
fallback->_mixerId = mixer->id();
fallback->setId(fullQualifiedProfileName); // this one contains some soundcard id (basename + instance)
fallback->setName(buildReadableProfileName(mixer, QString("default"))); // The caller can rename this if he likes
/* -3- Add the profile to the static list
* Hint: This looks like a memory leak, as we never remove profiles from memory while KMix runs.
* Especially with application streams it looks suspicious. But please be aware that this method is only
* called for soundcard hotplugs, and not on stream hotplugs. At least it is supposed to be like that.
* Please also see the docs at addProfile(), they also address the possible memory leakage.
return fallback;
* Fill the profile with the data from the given XML profile file.
* @par ref_fileName: Full qualified filename (with path).
* @return bool True, if the profile was successfully created. False if not (e.g. parsing error).
bool GUIProfile::readProfile(const QString& ref_fileName)
QXmlSimpleReader *xmlReader = new QXmlSimpleReader();
kDebug() << "Read profile:" << ref_fileName ;
QFile xmlFile( ref_fileName );
QXmlInputSource source( &xmlFile );
GUIProfileParser* gpp = new GUIProfileParser(this);
bool ok = xmlReader->parse( source );
//std::cout << "Raw Profile: " << *this;
if ( ok ) {
ok = finalizeProfile();
} // Read OK
else {
// !! this error message about faulty profiles should probably be surrounded with i18n()
kError(67100) << "ERROR: The profile '" << ref_fileName<< "' contains errors, and is not used." << endl;
delete gpp;
delete xmlReader;
return ok;
const QString GUIProfile::createNormalizedFilename(const QString& profileId)
QString profileIdNormalized(profileId);
profileIdNormalized.replace(':', '.');
QString fileName("profiles/");
fileName = fileName + profileIdNormalized + ".xml";
return fileName;
bool GUIProfile::writeProfile()
bool ret = false;
QString profileId = getId();
QString fileName = createNormalizedFilename(profileId);
QString fileNameFQ = KStandardDirs::locateLocal("appdata", fileName, true );
kDebug() << "Write profile:" << fileNameFQ ;
QFile f(fileNameFQ);
if ( f.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QFile::Truncate) )
QTextStream out(&f);
out << *this;
ret = true;
if ( ret ) {
_dirty = false;
return ret;
/** This is now empty. It can be removed */
bool GUIProfile::finalizeProfile() const
bool ok = true;
return ok;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void GUIProfile::setControls(ControlSet& newControlSet)
_controls = newControlSet;
const GUIProfile::ControlSet& GUIProfile::getControls() const
return _controls;
GUIProfile::ControlSet& GUIProfile::getControls()
return _controls;
void GUIProfile::addProduct(ProfProduct* prd)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Returns how good the given Mixer matches this GUIProfile.
* A value between 0 (not matching at all) and MAXLONG (perfect match) is returned.
* Here is the current algorithm:
* If the driver doesn't match, 0 is returned. (OK)
* If the card-name ... (OK)
* is "*", this is worth 1 point
* doesn't match, 0 is returned.
* matches, this is worth 500 points.
* If the "card type" ...
* is empty, this is worth 0 points. !!! not implemented yet
* doesn't match, 0 is returned. !!! not implemented yet
* matches , this is worth 500 points. !!! not implemented yet
* If the "driver version" doesn't match, 0 is returned. !!! not implemented yet
* If the "driver version" matches, this is worth ...
* 4000 unlimited <=> "*:*"
* 6000 toLower-bound-limited <=> "toLower-bound:*"
* 6000 upper-bound-limited <=> "*:upper-bound"
* 8000 upper- and toLower-bound limited <=> "toLower-bound:upper-bound"
* or 10000 points (upper-bound=toLower-bound=bound <=> "bound:bound"
* The Profile-Generation is added to the already achieved points. (done)
* The maximum gain is 900 points.
* Thus you can create up to 900 generations (0-899) without "overriding"
* the points gained from the "driver version" or "card-type".
* For example: card-name="*" (1), card-type matches (1000),
* driver version "*:*" (4000), Profile-Generation 4 (4).
* Sum: 1 + 1000 + 4000 + 4 = 5004
* @todo Implement "card type" match value
* @todo Implement "version" match value (must be in backends as well)
unsigned long GUIProfile::match(Mixer* mixer) {
unsigned long matchValue = 0;
if ( _soundcardDriver != mixer->getDriverName() ) {
return 0;
if ( _soundcardName == "*" ) {
matchValue += 1;
else if ( _soundcardName != mixer->getBaseName() ) {
return 0; // card name does not match
else {
matchValue += 500; // card name matches
// !!! we don't check current for the driver version.
// So we assign simply 4000 points for now.
matchValue += 4000;
if ( _generation < 900 ) {
matchValue += _generation;
else {
matchValue += 900;
return matchValue;
QString xmlify(QString raw);
QString xmlify(QString raw)
// kDebug() << "Before: " << raw;
raw = raw.replace('&', "&amp;");
raw = raw.replace('<', "&lt;");
raw = raw.replace('>', "&gt;");
raw = raw.replace("'", "&apos;");
raw = raw.replace("\"", "&quot;");
// kDebug() << "After : " << raw;
return raw;
QTextStream& operator<<(QTextStream &os, const GUIProfile& guiprof)
// kDebug() << "ENTER QTextStream& operator<<";
os << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>";
os << endl << endl;
os << "<soundcard driver=\"" << xmlify(guiprof._soundcardDriver).toUtf8().constData() << "\""
<< " version = \"" << guiprof._driverVersionMin << ":" << guiprof._driverVersionMax << "\"" << endl
<< " name = \"" << xmlify(guiprof._soundcardName).toUtf8().constData() << "\"" << endl
<< " type = \"" << xmlify(guiprof._soundcardType).toUtf8().constData() << "\"" << endl
<< " generation = \"" << guiprof._generation << "\"" << endl
<< ">" << endl << endl ;
os << "<profile id=\"" << xmlify(guiprof._id) << "\" name=\"" << xmlify(guiprof._name) << "\"/>" << endl;
for ( GUIProfile::ProductSet::const_iterator it = guiprof._products.begin(); it != guiprof._products.end(); ++it)
ProfProduct* prd = *it;
os << "<product vendor=\"" << xmlify(prd->vendor).toUtf8().constData() << "\" name=\"" << xmlify(prd->productName).toUtf8().constData() << "\"";
if ( ! prd->productRelease.isNull() ) {
os << " release=\"" << xmlify(prd->productRelease).toUtf8().constData() << "\"";
if ( ! prd->comment.isNull() ) {
os << " comment=\"" << xmlify(prd->comment).toUtf8().constData() << "\"";
os << " />" << endl;
} // for all products
os << endl;
foreach ( ProfControl* profControl, guiprof.getControls() )
os << "<control id=\"" << xmlify(profControl->id).toUtf8().constData() << "\"" ;
if ( !profControl->name.isNull() && profControl->name != profControl->id ) {
os << " name=\"" << xmlify(profControl->name).toUtf8().constData() << "\"" ;
os << " subcontrols=\"" << xmlify( profControl->renderSubcontrols().toUtf8().constData()) << "\"" ;
os << " show=\"" << xmlify(profControl->show).toUtf8().constData() << "\"" ;
if ( profControl->isMandatory() ) {
os << " mandatory=\"true\"";
if ( profControl->isSplit() ) {
os << " split=\"true\"";
os << " />" << endl;
} // for all controls
os << endl;
os << "</soundcard>" << endl;
// kDebug() << "EXIT QTextStream& operator<<";
return os;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const GUIProfile& guiprof) {
os << "Soundcard:" << std::endl
<< " Driver=" << guiprof._soundcardDriver.toUtf8().constData() << std::endl
<< " Driver-Version min=" << guiprof._driverVersionMin
<< " max=" << guiprof._driverVersionMax << std::endl
<< " Card-Name=" << guiprof._soundcardName.toUtf8().constData() << std::endl
<< " Card-Type=" << guiprof._soundcardType.toUtf8().constData() << std::endl
<< " Profile-Generation=" << guiprof._generation
<< std::endl;
os << "Profile:" << std::endl
<< " Id=" << guiprof._id.toUtf8().constData() << std::endl
<< " Name=" << guiprof._name.toUtf8().constData() << std::endl;
for ( GUIProfile::ProductSet::const_iterator it = guiprof._products.begin(); it != guiprof._products.end(); ++it)
ProfProduct* prd = *it;
os << "Product:\n Vendor=" << prd->vendor.toUtf8().constData() << std::endl << " Name=" << prd->productName.toUtf8().constData() << std::endl;
if ( ! prd->productRelease.isNull() ) {
os << " Release=" << prd->productRelease.toUtf8().constData() << std::endl;
if ( ! prd->comment.isNull() ) {
os << " Comment = " << prd->comment.toUtf8().constData() << std::endl;
} // for all products
foreach ( ProfControl* profControl, guiprof.getControls() )
// ProfControl* profControl = *it;
os << "Control:\n ID=" << profControl->id.toUtf8().constData() << std::endl;
if ( !profControl->name.isNull() && profControl->name != profControl->id ) {
os << " Name = " << profControl->name.toUtf8().constData() << std::endl;
os << " Subcontrols=" << profControl->renderSubcontrols().toUtf8().constData() << std::endl;
if ( profControl->isMandatory() ) {
os << " mandatory=\"true\"" << std::endl;
if ( profControl->isSplit() ) {
os << " split=\"true\"" << std::endl;
} // for all controls
return os;
ProfControl::ProfControl(QString& id, QString& subcontrols ) :
_mandatory(false), _split(false) {
d = new ProfControlPrivate();
this->show = "simple";
this->id = id;
ProfControl::ProfControl(const ProfControl &profControl) :
_mandatory(false), _split(false) {
d = new ProfControlPrivate();
id = profControl.id;
name = profControl.name;
_useSubcontrolPlayback = profControl._useSubcontrolPlayback;
_useSubcontrolCapture = profControl._useSubcontrolCapture;
_useSubcontrolPlaybackSwitch = profControl._useSubcontrolPlaybackSwitch;
_useSubcontrolCaptureSwitch = profControl._useSubcontrolCaptureSwitch;
_useSubcontrolEnum = profControl._useSubcontrolEnum;
d->subcontrols = profControl.d->subcontrols;
name = profControl.name;
show = profControl.show;
backgroundColor = profControl.backgroundColor;
switchtype = profControl.switchtype;
_mandatory = profControl._mandatory;
_split = profControl._split;
ProfControl::~ProfControl() {
delete d;
void ProfControl::setVisible(bool visible)
show = visible ? GUIProfile::PNameSimple : GUIProfile::PNameExtended;
void ProfControl::setSubcontrols(QString sctls)
d->subcontrols = sctls;
_useSubcontrolPlayback = false;
_useSubcontrolCapture = false;
_useSubcontrolPlaybackSwitch = false;
_useSubcontrolCaptureSwitch = false;
_useSubcontrolEnum = false;
QStringList qsl = sctls.split( ',', QString::SkipEmptyParts, Qt::CaseInsensitive);
QStringListIterator qslIt(qsl);
while (qslIt.hasNext()) {
QString sctl = qslIt.next();
//kDebug() << "setSubcontrols found: " << sctl.toLocal8Bit().constData() << endl;
if ( sctl == "pvolume" ) _useSubcontrolPlayback = true;
else if ( sctl == "cvolume" ) _useSubcontrolCapture = true;
else if ( sctl == "pswitch" ) _useSubcontrolPlaybackSwitch = true;
else if ( sctl == "cswitch" ) _useSubcontrolCaptureSwitch = true;
else if ( sctl == "enum" ) _useSubcontrolEnum = true;
else if ( sctl == "*" || sctl == ".*") {
_useSubcontrolCapture = true;
_useSubcontrolCaptureSwitch = true;
_useSubcontrolPlayback = true;
_useSubcontrolPlaybackSwitch = true;
_useSubcontrolEnum = true;
else kWarning() << "Ignoring unknown subcontrol type '" << sctl << "' in profile";
QString ProfControl::renderSubcontrols()
QString sctlString;
if ( _useSubcontrolPlayback && _useSubcontrolPlaybackSwitch && _useSubcontrolCapture && _useSubcontrolCaptureSwitch && _useSubcontrolEnum ) {
return QString("*");
else {
if ( _useSubcontrolPlayback ) {
sctlString += "pvolume,";
if ( _useSubcontrolCapture ) {
sctlString += "cvolume,";
if ( _useSubcontrolPlaybackSwitch ) {
sctlString += "pswitch,";
if ( _useSubcontrolCaptureSwitch ) {
sctlString += "cswitch,";
if ( _useSubcontrolEnum ) {
sctlString += "enum,";
if ( sctlString.length() > 0 ) {
return sctlString;
// ### PARSER START ################################################
GUIProfileParser::GUIProfileParser(GUIProfile* ref_gp) : _guiProfile(ref_gp)
_scope = GUIProfileParser::NONE; // no scope yet
bool GUIProfileParser::startDocument()
_scope = GUIProfileParser::NONE; // no scope yet
return true;
bool GUIProfileParser::startElement( const QString& ,
const QString& ,
const QString& qName,
const QXmlAttributes& attributes )
switch ( _scope ) {
case GUIProfileParser::NONE:
/** we are reading the "top level" ***************************/
if ( qName.toLower() == "soundcard" ) {
_scope = GUIProfileParser::SOUNDCARD;
else {
// skip unknown top-level nodes
std::cerr << "Ignoring unsupported element '" << qName.toUtf8().constData() << "'" << std::endl;
// we are accepting <soundcard> only
case GUIProfileParser::SOUNDCARD:
if ( qName.toLower() == "product" ) {
// Defines product names under which the chipset/hardware is sold
else if ( qName.toLower() == "control" ) {
else if ( qName.toLower() == "profile" ) {
else {
std::cerr << "Ignoring unsupported element '" << qName.toUtf8().constData() << "'" << std::endl;
// we are accepting <product>, <control> and <tab>
} // switch()
return true;
bool GUIProfileParser::endElement( const QString&, const QString&, const QString& qName )
if ( qName == "soundcard" ) {
_scope = GUIProfileParser::NONE; // should work out OK, as we don't nest soundcard entries
return true;
void GUIProfileParser::addSoundcard(const QXmlAttributes& attributes) {
std::cout << "Soundcard: ";
QString driver = attributes.value("driver");
QString version = attributes.value("version");
QString name = attributes.value("name");
QString type = attributes.value("type");
QString generation = attributes.value("generation");
if ( !driver.isNull() && !name.isNull() ) {
_guiProfile->_soundcardDriver = driver;
_guiProfile->_soundcardName = name;
if ( type.isNull() ) {
_guiProfile->_soundcardType = "";
else {
_guiProfile->_soundcardType = type;
if ( version.isNull() ) {
_guiProfile->_driverVersionMin = 0;
_guiProfile->_driverVersionMax = 0;
else {
std::pair<QString,QString> versionMinMax;
splitPair(version, versionMinMax, ':');
_guiProfile->_driverVersionMin = versionMinMax.first.toULong();
_guiProfile->_driverVersionMax = versionMinMax.second.toULong();
if ( type.isNull() ) { type = ""; };
if ( generation.isNull() ) {
_guiProfile->_generation = 0;
else {
// Hint: If the conversion fails, _generation will be assigned 0 (which is fine)
_guiProfile->_generation = generation.toUInt();
void GUIProfileParser::addProfileInfo(const QXmlAttributes& attributes) {
QString name = attributes.value("name");
QString id = attributes.value("id");
void GUIProfileParser::addProduct(const QXmlAttributes& attributes) {
std::cout << "Product: ";
QString vendor = attributes.value("vendor");
QString name = attributes.value("name");
QString release = attributes.value("release");
QString comment = attributes.value("comment");
if ( !vendor.isNull() && !name.isNull() ) {
// Adding a product makes only sense if we have at least vendor and product name
ProfProduct *prd = new ProfProduct();
prd->vendor = vendor;
prd->productName = name;
prd->productRelease = release;
prd->comment = comment;
void GUIProfileParser::addControl(const QXmlAttributes& attributes) {
std::cout << "Control: ";
QString id = attributes.value("id");
QString subcontrols = attributes.value("subcontrols");
QString name = attributes.value("name");
QString show = attributes.value("show");
QString background = attributes.value("background");
QString switchtype = attributes.value("switchtype");
QString mandatory = attributes.value("mandatory");
QString split = attributes.value("split");
bool isMandatory = false;
if ( !id.isNull() ) {
// We need at least an "id". We can set defaults for the rest, if undefined.
if ( subcontrols.isNull() || subcontrols.isEmpty() ) {
subcontrols = '*'; // for compatibility reasons, we interpret an empty string as match-all (aka "*")
if ( name.isNull() ) {
// ignore. isNull() will be checked by all users.
if ( ! mandatory.isNull() && mandatory == "true" ) {
isMandatory = true;
if ( !background.isNull() ) {
// ignore. isNull() will be checked by all users.
if ( !switchtype.isNull() ) {
// ignore. isNull() will be checked by all users.
ProfControl *profControl = new ProfControl(id, subcontrols);
if ( show.isNull() ) { show = '*'; }
profControl->name = name;
profControl->show = show;
profControl->setBackgroundColor( background );
if ( !split.isNull() && split=="true") {
} // id != null
void GUIProfileParser::printAttributes(const QXmlAttributes& attributes) {
if ( attributes.length() > 0 ) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < attributes.length(); i++ ) {
std::cout << attributes.qName(i).toUtf8().constData() << ":"<< attributes.value(i).toUtf8().constData() << " , ";
std::cout << std::endl;
void GUIProfileParser::splitPair(const QString& pairString, std::pair<QString,QString>& result, char delim)
int delimPos = pairString.indexOf(delim);
if ( delimPos == -1 ) {
// delimiter not found => use an empty String for "second"
result.first = pairString;
result.second = "";
else {
// delimiter found
result.first = pairString.mid(0,delimPos);
result.second = pairString.left(delimPos+1);