2015-07-26 14:23:17 +03:00

3889 lines
111 KiB

#include "cmakeasttest.h"
#include "cmakeast.h"
#include "cmakelistsparser.h"
#include <astfactory.h>
QTEST_MAIN( CMakeAstTest )
void CMakeAstTest::testAddDefinitionsGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("add_definitions");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testAddDefinitionsGoodParse_data()
CMakeFunctionDesc func;
func.name = "add_definitions";
QStringList argList;
argList << "-DFOOBAR" << "-DQT_NO_STL";
func.addArguments( argList );
QTest::addColumn<CMakeFunctionDesc>( "function" );
QTest::newRow( "simple" ) << func;
void CMakeAstTest::testAddDefinitionsBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("add_definitions");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testAddDefinitionsBadParse_data()
CMakeFunctionDesc func;
func.name = "add_definition";
QStringList argList;
argList << "-DFOOBAR" << "-DQT_NO_STL";
func.addArguments( argList );
QTest::addColumn<CMakeFunctionDesc>( "function" );
QTest::newRow( "simple - bad" ) << func;
void CMakeAstTest::testAddDependenciesGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("add_dependencies");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testAddDependenciesGoodParse_data()
CMakeFunctionDesc func;
func.name = "add_dependencies";
QStringList argList;
argList << "target-name" << "dep1" << "dep2";
func.addArguments( argList );
QTest::addColumn<CMakeFunctionDesc>( "function" );
QTest::newRow( "simple" ) << func;
void CMakeAstTest::testAddDependenciesBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("add_dependencies");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testAddDependenciesBadParse_data()
CMakeFunctionDesc func;
func.name = "add_dependencies";
QStringList argList;
CMakeFunctionDesc func2;
func2.name = "add_dependencies";
QStringList argList2;
argList2 << "target";
func2.addArguments( argList2 );
CMakeFunctionDesc func3;
func3.name = "foobar";
QStringList argList3;
argList3 << "target" << "dep1" << "dep2";
func3.addArguments( argList3 );
QTest::addColumn<CMakeFunctionDesc>( "function" );
QTest::newRow( "no args" ) << func;
QTest::newRow( "one arg" ) << func2;
QTest::newRow( "two args. wrong name" ) << func3;
void CMakeAstTest::testAddExecutableGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("add_executable");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testAddExecutableGoodParse_data()
CMakeFunctionDesc func;
func.name = "add_executable";
QStringList argList;
argList << "foo" << "bar.c";
func.addArguments( argList );
CMakeFunctionDesc func2;
func2.name = "add_executable";
QStringList argList2;
argList2 << "foo" << "WIN32" << "${mysrcs_SRCS}";
func2.addArguments( argList2 );
CMakeFunctionDesc func3;
func3.name = "add_executable";
QStringList argList3;
argList3 << "foo" << "MACOSX_BUNDLE" << "${mysrcs_SRCS}";
func3.addArguments( argList3 );
CMakeFunctionDesc func4;
func4.name = "add_executable";
QStringList argList4;
argList4 << "foo" << "EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL" << "${mysrcs_SRCS}";
func4.addArguments( argList4 );
CMakeFunctionDesc func5;
func5.name = "add_executable";
QStringList argList5;
argList5 << "foo" << "WIN32" << "MACOSX_BUNDLE" << "EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL"
<< "${mysrcs_SRCS}";
func5.addArguments( argList5 );
CMakeFunctionDesc func6;
func6.name = "add_executable";
QStringList argList6=QString("KDE4__kconfig_compiler IMPORTED").split(' ');
func6.addArguments( argList6 );
QTest::addColumn<CMakeFunctionDesc>( "function" );
QTest::newRow( "only sources" ) << func;
QTest::newRow( "win 32 app" ) << func2;
QTest::newRow( "mac os bundle" ) << func3;
QTest::newRow( "exclude from all" ) << func4;
QTest::newRow( "all" ) << func5;
QTest::newRow( "imported" ) << func6;
void CMakeAstTest::testAddExecutableBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("add_executable");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testAddExecutableBadParse_data()
CMakeFunctionDesc func;
func.name = "add_executable";
QStringList argList;
argList << "foo";
func.addArguments( argList );
CMakeFunctionDesc func2;
func2.name = "addexecutable";
QStringList argList2;
argList2 << "foo" << "${mysrcs_SRCS}";
func2.addArguments( argList2 );
CMakeFunctionDesc func3;
func3.name = "add_executable";
QStringList argList3;
func3.addArguments( argList3 );
CMakeFunctionDesc func4;
func4.name = "add_executable";
QStringList argList4;
argList4 << "foo" << "WIN32";
func4.addArguments( argList4 );
QTest::addColumn<CMakeFunctionDesc>( "function" );
QTest::newRow( "no sources" ) << func;
QTest::newRow( "wrong name" ) << func2;
QTest::newRow( "no arguments" ) << func3;
QTest::newRow( "flags but no sources" ) << func4;
void CMakeAstTest::testAddLibraryGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("add_library");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testAddLibraryGoodParse_data()
CMakeFunctionDesc func, func2, func3, func4, func5;
QStringList argList, argList2, argList3, argList4;
func.name = func2.name = func3.name = func4.name = func5.name = "add_library";
argList << "foo" << "a.cpp";
func.addArguments( argList );
argList2 << "foo2" << "SHARED" << "a.cpp";
func2.addArguments( argList2 );
argList3 << "foo3" << "EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL" << "a.cpp";
func3.addArguments( argList3 );
argList4 << "foo4" << "MODULE" << "EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL" << "foo.c" << "bar.c" << "baz.c";
func4.addArguments( argList4 );
func5.addArguments( QString("krossui SHARED IMPORTED").split(' ') );
QTest::addColumn<CMakeFunctionDesc>( "function" );
QTest::newRow( "simple" ) << func;
QTest::newRow( "shared" ) << func2;
QTest::newRow( "exclude" ) << func3;
QTest::newRow( "full" ) << func4;
QTest::newRow( "imported" ) << func5;
QTest::newRow( "alias" ) << CMakeFunctionDesc("add_library", QString("A ALIAS B").split(' '));
void CMakeAstTest::testAddLibraryBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("add_library");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testAddLibraryBadParse_data()
CMakeFunctionDesc func, func2, func3;
QStringList argList, argList2, argList3;
func.name = func2.name = func3.name = "add_library";
func.name = "wrong_name";
argList << "foo" << "a.cpp";
func.addArguments( argList );
func2.addArguments( argList2 );
argList3 << "no-sources" << "EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL";
func3.addArguments( argList3 );
QTest::addColumn<CMakeFunctionDesc>( "function" );
QTest::newRow( "wrong name" ) << func;
QTest::newRow( "no args" ) << func2;
QTest::newRow( "no sources" ) << func3;
void CMakeAstTest::testAddSubdirectoryGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("add_subdirectory");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testAddSubdirectoryGoodParse_data()
CMakeFunctionDesc func, func2, func3, func4;
func.name = "add_subdirectory";
func.addArguments( QStringList( "foodir" ) );
func2.name = "add_subdirectory";
func2.addArguments( QStringList( "foodir" ) );
func3.name = "add_subdirectory";
QStringList argList3;
argList3 << "foodir" << "binary_foo_dir" << "EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL";
func3.addArguments( argList3 );
func4.name = "add_subdirectory";
QStringList argList4;
argList4 << "foodir" << "binary_foo_dir";
func4.addArguments( argList4 );
QTest::addColumn<CMakeFunctionDesc>( "function" );
QTest::newRow( "good lowercase" ) << func;
QTest::newRow( "good uppercase" ) << func2;
QTest::newRow( "good all args" ) << func3;
QTest::newRow( "good binary dir only" ) << func4;
void CMakeAstTest::testAddSubdirectoryBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("add_subdirectory");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testAddSubdirectoryBadParse_data()
CMakeFunctionDesc func, func2, func3;
func.name = func3.name = "ADD_SUBDIRECTORY";
func2.name = "foobar";
func2.addArguments( QStringList() << "foodir" );
func3.addArguments( QStringList() << "srcdir" << "bindir" << "spuriousdir" );
QTest::addColumn<CMakeFunctionDesc>( "function" );
QTest::newRow( "no arguments" ) << func;
QTest::newRow( "bad func name" ) << func2;
QTest::newRow( "too many arguments" ) << func3;
void CMakeAstTest::testAddTestGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
QFETCH( QStringList, args );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("add_test");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
QCOMPARE( ((AddTestAst*)ast)->testName(), QString("test_name") );
QCOMPARE( ((AddTestAst*)ast)->exeName(), QString("exec_name") );
QCOMPARE( ((AddTestAst*)ast)->testArgs(), args );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testAddTestGoodParse_data()
CMakeFunctionDesc func1, func2, func3, func4;
func1.name = "add_test";
func2.name = "add_test";
func3.name = "add_test";
func4.name = "add_test";
QStringList argList1, argList2, argList3, argList4;
argList1 << "test_name" << "exec_name";
argList2 << "test_name" << "exec_name" << "arg1";
argList3 << "NAME" << "test_name" << "COMMAND" << "exec_name";
argList4 << "NAME" << "test_name" << "CONFIGURATIONS" << "Debug" << "WORKING_DIRECTORY" << "/home/user" << "COMMAND" << "exec_name" << "arg1";
func1.addArguments( argList1 );
func2.addArguments( argList2 );
func3.addArguments( argList3 );
func4.addArguments( argList4 );
QTest::addColumn<CMakeFunctionDesc>( "function" );
QTest::addColumn<QStringList>( "args" );
QTest::newRow( "good req args" ) << func1 << QStringList();
QTest::newRow( "good opt args" ) << func2 << (QStringList() << "arg1");
QTest::newRow( "good extended req args" ) << func3 << QStringList();
QTest::newRow( "good extended opt args" ) << func4 << (QStringList() << "arg1");
void CMakeAstTest::testAddTestBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("add_test");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testAddTestBadParse_data()
CMakeFunctionDesc func1, func2, func3, func4;
func1.name = "wrong_name";
func2.name = func3.name = func4.name = "add_test";
QStringList argList1, argList2, argList3, argList4;
argList1 << "some" << "args";
argList2 << "one arg";
argList4 << "NAME" << "test_name" << "CONFIGURATIONS" << "Debug" << "WORKING_DIRECTORY" << "/home/user";
func1.addArguments( argList1 );
func2.addArguments( argList2 );
func3.addArguments( argList3 );
func4.addArguments( argList4 );
QTest::addColumn<CMakeFunctionDesc>( "function" );
QTest::newRow( "wrong name" ) << func1;
QTest::newRow( "not enough args" ) << func2;
QTest::newRow( "no args" ) << func3;
QTest::newRow( "no command" ) << func4;
void CMakeAstTest::testAuxSourceDirectoryGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("aux_source_directory");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testAuxSourceDirectoryGoodParse_data()
CMakeFunctionDesc func1;
func1.name = "aux_source_directory";
QStringList argList;
argList << "foo1" << "foo2";
func1.addArguments( argList );
QTest::addColumn<CMakeFunctionDesc>( "function" );
QTest::newRow( "good uppercase" ) << func1;
void CMakeAstTest::testAuxSourceDirectoryBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("aux_source_directory");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testAuxSourceDirectoryBadParse_data()
CMakeFunctionDesc func1, func2;
func1.name = "AUX_SOURCE_DIRECTORY";
func2.name = "wrong name";
QStringList argList;
argList << "foo1" << "foo2";
func2.addArguments( argList );
QTest::addColumn<CMakeFunctionDesc>( "function" );
QTest::newRow( "bad no args" ) << func1;
QTest::newRow( "bad wrong name" ) << func2;
void CMakeAstTest::testBreakGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("break");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testBreakGoodParse_data()
CMakeFunctionDesc func1, func2;
func1.name = "break";
func2.addArguments( QStringList() );
QTest::addColumn<CMakeFunctionDesc>( "function" );
QTest::newRow( "good" ) << func1;
void CMakeAstTest::testBreakBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("break");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testBreakBadParse_data()
CMakeFunctionDesc func1;
func1.name = "wrong name";
QTest::addColumn<CMakeFunctionDesc>( "function" );
QTest::newRow( "bad wrong name" ) << func1;
void CMakeAstTest::testBuildCommandGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("build_command");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testBuildCommandGoodParse_data()
CMakeFunctionDesc func1, func2;
func2.name = func1.name = "build_command";
QStringList argList;
argList << "mybuildtool" << "my_cool_build";
func1.addArguments( argList );
func2.arguments = func1.arguments;
QTest::addColumn<CMakeFunctionDesc>( "function" );
QTest::newRow( "good lower" ) << func1;
QTest::newRow( "good upper" ) << func2;
void CMakeAstTest::testBuildCommandBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("build_command");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testBuildCommandBadParse_data()
CMakeFunctionDesc func1, func2, func3;
func1.name = "build_command";
func2.name = "some_other_foo";
func3.name = func1.name;
QStringList argList, argList2;
argList << "mymake" << "unsermake";
argList2 << "single argument";
func2.addArguments( argList );
func3.addArguments( argList2 );
QTest::addColumn<CMakeFunctionDesc>( "function" );
QTest::newRow( "bad no args" ) << func1;
QTest::newRow( "bad wrong name" ) << func2;
QTest::newRow( "bad not enough args" ) << func3;
void CMakeAstTest::testBuildNameGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("build_name");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testBuildNameGoodParse_data()
CMakeFunctionDesc func1, func2;
func1.name = "build_name";
func2.name = func1.name;
QStringList argList;
argList << "my_cool_build";
func1.addArguments( argList );
func2.arguments = func1.arguments;
QTest::addColumn<CMakeFunctionDesc>( "function" );
QTest::newRow( "good lower" ) << func1;
QTest::newRow( "good upper" ) << func2;
void CMakeAstTest::testBuildNameBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("build_name");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testBuildNameBadParse_data()
CMakeFunctionDesc func1, func2;
func1.name = "build_name";
func2.name = "wrong_func_name";
QStringList argList;
argList << "my_cool_build";
func2.arguments = func1.arguments;
QTest::addColumn<CMakeFunctionDesc>( "function" );
QTest::newRow( "bad no args" ) << func1;
QTest::newRow( "ban wrong name" ) << func2;
void CMakeAstTest::testCMakeMinimumRequiredGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("cmake_minimum_required");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
CMakeMinimumRequiredAst* minimumRequiredAst = static_cast<CMakeMinimumRequiredAst*>(ast);
QFETCH(QList<int>, version);
QFETCH(bool, fatal);
QCOMPARE(minimumRequiredAst->version(), version);
QCOMPARE(minimumRequiredAst->wrongVersionIsFatal(), fatal);
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testCMakeMinimumRequiredGoodParse_data()
CMakeFunctionDesc func1, func2, func3, func4;
func2.name = func3.name = func4.name = func1.name = "cmake_minimum_required";
QStringList argList1, argList2, argList3, argList4;
argList1 << "VERSION" << "2.4";
argList2 = argList1;
argList2 << "FATAL_ERROR";
argList4 << "VERSION" << "2.6.3";
func1.addArguments( argList1 );
func2.addArguments( argList1 );
func3.addArguments( argList2 );
func4.addArguments( argList4 );
QTest::addColumn<QList<int> >("version");
QTest::newRow( "good upper case" ) << func1 << (QList<int>() << 2 << 4) << false;
QTest::newRow( "good lower case" ) << func2 << (QList<int>() << 2 << 4) << false;
QTest::newRow( "good all args" ) << func3 << (QList<int>() << 2 << 4) << true;
QTest::newRow( "good three components" ) << func4 << (QList<int>() << 2 << 6 << 3) << false;
void CMakeAstTest::testCMakeMinimumRequiredBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("cmake_minimum_required");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testCMakeMinimumRequiredBadParse_data()
CMakeFunctionDesc func1, func2, func3, func4, func5;
func1.name = "wrong_name";
func2.name = func3.name = func4.name = func5.name = "cmake_minimum_required";
QStringList argList1, argList2, argList3, argList5;
argList1 << "VERSION" << "2.4";
argList2 << "VERSION";
argList3 << "VERSION" << "FATAL_ERROR";
argList5 << "VERSION" << "2.4" << "JUNK";
func1.addArguments( argList1 );
func2.addArguments( argList2 );
func3.addArguments( argList3 );
func5.addArguments( argList5 );
QTest::addColumn<CMakeFunctionDesc>( "function" );
QTest::newRow( "wrong name" ) << func1;
QTest::newRow( "no version number 1" ) << func2;
QTest::newRow( "no version number 2" ) << func3;
QTest::newRow( "no arguments" ) << func4;
QTest::newRow( "invalid third arg" ) << func5;
void CMakeAstTest::testCMakePolicyGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("cmake_policy");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testCMakePolicyGoodParse_data()
CMakeFunctionDesc func[4];
func[1].name = func[2].name = func[3].name = func[0].name = "cmake_policy";
QStringList argList[4];
argList[0] << "VERSION" << "2.4";
argList[1] << "SET" << "CMP333" << "NEW";
argList[2] << "POP";
argList[3] << "PUSH";
func[0].addArguments( argList[0] );
func[1].addArguments( argList[1] );
func[2].addArguments( argList[2] );
func[3].addArguments( argList[3] );
QTest::addColumn<CMakeFunctionDesc>( "function" );
QTest::newRow( "good version" ) << func[0];
QTest::newRow( "good cmpset" ) << func[1];
QTest::newRow( "good pop" ) << func[2];
QTest::newRow( "good push" ) << func[3];
void CMakeAstTest::testCMakePolicyBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("cmake_policy");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testCMakePolicyBadParse_data()
CMakeFunctionDesc func[6];
func[0].name = "iamwrong";
func[1].name = func[2].name = func[3].name = func[4].name = func[5].name = "cmake_policy";
QStringList argList[5];
argList[0] << "VERSION" << "AB";
argList[1] << "SET" << "CMP123" << "NOTNEW";
argList[2] << "POP" << "33";
argList[3] << "PUSH" << "44";
argList[4] << "BUTTERFLY" << "44";
func[0].addArguments( argList[0] );
func[1].addArguments( argList[0] );
func[2].addArguments( argList[1] );
func[3].addArguments( argList[2] );
func[4].addArguments( argList[3] );
func[5].addArguments( argList[4] );
QTest::addColumn<CMakeFunctionDesc>( "function" );
QTest::newRow( "bad name" ) << func[0];
QTest::newRow( "bad version" ) << func[1];
QTest::newRow( "bad cmpset" ) << func[2];
QTest::newRow( "bad pop" ) << func[3];
QTest::newRow( "bad push" ) << func[4];
QTest::newRow( "bad parameter" ) << func[4];
void CMakeAstTest::testConfigureFileGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("configure_file");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testConfigureFileGoodParse_data()
CMakeFunctionDesc func1, func2, func3, func4, func5;
func1.name = func2.name = "configure_file";
func3.name = func4.name = func5.name = func2.name;
QStringList argList1, argList2, argList3, argList4;
argList1 << "inputfile" << "outputfile";
argList2 = argList1 << "COPYONLY";
argList3 = argList2 << "ESCAPE_QUOTES";
argList4 = argList3 << "@ONLY";
func1.addArguments( argList1 );
func2.addArguments( argList1 );
func3.addArguments( argList2 );
func4.addArguments( argList3 );
func5.addArguments( argList4 );
QTest::addColumn<CMakeFunctionDesc>( "function" );
QTest::newRow( "good uppercase min args" ) << func1;
QTest::newRow( "good lowercase min args" ) << func2;
QTest::newRow( "good lowercase 3 args" ) << func3;
QTest::newRow( "good lowercase 4 args" ) << func4;
QTest::newRow( "good lowercase 5 args" ) << func5;
void CMakeAstTest::testConfigureFileBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("configure_file");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testConfigureFileBadParse_data()
CMakeFunctionDesc func1, func2, func3;
func1.name = "wrong_func_name";
func2.name = func3.name = "configure_file";
QStringList argList1, argList2, argList3;
argList1 << "sourcefile" << "outputfile";
argList2 << "only_one";
func1.addArguments( argList1 );
func2.addArguments( argList2 );
func3.addArguments( argList3 );
QTest::addColumn<CMakeFunctionDesc>( "function" );
QTest::newRow( "bad wrong name" ) << func1;
QTest::newRow( "bad only one arg" ) << func2;
QTest::newRow( "bad no args" ) << func3;
void CMakeAstTest::testCustomCommandGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("add_custom_command");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testCustomCommandGoodParse_data()
QTest::addColumn<CMakeFunctionDesc>( "function" );
CMakeFunctionDesc func;
func.name = "add_custom_command";
QStringList argList;
argList << "OUTPUT" << "foo" << "COMMAND" << "bar";
func.addArguments( argList );
func.line = 0;
CMakeFunctionDesc func1;
func1.name = "add_custom_command";
QStringList argList1;
argList1 << "OUTPUT" << "foo" << "COMMAND" << "bar";
argList1 << "MAIN_DEPENDENCY" << "dep1" << "DEPENDS" << "dep1" << "dep2";
argList1 << "WORKING_DIRECTORY" << "dir1" << "COMMENT" << "some comment";
argList1 << "VERBATIM" << "APPEND";
func1.addArguments( argList1 );
CMakeFunctionDesc func2;
func2.name = "ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND";
QStringList argList2;
argList2 << "OUTPUT" << "foo" << "COMMAND" << "bar" << "ARGS" << "baz";
argList2 << "MAIN_DEPENDENCY" << "dep1" << "DEPENDS" << "dep1" << "dep2";
argList2 << "WORKING_DIRECTORY" << "dir1" << "COMMENT" << "some comment";
argList2 << "VERBATIM" << "APPEND";
func2.addArguments( argList2 );
CMakeFunctionDesc func3;
func3.name = "ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND";
QStringList argList3;
argList3 << "TARGET" << "foo" << "PRE_BUILD" << "COMMAND" << "bar";
argList3 << "MAIN_DEPENDENCY" << "dep1" << "DEPENDS" << "dep1" << "dep2";
argList3 << "WORKING_DIRECTORY" << "dir1" << "COMMENT" << "some comment";
func3.addArguments( argList3 );
QTest::newRow( "no optional" ) << func;
QTest::newRow( "all optional" ) << func1;
QTest::newRow( "optional with arg" ) << func2;
QTest::newRow( "second form all optional uppercase" ) << func3;
void CMakeAstTest::testCustomCommandBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("add_custom_command");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testCustomCommandBadParse_data()
QTest::addColumn<CMakeFunctionDesc>( "function" );
CMakeFunctionDesc func;
func.name = "foo";
func.line = 0;
CMakeFunctionDesc func_noargs;
func_noargs.name = "add_custom_command";
CMakeFunctionDesc func2;
func2.name = "add_custom_command";
QStringList argList2;
argList2 << "nottarget" << "foo" << "notcommand" << "foo1";
func2.addArguments( argList2 );
func2.line = 0;
CMakeFunctionDesc func3("add_custom_command", QStringList("target") << "foo" << "no_pre_build" << "foo1");
CMakeFunctionDesc func4("add_custom_command", QStringList("output") << "foo1" << "no_command" << "foo2");
CMakeFunctionDesc func5("add_custom_command", QStringList("target") << "foo" << "PRE_BUILD" << "no_command");
QTest::newRow( "wrong function" ) << func;
QTest::newRow( "right function. no args" ) << func_noargs;
QTest::newRow( "wrong params 1" ) << func2;
QTest::newRow( "wrong params 2" ) << func3;
QTest::newRow( "wrong params 3" ) << func4;
QTest::newRow( "wrong params 4" ) << func5;
void CMakeAstTest::testCustomTargetGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("add_custom_target");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testCustomTargetGoodParse_data()
CMakeFunctionDesc func1;
func1.name = "add_custom_target";
QStringList argList1;
argList1 << "MyName" << "ALL" << "foobar --test" << "COMMAND"
<< "barbaz --foo" << "DEPENDS" << "dep1" << "dep2" << "dep3"
<< "WORKING_DIRECTORY" << "/path/to/my/dir" << "COMMENT"
<< "this is my comment" << "VERBATIM";
func1.addArguments( argList1 );
CMakeFunctionDesc func2;
func2.name = "ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET";
QStringList argList2;
argList2 << "MyName" << "my_command --test-param 1";
func2.addArguments( argList2 );
QTest::addColumn<CMakeFunctionDesc>( "function" );
QTest::newRow( "all optional" ) << func1;
QTest::newRow( "no optional" ) << func2;
void CMakeAstTest::testCustomTargetBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("add_custom_target");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testCustomTargetBadParse_data()
CMakeFunctionDesc func1;
func1.name = "add_custom_target";
QStringList argList1;
argList1 << "IAm#1" << "ALL" << "foobar --test" << "COMMAND"
<< "barbaz --foo" << "DEPENDS" << "dep1" << "dep2" << "dep3"
<< "WORKING_DIRECTORY" << "/path/to/my/dir" << "COMMENT"
<< "this is my comment" << "VERBATIM";
func1.addArguments( argList1 );
CMakeFunctionDesc func2;
func2.name = "ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET";
QStringList argList2;
argList2 << "ALL" << "my_command --test-param 1";
func2.addArguments( argList2 );
CMakeFunctionDesc func3;
func3.name = "add_custom_target";
QTest::addColumn<CMakeFunctionDesc>( "function" );
QTest::newRow( "bad 1" ) << func1;
QTest::newRow( "bad 2" ) << func2;
QTest::newRow( "bad 3" ) << func3;
void CMakeAstTest::testCreateTestSourcelistGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("create_test_sourcelist");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testCreateTestSourcelistGoodParse_data()
CMakeFunctionDesc func1, func2, func3, func4;
func4.name = func3.name = func2.name = func1.name = "create_test_sourcelist";
QStringList argList1, argList2, argList3, argList4;
argList1 << "$(TESTDRIVER_SRCS)" << "test_driver" << "$(TEST_SRCS)";
argList2 = argList1;
argList2 << "EXTRA_INCLUDE" << "include.h";
argList3 = argList1;
argList3 << "FUNCTION" << "function";
argList4 = argList1;
argList4 << "EXTRA_INCLUDE" << "include.h";
argList4 << "FUNCTION" << "function";
func1.addArguments( argList1 );
func2.addArguments( argList2 );
func3.addArguments( argList3 );
func4.addArguments( argList4 );
QTest::addColumn<CMakeFunctionDesc>( "function" );
QTest::newRow( "good min lower case" ) << func1;
QTest::newRow( "good lower case extra include" ) << func2;
QTest::newRow( "good upper extra function" ) << func3;
QTest::newRow( "good upper all args" ) << func4;
void CMakeAstTest::testCreateTestSourcelistBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("create_test_sourcelist");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testCreateTestSourcelistBadParse_data()
CMakeFunctionDesc func1, func2, func3, func4;
func1.name = "create_test_sourcelists";
func2.name = "create_test_sourcelist";
func3.name = func2.name;
func4.name = func3.name;
QStringList argList1, argList2, argList3, argList4;
argList1 << "$(TESTDRIVER_SRCS) test_driver $(TEST_SRCS)";
argList2 = argList1;
argList2 << "EXTRA_INCLUDE";
argList3 = argList1;
argList3 << "FUNCTION";
argList4 << "foo bar";
func1.addArguments( argList1 );
func2.addArguments( argList2 );
func3.addArguments( argList3 );
func4.addArguments( argList4 );
QTest::addColumn<CMakeFunctionDesc>( "function" );
QTest::newRow( "bad name lower case" ) << func1;
QTest::newRow( "bad extra include not enough args" ) << func2;
QTest::newRow( "bad extra function not enough args" ) << func3;
QTest::newRow( "bad upper need at least 3 args" ) << func4;
void CMakeAstTest::testEnableLanguageGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("enable_language");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testEnableLanguageGoodParse_data()
CMakeFunctionDesc func1, func2;
func1.name = "enable_language";
func2.name = "enable_language";
QStringList argList1, argList2;
argList1 << "C++";
argList2 << "Java";
func1.addArguments( argList1 );
func2.addArguments( argList2 );
QTest::addColumn<CMakeFunctionDesc>( "function" );
QTest::newRow( "good uppercase" ) << func1;
QTest::newRow( "good lowercase" ) << func2;
void CMakeAstTest::testEnableLanguageBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("enable_language");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testEnableLanguageBadParse_data()
CMakeFunctionDesc func1, func2, func3;
func1.name = "ENABLE_LANGUAGES";
func2.name = func3.name = "enable_language";
QStringList argList1, argList2, argList3;
argList1 << "C++";
argList3 << "C++" << "Java";
func1.addArguments( argList1 );
func2.addArguments( argList2 );
func3.addArguments( argList3 );
QTest::addColumn<CMakeFunctionDesc>( "function" );
QTest::newRow( "bad func name" ) << func1;
QTest::newRow( "no arguments" ) << func2;
QTest::newRow( "too many arguments" ) << func3;
void CMakeAstTest::testEnableTestingGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("enable_testing");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testEnableTestingGoodParse_data()
CMakeFunctionDesc func1, func2;
func1.name = "ENABLE_TESTING";
func2.name = "enable_testing";
QTest::addColumn<CMakeFunctionDesc>( "function" );
QTest::newRow( "good upper" ) << func1;
QTest::newRow( "good lower" ) << func2;
void CMakeAstTest::testEnableTestingBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("enable_testing");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testEnableTestingBadParse_data()
CMakeFunctionDesc func1, func2;
func1.name = "bad_func_name";
func2.name = "enable_testing";
QStringList argList;
argList << "foo";
func2.addArguments( argList );
QTest::addColumn<CMakeFunctionDesc>( "function" );
QTest::newRow( "bad wrong name" ) << func1;
QTest::newRow( "bad has args" ) << func2;
void CMakeAstTest::testExecProgramGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("exec_program");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testExecProgramGoodParse_data()
CMakeFunctionDesc func1, func2, func3, func4;
func1.name = "exec_program";
func2.name = func1.name;
func3.name = func4.name = func1.name;
QStringList argList1, argList2, argList3, argList4;
argList1 << "myExec";
argList2 = argList1;
argList2 << "myRunDir";
argList3 = argList1;
argList3 << "ARGS" << "arg1" << "arg2";
argList4 = argList1;
argList4 << "RETURN_VALUE" << "myReturnVar";
func1.addArguments( argList1 );
func2.addArguments( argList2 );
func3.addArguments( argList3 );
func4.addArguments( argList4 );
QTest::addColumn<CMakeFunctionDesc>( "function" );
QTest::newRow( "good 1" ) << func1;
QTest::newRow( "good 2" ) << func2;
QTest::newRow( "good 3" ) << func3;
QTest::newRow( "good 4" ) << func4;
void CMakeAstTest::testExecProgramBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("exec_program");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testExecProgramBadParse_data()
CMakeFunctionDesc func1, func2;
func1.name = "wrong_name_here";
func2.name = "exec_program";
QStringList argList1;
argList1 << "myExec";
func1.addArguments( argList1 );
QTest::addColumn<CMakeFunctionDesc>( "function" );
QTest::newRow( "bad 1" ) << func1;
QTest::newRow( "bad 2" ) << func2;
#define TDD_TODO QSKIP("No data available yet", SkipSingle)
#define TDD_TOIMPL QSKIP("Command not implemented yet", SkipSingle)
void CMakeAstTest::testExecuteProcessGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("execute_process");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testExecuteProcessGoodParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testExecuteProcessBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("execute_process");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testExecuteProcessBadParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testExportGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("export");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
/// @todo Test EXPORT(PACKAGE name), introduced in CMake 2.8
void CMakeAstTest::testExportGoodParse_data()
const int NUM_TESTDATA = 8;
CMakeFunctionDesc funcs[NUM_TESTDATA];
QString args[NUM_TESTDATA];
args[0] = "TARGETS main FILE main.cmake";
args[1] = "TARGETS main foo FILE main.cmake";
args[2] = "TARGETS FILE main.cmake"; // tested in cmake 2.8.1, having no targets really does work
args[3] = "TARGETS main NAMESPACE ns FILE main.cmake";
args[4] = "TARGETS main APPEND FILE main.cmake";
args[5] = "TARGETS main APPEND NAMESPACE ns FILE main.cmake";
args[6] = "TARGETS main NAMESPACE ns APPEND FILE main.cmake";
args[7] = "TARGETS TARGETS FILE main.cmake";
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_TESTDATA; ++i) {
funcs[i].name = "EXPORT";
funcs[i].addArguments(args[i].split(' '));
QTest::addColumn<CMakeFunctionDesc>( "function" );
QTest::newRow( "single target" ) << funcs[0];
QTest::newRow( "two targets" ) << funcs[1];
QTest::newRow( "no targets" ) << funcs[2];
QTest::newRow( "namespace" ) << funcs[3];
QTest::newRow( "append" ) << funcs[4];
QTest::newRow( "append and namespace" ) << funcs[5];
QTest::newRow( "namespace and append" ) << funcs[6];
QTest::newRow( "target called TARGETS" ) << funcs[7];
void CMakeAstTest::testExportBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("export");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testExportBadParse_data()
const int NUM_TESTDATA = 5;
CMakeFunctionDesc funcs[NUM_TESTDATA];
QString args[NUM_TESTDATA];
args[0] = "TARGETS main FILE main.cmake";
args[1] = "CAKES main FILE main.cmake";
args[2] = "TARGETS main";
args[3] = "TARGETS main FILE";
args[4] = "";
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_TESTDATA; ++i) {
funcs[i].name = "EXPORT";
funcs[i].addArguments(args[i].split(' '));
QTest::addColumn<CMakeFunctionDesc>( "function" );
QTest::newRow("bad func name") << funcs[0];
QTest::newRow("bad subcommand") << funcs[1];
QTest::newRow("no FILE") << funcs[2];
QTest::newRow("nothing after FILE") << funcs[3];
QTest::newRow("no args") << funcs[4];
void CMakeAstTest::testExportLibraryDepsGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("export_library_dependencies");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testExportLibraryDepsGoodParse_data()
CMakeFunctionDesc func1, func2;
func1.name = func2.name = "export_library_dependencies";
QStringList argList1, argList2;
argList1 << "dep_file";
argList2 = argList1;
argList2 << "APPEND";
func1.addArguments( argList1 );
func2.addArguments( argList2 );
QTest::addColumn<CMakeFunctionDesc>( "function" );
QTest::newRow( "good 1" ) << func1;
QTest::newRow( "good 2" ) << func2;
void CMakeAstTest::testExportLibraryDepsBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("export_library_dependencies");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testExportLibraryDepsBadParse_data()
CMakeFunctionDesc func1, func2;
func1.name = "export_library_dependencies";
func2.name = "foo_foo_bar";
QStringList argList1, argList2;
argList1 << "dep_file" << "lalala";
argList2 << "dep_file";
func1.addArguments( argList1 );
func2.addArguments( argList2 );
QTest::addColumn<CMakeFunctionDesc>( "function" );
QTest::newRow( "bad 1" ) << func1;
QTest::newRow( "bad 2" ) << func2;
void CMakeAstTest::testFileGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("file");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testFileGoodParse_data()
const int NUM_TESTDATA = 13;
CMakeFunctionDesc funcs[NUM_TESTDATA];
QStringList args[NUM_TESTDATA];
for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_TESTDATA; i++ )
funcs[i].name = "file";
//write file command
args[0] << "WRITE" << "somefile.cpp" << "\"the things to write\"";
//append file command
args[1] << "APPEND" << "somefile.cpp" << "\"the things to append\"";
//read file command
args[2] << "READ" << "somefile.cpp" << "MY_VAR";
//glob files command. does not search in files only for a pattern
args[3] << "GLOB" << "MY_VAR" << "*.cpp";
args[4] << "GLOB" << "MY_VAR" << "RELATIVE" << "/path/to/something"
<< "*.cpp"; //RELATIVE is optional
//recursive glob
args[5] << "GLOB_RECURSE" << "MY_VAR" << "*.cpp";
args[6] << "GLOB_RECURSE" << "MY_VAR" << "RELATIVE" << "/path/to/something"
<< "*.cpp"; //RELATIVE is optional
//remove command
args[7] << "REMOVE" << "/path/to/file/to/remove.cpp";
//remove recursive
args[8] << "REMOVE_RECURSE" << "/path/to/dir/to/remove/files";
//make a directory
args[9] << "MAKE_DIRECTORY" << "/path/to/dir/to/create";
//get a relative path
args[10] << "RELATIVE_PATH" << "MY_VAR" << "/path/to/foo"
<< "/path/to/file/to/get/path/for.cpp";
//get the cmake native path
args[11] << "TO_CMAKE_PATH" << "/path/to/file.cpp" << "MY_CMAKE_PATH";
//get the platform native path
args[12] << "TO_NATIVE_PATH" << "/path/to/file.cpp" << "MY_NATIVE_PATH";
QTest::addColumn<CMakeFunctionDesc>( "function" );
for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_TESTDATA; i++)
funcs[i].addArguments( args[i] );
QTest::newRow( qPrintable(QString::number(i)) ) << funcs[i];
void CMakeAstTest::testFileBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("file");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testFileBadParse_data()
const int NUM_TESTDATA = 35;
CMakeFunctionDesc funcs[NUM_TESTDATA];
QStringList args[NUM_TESTDATA];
for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_TESTDATA; i++ )
funcs[i].name = "FILE";
funcs[NUM_TESTDATA - 1].name = "foo";
//write file command
args[0] << "WRITE" << "somefile.cpp"; //nothing to write
args[1] << "WRITE"; //no file
args[2] << "write" << "somefile.cpp" << "thing to write"; //uppercase required
//append file command
args[3] << "APPEND" << "somefile.cpp"; //nothing to append
args[4] << "APPEND"; //no file
args[5] << "append" << "somefile.cpp" << "thing to append"; //uppercase required
//read file command
args[6] << "READ" << "somefile.cpp"; //no variable
args[7] << "READ"; //no file
args[8] << "read" << "somefile.cpp" << "MY_VAR"; //uppercase required
//glob files command. does not search in files only for a pattern
args[9] << "GLOB"; //no variable
args[10] << "GLOB" << "MY_VAR" << "RELATIVE"; //no path
args[11] << "glob" << "MY_VAR" << "*.cpp"; //uppercase required
//recursive glob
args[13] << "GLOB_RECURSE"; //no variable
args[14] << "GLOB_RECURSE" << "MY_VAR" << "RELATIVE"; //no path
args[15] << "glob_recurse" << "MY_VAR" << "*.cpp"; //uppercase required
//remove command
args[17] << "REMOVE"; //nothing to remove
args[18] << "remove" << "/path/to/file/to/remove.cpp";
//remove recursive
args[19] << "REMOVE_RECURSE"; //nothing to remove
args[20] << "remove_recurse" << "/path/to/dir"; //uppercase required
//make a directory
args[21] << "MAKE_DIRECTORY"; //nothing to create
args[22] << "make_directory" << "/path/to/dir"; //uppercase required
//get a relative path
args[23] << "RELATIVE_PATH" << "MY_VAR" << "/path/to/foo"; //no file
args[24] << "RELATIVE_PATH" << "MY_VAR"; //no path and no file
args[25] << "RELATIVE_PATH"; //no variable, path, or file
args[26] << "relative_path" << "MY_VAR" << "/path/to/foo"
<< "/path/to/file/to/get/full/path/for.cpp"; // uppercase required
//get the cmake native path
args[27] << "TO_CMAKE_PATH" << "/path/to/file.cpp"; // no variable
args[28] << "TO_CMAKE_PATH"; //no path or variable
args[29] << "to_cmake_path" << "/path/to/file.cpp" << "MY_VAR"; //uppercase required
//get the platform native path
args[30] << "TO_NATIVE_PATH" << "/path/to/file.cpp"; //no variable
args[31] << "TO_NATIVE_PATH"; //no path or variable
args[32] << "to_native_path" << "/path/to/file.cpp" << "MY_VAR"; //uppercase required
args[34] << "TO_NATIVE_PATH" << "/path/to/file.cpp" << "MY_VAR"; //correct args. wrong name
QTest::addColumn<CMakeFunctionDesc>( "function" );
for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_TESTDATA; i++)
funcs[i].addArguments( args[i] );
QTest::newRow( qPrintable(QString("%1. %2").arg(i).arg(args[i].isEmpty() ? "?" : args[i].first())) ) << funcs[i];
void CMakeAstTest::testFindFileGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("find_file");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testFindFileGoodParse_data()
CMakeFunctionDesc l;
l.name = "find_file";
l.addArguments(QString("_SOPRANO_MACRO_FILE NAMES SopranoAddOntology.cmake HINTS /home/kde-devel/kde/share/soprano/cmake").split(' '));
QTest::newRow("find file") << l;
void CMakeAstTest::testFindFileBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("find_file");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testFindFileBadParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testFindLibraryGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("find_library");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testFindLibraryGoodParse_data()
CMakeFunctionDesc l;
l.name = "find_library";
l.addArguments(QString("DEST_VAR name").split(' '));
QTest::newRow("findlib with name") << l;
l.addArguments(QString("DEST_VAR name /path/to/lib").split(' '));
QTest::newRow("findlib with name and path") << l;
void CMakeAstTest::testFindLibraryBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("find_library");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testFindLibraryBadParse_data()
CMakeFunctionDesc l;
l.name = "lol";
l.addArguments(QString("DEST_VAR name").split(' '));
QTest::newRow("findlib with name") << l;
void CMakeAstTest::testFindPackageGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("find_package");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testFindPackageGoodParse_data()
QTest::newRow( "complex" ) << CMakeFunctionDesc("find_package", QString("PolkitQt-1 0.99.0 QUIET NO_MODULE PATHS /home/kde-devel/kde/lib/PolkitQt-1/cmake").split(' '));
QTest::newRow( "components" ) << CMakeFunctionDesc("find_package", QString("Qt5 5.2 CONFIG REQUIRED Concurrent Test").split(' '));
void CMakeAstTest::testFindPackageBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("find_package");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testFindPackageBadParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testFindPathGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("find_path");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testFindPathGoodParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testFindPathBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("find_path");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testFindPathBadParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testFindProgramGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("find_program");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testFindProgramGoodParse_data()
CMakeFunctionDesc l;
l.name = "find_program";
l.addArguments(QStringList() << "MY_VAR" << "file" << "location");
QTest::newRow("normal use") << l;
l.addArguments(QStringList() << "MY_VAR" << "NAMES" << "file1" << "file2" << "PATHS" << "location1" << "location2");
QTest::newRow("advanced use") << l;
l.addArguments(QStringList() << "MY_VAR" << "NAMES" << "file1" << "file2"
<< "PATHS" << "location1" << "location2" << "DOC" << "I am documenting"
<< "PATH_SUFFIXES" << "modules" << "NO_CMAKE_PATH");
QTest::newRow("strange use") << l;
void CMakeAstTest::testFindProgramBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("find_program");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testFindProgramBadParse_data()
CMakeFunctionDesc l;
l.name = "";
l.addArguments(QStringList() << "MY_VAR" << "file");
QTest::newRow ("no function name") << l;
l.name = "find_program";
l.addArguments(QStringList() << "MY_VAR" << "NAMES" << "PATHS" << "location1" << "location2");
QTest::newRow("no names") << l;
void CMakeAstTest::testFltkWrapUiGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("fltk_wrap_ui");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testFltkWrapUiGoodParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testFltkWrapUiBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("fltk_wrap_ui");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testFltkWrapUiBadParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testForeachGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("foreach");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testForeachGoodParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testForeachBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("foreach");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testForeachBadParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testGetCMakePropertyGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("get_cmake_property");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testGetCMakePropertyGoodParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testGetCMakePropertyBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("get_cmake_property");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testGetCMakePropertyBadParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testGetDirPropertyGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("get_directory_property");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testGetDirPropertyGoodParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testGetDirPropertyBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("get_directory_property");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testGetDirPropertyBadParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testGetFilenameComponentGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("get_filename_component");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testGetFilenameComponentGoodParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testGetFilenameComponentBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("get_filename_component");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testGetFilenameComponentBadParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testGetSourceFilePropGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("get_sourcefile_property");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testGetSourceFilePropGoodParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testGetSourceFilePropBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("get_sourcefile_property");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testGetSourceFilePropBadParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testGetTargetPropGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("get_target_property");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testGetTargetPropGoodParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testGetTargetPropBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("get_target_property");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testGetTargetPropBadParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testGetTestPropGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("get_test_property");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testGetTestPropGoodParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testGetTestPropBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("get_test_property");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testGetTestPropBadParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testIfGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("if");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testIfGoodParse_data()
CMakeFunctionDesc if1, if2, if3;
if1.name = if2.name = "if";
if3.name = "IF";
if1.addArguments(QStringList() << "TRUE");
if2.addArguments(QStringList() << "myvar");
if3.addArguments(QStringList() << "myvar" << "STREQUAL" << "\"foo\"");
QTest::newRow("if true constant") << if1;
QTest::newRow("if variable alone") << if2;
QTest::newRow("if strequal") << if3;
CMakeFunctionDesc else1;
else1.name = "else";
QTest::newRow("else no args") << else1;
CMakeFunctionDesc elif1, elif2, elif3;
elif1.name = elif2.name = "elseif";
elif3.name = "ELSEIF";
elif1.addArguments(QStringList() << "TRUE");
elif2.addArguments(QStringList() << "myvar");
elif3.addArguments(QStringList() << "myvar" << "STREQUAL" << "\"foo\"");
QTest::newRow("elseif constant") << elif1;
QTest::newRow("elseif variable alone") << elif2;
QTest::newRow("elseif strequal") << elif3;
void CMakeAstTest::testIfBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("if");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testIfBadParse_data()
CMakeFunctionDesc badFuncName;
badFuncName.name = "iif";
badFuncName.addArguments(QStringList() << "myvar" << "STREQUAL" << "\"foo\"");
QTest::newRow("bad function name") << badFuncName;
//This is currently disabled because the parser doesn't fail on IF() with no args,
//but official CMake doesn't either, so I don't know if it's *supposed* to fail.
//Then again, CMake doesn't fail when you do pass arguments to ELSE() either...
if(0) {
CMakeFunctionDesc ifEmptyArgs;
ifEmptyArgs.name = "if";
QTest::newRow("if empty arguments") << ifEmptyArgs;
CMakeFunctionDesc elifEmptyArgs;
elifEmptyArgs.name = "elseif";
QTest::newRow("elseif empty arguments") << elifEmptyArgs;
CMakeFunctionDesc elseWithArgs;
elseWithArgs.name = "else";
elseWithArgs.addArguments(QStringList() << "foo");
QTest::newRow("else with arguments") << elseWithArgs;
void CMakeAstTest::testIncludeGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("include");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testIncludeGoodParse_data()
CMakeFunctionDesc func1, func2, func3, func4, func5;
func2.name = func3.name = func4.name = func5.name = func1.name = "include";
QStringList argList1, argList2, argList3, argList4;
argList1 << "SomeFile";
argList2 << "SomeFile" << "OPTIONAL";
argList3 << "SomeFile" << "RESULT_VARIABLE" << "output";
argList4 << "SomeFile" << "OPTIONAL" << "RESULT_VARIABLE" << "output";
func1.addArguments( argList1 );
func2.addArguments( argList1 );
func3.addArguments( argList2 );
func4.addArguments( argList3 );
func5.addArguments( argList4 );
QTest::addColumn<CMakeFunctionDesc>( "function" );
QTest::newRow( "good upper" ) << func1;
QTest::newRow( "good lower" ) << func2;
QTest::newRow( "good optional" ) << func3;
QTest::newRow( "good result" ) << func4;
QTest::newRow( "good all args" ) << func5;
void CMakeAstTest::testIncludeBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("include");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testIncludeBadParse_data()
CMakeFunctionDesc func1, func2;
func1.name = "WrongFuncName";
func2.name = "include";
QStringList argList1, argList2;
argList1 << "SomeFile";
func1.addArguments( argList1 );
func2.addArguments( argList2 );
QTest::addColumn<CMakeFunctionDesc>( "function" );
QTest::newRow( "bad wrong name" ) << func1;
QTest::newRow( "bad no args" ) << func2;
void CMakeAstTest::testIncludeDirectoriesGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("include_directories");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testIncludeDirectoriesGoodParse_data()
CMakeFunctionDesc l;
l.name = "include_directories";
l.addArguments(QStringList() << "../g4u");
QTest::newRow("a normal include_directories") << l;
l.addArguments(QStringList() << "AFTER" << "boost/");
QTest::newRow("a include_directories with AFTER parameter") << l;
l.addArguments(QStringList() << "SYSTEM" << "~/kdelibs");
QTest::newRow("a include_directories with SYSTEM paremeter") << l;
void CMakeAstTest::testIncludeDirectoriesBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("include_directories");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testIncludeDirectoriesBadParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testIncludeExternalMsProjectGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("include_external_msproject");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testIncludeExternalMsProjectGoodParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testIncludeExternalMsProjectBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("include_external_msproject");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testIncludeExternalMsProjectBadParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testIncludeRegularExpressionGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("include_regular_expression");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testIncludeRegularExpressionGoodParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testIncludeRegularExpressionBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("include_regular_expression");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testIncludeRegularExpressionBadParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testInstallGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("install");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testInstallGoodParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testInstallBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("install");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testInstallBadParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testInstallFilesGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("install_files");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testInstallFilesGoodParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testInstallFilesBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("install_files");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testInstallFilesBadParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testInstallProgramsGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("install_programs");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testInstallProgramsGoodParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testInstallProgramsBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("install_programs");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testInstallProgramsBadParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testInstallTargetsGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("install_targets");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testInstallTargetsGoodParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testInstallTargetsBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("install_targets");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testInstallTargetsBadParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testLinkDirectoriesGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("link_directories");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testLinkDirectoriesGoodParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testLinkDirectoriesBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("link_directories");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testLinkDirectoriesBadParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testLinkLibrariesGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("link_libraries");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testLinkLibrariesGoodParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testLinkLibrariesBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("link_libraries");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testLinkLibrariesBadParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testListGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("list");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testListGoodParse_data()
CMakeFunctionDesc func1;
func1.name = "list";
func1.addArguments(QString("APPEND _boost_TEST_VERSIONS 1.39").split(' '));
QTest::addColumn<CMakeFunctionDesc>( "function" );
QTest::newRow( "append" ) << func1;
void CMakeAstTest::testListBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("list");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testListBadParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testLoadCacheGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("load_cache");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testLoadCacheGoodParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testLoadCacheBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("load_cache");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testLoadCacheBadParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testLoadCommandGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("load_command");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testLoadCommandGoodParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testLoadCommandBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("load_command");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testLoadCommandBadParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testMacroGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("macro");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testMacroGoodParse_data()
CMakeFunctionDesc func1, func2, func3;
func2.name = func3.name = func1.name = "macro";
QStringList argList1, argList2;
argList1 << "MY_NEATO_MACRO";
argList2 << "MY_NEATO_MACRO" << "one_arg" << "second_arg";
func1.addArguments( argList1 );
func2.addArguments( argList1 );
func3.addArguments( argList2 );
QTest::addColumn<CMakeFunctionDesc>( "function" );
QTest::newRow( "good upper" ) << func1;
QTest::newRow( "good lower" ) << func2;
QTest::newRow( "good with args" ) << func3;
void CMakeAstTest::testMacroBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("macro");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testMacroBadParse_data()
CMakeFunctionDesc func1, func2;
func1.name = "MACRO";
func2.name = "wrong_function";
QStringList argList1, argList2;
argList2 << "MY_NEATO_MACRO" << "one_arg" << "second_arg";
func1.addArguments( argList1 );
func2.addArguments( argList2 );
QTest::addColumn<CMakeFunctionDesc>( "function" );
QTest::newRow( "bad no args" ) << func1;
QTest::newRow( "bad wrong name" ) << func2;
void CMakeAstTest::testFunctionGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("function");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testFunctionGoodParse_data()
CMakeFunctionDesc func1, func2, func3;
func2.name = func3.name = func1.name = "function";
QStringList argList1, argList2;
argList1 << "MY_NEATO_MACRO";
argList2 << "MY_NEATO_MACRO" << "one_arg" << "second_arg";
func1.addArguments( argList1 );
func2.addArguments( argList1 );
func3.addArguments( argList2 );
QTest::addColumn<CMakeFunctionDesc>( "function" );
QTest::newRow( "good upper" ) << func1;
QTest::newRow( "good lower" ) << func2;
QTest::newRow( "good with args" ) << func3;
void CMakeAstTest::testFunctionBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("function");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testFunctionBadParse_data()
CMakeFunctionDesc func1, func2;
func1.name = "FUNCTION";
func2.name = "wrong_function";
QStringList argList1, argList2;
argList2 << "MY_NEATO_MACRO" << "one_arg" << "second_arg";
func1.addArguments( argList1 );
func2.addArguments( argList2 );
QTest::addColumn<CMakeFunctionDesc>( "function" );
QTest::newRow( "bad no args" ) << func1;
QTest::newRow( "bad wrong name" ) << func2;
void CMakeAstTest::testMakeDirectoryGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("make_directory");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testMakeDirectoryGoodParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testMakeDirectoryBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("make_directory");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testMakeDirectoryBadParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testMarkAsAdvancedGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("mark_as_advanced");
QCOMPARE( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ), true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testMarkAsAdvancedGoodParse_data()
CMakeFunctionDesc l;
l.name = "mark_as_advanced";
l.addArguments(QStringList() << "FORCE" << "My_LIBRARY" << "My_INCLUDES");
QTest::newRow("a forced mark_as_advanced") << l;
l.addArguments(QStringList() << "CLEAR" << "My_LIB");
QTest::newRow("a clear mark_as_advanced") << l;
l.addArguments(QStringList() << "My_LIB");
QTest::newRow("a normal mark_as_advanced") << l;
void CMakeAstTest::testMarkAsAdvancedBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("mark_as_advanced");
QCOMPARE( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ), false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testMarkAsAdvancedBadParse_data()
CMakeFunctionDesc l;
l.name = "mark_as_advanced";
QTest::newRow("a mark_as_advanced without parameters") << l;
l.addArguments(QStringList() << "CLEAR");
QTest::newRow("a clear mark_as_advanced without parameters") << l;
void CMakeAstTest::testMathGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("math");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testMathGoodParse_data()
CMakeFunctionDesc func;
func.name = "MATH";
func.addArguments(QStringList() << "EXPR" << "myvar" << "2+2");
QTest::newRow("simple sum") << func;
// in a CMakeLists.txt, this would be MATH(EXPR myvar "2 + 2")
// (with quotes around the expression)
func.addArguments(QStringList() << "EXPR" << "myvar" << "2 + 2");
QTest::newRow("spaces around op") << func;
func.addArguments(QStringList() << "EXPR" << "myvar" << " 2 + 2 ");
QTest::newRow("spaces around expr") << func;
func.name = "math";
QTest::newRow("lowercase command") << func;
void CMakeAstTest::testMathBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("math");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testMathBadParse_data()
CMakeFunctionDesc f1;
f1.name = "math";
QTest::newRow("no arguments") << f1;
f1.addArguments(QStringList() << "EPXR" << "myvar" << "2+2");
QTest::newRow("bad EXPR") << f1;
f1.addArguments(QStringList() << "expr" << "myvar" << "2+2");
QTest::newRow("lowercase expr") << f1;
f1.addArguments(QStringList() << "EXPR");
QTest::newRow("missing output var") << f1;
f1.addArguments(QStringList() << "EXPR" << "myvar");
QTest::newRow("missing expression") << f1;
// in a CMakeLists.txt, this would be MATH(EXPR myvar 2 + 2)
// (without quotes around the expression)
f1.addArguments(QStringList() << "EXPR" << "myvar" << "2" << "+" << "2");
QTest::newRow("multiarg expression") << f1;
void CMakeAstTest::testMessageGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("message");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testMessageGoodParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testMessageBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("message");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testMessageBadParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testOptionGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("option");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testOptionGoodParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testOptionBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("option");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testOptionBadParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testOutputRequiredFilesGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("output_required_files");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testOutputRequiredFilesGoodParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testOutputRequiredFilesBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("output_required_files");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testOutputRequiredFilesBadParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testProjectGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("project");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testProjectGoodParse_data()
CMakeFunctionDesc func1, func2, func3, func4, func5, func6;
func2.name = func3.name = func4.name = func5.name = func6.name = func1.name = "project";
QStringList argList1, argList2, argList3, argList4, argList5;
argList1 << "myproject";
argList2 << "myproject" << "C";
argList3 << "myproject" << "CXX";
argList4 << "myproject" << "Java";
argList5 << "myproject" << "C" << "CXX" << "Java";
func1.addArguments( argList1 );
func2.addArguments( argList1 );
func3.addArguments( argList2 );
func4.addArguments( argList3 );
func5.addArguments( argList4 );
func6.addArguments( argList5 );
QTest::addColumn<CMakeFunctionDesc>( "function" );
QTest::newRow( "good 1" ) << func1;
QTest::newRow( "good 2" ) << func2;
QTest::newRow( "good 3" ) << func3;
QTest::newRow( "good 4" ) << func4;
QTest::newRow( "good 5" ) << func5;
QTest::newRow( "good 6" ) << func6;
void CMakeAstTest::testProjectBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("project");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testProjectBadParse_data()
CMakeFunctionDesc func1, func2, func3;
func1.name = "wrongname";
func2.name = func3.name = "PROJECT";
QStringList argList1, argList2;
argList1 << "myproject" << "C" << "CXX" << "Java";
argList2 << "myproject" << "C" << "CXX" << "Java" << "foo";
func1.addArguments( argList1 );
func3.addArguments( argList2 );
QTest::addColumn<CMakeFunctionDesc>( "function" );
QTest::newRow("wrong name") << func1;
QTest::newRow("no args") << func2;
QTest::newRow("wrong lang args") << func3;
void CMakeAstTest::testQtWrapCppGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("qt_wrap_cpp");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testQtWrapCppGoodParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testQtWrapCppBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("qt_wrap_cpp");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testQtWrapCppBadParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testQtWrapUiGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("qt_wrap_ui");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testQtWrapUiGoodParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testQtWrapUiBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("qt_wrap_ui");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testQtWrapUiBadParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testRemoveGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("remove");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testRemoveGoodParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testRemoveBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("remove");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testRemoveBadParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testRemoveDefinitionsGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("remove_definitions");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testRemoveDefinitionsGoodParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testRemoveDefinitionsBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("remove_definitions");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testRemoveDefinitionsBadParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testReturnGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("return");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testReturnGoodParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testReturnBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("return");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testReturnBadParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testSeparateArgumentsGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("separate_arguments");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testSeparateArgumentsGoodParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testSeparateArgumentsBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("separate_arguments");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testSeparateArgumentsBadParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testSetGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("set");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testSetGoodParse_data()
CMakeFunctionDesc func1, func2, func3, func4, func5;
func2.name = func3.name = func4.name = func5.name = func1.name = "set";
QStringList argList1, argList2, argList3, argList4, argList5;
argList1 << "MYVAR";
argList2 << "MYVAR" << "value1";
argList3 << "MYVAR" << "CACHE" << "FILEPATH" << "docu";
argList4 << "MYVAR" << "value1" << "CACHE" << "STRING" << "docu" << "FORCE";
argList5 << "MYVAR" << "value1" << "PARENT_SCOPE";
func1.addArguments( argList1 );
func2.addArguments( argList2 );
func3.addArguments( argList3 );
func4.addArguments( argList4 );
func5.addArguments( argList5 );
QTest::addColumn<CMakeFunctionDesc>( "function" );
QTest::newRow( "good delete value" ) << func1;
QTest::newRow( "good set value" ) << func2;
QTest::newRow( "good set cache value" ) << func3;
QTest::newRow( "good set cache value forced" ) << func4;
QTest::newRow( "good set parent_scope" ) << func5;
void CMakeAstTest::testSetBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("set");
QCOMPARE( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ), false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testSetBadParse_data()
CMakeFunctionDesc func1, func2, func3, func4, func5, func6;
func1.name = "foobar_set";
func2.name = func3.name = func4.name = func5.name = func6.name = "set";
QStringList argList1, argList2, argList3, argList4, argList5, argList6;
argList1 << "MYVAR" << "value1" << "CACHE" << "STRING" << "docu" << "FORCE";
argList3 << "MYVAR" << "CACHE";
argList4 << "MYVAR" << "FORCE";
argList5 << "MYVAR" << "CACHE" << "STRING";
argList6 << "MYVAR" << "value1" << "CACHE" << "STRING" << "docu" << "PARENT_SCOPE";
func1.addArguments( argList1 );
// func2.addArguments( argList2 );
func3.addArguments( argList3 );
func4.addArguments( argList4 );
func5.addArguments( argList5 );
func6.addArguments( argList6 );
qDebug() << func2.arguments.count();
QTest::addColumn<CMakeFunctionDesc>( "function" );
QTest::newRow( "bad wrong name" ) << func1;
QTest::newRow( "bad no args" ) << func2;
QTest::newRow( "bad wrong cache use" ) << func3;
QTest::newRow( "bad wrong force use" ) << func4;
QTest::newRow( "bad wrong cache use 2" ) << func5;
QTest::newRow( "bad cache + parent_scope" ) << func6;
void CMakeAstTest::testSetPropertyGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("set_property");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testSetPropertyGoodParse_data()
QTest::addColumn<CMakeFunctionDesc>( "function" );
CMakeFunctionDesc func;
func.name = "set_property";
func.addArguments( QString("GLOBAL PROPERTY SIMPLE_PROPERTY_NOVALUE").split(" ") );
QTest::newRow( "no value" ) << func;
CMakeFunctionDesc func;
func.name = "set_property";
func.addArguments( QString("GLOBAL APPEND foo bar").split(" ") );
QTest::newRow( "append" ) << func;
CMakeFunctionDesc func;
func.name = "set_property";
func.addArguments( QString("GLOBAL APPEND_STRING foo bar").split(" ") );
QTest::newRow( "append_string" ) << func;
void CMakeAstTest::testSetPropertyBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("set_property");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testSetPropertyBadParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testGetPropertyGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("get_property");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testGetPropertyGoodParse_data()
CMakeFunctionDesc func1;
func1.name = "get_property";
CMakeFunctionDesc funcCache;
funcCache.name = "get_property";
funcCache.addArguments(QString("_type CACHE BOOSTROOT PROPERTY TYPE").split(" "));
QTest::addColumn<CMakeFunctionDesc>( "function" );
QTest::newRow( "good get" ) << func1;
QTest::newRow( "CACHE" ) << funcCache;
void CMakeAstTest::testGetPropertyBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("get_property");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testGetPropertyBadParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testSetDirectoryPropsGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("set_directory_properties");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testSetDirectoryPropsGoodParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testSetDirectoryPropsBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("set_directory_properties");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testSetDirectoryPropsBadParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testSetSourceFilesPropsGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("set_source_files_properties");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testSetSourceFilesPropsGoodParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testSetSourceFilesPropsBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("set_source_files_properties");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testSetSourceFilesPropsBadParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testSetTargetPropsGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("set_target_properties");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testSetTargetPropsGoodParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testSetTargetPropsBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("set_target_properties");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testSetTargetPropsBadParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testSetTestsPropsGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("set_tests_properties");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testSetTestsPropsGoodParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testSetTestsPropsBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("set_tests_properties");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testSetTestsPropsBadParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testSiteNameGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("site_name");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testSiteNameGoodParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testSiteNameBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("site_name");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testSiteNameBadParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testSourceGroupGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("source_group");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testSourceGroupGoodParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testSourceGroupBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("source_group");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testSourceGroupBadParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testStringGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("string");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testStringGoodParse_data()
QStringList cases;
cases << "string STRIP string output";
cases << "string RANDOM output";
cases << "stRing RANDOM LENGTH 3 output";
cases << "string RANDOM ALPHABET abcd output";
cases << "string RANDOM output LENGTH 3 ALPHABET abcd";
QTest::addColumn<CMakeFunctionDesc>( "function" );
foreach(const QString& acase, cases)
QStringList splitted = acase.split(" ");
CMakeFunctionDesc func(splitted.takeFirst(), splitted);
QTest::newRow( qPrintable(acase) ) << func;
void CMakeAstTest::testStringBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("string");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testStringBadParse_data()
QTest::addColumn<CMakeFunctionDesc>( "function" );
QTest::newRow( "few arguments" ) << CMakeFunctionDesc("string", QString("TOLOWER PROJECT_PRODUCT_DIR").split(" "));
void CMakeAstTest::testSubdirDependsGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("subdir_depends");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testSubdirDependsGoodParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testSubdirDependsBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("subdir_depends");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testSubdirDependsBadParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testSubdirsGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("subdirs");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testSubdirsGoodParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testSubdirsBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("subdirs");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testSubdirsBadParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testTargetLinkLibrariesGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("target_link_libraries");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testTargetLinkLibrariesGoodParse_data()
QTest::addColumn<CMakeFunctionDesc>( "function" );
QTest::newRow( "simple" ) << CMakeFunctionDesc("target_link_libraries", QStringList("MYTARGET") << "somelib");
QTest::newRow( "debug only" ) << CMakeFunctionDesc("target_link_libraries", QStringList("MYTARGET") << "debug" << "onlydebuglib");
QTest::newRow( "optimized only" ) << CMakeFunctionDesc("target_link_libraries", QStringList("MYTARGET") << "optimized" << "onlyoptimizedlib");
QTest::newRow( "public" ) << CMakeFunctionDesc("target_link_libraries", QStringList("MYTARGET") << "LINK_PUBLIC" << "onlyoptimizedlib");
QTest::newRow( "private" ) << CMakeFunctionDesc("target_link_libraries", QStringList("MYTARGET") << "LINK_PUBLIC" << "onlyoptimizedlib");
void CMakeAstTest::testTargetLinkLibrariesBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("target_link_libraries");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testTargetLinkLibrariesBadParse_data()
CMakeFunctionDesc func1, func2, func3, func4;
func1.name = "wrong_func_name";
func2.name = func3.name = func4.name = "target_link_libraries";
QStringList argList1, argList2, argList3, argList4;
argList1 << "MYTARGET" << "somelib";
argList2 << "MYTARGET";
argList3 << "MYTARGET" << "optimized";
argList4 << "MYTARGET" << "debug";
func1.addArguments( argList1 );
func2.addArguments( argList2 );
func3.addArguments( argList3 );
func4.addArguments( argList4 );
QTest::addColumn<CMakeFunctionDesc>( "function" );
QTest::newRow( "wrong func name" ) << func1;
QTest::newRow( "missing libs" ) << func2;
QTest::newRow( "missing libs optimized" ) << func3;
QTest::newRow( "missing libs debug" ) << func4;
void CMakeAstTest::testTargetLinkLibrariesMembers()
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("target_link_libraries");
CMakeFunctionDesc func;
func.name = "target_link_libraries";
QStringList argList;
argList << "mytarget" << "mylibrary";
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( func ) == true );
TargetLinkLibrariesAst* targetLinkAst = static_cast<TargetLinkLibrariesAst*>(ast);
QCOMPARE(targetLinkAst->target(), QString("mytarget"));
QCOMPARE(targetLinkAst->publicDependencies().other, QStringList("mylibrary"));
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testTryCompileGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("try_compile");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testTryCompileGoodParse_data()
CMakeFunctionDesc l;
l.name = "try_compile";
l.addArguments(QStringList() << "RESULT" << "mySrcDir" << "myBinDir" << "myProjectName");
QTest::newRow("cmake way") << l;
l.addArguments(QStringList() << "RESULT" << "mySrcDir" << "myBinDir");
QTest::newRow("compile way") << l;
l.addArguments(QStringList() << "RESULT" << "mySrcDir" << "myBinDir" << "COMPILE_DEFINITIONS" << "-D LOL");
QTest::newRow("more complex compile") << l;
void CMakeAstTest::testTryCompileBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("try_compile");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testTryCompileBadParse_data()
CMakeFunctionDesc l;
l.name = "try_compile";
QTest::newRow("no parameters") << l;
void CMakeAstTest::testTryRunGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("try_run");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testTryRunGoodParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testTryRunBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("try_run");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testTryRunBadParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testUnsetGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("unset");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testUnsetGoodParse_data()
CMakeFunctionDesc l;
l.name = "unset";
QTest::newRow("a") << l;
l.addArguments(QStringList() << "HOLA" << "CACHE");
QTest::newRow("a cache") << l;
l.addArguments(QStringList() << "ENV{HOLA}");
QTest::newRow("env{a}") << l;
void CMakeAstTest::testUnsetBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
UnsetAst* ast = (UnsetAst*) AstFactory::self()->createAst("unset");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
QVERIFY( QRegExp("[A-Z]*").exactMatch(ast->variableName()) );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testUnsetBadParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testUseMangledMesaGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("use_mangled_mesa");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testUseMangledMesaGoodParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testUseMangledMesaBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("use_mangled_mesa");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testUseMangledMesaBadParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testUtilitySourceGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("utility_source");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testUtilitySourceGoodParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testUtilitySourceBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("utility_source");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testUtilitySourceBadParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testVariableRequiresGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("variable_requires");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testVariableRequiresGoodParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testVariableRequiresBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("variable_requires");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testVariableRequiresBadParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testVtkMakeInstantiatorGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("vtk_make_instantiator");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testVtkMakeInstantiatorGoodParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testVtkMakeInstantiatorBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("vtk_make_instantiator");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testVtkMakeInstantiatorBadParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testVtkWrapJavaGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("vtk_wrap_java");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testVtkWrapJavaGoodParse_data()
const int NUM_TESTDATA = 2;
CMakeFunctionDesc funcs[NUM_TESTDATA];
QStringList args[NUM_TESTDATA];
for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_TESTDATA; i++ )
funcs[i].name = "VTK_WRAP_JAVA";
//test lowercase too
funcs[NUM_TESTDATA - 1].name = funcs[NUM_TESTDATA - 1].name.toLower();
args[0] << "myLibrary" << "MySourceList" << "source1";
args[1] << "myLibrary" << "MySourceList" << "source1" << "source2";
QTest::addColumn<CMakeFunctionDesc>( "function" );
for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_TESTDATA; i++)
funcs[i].addArguments( args[i] );
QTest::newRow( qPrintable(QString::number(i)) ) << funcs[i];
void CMakeAstTest::testVtkWrapJavaBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("vtk_wrap_java");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testVtkWrapJavaBadParse_data()
const int NUM_TESTDATA = 3;
CMakeFunctionDesc funcs[NUM_TESTDATA];
QStringList args[NUM_TESTDATA];
for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_TESTDATA; i++ )
funcs[i].name = "VTK_WRAP_JAVA";
funcs[NUM_TESTDATA - 1].name = "wrong_name";
args[0] << "myLibrary"; //no source list and no sources
args[1] << "myLibrary" << "MySourceList"; //source list but no sources
args[NUM_TESTDATA - 1] << "myLibrary" << "MySourceList" << "source1";
QTest::addColumn<CMakeFunctionDesc>( "function" );
for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_TESTDATA; i++)
funcs[i].addArguments( args[i] );
QTest::newRow( qPrintable(QString::number(i)) ) << funcs[i];
void CMakeAstTest::testVtkWrapPythonGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("vtk_wrap_python");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testVtkWrapPythonGoodParse_data()
const int NUM_TESTDATA = 2;
CMakeFunctionDesc funcs[NUM_TESTDATA];
QStringList args[NUM_TESTDATA];
for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_TESTDATA; i++ )
funcs[i].name = "VTK_WRAP_PYTHON";
//test lowercase too
funcs[NUM_TESTDATA - 1].name = funcs[NUM_TESTDATA - 1].name.toLower();
args[0] << "myLibrary" << "MySourceList" << "source1";
args[1] << "myLibrary" << "MySourceList" << "source1" << "source2";
QTest::addColumn<CMakeFunctionDesc>( "function" );
for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_TESTDATA; i++)
funcs[i].addArguments( args[i] );
QTest::newRow( qPrintable(QString::number(i)) ) << funcs[i];
void CMakeAstTest::testVtkWrapPythonBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("vtk_wrap_python");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testVtkWrapPythonBadParse_data()
const int NUM_TESTDATA = 3;
CMakeFunctionDesc funcs[NUM_TESTDATA];
QStringList args[NUM_TESTDATA];
for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_TESTDATA; i++ )
funcs[i].name = "VTK_WRAP_PYTHON";
funcs[NUM_TESTDATA - 1].name = "wrong_name";
args[0] << "myLibrary"; //no source list and no sources
args[1] << "myLibrary" << "MySourceList"; //source list but no sources
args[NUM_TESTDATA - 1] << "myLibrary" << "MySourceList" << "source1";
QTest::addColumn<CMakeFunctionDesc>( "function" );
for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_TESTDATA; i++)
funcs[i].addArguments( args[i] );
QTest::newRow( qPrintable(QString::number(i)) ) << funcs[i];
void CMakeAstTest::testVtkWrapTclGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("vtk_wrap_tcl");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testVtkWrapTclGoodParse_data()
const int NUM_TESTDATA = 6;
CMakeFunctionDesc funcs[NUM_TESTDATA];
QStringList args[NUM_TESTDATA];
for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_TESTDATA; i++ )
funcs[i].name = "VTK_WRAP_TCL";
//test lowercase too
funcs[NUM_TESTDATA - 1].name = funcs[NUM_TESTDATA - 1].name.toLower();
args[0] << "myLibrary" << "MySourceList" << "source1.tcl";
//SOURCES is optional
args[1] << "myLibrary" << "SOURCES" << "MySourceList" << "source1.tcl";
//multiple sources
args[2] << "myLibrary" << "SOURCES" << "MySourceList" << "source1.tcl"
<< "source2.tcl";
//commands are optional
args[3] << "myLibrary" << "MySourceList" << "source1.tcl"
<< "COMMANDS" << "com1";
//multiple commands
args[4] << "myLibrary" << "MySourceList" << "source1.tcl"
<< "COMMANDS" << "com1" << "com2";
//line from the cmake example
args[NUM_TESTDATA - 1] << "myLibrary" << "SOURCES"
<< "MySourceList" << "class1" << "class2"
<< "COMMANDS" << "first_command" << "second_command";
QTest::addColumn<CMakeFunctionDesc>( "function" );
for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_TESTDATA; i++)
funcs[i].addArguments( args[i] );
QTest::newRow( qPrintable(QString::number(i)) ) << funcs[i];
void CMakeAstTest::testVtkWrapTclBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("vtk_wrap_tcl");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testVtkWrapTclBadParse_data()
const int NUM_TESTDATA = 5;
CMakeFunctionDesc funcs[NUM_TESTDATA];
QStringList args[NUM_TESTDATA];
for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_TESTDATA; i++ )
funcs[i].name = "VTK_WRAP_TCL";
funcs[NUM_TESTDATA - 1].name = "wrong_name";
args[0] << "myLibrary"; //no source list and no sources
args[1] << "myLibrary" << "MySourceList"; //source list but no sources
args[2] << "myLibrary" << "SOURCES" << "MySourceList"; //source list but no sources
args[3] << "myLibrary" << "SOURCES" << "MySourceList" << "foo.tcl";
args[NUM_TESTDATA - 1] << "myLibrary" << "SOURCES"
<< "MySourceList" << "class1" << "class2"
<< "COMMANDS" << "first_command";
QTest::addColumn<CMakeFunctionDesc>( "function" );
for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_TESTDATA; i++)
funcs[i].addArguments( args[i] );
QTest::newRow( qPrintable(QString::number(i)) ) << funcs[i];
void CMakeAstTest::testWhileGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("while");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testWhileGoodParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testWhileBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("while");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testWhileBadParse_data()
void CMakeAstTest::testWriteFileGoodParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("write_file");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == true );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testWriteFileGoodParse_data()
const int NUM_TESTDATA = 2;
CMakeFunctionDesc funcs[NUM_TESTDATA];
QStringList args[NUM_TESTDATA];
for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_TESTDATA; i++ )
funcs[i].name = "WRITE_FILE";
if ( i % 2 == 0 )
funcs[i].name = funcs[i].name.toLower();
args[0] << "myfile.txt" << "\"this is my message\"";
args[1] << "myfile.txt" << "\"this is also my message\"" << "APPEND";
QTest::addColumn<CMakeFunctionDesc>( "function" );
for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_TESTDATA; i++)
funcs[i].addArguments( args[i] );
QTest::newRow( qPrintable(QString::number(i)) ) << funcs[i];
void CMakeAstTest::testWriteFileBadParse()
QFETCH( CMakeFunctionDesc, function );
CMakeAst* ast = AstFactory::self()->createAst("write_file");
QVERIFY( ast->parseFunctionInfo( function ) == false );
delete ast;
void CMakeAstTest::testWriteFileBadParse_data()
const int NUM_TESTDATA = 3;
CMakeFunctionDesc funcs[NUM_TESTDATA];
QStringList args[NUM_TESTDATA];
for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_TESTDATA; i++ )
funcs[i].name = "WRITE_FILE";
funcs[NUM_TESTDATA - 1].name = "wrong_name";
args[0] << "myfile.txt";
// args[1] << "myfile.txt" << "APPEND"; //append but no message. Should not crash, "append" is the message.
args[NUM_TESTDATA - 1] << "myfile.txt" << "\"this is also my message\"" << "APPEND";
QTest::addColumn<CMakeFunctionDesc>( "function" );
for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_TESTDATA; i++)
funcs[i].addArguments( args[i] );
QTest::newRow( qPrintable(QString("%1. %2").arg(i).arg(args[i].join(" "))) ) << funcs[i];