mirror of
synced 2025-02-26 11:52:54 +00:00
583 lines
28 KiB
583 lines
28 KiB
* Copyright 2003-2009 Alexander Dymo <adymo@kdevelop.org> *
* Copyright 2007 Ralf Habacker <Ralf.Habacker@freenet.de> *
* Copyright 2006-2007 Matt Rogers <mattr@kde.org> *
* Copyright 2006-2007 Hamish Rodda <rodda@kde.org> *
* Copyright 2005-2007 Adam Treat <treat@kde.org> *
* Copyright 2003-2007 Jens Dagerbo <jens.dagerbo@swipnet.se> *
* Copyright 2001-2002 Bernd Gehrmann <bernd@mail.berlios.de> *
* Copyright 2001-2002 Matthias Hoelzer-Kluepfel <hoelzer@kde.org> *
* Copyright 2003 Roberto Raggi <roberto@kdevelop.org> *
* Copyright 2010 Niko Sams <niko.sams@gmail.com> *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as *
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the *
* License, or (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public *
* License along with this program; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *
#include <config.h>
#include <kaboutdata.h>
#include <kapplication.h>
#include <kcmdlineargs.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <ksplashscreen.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <ktexteditor/cursor.h>
#include <QFileInfo>
#include <QDir>
#include <QProcess>
#include <QSessionManager>
#include <QTextStream>
#include <QDBusInterface>
#include <QDBusReply>
#include <shell/core.h>
#include <shell/mainwindow.h>
#include <shell/projectcontroller.h>
#include <shell/documentcontroller.h>
#include <shell/plugincontroller.h>
#include <shell/sessioncontroller.h>
#include <shell/runcontroller.h>
#include <shell/launchconfiguration.h>
#include <shell/session.h>
#include <interfaces/ilauncher.h>
#include <interfaces/iproject.h>
#include <interfaces/launchconfigurationtype.h>
#include "kdevideextension.h"
#include <iostream>
#include "welcomepage/welcomepageview.h"
#include "splash.h"
#ifdef Q_OS_MAC
#include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
using KDevelop::Core;
// Represents a file to be opened, consisting of its URL and the linenumber to jump to
typedef QPair<QString, int> File;
class KDevelopApplication: public KApplication {
explicit KDevelopApplication(bool GUIenabled = true): KApplication(GUIenabled) {}
void saveState( QSessionManager& sm ) {
if (KDevelop::Core::self() && KDevelop::Core::self()->sessionController()) {
QString x11SessionId = QString("%1_%2").arg(sm.sessionId()).arg(sm.sessionKey());
QString kdevelopSessionId = KDevelop::Core::self()->sessionController()->activeSession()->id().toString();
sm.setRestartCommand(QStringList() << QCoreApplication::applicationFilePath() << "-session" << x11SessionId << "-s" << kdevelopSessionId);
/// Tries to find a session identified by @p data in @p sessions.
/// The @p data may be either a session's name or a string-representation of its UUID.
/// @return pointer to the session or NULL if nothing appropriate has been found
static const KDevelop::SessionInfo* findSessionInList( QList<KDevelop::SessionInfo>& sessions, const QString& data )
// We won't search a session without input data, since that could lead to false-positives
// with unnamed sessions
if( data.isEmpty() )
return 0;
for( QList<KDevelop::SessionInfo>::const_iterator it = sessions.constBegin(); it != sessions.constEnd(); ++it ) {
if ( ( it->name == data ) || ( it->uuid.toString() == data ) ) {
const KDevelop::SessionInfo& sessionRef = *it;
return &sessionRef;
return 0;
/// Parses a filename given as an argument by determining its line number and full path
static File parseFilename(QString argument)
if ( KUrl::isRelativeUrl(argument) && ! argument.startsWith('/') ) {
argument = QDir::currentPath() + "/" + argument;
//Allow opening specific lines in documents, like mydoc.cpp:10
int lineNumberOffset = argument.lastIndexOf(':');
int line = -1;
if( lineNumberOffset != -1 )
bool isInt;
int lineNr = argument.mid(lineNumberOffset+1).toInt(&isInt);
if (isInt)
argument = argument.left(lineNumberOffset);
line = lineNr;
return File(argument, line);
/// Performs a DBus call to open the given @p files in the running kdev instance identified by @p pid
/// Returns the exit status
static int openFilesInRunningInstance(const QVector<File>& files, int pid)
const QString service = QString("org.kdevelop.kdevelop-%1").arg(pid);
QDBusInterface iface(service, "/org/kdevelop/DocumentController", "org.kdevelop.DocumentController");
QStringList urls;
bool errors_occured = false;
foreach ( const File& file, files ) {
QDBusReply<bool> result = iface.call("openDocumentSimple", file.first);
if ( ! result.value() ) {
QTextStream err(stderr);
err << i18n("Could not open file %1.", file.first) << "\n";
errors_occured = true;
// make the window visible
QDBusMessage makeVisible = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall( service, "/kdevelop/MainWindow", "org.kdevelop.MainWindow",
"ensureVisible" );
QDBusConnection::sessionBus().asyncCall( makeVisible );
return errors_occured ? 1 : 0;
/// Gets the PID of a running KDevelop instance, eventually asking the user if there is more than one.
/// Returns -1 in case there are no running sessions.
static int getRunningSessionPid()
QList<KDevelop::SessionInfo> candidates;
foreach( const KDevelop::SessionInfo& si, KDevelop::SessionController::availableSessionInfo() ) {
if( KDevelop::SessionController::isSessionRunning(si.uuid.toString()) ) {
candidates << si;
if ( candidates.isEmpty() ) {
return -1;
QString sessionUuid;
if ( candidates.size() == 1 ) {
sessionUuid = candidates.first().uuid.toString();
else {
const QString title = i18n("Select the session to open the document in");
sessionUuid = KDevelop::SessionController::showSessionChooserDialog(title, true);
return KDevelop::SessionController::sessionRunInfo(sessionUuid).holderPid;
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
#ifdef Q_OS_MAC
CFBundleRef mainBundle = CFBundleGetMainBundle();
if (mainBundle) {
// get the application's Info Dictionary. For app bundles this would live in the bundle's Info.plist,
// for regular executables it is obtained in another way.
CFMutableDictionaryRef infoDict = (CFMutableDictionaryRef) CFBundleGetInfoDictionary(mainBundle);
if (infoDict) {
// Try to prevent App Nap on OS X. This can be tricky in practice, at least in 10.9 .
CFDictionarySetValue(infoDict, CFSTR("NSAppSleepDisabled"), kCFBooleanTrue);
CFDictionarySetValue(infoDict, CFSTR("NSSupportsAutomaticTermination"), kCFBooleanFalse);
static const char description[] = I18N_NOOP( "The KDevelop Integrated Development Environment" );
KAboutData aboutData( "kdevelop", 0, ki18n( "KDevelop" ), QByteArray(VERSION), ki18n(description), KAboutData::License_GPL,
ki18n( "Copyright 1999-2014, The KDevelop developers" ), KLocalizedString(), "http://www.kdevelop.org/" );
aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n("Andreas Pakulat"), ki18n( "Architecture, VCS Support, Project Management Support, QMake Projectmanager" ), "apaku@gmx.de" );
aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n("Alexander Dymo"), ki18n( "Architecture, Sublime UI, Ruby support" ), "adymo@kdevelop.org" );
aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n("David Nolden"), ki18n( "Definition-Use Chain, C++ Support, Code Navigation, Code Completion, Coding Assistance, Refactoring" ), "david.nolden.kdevelop@art-master.de" );
aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n("Aleix Pol Gonzalez"), ki18n( "Co-Maintainer, CMake Support, Run Support, Kross Support" ), "aleixpol@gmail.com" );
aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n("Vladimir Prus"), ki18n( "GDB integration" ), "ghost@cs.msu.su" );
aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n("Hamish Rodda"), ki18n( "Text editor integration, definition-use chain" ), "rodda@kde.org" );
aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n("Amilcar do Carmo Lucas"), ki18n( "Website admin, API documentation, Doxygen and autoproject patches" ), "amilcar@kdevelop.org" );
aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n("Niko Sams"), ki18n( "GDB integration, Webdevelopment Plugins" ), "niko.sams@gmail.com" );
aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n("Milian Wolff"), ki18n( "Co-Maintainer, Generic manager, Webdevelopment Plugins, Snippets, Performance" ), "mail@milianw.de" );
aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n("Sven Brauch"), ki18n( "Python Support, User Interface improvements" ), "svenbrauch@gmail.com" );
aboutData.addCredit( ki18n("Matt Rogers"), KLocalizedString(), "mattr@kde.org");
aboutData.addCredit( ki18n("Cédric Pasteur"), ki18n("astyle and indent support"), "cedric.pasteur@free.fr" );
aboutData.addCredit( ki18n("Evgeniy Ivanov"), ki18n("Distributed VCS, Git, Mercurial"), "powerfox@kde.ru" );
// QTest integration is separate in playground currently.
//aboutData.addCredit( ki18n("Manuel Breugelmanns"), ki18n( "Veritas, QTest integration"), "mbr.nxi@gmail.com" );
aboutData.addCredit( ki18n("Robert Gruber") , ki18n( "SnippetPart, debugger and usability patches" ), "rgruber@users.sourceforge.net" );
aboutData.addCredit( ki18n("Dukju Ahn"), ki18n( "Subversion plugin, Custom Make Manager, Overall improvements" ), "dukjuahn@gmail.com" );
aboutData.addCredit( ki18n("Harald Fernengel"), ki18n( "Ported to Qt 3, patches, valgrind, diff and perforce support" ), "harry@kdevelop.org" );
aboutData.addCredit( ki18n("Roberto Raggi"), ki18n( "C++ parser" ), "roberto@kdevelop.org" );
aboutData.addCredit( ki18n("The KWrite authors"), ki18n( "Kate editor component" ), "kwrite-devel@kde.org" );
aboutData.addCredit( ki18n("Nokia Corporation/Qt Software"), ki18n( "Designer code" ), "qt-info@nokia.com" );
aboutData.addCredit( ki18n("Contributors to older versions:"), KLocalizedString(), "" );
aboutData.addCredit( ki18n("The KHTML authors"), ki18n( "HTML documentation component" ), "kfm-devel@kde.org" );
aboutData.addCredit( ki18n("Bernd Gehrmann"), ki18n( "Initial idea, basic architecture, much initial source code" ), "bernd@kdevelop.org" );
aboutData.addCredit( ki18n("Caleb Tennis"), ki18n( "KTabBar, bugfixes" ), "caleb@aei-tech.com" );
aboutData.addCredit( ki18n("Richard Dale"), ki18n( "Java & Objective C support" ), "Richard_Dale@tipitina.demon.co.uk" );
aboutData.addCredit( ki18n("John Birch"), ki18n( "Debugger frontend" ), "jbb@kdevelop.org" );
aboutData.addCredit( ki18n("Sandy Meier"), ki18n( "PHP support, context menu stuff" ), "smeier@kdevelop.org" );
aboutData.addCredit( ki18n("Kurt Granroth"), ki18n( "KDE application templates" ), "kurth@granroth.org" );
aboutData.addCredit( ki18n("Ian Reinhart Geiser"), ki18n( "Dist part, bash support, application templates" ), "geiseri@yahoo.com" );
aboutData.addCredit( ki18n("Matthias Hoelzer-Kluepfel"), ki18n( "Several components, htdig indexing" ), "hoelzer@kde.org" );
aboutData.addCredit( ki18n("Victor Roeder"), ki18n( "Help with Automake manager and persistent class store" ), "victor_roeder@gmx.de" );
aboutData.addCredit( ki18n("Simon Hausmann"), ki18n( "Help with KParts infrastructure" ), "hausmann@kde.org" );
aboutData.addCredit( ki18n("Oliver Kellogg"), ki18n( "Ada support" ), "okellogg@users.sourceforge.net" );
aboutData.addCredit( ki18n("Jakob Simon-Gaarde"), ki18n( "QMake projectmanager" ), "jsgaarde@tdcspace.dk" );
aboutData.addCredit( ki18n("Falk Brettschneider"), ki18n( "MDI modes, QEditor, bugfixes" ), "falkbr@kdevelop.org" );
aboutData.addCredit( ki18n("Mario Scalas"), ki18n( "PartExplorer, redesign of CvsPart, patches, bugs(fixes)" ), "mario.scalas@libero.it" );
aboutData.addCredit( ki18n("Jens Dagerbo"), ki18n( "Replace, Bookmarks, FileList and CTags2 plugins. Overall improvements and patches" ), "jens.dagerbo@swipnet.se" );
aboutData.addCredit( ki18n("Julian Rockey"), ki18n( "Filecreate part and other bits and patches" ), "linux@jrockey.com" );
aboutData.addCredit( ki18n("Ajay Guleria"), ki18n( "ClearCase support" ), "ajay_guleria@yahoo.com" );
aboutData.addCredit( ki18n("Marek Janukowicz"), ki18n( "Ruby support" ), "child@t17.ds.pwr.wroc.pl" );
aboutData.addCredit( ki18n("Robert Moniot"), ki18n( "Fortran documentation" ), "moniot@fordham.edu" );
aboutData.addCredit( ki18n("Ka-Ping Yee"), ki18n( "Python documentation utility" ), "ping@lfw.org" );
aboutData.addCredit( ki18n("Dimitri van Heesch"), ki18n( "Doxygen wizard" ), "dimitri@stack.nl" );
aboutData.addCredit( ki18n("Hugo Varotto"), ki18n( "Fileselector component" ), "hugo@varotto-usa.com" );
aboutData.addCredit( ki18n("Matt Newell"), ki18n( "Fileselector component" ), "newellm@proaxis.com" );
aboutData.addCredit( ki18n("Daniel Engelschalt"), ki18n( "C++ code completion, persistent class store" ), "daniel.engelschalt@gmx.net" );
aboutData.addCredit( ki18n("Stephane Ancelot"), ki18n( "Patches" ), "sancelot@free.fr" );
aboutData.addCredit( ki18n("Jens Zurheide"), ki18n( "Patches" ), "jens.zurheide@gmx.de" );
aboutData.addCredit( ki18n("Luc Willems"), ki18n( "Help with Perl support" ), "Willems.luc@pandora.be" );
aboutData.addCredit( ki18n("Marcel Turino"), ki18n( "Documentation index view" ), "M.Turino@gmx.de" );
aboutData.addCredit( ki18n("Yann Hodique"), ki18n( "Patches" ), "Yann.Hodique@lifl.fr" );
aboutData.addCredit( ki18n("Tobias Gl\303\244\303\237er") , ki18n( "Documentation Finder, qmake projectmanager patches, usability improvements, bugfixes ... " ), "tobi.web@gmx.de" );
aboutData.addCredit( ki18n("Andreas Koepfle") , ki18n( "QMake project manager patches" ), "koepfle@ti.uni-mannheim.de" );
aboutData.addCredit( ki18n("Sascha Cunz") , ki18n( "Cleanup and bugfixes for qEditor, AutoMake and much other stuff" ), "mail@sacu.de" );
aboutData.addCredit( ki18n("Zoran Karavla"), ki18n( "Artwork for the ruby language" ), "webmaster@the-error.net", "http://the-error.net" );
//we can't use KCmdLineArgs as it doesn't allow arguments for the debugee
//so lookup the --debug switch and eat everything behind by decrementing argc
//debugArgs is filled with args after --debug <debuger>
QStringList debugArgs;
QString debugeeName;
bool debugFound = false;
int c = argc;
for (int i=0; i < c; ++i) {
if (debugFound) {
debugArgs << argv[i];
} else if (qstrcmp(argv[i], "--debug") == 0 || qstrcmp(argv[i], "-d") == 0) {
if (argc <= i+1) {
argc = i + 1;
} else {
argc = i + 1;
debugFound = true;
} else if (QString(argv[i]).startsWith("--debug=")) {
argc = i + 1;
debugFound = true;
KCmdLineArgs::init( argc, argv, &aboutData );
KCmdLineOptions options;
.add("new-session <name>", ki18n("Open KDevelop with a new session using the given name."));
.add("open-session <session>", ki18n("Open KDevelop with the given session.\n"
"You can pass either hash or the name of the session." ));
options.add("ps").add("pick-session", ki18n("Shows all available sessions and lets you select one to open." ));
options.add("pss").add("pick-session-shell", ki18n("List all available sessions on shell and lets you select one to open." ));
.add("list-sessions", ki18n( "List available sessions and quit." ));
.add("project <project>", ki18n( "Open KDevelop and load the given project." ));
.add("debug <debugger>",
ki18n( "Start debugging an application in KDevelop with the given debugger.\n"
"The binary that should be debugged must follow - including arguments.\n"
"Example: kdevelop --debug gdb myapp --foo bar"));
options.add("+files", ki18n( "Files to load" ));
options.add(":", ki18n("Deprecated options:"));
options.add("sessions", ki18n( "Same as -l / --list-sessions" ));
options.add("cs <name>", ki18n( "Same as -n / --new-session" ));
KCmdLineArgs::addCmdLineOptions( options );
KCmdLineArgs* args = KCmdLineArgs::parsedArgs();
KDevelopApplication app;
// The session-controller needs to arguments to eventually pass them to newly opened sessions
KDevelop::SessionController::setArguments(argc, argv);
if(args->isSet("sessions") || args->isSet("list-sessions"))
QTextStream qout(stdout);
qout << endl << ki18n("Available sessions (use '-s HASH' or '-s NAME' to open a specific one):").toString() << endl << endl;
qout << QString("%1").arg(ki18n("Hash").toString(), -38) << '\t' << ki18n("Name: Opened Projects").toString() << endl;
foreach(const KDevelop::SessionInfo& si, KDevelop::SessionController::availableSessionInfo())
if ( si.name.isEmpty() && si.projects.isEmpty() ) {
qout << si.uuid.toString() << '\t' << si.description;
qout << " " << i18n("[running]");
qout << endl;
return 0;
// Handle extra arguments, which stand for files to open
QVector<File> initialFiles;
for ( int i = 0; i < args->count(); i++ ) {
if ( ! initialFiles.isEmpty() && ! args->isSet("open-session") && ! args->isSet("new-session") )
int pid = getRunningSessionPid();
if ( pid > 0 ) {
return openFilesInRunningInstance(initialFiles, pid);
// else there are no running sessions, and the generated list of files will be opened below.
// if empty, restart kdevelop with last active session, see SessionController::defaultSessionId
QString session;
QTextStream qerr(stderr);
QList<KDevelop::SessionInfo> candidates;
foreach(const KDevelop::SessionInfo& si, KDevelop::SessionController::availableSessionInfo())
if( (!si.name.isEmpty() || !si.projects.isEmpty() || args->isSet("pid")) &&
(!args->isSet("pid") || KDevelop::SessionController::isSessionRunning(si.uuid.toString())))
candidates << si;
if(candidates.size() == 0)
qerr << "no session available" << endl;
return 1;
if(candidates.size() == 1 && args->isSet("pid"))
session = candidates[0].uuid.toString();
for(int i = 0; i < candidates.size(); ++i)
qerr << "[" << i << "]: " << candidates[i].description << endl;
int chosen;
std::cin >> chosen;
if(std::cin.good() && (chosen >= 0 && chosen < candidates.size()))
session = candidates[chosen].uuid.toString();
qerr << "invalid selection" << endl;
return 1;
bool onlyRunning = args->isSet("pid");
session = KDevelop::SessionController::showSessionChooserDialog(i18n("Select the session you would like to use"), onlyRunning);
return 1;
if ( args->isSet("debug") ) {
if ( debugArgs.isEmpty() ) {
QTextStream qerr(stderr);
qerr << endl << i18nc("@info:shell", "Specify the binary you want to debug.") << endl;
return 1;
debugeeName = i18n("Debug %1", KUrl( debugArgs.first() ).fileName());
session = debugeeName;
} else if ( args->isSet("cs") || args->isSet("new-session") )
session = args->isSet("cs") ? args->getOption("cs") : args->getOption("new-session");
foreach(const KDevelop::SessionInfo& si, KDevelop::SessionController::availableSessionInfo())
if ( session == si.name ) {
QTextStream qerr(stderr);
qerr << endl << i18n("A session with the name %1 exists already. Use the -s switch to open it.", session) << endl;
return 1;
// session doesn't exist, we can create it
} else if ( args->isSet("open-session") ) {
session = args->getOption("open-session");
//If there is a session and a project with the same name, always open the session
//regardless of the order encountered
QString projectAsSession;
bool found = false;
foreach(const KDevelop::SessionInfo& si, KDevelop::SessionController::availableSessionInfo())
if ( session == si.name || session == si.uuid.toString() ) {
found = true;
else if (projectAsSession.isEmpty()) {
foreach(const KUrl& k, si.projects)
QString fn(k.fileName());
fn = fn.left(fn.indexOf('.'));
if ( session == fn )
projectAsSession = si.uuid;
if ( !found ) {
if ( projectAsSession.isEmpty() ) {
QTextStream qerr(stderr);
qerr << endl << i18n("Cannot open unknown session %1. See --sessions switch for available sessions or use -cs to create a new one.", session) << endl;
return 1;
session = projectAsSession;
QList<KDevelop::SessionInfo> sessions = KDevelop::SessionController::availableSessionInfo();
const KDevelop::SessionInfo* sessionData = findSessionInList( sessions, session );
if(args->isSet("pid")) {
if( !sessionData ) {
kError() << "session not given or does not exist";
return 5;
KDevelop::SessionRunInfo sessionInfo = KDevelop::SessionController::sessionRunInfo( sessionData->uuid.toString() );
if (!sessionInfo.isRunning) {
kError() << session << sessionData->name << "is not running";
return 5;
} else {
// Print the PID and we're ready
std::cout << sessionInfo.holderPid << std::endl;
return 0;
KDevSplashScreen* splash = 0;
if ( !QProcessEnvironment::systemEnvironment().contains("KDEV_DISABLE_SPLASH") ) {
splash = new KDevSplashScreen;
if(!Core::initialize(splash, Core::Default, session))
return 5;
KGlobal::locale()->insertCatalog( Core::self()->componentData().catalogName() );
Core* core = Core::self();
QStringList projectNames = args->getOptionList("project");
foreach(const QString& p, projectNames)
QFileInfo info( p );
if( info.suffix() == "kdev4" ) {
// make sure the project is not already opened by the session controller
bool shouldOpen = true;
KUrl url(info.absoluteFilePath());
foreach(KDevelop::IProject* p, core->projectController()->projects()) {
if (p->projectFileUrl() == url) {
shouldOpen = false;
if (shouldOpen) {
core->projectController()->openProject( url );
if ( args->isSet("debug") ) {
Q_ASSERT( !debugeeName.isEmpty() );
QString launchName = debugeeName;
KDevelop::LaunchConfiguration* launch = 0;
kDebug() << launchName;
foreach (KDevelop::LaunchConfiguration *l, core->runControllerInternal()->launchConfigurationsInternal()) {
kDebug() << l->name();
if (l->name() == launchName) {
launch = l;
KDevelop::LaunchConfigurationType *type = 0;
foreach (KDevelop::LaunchConfigurationType *t, core->runController()->launchConfigurationTypes()) {
kDebug() << t->id();
if (t->id() == "Native Application") {
type = t;
if (!type) {
QTextStream qerr(stderr);
qerr << endl << i18n("Cannot find native launch configuration type") << endl;
return 1;
if (launch && launch->type()->id() != "Native Application") launch = 0;
if (launch && launch->launcherForMode("debug") != args->getOption("debug")) launch = 0;
if (!launch) {
kDebug() << launchName << "not found, creating a new one";
QPair<QString,QString> launcher;
launcher.first = "debug";
foreach (KDevelop::ILauncher *l, type->launchers()) {
if (l->id() == args->getOption("debug")) {
if (l->supportedModes().contains("debug")) {
launcher.second = l->id();
if (launcher.second.isEmpty()) {
QTextStream qerr(stderr);
qerr << endl << i18n("Cannot find launcher %1", args->getOption("debug")) << endl;
return 1;
KDevelop::ILaunchConfiguration* ilaunch = core->runController()->createLaunchConfiguration(type, launcher, 0, launchName);
launch = dynamic_cast<KDevelop::LaunchConfiguration*>(ilaunch);
type->configureLaunchFromCmdLineArguments(launch->config(), debugArgs);
launch->config().writeEntry("Break on Start", true);
core->runControllerInternal()->execute("debug", launch);
} else {
foreach ( const File& file, initialFiles ) {
if(!core->documentController()->openDocument(file.first, KTextEditor::Cursor(file.second, 0))) {
kWarning() << i18n("Could not open %1", file.first);
// make it possible to disable the welcome page, useful for valgrind runs e.g.
if (!QProcessEnvironment::systemEnvironment().contains("KDEV_DISABLE_WELCOMEPAGE")) {
return app.exec();