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/***************************************************** vim:set ts=4 sw=4 sts=4:
KControl module for KTTSD configuration and Job Management
Copyright 2002-2003 by José Pablo Ezequiel "Pupeno" Fernández <pupeno@kde.org>
Copyright 2004-2005 by Gary Cramblitt <garycramblitt@comcast.net>
Copyright 2009 by Jeremy Whiting <jpwhiting@kde.org>
Original author: José Pablo Ezequiel "Pupeno" Fernández <pupeno@kde.org>
Current Maintainer: Jeremy Whiting <jpwhiting@kde.org>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
// Note to programmers. There is a subtle difference between a plugIn name and a
// synthesizer name. The latter is a translated name, for example, "Festival Interactivo",
// while the former is alway an English name, example "Festival Interactive".
// KCMKttsMgr includes.
#include "kcmkttsmgr.h"
#include "moc_kcmkttsmgr.cpp"
// C++ includes.
#include <math.h>
// Qt includes.
#include <QtGui/QWidget>
#include <QtGui/QTabWidget>
#include <QtGui/QCheckBox>
#include <QtGui/QLayout>
#include <QtGui/QRadioButton>
#include <QtGui/QSlider>
#include <QtGui/QLabel>
#include <QtGui/QTreeWidget>
#include <QtGui/QHeaderView>
#include <QtCore/QTextStream>
#include <QtGui/QMenu>
// KDE includes.
#include <klineedit.h>
#include <kurlrequester.h>
#include <kicon.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <kaboutdata.h>
#include <kconfig.h>
#include <knuminput.h>
#include <kcombobox.h>
#include <kinputdialog.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <kfiledialog.h>
#include <ktoolinvocation.h>
#include <kdialog.h>
#include <kspeech.h>
#include <kpluginfactory.h>
#include <kpluginloader.h>
#include <kservicetypetrader.h>
#include <kpluginloader.h>
// KTTS includes.
#include "talkercode.h"
#include "filterconf.h"
#include "kttsjobmgr.h"
// Some constants.
// Defaults set when clicking Defaults button.
const bool autostartMgrCheckBoxValue = true;
const bool autoexitMgrCheckBoxValue = true;
// Make this a plug in.
K_PLUGIN_FACTORY (KCMKttsMgrFactory, registerPlugin<KCMKttsMgr>();)
K_EXPORT_PLUGIN (KCMKttsMgrFactory ("jovie"))
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
FilterListModel::FilterListModel (FilterList filters, QObject *parent)
: QAbstractListModel (parent), m_filters (filters)
int FilterListModel::rowCount (const QModelIndex &parent) const
if (!parent.isValid())
return m_filters.count();
return 0;
int FilterListModel::columnCount (const QModelIndex &parent) const
Q_UNUSED (parent);
return 2;
QModelIndex FilterListModel::index (int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent) const
if (!parent.isValid())
return createIndex (row, column, 0);
return QModelIndex();
QModelIndex FilterListModel::parent (const QModelIndex &index) const
Q_UNUSED (index);
return QModelIndex();
QVariant FilterListModel::data (const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
if (!index.isValid())
return QVariant();
if (index.row() < 0 || index.row() >= m_filters.count())
return QVariant();
if (index.column() < 0 || index.column() >= 2)
return QVariant();
if (role == Qt::DisplayRole || role == Qt::EditRole)
switch (index.column()) {
case 0:
return QVariant();
case 1:
return m_filters.at (index.row()).userFilterName;
if (role == Qt::CheckStateRole)
switch (index.column()) {
case 0:
if (m_filters.at (index.row()).enabled)
return Qt::Checked;
return Qt::Unchecked;
case 1:
return QVariant();
return QVariant();
Qt::ItemFlags FilterListModel::flags (const QModelIndex &index) const
if (!index.isValid())
return Qt::ItemIsEnabled;
switch (index.column()) {
case 0:
return QAbstractItemModel::flags (index) | Qt::ItemIsEnabled |
Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable;
case 1:
return QAbstractItemModel::flags (index) | Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable;
return QAbstractItemModel::flags (index) | Qt::ItemIsEnabled;
QVariant FilterListModel::headerData (int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const
if (orientation == Qt::Horizontal && role == Qt::DisplayRole)
switch (section) {
case 0:
return QLatin1String( "" );
case 1:
return i18n ("Filter");
return QVariant();
bool FilterListModel::removeRow (int row, const QModelIndex & parent)
beginRemoveRows (parent, row, row);
m_filters.removeAt (row);
return true;
FilterItem FilterListModel::getRow (int row) const
if (row < 0 || row >= rowCount()) return FilterItem();
return m_filters[row];
bool FilterListModel::appendRow (FilterItem& filter)
beginInsertRows (QModelIndex(), m_filters.count(), m_filters.count());
m_filters.append (filter);
return true;
bool FilterListModel::updateRow (int row, FilterItem& filter)
m_filters.replace (row, filter);
emit dataChanged (index (row, 0, QModelIndex()), index (row, columnCount() - 1, QModelIndex()));
return true;
bool FilterListModel::swap (int i, int j)
m_filters.swap (i, j);
emit dataChanged (index (i, 0, QModelIndex()), index (j, columnCount() - 1, QModelIndex()));
return true;
void FilterListModel::clear()
emit reset();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Constructor.
KCMKttsMgr::KCMKttsMgr (QWidget *parent, const QVariantList &) :
KCModule (KCMKttsMgrFactory::componentData(), parent/*, name*/),
m_kspeech (0)
// kDebug() << "KCMKttsMgr constructor running.";
// Initialize some variables.
m_config = 0;
m_jobMgrWidget = 0;
m_configDlg = 0;
m_changed = false;
m_suppressConfigChanged = false;
// Add the KTTS Manager widget
setupUi (this);
// Connect Views to Models and set row selection mode.
talkersView->setModel (&m_talkerListModel);
filtersView->setModel (&m_filterListModel);
talkersView->setSelectionBehavior (QAbstractItemView::SelectRows);
filtersView->setSelectionBehavior (QAbstractItemView::SelectRows);
talkersView->setRootIsDecorated (false);
filtersView->setRootIsDecorated (false);
talkersView->setItemsExpandable (false);
filtersView->setItemsExpandable (false);
// Give buttons icons.
// Talkers tab.
higherTalkerPriorityButton->setIcon (KIcon ( QLatin1String( "go-up" )));
lowerTalkerPriorityButton->setIcon (KIcon ( QLatin1String( "go-down" )));
removeTalkerButton->setIcon (KIcon ( QLatin1String( "user-trash" )));
configureTalkerButton->setIcon (KIcon ( QLatin1String( "configure" )));
// Filters tab.
higherFilterPriorityButton->setIcon (KIcon ( QLatin1String( "go-up" )));
lowerFilterPriorityButton->setIcon (KIcon ( QLatin1String( "go-down" )));
removeFilterButton->setIcon (KIcon ( QLatin1String( "user-trash" )));
configureFilterButton->setIcon (KIcon ( QLatin1String( "configure" )));
// Object for the KTTSD configuration.
m_config = new KConfig (QLatin1String( "kttsdrc" ));
// Connect the signals from the KCMKtssMgrWidget to this class.
// General tab.
connect (enableJovieCheckBox, SIGNAL (toggled(bool)),
SLOT (slotEnableJovie_toggled(bool)));
// Talker tab.
connect (addTalkerButton, SIGNAL (clicked()),
this, SLOT (slotAddTalkerButton_clicked()));
connect (higherTalkerPriorityButton, SIGNAL (clicked()),
this, SLOT (slotHigherTalkerPriorityButton_clicked()));
connect (lowerTalkerPriorityButton, SIGNAL (clicked()),
this, SLOT (slotLowerTalkerPriorityButton_clicked()));
connect (removeTalkerButton, SIGNAL (clicked()),
this, SLOT (slotRemoveTalkerButton_clicked()));
connect (configureTalkerButton, SIGNAL (clicked()),
this, SLOT (slotConfigureTalkerButton_clicked()));
connect (talkersView, SIGNAL (clicked(QModelIndex)),
this, SLOT (updateTalkerButtons()));
// Filter tab.
connect (addFilterButton, SIGNAL (clicked()),
this, SLOT (slotAddFilterButton_clicked()));
connect (higherFilterPriorityButton, SIGNAL (clicked()),
this, SLOT (slotHigherFilterPriorityButton_clicked()));
connect (lowerFilterPriorityButton, SIGNAL (clicked()),
this, SLOT (slotLowerFilterPriorityButton_clicked()));
connect (removeFilterButton, SIGNAL (clicked()),
this, SLOT (slotRemoveFilterButton_clicked()));
connect (configureFilterButton, SIGNAL (clicked()),
this, SLOT (slotConfigureFilterButton_clicked()));
connect (filtersView, SIGNAL (clicked(QModelIndex)),
this, SLOT (updateFilterButtons()));
connect (filtersView, SIGNAL (clicked(QModelIndex)),
this, SLOT (slotFilterListView_clicked(QModelIndex)));
// Others.
connect (mainTab, SIGNAL (currentChanged(int)),
this, SLOT (slotTabChanged()));
// See if Jovie is already running, and if so, create jobs tab.
if (QDBusConnection::sessionBus().interface()->isServiceRegistered (QLatin1String( "org.kde.jovie" )))
// Start Jovie if check box is checked.
slotEnableJovie_toggled (enableJovieCheckBox->isChecked());
// Adjust view column sizes.
// TODO: To work properly, this needs to be done after the widgets are shown.
// Possibly in Resize event?
for (int i = 0; i < m_filterListModel.columnCount(); ++i)
filtersView->resizeColumnToContents (i);
for (int i = 0; i < m_talkerListModel.columnCount(); ++i)
talkersView->resizeColumnToContents (i);
// Switch to Talkers tab if none configured,
// otherwise switch to Jobs tab if it is active.
if (m_talkerListModel.rowCount() == 0)
mainTab->setCurrentIndex (wpTalkers);
else if (enableJovieCheckBox->isChecked())
mainTab->setCurrentIndex (wpJobs);
* Destructor.
// kDebug() << "KCMKttsMgr::~KCMKttsMgr: Running";
delete m_config;
* This method is invoked whenever the module should read its
* configuration (most of the times from a config file) and update the
* user interface. This happens when the user clicks the "Reset" button in
* the control center, to undo all of his changes and restore the currently
* valid settings. NOTE that this is not called after the modules is loaded,
* so you probably want to call this method in the constructor.
void KCMKttsMgr::load()
// kDebug() << "KCMKttsMgr::load: Running";
m_changed = false;
// Don't emit changed() signal while loading.
m_suppressConfigChanged = true;
// Set the group general for the configuration of kttsd itself (no plug ins)
KConfigGroup generalConfig (m_config, "General");
// Overall settings.
enableJovieCheckBox->setChecked (generalConfig.readEntry ("EnableJovie",
// Last filter ID. Used to generate a new ID for an added filter.
m_lastFilterID = 0;
// Load existing Talkers into Talker List.
m_talkerListModel.loadTalkerCodesFromConfig (m_config);
// Last talker ID. Used to generate a new ID for an added talker.
//m_lastTalkerID = m_talkerListModel.highestTalkerId();
// Dictionary mapping languages to language codes.
for (int i = 0; i < m_talkerListModel.rowCount(); ++i) {
QString language = m_talkerListModel.getRow (i).language();
m_languagesToCodes[language] = language;
// Iterate thru the possible plug ins getting their language support codes.
//for(int i=0; i < offers.count() ; ++i)
// QString synthName = offers[i]->name();
// QStringList languageCodes = offers[i]->property("X-KDE-Languages").toStringList();
// // Add language codes to the language-to-language code map.
// QStringList::ConstIterator endLanguages(languageCodes.constEnd());
// for( QStringList::ConstIterator it = languageCodes.constBegin(); it != endLanguages; ++it )
// {
// QString language = TalkerCode::languageCodeToLanguage(*it);
// m_languagesToCodes[language] = *it;
// }
// // All plugins support "Other".
// // TODO: Eventually, this should not be necessary, since all plugins will know
// // the languages they support and report them in call to getSupportedLanguages().
// if (!languageCodes.contains("other")) languageCodes.append("other");
// // Add supported language codes to synthesizer-to-language map.
// m_synthToLangMap[synthName] = languageCodes;
// Add "Other" language.
//m_languagesToCodes[i18nc("Other language", "Other")] = "other";
// Load Filters.
QStringList filterIDsList = generalConfig.readEntry ("FilterIDs", QStringList());
// kDebug() << "KCMKttsMgr::load: FilterIDs = " << filterIDsList;
if (!filterIDsList.isEmpty()) {
QStringList::ConstIterator itEnd = filterIDsList.constEnd();
for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = filterIDsList.constBegin(); it != itEnd; ++it) {
QString filterID = *it;
// kDebug() << "KCMKttsMgr::load: filterID = " << filterID;
KConfigGroup filterConfig (m_config, QLatin1String( "Filter_" ) + filterID);
QString desktopEntryName = filterConfig.readEntry ("DesktopEntryName", QString());
// If a DesktopEntryName is not in the config file, it was configured before
// we started using them, when we stored translated plugin names instead.
// Try to convert the translated plugin name to a DesktopEntryName.
// DesktopEntryNames are better because user can change their desktop language
// and DesktopEntryName won't change.
QString filterPlugInName;
filterPlugInName = FilterDesktopEntryNameToName (desktopEntryName);
if (!filterPlugInName.isEmpty()) {
FilterItem fi;
fi.id = filterID;
fi.plugInName = filterPlugInName;
fi.desktopEntryName = desktopEntryName;
fi.userFilterName = filterConfig.readEntry ("UserFilterName", filterPlugInName);
fi.multiInstance = filterConfig.readEntry ("MultiInstance", false);
fi.enabled = filterConfig.readEntry ("Enabled", false);
// Determine if this filter is a Sentence Boundary Detector (SBD).
m_filterListModel.appendRow (fi);
if (filterID.toInt() > m_lastFilterID) m_lastFilterID = filterID.toInt();
// Add at least one unchecked instance of each available filter plugin if there is
// not already at least one instance and the filter can autoconfig itself.
//offers = KServiceTypeTrader::self()->query("KTTSD/FilterPlugin");
//for (int i=0; i < offers.count() ; ++i)
// QString filterPlugInName = offers[i]->name();
// QString desktopEntryName = FilterNameToDesktopEntryName(filterPlugInName);
// if (!desktopEntryName.isEmpty() && (countFilterPlugins(filterPlugInName) == 0))
// {
// // Must load plugin to determine if it supports multiple instances
// // and to see if it can autoconfigure itself.
// KttsFilterConf* filterPlugIn = loadFilterPlugin(desktopEntryName);
// if (filterPlugIn)
// {
// ++m_lastFilterID;
// QString filterID = QString::number(m_lastFilterID);
// QString groupName = "Filter_" + filterID;
// filterPlugIn->load(m_config, groupName);
// QString userFilterName = filterPlugIn->userPlugInName();
// if (!userFilterName.isEmpty())
// {
// kDebug() << "KCMKttsMgr::load: auto-configuring filter " << userFilterName;
// bool multiInstance = filterPlugIn->supportsMultiInstance();
// FilterItem fi;
// fi.id = filterID;
// fi.userFilterName = userFilterName;
// fi.plugInName = filterPlugInName;
// fi.desktopEntryName = desktopEntryName;
// fi.enabled = true;
// fi.multiInstance = multiInstance;
// // Determine if plugin is an SBD filter.
// bool isSbd = filterPlugIn->isSBD();
// if (isSbd)
// m_sbdFilterListModel.appendRow(fi);
// else
// m_filterListModel.appendRow(fi);
// KConfigGroup filterConfig(m_config, groupName);
// filterPlugIn->save(m_config, groupName);
// filterConfig.writeEntry("DesktopEntryName", desktopEntryName);
// filterConfig.writeEntry("UserFilterName", userFilterName);
// filterConfig.writeEntry("Enabled", isSbd);
// filterConfig.writeEntry("MultiInstance", multiInstance);
// filterConfig.writeEntry("IsSBD", isSbd);
// filterIDsList.append(filterID);
// } else m_lastFilterID--;
// } else
// kDebug() << "KCMKttsMgr::load: Unable to load filter plugin " << filterPlugInName
// << " DesktopEntryName " << desktopEntryName << endl;
// delete filterPlugIn;
// }
// Rewrite list of FilterIDs in case we added any.
QString filterIDs = filterIDsList.join (QLatin1String( "," ));
generalConfig.writeEntry ("FilterIDs", filterIDs);
// Update controls based on new states.
m_changed = false;
m_suppressConfigChanged = false;
* This function gets called when the user wants to save the settings in
* the user interface, updating the config files or wherever the
* configuration is stored. The method is called when the user clicks "Apply"
* or "Ok".
void KCMKttsMgr::save()
// kDebug() << "KCMKttsMgr::save: Running";
m_changed = false;
// Clean up config.
m_config->deleteGroup ("General", 0);
// Set the group general for the configuration of kttsd itself (no plug ins)
KConfigGroup generalConfig (m_config, "General");
// Uncheck and disable KTTSD checkbox if no Talkers are configured.
// Enable checkbox if at least one Talker is configured.
bool enableJovieWasToggled = false;
//if (m_talkerListModel.rowCount() == 0)
//enableKttsdWasToggled = enableKttsdCheckBox->isChecked();
// Might as well zero LastTalkerID as well.
//m_lastTalkerID = 0;
enableJovieCheckBox->setEnabled (true);
generalConfig.writeEntry ("EnableKttsd", enableJovieCheckBox->isChecked());
// Get ordered list of all talker IDs.
QList<TalkerCode> talkers;
QStringList talkerIDsList;
KConfigGroup talkerGroup (m_config, "Talkers");
for (int i = 0; i < m_talkerListModel.rowCount(); ++i) {
TalkerCode talker = m_talkerListModel.getRow (i);
talkers << talker;
talkerGroup.writeEntry (talker.name(), talker.getTalkerCode());
talkerIDsList << talker.name();
QString talkerIDs = talkerIDsList.join (QLatin1String( "," ));
generalConfig.writeEntry ("TalkerIDs", talkerIDs);
// Erase obsolete Talker_nn sections.
QStringList groupList = m_config->groupList();
int groupListCount = groupList.count();
for (int groupNdx = 0; groupNdx < groupListCount; ++groupNdx) {
QString groupName = groupList[groupNdx];
if (groupName.left (7) == QLatin1String( "Talker_" )) {
QString groupTalkerID = groupName.mid (7);
if (!talkerIDsList.contains (groupTalkerID))
m_config->deleteGroup (groupName, 0);
// Get ordered list of all filter IDs. Record enabled state of each filter.
QStringList filterIDsList;
for (int i = 0; i < m_filterListModel.rowCount(); ++i) {
FilterItem fi = m_filterListModel.getRow (i);
filterIDsList.append (fi.id);
KConfigGroup filterConfig (m_config, QLatin1String( "Filter_" ) + fi.id);
filterConfig.writeEntry ("Enabled", fi.enabled);
QString filterIDs = filterIDsList.join (QLatin1String( "," ));
generalConfig.writeEntry ("FilterIDs", filterIDs);
// Erase obsolete Filter_nn sections.
for (int groupNdx = 0; groupNdx < groupListCount; ++groupNdx) {
QString groupName = groupList[groupNdx];
if (groupName.left (7) == QLatin1String( "Filter_" )) {
QString groupFilterID = groupName.mid (7);
if (!filterIDsList.contains (groupFilterID))
m_config->deleteGroup (groupName, 0);
// apply changes in the jobs page if it exists
if (m_jobMgrWidget) {
// If we automatically unchecked the Enable KTTSD checkbox, stop KTTSD.
if (enableJovieWasToggled)
slotEnableJovie_toggled (false);
else {
// If Jovie is running, reinitialize it.
if (m_kspeech) {
kDebug() << "Restarting Jovie";
void KCMKttsMgr::slotTabChanged()
// TODO: Commentting this out to avoid a crash. It seems there is a bug in
// KDialog. The workaround is to call setDefaultButton(), but that method
// is not available to a KCModule. Uncomment this when bug is fixed.
// setButtons(buttons());
int currentPageIndex = mainTab->currentIndex();
if (currentPageIndex == wpJobs) {
if (m_changed) {
KMessageBox::information (this,
i18n ("You have made changes to the configuration but have not saved them yet. "
"Click Apply to save the changes or Cancel to abandon the changes."));
* This function is called to set the settings in the module to sensible
* default values. It gets called when hitting the "Default" button. The
* default values should probably be the same as the ones the application
* uses when started without a config file.
void KCMKttsMgr::defaults()
// kDebug() << "Running: KCMKttsMgr::defaults: Running";
int currentPageIndex = mainTab->currentIndex();
// configChanged();
* This is a static method which gets called to realize the modules settings
* during the startup of KDE. NOTE that most modules do not implement this
* method, but modules like the keyboard and mouse modules, which directly
* interact with the X-server, need this method. As this method is static,
* it can avoid to create an instance of the user interface, which is often
* not needed in this case.
void KCMKttsMgr::init()
// kDebug() << "KCMKttsMgr::init: Running";
* This function returns the small quickhelp.
* That is displayed in the sidebar in the KControl
QString KCMKttsMgr::quickHelp() const
// kDebug() << "KCMKttsMgr::quickHelp: Running";
return i18n (
"<p>This is the configuration for the text-to-speech D-Bus service</p>"
"<p>This allows other applications to access text-to-speech resources</p>"
"<p>Be sure to configure a default language for the language you are using as this will be the language used by most of the applications</p>");
const KAboutData* KCMKttsMgr::aboutData() const
KAboutData *about =
new KAboutData (I18N_NOOP ("jovie"), 0, ki18n ("KCMKttsMgr"),
0, KLocalizedString(), KAboutData::License_GPL,
ki18n ("(c) 2010, Jeremy Whiting"));
about->addAuthor (ki18n ("José Pablo Ezequiel Fernández"), ki18n ("Author") , "pupeno@kde.org");
about->addAuthor (ki18n ("Gary Cramblitt"), ki18n ("Maintainer") , "garycramblitt@comcast.net");
about->addAuthor (ki18n ("Olaf Schmidt"), ki18n ("Contributor"), "ojschmidt@kde.org");
about->addAuthor (ki18n ("Paul Giannaros"), ki18n ("Contributor"), "ceruleanblaze@gmail.com");
return about;
* Loads the configuration plug in for a named filter plug in.
* @param plugInName DesktopEntryName of the plugin.
* @return Pointer to the configuration plugin for the Filter.
KttsFilterConf* KCMKttsMgr::loadFilterPlugin (const QString& plugInName)
// kDebug() << "KCMKttsMgr::loadPlugin: Running";
// Find the plugin.
KService::List offers = KServiceTypeTrader::self()->query (QLatin1String( "Jovie/FilterPlugin" ),
QString (QLatin1String( "DesktopEntryName == '%1'" )).arg (plugInName));
if (offers.count() == 1) {
// When the entry is found, load the plug in
// First create a factory for the library
KPluginFactory *factory = KPluginLoader(QLatin1String( offers[0]->library().toLatin1() )).factory();
if (factory) {
// If the factory is created successfully, instantiate the KttsFilterConf class for the
// specific plug in to get the plug in configuration object.
KttsFilterConf *plugIn = factory->create<KttsFilterConf> ();
if (plugIn) {
// If everything went ok, return the plug in pointer.
return plugIn;
} else {
// Something went wrong, returning null.
kDebug() << "KCMKttsMgr::loadFilterPlugin: Unable to instantiate KttsFilterConf class for plugin " << plugInName;
return NULL;
} else {
// Something went wrong, returning null.
kDebug() << "KCMKttsMgr::loadFilterPlugin: Unable to create Factory object for plugin " << plugInName;
return NULL;
// The plug in was not found (unexpected behaviour, returns null).
kDebug() << "KCMKttsMgr::loadFilterPlugin: KTrader did not return an offer for plugin " << plugInName;
return NULL;
* Add a talker.
void KCMKttsMgr::slotAddTalkerButton_clicked()
QPointer<AddTalker> dlg = new AddTalker (this);
if (dlg->exec() == QDialog::Accepted) {
TalkerCode code = dlg->getTalkerCode();
// Add to list of Talkers.
m_talkerListModel.appendRow (code);
// Make sure visible.
const QModelIndex modelIndex = m_talkerListModel.index (m_talkerListModel.rowCount() - 1,
0, QModelIndex());
talkersView->scrollTo (modelIndex);
// Select the new item, update buttons.
talkersView->setCurrentIndex (modelIndex);
// Inform Control Center that change has been made.
delete dlg;
kDebug() << "KCMKttsMgr::addTalker: done.";
void KCMKttsMgr::slotAddFilterButton_clicked()
* Add a filter.
void KCMKttsMgr::addFilter()
QTreeView* lView = filtersView;
FilterListModel* model = qobject_cast<FilterListModel *> (lView->model());
// Build a list of filters that support multiple instances and let user choose.
QStringList filterPlugInNames;
for (int i = 0; i < model->rowCount(); ++i) {
FilterItem fi = model->getRow (i);
if (fi.multiInstance) {
if (!filterPlugInNames.contains (fi.plugInName))
filterPlugInNames.append (fi.plugInName);
// Append those available plugins not yet in the list at all.
KService::List offers = KServiceTypeTrader::self()->query (QLatin1String( "Jovie/FilterPlugin" ));
for (int i = 0; i < offers.count() ; ++i) {
QString filterPlugInName = offers[i]->name();
if (countFilterPlugins (filterPlugInName) == 0) {
QString desktopEntryName = FilterNameToDesktopEntryName (filterPlugInName);
KttsFilterConf* filterConf = loadFilterPlugin (desktopEntryName);
if (filterConf) {
filterPlugInNames.append (filterPlugInName);
delete filterConf;
// If no choice (shouldn't happen), bail out.
// kDebug() << "KCMKttsMgr::addFilter: filterPluginNames = " << filterPlugInNames;
if (filterPlugInNames.count() == 0) return;
// If exactly one choice, skip selection dialog, otherwise display list to user to select from.
bool okChosen = false;
QString filterPlugInName;
if (filterPlugInNames.count() > 1) {
filterPlugInName = KInputDialog::getItem (
i18n ("Select Filter"),
i18n ("Filter"),
if (!okChosen) return;
} else
filterPlugInName = filterPlugInNames[0];
// kDebug() << "KCMKttsMgr::addFilter: filterPlugInName = " << filterPlugInName;
// Assign a new Filter ID for the filter. Wraps around to 1.
QString filterID = QString::number (m_lastFilterID + 1);
// Erase extraneous Filter configuration entries that might be there.
m_config->deleteGroup (QLatin1String ("Filter_") + filterID, 0);
// Get DesktopEntryName from the translated name.
QString desktopEntryName = FilterNameToDesktopEntryName (filterPlugInName);
// This shouldn't happen, but just in case.
if (desktopEntryName.isEmpty()) return;
// Load the plugin.
m_loadedFilterPlugIn = loadFilterPlugin (desktopEntryName);
if (!m_loadedFilterPlugIn) return;
// Permit plugin to autoconfigure itself.
m_loadedFilterPlugIn->load (m_config, QLatin1String ("Filter_") + filterID);
// Display configuration dialog for user to configure the plugin.
// Did user Cancel?
if (!m_loadedFilterPlugIn) {
delete m_configDlg;
m_configDlg = 0;
// Get user's name for Filter.
QString userFilterName = m_loadedFilterPlugIn->userPlugInName();
// If user properly configured the plugin, save its configuration.
if (!userFilterName.isEmpty()) {
// Let plugin save its configuration.
m_loadedFilterPlugIn->save (m_config, QLatin1String ("Filter_" ) + filterID);
// Record last Filter ID used for next add.
m_lastFilterID = filterID.toInt();
// Determine if filter supports multiple instances.
bool multiInstance = m_loadedFilterPlugIn->supportsMultiInstance();
// Record configuration data. Note, might as well do this now.
KConfigGroup filterConfig (m_config, QLatin1String ("Filter_" ) + filterID);
filterConfig.writeEntry ("DesktopEntryName", desktopEntryName);
filterConfig.writeEntry ("UserFilterName", userFilterName);
filterConfig.writeEntry ("MultiInstance", multiInstance);
filterConfig.writeEntry ("Enabled", true);
// Add listview item.
FilterItem fi;
fi.id = filterID;
fi.plugInName = filterPlugInName;
fi.userFilterName = userFilterName;
fi.desktopEntryName = desktopEntryName;
fi.multiInstance = multiInstance;
fi.enabled = true;
model->appendRow (fi);
// Make sure visible.
QModelIndex modelIndex = model->index (model->rowCount() - 1, 0, QModelIndex());
lView->scrollTo (modelIndex);
// Select the new item, update buttons.
lView->setCurrentIndex (modelIndex);
// Inform Control Center that change has been made.
// Don't need plugin in memory anymore.
delete m_loadedFilterPlugIn;
m_loadedFilterPlugIn = 0;
delete m_configDlg;
m_configDlg = 0;
// kDebug() << "KCMKttsMgr::addFilter: done.";
* Remove talker.
void KCMKttsMgr::slotRemoveTalkerButton_clicked()
// kDebug() << "KCMKttsMgr::removeTalker: Running";
// Get the selected talker.
QModelIndex modelIndex = talkersView->currentIndex();
if (!modelIndex.isValid()) return;
// Delete the talker from configuration file?
QString talkerID = m_talkerListModel.getRow (modelIndex.row()).name();
m_config->deleteGroup (QLatin1String ("Talker_") + talkerID, 0);
// Delete the talker from the list of Talkers.
m_talkerListModel.removeRow (modelIndex.row());
// Emit configuration changed.
void KCMKttsMgr::slotRemoveFilterButton_clicked()
* Remove filter.
void KCMKttsMgr::removeFilter()
// kDebug() << "KCMKttsMgr::removeFilter: Running";
FilterListModel* model;
QTreeView* lView = filtersView;
model = qobject_cast<FilterListModel *> (lView->model());
QModelIndex modelIndex = lView->currentIndex();
if (!modelIndex.isValid()) return;
QString filterID = model->getRow (modelIndex.row()).id;
// Delete the filter from list view.
model->removeRow (modelIndex.row());
// Delete the filter from the configuration file?
kDebug() << "KCMKttsMgr::removeFilter: removing FilterID = " << filterID << " from config file.";
m_config->deleteGroup (QLatin1String ("Filter_") + filterID, 0);
// Emit configuration changed.
void KCMKttsMgr::slotHigherTalkerPriorityButton_clicked()
QModelIndex modelIndex = talkersView->currentIndex();
if (!modelIndex.isValid()) return;
m_talkerListModel.swap (modelIndex.row(), modelIndex.row() - 1);
modelIndex = m_talkerListModel.index (modelIndex.row() - 1, 0, QModelIndex());
talkersView->scrollTo (modelIndex);
talkersView->setCurrentIndex (modelIndex);
void KCMKttsMgr::slotHigherFilterPriorityButton_clicked()
QModelIndex modelIndex = filtersView->currentIndex();
if (!modelIndex.isValid()) return;
m_filterListModel.swap (modelIndex.row(), modelIndex.row() - 1);
modelIndex = m_filterListModel.index (modelIndex.row() - 1, 0, QModelIndex());
filtersView->scrollTo (modelIndex);
filtersView->setCurrentIndex (modelIndex);
void KCMKttsMgr::slotLowerTalkerPriorityButton_clicked()
QModelIndex modelIndex = talkersView->currentIndex();
if (!modelIndex.isValid()) return;
m_talkerListModel.swap (modelIndex.row(), modelIndex.row() + 1);
modelIndex = m_talkerListModel.index (modelIndex.row() + 1, 0, QModelIndex());
talkersView->scrollTo (modelIndex);
talkersView->setCurrentIndex (modelIndex);
void KCMKttsMgr::slotLowerFilterPriorityButton_clicked()
QModelIndex modelIndex = filtersView->currentIndex();
if (!modelIndex.isValid()) return;
m_filterListModel.swap (modelIndex.row(), modelIndex.row() + 1);
modelIndex = m_filterListModel.index (modelIndex.row() + 1, 0, QModelIndex());
filtersView->scrollTo (modelIndex);
filtersView->setCurrentIndex (modelIndex);
* Update the status of the Talker buttons.
void KCMKttsMgr::updateTalkerButtons()
// kDebug() << "KCMKttsMgr::updateTalkerButtons: Running";
QModelIndex modelIndex = talkersView->currentIndex();
if (modelIndex.isValid()) {
removeTalkerButton->setEnabled (true);
configureTalkerButton->setEnabled (true);
higherTalkerPriorityButton->setEnabled (modelIndex.row() != 0);
lowerTalkerPriorityButton->setEnabled (modelIndex.row() < (m_talkerListModel.rowCount() - 1));
} else {
removeTalkerButton->setEnabled (false);
configureTalkerButton->setEnabled (false);
higherTalkerPriorityButton->setEnabled (false);
lowerTalkerPriorityButton->setEnabled (false);
// kDebug() << "KCMKttsMgr::updateTalkerButtons: Exiting";
* Update the status of the normal Filter buttons.
void KCMKttsMgr::updateFilterButtons()
// kDebug() << "KCMKttsMgr::updateFilterButtons: Running";
QModelIndex modelIndex = filtersView->currentIndex();
if (modelIndex.isValid()) {
removeFilterButton->setEnabled (true);
configureFilterButton->setEnabled (true);
higherFilterPriorityButton->setEnabled (modelIndex.row() != 0);
lowerFilterPriorityButton->setEnabled (modelIndex.row() < (m_filterListModel.rowCount() - 1));
} else {
removeFilterButton->setEnabled (false);
configureFilterButton->setEnabled (false);
higherFilterPriorityButton->setEnabled (false);
lowerFilterPriorityButton->setEnabled (false);
// kDebug() << "KCMKttsMgr::updateFilterButtons: Exiting";
* This signal is emitted whenever user checks/unchecks the Enable TTS System check box.
void KCMKttsMgr::slotEnableJovie_toggled (bool)
// Prevent re-entrancy.
static bool reenter;
if (reenter) return;
reenter = true;
// See if Jovie is running.
bool kttsdRunning = (QDBusConnection::sessionBus().interface()->isServiceRegistered (QLatin1String( "org.kde.jovie" )));
// kDebug() << "KCMKttsMgr::slotEnableKttsd_toggled: kttsdRunning = " << kttsdRunning;
// If Enable Jovie check box is checked and it is not running, then start Jovie.
if (enableJovieCheckBox->isChecked()) {
if (!kttsdRunning) {
// kDebug() << "KCMKttsMgr::slotEnableKttsd_toggled:: Starting Jovie";
QString error;
if (KToolInvocation::startServiceByDesktopName (QLatin1String( "jovie" ), QStringList(), &error)) {
kDebug() << "Starting Jovie failed with message " << error;
enableJovieCheckBox->setChecked (false);
} else {
} else
// If check box is not checked and it is running, then stop Jovie.
if (kttsdRunning) {
// kDebug() << "KCMKttsMgr::slotEnableKttsd_toggled:: Stopping Jovie";
if (!m_kspeech)
m_kspeech = new OrgKdeKSpeechInterface (QLatin1String( "org.kde.jovie" ), QLatin1String( "/KSpeech" ), QDBusConnection::sessionBus());
delete m_kspeech;
m_kspeech = 0;
reenter = false;
* This slot is called whenever KTTSD starts or restarts.
void KCMKttsMgr::jovieStarted()
// kDebug() << "KCMKttsMgr::jovieStarted: Running";
bool kttsdLoaded = (m_jobMgrWidget != 0);
// Load Job Manager Part library.
if (!kttsdLoaded) {
m_jobMgrWidget = new KttsJobMgr (this);
if (m_jobMgrWidget) {
connect (m_jobMgrWidget, SIGNAL (configChanged()), this, SLOT (configChanged()));
// Add the Job Manager part as a new tab.
mainTab->addTab (m_jobMgrWidget, i18n ("Jobs"));
kttsdLoaded = true;
} else
kDebug() << "KCMKttsMgr::jovieStarted: Could not create kttsjobmgr part.";
// Check/Uncheck the Enable KTTSD check box.
if (kttsdLoaded) {
enableJovieCheckBox->setChecked (true);
m_kspeech = new OrgKdeKSpeechInterface (QLatin1String( "org.kde.jovie" ), QLatin1String( "/KSpeech" ), QDBusConnection::sessionBus());
m_kspeech->setParent (this);
m_kspeech->setApplicationName (QLatin1String( "KCMKttsMgr" ));
m_kspeech->setIsSystemManager (true);
// Connect KTTSD DBUS signals to our slots.
connect (m_kspeech, SIGNAL (kttsdStarted()),
this, SLOT (jovieStarted()));
connect (m_kspeech, SIGNAL (kttsdExiting()),
this, SLOT (jovieExiting()));
connect (QDBusConnection::sessionBus().interface(), SIGNAL (serviceUnregistered(QString)),
this, SLOT (slotServiceUnregistered(QString)));
connect (QDBusConnection::sessionBus().interface(), SIGNAL (serviceOwnerChanged(QString,QString,QString)),
this, SLOT (slotServiceOwnerChanged(QString,QString,QString)));
kttsdVersion->setText (i18n ("Jovie Version: %1", m_kspeech->version()));
} else {
enableJovieCheckBox->setChecked (false);
delete m_kspeech;
m_kspeech = 0;
void KCMKttsMgr::slotServiceUnregistered (const QString &service)
if (service == QLatin1String ("org.kde.jovie")) {
void KCMKttsMgr::slotServiceOwnerChanged (const QString &service, const QString &, const QString &newOwner)
if (service == QLatin1String ("org.kde.jovie") && newOwner.isEmpty()) {
* This slot is called whenever KTTSD is about to exit.
void KCMKttsMgr::jovieExiting()
// kDebug() << "KCMKttsMgr::kttsdExiting: Running";
if (m_jobMgrWidget) {
mainTab->removeTab (wpJobs);
delete m_jobMgrWidget;
m_jobMgrWidget = 0;
enableJovieCheckBox->setChecked (false);
disconnect (QDBusConnection::sessionBus().interface(), 0, this, 0);
delete m_kspeech;
m_kspeech = 0;
kttsdVersion->setText (i18n ("Jovie not running"));
* User has requested display of talker configuration dialog.
void KCMKttsMgr::slotConfigureTalkerButton_clicked()
// Get highlighted Talker from ListView.
QModelIndex modelIndex = talkersView->currentIndex();
if (!modelIndex.isValid())
TalkerCode tc = m_talkerListModel.getRow(modelIndex.row());
QPointer<AddTalker> dlg = new AddTalker (this);
if (dlg->exec() == QDialog::Accepted) {
TalkerCode code = dlg->getTalkerCode();
// Change the existing talker code to this new code.
m_talkerListModel.updateRow(modelIndex.row(), code);
void KCMKttsMgr::slotConfigureFilterButton_clicked()
* User has requested display of filter configuration dialog.
void KCMKttsMgr::configureFilterItem()
// Get highlighted plugin from Filter ListView and load into memory.
QTreeView* lView;
FilterListModel* model;
lView = filtersView;
model = &m_filterListModel;
QModelIndex modelIndex = lView->currentIndex();
if (!modelIndex.isValid()) return;
FilterItem fi = model->getRow (modelIndex.row());
QString filterID = fi.id;
QString filterPlugInName = fi.plugInName;
QString desktopEntryName = fi.desktopEntryName;
if (desktopEntryName.isEmpty()) return;
m_loadedFilterPlugIn = loadFilterPlugin (desktopEntryName);
if (!m_loadedFilterPlugIn) return;
// kDebug() << "KCMKttsMgr::slot_configureFilter: plugin for " << filterPlugInName << " loaded successfully.";
// Tell plugin to load its configuration.
// kDebug() << "KCMKttsMgr::slot_configureFilter: about to call plugin load() method with Filter ID = " << filterID;
m_loadedFilterPlugIn->load (m_config, QLatin1String ("Filter_") + filterID);
// Display configuration dialog.
// Did user Cancel?
if (!m_loadedFilterPlugIn) {
delete m_configDlg;
m_configDlg = 0;
// Get user's name for the plugin.
QString userFilterName = m_loadedFilterPlugIn->userPlugInName();
// If user properly configured the plugin, save the configuration.
if (!userFilterName.isEmpty()) {
// Let plugin save its configuration.
m_loadedFilterPlugIn->save (m_config, QLatin1String ("Filter_") + filterID);
// Save configuration.
KConfigGroup filterConfig (m_config, QLatin1String ("Filter_") + filterID);
filterConfig.writeEntry ("DesktopEntryName", desktopEntryName);
filterConfig.writeEntry ("UserFilterName", userFilterName);
filterConfig.writeEntry ("Enabled", true);
filterConfig.writeEntry ("MultiInstance", m_loadedFilterPlugIn->supportsMultiInstance());
// Update display.
FilterItem fi;
fi.id = filterID;
fi.desktopEntryName = desktopEntryName;
fi.userFilterName = userFilterName;
fi.enabled = true;
fi.multiInstance = m_loadedFilterPlugIn->supportsMultiInstance();
model->updateRow (modelIndex.row(), fi);
// Inform Control Center that configuration has changed.
delete m_configDlg;
m_configDlg = 0;
* Display filter configuration dialog. The plugin is assumed already loaded into
* memory referenced by m_loadedFilterPlugIn.
void KCMKttsMgr::configureFilter()
if (!m_loadedFilterPlugIn) return;
m_configDlg = new KDialog (this);
m_configDlg->setCaption (i18n ("Filter Configuration"));
m_configDlg->setButtons (KDialog::Help | KDialog::Default | KDialog::Ok | KDialog::Cancel);
m_configDlg->setDefaultButton (KDialog::Cancel);
m_loadedFilterPlugIn->setMinimumSize (m_loadedFilterPlugIn->minimumSizeHint());
m_configDlg->setMainWidget (m_loadedFilterPlugIn);
m_configDlg->setHelp (QLatin1String( "configure-filter" ), QLatin1String( "jovie" ));
m_configDlg->enableButtonOk (false);
connect (m_loadedFilterPlugIn, SIGNAL (changed(bool)), this, SLOT (slotConfigFilterDlg_ConfigChanged()));
connect (m_configDlg, SIGNAL (defaultClicked()), this, SLOT (slotConfigFilterDlg_DefaultClicked()));
connect (m_configDlg, SIGNAL (cancelClicked()), this, SLOT (slotConfigFilterDlg_CancelClicked()));
// Display the dialog.
* Count number of configured Filters with the specified plugin name.
int KCMKttsMgr::countFilterPlugins (const QString& filterPlugInName)
int cnt = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < m_filterListModel.rowCount(); ++i) {
FilterItem fi = m_filterListModel.getRow (i);
if (fi.plugInName == filterPlugInName) ++cnt;
return cnt;
void KCMKttsMgr::slotConfigTalkerDlg_ConfigChanged()
void KCMKttsMgr::slotConfigFilterDlg_ConfigChanged()
m_configDlg->enableButtonOk (!m_loadedFilterPlugIn->userPlugInName().isEmpty());
void KCMKttsMgr::slotConfigTalkerDlg_DefaultClicked()
void KCMKttsMgr::slotConfigFilterDlg_DefaultClicked()
void KCMKttsMgr::slotConfigTalkerDlg_CancelClicked()
//delete m_loadedTalkerPlugIn;
//m_loadedTalkerPlugIn = 0;
void KCMKttsMgr::slotConfigFilterDlg_CancelClicked()
delete m_loadedFilterPlugIn;
m_loadedFilterPlugIn = 0;
* Uses KTrader to convert a translated Filter Plugin Name to DesktopEntryName.
* @param name The translated plugin name. From Name= line in .desktop file.
* @return DesktopEntryName. The name of the .desktop file (less .desktop).
* QString() if not found.
QString KCMKttsMgr::FilterNameToDesktopEntryName (const QString& name)
if (name.isEmpty()) return QString();
const KService::List offers = KServiceTypeTrader::self()->query (QLatin1String( "Jovie/FilterPlugin" ));
for (int ndx = 0; ndx < offers.count(); ++ndx)
if (offers[ndx]->name() == name)
return offers[ndx]->desktopEntryName();
return QString();
* Uses KTrader to convert a DesktopEntryName into a translated Filter Plugin Name.
* @param desktopEntryName The DesktopEntryName.
* @return The translated Name of the plugin, from Name= line in .desktop file.
QString KCMKttsMgr::FilterDesktopEntryNameToName (const QString& desktopEntryName)
if (desktopEntryName.isEmpty()) return QString();
KService::List offers = KServiceTypeTrader::self()->query (QLatin1String( "Jovie/FilterPlugin" ),
QString (QLatin1String( "DesktopEntryName == '%1'" )).arg (desktopEntryName));
if (offers.count() == 1)
return offers[0]->name();
return QString();
void KCMKttsMgr::slotFilterListView_clicked (const QModelIndex & index)
if (!index.isValid()) return;
if (index.column() != 0) return;
if (index.row() < 0 || index.row() >= m_filterListModel.rowCount()) return;
FilterItem fi = m_filterListModel.getRow (index.row());
fi.enabled = !fi.enabled;
m_filterListModel.updateRow (index.row(), fi);