Ivailo Monev 3a9271bd44 import modified version of quassel as kuassel
the version imported is based on upstream 9c5fd60 with its bundled
copies of miniz (alternative to zlib), oxygen icons and other
non-relevant cruft removed. KDE integreation hardcoded having in
mind it will improve (icons handling, browser integration, etc.)
rebranding is not done yet and credits to the original authors and
contributors are and will be left mostly intact with the exception
of adding new.
2014-12-29 00:56:55 +00:00

26 lines
843 B

This file is intended to keep notes about general coding stuff, code
conventions or how to best interact with certain parts of Qt.
Regarding QSortFilterProxyModel:
When subclassing QSortFilterProxyModel avoid the use of the following
calls on QModelIndex and use their equivalents of QAbstractItemModel:
inline QModelIndex QModelIndex::parent() const
inline QModelIndex QModelIndex::sibling(int arow, int acolumn) const
inline QModelIndex QModelIndex::child(int arow, int acolumn) const
inline QVariant QModelIndex::data(int arole) const
inline Qt::ItemFlags QModelIndex::flags() const
For Example when reimplementing QSortFilterProxyModel::data(const
QModelIndex &idx, int role):
QModelIndex source_index = mapToSource(idx);
sourceModel()->data(idx, role);