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* Copyright (C) 2005, 2008 Michael Pyne <mpyne@kde.org>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
* PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "covermanager.h"
#include <QTimer>
#include <QPixmap>
#include <QString>
#include <QFile>
#include <QImage>
#include <QDir>
#include <QDataStream>
#include <QHash>
#include <QPixmapCache>
#include <QByteArray>
#include <QMap>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <ktemporaryfile.h>
#include <kdemacros.h>
#include <kurl.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <kglobal.h>
#include <kio/job.h>
#include "juk.h"
#include "coverproxy.h"
// This is a dictionary to map the track path to their ID. Otherwise we'd have
// to store this info with each CollectionListItem, which would break the cache
// of users who upgrade, and would just generally be a big mess.
typedef QHash<QString, coverKey> TrackLookupMap;
static const char dragMimetype[] = "application/x-juk-coverid";
const coverKey CoverManager::NoMatch = 0;
// Used to save and load CoverData from a QDataStream
QDataStream &operator<<(QDataStream &out, const CoverData &data);
QDataStream &operator>>(QDataStream &in, CoverData &data);
// Implementation of CoverSaveHelper class
CoverSaveHelper::CoverSaveHelper(QObject *parent) :
m_timer(new QTimer(this))
connect(m_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(commitChanges()));
// Wait 5 seconds before committing to avoid lots of disk activity for
// rapid changes.
void CoverSaveHelper::saveCovers()
m_timer->start(); // Restarts if already triggered.
void CoverSaveHelper::commitChanges()
// Implementation of CoverData struct
QPixmap CoverData::pixmap() const
return CoverManager::coverFromData(*this, CoverManager::FullSize);
QPixmap CoverData::thumbnail() const
return CoverManager::coverFromData(*this, CoverManager::Thumbnail);
* This class is responsible for actually keeping track of the storage for the
* different covers and such. It holds the covers, and the map of path names
* to cover ids, and has a few utility methods to load and save the data.
* @author Michael Pyne <mpyne@kde.org>
* @see CoverManager
class CoverManagerPrivate
/// Maps coverKey id's to CoverDataPtrs
CoverDataMap covers;
/// Maps file names to coverKey id's.
TrackLookupMap tracks;
/// A map of outstanding download KJobs to their coverKey
QMap<KJob*, coverKey> downloadJobs;
/// A static pixmap cache is maintained for covers, with key format of:
/// 'f' followed by the pathname for FullSize covers, and
/// 't' followed by the pathname for Thumbnail covers.
/// However only thumbnails are currently cached.
CoverManagerPrivate() : m_timer(new CoverSaveHelper(0)), m_coverProxy(0)
delete m_timer;
delete m_coverProxy;
void requestSave()
* Creates the data directory for the covers if it doesn't already exist.
* Must be in this class for loadCovers() and saveCovers().
void createDataDir() const;
* Returns the next available unused coverKey that can be used for
* inserting new items.
* @return unused id that can be used for new CoverData
coverKey nextId() const;
void saveCovers() const;
CoverProxy *coverProxy() {
m_coverProxy = new CoverProxy;
return m_coverProxy;
void loadCovers();
* @return the full path and filename of the file storing the cover
* lookup map and the translations between pathnames and ids.
QString coverLocation() const;
CoverSaveHelper *m_timer;
CoverProxy *m_coverProxy;
// This is responsible for making sure that the CoverManagerPrivate class
// gets properly destructed on shutdown.
K_GLOBAL_STATIC(CoverManagerPrivate, sd)
// Implementation of CoverManagerPrivate methods.
void CoverManagerPrivate::createDataDir() const
QDir dir;
QString dirPath(QDir::cleanPath(coverLocation() + "/.."));
void CoverManagerPrivate::saveCovers() const
// Make sure the directory exists first.
QFile file(coverLocation());
kDebug() << "Opening covers db: " << coverLocation();
if(!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) {
kError() << "Unable to save covers to disk!\n";
QDataStream out(&file);
// Write out the version and count
out << quint32(0) << quint32(covers.count());
kDebug() << "Writing out" << covers.count() << "covers.";
// Write out the data
for(CoverDataMap::const_iterator it = covers.begin(); it != covers.end(); ++it) {
out << quint32(it.key());
out << *it.value();
// Now write out the track mapping.
out << quint32(tracks.count());
kDebug() << "Writing out" << tracks.count() << "tracks.";
TrackLookupMap::ConstIterator trackMapIt = tracks.constBegin();
while(trackMapIt != tracks.constEnd()) {
out << trackMapIt.key() << quint32(trackMapIt.value());
void CoverManagerPrivate::loadCovers()
QFile file(coverLocation());
if(!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
// Guess we don't have any covers yet.
QDataStream in(&file);
quint32 count, version;
// First thing we'll read in will be the version.
// Only version 0 is defined for now.
in >> version;
if(version > 0) {
kError() << "Cover database was created by a higher version of JuK,\n";
kError() << "I don't know what to do with it.\n";
// Read in the count next, then the data.
in >> count;
kDebug() << "Loading" << count << "covers.";
for(quint32 i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
// Read the id, and 3 QStrings for every 1 of the count.
quint32 id;
CoverDataPtr data(new CoverData);
in >> id;
in >> *data;
data->refCount = 0;
covers[(coverKey) id] = data;
in >> count;
kDebug() << "Loading" << count << "tracks";
for(quint32 i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
QString path;
quint32 id;
in >> path >> id;
// If we somehow already managed to load a cover id with this path,
// don't do so again. Possible due to a coding error during 3.5
// development.
if(KDE_ISLIKELY(!tracks.contains(path))) {
++covers[(coverKey) id]->refCount; // Another track using this.
tracks.insert(path, id);
kDebug() << "Tracks hash table has" << tracks.size() << "entries.";
QString CoverManagerPrivate::coverLocation() const
return KGlobal::dirs()->saveLocation("appdata") + "coverdb/covers";
// XXX: This could probably use some improvement, I don't like the linear
// search for ID idea. Linear search is used instead of covers.size() since we want to
// re-use old IDs if possible.
coverKey CoverManagerPrivate::nextId() const
// Start from 1...
coverKey key = 1;
return key;
// Implementation of CoverDrag
CoverDrag::CoverDrag(coverKey id) :
QPixmap cover = CoverManager::coverFromId(id);
setData(dragMimetype, QByteArray::number(qulonglong(id), 10));
bool CoverDrag::isCover(const QMimeData *data)
return data->hasImage() || data->hasFormat(dragMimetype);
coverKey CoverDrag::idFromData(const QMimeData *data)
bool ok = false;
return CoverManager::NoMatch;
coverKey id = data->data(dragMimetype).toULong(&ok);
return CoverManager::NoMatch;
return id;
const char *CoverDrag::mimetype()
return dragMimetype;
// Implementation of CoverManager methods.
coverKey CoverManager::idFromMetadata(const QString &artist, const QString &album)
// Search for the string, yay! It might make sense to use a cache here,
// if so it's not hard to add a QCache.
CoverDataMap::const_iterator it = begin();
CoverDataMap::const_iterator endIt = end();
for(; it != endIt; ++it) {
if(it.value()->album == album.toLower() && it.value()->artist == artist.toLower())
return it.key();
return NoMatch;
QPixmap CoverManager::coverFromId(coverKey id, Size size)
CoverDataPtr info = coverInfo(id);
return QPixmap();
if(size == Thumbnail)
return info->thumbnail();
return info->pixmap();
QPixmap CoverManager::coverFromData(const CoverData &coverData, Size size)
QString path = coverData.path;
// Prepend a tag to the path to separate in the cache between full size
// and thumbnail pixmaps. If we add a different kind of pixmap in the
// future we also need to add a tag letter for it.
if(size == FullSize)
// Check in cache for the pixmap.
QPixmap pix;
if(QPixmapCache::find(path, pix))
return pix;
// Not in cache, load it and add it.
return QPixmap();
// Only thumbnails are cached to avoid depleting global cache. Caching
// full size pics is not really useful as they are infrequently shown.
if(size == Thumbnail) {
// Double scale is faster and 99% as accurate
QSize newSize(pix.size());
newSize.scale(80, 80, Qt::KeepAspectRatio);
pix = pix.scaled(2 * newSize)
.scaled(newSize, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation);
QPixmapCache::insert(path, pix);
return pix;
coverKey CoverManager::addCover(const QPixmap &large, const QString &artist, const QString &album)
kDebug() << "Adding new pixmap to cover database.\n";
if(large.isNull()) {
kDebug() << "The pixmap you're trying to add is NULL!\n";
return NoMatch;
KTemporaryFile tempFile;
if(!tempFile.open()) {
kError() << "Unable to open file for pixmap cover, unable to add cover to DB\n";
return NoMatch;
// Now that file is open, file name will be available, which is where we want
// to save the pixmap as a .png.
if(!large.save(tempFile.fileName(), "PNG")) {
kError() << "Unable to save pixmap to " << tempFile.fileName() << endl;
return NoMatch;
return addCover(KUrl::fromPath(tempFile.fileName()), artist, album);
coverKey CoverManager::addCover(const KUrl &path, const QString &artist, const QString &album)
coverKey id = data()->nextId();
CoverDataPtr coverData(new CoverData);
QString fileNameExt = path.fileName();
int extPos = fileNameExt.lastIndexOf('.');
fileNameExt = fileNameExt.mid(extPos);
if(extPos == -1)
fileNameExt = "";
// Copy it to a local file first.
QString ext = QString("/coverdb/coverID-%1%2").arg(id).arg(fileNameExt);
coverData->path = KGlobal::dirs()->saveLocation("appdata") + ext;
kDebug() << "Saving pixmap to " << coverData->path;
coverData->artist = artist.toLower();
coverData->album = album.toLower();
coverData->refCount = 0;
data()->covers[id] = coverData;
// Can't use NetAccess::download() since if path is already a local file
// (which is possible) then that function will return without copying, since
// it assumes we merely want the file on the hard disk somewhere.
KIO::FileCopyJob *job = KIO::file_copy(
path, KUrl::fromPath(coverData->path),
-1 /* perms */,KIO::HideProgressInfo | KIO::Overwrite
QObject::connect(job, SIGNAL(result(KJob*)),
data()->coverProxy(), SLOT(handleResult(KJob*)));
data()->downloadJobs.insert(job, id);
data()->requestSave(); // Save changes when possible.
return id;
* This is called when our cover downloader has completed. Typically there
* should be no issues so we just need to ensure that the newly downloaded
* cover is picked up by invalidating any cache entry for it. If it didn't
* download successfully we're in kind of a pickle as we've already assigned
* a coverKey, which we need to go and erase.
void CoverManager::jobComplete(KJob *job, bool completedSatisfactory)
coverKey id = NoMatch;
id = data()->downloadJobs[job];
if(id == NoMatch) {
kError() << "No information on what download job" << job << "is.";
if(!completedSatisfactory) {
kError() << "Job" << job << "failed, but not handled yet.";
CoverDataPtr coverData = data()->covers[id];
// Make sure the new cover isn't inadvertently cached.
JuK::JuKInstance()->coverDownloaded(coverFromData(*coverData, CoverManager::Thumbnail));
bool CoverManager::hasCover(coverKey id)
return data()->covers.contains(id);
bool CoverManager::removeCover(coverKey id)
return false;
// Remove cover from cache.
CoverDataPtr coverData = coverInfo(id);
// Remove references to files that had that track ID.
QList<QString> affectedFiles = data()->tracks.keys(id);
foreach (const QString &file, affectedFiles) {
// Remove covers from disk.
// Finally, forget that we ever knew about this cover.
return true;
bool CoverManager::replaceCover(coverKey id, const QPixmap &large)
return false;
CoverDataPtr coverData = coverInfo(id);
// Empty old pixmaps from cache.
large.save(coverData->path, "PNG");
// No save is needed, as all that has changed is the on-disk cover data,
// not the list of tracks or covers.
return true;
CoverManagerPrivate *CoverManager::data()
return sd;
void CoverManager::saveCovers()
void CoverManager::shutdown()
CoverDataMapIterator CoverManager::begin()
return data()->covers.constBegin();
CoverDataMapIterator CoverManager::end()
return data()->covers.constEnd();
CoverList CoverManager::keys()
return data()->covers.keys();
void CoverManager::setIdForTrack(const QString &path, coverKey id)
coverKey oldId = data()->tracks.value(path, NoMatch);
if(data()->tracks.contains(path) && (id == oldId))
return; // We're already done.
if(oldId != NoMatch) {
if(data()->covers[oldId]->refCount == 0) {
kDebug() << "Cover " << oldId << " is unused, removing.\n";
if(id != NoMatch) {
data()->tracks.insert(path, id);
coverKey CoverManager::idForTrack(const QString &path)
return data()->tracks.value(path, NoMatch);
CoverDataPtr CoverManager::coverInfo(coverKey id)
return data()->covers[id];
return CoverDataPtr(0);
* Write @p data out to @p out.
* @param out the data stream to write @p data out to.
* @param data the CoverData to write out.
* @return the data stream that the data was written to.
QDataStream &operator<<(QDataStream &out, const CoverData &data)
out << data.artist;
out << data.album;
out << data.path;
return out;
* Read @p data from @p in.
* @param in the data stream to read from.
* @param data the CoverData to read into.
* @return the data stream read from.
QDataStream &operator>>(QDataStream &in, CoverData &data)
in >> data.artist;
in >> data.album;
in >> data.path;
return in;
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