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341 lines
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* Copyright (c) 2009 Sven Krohlas <sven@asbest-online.de> *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *
#include "TestAmarok.h"
#include "core/support/Amarok.h"
#include "config-amarok-test.h"
#include <QtTest/QTest>
#include <QtCore/QDir>
#include <QtCore/QDateTime>
#include <qtest_kde.h>
TestAmarok::dataPath( const QString &relPath )
return QDir::toNativeSeparators( QString( AMAROK_TEST_DIR ) + '/' + relPath );
void TestAmarok::testAsciiPath()
QCOMPARE( Amarok::asciiPath( "" ), QString( "" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::asciiPath( "/home/sven" ), QString( "/home/sven" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::asciiPath( QString::fromUtf8( "/äöü" ) ), QString( "/___" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::asciiPath( QString::fromUtf8( "/äöütest" ) ), QString( "/___test" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::asciiPath( QString::fromUtf8( "/äöü/test" ) ), QString( "/___/test" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::asciiPath( QString::fromUtf8( "/123/" ) ), QString( "/123/" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::asciiPath( QString::fromUtf8( "/.hidden" ) ), QString( "/.hidden" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::asciiPath( QString::fromUtf8( "/here be dragons" ) ), QString( "/here be dragons" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::asciiPath( QString::fromUtf8( "/!important/some%20stuff/what's this?" ) ), QString( "/!important/some%20stuff/what's this?" ) );
/* 0x7F = 127 = DEL control character, explicitly ok on *nix file systems */
QCOMPARE( Amarok::asciiPath( QString( "/abc" ) + QChar( 0x7F ) + ".1" ), QString( QString( "/abc" ) + QChar( 0x7F ) + ".1" ) );
/* random control character: ok */
QCOMPARE( Amarok::asciiPath( QString( "/abc" ) + QChar( 0x07 ) + ".1" ), QString( QString( "/abc" ) + QChar( 0x07 ) + ".1" ) );
/* null byte is not ok */
QCOMPARE( Amarok::asciiPath( QString( "/abc" ) + QChar( 0x00 ) + ".1" ), QString( "/abc_.1" ) );
void TestAmarok::testCleanPath()
/* no changes expected here */
QCOMPARE( Amarok::cleanPath( QString( "" ) ), QString( "" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::cleanPath( QString( "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" ) ), QString( "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::cleanPath( QString( "/\\.,-+" ) ), QString( "/\\.,-+" ) );
/* German */
QCOMPARE( Amarok::cleanPath( QString::fromUtf8( "äöüß" ) ), QString( "aeoeuess" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::cleanPath( QString::fromUtf8( "ÄÖÜß" ) ), QString( "AeOeUess" ) ); // capital ß only exists in theory in the German language, but had been defined some time ago, iirc
/* French */
QCOMPARE( Amarok::cleanPath( QString::fromUtf8( "áàéèêô" ) ), QString( "aaeeeo" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::cleanPath( QString::fromUtf8( "ÁÀÉÈÊÔ" ) ), QString( "AAEEEO" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::cleanPath( QString::fromUtf8( "æ" ) ), QString( "ae" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::cleanPath( QString::fromUtf8( "Æ" ) ), QString( "AE" ) );
/* Czech and other east European languages */
QCOMPARE( Amarok::cleanPath( QString::fromUtf8( "çńǹýỳź" ) ), QString( "cnnyyz" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::cleanPath( QString::fromUtf8( "ÇŃǸÝỲŹ" ) ), QString( "CNNYYZ" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::cleanPath( QString::fromUtf8( "ěĺľôŕřůž" ) ), QString( "ellorruz" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::cleanPath( QString::fromUtf8( "ÁČĎÉĚÍŇÓŘŠŤÚŮÝŽ" ) ), QString( "ACDEEINORSTUUYZ" ) );
/* Skandinavian languages */
QCOMPARE( Amarok::cleanPath( QString::fromUtf8( "åø" ) ), QString( "aoe" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::cleanPath( QString::fromUtf8( "ÅØ" ) ), QString( "AOE" ) );
/* Spanish */
QCOMPARE( Amarok::cleanPath( QString::fromUtf8( "ñóÿ" ) ), QString( "noy" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::cleanPath( QString::fromUtf8( "ÑÓŸ" ) ), QString( "NOY" ) );
/* add missing ones here */
void TestAmarok::testComputeScore()
QVERIFY( 50 < Amarok::computeScore( 50, 1, 1 ) ); // greater score if played completely
QVERIFY( 0 < Amarok::computeScore( 0, 1, 1 ) ); // handle 0 score
QVERIFY( 50 > Amarok::computeScore( 50, 1, 0.1 ) ); // lower score if aborted early
QVERIFY( 50 > Amarok::computeScore( 50, 1, 0 ) ); // handle 0% played fraction
QVERIFY( 50 > Amarok::computeScore( 50, 0, 0 ) ); // handle 0 playcount
void TestAmarok::testConciseTimeSince()
QCOMPARE( Amarok::conciseTimeSince( 0 ).isEmpty(), false );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::conciseTimeSince( 10 ).isEmpty(), false );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::conciseTimeSince( 100 ).isEmpty(), false );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::conciseTimeSince( 1000 ).isEmpty(), false );
/* any other good ideas what to test here? */
void TestAmarok::testExtension()
QCOMPARE( Amarok::extension( "" ), QString( "" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::extension( "..." ), QString( "" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::extension( "test" ), QString( "" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::extension( "test." ), QString( "" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::extension( "test.mp3" ), QString( "mp3" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::extension( "test.mP3" ), QString( "mp3" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::extension( "test.MP3" ), QString( "mp3" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::extension( "test.longextension" ), QString( "longextension" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::extension( "test.long.extension" ), QString( "extension" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::extension( "test.m" ), QString( "m" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::extension( QString::fromUtf8( "test.äöü" ) ), QString::fromUtf8( "äöü" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::extension( QString::fromUtf8( "test.ÄÖÜ" ) ), QString::fromUtf8( "äöü" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::extension( "..test.mp3" ), QString( "mp3" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::extension( "..te st.mp3" ), QString( "mp3" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::extension( "..te st.m p3" ), QString( "m p3" ) );
void TestAmarok::testManipulateThe()
QString teststring;
Amarok::manipulateThe( teststring = "", true );
QCOMPARE( teststring, QString( "" ) );
Amarok::manipulateThe( teststring = "", false );
QCOMPARE( teststring, QString( "" ) );
Amarok::manipulateThe( teststring = 'A', true );
QCOMPARE( teststring, QString( "A" ) );
Amarok::manipulateThe( teststring = 'A', false );
QCOMPARE( teststring, QString( "A" ) );
Amarok::manipulateThe( teststring = "ABC", true );
QCOMPARE( teststring, QString( "ABC" ) );
Amarok::manipulateThe( teststring = "ABC", false );
QCOMPARE( teststring, QString( "ABC" ) );
Amarok::manipulateThe( teststring = "The Eagles", true );
QCOMPARE( teststring, QString( "Eagles, The" ) );
Amarok::manipulateThe( teststring = "Eagles, The", false );
QCOMPARE( teststring, QString( "The Eagles" ) );
Amarok::manipulateThe( teststring = "The The", true );
QCOMPARE( teststring, QString( "The, The" ) );
Amarok::manipulateThe( teststring = "The, The", false );
QCOMPARE( teststring, QString( "The The" ) );
Amarok::manipulateThe( teststring = "Something else", true );
QCOMPARE( teststring, QString( "Something else" ) );
Amarok::manipulateThe( teststring = "The Äöü", true );
QCOMPARE( teststring, QString( "Äöü, The" ) );
Amarok::manipulateThe( teststring = QString::fromUtf8( "Äöü, The" ), false );
QCOMPARE( teststring, QString::fromUtf8( "The Äöü" ) );
void TestAmarok::testSaveLocation()
QString saveLocation = Amarok::saveLocation();
QDir saveLocationDir( saveLocation );
QCOMPARE( saveLocationDir.exists(), true );
QCOMPARE( QDir::isAbsolutePath( saveLocation ), true );
QCOMPARE( saveLocationDir.isReadable(), true );
/* any other good ideas what to test here? */
void TestAmarok::testVerboseTimeSince()
/* There are two overloaded variants of this function */
QCOMPARE( Amarok::verboseTimeSince( 0 ).isEmpty(), false );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::verboseTimeSince( QDateTime::fromTime_t( 0 ) ).isEmpty(), false );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::verboseTimeSince( 10 ).isEmpty(), false );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::verboseTimeSince( QDateTime::fromTime_t( 10 ) ).isEmpty(), false );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::verboseTimeSince( 100 ).isEmpty(), false );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::verboseTimeSince( QDateTime::fromTime_t( 100 ) ).isEmpty(), false );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::verboseTimeSince( 1000 ).isEmpty(), false );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::verboseTimeSince( QDateTime::fromTime_t( 1000 ) ).isEmpty(), false );
/* any other good ideas what to test here? */
void TestAmarok::testVfatPath()
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "" ), QString( "" ) );
/* allowed characters */
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" ), QString( "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "0123456789" ), QString( "0123456789" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "! # $ % & ' ( ) - @ ^ _ ` { } ~" ), QString( "! # $ % & ' ( ) - @ ^ _ ` { } ~" ) );
/* only allowed in long file names */
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "+,.;=[]" ), QString( "+,.;=()" ) );
/* illegal characters, without / and \ (see later tests) */
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "\"_*_:_<_>_?_|" ), QString( "_____________" ) );
/* illegal control characters: 0-31, 127 */
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( QString( "abc" ) + QChar( 0x00 ) + QChar( 0x01 ) + QChar( 0x02 ) + ".1" ), QString( "abc___.1" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( QString( "abc" ) + QChar( 0x03 ) + QChar( 0x04 ) + QChar( 0x05 ) + ".1" ), QString( "abc___.1" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( QString( "abc" ) + QChar( 0x06 ) + QChar( 0x07 ) + QChar( 0x08 ) + ".1" ), QString( "abc___.1" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( QString( "abc" ) + QChar( 0x09 ) + QChar( 0x0A ) + QChar( 0x0B ) + ".1" ), QString( "abc___.1" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( QString( "abc" ) + QChar( 0x0C ) + QChar( 0x0D ) + QChar( 0x0E ) + ".1" ), QString( "abc___.1" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( QString( "abc" ) + QChar( 0x0F ) + QChar( 0x10 ) + QChar( 0x11 ) + ".1" ), QString( "abc___.1" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( QString( "abc" ) + QChar( 0x12 ) + QChar( 0x13 ) + QChar( 0x14 ) + ".1" ), QString( "abc___.1" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( QString( "abc" ) + QChar( 0x15 ) + QChar( 0x16 ) + QChar( 0x17 ) + ".1" ), QString( "abc___.1" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( QString( "abc" ) + QChar( 0x18 ) + QChar( 0x19 ) + QChar( 0x1A ) + ".1" ), QString( "abc___.1" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( QString( "abc" ) + QChar( 0x1B ) + QChar( 0x1C ) + QChar( 0x1D ) + ".1" ), QString( "abc___.1" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( QString( "abc" ) + QChar( 0x1E ) + QChar( 0x7F ) + ".1" ), QString( "abc__.1" ) ); // 0x7F = 127 = DEL control character
/* trailing spaces in extension, directory and file names are being ignored (!) */
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "test " ), QString( "test _" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( " test " ), QString( " test _" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "test.ext " ), QString( "test.ext _" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "test .ext " ), QString( "test _.ext _" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( " test .ext " ), QString( " test _.ext _" ) ); // yes, really!
#ifdef Q_WS_WIN // interpret / as part of the name, not directory separator
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "\\some\\folder \\" ), QString( "\\some\\folder _\\" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "\\some \\folder \\" ), QString( "\\some _\\folder _\\" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "\\...some \\ev il \\folders...\\" ), QString( "\\...some _\\ev il _\\folders...\\" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "\\some\\fol/der \\" ), QString( "\\some\\fol_der _\\" ) );
#else // interpret \ as part of the name, not directory separator
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "/some/folder /" ), QString( "/some/folder _/" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "/some /folder /" ), QString( "/some _/folder _/" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "/...some /ev il /folders.../" ), QString( "/...some _/ev il _/folders.../" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "/some/fol\\der /" ), QString( "/some/fol_der _/" ) );
/* Stepping deeper into M$ hell: reserved device names
* See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa365247(VS.85).aspx */
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "CLOCK$" ), QString( "_CLOCK$" ) );
/* this one IS allowed according to
* http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Filename&oldid=303934888#Comparison_of_file_name_limitations */
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "CLOCK$.ext" ), QString( "CLOCK$.ext" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "CON" ), QString( "_CON" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "CON.ext" ), QString( "_CON.ext" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "PRN" ), QString( "_PRN" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "PRN.ext" ), QString( "_PRN.ext" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "AUX" ), QString( "_AUX" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "AUX.ext" ), QString( "_AUX.ext" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "NUL" ), QString( "_NUL" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "NUL.ext" ), QString( "_NUL.ext" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "COM1" ), QString( "_COM1" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "COM1.ext" ), QString( "_COM1.ext" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "COM2" ), QString( "_COM2" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "COM2.ext" ), QString( "_COM2.ext" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "COM3" ), QString( "_COM3" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "COM3.ext" ), QString( "_COM3.ext" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "COM4" ), QString( "_COM4" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "COM4.ext" ), QString( "_COM4.ext" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "COM5" ), QString( "_COM5" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "COM5.ext" ), QString( "_COM5.ext" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "COM6" ), QString( "_COM6" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "COM6.ext" ), QString( "_COM6.ext" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "COM7" ), QString( "_COM7" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "COM7.ext" ), QString( "_COM7.ext" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "COM8" ), QString( "_COM8" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "COM8.ext" ), QString( "_COM8.ext" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "COM9" ), QString( "_COM9" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "COM9.ext" ), QString( "_COM9.ext" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "LPT1" ), QString( "_LPT1" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "LPT1.ext" ), QString( "_LPT1.ext" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "LPT2" ), QString( "_LPT2" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "LPT2.ext" ), QString( "_LPT2.ext" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "LPT3" ), QString( "_LPT3" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "LPT3.ext" ), QString( "_LPT3.ext" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "LPT4" ), QString( "_LPT4" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "LPT4.ext" ), QString( "_LPT4.ext" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "LPT5" ), QString( "_LPT5" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "LPT5.ext" ), QString( "_LPT5.ext" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "LPT6" ), QString( "_LPT6" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "LPT6.ext" ), QString( "_LPT6.ext" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "LPT7" ), QString( "_LPT7" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "LPT7.ext" ), QString( "_LPT7.ext" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "LPT8" ), QString( "_LPT8" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "LPT8.ext" ), QString( "_LPT8.ext" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "LPT9" ), QString( "_LPT9" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "LPT9.ext" ), QString( "_LPT9.ext" ) );
/* Device names in different cases: */
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "con" ), QString( "_con" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "con.ext" ), QString( "_con.ext" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "cON" ), QString( "_cON" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "cON.ext" ), QString( "_cON.ext" ) );
/* This one is ok :) */
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "CONCERT" ), QString( "CONCERT" ) );
QCOMPARE( Amarok::vfatPath( "CONCERT.ext" ), QString( "CONCERT.ext" ) );