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319 lines
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/* This file is part of KDevelop
Copyright 2010 Aleix Pol Gonzalez <aleixpol@kde.org>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "codeanalysistest.h"
#include <QTest>
#include <language/duchain/duchain.h>
#include <language/checks/controlflowgraph.h>
#include <language/checks/controlflownode.h>
#include <language/duchain/declaration.h>
using namespace KDevelop;
using namespace Cpp;
CodeAnalysisTest::CodeAnalysisTest(QObject* parent): QObject(parent)
void CodeAnalysisTest::initTestCase()
void CodeAnalysisTest::cleanupTestCase()
void CodeAnalysisTest::testUseReadWrite()
QFETCH(QString, code);
QFETCH(QVariantList, modFlags);
LockedTopDUContext top = parse(code.toUtf8(), DumpNone, 0, true);
DataAccessRepository* repo = &m_modifications;
// foreach(DataAccess* f, repo->modifications()) {
// qDebug() << "lalala" << f->flags();
// }
QCOMPARE(repo->modifications().count(), modFlags.size());
int i=0;
foreach(const QVariant& f, modFlags) {
// qDebug() << "flags" << repo->modifications().at(i)->flags() << f;
KDevelop::DataAccess::DataAccessFlags p(f.toUInt());
DataAccess* da=repo->modifications().at(i);
QCOMPARE(da->isRead(), bool(p&DataAccess::Read));
QCOMPARE(da->isWrite(), bool(p&DataAccess::Write));
DUContext* ctx=top->findContextAt(da->pos());
int u=ctx->findUseAt(da->pos());
Declaration* d=ctx->findDeclarationAt(da->pos());
QVERIFY(u>=0 || d);
void CodeAnalysisTest::testUseReadWrite_data()
QTest::newRow("def") << "int a; void main() { a=3; }" << (QVariantList() << uint(DataAccess::Write));
QTest::newRow("int==") << "int a; int main() { a==3; }" << (QVariantList() << uint(DataAccess::Read));
QTest::newRow("callr") << "int f(int e, int a) { f(a,e); }" << (QVariantList() << uint(DataAccess::Read) << uint(DataAccess::Read) << uint(DataAccess::Read));
QTest::newRow("callrw") << "int p,w; int f(int&, int) { f(p,w); }" << (QVariantList() << uint(DataAccess::Write|DataAccess::Read) << uint(DataAccess::Read) << uint(DataAccess::Read));
QTest::newRow("initandcopy") << "void f() { int a=1, b; a=b; }"
<< (QVariantList() << uint(DataAccess::Write) << uint(DataAccess::Write) << uint(DataAccess::Read));
QTest::newRow("oper==") << "class C { bool operator==(const C&) const; }; bool f(const C& e) { return e==e; }"
<< (QVariantList() << uint(DataAccess::Read) << uint(DataAccess::Read));
QTest::newRow("++oper") << "struct C { bool operator++(); }; C e; bool f() { ++e; }"
<< (QVariantList() << uint(DataAccess::Write|DataAccess::Read));
QTest::newRow("oper++") << "struct C { bool operator++(int); }; C e; bool f() { e++; }"
<< (QVariantList() << uint(DataAccess::Write|DataAccess::Read));
QTest::newRow("int++") << "void f() { int e; e++; }"
<< (QVariantList() << uint(DataAccess::Write|DataAccess::Read));
QTest::newRow("member-dot") << "struct C { C boh(); }; C e; bool f() { e.boh().boh().boh(); }"
<< (QVariantList() << uint(DataAccess::Write|DataAccess::Read) << uint(DataAccess::Call|DataAccess::Read|DataAccess::Write) << uint(DataAccess::Call|DataAccess::Read|DataAccess::Write) << uint(DataAccess::Call|DataAccess::Read|DataAccess::Write));
QTest::newRow("member-arrow") << "struct C { C boh(); }; C* e; bool f() { e->boh(); }"
<< (QVariantList() << uint(DataAccess::Read) << uint(DataAccess::Call|DataAccess::Read));
QTest::newRow("forloop") << "int i; bool f() { for(i=0; i<33; ++i) {} }"
<< (QVariantList() << uint(DataAccess::Write) << uint(DataAccess::Read) << uint(DataAccess::Read|DataAccess::Write));
QTest::newRow("if-nocond") << "int i; bool f() { if(i) {} }"
<< (QVariantList() << uint(DataAccess::Read));
QTest::newRow("if-unary") << "int i; bool f() { if(!i) {} }"
<< (QVariantList() << uint(DataAccess::Read));
QTest::newRow("ternary-op") << "int i; bool f() { return i ? i : i; }" //TODO: do the same when ref parameter
<< (QVariantList() << uint(DataAccess::Read) << uint(DataAccess::Read) << uint(DataAccess::Read));
QTest::newRow("initializer") << "struct C {int i,j; C() : i(0),j(i) {} };"
<< (QVariantList() << uint(DataAccess::Write) << uint(DataAccess::Write) << uint(DataAccess::Read));
QTest::newRow("new-delete") << "int *a,b; void f() { a = new int(b); delete a; }"
<< (QVariantList() << uint(DataAccess::Write) << uint(DataAccess::Read) << uint(DataAccess::Read));
QTest::newRow("local new-delete") << "int b; void f() { int *a = new int(b); delete a; }"
<< (QVariantList() << uint(DataAccess::Write) << uint(DataAccess::Read) << uint(DataAccess::Read));
QTest::newRow("new-define") << "void f() { int b=2, *a = new int(b); }"
<< (QVariantList() << uint(DataAccess::Write) << uint(DataAccess::Write) << uint(DataAccess::Read));
QTest::newRow("return") << "int a; int f() { return a; }"
<< (QVariantList() << uint(DataAccess::Read));
QTest::newRow("init") << "int f() { int a=3; }"
<< (QVariantList() << uint(DataAccess::Write));
QTest::newRow("init2") << "int f() { int a=3; int b=a; }"
<< (QVariantList() << uint(DataAccess::Write) << uint(DataAccess::Write) << uint(DataAccess::Read));
QTest::newRow("switch") << "int f(int a) { switch(a) { case 3: break;} }"
<< (QVariantList() << uint(DataAccess::Read));
QTest::newRow("constructor") << "class C { C(int,int&); }; void f(int a) { int b; C* c=new C(a,b); }"
<< (QVariantList() << uint(DataAccess::Write) << uint(DataAccess::Read) << uint(DataAccess::Read|DataAccess::Write));
QTest::newRow("empty constructor") << "class C { C(); }; void f() { new C; }"
<< QVariantList();
QTest::newRow("function call, different parameter count") << "void f(int) { f(3,4); }"
<< (QVariantList() << uint(DataAccess::Read));
QTest::newRow("method call, different parameter count") << "class C { void f(int,int&); }; void f(int x) { C c; c.f(1,x); }"
<< (QVariantList() << uint(DataAccess::Read|DataAccess::Write) << uint(DataAccess::Read|DataAccess::Write) << uint(DataAccess::Call|DataAccess::Read|DataAccess::Write));
QTest::newRow("casts") << "class C { C m(); }; class D : public C {}; void f(D* a) { static_cast<C*>(a)->m(); }"
<< (QVariantList() << uint(DataAccess::Read) << uint(DataAccess::Read) << uint(DataAccess::Call|DataAccess::Read));
QTest::newRow("ptr") << "void f() { int* a=new int; (*a)=3; }"
<< (QVariantList() << uint(DataAccess::Write) << uint(DataAccess::Read));
static void walkNodesRecursively(ControlFlowNode* node, QSet<ControlFlowNode*>& visited)
if(!visited.contains(node)) {
walkNodesRecursively(node->next(), visited);
walkNodesRecursively(node->alternative(), visited);
class ControlFlowToDot
ControlFlowToDot(QTextStream* dev, const QByteArray& sources) : m_dev(dev), m_sources(sources)
static QString escapeQuotes(const QString& _s) { QString s(_s); s.replace('\"', "\\\""); return s;}
bool exportGraph(const QByteArray&, const ControlFlowGraph* graph)
bool r = true;
int i=0;
*m_dev << "digraph G {\n";
*m_dev << " label = \""+escapeQuotes(m_sources)+"\";\n";
QList<ControlFlowNode*> n=graph->rootNodes();
for(QList<ControlFlowNode*>::const_iterator it=n.constBegin(), itEnd=n.constEnd(); it!=itEnd; ++it, ++i) {
*m_dev << " subgraph cluster_" << i << " {\n\tcolor=black;\n";
Declaration* d=declarationForNode(graph, *it);
*m_dev << "\tlabel=\""+d->toString()+"\"\n";
r &= exportNode(*it);
*m_dev << " }\n";
QVector< ControlFlowNode* > deadNodes = graph->deadNodes();
if(!deadNodes.isEmpty()) {
*m_dev << " subgraph cluster_"<< i <<" {\n";
*m_dev << "\tlabel = \"Dead Nodes\";\n";
foreach(ControlFlowNode* node, deadNodes) {
*m_dev << '\t' << nodesName(node) << " [color=green]\n\n";
*m_dev << " }\n";
*m_dev << "}\n";
return r;
Declaration* declarationForNode(const ControlFlowGraph* graph, const ControlFlowNode* node) const {
foreach(Declaration* d, graph->declarations()) {
return d;
return 0;
bool exportNode(const ControlFlowNode* node)
return false;
QHash< const ControlFlowNode*, QString >::iterator initialIt = m_names.find(node);
bool isfirst = m_names.isEmpty();
if(initialIt==m_names.end()) {
initialIt = m_names.insert(node, nodesName(node));
} else
return true;
QString name = initialIt.value();
*m_dev << '\t' << name << " [shape=doubleoctagon]\n\n";
if(!node->next() && !node->alternative())
*m_dev << '\t' << name << " [color=red]\n\n";
if(exportNode(node->next())) *m_dev << '\t' << name << " -> " << m_names.value(node->next()) << " [color=blue];\n";
if(exportNode(node->alternative())) *m_dev << '\t' << name << " -> " << m_names.value(node->alternative()) << " [color=red];\n";
return true;
QString nodesName(const ControlFlowNode* node) const
RangeInRevision range = node->nodeRange();
if(!node->next() && !node->alternative())
return "Exit";
else if(range.isEmpty()) {
static int uniqueId=0;
return QString("dummy_%1").arg(uniqueId++);
} else {
int a=cursorToPos(range.start), b=cursorToPos(range.end);
QString ret=m_sources.mid(a, b-a);
if(node->type()==ControlFlowNode::Conditional) {
RangeInRevision crange = node->conditionRange();
int ca=cursorToPos(crange.start), cb=cursorToPos(crange.end);
ret += " - condition: "+m_sources.mid(ca, cb-ca);
return "\""+ret+"\"";
int cursorToPos(const CursorInRevision& cursor) const
int ret=0;
int line=cursor.line, col=cursor.column;
for(; line>0 && ret>0; line--)
ret = m_sources.indexOf('\n', ret);
return -1;
return ret + col;
QTextStream* m_dev;
QHash<const ControlFlowNode*, QString> m_names;
QByteArray m_sources;
void CodeAnalysisTest::testControlFlowCreation()
QFETCH(QString, code);
QFETCH(int, nodeCount);
LockedTopDUContext top = parse(code.toUtf8(), DumpNone);
ControlFlowGraph* graph = &m_ctlflowGraph;
QList<ControlFlowNode*> n=graph->rootNodes();
QList<ControlFlowNode*>::const_iterator it=n.constBegin(), itEnd=n.constEnd();
QSet<ControlFlowNode*> visited;
int entries=0;
for(; it!=itEnd; ++it, ++entries)
walkNodesRecursively(*it, visited);
{//Graph exporting
QFile file(QString(QTest::currentDataTag()).replace(' ', '_')+".dot");
QTextStream st(&file);
ControlFlowToDot exporter(&st, code.toUtf8());
exporter.exportGraph(QTest::currentDataTag(), graph);
QCOMPARE(visited.size(), nodeCount);
foreach(ControlFlowNode* n, visited) {
RangeInRevision crange=n->conditionRange();
QVERIFY(!crange.isValid() || crange.end>=crange.start);
void CodeAnalysisTest::testControlFlowCreation_data()
QTest::newRow("empty") << "void f() {}" << 2;
QTest::newRow("sequence") << "int f(int a) { return a+1; }" << 2;
QTest::newRow("conditional") << "int f(int a) { if(a) a+=1; return a+3; }" << 4;
QTest::newRow("conditional_else") << "int f(int a) { if(a) a+=1; else a-=1; return a+3; }" << 5;
QTest::newRow("different exits") << "int f(int a) { if(a) return a; else return b; }" << 4;
QTest::newRow("conditional_inlined") << "int f(int a) { a=a?a+1 : a-1; return a+3; }" << 5;
QTest::newRow("while") << "int f(int q) { while(q) {q--} return q; }" << 5;
QTest::newRow("for") << "int f(int a) { for(int i=0; i<a; i++) {i+=54;} return 0; }" << 6;
QTest::newRow("forinf") << "void f() { for(;;) {} }" << 6;
QTest::newRow("switch") << "void f(int a) { switch(a) { case 1: f(1); break; case 2: f(2); return; default: f(3); break; } f(4); }" << 9;
QTest::newRow("switch2") << "void f(int a) { switch(a) { case 1: f(-1); case 2: f(1); break; case 3: f(2); break; } f(666); }" << 9;
QTest::newRow("switch0") << "void f(int a) { switch(a) {} f(666); }" << 3;
QTest::newRow("do-while") << "void f(int a) { do {a--; } while(a); }" << 5;
QTest::newRow("loopbreak") << "void f(int i) { while(i) { if(i>20) break; } f(666); }" << 7;
QTest::newRow("loopconti") << "void f(int i) { while(i) { if(i>20) continue; } f(666); }" << 7;
QTest::newRow("goto") << "void f(int i) { f(0); tag: f(1); if(i) goto tag; f(2); f(1); }" << 5;
QTest::newRow("goto2") << "void f(int i) { f(0); goto tag; f(1); if(i) f(3); tag: f(2); }" << 3;
QTest::newRow("outside") << "enum {Result = 2 ? 1 : 3 };" << 4;
QTest::newRow("class") << "struct Peu { public: Peu() { int x = 3?4:2; } int thing(int x) { return x ? x+1 : x-1; } };" << 10;
QTest::newRow("lecture") << "int f(int x) { int i; if(x==0) i=3; else i=4; return i; }" << 5;