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* KMix -- KDE's full featured mini mixer
* Copyright (C) 1996-2007 Christian Esken <esken@kde.org>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
* License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "gui/mdwslider.h"
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <kconfig.h>
#include <kaction.h>
#include <kmenu.h>
#include <kglobalaccel.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kactioncollection.h>
#include <ktoggleaction.h>
#include <qicon.h>
#include <qtoolbutton.h>
#include <QObject>
#include <qcursor.h>
#include <QCheckBox>
#include <QMouseEvent>
#include <QLabel>
#include <qpixmap.h>
#include <qwmatrix.h>
#include <QBoxLayout>
#include "core/ControlManager.h"
#include "core/mixer.h"
#include "gui/guiprofile.h"
#include "gui/volumeslider.h"
#include "gui/viewbase.h"
#include "gui/ksmallslider.h"
#include "gui/verticaltext.h"
#include "gui/mdwmoveaction.h"
bool MDWSlider::debugMe = false;
* MixDeviceWidget that represents a single mix device, including PopUp, muteLED, ...
* Used in KMix main window and DockWidget and PanelApplet.
* It can be configured to include or exclude the captureLED and the muteLED.
* The direction (horizontal, vertical) can be configured and whether it should
* be "small" (uses KSmallSlider instead of a normal slider widget).
* Due to the many options, this is the most complicated MixDeviceWidget subclass.
MDWSlider::MDWSlider(shared_ptr<MixDevice> md, bool showMuteLED, bool showCaptureLED
, bool includeMixerName, bool small, Qt::Orientation orientation, QWidget* parent
, ViewBase* view
, ProfControl* par_ctl
) :
MixDeviceWidget(md,small,orientation,parent,view, par_ctl),
m_linked(true), muteButtonSpacer(0), captureSpacer(0), labelSpacer(0),
m_iconLabelSimple(0), m_qcb(0), m_muteText(0),
m_label( 0 ),
m_captureCheckbox(0), m_captureText(0), labelSpacing(0),
muteButtonSpacing(false), captureLEDSpacing(false), _mdwMoveActions(new KActionCollection(this)), m_moveMenu(0),
m_sliderInWork(0), m_waitForSoundSetComplete(0)
createWidgets( showMuteLED, showCaptureLED, includeMixerName );
installEventFilter( this ); // filter for popup
foreach( QAbstractSlider* slider, m_slidersPlayback)
delete slider;
foreach( QAbstractSlider* slider, m_slidersCapture)
delete slider;
void MDWSlider::createActions()
// create actions (on _mdwActions, see MixDeviceWidget)
KToggleAction *taction = _mdwActions->add<KToggleAction>( "stereo" );
taction->setText( i18n("&Split Channels") );
connect( taction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(toggleStereoLinked()) );
KAction *action;
if ( ! m_mixdevice->mixer()->isDynamic() ) {
action = _mdwActions->add<KToggleAction>( "hide" );
action->setText( i18n("&Hide") );
connect( action, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(setDisabled(bool)) );
if( m_mixdevice->hasMuteSwitch() )
taction = _mdwActions->add<KToggleAction>( "mute" );
taction->setText( i18n("&Muted") );
connect( taction, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(toggleMuted()) );
if( m_mixdevice->captureVolume().hasSwitch() ) {
taction = _mdwActions->add<KToggleAction>( "recsrc" );
taction->setText( i18n("Set &Record Source") );
connect( taction, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(toggleRecsrc()) );
if( m_mixdevice->isMovable() ) {
m_moveMenu = new KMenu( i18n("Mo&ve"), this);
connect( m_moveMenu, SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), SLOT(showMoveMenu()) );
action = _mdwActions->addAction( "keys" );
action->setText( i18n("C&onfigure Shortcuts...") );
connect( action, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(defineKeys()) );
void MDWSlider::addGlobalShortcut(KAction* action, const QString& label, bool dynamicControl)
QString finalLabel(label);
finalLabel += " - " + mixDevice()->readableName() + ", " + mixDevice()->mixer()->readableName();
if (!dynamicControl)
// virtual / dynamic controls won't get shortcuts
// #ifdef __GNUC__
// #warning GLOBAL SHORTCUTS ARE NOW ASSIGNED TO ALL CONTROLS, as enableGlobalShortcut(), has not been committed
// #endif
// b->enableGlobalShortcut();
// enableGlobalShortcut() is not there => use workaround
void MDWSlider::createShortcutActions()
bool dynamicControl = mixDevice()->mixer()->isDynamic();
// The following actions are for the "Configure Shortcuts" dialog
/* PLEASE NOTE THAT global shortcuts are saved with the name as set with setName(), instead of their action name.
This is a bug according to the thread "Global shortcuts are saved with their text-name and not their action-name - Bug?" on kcd.
I work around this by using a text with setText() that is unique, but still readable to the user.
QString actionSuffix = QString(" - %1, %2").arg( mixDevice()->readableName() ).arg( mixDevice()->mixer()->readableName() );
KAction *b;
// -1- INCREASE VOLUME SHORTCUT -----------------------------------------
b = _mdwPopupActions->addAction( QString("Increase volume %1").arg( actionSuffix ) );
QString increaseVolumeName = i18n( "Increase Volume" );
addGlobalShortcut(b, increaseVolumeName, dynamicControl);
if ( ! dynamicControl )
connect( b, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(increaseVolume()) );
// -2- DECREASE VOLUME SHORTCUT -----------------------------------------
b = _mdwPopupActions->addAction( QString("Decrease volume %1").arg( actionSuffix ) );
QString decreaseVolumeName = i18n( "Decrease Volume" );
addGlobalShortcut(b, decreaseVolumeName, dynamicControl);
if ( ! dynamicControl )
connect(b, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(decreaseVolume()));
// -3- MUTE VOLUME SHORTCUT -----------------------------------------
b = _mdwPopupActions->addAction( QString("Toggle mute %1").arg( actionSuffix ) );
QString muteVolumeName = i18n( "Toggle Mute" );
addGlobalShortcut(b, muteVolumeName, dynamicControl);
if ( ! dynamicControl )
connect( b, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(toggleMuted()) );
QSizePolicy MDWSlider::sizePolicy() const
if ( _orientation == Qt::Vertical )
return QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding );
return QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy::Preferred );
// return QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed );
QSize MDWSlider::sizeHint() const
return QSize( 90, QWidget::sizeHint().height());
* This method is a helper for users of this class who would like
* to show multiple MDWSlider, and align the sliders.
* It returns the "height" (if vertical) of this widgets label.
* Warning: Line wraps are computed for a fixed size (100), this may be unaccurate in case,
* the widgets have different sizes.
int MDWSlider::labelExtentHint() const
if ( _orientation == Qt::Vertical && m_label ) {
return m_label->heightForWidth(m_label->minimumWidth());
return 0;
* If a label from another widget has more lines than this widget, then a spacer is added under the label
void MDWSlider::setLabelExtent(int extent) {
if ( _orientation == Qt::Vertical ) {
if ( labelExtentHint() < extent )
labelSpacer->setFixedHeight( extent - labelExtentHint() );
* Alignment helper
bool MDWSlider::hasMuteButton() const
return m_qcb!=0;
* If this widget does not have a mute button, but another widget has, we add a spacer here with the
* size of a QToolButton (don't know how to make a better estimate)
void MDWSlider::setMuteButtonSpace(bool value)
if (hasMuteButton() || !value) {
} else {
QToolButton b;
muteButtonSpacer->setFixedSize( b.sizeHint() );
* See "hasMuteButton"
bool MDWSlider::hasCaptureLED() const
return m_captureCheckbox!=0;
* See "setMuteButtonSpace"
void MDWSlider::setCaptureLEDSpace(bool showCaptureLED)
if ( !showCaptureLED || hasCaptureLED() ) {
} else
void MDWSlider::guiAddSlidersAndMediacontrols(bool playSliders, bool capSliders, bool mediaControls, QBoxLayout* layout, const QString& tooltipText, const QString& captureTooltipText)
if (playSliders)
addSliders(layout, 'p', m_mixdevice->playbackVolume(), m_slidersPlayback, tooltipText);
if (capSliders)
addSliders(layout, 'c', m_mixdevice->captureVolume(), m_slidersCapture, captureTooltipText);
if (mediaControls)
void MDWSlider::guiAddCaptureCheckbox(bool wantsCaptureLED, const Qt::Alignment& alignmentForCapture, QBoxLayout* layoutForCapture, const QString& captureTooltipText)
if (wantsCaptureLED && m_mixdevice->captureVolume().hasSwitch())
m_captureCheckbox = new QCheckBox(i18n("capture"), this);
layoutForCapture->addWidget(m_captureCheckbox, alignmentForCapture);
connect(m_captureCheckbox, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(setRecsrc(bool)));
void MDWSlider::guiAddMuteButton(bool wantsMuteButton, Qt::Alignment alignment, QBoxLayout* layoutForMuteButton, const QString& muteTooltipText)
if (wantsMuteButton && m_mixdevice->hasMuteSwitch())
m_qcb = new QToolButton(this);
layoutForMuteButton->addWidget(m_qcb, 0, alignment);
connect(m_qcb, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(toggleMuted()));
// Spacer will be shown, when no mute button is displayed
muteButtonSpacer = new QWidget(this);
layoutForMuteButton->addWidget( muteButtonSpacer );
void MDWSlider::guiAddControlIcon(Qt::Alignment alignment, QBoxLayout* layout, const QString& tooltipText)
m_iconLabelSimple = new QLabel(this);
setIcon(m_mixdevice->iconName(), m_iconLabelSimple);
layout->addWidget(m_iconLabelSimple, 0, alignment);
* Creates all widgets : Icon, Label, Mute-Button, Slider(s) and Capture-Button.
void MDWSlider::createWidgets( bool showMuteButton, bool showCaptureLED, bool includeMixerName )
bool includePlayback = _pctl->useSubcontrolPlayback();
bool includeCapture = _pctl->useSubcontrolCapture();
bool wantsPlaybackSliders = includePlayback && ( m_mixdevice->playbackVolume().count() > 0 );
bool wantsCaptureSliders = includeCapture && ( m_mixdevice->captureVolume().count() > 0 );
bool wantsCaptureLED = showCaptureLED && includeCapture;
bool wantsMuteButton = showMuteButton && includePlayback;
bool hasVolumeSliders = wantsPlaybackSliders || wantsCaptureSliders;
// bool bothCaptureANDPlaybackExist = wantsPlaybackSliders && wantsCaptureSliders;
MediaController* mediaController = m_mixdevice->getMediaController();
bool wantsMediaControls = mediaController->hasControls();
QString tooltipText = m_mixdevice->readableName();
QString captureTooltipText( i18n( "Capture/Uncapture %1", m_mixdevice->readableName() ) );
QString muteTooltipText( i18n( "Mute/Unmute %1", m_mixdevice->readableName() ) );
if (includeMixerName) {
tooltipText = QString( "%1\n%2" ).arg( m_mixdevice->mixer()->readableName() ).arg( tooltipText );
captureTooltipText = QString( "%1\n%2" ).arg( m_mixdevice->mixer()->readableName() ).arg( captureTooltipText );
muteTooltipText = QString( "%1\n%2" ).arg( m_mixdevice->mixer()->readableName() ).arg( muteTooltipText );
// case of vertical sliders:
if ( _orientation == Qt::Vertical )
QVBoxLayout *controlLayout = new QVBoxLayout(this);
guiAddControlIcon(Qt::AlignHCenter|Qt::AlignTop, controlLayout, tooltipText);
Qt::Alignment centerAlign = Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignBottom;
//the device label
m_label = new QLabel( m_mixdevice->readableName(), this);
int max = 80;
QStringList words = m_mixdevice->readableName().split(QChar(' '));
foreach (QString name, words)
max = qMax(max,QLabel(name).sizeHint().width());
// if (words.size()>1 && m_label)
// m_label->setMinimumWidth(80);
// if (m_label->sizeHint().width()>max && m_label->sizeHint().width()>80)
// m_label->setMinimumWidth(max);
m_label->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Preferred);
controlLayout->addWidget(m_label, 0, centerAlign );
//spacer with height to match height difference to other slider widgets
labelSpacer = new QWidget(this);
controlLayout->addWidget( labelSpacer );
// sliders
QBoxLayout *volLayout = new QHBoxLayout( );
controlLayout->addItem( volLayout );
guiAddSlidersAndMediacontrols(wantsPlaybackSliders, wantsCaptureSliders, wantsMediaControls, volLayout, tooltipText, captureTooltipText);
if ( !hasVolumeSliders )
controlLayout->addStretch(1); // Not sure why we have this for "vertical sliders" case
guiAddCaptureCheckbox(wantsCaptureLED, centerAlign, controlLayout, captureTooltipText);
// spacer which is shown when no capture button present
captureSpacer = new QWidget(this);
controlLayout->addWidget( captureSpacer );
//mute button
guiAddMuteButton(wantsMuteButton, centerAlign, controlLayout, muteTooltipText);
* Horizontal sliders: row1 contains the label (and capture button).
* row2 contains icon, sliders, and mute button
QVBoxLayout *rows = new QVBoxLayout( this );
// --- ROW1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
QHBoxLayout *row1 = new QHBoxLayout();
rows->addItem( row1 );
m_label = new QLabel(m_mixdevice->readableName(), this);
m_label->installEventFilter( this );
row1->addWidget( m_label );
row1->setAlignment(m_label, Qt::AlignVCenter);
guiAddCaptureCheckbox(wantsCaptureLED, Qt::AlignRight, row1, captureTooltipText);
captureSpacer = new QWidget(this); // create, but do not add to any layout (not used!)
// --- ROW2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
QHBoxLayout *row2 = new QHBoxLayout();
rows->addItem( row2 );
guiAddControlIcon(Qt::AlignVCenter, row2, tooltipText);
// --- SLIDERS ---------------------------
QBoxLayout *volLayout = new QVBoxLayout( );
row2->addItem( volLayout );
guiAddSlidersAndMediacontrols(wantsPlaybackSliders, wantsCaptureSliders, wantsMediaControls, volLayout, tooltipText, captureTooltipText);
guiAddMuteButton(wantsMuteButton, Qt::AlignRight, row2, muteTooltipText);
bool stereoLinked = !_pctl->isSplit();
setStereoLinked( stereoLinked );
layout()->activate(); // Activate it explicitly in KDE3 because of PanelApplet/kicker issues
QString MDWSlider::calculatePlaybackIcon(MediaController::PlayState playState)
QString mediaIconName;
switch (playState)
case MediaController::PlayPlaying:
// playing => show pause icon
mediaIconName = "media-playback-pause";
case MediaController::PlayPaused:
// stopped/paused => show play icon
mediaIconName = "media-playback-start";
case MediaController::PlayStopped:
// stopped/paused => show play icon
mediaIconName = "media-playback-start";
// unknown => not good, probably result from player has not yet arrived => show a play button
mediaIconName = "media-playback-start";
return mediaIconName;
void MDWSlider::addMediaControls(QBoxLayout* volLayout)
MediaController* mediaController = mixDevice()->getMediaController();
QBoxLayout *mediaLayout;
if (_orientation == Qt::Vertical)
mediaLayout = new QVBoxLayout();
mediaLayout = new QHBoxLayout();
// QFrame* frame1 = new QFrame(this);
// frame1->setFrameShape(QFrame::StyledPanel);
QWidget* frame = this; // or frame1
if (mediaController->hasMediaPrevControl())
QToolButton *lbl = addMediaButton("media-skip-backward", mediaLayout, frame);
connect(lbl, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(mediaPrev(bool)));
if (mediaController->hasMediaPlayControl())
MediaController::PlayState playState = mediaController->getPlayState();
QString mediaIcon = calculatePlaybackIcon(playState);
mediaButton = addMediaButton(mediaIcon, mediaLayout, frame);
connect(mediaButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(mediaPlay(bool)));
if (mediaController->hasMediaNextControl())
QToolButton *lbl = addMediaButton("media-skip-forward", mediaLayout, frame);
connect(lbl, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(mediaNext(bool)));
QToolButton* MDWSlider::addMediaButton(QString iconName, QLayout* layout, QWidget *parent)
QToolButton *lbl = new QToolButton(parent);
setIcon(iconName, lbl);
return lbl;
* Updates the icon according to the data model.
void MDWSlider::updateMediaButton()
if (mediaButton == 0)
return; // has no media button
MediaController* mediaController = mixDevice()->getMediaController();
QString mediaIconName = calculatePlaybackIcon(mediaController->getPlayState());
setIcon(mediaIconName, mediaButton);
void MDWSlider::mediaPrev(bool)
void MDWSlider::mediaNext(bool)
void MDWSlider::mediaPlay(bool)
void MDWSlider::addSliders( QBoxLayout *volLayout, char type, Volume& vol,
QList<QAbstractSlider *>& ref_sliders, QString tooltipText)
const int minSliderSize = fontMetrics().height() * 10;
long minvol = vol.minVolume();
long maxvol = vol.maxVolume();
QMap<Volume::ChannelID, VolumeChannel> vols = vol.getVolumes();
foreach (VolumeChannel vc, vols )
//kDebug(67100) << "Add label to " << vc.chid << ": " << Volume::ChannelNameReadable[vc.chid];
QWidget *subcontrolLabel;
QString subcontrolTranslation;
if ( type == 'c' ) subcontrolTranslation += i18n("Capture") + ' ';
subcontrolTranslation += Volume::ChannelNameReadable[vc.chid]; //Volume::getSubcontrolTranslation(chid);
subcontrolLabel = createLabel(this, subcontrolTranslation, volLayout, true);
QAbstractSlider* slider;
if ( m_small )
slider = new KSmallSlider( minvol, maxvol, (maxvol-minvol+1) / Volume::VOLUME_PAGESTEP_DIVISOR,
vol.getVolume( vc.chid ), _orientation, this );
} // small
else {
slider = new VolumeSlider( _orientation, this );
slider->setPageStep(maxvol / Volume::VOLUME_PAGESTEP_DIVISOR);
slider->setValue( vol.getVolume( vc.chid ) );
volumeValues.push_back( vol.getVolume( vc.chid ) );
if ( _orientation == Qt::Vertical ) {
slider->setMinimumHeight( minSliderSize );
else {
slider->setMinimumWidth( minSliderSize );
if ( ! _pctl->getBackgroundColor().isEmpty() ) {
slider->setStyleSheet("QSlider { background-color: " + _pctl->getBackgroundColor() + " }");
} // not small
slider->installEventFilter( this );
if ( type == 'p' ) {
slider->setToolTip( tooltipText );
else {
QString captureTip( i18n( "%1 (capture)", tooltipText ) );
slider->setToolTip( captureTip );
volLayout->addWidget( slider ); // add to layout
ref_sliders.append ( slider ); // add to list
connect( slider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT(volumeChange(int)) );
connect( slider, SIGNAL(sliderPressed()), SLOT(sliderPressed()) );
connect( slider, SIGNAL(sliderReleased()), SLOT(sliderReleased()) );
} // for all channels of this device
* Return the VolumeSliderExtraData from either VolumeSlider or KSmallSlider.
* You MUST extend this method, should you decide to add more Slider Widget classes.
* @param slider
* @return
VolumeSliderExtraData& MDWSlider::extraData(QAbstractSlider *slider)
VolumeSlider* sl = qobject_cast<VolumeSlider*>(slider);
if ( sl )
return sl->extraData;
KSmallSlider* sl2 = qobject_cast<KSmallSlider*>(slider);
return sl2->extraData;
void MDWSlider::sliderPressed()
m_sliderInWork = true;
void MDWSlider::sliderReleased()
m_sliderInWork = false;
QWidget* MDWSlider::createLabel(QWidget* parent, QString& label, QBoxLayout *layout, bool small)
QFont qf;
QWidget* labelWidget;
if (_orientation == Qt::Horizontal)
labelWidget = new QLabel(label, parent);
if ( small ) ((QLabel*)labelWidget)->setFont(qf);
else {
labelWidget = new VerticalText(parent, label);
if ( small ) ((VerticalText*)labelWidget)->setFont(qf);
labelWidget->installEventFilter( parent );
return labelWidget;
QPixmap MDWSlider::loadIcon( QString filename )
return KIconLoader::global()->loadIcon( filename, KIconLoader::Small, KIconLoader::SizeSmallMedium );
//void MDWSlider::setIcon( QString filename, QLabel** label )
// if( (*label) == 0 )
// {
// *label = new QLabel(this);
// installEventFilter( *label );
// }
// setIcon(filename, *label);
void MDWSlider::setIcon( QString filename, QWidget* label )
QPixmap miniDevPM = loadIcon( filename );
if ( !miniDevPM.isNull() )
if ( m_small )
// scale icon
QMatrix t;
t = t.scale( 10.0/miniDevPM.width(), 10.0/miniDevPM.height() );
miniDevPM = miniDevPM.transformed( t );
label->resize( 10, 10 );
} // small size
label->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
QLabel* lbl = qobject_cast<QLabel*>(label);
if ( lbl != 0 )
lbl->setPixmap( miniDevPM );
lbl->setAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignCenter);
} // QLabel
QToolButton* tbt = qobject_cast<QToolButton*>(label);
if ( tbt != 0 )
tbt->setIcon( miniDevPM );
} // QToolButton
kError(67100) << "Pixmap missing. filename=" << filename << endl;
QString MDWSlider::iconName()
return m_mixdevice->iconName();
setStereoLinked( !isStereoLinked() );
MDWSlider::setStereoLinked(bool value)
m_linked = value;
int overallSlidersToShow = 0;
if ( ! m_slidersPlayback.isEmpty() ) overallSlidersToShow += ( m_linked ? 1 : m_slidersPlayback.count() );
if ( ! m_slidersCapture.isEmpty() ) overallSlidersToShow += ( m_linked ? 1 : m_slidersCapture.count() );
bool showSubcontrolLabels = (overallSlidersToShow >= 2);
setStereoLinkedInternal(m_slidersPlayback, showSubcontrolLabels);
setStereoLinkedInternal(m_slidersCapture , showSubcontrolLabels);
update(); // Call update(), so that the sliders can adjust EITHER to the individual values OR the average value.
MDWSlider::setStereoLinkedInternal(QList<QAbstractSlider *>& ref_sliders, bool showSubcontrolLabels)
if ( ref_sliders.isEmpty())
bool first = true;
foreach ( QAbstractSlider* slider1, ref_sliders )
slider1->setVisible(!m_linked || first); // One slider (the 1st) is always shown
extraData(slider1).getSubcontrolLabel()->setVisible(!m_linked && showSubcontrolLabels); // (*)
first = false;
/* (*) cesken: I have excluded the "|| first" check because the text would not be nice:
* It would be "Left" or "Capture Left", while it should be "Playback" and "Capture" in the "linked" case.
* But the only affected situation is when we have playback AND capture on the same control, where we show no label.
* It would be nice to put at least a "Capture" label on the capture subcontrol instead.
* To achieve this we would need to exchange the Text on the first capture subcontrol dynamically. This can
* be done, but I'll leave this open for now.
// Redo the tickmarks to last slider in the slider list.
// The implementation is not obvious, so lets explain:
// We ALWAYS have tickmarks on the LAST slider. Sometimes the slider is not shown, and then we just don't bother.
// a) So, if the last slider has tickmarks, we can always call setTicks( true ).
// b) if the last slider has NO tickmarks, there ae no tickmarks at all, and we don't need to redo the tickmarks.
QSlider* slider = qobject_cast<QSlider*>( ref_sliders.last() );
if( slider && slider->tickPosition() != QSlider::NoTicks)
setTicks( true );
MDWSlider::setLabeled(bool value)
if ( m_label != 0) m_label->setVisible(value);
if ( m_muteText != 0) m_muteText->setVisible(value);
if ( m_captureText != 0) m_captureText->setVisible(value);
MDWSlider::setTicks( bool value )
if (m_slidersPlayback.count() != 0) setTicksInternal(m_slidersPlayback, value);
if (m_slidersCapture.count() != 0) setTicksInternal(m_slidersCapture, value);
* Enables or disables tickmarks
* Please note that always only the first and last slider has tickmarks.
void MDWSlider::setTicksInternal(QList<QAbstractSlider *>& ref_sliders, bool ticks)
VolumeSlider* slider = qobject_cast<VolumeSlider*>( ref_sliders[0]);
if (slider == 0 ) return; // Ticks are only in VolumeSlider, but not in KSmallslider
if( ticks )
if( isStereoLinked() )
slider->setTickPosition( QSlider::TicksRight );
slider->setTickPosition( QSlider::NoTicks );
slider = qobject_cast<VolumeSlider*>(ref_sliders.last());
slider->setTickPosition( QSlider::TicksLeft );
slider->setTickPosition( QSlider::NoTicks );
slider = qobject_cast<VolumeSlider*>(ref_sliders.last());
slider->setTickPosition( QSlider::NoTicks );
MDWSlider::setIcons(bool value)
if ( m_iconLabelSimple != 0 ) {
if ( ( !m_iconLabelSimple->isHidden() ) !=value ) {
if (value)
} // if it has an icon
MDWSlider::setColors( QColor high, QColor low, QColor back )
for( int i=0; i<m_slidersPlayback.count(); ++i ) {
QWidget *slider = m_slidersPlayback[i];
KSmallSlider *smallSlider = dynamic_cast<KSmallSlider*>(slider);
if ( smallSlider ) smallSlider->setColors( high, low, back );
for( int i=0; i<m_slidersCapture.count(); ++i ) {
QWidget *slider = m_slidersCapture[i];
KSmallSlider *smallSlider = dynamic_cast<KSmallSlider*>(slider);
if ( smallSlider ) smallSlider->setColors( high, low, back );
MDWSlider::setMutedColors( QColor high, QColor low, QColor back )
for( int i=0; i<m_slidersPlayback.count(); ++i ) {
QWidget *slider = m_slidersPlayback[i];
KSmallSlider *smallSlider = dynamic_cast<KSmallSlider*>(slider);
if ( smallSlider ) smallSlider->setGrayColors( high, low, back );
for( int i=0; i<m_slidersCapture.count(); ++i ) {
QWidget *slider = m_slidersCapture[i];
KSmallSlider *smallSlider = dynamic_cast<KSmallSlider*>(slider);
if ( smallSlider ) smallSlider->setGrayColors( high, low, back );
/** This slot is called, when a user has changed the volume via the KMix Slider. */
void MDWSlider::volumeChange( int )
// if ( mixDevice()->id() == "Headphone:0" )
// {
// kDebug(67100) << "headphone bug";
// }
if (!m_slidersPlayback.isEmpty())
m_waitForSoundSetComplete ++;
volumeChangeInternal(m_mixdevice->playbackVolume(), m_slidersPlayback);
if (!m_slidersCapture.isEmpty())
volumeChangeInternal(m_mixdevice->captureVolume(), m_slidersCapture);
bool oldViewBlockSignalState = m_view->blockSignals(true);
void MDWSlider::volumeChangeInternal(Volume& vol, QList<QAbstractSlider *>& ref_sliders)
if (isStereoLinked())
QAbstractSlider* firstSlider = ref_sliders.first();
for (int i = 0; i < ref_sliders.count(); i++)
if (m_mixdevice->isMuted())
{ // changing from muted state: unmute (the "if" above is actually superfluous)
QAbstractSlider *sliderWidget = ref_sliders[i];
vol.setVolume(extraData(sliderWidget).getChid(), sliderWidget->value());
} // iterate over all sliders
This slot is called, when a user has clicked the recsrc button. Also it is called by any other
associated KAction like the context menu.
void MDWSlider::toggleRecsrc()
setRecsrc( m_mixdevice->isRecSource() );
void MDWSlider::setRecsrc(bool value )
if ( m_mixdevice->captureVolume().hasSwitch() )
m_mixdevice->setRecSource( value );
m_mixdevice->mixer()->commitVolumeChange( m_mixdevice );
This slot is called, when a user has clicked the mute button. Also it is called by any other
associated KAction like the context menu.
void MDWSlider::toggleMuted()
setMuted( !m_mixdevice->isMuted() );
void MDWSlider::setMuted(bool value)
if ( m_mixdevice->hasMuteSwitch() )
m_mixdevice->setMuted( value );
void MDWSlider::setDisabled( bool hide )
emit guiVisibilityChange(this, !hide);
* This slot is called on a Keyboard Shortcut event, except for the XF86Audio* shortcuts which hare handeled by the
* KMixWindow class. So for 99.9% of all users, this methos is never called.
void MDWSlider::increaseVolume()
increaseOrDecreaseVolume(false, Volume::Both);
* This slot is called on a Keyboard Shortcut event, except for the XF86Audio* shortcuts which hare handeled by the
* KMixWindow class. So for 99.9% of all users, this methos is never called.
void MDWSlider::decreaseVolume()
increaseOrDecreaseVolume(true, Volume::Both);
* Increase or decrease all playback and capture channels of the given control.
* This method is very similar to Mixer::increaseOrDecreaseVolume(), but it will
* auto-unmute on increase.
* @param mixdeviceID The control name
* @param decrease true for decrease. false for increase
void MDWSlider::increaseOrDecreaseVolume(bool decrease, Volume::VolumeTypeFlag volumeType)
m_mixdevice->increaseOrDecreaseVolume(decrease, volumeType);
// I should possibly not block, as the changes that come back from the Soundcard
// will be ignored (e.g. because of capture groups)
// kDebug() << "MDWSlider is blocking signals for " << m_view->id();
// bool oldViewBlockSignalState = m_view->blockSignals(true);
// kDebug() << "MDWSlider is unblocking signals for " << m_view->id();
// m_view->blockSignals(oldViewBlockSignalState);
void MDWSlider::moveStreamAutomatic()
m_mixdevice->mixer()->moveStream(m_mixdevice->id(), "");
void MDWSlider::moveStream(QString destId)
m_mixdevice->mixer()->moveStream(m_mixdevice->id(), destId);
* This is called whenever there are volume updates pending from the hardware for this MDW.
void MDWSlider::update()
// bool debugMe = (mixDevice()->id() == "PCM:0" );
// if (debugMe) kDebug() << "The update() PCM:0 playback state" << mixDevice()->isMuted()
// << ", vol=" << mixDevice()->playbackVolume().getAvgVolumePercent(Volume::MALL);
if ( m_slidersPlayback.count() != 0 || m_mixdevice->hasMuteSwitch() )
updateInternal(m_mixdevice->playbackVolume(), m_slidersPlayback, m_mixdevice->isMuted() );
if ( m_slidersCapture.count() != 0 || m_mixdevice->captureVolume().hasSwitch() )
updateInternal(m_mixdevice->captureVolume(), m_slidersCapture, m_mixdevice->isNotRecSource() );
if (m_label)
QLabel *l;
VerticalText *v;
if ((l = dynamic_cast<QLabel*>(m_label)))
else if ((v = dynamic_cast<VerticalText*>(m_label)))
* @param vol
* @param ref_sliders
* @param muted Future directions: passing "muted" should not be necessary any longer - due to getVolumeForGUI()
void MDWSlider::updateInternal(Volume& vol, QList<QAbstractSlider *>& ref_sliders, bool muted)
// bool debugMe = (mixDevice()->id() == "PCM:0" );
// if (debugMe)
// {
// kDebug() << "The updateInternal() PCM:0 playback state" << mixDevice()->isMuted()
// << ", vol=" << mixDevice()->playbackVolume().getAvgVolumePercent(Volume::MALL);
// }
for( int i=0; i<ref_sliders.count(); i++ )
QAbstractSlider *slider = ref_sliders.at( i );
Volume::ChannelID chid = extraData(slider).getChid();
long useVolume = muted ? 0 : vol.getVolumeForGUI(chid);
int volume_index;
bool oldBlockState = slider->blockSignals( true );
// slider->setValue( useVolume );
// --- Avoid feedback loops START -----------------
if((volume_index = volumeValues.indexOf(useVolume)) > -1 && --m_waitForSoundSetComplete < 1)
m_waitForSoundSetComplete = 0;
else if(!m_sliderInWork && m_waitForSoundSetComplete < 1)
// --- Avoid feedback loops END -----------------
if ( slider->inherits( "KSmallSlider" ) )
((KSmallSlider*)slider)->setGray( m_mixdevice->isMuted() );
slider->blockSignals( oldBlockState );
} // for all sliders
// update mute
if( m_qcb != 0 )
bool oldBlockState = m_qcb->blockSignals( true );
if (m_mixdevice->isMuted())
m_qcb->setIcon( QIcon( loadIcon("audio-volume-muted") ) );
m_qcb->setIcon( QIcon( loadIcon("audio-volume-high") ) );
m_qcb->blockSignals( oldBlockState );
if( m_captureCheckbox )
bool oldBlockState = m_captureCheckbox->blockSignals( true );
m_captureCheckbox->setChecked( m_mixdevice->isRecSource() );
m_captureCheckbox->blockSignals( oldBlockState );
void MDWSlider::updateAccesability()
if (m_linked) {
if (!m_slidersPlayback.isEmpty())
if (!m_slidersCapture.isEmpty())
} else {
QList<VolumeChannel> vols = m_mixdevice->playbackVolume().getVolumes().values();
foreach (QAbstractSlider *slider, m_slidersPlayback) {
slider->setAccessibleName(slider->toolTip()+ " (" +Volume::ChannelNameReadable[vols.first().chid]+")");
vols = m_mixdevice->captureVolume().getVolumes().values();
foreach (QAbstractSlider *slider, m_slidersCapture) {
slider->setAccessibleName(slider->toolTip()+ " (" +Volume::ChannelNameReadable[vols.first().chid]+")");
void MDWSlider::showContextMenu( const QPoint& pos )
if( m_view == 0 )
KMenu *menu = m_view->getPopup();
menu->addTitle( SmallIcon( "kmix" ), m_mixdevice->readableName() );
if (m_moveMenu) {
MixSet *ms = m_mixdevice->getMoveDestinationMixSet();
m_moveMenu->setEnabled((ms->count() > 1));
menu->addMenu( m_moveMenu );
if ( m_slidersPlayback.count()>1 || m_slidersCapture.count()>1) {
KToggleAction *stereo = (KToggleAction *)_mdwActions->action( "stereo" );
if ( stereo ) {
stereo->setChecked( !isStereoLinked() );
menu->addAction( stereo );
if ( m_mixdevice->captureVolume().hasSwitch() ) {
KToggleAction *ta = (KToggleAction *)_mdwActions->action( "recsrc" );
if ( ta ) {
ta->setChecked( m_mixdevice->isRecSource() );
menu->addAction( ta );
if ( m_mixdevice->hasMuteSwitch() ) {
KToggleAction *ta = ( KToggleAction* )_mdwActions->action( "mute" );
if ( ta ) {
ta->setChecked( m_mixdevice->isMuted() );
menu->addAction( ta );
QAction *a = _mdwActions->action( "hide" );
if ( a )
menu->addAction( a );
QAction *b = _mdwActions->action( "keys" );
if ( b ) {
// QAction sep( _mdwPopupActions );
// sep.setSeparator( true );
// menu->addAction( &sep );
menu->addAction( b );
menu->popup( pos );
void MDWSlider::showMoveMenu()
MixSet *ms = m_mixdevice->getMoveDestinationMixSet();
// Default
KAction *a = new KAction(_mdwMoveActions);
a->setText( i18n("Automatic According to Category") );
_mdwMoveActions->addAction( QString("moveautomatic"), a);
connect(a, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(moveStreamAutomatic()), Qt::QueuedConnection);
m_moveMenu->addAction( a );
a = new KAction(_mdwMoveActions);
_mdwMoveActions->addAction( QString("-"), a);
m_moveMenu->addAction( a );
foreach (shared_ptr<MixDevice> md, *ms)
a = new MDWMoveAction(md, _mdwMoveActions);
_mdwMoveActions->addAction( QString("moveto") + md->id(), a);
connect(a, SIGNAL(moveRequest(QString)), SLOT(moveStream(QString)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
m_moveMenu->addAction( a );
* An event filter for the various QWidgets. We watch for Mouse press Events, so
* that we can popup the context menu.
bool MDWSlider::eventFilter( QObject* obj, QEvent* e )
QEvent::Type eventType = e->type();
if (eventType == QEvent::MouseButtonPress) {
QMouseEvent *qme = static_cast<QMouseEvent*>(e);
if (qme->button() == Qt::RightButton) {
return true;
} else if (eventType == QEvent::ContextMenu) {
QPoint pos = reinterpret_cast<QWidget *>(obj)->mapToGlobal(QPoint(0, 0));
return true;
// Attention: We don't filter WheelEvents for KSmallSlider, because it handles WheelEvents itself
else if ( eventType == QEvent::Wheel )
// && strcmp(obj->metaObject()->className(),"KSmallSlider") != 0 ) { // Remove the KSmallSlider check. If KSmallSlider comes back, use a cheaper type check - e.g. a boolean value.
QWheelEvent *qwe = static_cast<QWheelEvent*>(e);
bool increase = (qwe->delta() > 0);
if (qwe->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal) // Reverse horizontal scroll: bko228780
increase = !increase;
Volume::VolumeTypeFlag volumeType = Volume::Playback;
QAbstractSlider *slider = qobject_cast<QAbstractSlider*>(obj);
if (slider != 0)
// kDebug();
// kDebug();
// kDebug() << "----------------------------- Slider is " << slider;
// Mouse is over a slider. So lets apply the wheel event to playback or capture only
// kDebug() << "Slider is capture " << slider;
volumeType = Volume::Capture;
// Mouse not over a slider => do a little guessing
if (!m_slidersPlayback.isEmpty())
slider = qobject_cast<QAbstractSlider*>(m_slidersPlayback.first());
else if (!m_slidersCapture.isEmpty())
slider = qobject_cast<QAbstractSlider*>(m_slidersCapture.first());
slider = 0;
increaseOrDecreaseVolume(!increase, volumeType);
if (slider != 0)
Volume& volP = m_mixdevice->playbackVolume();
// kDebug() << "slider=" << slider->objectName();
VolumeSliderExtraData& sliderExtraData = extraData(slider);
// kDebug() << "slider=" << slider->objectName() << "sliderExtraData=" << sliderExtraData.getSubcontrolLabel() << " , chid=" << sliderExtraData.getChid();
return true;
return QWidget::eventFilter(obj,e);
#include "moc_mdwslider.cpp"