mirror of
synced 2025-02-26 03:42:55 +00:00
474 lines
16 KiB
474 lines
16 KiB
* Copyright (C) 2007, 2009 by Brad Hards <bradh@frogmouth.net> *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
#include "manifest.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include <QBuffer>
#include <QCryptographicHash>
#include <qxmlstream.h>
#include <KFilterDev>
#include <KLocale>
#include <KMessageBox>
#include <gcrypt.h>
using namespace OOO;
ManifestEntry::ManifestEntry( const QString &fileName ) :
m_fileName( fileName )
void ManifestEntry::setMimeType( const QString &mimeType )
m_mimeType = mimeType;
void ManifestEntry::setSize( const QString &size )
m_size = size.toInt();
QString ManifestEntry::fileName() const
return m_fileName;
QString ManifestEntry::mimeType() const
return m_mimeType;
int ManifestEntry::size() const
return m_size;
void ManifestEntry::setChecksumType( const QString &checksumType )
m_checksumType = checksumType;
QString ManifestEntry::checksumType() const
return m_checksumType;
void ManifestEntry::setChecksum( const QString &checksum )
m_checksum = QByteArray::fromBase64( checksum.toAscii() );
QByteArray ManifestEntry::checksum() const
return m_checksum;
void ManifestEntry::setAlgorithm( const QString &algorithm )
m_algorithm = algorithm;
QString ManifestEntry::algorithm() const
return m_algorithm;
void ManifestEntry::setInitialisationVector( const QString &initialisationVector )
m_initialisationVector = QByteArray::fromBase64( initialisationVector.toAscii() );
QByteArray ManifestEntry::initialisationVector() const
return m_initialisationVector;
void ManifestEntry::setKeyDerivationName( const QString &keyDerivationName )
m_keyDerivationName = keyDerivationName;
QString ManifestEntry::keyDerivationName() const
return m_keyDerivationName;
void ManifestEntry::setIterationCount( const QString &iterationCount )
m_iterationCount = iterationCount.toInt();
int ManifestEntry::iterationCount() const
return m_iterationCount;
void ManifestEntry::setSalt( const QString &salt )
m_salt = QByteArray::fromBase64( salt.toAscii() );
QByteArray ManifestEntry::salt() const
return m_salt;
void ManifestEntry::setKeyGenerationName( const QString &keyGenerationName )
m_keyGenerationName = keyGenerationName;
QString ManifestEntry::keyGenerationName() const
return m_keyGenerationName;
void ManifestEntry::setKeySize( const QString &keySize )
m_keySize = keySize.toInt();
int ManifestEntry::keySize() const
return m_keySize;
Manifest::Manifest( const QString &odfFileName, const QByteArray &manifestData, const QString &password )
: m_odfFileName( odfFileName ), m_haveGoodPassword( false ), m_password( password )
, m_init(false)
m_init = gcry_check_version("1.5.0");
// I don't know why the parser barfs on this.
QByteArray manifestCopy = manifestData;
manifestCopy.replace(QByteArray("DOCTYPE manifest:manifest"), QByteArray("DOCTYPE manifest"));
QXmlStreamReader xml( manifestCopy );
ManifestEntry *currentEntry = 0;
while ( ! xml.atEnd() ) {
if ( (xml.tokenType() == QXmlStreamReader::NoToken) ||
(xml.tokenType() == QXmlStreamReader::Invalid) ||
(xml.tokenType() == QXmlStreamReader::StartDocument) ||
(xml.tokenType() == QXmlStreamReader::EndDocument) ||
(xml.tokenType() == QXmlStreamReader::DTD) ||
(xml.tokenType() == QXmlStreamReader::Characters) ) {
if (xml.tokenType() == QXmlStreamReader::StartElement) {
if ( xml.name().toString() == "manifest" ) {
} else if ( xml.name().toString() == "file-entry" ) {
QXmlStreamAttributes attributes = xml.attributes();
if (currentEntry != 0) {
kWarning(OooDebug) << "Got new StartElement for new file-entry, but haven't finished the last one yet!";
kWarning(OooDebug) << "processing" << currentEntry->fileName() << ", got" << attributes.value("manifest:full-path").toString();
currentEntry = new ManifestEntry( attributes.value("manifest:full-path").toString() );
currentEntry->setMimeType( attributes.value("manifest:media-type").toString() );
currentEntry->setSize( attributes.value("manifest:size").toString() );
} else if ( xml.name().toString() == "encryption-data" ) {
if (currentEntry == 0) {
kWarning(OooDebug) << "Got encryption-data without valid file-entry at line" << xml.lineNumber();
QXmlStreamAttributes encryptionAttributes = xml.attributes();
currentEntry->setChecksumType( encryptionAttributes.value("manifest:checksum-type").toString() );
currentEntry->setChecksum( encryptionAttributes.value("manifest:checksum").toString() );
} else if ( xml.name().toString() == "algorithm" ) {
if (currentEntry == 0) {
kWarning(OooDebug) << "Got algorithm without valid file-entry at line" << xml.lineNumber();
QXmlStreamAttributes algorithmAttributes = xml.attributes();
currentEntry->setAlgorithm( algorithmAttributes.value("manifest:algorithm-name").toString() );
currentEntry->setInitialisationVector( algorithmAttributes.value("manifest:initialisation-vector").toString() );
} else if ( xml.name().toString() == "key-derivation" ) {
if (currentEntry == 0) {
kWarning(OooDebug) << "Got key-derivation without valid file-entry at line" << xml.lineNumber();
QXmlStreamAttributes kdfAttributes = xml.attributes();
currentEntry->setKeyDerivationName( kdfAttributes.value("manifest:key-derivation-name").toString() );
currentEntry->setIterationCount( kdfAttributes.value("manifest:iteration-count").toString() );
currentEntry->setSalt( kdfAttributes.value("manifest:salt").toString() );
currentEntry->setKeySize( kdfAttributes.value("manifest:key-size").toString() );
} else if ( xml.name().toString() == "start-key-generation" ) {
if (currentEntry == 0) {
kWarning(OooDebug) << "Got start-key-generation without valid file-entry at line" << xml.lineNumber();
QXmlStreamAttributes kdfAttributes = xml.attributes();
currentEntry->setKeyGenerationName( kdfAttributes.value("manifest:start-key-generation-name").toString() );
} else {
// handle other StartDocument types here
kWarning(OooDebug) << "Unexpected start document type: " << xml.name().toString();
} else if ( xml.tokenType() == QXmlStreamReader::EndElement ) {
if ( xml.name().toString() == "manifest" ) {
} else if ( xml.name().toString() == "file-entry") {
if (currentEntry == 0) {
kWarning(OooDebug) << "Got EndElement for file-entry without valid StartElement at line" << xml.lineNumber();
// we're finished processing that file entry
if ( mEntries.contains( currentEntry->fileName() ) ) {
kWarning(OooDebug) << "Can't insert entry because of duplicate name:" << currentEntry->fileName();
delete currentEntry;
} else {
mEntries.insert( currentEntry->fileName(), currentEntry);
currentEntry = 0;
if (xml.hasError()) {
kWarning(OooDebug) << "error: " << xml.errorString() << xml.lineNumber() << xml.columnNumber();
qDeleteAll( mEntries );
ManifestEntry* Manifest::entryByName( const QString &filename )
return mEntries.value( filename, 0 );
bool Manifest::testIfEncrypted( const QString &filename )
ManifestEntry *entry = entryByName( filename );
if (entry) {
return ( entry->salt().length() > 0 );
return false;
// libgcrypt alternative of QCryptographicHash, produces same results
static QByteArray gcrypthash(const QByteArray &data, const int algorithm)
const int algorithmlength = gcry_md_get_algo_dlen( algorithm );
gcry_md_hd_t context;
gcry_md_open( &context, algorithm, 0 );
gcry_md_write( context, data.constData(), data.size() );
unsigned char *md = gcry_md_read( context, algorithm );
QByteArray result( reinterpret_cast<char*>(md), algorithmlength);
gcry_md_close( context );
return result;
void Manifest::checkPassword( ManifestEntry *entry, const QByteArray &fileData, QByteArray *decryptedData )
// kDebug(OooDebug) << entry->keyGenerationName() << entry->algorithm() << entry->checksumType();
// http://docs.oasis-open.org/office/v1.2/os/OpenDocument-v1.2-os-part3.html#__RefHeading__752847_826425813
QString keygenerationname = entry->keyGenerationName().toLower();
const int keygenerationhashindex = keygenerationname.indexOf('#');
keygenerationname = keygenerationname.mid(keygenerationhashindex + 1);
int gcryptkeyalgorithm = GCRY_MD_NONE;
// libreoffice supports SHA1 and SHA512, for reference:
// libreoffice/oox/source/crypto/AgileEngine.cxx
// OpenOffice supports SHA1 and SHA256, for reference:
// openoffice/main/package/source/package/manifest/ManifestDefines.hxx
if ( keygenerationname == "sha1" ) {
gcryptkeyalgorithm = GCRY_MD_SHA1;
} else if ( keygenerationname == "sha256" ) {
gcryptkeyalgorithm = GCRY_MD_SHA256;
} else if ( keygenerationname == "sha512" ) {
gcryptkeyalgorithm = GCRY_MD_SHA512;
} else {
kWarning(OooDebug) << "unknown key generation name: " << entry->keyGenerationName();
// we can only assume it will be OK.
m_haveGoodPassword = true;
const int keysize = entry->keySize();
char keybuff[keysize];
::memset( keybuff, 0, keysize * sizeof(char) );
const QByteArray salt = entry->salt();
// password must be UTF-8 encoded and hashed
const QByteArray passwordhash = gcrypthash(m_password.toUtf8(), gcryptkeyalgorithm);
// the key is always SHA1 derived
gpg_error_t gcrypterror = gcry_kdf_derive(passwordhash.constData(), passwordhash.size(),
salt.constData(), salt.size(),
entry->iterationCount(), keysize, keybuff);
if ( gcrypterror != 0 ) {
kWarning(OooDebug) << "gcry_kdf_derive: " << gcry_strerror(gcrypterror);
QString algorithm = entry->algorithm().toLower();
const int algorithmhashindex = algorithm.indexOf('#');
algorithm = algorithm.mid(algorithmhashindex + 1);
int gcryptalgorithm = GCRY_CIPHER_NONE;
int gcryptmode = GCRY_CIPHER_MODE_NONE;
// libreoffice supports AES128-ECB, AES128-CBC and AES256-CBC, for reference:
// libreoffice/oox/source/crypto/CryptTools.cxx
// OpenOffice supports AES128-CBC, AES192-CBC, AES256-CBC and Blowfish-CFB, for reference:
// openoffice/main/package/source/package/manifest/ManifestExport.cxx
// openoffice/main/package/source/package/manifest/ManifestDefines.hxx
if ( algorithm == "aes128-ecb" ) {
gcryptalgorithm = GCRY_CIPHER_AES128;
gcryptmode = GCRY_CIPHER_MODE_ECB;
} else if ( algorithm == "aes128-cbc" ) {
gcryptalgorithm = GCRY_CIPHER_AES128;
gcryptmode = GCRY_CIPHER_MODE_CBC;
} else if ( algorithm == "aes192-cbc" ) {
gcryptalgorithm = GCRY_CIPHER_AES192;
gcryptmode = GCRY_CIPHER_MODE_CBC;
} else if ( algorithm == "aes256-cbc" ) {
gcryptalgorithm = GCRY_CIPHER_AES256;
gcryptmode = GCRY_CIPHER_MODE_CBC;
// according to the spec "blowfish" is Blowfish-CFB but just in case match "-cfb" suffixed one
// too, OpenOffice refers to it as "Blowfish CFB"
} else if ( algorithm == "blowfish" || algorithm == "blowfish-cfb" || algorithm == "blowfish cfb" ) {
gcryptalgorithm = GCRY_CIPHER_BLOWFISH;
gcryptmode = GCRY_CIPHER_MODE_CFB;
} else {
kWarning(OooDebug) << "unknown algorithm: " << entry->algorithm();
// we can only assume it will be OK.
m_haveGoodPassword = true;
const QByteArray initializationvector = entry->initialisationVector();
gcry_cipher_hd_t dec;
gcrypterror = gcry_cipher_open( &dec, gcryptalgorithm, gcryptmode, 0 );
if ( gcrypterror != 0 ) {
kWarning(OooDebug) << "gcry_cipher_open: " << gcry_strerror(gcrypterror);
gcrypterror = gcry_cipher_setkey( dec, keybuff, keysize );
if ( gcrypterror != 0 ) {
kWarning(OooDebug) << "gcry_cipher_setkey: " << gcry_strerror(gcrypterror);
gcry_cipher_close( dec );
gcrypterror = gcry_cipher_setiv( dec, initializationvector.constData(), initializationvector.size() );
if ( gcrypterror != 0 ) {
kWarning(OooDebug) << "gcry_cipher_setiv: " << gcry_strerror(gcrypterror);
gcry_cipher_close( dec );
const int decbufflen = entry->size();
char decbuff[decbufflen];
::memset( decbuff, 0, decbufflen * sizeof(char) );
gcrypterror = gcry_cipher_decrypt( dec, decbuff, decbufflen, fileData.constData(), fileData.size() );
if ( gcrypterror != 0 ) {
kWarning(OooDebug) << "gcry_cipher_decrypt: " << gcry_strerror(gcrypterror);
gcry_cipher_close( dec );
gcry_cipher_close( dec );
*decryptedData = QByteArray( decbuff, decbufflen );
QByteArray csum;
QString checksumtype = entry->checksumType().toLower();
const int checksumhashindex = checksumtype.indexOf('#');
checksumtype = checksumtype.mid(checksumhashindex + 1);
// libreoffice supports SHA1, SHA256 and SHA512, for reference:
// libreoffice/oox/source/crypto/CryptTools.cxx
// OpenOffice supports SHA1 and SHA256, for reference:
// openoffice/main/package/source/package/manifest/ManifestDefines.hxx
if ( checksumtype == "sha1-1k" || checksumtype == "sha1/1k" ) {
csum = gcrypthash( decryptedData->left(1024), GCRY_MD_SHA1 );
} else if ( checksumtype == "sha1" ) {
csum = gcrypthash( *decryptedData, GCRY_MD_SHA1 );
} else if ( checksumtype == "sha256-1k" || checksumtype == "sha256/1k" ) {
csum = gcrypthash( decryptedData->left(1024), GCRY_MD_SHA256 );
} else if ( checksumtype == "sha256" ) {
csum = gcrypthash( *decryptedData, GCRY_MD_SHA256 );
} else if ( checksumtype == "sha512-1k" || checksumtype == "sha512/1k" ) {
csum = gcrypthash( decryptedData->left(1024), GCRY_MD_SHA512 );
} else if ( checksumtype == "sha512" ) {
csum = gcrypthash( *decryptedData, GCRY_MD_SHA512 );
} else {
kWarning(OooDebug) << "unknown checksum type: " << entry->checksumType();
// we can only assume it will be OK.
m_haveGoodPassword = true;
// kDebug(OooDebug) << entry->checksum().toHex() << csum.toHex();
m_haveGoodPassword = (entry->checksum() == csum);
m_haveGoodPassword = false;
QByteArray Manifest::decryptFile( const QString &filename, const QByteArray &fileData )
ManifestEntry *entry = entryByName( filename );
if ( !m_init ) {
KMessageBox::error( 0, i18n("This document is encrypted but decryptor could not be initialized") );
// in the hope that it wasn't really encrypted...
return QByteArray( fileData );
QByteArray decryptedData;
checkPassword( entry, fileData, &decryptedData );
if (! m_haveGoodPassword ) {
return QByteArray();
QIODevice *decompresserDevice = KFilterDev::device( new QBuffer( &decryptedData, 0 ), "application/x-gzip", true );
if( !decompresserDevice ) {
kDebug(OooDebug) << "Couldn't create decompressor";
// hopefully it isn't compressed then!
return QByteArray( fileData );
static_cast<KFilterDev*>( decompresserDevice )->setSkipHeaders( );
decompresserDevice->open( QIODevice::ReadOnly );
return decompresserDevice->readAll();
// TODO: This should have a proper parent
KMessageBox::error( 0, i18n("This document is encrypted, but Okular was compiled without crypto support. This document will probably not open.") );
// this is equivalent to what happened before all this Manifest stuff :-)
return QByteArray( fileData );