In this folder is a general template of what one needs to implement support for a plugin using the cli interface in ark. Here are the steps. 1. First, create a copy of the cliplugin folder 2. Change plugins/CMakeLists.txt to include the new subfolder 3. Rename the kerfuffle_cli.desktop to a unique name, for example kerfuffle_rar.desktop. 4. Fill in the parts in the desktop marked with TODO 5. Update the plugins/yourplugin/CMakeLists.txt file, replacing all instances of kerfuffle_cli with kerfuffle_yourplugin (where yourplugin must be a unique plugin name) 6. Implement/modify cliplugin.cpp to fit your archive type. Refer to kerfuffle/cliinterface.h for explanations on the values that needs to be implemented. The class name does not need to be changed Then finally, email the plugin to the ark maintainer for a code review before it is committed to trunk :D Have fun