/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2010 by Daniel Nicoletti * * dantti12@gmail.com * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * * * The save PPD snipet is from CUPS * * Copyright 2007-2009 by Apple Inc. * * Copyright 1997-2007 by Easy Software Products. * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * This is converted from LGPL 2 in accordance with section 3 * * See http://www.cups.org/documentation.php/license.html * ***************************************************************************/ #include "PrinterOptions.h" #include "ui_PrinterOptions.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define DEFAULT_CHOICE "defaultChoice" PrinterOptions::PrinterOptions(const QString &destName, bool isClass, bool isRemote, QWidget *parent) : PrinterPage(parent), ui(new Ui::PrinterOptions), m_destName(destName), m_isClass(isClass), m_isRemote(isRemote), m_ppd(NULL), m_changes(0) { ui->setupUi(this); reloadPPD(); } void PrinterOptions::on_autoConfigurePB_clicked() { QPointer request = new KCupsRequest; request->printCommand(m_destName, "AutoConfigure", i18n("Set Default Options")); request->waitTillFinished(); if (request) { request->deleteLater(); } } void PrinterOptions::reloadPPD() { // The caller "owns" the file that is created and must unlink the returned filename. if (!m_filename.isNull()) { unlink(m_filename.toUtf8()); } // remove all the options while (ui->verticalLayout->count()) { kDebug() << "removing" << ui->verticalLayout->count(); QLayoutItem *item = ui->verticalLayout->itemAt(0); ui->verticalLayout->removeItem(item); if (item->widget()) { item->widget()->deleteLater(); delete item; } else if (item->layout()) { kDebug() << "removing layout" << ui->verticalLayout->count(); // item->layout()->deleteLater(); } else if (item->spacerItem()) { delete item->spacerItem(); } } m_changes = 0; m_customValues.clear(); emit changed(false); QPointer request = new KCupsRequest; request->getPrinterPPD(m_destName); request->waitTillFinished(); if (!request) { return; } m_filename = request->printerPPD(); m_ppd = ppdOpenFile(m_filename.toUtf8()); request->deleteLater(); if (m_ppd == NULL) { kWarning() << "Could not open ppd file:" << m_filename << request->errorMsg(); m_filename.clear(); return; } // select the default options on the ppd file ppdMarkDefaults(m_ppd); // TODO tri to use QTextCodec aliases const char *lang_encoding; lang_encoding = m_ppd->lang_encoding; if (lang_encoding && !strcasecmp (lang_encoding, "ISOLatin1")) { m_codec = QTextCodec::codecForName("ISO-8859-1"); } else if (lang_encoding && !strcasecmp (lang_encoding, "ISOLatin2")) { m_codec = QTextCodec::codecForName("ISO-8859-2"); } else if (lang_encoding && !strcasecmp (lang_encoding, "ISOLatin5")) { m_codec = QTextCodec::codecForName("ISO-8859-5"); } else if (lang_encoding && !strcasecmp (lang_encoding, "JIS83-RKSJ")) { m_codec = QTextCodec::codecForName("SHIFT-JIS"); } else if (lang_encoding && !strcasecmp (lang_encoding, "MacStandard")) { m_codec = QTextCodec::codecForName("MACINTOSH"); } else if (lang_encoding && !strcasecmp (lang_encoding, "WindowsANSI")) { m_codec = QTextCodec::codecForName("WINDOWS-1252"); } else { // Guess m_codec = QTextCodec::codecForName(lang_encoding); } if (m_codec == 0) { m_codec = QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-8"); } if (m_ppd->manufacturer) { m_make = m_codec->toUnicode(m_ppd->manufacturer); } if (m_ppd->nickname) { m_makeAndModel = m_codec->toUnicode(m_ppd->nickname); } ui->autoConfigurePB->hide(); ppd_attr_t *ppdattr; if (m_ppd->num_filters == 0 || ((ppdattr = ppdFindAttr(m_ppd, "cupsCommands", NULL)) != NULL && ppdattr->value && strstr(ppdattr->value, "AutoConfigure"))) { ui->autoConfigurePB->show(); } else { for (int i = 0; i < m_ppd->num_filters; i ++) { if (!strncmp(m_ppd->filters[i], "application/vnd.cups-postscript", 31)) { ui->autoConfigurePB->show(); break; } } } createGroups(); } void PrinterOptions::createGroups() { int i; ppd_group_t *group; // Iterate over the groups for (i = 0, group = m_ppd->groups; i < m_ppd->num_groups; i++, group++) { // The name of the group QString name = m_codec->toUnicode(group->name); // The humman name of the group QString text = m_codec->toUnicode(group->text); // The group box were the options will be laid out QGroupBox *groupBox = new QGroupBox(text, ui->scrollArea); // Create the form layout to put options in QFormLayout *gFormLayout = new QFormLayout(groupBox); gFormLayout->setFormAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); groupBox->setLayout(gFormLayout); ui->verticalLayout->addWidget(groupBox); int j; ppd_option_t *option; // Iterate over the options in the group for (j = 0, option = group->options; j < group->num_options; j++, option++) { QString oKeyword = m_codec->toUnicode(option->keyword); QString oText = m_codec->toUnicode(option->text); QString oDefChoice = m_codec->toUnicode(option->defchoice); // The python system-config-printer skips this one // which has the same data as "PageSize", let's hope // they did the right thing if (oKeyword == "PageRegion") { continue; } QWidget *optionW = 0; switch (option->ui) { case PPD_UI_BOOLEAN: optionW = pickBoolean(option, oKeyword, ui->scrollAreaWidgetContents); break; case PPD_UI_PICKMANY: optionW = pickMany(option, oKeyword, ui->scrollAreaWidgetContents); break; case PPD_UI_PICKONE: optionW = pickOne(option, oKeyword, ui->scrollAreaWidgetContents); break; default: kWarning() << "Option type not recognized: " << option->ui; // let's use the most common optionW = pickOne(option, oKeyword, ui->scrollAreaWidgetContents); break; } if (optionW) { // insert the option widget gFormLayout->addRow(oText, optionW); } } } ui->verticalLayout->addStretch(); } QWidget* PrinterOptions::pickBoolean(ppd_option_t *option, const QString &keyword, QWidget *parent) const { Q_UNUSED(keyword) QWidget *widget = new QWidget(parent); QHBoxLayout *layout = new QHBoxLayout(widget); QButtonGroup *radioGroup = new QButtonGroup(widget); widget->setLayout(layout); int i; ppd_choice_t *choice; QString defChoice = m_codec->toUnicode(option->defchoice); // Iterate over the choices in the option for (i = 0, choice = option->choices; i < option->num_choices; ++i, ++choice) { QString choiceName = m_codec->toUnicode(choice->choice); QString cText = m_codec->toUnicode(choice->text); QRadioButton *button = new QRadioButton(cText, widget); button->setChecked(defChoice == choiceName); button->setProperty("choice", choiceName); // if we are in looking at a remote printer we can't save it button->setEnabled(!m_isRemote); layout->addWidget(button); radioGroup->addButton(button); } // store the default choice radioGroup->setProperty(DEFAULT_CHOICE, defChoice); radioGroup->setProperty("Keyword", keyword); connect(radioGroup, SIGNAL(buttonClicked(QAbstractButton*)), this, SLOT(radioBtClicked(QAbstractButton*))); return widget; } void PrinterOptions::radioBtClicked(QAbstractButton *button) { QObject *radioGroup = sender(); bool isDifferent = radioGroup->property(DEFAULT_CHOICE).toString() != button->property("choice"); if (isDifferent != radioGroup->property("different").toBool()) { // it's different from the last time so add or remove changes isDifferent ? m_changes++ : m_changes--; radioGroup->setProperty("different", isDifferent); emit changed(m_changes); } QString keyword = radioGroup->property("Keyword").toString(); QString choice = button->property("choice").toString(); radioGroup->setProperty("currentChoice", choice); // TODO warning about conflicts // ppdMarkOption(m_ppd, // m_codec->fromUnicode(keyword), // m_codec->fromUnicode(choice)); // store the new value if (isDifferent) { m_customValues[keyword] = radioGroup; } else { m_customValues.remove(keyword); } } QWidget* PrinterOptions::pickMany(ppd_option_t *option, const QString &keyword, QWidget *parent) const { Q_UNUSED(keyword) QListView *listView = new QListView(parent); QStandardItemModel *model = new QStandardItemModel(listView); listView->setModel(model); listView->setItemDelegate(new NoSelectionRectDelegate(listView)); int i; ppd_choice_t *choice; QString oDefChoice = m_codec->toUnicode(option->defchoice); // Iterate over the choices in the option for (i = 0, choice = option->choices; i < option->num_choices; ++i, ++choice) { QString cName = m_codec->toUnicode(choice->choice); QString cText = m_codec->toUnicode(choice->text); QStandardItem *item = new QStandardItem(cText); item->setData(cName); item->setCheckable(true); item->setEditable(false); // TODO there is only ONE default choice, what about the other // Items selected?! item->setCheckState(oDefChoice == cName ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked); model->appendRow(item); } // if we are in looking at a remote printer we can't save it listView->setEnabled(!m_isRemote); return qobject_cast(listView); } QWidget* PrinterOptions::pickOne(ppd_option_t *option, const QString &keyword, QWidget *parent) const { int i; ppd_choice_t *choice; QString defChoice = m_codec->toUnicode(option->defchoice); KComboBox *comboBox = new KComboBox(parent); // Iterate over the choices in the option for (i = 0, choice = option->choices; i < option->num_choices; ++i, ++choice) { QString cName = m_codec->toUnicode(choice->choice); QString cText = m_codec->toUnicode(choice->text); comboBox->addItem(cText, cName); } // store the default choice comboBox->setProperty(DEFAULT_CHOICE, defChoice); comboBox->setProperty("Keyword", keyword); comboBox->setCurrentIndex(comboBox->findData(defChoice)); // connect the signal AFTER setCurrentIndex is called connect(comboBox, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(currentIndexChangedCB(int))); // if we are in looking at a remote printer we can't save it comboBox->setEnabled(!m_isRemote); return qobject_cast(comboBox); } void PrinterOptions::currentIndexChangedCB(int index) { KComboBox *comboBox = qobject_cast(sender()); bool isDifferent = comboBox->property(DEFAULT_CHOICE).toString() != comboBox->itemData(index); if (isDifferent != comboBox->property("different").toBool()) { // it's different from the last time so add or remove changes isDifferent ? m_changes++ : m_changes--; comboBox->setProperty("different", isDifferent); emit changed(m_changes); } QString keyword = comboBox->property("Keyword").toString(); QString value = comboBox->itemData(index).toString(); comboBox->setProperty("currentChoice", value); // TODO warning about conflicts // ppdMarkOption(m_ppd, // m_codec->fromUnicode(keyword), // m_codec->fromUnicode(value)); // store the new value if (isDifferent) { m_customValues[keyword] = qobject_cast(comboBox); } else { m_customValues.remove(keyword); } } PrinterOptions::~PrinterOptions() { if (m_ppd != NULL) { ppdClose(m_ppd); } if (!m_filename.isNull()) { unlink(m_filename.toUtf8()); } delete ui; } const char * /* O - Value of variable */ PrinterOptions::getVariable(const char *name) const /* I - Name of variable */ { QString keyword = m_codec->toUnicode(name); if (m_customValues.contains(keyword)) { QString value = m_customValues[keyword]->property("currentChoice").toString(); return m_codec->fromUnicode(value); } else { return NULL; } } /* * 'get_points()' - Get a value in points. */ double /* O - Number in points */ PrinterOptions::get_points(double number, /* I - Original number */ const char *uval) /* I - Units */ { if (!strcmp(uval, "mm")) /* Millimeters */ return (number * 72.0 / 25.4); else if (!strcmp(uval, "cm")) /* Centimeters */ return (number * 72.0 / 2.54); else if (!strcmp(uval, "in")) /* Inches */ return (number * 72.0); else if (!strcmp(uval, "ft")) /* Feet */ return (number * 72.0 * 12.0); else if (!strcmp(uval, "m")) /* Meters */ return (number * 72.0 / 0.0254); else /* Points */ return (number); } /* * 'get_option_value()' - Return the value of an option. * * This function also handles generation of custom option values. */ char * /* O - Value string or NULL on error */ PrinterOptions::get_option_value( ppd_file_t *ppd, /* I - PPD file */ const char *name, /* I - Option name */ char *buffer, /* I - String buffer */ size_t bufsize) const /* I - Size of buffer */ { char *bufptr, /* Pointer into buffer */ *bufend; /* End of buffer */ ppd_coption_t *coption; /* Custom option */ ppd_cparam_t *cparam; /* Current custom parameter */ char keyword[256]; /* Parameter name */ const char *val, /* Parameter value */ *uval; /* Units value */ long integer; /* Integer value */ double number, /* Number value */ number_points; /* Number in points */ /* * See if we have a custom option choice... */ if ((val = getVariable(name)) == NULL) { /* * Option not found! */ return (NULL); } else if (strcasecmp(val, "Custom") || (coption = ppdFindCustomOption(ppd, name)) == NULL) { /* * Not a custom choice... */ qstrncpy(buffer, val, bufsize); return (buffer); } /* * OK, we have a custom option choice, format it... */ *buffer = '\0'; if (!strcmp(coption->keyword, "PageSize")) { const char *lval; /* Length string value */ double width, /* Width value */ width_points, /* Width in points */ length, /* Length value */ length_points; /* Length in points */ val = getVariable("PageSize.Width"); lval = getVariable("PageSize.Height"); uval = getVariable("PageSize.Units"); if (!val || !lval || !uval || (width = strtod(val, NULL)) == 0.0 || (length = strtod(lval, NULL)) == 0.0 || (strcmp(uval, "pt") && strcmp(uval, "in") && strcmp(uval, "ft") && strcmp(uval, "cm") && strcmp(uval, "mm") && strcmp(uval, "m"))) { return (NULL); } width_points = get_points(width, uval); length_points = get_points(length, uval); if (width_points < ppd->custom_min[0] || width_points > ppd->custom_max[0] || length_points < ppd->custom_min[1] || length_points > ppd->custom_max[1]) { return (NULL); } snprintf(buffer, bufsize, "Custom.%gx%g%s", width, length, uval); } else if (cupsArrayCount(coption->params) == 1) { cparam = ppdFirstCustomParam(coption); snprintf(keyword, sizeof(keyword), "%s.%s", coption->keyword, cparam->name); if ((val = getVariable(keyword)) == NULL) return (NULL); switch (cparam->type) { case PPD_CUSTOM_CURVE : case PPD_CUSTOM_INVCURVE : case PPD_CUSTOM_REAL : if ((number = strtod(val, NULL)) == 0.0 || number < cparam->minimum.custom_real || number > cparam->maximum.custom_real) return (NULL); snprintf(buffer, bufsize, "Custom.%g", number); break; case PPD_CUSTOM_INT : if (!*val || (integer = strtol(val, NULL, 10)) == LONG_MIN || integer == LONG_MAX || integer < cparam->minimum.custom_int || integer > cparam->maximum.custom_int) return (NULL); snprintf(buffer, bufsize, "Custom.%ld", integer); break; case PPD_CUSTOM_POINTS : snprintf(keyword, sizeof(keyword), "%s.Units", coption->keyword); if ((number = strtod(val, NULL)) == 0.0 || (uval = getVariable(keyword)) == NULL || (strcmp(uval, "pt") && strcmp(uval, "in") && strcmp(uval, "ft") && strcmp(uval, "cm") && strcmp(uval, "mm") && strcmp(uval, "m"))) return (NULL); number_points = get_points(number, uval); if (number_points < cparam->minimum.custom_points || number_points > cparam->maximum.custom_points) return (NULL); snprintf(buffer, bufsize, "Custom.%g%s", number, uval); break; case PPD_CUSTOM_PASSCODE : for (uval = val; *uval; ++uval) { if (!isdigit(*uval & 255)) { return (NULL); } } case PPD_CUSTOM_PASSWORD : case PPD_CUSTOM_STRING : integer = (long)strlen(val); if (integer < cparam->minimum.custom_string || integer > cparam->maximum.custom_string) { return (NULL); } snprintf(buffer, bufsize, "Custom.%s", val); break; } } else { const char *prefix = "{"; /* Prefix string */ bufptr = buffer; bufend = buffer + bufsize; for (cparam = ppdFirstCustomParam(coption); cparam; cparam = ppdNextCustomParam(coption)) { snprintf(keyword, sizeof(keyword), "%s.%s", coption->keyword, cparam->name); if ((val = getVariable(keyword)) == NULL) { return (NULL); } snprintf(bufptr, bufend - bufptr, "%s%s=", prefix, cparam->name); bufptr += strlen(bufptr); prefix = " "; switch (cparam->type) { case PPD_CUSTOM_CURVE : case PPD_CUSTOM_INVCURVE : case PPD_CUSTOM_REAL : if ((number = strtod(val, NULL)) == 0.0 || number < cparam->minimum.custom_real || number > cparam->maximum.custom_real) return (NULL); snprintf(bufptr, bufend - bufptr, "%g", number); break; case PPD_CUSTOM_INT : if (!*val || (integer = strtol(val, NULL, 10)) == LONG_MIN || integer == LONG_MAX || integer < cparam->minimum.custom_int || integer > cparam->maximum.custom_int) { return (NULL); } snprintf(bufptr, bufend - bufptr, "%ld", integer); break; case PPD_CUSTOM_POINTS : snprintf(keyword, sizeof(keyword), "%s.Units", coption->keyword); if ((number = strtod(val, NULL)) == 0.0 || (uval = getVariable(keyword)) == NULL || (strcmp(uval, "pt") && strcmp(uval, "in") && strcmp(uval, "ft") && strcmp(uval, "cm") && strcmp(uval, "mm") && strcmp(uval, "m"))) { return (NULL); } number_points = get_points(number, uval); if (number_points < cparam->minimum.custom_points || number_points > cparam->maximum.custom_points) { return (NULL); } snprintf(bufptr, bufend - bufptr, "%g%s", number, uval); break; case PPD_CUSTOM_PASSCODE : for (uval = val; *uval; uval ++) { if (!isdigit(*uval & 255)) { return (NULL); } } case PPD_CUSTOM_PASSWORD : case PPD_CUSTOM_STRING : integer = (long)strlen(val); if (integer < cparam->minimum.custom_string || integer > cparam->maximum.custom_string) { return (NULL); } if ((bufptr + 2) > bufend) { return (NULL); } bufend --; *bufptr++ = '\"'; while (*val && bufptr < bufend) { if (*val == '\\' || *val == '\"') { if ((bufptr + 1) >= bufend) { return (NULL); } *bufptr++ = '\\'; } *bufptr++ = *val++; } if (bufptr >= bufend) { return (NULL); } *bufptr++ = '\"'; *bufptr = '\0'; bufend ++; break; } bufptr += strlen(bufptr); } if (bufptr == buffer || (bufend - bufptr) < 2) { return (NULL); } strcpy(bufptr, "}"); } return (buffer); } void PrinterOptions::save() { char tempfile[1024]; const char *var; cups_file_t *in, /* Input file */ *out; /* Output file */ char line[1024], /* Line from PPD file */ value[1024], /* Option value */ keyword[1024], /* Keyword from Default line */ *keyptr; /* Pointer into keyword... */ // copy cups-1.4.2/cgi-bin line 3779 if (!m_filename.isNull()) { out = cupsTempFile2(tempfile, sizeof(tempfile)); in = cupsFileOpen(m_filename.toUtf8(), "r"); if (!in || !out) { if (in) { cupsFileClose(in); } if (out) { cupsFileClose(out); unlink(tempfile); } // TODO add a KMessageBox::error return; } while (cupsFileGets(in, line, sizeof(line))) { if (!strncmp(line, "*cupsProtocol:", 14)) { continue; } else if (strncmp(line, "*Default", 8)) { cupsFilePrintf(out, "%s\n", line); } else { /* * Get default option name... */ qstrncpy(keyword, line + 8, sizeof(keyword)); for (keyptr = keyword; *keyptr; keyptr ++) { if (*keyptr == ':' || isspace(*keyptr & 255)) { break; } } *keyptr = '\0'; if (!strcmp(keyword, "PageRegion") || !strcmp(keyword, "PaperDimension") || !strcmp(keyword, "ImageableArea")) { var = get_option_value(m_ppd, "PageSize", value, sizeof(value)); } else { var = get_option_value(m_ppd, keyword, value, sizeof(value)); } if (!var) { cupsFilePrintf(out, "%s\n", line); } else { cupsFilePrintf(out, "*Default%s: %s\n", keyword, var); } } } cupsFileClose(in); cupsFileClose(out); } QVariantHash values; // we need null values QPointer request = new KCupsRequest; if (m_isClass) { request->addOrModifyClass(m_destName, values); } else { request->addOrModifyPrinter(m_destName, values, tempfile); } // Disable the widget till the request is processed // Otherwise the user might change something in the ui // which won't be saved but the apply but when the request // finishes we will set the current options as default setEnabled(false); request->waitTillFinished(); // unlink the file unlink(tempfile); if (request) { setEnabled(true); if (!request->hasError()) { // if we succefully save the new ppd we need now to // clear our changes QHash::const_iterator i = m_customValues.constBegin(); while (i != m_customValues.constEnd()) { QString currentChoice; currentChoice = i.value()->property("currentChoice").toString(); // Store the current choice as the default one i.value()->setProperty(DEFAULT_CHOICE, currentChoice); i.value()->setProperty("currentChoice", QVariant()); i.value()->setProperty("different", false); ++i; } m_changes = 0; m_customValues.clear(); emit changed(false); } request->deleteLater(); } } bool PrinterOptions::hasChanges() { return m_changes; } QString PrinterOptions::currentMake() const { return m_make; } QString PrinterOptions::currentMakeAndModel() const { return m_makeAndModel; } #include "moc_PrinterOptions.cpp"