/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2010 by Daniel Nicoletti * * dantti12@gmail.com * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * ***************************************************************************/ #include "PrinterBehavior.h" #include "ui_PrinterBehavior.h" #include #include PrinterBehavior::PrinterBehavior(const QString &destName, bool isClass, QWidget *parent) : PrinterPage(parent), ui(new Ui::PrinterBehavior), m_destName(destName), m_isClass(isClass), m_changes(0) { ui->setupUi(this); connect(ui->errorPolicyCB, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(currentIndexChangedCB(int))); connect(ui->operationPolicyCB, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(currentIndexChangedCB(int))); connect(ui->startingBannerCB, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(currentIndexChangedCB(int))); connect(ui->endingBannerCB, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(currentIndexChangedCB(int))); connect(ui->usersELB, SIGNAL(changed()), this, SLOT(userListChanged())); connect(ui->allowRB, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(userListChanged())); } PrinterBehavior::~PrinterBehavior() { delete ui; } void PrinterBehavior::setValues(const KCupsPrinter &printer) { int defaultChoice; ui->errorPolicyCB->clear(); foreach (const QString &value, printer.errorPolicySupported()) { ui->errorPolicyCB->addItem(errorPolicyString(value), value); } QStringList errorPolicy = printer.errorPolicy(); if (!errorPolicy.isEmpty()) { defaultChoice = ui->errorPolicyCB->findData(errorPolicy.first()); ui->errorPolicyCB->setCurrentIndex(defaultChoice); ui->errorPolicyCB->setProperty("defaultChoice", defaultChoice); } ui->operationPolicyCB->clear(); foreach (const QString &value, printer.opPolicySupported()) { ui->operationPolicyCB->addItem(operationPolicyString(value), value); } QStringList operationPolicy = printer.opPolicy(); if (!errorPolicy.isEmpty()) { defaultChoice = ui->operationPolicyCB->findData(operationPolicy.first()); ui->operationPolicyCB->setCurrentIndex(defaultChoice); ui->operationPolicyCB->setProperty("defaultChoice", defaultChoice); } ui->startingBannerCB->clear(); ui->endingBannerCB->clear(); foreach (const QString &value, printer.jobSheetsSupported()) { ui->startingBannerCB->addItem(jobSheetsString(value), value); ui->endingBannerCB->addItem(jobSheetsString(value), value); } QStringList bannerPolicy = printer.jobSheetsDefault(); if (bannerPolicy.size() == 2) { defaultChoice = ui->startingBannerCB->findData(bannerPolicy.at(0)); ui->startingBannerCB->setCurrentIndex(defaultChoice); ui->startingBannerCB->setProperty("defaultChoice", defaultChoice); defaultChoice = ui->endingBannerCB->findData(bannerPolicy.at(1)); ui->endingBannerCB->setCurrentIndex(defaultChoice); ui->endingBannerCB->setProperty("defaultChoice", defaultChoice); } if (!printer.requestingUserNameAllowed().isEmpty()) { QStringList list = printer.requestingUserNameAllowed(); list.sort(); // sort the list here to be able to comapare it later ui->usersELB->setEnabled(true); if (list != ui->usersELB->items()) { ui->usersELB->clear(); ui->usersELB->insertStringList(list); } ui->usersELB->setProperty("defaultList", list); ui->allowRB->setProperty("defaultChoice", true); // Set checked AFTER the default choice was set // otherwise the signal will be emmited // which sets that we have a change ui->allowRB->setChecked(true); } else if (!printer.requestingUserNameDenied().isEmpty()) { QStringList list = printer.requestingUserNameDenied(); list.sort(); // sort the list here to be able to comapare it later ui->usersELB->setEnabled(true); if (list != ui->usersELB->items()) { ui->usersELB->clear(); ui->usersELB->insertStringList(list); } ui->usersELB->setProperty("defaultList", list); ui->allowRB->setProperty("defaultChoice", false); // Set checked AFTER the default choice was set // otherwise the signal will be emmited // which sets that we have a change ui->preventRB->setChecked(true); } // Clear previous changes m_changes = 0; emit changed(false); m_changedValues.clear(); ui->errorPolicyCB->setProperty("different", false); ui->operationPolicyCB->setProperty("different", false); ui->startingBannerCB->setProperty("different", false); ui->endingBannerCB->setProperty("different", false); ui->usersELB->setProperty("different", false); } void PrinterBehavior::userListChanged() { if (ui->usersELB->isEnabled() == false && (ui->allowRB->isChecked() || ui->preventRB->isChecked())) { // this only happen when the list was empty ui-> usersELB->setEnabled(true); } QStringList currentList, defaultList; currentList = ui->usersELB->items(); // sort the list so we can be sure it's different currentList.sort(); defaultList = ui->usersELB->property("defaultList").value(); bool isDifferent = currentList != defaultList; if (isDifferent == false && currentList.isEmpty() == false) { // if the lists are equal and not empty the user might have // changed the Radio Button... if (ui->allowRB->isChecked() != ui->allowRB->property("defaultChoice").toBool()) { isDifferent = true; } } if (isDifferent != ui->usersELB->property("different").toBool()) { // it's different from the last time so add or remove changes isDifferent ? m_changes++ : m_changes--; ui->usersELB->setProperty("different", isDifferent); emit changed(m_changes); } } void PrinterBehavior::currentIndexChangedCB(int index) { KComboBox *comboBox = qobject_cast(sender()); bool isDifferent = comboBox->property("defaultChoice").toInt() != index; if (isDifferent != comboBox->property("different").toBool()) { // it's different from the last time so add or remove changes isDifferent ? m_changes++ : m_changes--; comboBox->setProperty("different", isDifferent); emit changed(m_changes); } QString attribute = comboBox->property("AttributeName").toString(); QVariant value; // job-sheets-default has always two values if (attribute == "job-sheets-default") { QStringList values; values << ui->startingBannerCB->itemData(ui->startingBannerCB->currentIndex()).toString(); values << ui->endingBannerCB->itemData(ui->endingBannerCB->currentIndex()).toString(); value = values; } else { value = comboBox->itemData(index).toString(); } // store the new values if (isDifferent) { m_changedValues[attribute] = value; } else { m_changedValues.remove(attribute); } } QString PrinterBehavior::errorPolicyString(const QString &policy) const { // TODO search for others policies of printer-error-policy-supported if (policy == "abort-job") { return i18n("Abort job"); } else if (policy == "retry-current-job") { return i18n("Retry current job"); } else if (policy == "retry-job") { return i18n("Retry job"); } else if (policy == "stop-printer") { return i18n("Stop printer"); } return policy; } QString PrinterBehavior::operationPolicyString(const QString &policy) const { // TODO search for others policies of printer-error-policy-supported if (policy == "authenticated") { return i18n("Authenticated"); } else if (policy == "default") { return i18n("Default"); } return policy; } QString PrinterBehavior::jobSheetsString(const QString &policy) const { // TODO search for others policies of printer-error-policy-supported if (policy == "none") { return i18n("None"); } else if (policy == "classified") { return i18n("Classified"); } else if (policy == "confidential") { return i18n("Confidential"); } else if (policy == "secret") { return i18n("Secret"); } else if (policy == "standard") { return i18n("Standard"); } else if (policy == "topsecret") { return i18n("Topsecret"); } else if (policy == "unclassified") { return i18n("Unclassified"); } return policy; } void PrinterBehavior::save() { if (m_changes) { QVariantHash changedValues = m_changedValues; // since a QStringList might be big we get it here instead // of adding it at edit time. if (ui->usersELB->property("different").toBool()) { QStringList list = ui->usersELB->items(); if (list.isEmpty()) { list << "all"; changedValues[KCUPS_REQUESTING_USER_NAME_ALLOWED] = list; } else { if (ui->allowRB->isChecked()) { changedValues[KCUPS_REQUESTING_USER_NAME_ALLOWED] = list; } else { changedValues[KCUPS_REQUESTING_USER_NAME_DENIED] = list; } } } QPointer request = new KCupsRequest; if (m_isClass) { request->addOrModifyClass(m_destName, changedValues); } else { request->addOrModifyPrinter(m_destName, changedValues); } request->waitTillFinished(); if (request) { if (!request->hasError()) { request->getPrinterAttributes(m_destName, m_isClass, neededValues()); request->waitTillFinished(); if (request && !request->hasError() && !request->printers().isEmpty()){ KCupsPrinter printer = request->printers().first(); setValues(printer); } } request->deleteLater(); } } } void PrinterBehavior::setRemote(bool remote) { ui->errorPolicyCB->setEnabled(!remote); ui->operationPolicyCB->setEnabled(!remote); ui->startingBannerCB->setEnabled(!remote); ui->endingBannerCB->setEnabled(!remote); ui->allowRB->setEnabled(!remote); ui->preventRB->setEnabled(!remote); ui->usersELB->setEnabled(!remote); } bool PrinterBehavior::hasChanges() { return m_changes; } QStringList PrinterBehavior::neededValues() const { QStringList ret; ret << KCUPS_JOB_SHEETS_DEFAULT; ret << KCUPS_JOB_SHEETS_SUPPORTED; ret << KCUPS_PRINTER_ERROR_POLICY; ret << KCUPS_PRINTER_ERROR_POLICY_SUPPORTED; ret << KCUPS_PRINTER_OP_POLICY; ret << KCUPS_PRINTER_OP_POLICY_SUPPORTED; ret << KCUPS_REQUESTING_USER_NAME_ALLOWED; ret << KCUPS_REQUESTING_USER_NAME_DENIED; return ret; }