/* This file is part of KDevelop Copyright 2012 Olivier de Gaalon This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef KDEVPLATFORM_JSONDECLARATIONTESTS_H #define KDEVPLATFORM_JSONDECLARATIONTESTS_H #include "language/duchain/ducontext.h" #include "language/duchain/declaration.h" #include "language/duchain/indexeddeclaration.h" #include "language/duchain/identifier.h" #include "language/duchain/abstractfunctiondeclaration.h" #include "language/duchain/types/typeutils.h" #include "language/duchain/types/identifiedtype.h" #include #include "language/duchain/duchain.h" #include "language/duchain/functiondefinition.h" #include "language/duchain/definitions.h" #include #include "jsontesthelpers.h" /** * JSON Object Specification: * DeclTestObject: Mapping of (string) declaration test names to values * TypeTestObject: Mapping of (string) type test names to values * CtxtTestObject: Mapping of (string) context test names to values * * Quick Reference: * useCount : int * useRanges : string array * identifier : string * qualifiedIdentifier : string * internalContext : CtxtTestObject * internalFunctionContext : CtxtTestObject * type : TypeTestObject * unaliasedType : TypeTestObject * targetType : TypeTestObject * returnType : TypeTestObject * identifiedTypeQid : string * isVirtual : bool * isStatic : bool * declaration : DeclTestObject * definition : DeclTestObject * null : bool * defaultParameter : string * toString : string * range : string * kind : string */ namespace KDevelop { template<> QString TestSuite::objectInformation(Declaration *decl) { if (!decl) return "(null declaration)"; return QString("(Declaration on line %1 in %2)") .arg(decl->range().start.line + 1) .arg(decl->topContext()->url().str()); } namespace DeclarationTests { using namespace JsonTestHelpers; ///JSON type: int ///@returns whether the declaration's number of uses matches the given value DeclarationTest(useCount) { int uses = 0; foreach(const QList& useRanges, decl->uses()) { uses += useRanges.size(); } return compareValues(uses, value, "Declaration's use count "); } ///JSON type: string array ///@returns whether the declaration's ranges match the given value DeclarationTest(useRanges) { QStringList ranges; foreach(const QList& useRanges, decl->uses()) { foreach(const RangeInRevision &range, useRanges) { ranges << rangeStr(range); } } const QStringList testValues = value.toStringList(); return ranges == testValues ? SUCCESS : QString("Declaration's use ranges (\"%1\") don't match test data (\"%2\").").arg(ranges.join(", ")).arg(testValues.join(", ")); } ///JSON type: string ///@returns whether the declaration's identifier matches the given value DeclarationTest(identifier) { return compareValues(decl->identifier().toString(), value, "Declaration's identifier"); } ///JSON type: string ///@returns whether the declaration's qualified identifier matches the given value DeclarationTest(qualifiedIdentifier) { return compareValues(decl->qualifiedIdentifier().toString(), value, "Declaration's qualified identifier"); } ///JSON type: CtxtTestObject ///@returns whether the tests for the declaration's internal context pass DeclarationTest(internalContext) { return testObject(decl->internalContext(), value, "Declaration's internal context"); } ///JSON type: CtxtTestObject ///@returns whether the tests for the declaration's internal function context pass DeclarationTest(internalFunctionContext) { const QString NO_INTERNAL_CTXT = "%1 has no internal function context."; AbstractFunctionDeclaration *absFuncDecl = dynamic_cast(decl); if (!absFuncDecl || !absFuncDecl->internalFunctionContext()) return NO_INTERNAL_CTXT.arg(decl->qualifiedIdentifier().toString()); return testObject(absFuncDecl->internalFunctionContext(), value, "Declaration's internal function context"); } /*FIXME: The type functions need some renaming and moving around * Some (all?) functions from cpp's TypeUtils should be moved to the kdevplatform type utils * targetType is exactly like realType except it also tosses pointers * shortenTypeForViewing should go to type utils (and it's broken, it places const to the left of all *'s when it should be left or right of the type) * UnaliasedType seems to be unable to understand aliases involving templates, perhaps a cpp version is in order */ ///JSON type: TypeTestObject ///@returns whether the tests for the declaration's type pass DeclarationTest(type) { return testObject(decl->abstractType(), value, "Declaration's type"); } ///JSON type: TypeTestObject ///@returns whether the tests for the declaration's unaliased type pass (TypeUtils::unaliasedType) DeclarationTest(unaliasedType) { return testObject(TypeUtils::unAliasedType(decl->abstractType()), value, "Declaration's unaliased type"); } ///JSON type: TypeTestObject ///@returns whether the tests for the declaration's target type pass (TypeUtils::targetType) DeclarationTest(targetType) { return testObject(TypeUtils::targetType(decl->abstractType(), decl->topContext()), value, "Declaration's target type"); } ///JSON type: TestTypeObject ///@returns the DeclarationTest(returnType) { FunctionType::Ptr functionType = decl->abstractType().cast(); AbstractType::Ptr returnType; if (functionType) { returnType = functionType->returnType(); } return testObject(returnType, value, "Declaration's return type"); } ///JSON type: string ///@returns whether the declaration's type's declaration can be identified and if it's qualified identifier matches the given value DeclarationTest(identifiedTypeQid) { VERIFY_TYPE(QString); const QString UN_ID_ERROR = "Unable to identify declaration of type \"%1\"."; AbstractType::Ptr type = decl->abstractType(); IdentifiedType* idType = dynamic_cast(type.unsafeData()); Declaration* idDecl = idType ? idType->declaration(decl->topContext()) : 0; if (!idDecl) return UN_ID_ERROR.arg(type->toString()); return compareValues(idDecl->qualifiedIdentifier().toString(), value, "Declaration's identified type"); } ///JSON type: bool ///@returns whether the (function) declaration's isVirtual matches the given value DeclarationTest(isVirtual) { const QString NOT_A_FUNCTION = "Non-function declaration cannot be virtual."; AbstractFunctionDeclaration *absFuncDecl = dynamic_cast(decl); if (!absFuncDecl) return NOT_A_FUNCTION; return compareValues(absFuncDecl->isVirtual(), value, "Declaration's isVirtual"); } ///JSON type: bool ///@returns whether the (class-member) declaration's isStatic matches the given value DeclarationTest(isStatic) { const QString NOT_A_MEMBER = "Non-class-member declaration cannot be static."; auto memberDecl = dynamic_cast(decl); if (!memberDecl) return NOT_A_MEMBER; return compareValues(memberDecl->isStatic(), value, "Declaration's isStatic"); } ///JSON type: DeclTestObject ///@returns whether the tests for the function declaration's definition pass DeclarationTest(definition) { KDevVarLengthArray definitions = DUChain::definitions()->definitions(decl->id()); Declaration *declDef = 0; if (definitions.size()) declDef = definitions.at(0).declaration(); return testObject(declDef, value, "Declaration's definition"); } ///JSON type: DeclTestObject ///@returns whether the tests for the function definition's declaration pass DeclarationTest(declaration) { FunctionDefinition *def = dynamic_cast(decl); Declaration *defDecl = nullptr; if (def) defDecl = def->declaration(decl->topContext()); return testObject(defDecl, value, "Definition's declaration"); } ///JSON type: bool ///@returns whether the declaration's nullity matches the given value DeclarationTest(null) { return compareValues(decl == 0, value, "Declaration's nullity"); } ///JSON type: bool ///@returns whether the declaration's default parameter matches the given value DeclarationTest(defaultParameter) { const QString NOT_IN_FUNC_CTXT = "Asked for a default parameter for a declaration outside of a function context."; const QString OWNER_NOT_FUNC = "Function context not owned by function declaration (what on earth did you do?)."; DUContext *context = decl->context(); if (!context || context->type() != DUContext::Function) return NOT_IN_FUNC_CTXT; AbstractFunctionDeclaration *funcDecl = dynamic_cast(context->owner()); if (!funcDecl) return OWNER_NOT_FUNC; int argIndex = context->localDeclarations().indexOf(decl); return compareValues(funcDecl->defaultParameterForArgument(argIndex).str(), value, "Declaration's default parameter"); } ///JSON type: string ///@returns stringified declaration DeclarationTest(toString) { if (!decl) { return "Invalid Declaration"; } return compareValues(decl->toString(), value, "Declaration's toString"); } ///JSON type: string ///@returns stringified declaration range DeclarationTest(range) { if (!decl) { return "Invalid Declaration"; } return compareValues(rangeStr(decl->range()), value, "Declaration's range"); } ///JSON type: string ///@returns stringified declaration kind DeclarationTest(kind) { if (!decl) { return "Invalid Declaration"; } QString kind; switch (decl->kind()) { case KDevelop::Declaration::Alias: kind = "Alias"; break; case KDevelop::Declaration::Import: kind = "Import"; break; case KDevelop::Declaration::Instance: kind = "Instance"; break; case KDevelop::Declaration::Namespace: kind = "Namespace"; break; case KDevelop::Declaration::NamespaceAlias: kind = "NamespaceAlias"; break; case KDevelop::Declaration::Type: kind = "Type"; break; } return compareValues(kind, value, "Declaration's kind"); } } } #endif //KDEVPLATFORM_JSONDECLARATIONTESTS_H