/* Copyright David Nolden This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "workingset.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define SYNC_OFTEN using namespace KDevelop; bool WorkingSet::m_loading = false; namespace { QIcon generateIcon(const WorkingSetIconParameters& params) { QImage pixmap(16, 16, QImage::Format_ARGB32); // fill the background with a transparent color pixmap.fill(QColor::fromRgba(qRgba(0, 0, 0, 0))); const uint coloredCount = params.coloredCount; // coordinates of the rectangles to draw, for 16x16 icons specifically QList rects; rects << QRect(1, 1, 5, 5) << QRect(1, 9, 5, 5) << QRect(9, 1, 5, 5) << QRect(9, 9, 5, 5); if ( params.swapDiagonal ) { rects.swap(1, 2); } QPainter painter(&pixmap); // color for non-colored squares, paint them brighter if the working set is the active one const int inact = 40; QColor darkColor = QColor::fromRgb(inact, inact, inact); // color for colored squares // this code is not fragile, you can just tune the magic formulas at random and see what looks good. // just make sure to keep it within the 0-360 / 0-255 / 0-255 space of the HSV model QColor brightColor = QColor::fromHsv(params.hue, qMin(255, 215 + (params.setId*5) % 150), 205 + (params.setId*11) % 50); // Y'UV "Y" value, the approximate "lightness" of the color // If it is above 0.6, then making the color darker a bit is okay, // if it is below 0.35, then the color should be a bit brighter. float brightY = 0.299 * brightColor.redF() + 0.587 * brightColor.greenF() + 0.114 * brightColor.blueF(); if ( brightY > 0.6 ) { if ( params.setId % 7 < 2 ) { // 2/7 chance to make the color significantly darker brightColor = brightColor.darker(120 + (params.setId*7) % 35); } else if ( params.setId % 5 == 0 ) { // 1/5 chance to make it a bit darker brightColor = brightColor.darker(110 + (params.setId*3) % 10); } } if ( brightY < 0.35 ) { // always make the color brighter to avoid very dark colors (like rgb(0, 0, 255)) brightColor = brightColor.lighter(120 + (params.setId*13) % 55); } int at = 0; foreach ( const QRect& rect, rects ) { QColor currentColor; // pick the colored squares; you can get different patterns by re-ordering the "rects" list if ( (at + params.setId*7) % 4 < coloredCount ) { currentColor = brightColor; } else { currentColor = darkColor; } // draw the filling of the square painter.setPen(QColor(currentColor)); painter.setBrush(QBrush(currentColor)); painter.drawRect(rect); // draw a slight set-in shadow for the square -- it's barely recognizeable, // but it looks way better than without painter.setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); painter.setPen(QColor(0, 0, 0, 50)); painter.drawRect(rect); painter.setPen(QColor(0, 0, 0, 25)); painter.drawRect(rect.x() + 1, rect.y() + 1, rect.width() - 2, rect.height() - 2); at += 1; } return QIcon(QPixmap::fromImage(pixmap)); } } WorkingSet::WorkingSet(const QString& id) : QObject() , m_id(id) , m_icon(generateIcon(id)) { } void WorkingSet::saveFromArea( Sublime::Area* a, Sublime::AreaIndex * area, KConfigGroup setGroup, KConfigGroup areaGroup ) { if (area->isSplit()) { setGroup.writeEntry("Orientation", area->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal ? "Horizontal" : "Vertical"); if (area->first()) { saveFromArea(a, area->first(), KConfigGroup(&setGroup, "0"), KConfigGroup(&areaGroup, "0")); } if (area->second()) { saveFromArea(a, area->second(), KConfigGroup(&setGroup, "1"), KConfigGroup(&areaGroup, "1")); } } else { setGroup.writeEntry("View Count", area->viewCount()); areaGroup.writeEntry("View Count", area->viewCount()); int index = 0; foreach (Sublime::View* view, area->views()) { //The working set config gets an updated list of files QString docSpec = view->document()->documentSpecifier(); setGroup.writeEntry(QString("View %1").arg(index), docSpec); setGroup.writeEntry(QString("View %1 Type").arg(index), view->document()->documentType()); //The area specific config stores the working set documents in order along with their state areaGroup.writeEntry(QString("View %1").arg(index), docSpec); areaGroup.writeEntry(QString("View %1 State").arg(index), view->viewState()); ++index; } } } bool WorkingSet::isEmpty() const { KConfigGroup setConfig(Core::self()->activeSession()->config(), "Working File Sets"); KConfigGroup group = setConfig.group(m_id); return !group.hasKey("Orientation") && group.readEntry("View Count", 0) == 0; } struct DisableMainWindowUpdatesFromArea { DisableMainWindowUpdatesFromArea(Sublime::Area* area) : m_area(area) { if(area) { foreach(Sublime::MainWindow* window, Core::self()->uiControllerInternal()->mainWindows()) { if(window->area() == area) { if(window->updatesEnabled()) { wasUpdatesEnabled.insert(window); window->setUpdatesEnabled(false); } } } } } ~DisableMainWindowUpdatesFromArea() { if(m_area) { foreach(Sublime::MainWindow* window, wasUpdatesEnabled) { window->setUpdatesEnabled(wasUpdatesEnabled.contains(window)); } } } Sublime::Area* m_area; QSet wasUpdatesEnabled; }; void loadFileList(QStringList& ret, KConfigGroup group) { if (group.hasKey("Orientation")) { QStringList subgroups = group.groupList(); if (subgroups.contains("0")) { { KConfigGroup subgroup(&group, "0"); loadFileList(ret, subgroup); } if (subgroups.contains("1")) { KConfigGroup subgroup(&group, "1"); loadFileList(ret, subgroup); } } } else { int viewCount = group.readEntry("View Count", 0); for (int i = 0; i < viewCount; ++i) { QString type = group.readEntry(QString("View %1 Type").arg(i), ""); QString specifier = group.readEntry(QString("View %1").arg(i), ""); ret << specifier; } } } QStringList WorkingSet::fileList() const { QStringList ret; KConfigGroup setConfig(Core::self()->activeSession()->config(), "Working File Sets"); KConfigGroup group = setConfig.group(m_id); loadFileList(ret, group); return ret; } void WorkingSet::loadToArea(Sublime::Area* area, Sublime::AreaIndex* areaIndex) { PushValue enableLoading(m_loading, true); /// We cannot disable the updates here, because (probably) due to a bug in Qt, /// which causes the updates to stay disabled forever after some complex operations /// on the sub-views. This could be reproduced by creating two working-sets with complex /// split-view configurations and switching between them. Re-enabling the updates doesn't help. // DisableMainWindowUpdatesFromArea updatesDisabler(area); kDebug() << "loading working-set" << m_id << "into area" << area; QMultiMap recycle; foreach( Sublime::View* view, area->views() ) recycle.insert( view->document()->documentSpecifier(), area->removeView(view) ); kDebug() << "recycling" << recycle.size() << "old views"; Q_ASSERT( area->views().empty() ); KConfigGroup setConfig(Core::self()->activeSession()->config(), "Working File Sets"); KConfigGroup setGroup = setConfig.group(m_id); KConfigGroup areaGroup = setConfig.group(m_id + '|' + area->title()); loadToArea(area, areaIndex, setGroup, areaGroup, recycle); // Delete views which were not recycled kDebug() << "deleting " << recycle.size() << " old views"; qDeleteAll( recycle.values() ); area->setActiveView(0); //activate view in the working set /// @todo correctly select one out of multiple equal views QString activeView = areaGroup.readEntry("Active View", QString()); foreach (Sublime::View *v, area->views()) { if (v->document()->documentSpecifier() == activeView) { area->setActiveView(v); break; } } if( !area->activeView() && area->views().size() ) area->setActiveView( area->views()[0] ); if( area->activeView() ) { foreach(Sublime::MainWindow* window, Core::self()->uiControllerInternal()->mainWindows()) { if(window->area() == area) { window->activateView( area->activeView() ); } } } } void WorkingSet::loadToArea(Sublime::Area* area, Sublime::AreaIndex* areaIndex, KConfigGroup setGroup, KConfigGroup areaGroup, QMultiMap& recycle) { Q_ASSERT( !areaIndex->isSplit() ); if (setGroup.hasKey("Orientation")) { QStringList subgroups = setGroup.groupList(); /// @todo also save and restore the ratio if (subgroups.contains("0") && subgroups.contains("1")) { // kDebug() << "has zero, split:" << split; Qt::Orientation orientation = setGroup.readEntry("Orientation", "Horizontal") == "Vertical" ? Qt::Vertical : Qt::Horizontal; if(!areaIndex->isSplit()){ areaIndex->split(orientation); }else{ areaIndex->setOrientation(orientation); } loadToArea(area, areaIndex->first(), KConfigGroup(&setGroup, "0"), KConfigGroup(&areaGroup, "0"), recycle); loadToArea(area, areaIndex->second(), KConfigGroup(&setGroup, "1"), KConfigGroup(&areaGroup, "1"), recycle); if( areaIndex->first()->viewCount() == 0 ) areaIndex->unsplit(areaIndex->first()); else if( areaIndex->second()->viewCount() == 0 ) areaIndex->unsplit(areaIndex->second()); } } else { //Load all documents from the workingset into this areaIndex int viewCount = setGroup.readEntry("View Count", 0); QMap createdViews; for (int i = 0; i < viewCount; ++i) { QString type = setGroup.readEntry(QString("View %1 Type").arg(i), ""); QString specifier = setGroup.readEntry(QString("View %1").arg(i), ""); Sublime::View* previousView = area->views().empty() ? 0 : area->views().back(); QMultiMap::iterator it = recycle.find( specifier ); if( it != recycle.end() ) { area->addView( *it, areaIndex, previousView ); recycle.erase( it ); continue; } IDocument* doc = Core::self()->documentControllerInternal()->openDocument(specifier, KTextEditor::Cursor::invalid(), IDocumentController::DoNotActivate | IDocumentController::DoNotCreateView); Sublime::Document *document = dynamic_cast(doc); if (document) { Sublime::View* view = document->createView(); area->addView(view, areaIndex, previousView); createdViews[i] = view; } else { kWarning() << "Unable to create view of type " << type; } } //Load state for (int i = 0; i < viewCount; ++i) { QString state = areaGroup.readEntry(QString("View %1 State").arg(i)); if (state.length() && createdViews.contains(i)) createdViews[i]->setState(state); } } } void deleteGroupRecursive(KConfigGroup group) { // kDebug() << "deleting" << group.name(); foreach(const QString& entry, group.entryMap().keys()) { group.deleteEntry(entry); } Q_ASSERT(group.entryMap().isEmpty()); foreach(const QString& subGroup, group.groupList()) { deleteGroupRecursive(group.group(subGroup)); group.deleteGroup(subGroup); } //Why doesn't this work? // Q_ASSERT(group.groupList().isEmpty()); group.deleteGroup(); #ifdef SYNC_OFTEN group.sync(); #endif } void WorkingSet::deleteSet(bool force, bool silent) { if(m_areas.isEmpty() || force) { emit aboutToRemove(this); KConfigGroup setConfig(Core::self()->activeSession()->config(), "Working File Sets"); KConfigGroup group = setConfig.group(m_id); deleteGroupRecursive(group); #ifdef SYNC_OFTEN setConfig.sync(); #endif if(!silent) emit setChangedSignificantly(); } } void WorkingSet::saveFromArea(Sublime::Area* area, Sublime::AreaIndex* areaIndex) { kDebug() << "saving" << m_id << "from area"; bool wasPersistent = isPersistent(); KConfigGroup setConfig(Core::self()->activeSession()->config(), "Working File Sets"); KConfigGroup setGroup = setConfig.group(m_id); deleteGroupRecursive(setGroup); KConfigGroup areaGroup = setConfig.group(m_id + '|' + area->title()); QString lastActiveView = areaGroup.readEntry("Active View", ""); deleteGroupRecursive(areaGroup); if (area->activeView() && area->activeView()->document()) areaGroup.writeEntry("Active View", area->activeView()->document()->documentSpecifier()); else areaGroup.writeEntry("Active View", lastActiveView); saveFromArea(area, areaIndex, setGroup, areaGroup); if(isEmpty()) { deleteGroupRecursive(setGroup); deleteGroupRecursive(areaGroup); } setPersistent(wasPersistent); #ifdef SYNC_OFTEN setConfig.sync(); #endif emit setChangedSignificantly(); } void WorkingSet::areaViewAdded(Sublime::AreaIndex*, Sublime::View*) { Sublime::Area* area = qobject_cast(sender()); Q_ASSERT(area); Q_ASSERT(area->workingSet() == m_id); kDebug() << "added view in" << area << ", id" << m_id; if (m_loading) { kDebug() << "doing nothing because loading"; return; } changed(area); } void WorkingSet::areaViewRemoved(Sublime::AreaIndex*, Sublime::View* view) { Sublime::Area* area = qobject_cast(sender()); Q_ASSERT(area); Q_ASSERT(area->workingSet() == m_id); kDebug() << "removed view in" << area << ", id" << m_id; if (m_loading) { kDebug() << "doing nothing because loading"; return; } foreach(Sublime::Area* otherArea, m_areas) { if(otherArea == area) continue; bool hadDocument = false; foreach(Sublime::View* areaView, otherArea->views()) if(view->document() == areaView->document()) hadDocument = true; if(!hadDocument) { // We do this to prevent UI flicker. The view has already been removed from // one of the connected areas, so the working-set has already recorded the change. return; } } changed(area); } void WorkingSet::setPersistent(bool persistent) { KConfigGroup setConfig(Core::self()->activeSession()->config(), "Working File Sets"); KConfigGroup group = setConfig.group(m_id); group.writeEntry("persistent", persistent); #ifdef SYNC_OFTEN group.sync(); #endif kDebug() << "setting" << m_id << "persistent:" << persistent; } bool WorkingSet::isPersistent() const { KConfigGroup setConfig(Core::self()->activeSession()->config(), "Working File Sets"); KConfigGroup group = setConfig.group(m_id); return group.readEntry("persistent", false); } QIcon WorkingSet::icon() const { return m_icon; } bool WorkingSet::isConnected( Sublime::Area* area ) { return m_areas.contains( area ); } QString WorkingSet::id() const { return m_id; } bool WorkingSet::hasConnectedAreas() const { return !m_areas.isEmpty(); } bool WorkingSet::hasConnectedAreas( QList< Sublime::Area* > areas ) const { foreach( Sublime::Area* area, areas ) if ( m_areas.contains( area ) ) return true; return false; } void WorkingSet::connectArea( Sublime::Area* area ) { if ( m_areas.contains( area ) ) { kDebug() << "tried to double-connect area"; return; } kDebug() << "connecting" << m_id << "to area" << area; // Q_ASSERT(area->workingSet() == m_id); m_areas.push_back( area ); connect( area, SIGNAL(viewAdded(Sublime::AreaIndex*,Sublime::View*)), this, SLOT(areaViewAdded(Sublime::AreaIndex*,Sublime::View*)) ); connect( area, SIGNAL(viewRemoved(Sublime::AreaIndex*,Sublime::View*)), this, SLOT(areaViewRemoved(Sublime::AreaIndex*,Sublime::View*)) ); } void WorkingSet::disconnectArea( Sublime::Area* area ) { if ( !m_areas.contains( area ) ) { kDebug() << "tried to disconnect not connected area"; return; } kDebug() << "disconnecting" << m_id << "from area" << area; // Q_ASSERT(area->workingSet() == m_id); disconnect( area, SIGNAL(viewAdded(Sublime::AreaIndex*,Sublime::View*)), this, SLOT(areaViewAdded(Sublime::AreaIndex*,Sublime::View*)) ); disconnect( area, SIGNAL(viewRemoved(Sublime::AreaIndex*,Sublime::View*)), this, SLOT(areaViewRemoved(Sublime::AreaIndex*,Sublime::View*)) ); m_areas.removeAll( area ); } void WorkingSet::deleteSet() { deleteSet( false ); } void WorkingSet::changed( Sublime::Area* area ) { if ( m_loading ) { return; } { //Do not capture changes done while loading PushValue enableLoading( m_loading, true ); kDebug() << "recording change done to" << m_id; saveFromArea( area, area->rootIndex() ); for ( QList< QPointer< Sublime::Area > >::iterator it = m_areas.begin(); it != m_areas.end(); ++it ) { if (( *it ) != area ) { loadToArea(( *it ), ( *it )->rootIndex() ); } } } emit setChangedSignificantly(); } #include "moc_workingset.cpp"