NativeAppPage 0 0 511 580 Executable Project Target: projectTargetRadio 0 0 true 0 0 Executable: executableRadio true false Enter the executable name or absolute path to an executable file Behavior Arguments: arguments <html><head/><body><p>Enter arguments to give to the executable.<br/>You can pass arguments containing space characters by putting them in double-quotes.</p></body></html> Enter arguments to give to the executable Working Directory: workingDirectory Select a working directory for the executable Select a working directory for the executable Environment: environment 0 0 Select an environment to be used Qt::Horizontal 12 20 <p>By default applications will be run in the background and only their output will be displayed in a toolview. This makes it impossible to interact with applications requiring user input from a terminal emulator. To run such applications, you should use an external terminal.</p> Use External Terminal: false 0 0 <p>Defines the command to execute the external terminal emulator. Use the following placeholders:</p> <dl> <dt><code>%exe</code></dt> <dd>The path to the executable selected above.</dd> <dt><code>%workdir</code></dt> <dd>The path to the working directory selected above.</dd> </dl> <p>The arguments defined above will get appended to this command.</p> true konsole --noclose --workdir %workdir -e %exe xterm -hold -e %exe gnome-terminal -e %exe Dependencies Action: dependencyAction Specifies the action to take for the dependencies before starting the executable. The selected action will be run before the executable is started. This allows there to be parts of a project, upon which the executable does not directly depend, to be built and/or installed before running the application. true Do Nothing Build Build and Install Targets: targetDependency false Enter a dependency to add to the list Enter a dependency to add to the list true false false Adds the listed target to the dependency list. false List of indirect dependent targets. This list should contain targets that the application does not directly depend on, but for which an action needs to be taken before running the application. true true false Removes the selected dependencies from the list. false Move a dependency up in the list. false Moves the selected dependency down in the list. Qt::Vertical 20 40 KComboBox QComboBox
KLineEdit QLineEdit
KListWidget QListWidget
KUrlRequester QFrame
KDevelop::EnvironmentSelectionWidget KComboBox
ProjectItemLineEdit KLineEdit
ProjectTargetsComboBox QComboBox
KDevelop::EnvironmentConfigureButton QToolButton
executablePath arguments workingDirectory environment targetDependency addDependency dependencies removeDependency moveDepUp moveDepDown projectTargetRadio toggled(bool) executablePath setDisabled(bool) 124 55 497 85 executableRadio toggled(bool) executablePath setEnabled(bool) 124 83 497 85 runInTerminal toggled(bool) terminal setEnabled(bool) 136 227 206 226 projectTargetRadio toggled(bool) projectTarget setEnabled(bool) 108 34 152 38 executableRadio toggled(bool) projectTarget setDisabled(bool) 106 73 310 45