/* Copyright 2007 David Nolden This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "abstractnavigationcontext.h" #include #include #include "abstractdeclarationnavigationcontext.h" #include "abstractnavigationwidget.h" #include "usesnavigationcontext.h" #include "../../../interfaces/icore.h" #include "../../../interfaces/idocumentcontroller.h" #include "../functiondeclaration.h" #include "../namespacealiasdeclaration.h" #include "../types/functiontype.h" #include "../types/structuretype.h" #include #include #include namespace KDevelop { void AbstractNavigationContext::setTopContext(KDevelop::TopDUContextPointer context) { m_topContext = context; } KDevelop::TopDUContextPointer AbstractNavigationContext::topContext() const { return m_topContext; } AbstractNavigationContext::AbstractNavigationContext( KDevelop::TopDUContextPointer topContext, AbstractNavigationContext* previousContext) : m_selectedLink(0), m_shorten(false), m_linkCount(-1), m_currentPositionLine(0), m_previousContext(previousContext), m_topContext(topContext) { } void AbstractNavigationContext::addExternalHtml( const QString& text ) { int lastPos = 0; int pos = 0; QString fileMark = "KDEV_FILE_LINK{"; while( pos < text.length() && (pos = text.indexOf( fileMark, pos)) != -1 ) { modifyHtml() += text.mid(lastPos, pos-lastPos); pos += fileMark.length(); if( pos != text.length() ) { int fileEnd = text.indexOf('}', pos); if( fileEnd != -1 ) { QString file = text.mid( pos, fileEnd - pos ); pos = fileEnd + 1; makeLink( KUrl(file).fileName(), file, NavigationAction( KUrl(file), KTextEditor::Cursor() ) ); } } lastPos = pos; } modifyHtml() += text.mid(lastPos, text.length()-lastPos); } void AbstractNavigationContext::makeLink( const QString& name, DeclarationPointer declaration, NavigationAction::Type actionType ) { NavigationAction action( declaration, actionType ); QString targetId = QString::number((quint64)declaration.data() * actionType); makeLink(name, targetId, action); } QString AbstractNavigationContext::createLink(const QString& name, QString targetId, const NavigationAction& action) { if(m_shorten) { //Do not create links in shortened mode, it's only for viewing return typeHighlight(Qt::escape(name)); } m_links[ targetId ] = action; m_intLinks[ m_linkCount ] = action; m_linkLines[ m_linkCount ] = m_currentLine; if(m_currentPositionLine == m_currentLine) { m_currentPositionLine = -1; m_selectedLink = m_linkCount; } QString str = Qt::escape(name); if( m_linkCount == m_selectedLink ) str = "" + str + ""; QString ret = "" + str + ""; if( m_selectedLink == m_linkCount ) m_selectedLinkAction = action; ++m_linkCount; return ret; } void AbstractNavigationContext::makeLink( const QString& name, QString targetId, const NavigationAction& action) { modifyHtml() += createLink(name, targetId, action); } void AbstractNavigationContext::clear() { m_linkCount = 0; m_currentLine = 0; m_currentText.clear(); m_links.clear(); m_intLinks.clear(); m_linkLines.clear(); } NavigationContextPointer AbstractNavigationContext::executeLink (QString link) { if(!m_links.contains(link)) return NavigationContextPointer(this); return execute(m_links[link]); } NavigationContextPointer AbstractNavigationContext::executeKeyAction(QString key) { Q_UNUSED(key); return NavigationContextPointer(this); } NavigationContextPointer AbstractNavigationContext::execute(const NavigationAction& action) { if(action.targetContext) return NavigationContextPointer(action.targetContext); if(action.type == NavigationAction::ExecuteKey) return executeKeyAction(action.key); if( !action.decl && (action.type != NavigationAction::JumpToSource || action.document.isEmpty()) ) { kDebug() << "Navigation-action has invalid declaration" << endl; return NavigationContextPointer(this); } qRegisterMetaType("KUrl"); qRegisterMetaType("KTextEditor::Cursor"); switch( action.type ) { case NavigationAction::ExecuteKey: break; case NavigationAction::None: kDebug() << "Tried to execute an invalid action in navigation-widget" << endl; break; case NavigationAction::NavigateDeclaration: { AbstractDeclarationNavigationContext* ctx = dynamic_cast(m_previousContext); if( ctx && ctx->declaration() == action.decl ) return NavigationContextPointer( m_previousContext ); return AbstractNavigationContext::registerChild(action.decl); } break; case NavigationAction::NavigateUses: { IContextBrowser* browser = ICore::self()->pluginController()->extensionForPlugin(); if (browser) { browser->showUses(action.decl); return NavigationContextPointer(this); } // fall-through } case NavigationAction::ShowUses: return registerChild(new UsesNavigationContext(action.decl.data(), this)); case NavigationAction::JumpToSource: { KUrl doc = action.document; KTextEditor::Cursor cursor = action.cursor; { DUChainReadLocker lock(DUChain::lock()); if(action.decl) { if(doc.isEmpty()) { doc = action.decl->url().toUrl(); /* if(action.decl->internalContext()) cursor = action.decl->internalContext()->range().textRange().start() + KTextEditor::Cursor(0, 1); else*/ cursor = action.decl->rangeInCurrentRevision().start.textCursor(); } action.decl->activateSpecialization(); } } //This is used to execute the slot delayed in the event-loop, so crashes are avoided QMetaObject::invokeMethod( ICore::self()->documentController(), "openDocument", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(KUrl, doc), Q_ARG(KTextEditor::Cursor, cursor) ); break; } case NavigationAction::ShowDocumentation: { KSharedPtr doc=ICore::self()->documentationController()->documentationForDeclaration(action.decl.data()); ICore::self()->documentationController()->showDocumentation(doc); } break; } return NavigationContextPointer( this ); } void AbstractNavigationContext::setPreviousContext(KDevelop::AbstractNavigationContext* previous) { m_previousContext = previous; } NavigationContextPointer AbstractNavigationContext::registerChild( AbstractNavigationContext* context ) { m_children << NavigationContextPointer(context); return m_children.last(); } NavigationContextPointer AbstractNavigationContext::registerChild(DeclarationPointer declaration) { //We create a navigation-widget here, and steal its context.. evil ;) QWidget* navigationWidget = declaration->context()->createNavigationWidget(declaration.data()); NavigationContextPointer ret; AbstractNavigationWidget* abstractNavigationWidget = dynamic_cast(navigationWidget); if(abstractNavigationWidget) ret = abstractNavigationWidget->context(); delete navigationWidget; ret->setPreviousContext(this); m_children << ret; return ret; } const int lineJump = 3; void AbstractNavigationContext::down() { //Make sure link-count is valid if( m_linkCount == -1 ) html(); int fromLine = m_currentPositionLine; if(m_selectedLink >= 0 && m_selectedLink < m_linkCount) { if(fromLine == -1) fromLine = m_linkLines[m_selectedLink]; for(int newSelectedLink = m_selectedLink+1; newSelectedLink < m_linkCount; ++newSelectedLink) { if(m_linkLines[newSelectedLink] > fromLine && m_linkLines[newSelectedLink] - fromLine <= lineJump) { m_selectedLink = newSelectedLink; m_currentPositionLine = -1; return; } } } if(fromLine == -1) fromLine = 0; m_currentPositionLine = fromLine + lineJump; if(m_currentPositionLine > m_currentLine) m_currentPositionLine = m_currentLine; } void AbstractNavigationContext::up() { //Make sure link-count is valid if( m_linkCount == -1 ) html(); int fromLine = m_currentPositionLine; if(m_selectedLink >= 0 && m_selectedLink < m_linkCount) { if(fromLine == -1) fromLine = m_linkLines[m_selectedLink]; for(int newSelectedLink = m_selectedLink-1; newSelectedLink >= 0; --newSelectedLink) { if(m_linkLines[newSelectedLink] < fromLine && fromLine - m_linkLines[newSelectedLink] <= lineJump) { m_selectedLink = newSelectedLink; m_currentPositionLine = -1; return; } } } if(fromLine == -1) fromLine = m_currentLine; m_currentPositionLine = fromLine - lineJump; if(m_currentPositionLine < 0) m_currentPositionLine = 0; } void AbstractNavigationContext::nextLink() { //Make sure link-count is valid if( m_linkCount == -1 ) html(); m_currentPositionLine = -1; if( m_linkCount > 0 ) m_selectedLink = (m_selectedLink+1) % m_linkCount; } void AbstractNavigationContext::previousLink() { //Make sure link-count is valid if( m_linkCount == -1 ) html(); m_currentPositionLine = -1; if( m_linkCount > 0 ) { --m_selectedLink; if( m_selectedLink < 0 ) m_selectedLink += m_linkCount; } Q_ASSERT(m_selectedLink >= 0); } void AbstractNavigationContext::setPrefixSuffix( const QString& prefix, const QString& suffix ) { m_prefix = prefix; m_suffix = suffix; } NavigationContextPointer AbstractNavigationContext::back() { if(m_previousContext) return NavigationContextPointer(m_previousContext); else return NavigationContextPointer(this); } NavigationContextPointer AbstractNavigationContext::accept() { if( m_selectedLink >= 0 && m_selectedLink < m_linkCount ) { NavigationAction action = m_intLinks[m_selectedLink]; return execute(action); } return NavigationContextPointer(this); } NavigationContextPointer AbstractNavigationContext::accept(IndexedDeclaration decl) { if(decl.data()) { NavigationAction action(DeclarationPointer(decl.data()), NavigationAction::NavigateDeclaration); return execute(action); }else{ return NavigationContextPointer(this); } } NavigationContextPointer AbstractNavigationContext::acceptLink(const QString& link) { if( !m_links.contains(link) ) { kDebug() << "Executed unregistered link " << link << endl; return NavigationContextPointer(this); } return execute(m_links[link]); } NavigationAction AbstractNavigationContext::currentAction() const { return m_selectedLinkAction; } QString AbstractNavigationContext::declarationKind(DeclarationPointer decl) { const AbstractFunctionDeclaration* function = dynamic_cast(decl.data()); QString kind; if( decl->isTypeAlias() ) kind = i18n("Typedef"); else if( decl->kind() == Declaration::Type ) { if( decl->type() ) kind = i18n("Class"); } else if( decl->kind() == Declaration::Instance ) { kind = i18n("Variable"); } else if ( decl->kind() == Declaration::Namespace ) { kind = i18n("Namespace"); } if( NamespaceAliasDeclaration* alias = dynamic_cast(decl.data()) ) { if( alias->identifier().isEmpty() ) kind = i18n("Namespace import"); else kind = i18n("Namespace alias"); } if(function) kind = i18n("Function"); if( decl->isForwardDeclaration() ) kind = i18n("Forward Declaration"); return kind; } QString AbstractNavigationContext::html(bool shorten) { m_shorten = shorten; return QString(); } bool AbstractNavigationContext::alreadyComputed() const { return !m_currentText.isEmpty(); } bool AbstractNavigationContext::isWidgetMaximized() const { return true; } QWidget* AbstractNavigationContext::widget() const { return 0; } ///Splits the string by the given regular expression, but keeps the split-matches at the end of each line static QStringList splitAndKeep(QString str, QRegExp regExp) { QStringList ret; int place = regExp.indexIn(str); while(place != -1) { ret << str.left(place + regExp.matchedLength()); str = str.mid(place + regExp.matchedLength()); place = regExp.indexIn(str); } ret << str; return ret; } void AbstractNavigationContext::addHtml(QString html) { QRegExp newLineRegExp("
"); foreach(const QString& line, splitAndKeep(html, newLineRegExp)) { m_currentText += line; if(line.indexOf(newLineRegExp) != -1) { ++m_currentLine; if(m_currentLine == m_currentPositionLine) { m_currentText += " " + Qt::escape("<->") + " "; } } } } QString AbstractNavigationContext::currentHtml() const { return m_currentText; } QString AbstractNavigationContext::fontSizePrefix(bool /*shorten*/) const { return QString(); } QString AbstractNavigationContext::fontSizeSuffix(bool /*shorten*/) const { return QString(); } QString Colorizer::operator() ( const QString& str ) const { QString ret = "" + str + ""; if( m_formatting & Fixed ) ret = ""+ret+""; if ( m_formatting & Bold ) ret = ""+ret+""; if ( m_formatting & Italic ) ret = ""+ret+""; return ret; } const Colorizer AbstractNavigationContext::typeHighlight("006000"); const Colorizer AbstractNavigationContext::errorHighlight("990000"); const Colorizer AbstractNavigationContext::labelHighlight("000000"); const Colorizer AbstractNavigationContext::codeHighlight("005000"); const Colorizer AbstractNavigationContext::propertyHighlight("009900"); const Colorizer AbstractNavigationContext::navigationHighlight("000099"); const Colorizer AbstractNavigationContext::importantHighlight("000000", Colorizer::Bold | Colorizer::Italic); const Colorizer AbstractNavigationContext::commentHighlight("303030"); const Colorizer AbstractNavigationContext::nameHighlight("000000", Colorizer::Bold); }