/*************************************************************************** * Copyright 1999-2001 by Bernd Gehrmann * * bernd@kdevelop.org * * Copyright 2007 Dukju Ahn * * Copyright 2008 by Hamish Rodda * * rodda@kde.org * * Copyright 2010 Silvère Lestang * * Copyright 2010 Julien Desgats * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include "grepjob.h" #include "grepoutputmodel.h" #include "greputil.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace KDevelop; GrepOutputItem::List grepFile(const QString &filename, const QRegExp &re) { GrepOutputItem::List res; QFile file(filename); if(!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) return res; int lineno = 0; // detect encoding (unicode files can be feed forever, stops when confidence reachs 99% KEncodingProber prober; while(!file.atEnd() && prober.state() == KEncodingProber::Probing && prober.confidence() < 0.99) { prober.feed(file.read(0xFF)); } // reads file with detected encoding file.seek(0); QTextStream stream(&file); if(prober.confidence()>0.7) stream.setCodec(prober.encoding()); while( !stream.atEnd() ) { QString data = stream.readLine(); // remove line terminators (in order to not match them) for(int pos = data.length()-1; pos >= 0 && (data[pos] == '\r' || data[pos] == '\n'); pos--) { data.chop(1); } int offset = 0; // allow empty string matching result in an infinite loop ! while( re.indexIn(data, offset)!=-1 && re.cap(0).length() > 0 ) { int start = re.pos(0); int end = start + re.cap(0).length(); DocumentChangePointer change = DocumentChangePointer(new DocumentChange( IndexedString(filename), SimpleRange(lineno, start, lineno, end), re.cap(0), QString())); res << GrepOutputItem(change, data, false); offset = end; } lineno++; } file.close(); return res; } GrepJob::GrepJob( QObject* parent ) : KJob( parent ) , m_workState(WorkIdle) , m_fileIndex(0) , m_useProjectFilesFlag(false) , m_regexpFlag(true) , m_caseSensitiveFlag(true) , m_depthValue(-1) , m_findSomething(false) { setCapabilities(Killable); KDevelop::ICore::self()->uiController()->registerStatus(this); connect(this, SIGNAL(result(KJob*)), this, SLOT(testFinishState(KJob*))); } QString GrepJob::statusName() const { return i18n("Find in Files"); } void GrepJob::slotFindFinished() { if(m_findThread && !m_findThread->triesToAbort()) { m_fileList = m_findThread->files(); delete m_findThread; } else { m_fileList.clear(); emit hideProgress(this); emit clearMessage(this); m_errorMessage = i18n("Search aborted"); emitResult(); return; } if(m_fileList.isEmpty()) { m_workState = WorkIdle; emit hideProgress(this); emit clearMessage(this); m_errorMessage = i18n("No files found matching the wildcard patterns"); //model()->slotFailed(); emitResult(); return; } if(!m_regexpFlag) { m_patternString = QRegExp::escape(m_patternString); } if(m_regexpFlag && QRegExp(m_patternString).captureCount() > 0) { m_workState = WorkIdle; emit hideProgress(this); emit clearMessage(this); m_errorMessage = i18nc("Capture is the text which is \"captured\" with () in regular expressions " "see http://doc.trolltech.com/qregexp.html#capturedTexts", "Captures are not allowed in pattern string"); emitResult(); return; } QString pattern = substitudePattern(m_templateString, m_patternString); m_regExp.setPattern(pattern); m_regExp.setPatternSyntax(QRegExp::RegExp2); m_regExp.setCaseSensitivity( m_caseSensitiveFlag ? Qt::CaseSensitive : Qt::CaseInsensitive ); if(pattern == QRegExp::escape(pattern)) { // enable wildcard mode when possible // if pattern has already been escaped (raw text serch) a second escape will result in a different string anyway m_regExp.setPatternSyntax(QRegExp::Wildcard); } m_outputModel->setRegExp(m_regExp); m_outputModel->setReplacementTemplate(m_replacementTemplateString); emit showMessage(this, i18np("Searching for %2 in one file", "Searching for %2 in %1 files", m_fileList.length(), Qt::escape(m_regExp.pattern()))); m_workState = WorkGrep; QMetaObject::invokeMethod( this, "slotWork", Qt::QueuedConnection); } void GrepJob::slotWork() { switch(m_workState) { case WorkIdle: m_workState = WorkCollectFiles; m_fileIndex = 0; emit showProgress(this, 0,0,0); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "slotWork", Qt::QueuedConnection); break; case WorkCollectFiles: m_findThread = new GrepFindFilesThread(this, m_directoryChoice, m_depthValue, m_filesString, m_excludeString, m_useProjectFilesFlag); emit showMessage(this, i18n("Collecting files...")); connect(m_findThread, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(slotFindFinished())); m_findThread->start(); break; case WorkGrep: if(m_fileIndex < m_fileList.length()) { emit showProgress(this, 0, m_fileList.length(), m_fileIndex); if(m_fileIndex < m_fileList.length()) { QString file = m_fileList[m_fileIndex].toLocalFile(); GrepOutputItem::List items = grepFile(file, m_regExp); if(!items.isEmpty()) { m_findSomething = true; emit foundMatches(file, items); } m_fileIndex++; } QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "slotWork", Qt::QueuedConnection); } else { emit hideProgress(this); emit clearMessage(this); m_workState = WorkIdle; //model()->slotCompleted(); emitResult(); } break; case WorkCancelled: emit hideProgress(this); emit clearMessage(this); emit showErrorMessage(i18n("Search aborted"), 5000); emitResult(); break; } } void GrepJob::start() { if(m_workState!=WorkIdle) return; m_fileList.clear(); m_workState = WorkIdle; m_fileIndex = 0; m_findSomething = false; m_outputModel->clear(); qRegisterMetaType(); connect(this, SIGNAL(foundMatches(QString,GrepOutputItem::List)), m_outputModel, SLOT(appendOutputs(QString,GrepOutputItem::List)), Qt::QueuedConnection); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "slotWork", Qt::QueuedConnection); } bool GrepJob::doKill() { if(m_workState!=WorkIdle && !m_findThread.isNull()) { m_workState = WorkIdle; m_findThread->tryAbort(); return false; } else { m_workState = WorkCancelled; } return true; } void GrepJob::testFinishState(KJob *job) { if(!job->error()) { if (!m_errorMessage.isEmpty()) { emit showErrorMessage(i18n("Failed: %1", m_errorMessage)); } else if (!m_findSomething) { emit showMessage(this, i18n("No results found")); } } } void GrepJob::setOutputModel(GrepOutputModel* model) { m_outputModel = model; } void GrepJob::setTemplateString(const QString& templateString) { m_templateString = templateString; } void GrepJob::setReplacementTemplateString(const QString &replTmplString) { m_replacementTemplateString = replTmplString; } void GrepJob::setFilesString(const QString& filesString) { m_filesString = filesString; } void GrepJob::setExcludeString(const QString& excludeString) { m_excludeString = excludeString; } void GrepJob::setDirectoryChoice(const QList& choice) { m_directoryChoice = choice; } void GrepJob::setCaseSensitive(bool caseSensitive) { m_caseSensitiveFlag = caseSensitive; } void GrepJob::setDepth(int depth) { m_depthValue = depth; } void GrepJob::setRegexpFlag(bool regexpFlag) { m_regexpFlag = regexpFlag; } void GrepJob::setProjectFilesFlag(bool projectFilesFlag) { m_useProjectFilesFlag = projectFilesFlag; } void GrepJob::setPatternString(const QString& patternString) { m_patternString = patternString; setObjectName(i18n("Grep: %1", m_patternString)); } #include "moc_grepjob.cpp"