/* This file is part of KDevelop Copyright 2009 Andreas Pakulat Copyright 2010 Milian Wolff This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "externalscriptjob.h" #include "externalscriptitem.h" #include "externalscriptdebug.h" #include "externalscriptplugin.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include ExternalScriptJob::ExternalScriptJob( ExternalScriptItem* item, const KUrl& url, ExternalScriptPlugin* parent ) : KDevelop::OutputJob( parent ), m_proc( 0 ), m_lineMaker( 0 ), m_outputMode( item->outputMode() ), m_inputMode( item->inputMode() ), m_errorMode( item->errorMode() ), m_filterMode( item->filterMode() ), m_document( 0 ), m_url( url ), m_selectionRange( KTextEditor::Range::invalid() ), m_showOutput( item->showOutput() ) { debug() << "creating external script job"; setCapabilities( Killable ); setStandardToolView( KDevelop::IOutputView::RunView ); setBehaviours( KDevelop::IOutputView::AllowUserClose | KDevelop::IOutputView::AutoScroll ); KDevelop::OutputModel* model = new KDevelop::OutputModel; model->setFilteringStrategy(static_cast(m_filterMode)); setModel( model ); setDelegate( new KDevelop::OutputDelegate ); // also merge when error mode "equals" output mode if ( (m_outputMode == ExternalScriptItem::OutputInsertAtCursor && m_errorMode == ExternalScriptItem::ErrorInsertAtCursor) || (m_outputMode == ExternalScriptItem::OutputReplaceDocument && m_errorMode == ExternalScriptItem::ErrorReplaceDocument) || (m_outputMode == ExternalScriptItem::OutputReplaceSelectionOrDocument && m_errorMode == ExternalScriptItem::ErrorReplaceSelectionOrDocument) || (m_outputMode == ExternalScriptItem::OutputReplaceSelectionOrInsertAtCursor && m_errorMode == ExternalScriptItem::ErrorReplaceSelectionOrInsertAtCursor) || // also these two otherwise they clash... (m_outputMode == ExternalScriptItem::OutputReplaceSelectionOrInsertAtCursor && m_errorMode == ExternalScriptItem::ErrorReplaceSelectionOrDocument) || (m_outputMode == ExternalScriptItem::OutputReplaceSelectionOrDocument && m_errorMode == ExternalScriptItem::ErrorReplaceSelectionOrInsertAtCursor) ) { m_errorMode = ExternalScriptItem::ErrorMergeOutput; } KDevelop::IDocument* active = KDevelop::ICore::self()->documentController()->activeDocument(); if ( m_outputMode != ExternalScriptItem::OutputNone || m_inputMode != ExternalScriptItem::InputNone || m_errorMode != ExternalScriptItem::ErrorNone ) { if ( !active || !active->isTextDocument() || !active->textDocument()->activeView() ) { KMessageBox::error( QApplication::activeWindow(), i18n( "Cannot run script '%1' since it tries to access " "the editor contents but no document is open.", item->text() ), i18n( "No Document Open" ) ); return; } m_document = active->textDocument(); connect( m_document, SIGNAL(aboutToClose(KTextEditor::Document*)), this, SLOT(kill()) ); m_selectionRange = m_document->activeView()->selectionRange(); m_cursorPosition = m_document->activeView()->cursorPosition(); } if ( item->saveMode() == ExternalScriptItem::SaveCurrentDocument && active ) { active->save(); } else if ( item->saveMode() == ExternalScriptItem::SaveAllDocuments ) { foreach ( KDevelop::IDocument* doc, KDevelop::ICore::self()->documentController()->openDocuments() ) { doc->save(); } } QString command = item->command(); QString workingDir = item->workingDirectory(); if(item->performParameterReplacement()) command.replace( "%i", QString::number( QCoreApplication::applicationPid() ) ); if ( !m_url.isEmpty() ) { const KUrl url = m_url; KDevelop::ProjectFolderItem* folder = 0; if ( KDevelop::ICore::self()->projectController()->findProjectForUrl( url ) ) { QList folders = KDevelop::ICore::self()->projectController()->findProjectForUrl(url)->foldersForUrl(url); if ( !folders.isEmpty() ) { folder = folders.first(); } } if ( folder ) { if ( folder->path().isLocalFile() && workingDir.isEmpty() ) { ///TODO: make configurable, use fallback to project dir workingDir = folder->path().toLocalFile(); } ///TODO: make those placeholders escapeable if(item->performParameterReplacement()) { command.replace( "%d", KShell::quoteArg( m_url.pathOrUrl() ) ); if ( KDevelop::IProject* project = KDevelop::ICore::self()->projectController()->findProjectForUrl( m_url ) ) { command.replace( "%p", project->folder().pathOrUrl() ); } } } else { if ( m_url.isLocalFile() && workingDir.isEmpty() ) { ///TODO: make configurable, use fallback to project dir workingDir = active->url().directory(); } ///TODO: make those placeholders escapeable if(item->performParameterReplacement()) { command.replace( "%u", KShell::quoteArg( m_url.pathOrUrl() ) ); ///TODO: does that work with remote files? QFileInfo info( m_url.pathOrUrl() ); command.replace( "%f", KShell::quoteArg( info.filePath() ) ); command.replace( "%b", KShell::quoteArg( info.baseName() ) ); command.replace( "%n", KShell::quoteArg( info.fileName() ) ); command.replace( "%d", KShell::quoteArg( info.path() ) ); if ( active->textDocument() && active->textDocument()->activeView() && active->textDocument()->activeView()->selection() ) { command.replace( "%s", KShell::quoteArg( active->textDocument()->activeView()->selectionText() ) ); } if ( KDevelop::IProject* project = KDevelop::ICore::self()->projectController()->findProjectForUrl( m_url ) ) { command.replace( "%p", project->folder().pathOrUrl() ); } } } } m_proc = new KProcess( this ); if ( !workingDir.isEmpty() ) { m_proc->setWorkingDirectory( workingDir ); } m_lineMaker = new KDevelop::ProcessLineMaker( m_proc, this ); connect( m_lineMaker, SIGNAL(receivedStdoutLines(QStringList)), model, SLOT(appendLines(QStringList)) ); connect( m_lineMaker, SIGNAL(receivedStdoutLines(QStringList)), this, SLOT(receivedStdoutLines(QStringList)) ); connect( m_lineMaker, SIGNAL(receivedStderrLines(QStringList)), model, SLOT(appendLines(QStringList)) ); connect( m_lineMaker, SIGNAL(receivedStderrLines(QStringList)), this, SLOT(receivedStderrLines(QStringList)) ); connect( m_proc, SIGNAL(error(QProcess::ProcessError)), SLOT(processError(QProcess::ProcessError)) ); connect( m_proc, SIGNAL(finished(int,QProcess::ExitStatus)), SLOT(processFinished(int,QProcess::ExitStatus)) ); // Now setup the process parameters debug() << "setting command:" << command; if ( m_errorMode == ExternalScriptItem::ErrorMergeOutput ) { m_proc->setOutputChannelMode( KProcess::MergedChannels ); } else { m_proc->setOutputChannelMode( KProcess::SeparateChannels ); } m_proc->setShellCommand( command ); setObjectName( command ); } void ExternalScriptJob::start() { debug() << "launching?" << m_proc; if ( m_proc ) { if ( m_showOutput ) { startOutput(); } appendLine( i18n( "Running external script: %1", m_proc->program().join( " " ) ) ); m_proc->start(); if ( m_inputMode != ExternalScriptItem::InputNone ) { QString inputText; switch ( m_inputMode ) { case ExternalScriptItem::InputNone: // do nothing; break; case ExternalScriptItem::InputSelectionOrNone: if ( m_selectionRange.isValid() ) { inputText = m_document->text(m_selectionRange); } // else nothing break; case ExternalScriptItem::InputSelectionOrDocument: if ( m_selectionRange.isValid() ) { inputText = m_document->text(m_selectionRange); } else { inputText = m_document->text(); } break; case ExternalScriptItem::InputDocument: inputText = m_document->text(); break; } ///TODO: what to do with the encoding here? /// maybe ask Christoph for what kate returns... m_proc->write( inputText.toUtf8() ); m_proc->closeWriteChannel(); } } else { kWarning() << "No process, something went wrong when creating the job"; // No process means we've returned early on from the constructor, some bad error happened emitResult(); } } bool ExternalScriptJob::doKill() { if ( m_proc ) { m_proc->kill(); appendLine( i18n( "*** Killed Application ***" ) ); } return true; } void ExternalScriptJob::processFinished( int exitCode , QProcess::ExitStatus status ) { m_lineMaker->flushBuffers(); if ( exitCode == 0 && status == QProcess::NormalExit ) { if ( m_outputMode != ExternalScriptItem::OutputNone ) { if ( !m_stdout.isEmpty() ) { QString output = m_stdout.join( "\n" ); switch ( m_outputMode ) { case ExternalScriptItem::OutputNone: // do nothing; break; case ExternalScriptItem::OutputCreateNewFile: KDevelop::ICore::self()->documentController()->openDocumentFromText( output ); break; case ExternalScriptItem::OutputInsertAtCursor: m_document->insertText( m_cursorPosition, output ); break; case ExternalScriptItem::OutputReplaceSelectionOrInsertAtCursor: if ( m_selectionRange.isValid() ) { m_document->replaceText( m_selectionRange, output ); } else { m_document->insertText( m_cursorPosition, output ); } break; case ExternalScriptItem::OutputReplaceSelectionOrDocument: if ( m_selectionRange.isValid() ) { m_document->replaceText( m_selectionRange, output ); } else { m_document->setText( output ); } break; case ExternalScriptItem::OutputReplaceDocument: m_document->setText( output ); break; } } } if ( m_errorMode != ExternalScriptItem::ErrorNone && m_errorMode != ExternalScriptItem::ErrorMergeOutput ) { QString output = m_stderr.join( "\n" ); if ( !output.isEmpty() ) { switch ( m_errorMode ) { case ExternalScriptItem::ErrorNone: case ExternalScriptItem::ErrorMergeOutput: // do nothing; break; case ExternalScriptItem::ErrorCreateNewFile: KDevelop::ICore::self()->documentController()->openDocumentFromText( output ); break; case ExternalScriptItem::ErrorInsertAtCursor: m_document->insertText( m_cursorPosition, output ); break; case ExternalScriptItem::ErrorReplaceSelectionOrInsertAtCursor: if ( m_selectionRange.isValid() ) { m_document->replaceText( m_selectionRange, output ); } else { m_document->insertText( m_cursorPosition, output ); } break; case ExternalScriptItem::ErrorReplaceSelectionOrDocument: if ( m_selectionRange.isValid() ) { m_document->replaceText( m_selectionRange, output ); } else { m_document->setText( output ); } break; case ExternalScriptItem::ErrorReplaceDocument: m_document->setText( output ); break; } } } appendLine( i18n( "*** Exited normally ***" ) ); } else { if ( status == QProcess::NormalExit ) appendLine( i18n( "*** Exited with return code: %1 ***", QString::number( exitCode ) ) ); else if ( error() == KJob::KilledJobError ) appendLine( i18n( "*** Process aborted ***" ) ); else appendLine( i18n( "*** Crashed with return code: %1 ***", QString::number( exitCode ) ) ); } debug() << "Process done"; emitResult(); } void ExternalScriptJob::processError( QProcess::ProcessError error ) { if ( error == QProcess::FailedToStart ) { setError( -1 ); QString errmsg = i18n("*** Could not start program '%1'. Make sure that the " "path is specified correctly ***", m_proc->program().join(" ") ); appendLine( errmsg ); setErrorText( errmsg ); emitResult(); } debug() << "Process error"; } void ExternalScriptJob::appendLine( const QString& l ) { if ( KDevelop::OutputModel* m = model() ) { m->appendLine( l ); } } KDevelop::OutputModel* ExternalScriptJob::model() { return dynamic_cast( OutputJob::model() ); } void ExternalScriptJob::receivedStderrLines(const QStringList& lines) { m_stderr += lines; } void ExternalScriptJob::receivedStdoutLines(const QStringList& lines) { m_stdout += lines; } #include "moc_externalscriptjob.cpp" // kate: indent-mode cstyle; space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;